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My apologies/Feedback to member care/proving the points

Lightning Dash

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Before I start, there is something I want to say to the staff and the Brony community first.

I want to apologize to the staff as a whole, for causing drama for you all, and for you having to deal with keeping things under control. While there may be one staff member I just can't excuse, I am sorry for putting the rest of you through the drama. The team of staff do deserve my apologies for the trouble caused.

I also want to apologize to the community for somewhat dragging you all into those troublesome events with all the statuses and messages. While I was going through severe depression and increasingly gaining a negative impression of the Brony community, I cannot and won't deny my negative actions made on here. It was wrong of me, and I'm sorry for that.

I also hope none of you judge me over my actions and raging. For those that have known me for a long time, would know that I'm actually a very decent individual when I'm calm and collected. As you witnessed me during those dark times when the stuff kicked off, that's not what I'm like. I was totally out of character that day.

I've been going through a lot in the Brony community, and the other day when trouble started over my thread, I finally snapped. The things that was happening during that time only made things worse for me. But thankfully, I'm okay now. Again, I'm really sorry for causing so much drama.

But I do want to point out just for the sake of clearing things up. The feedback topic I made that originally created the drama on here; I never intended anything bad from it, and I never thought it would cause trouble. If I knew it would cause issues, I wouldn't have made it in the first place.

I was never being malicious with any of it. I was never complaining, either. Still, I regret making the thread. It would have avoided a lot of trouble, however, I do believe some good can come from this, because a lesson learned is a lesson well spent. Now that I've witnessed member care first-hand, I can make a suggestion for this, and express how my treatment went and why it's begging for an improvement.

I hope you can all forgive me.

With that out of the way, lets get to it :)

I know some bits in here will look like a rant, but trust me, I want to lay out the truth and be positive about it. Please bare with me and hear me out. I do not intend anything bad to come from this. If I have offended any of you, I am sorry and did not intend it.


What I want to do is first lay out the true direction of Poniverse, then go over the issues which includes my case, provide proof and explain why I believe it was wrong, and then give my own suggestion into how this can work a lot better for the future. I'll do this one step at a time, so please bare with me.


First things first. Here's quotes from Poniverse:

MLP Forums is the #1 brony forum on the net. Discover the magic of friendship. Join today!

Poniverse - The pony supercommunity

The biggest brony forum on the Internet. Fans from all walk of life consider this a second home - a place where they can discuss anything they'd like in a peaceful environment.

Tolerate and love everypony. While we don't quite mean this in the literal sense, we do ask that you remain respectful of other people's opinions and realize that they are, at the end of the day, just opinions rather than grounds for declaring thermonuclear war. Don't flame, don't troll, and you'll be fine. We realize this can be difficult when somebody else attacks you first, but please report them instead. Responding in kind will only get you in trouble along with them and possibly make the whole situation worse for everyone else present when it happens. People want to reply to topics casually, not walk on eggshells around two other bickering members.

We all know that Poniverse is built and designed for Bronies to gather together in friendship, and to enjoy this show with others that share the same interest. The Brony community is well known for being a really friendly one. I'm sure we all know the Brony code by now - Love and Tolerance. Not every Brony follows this code, and many are downright assholes that don't care much for others. But this is the "number 1 Brony forums on the internet". This should be a place where every Brony is welcome with open arms. One where everyone is looked after and taken care of without pushing them to one side.

When I first came across this site, I couldn't help but notice the welcoming and friendly atmosphere this place was giving off. I felt comfortable in joining this place, and I did not feel out of place; I felt like I belonged here, and I got such a warm welcome. I even made a few friends within the first 10 minutes after my welcome topic.

This forums and the Brony community that gather on here proved that there were others in this world that do care, and don't alienate you for being different. I totally respected this place and all those that are on here. I was shocked in how welcoming this place truly was, and how friendly the members are on here. No other forums I've been on was anything like this.

It is that, that made me want to be here. The friendliness of the community and members, the warm welcome, not feeling left out and feeling like I truly belonged, the friends I've made here; That is what truly gave me all the reasons to stay here. For a long time, I've never had any personal run-ins with the staff and how members are treated, until recently.

My conclusion now: Member care on here is pretty shit, and some members of staff are not cut out to handle members well enough. There has recently been a topic created about the behavior of staff, but I believe I need to make one that proves the points made about the staff behavior. Please keep in mind that I'm not saying all of the staff have a negative attitude, but there are some that do.

Also, I am not saying that none of you are capable of improving. We're all capable of improving, yet I'm not seeing much of a change.

I am doing this because I want to fight for what is true, right, and I want to fight for my friends and the Brony community, and what this network truly stands for. If anything I say in here is incorrect and/or debatable, then give me solid proof and explain why in full details.

Now, if I'm going to prove my statements about member care on here being very poor, I'm going to have to bring up my case again, and also the cases of others. I will censor names for privacy, and I'll put this into a spoiler tag. For the case of others, I have investigated their claims made, and received the information from the accused. These members are free to confirm any parts of their case if it is required in here.

Case #1 - My case

If any of you have been listening and can take into account that I have been going through a heck of a lot of stress within the Brony community, and this has caused me to view the Brony community in a negative light. If you truly understood what I've gone through, you'd have second thoughts on judging my actions. I do suffer from depression quite a bit, like a lot of us do, and I was knocked over the edge due to the response I got from something I thought was bringing up an issue in a cheerful way.

I got accused of being rude, being disrespectful which falls under being rude. I got accused of being ungrateful. I also got accused and shamed for wanting a public reaction.


I was not being rude/disrespectful, ungrateful, and was not seeking a public reaction. You have assumed my intentions without further analysis. If you was in doubt, you could have asked where I was going with my topic; None of you done that, so your claims are invalid.

Yes, I can see how you mistook my intentions, and okay, I regret ever making the topic in the first place. But I am an innocent victim that did not mean any harm what so ever. Many of you know that I don't throw out abuse without a very good reason. I don't just walk up to someone and say "You suck", unless they attack me first or say/do something that provokes my response.



This behavior on a forums that is made for Bronies; A forums that is suppose to "love and tolerate" is completely unacceptable. I get that you misunderstood my intentions, but this does not excuse for the kind of attitude given to a fellow community member by an administrator. Basically telling me that if I don't like it, I should go away, is not loving, is not tolerating, is not giving the proper care and attitude to the members of the community. You are an admin, and you should be expected to not only maintain the forums, but also to maintain what this forums stands for.

This forums stands for love and tolerance, as stated in the global rules. This forums is well known for presenting a positive and welcoming atmosphere; Being friendly and helping members in need with open arms. You done nothing but the opposite in maintaining these elements. If you deny any wrong doing, and deny that you was not in the wrong, give me solid proof and explain how you're totally in the clear.

Next one:


Also note that both of these responses had received 6 brohooves in agreement, when mine didn't receive any because I was apparently the one to blame (Yes, a member did brohoof my posts for being a good friend, but I cannot count these, although I appreciate this good friend of mine).

Now when I talk about the posts being brohoofed, what I mean here is that this shows that these others were agreeing with these responses made. I honestly don't care about a counter on my profile, I care about whether I'm being agreed with or misjudged by others. It is valid for me to believe these staff members were being supported by other members due to the evidence. If I am incorrect to assume this, give me proof.

This proves that I was being accused of being in the wrong, as I've said. If anyone had a bit of sense, they would have analyzed the situation, maybe even PM me to get my end to the story, but instead, none of the guilty bothered to dig in for the information that defended my case. Instead, it was "Yeah, the admin is right, you're wrong, so I agree with the admin even though I only know the admin's side to the story and not yours".

If you object, give me proof that you was not doing this, and explain to me in full details. As far as I'm concerned, you are all guilty of being prejudice towards me.

For the next bit of my case. I had issues on Skype that further proved no one was understanding my end to the story, and believing I was at fault.

Image proof:


"What is your Problem exactly?" Did you notice the capital "P" in "Problem"? I did. But not only that, this sentence suggests that I'm the one with the problem. I was in deep depression, and I flooded the status', but this was all during my depression and further stress I was getting from the accusations and being labeled as the bad guy.

For those that have been through deep depression. You'll understand that it is a very tough time to handle, and many of us can lose self-control during this time. Some out there may be able to handle it well, but not everyone can handle their stress and depression so well.


Next image proof:




Here we can clearly see that I was being accused of causing all the trouble. Here is a direct "You've only got yourself to blame" comment. It speaks for itself. It was very hurtful and wrong to tell me I have only myself to blame. That really hurt and triggered me even more.


While this former staff member was aiming to hear my end of the story, I did want to save this for a blog instead as I wasn't quite able to think due to suffering from depression. Again, many that are depressed will not think clearly and give the answers others are looking for.


Do not blame me for not giving you what you wanted to hear. While this sounds like an excuse, it is the truth, and I challenge you to prove me wrong.


Now onto the next bit.




So here, we have a staff member reciting that the staff are volunteers that do not get paid for the duties they take on. Fair enough, however, I already knew this about the staff. This statement has no meaning to the ongoing drama.


Did I ever mock the staff for being lazy and worthless? No I didn't. I've always respected the staff. I've never ever said anything bad about the staff that had no reasoning to it and was not valid. If I have, give me proof, and if I find out you've yet again misunderstood a statement I've made, I'll clear that up and prove my points about it.


Now while what you as staff members do is a reward-less position (Although I have a feeling a lot of you are happy to be helping out the community), this still doesn't excuse your poor attitude with the Brony community.


The main thing about this network is the Brony community it's setup for. You've got to start treating the community members with respect and care. I'm not saying you all don't do this, but some don't treat the community members with care, and it's been publicly proven.


This is suppose to be the number 1 Brony forums on the internet. It's suppose to be about love and tolerance, and the welcoming and friendly atmosphere, as well as all the wonderful individuals on here that we can become friends with. That is what Poniverse is all about. The staff's main duty should be about maintaining all of these elements and caring for members with reason.


I do respect the founder and staff for creating this place and keeping it running while making it look nice and fancy. In one of my feedback topics where I spoke about how great Poniverse is while laying out some concerns I had, you can clearly see I praised the staff.


I didn't have to do that, but I sat there and praised the staff and community for doing such a great job for giving us such a great place to gather together on. Here's my quote from that feedback topic of mine:



The first thing I really love about Poniverse is it's so welcoming and accepting. Since I've been here, I've made so many friends, and it's a really awesome place to spend time on. MLP Forums, and all the friends I've made here has pretty much turned my life around. Although I don't post much, I still feel comfortable and happy here, and I never feel worried in posting around the forums when I do.

MLP Forums really is a great community filled of all types of Bronies, and I can always count on this being a place of serenity for me; I don't really have much to live for in real life, so everything I have here and all my friends on Skype are everything to me, and I will never leave Poniverse no matter what. This is also a place where I can finally be myself without worrying too much on being judged which is very important to me.

I also love the overall presentation of Poniverse. It even has everything any of us could ever want: The forums, Pony.fm, Poniarcade, and Equestria.tv, and not forgetting all the wonderful features and visuals we have here. Almost everything is laid-out exactly as it should be. I also love the maturity on here. The moderators and even a lot of the members post in a mature and professional manner, and that does send a clear message to all the new members and passing guests on how we act on here; It's not an intimidating environment, and maintains a positive and welcoming atmosphere.

All the visuals: Poniverse network site images, Sub-forum icons, emoticons, badges, etc, perfectly fit in with each other, and perfectly match the community they're made for. I also love the way members can send in their own banners to be used on the forums. I haven't seen any other forums that does that, and that's pretty cool we can have our own banners used on the forums. The background is pretty awesome too. I totally love the way how it changes from a day-time theme to a night-time theme depending on my clock; Pretty awesome how that's done.

The 20 character minimum is also another great idea we have it. Not only does it help cut spam and encourage higher quality posts, but it also prevents those annoying reaction gif posting too which I see on other forums; That kinda brings out elitism as members on those forums thinks it's a cool thing to do instead of making a worth while post. I'm really glad that's not a thing on here. The 20 character limit also helps to discreetly guide members in how they make their posts; Longer posts generally have more thought and care in them compared to short posts on Internet forums. If any feature/system should remain, this is one of them. Also noted that different sections have their own character limit level to better fit the type of posts required in those areas.

Another thing that I like about Poniverse is the many events that's done on here. The most notable one being "Making Christmas Merrier" which is a very kind and thoughtful thing to do. I haven't ever been on an Internet forums that does something like that. I've gathered the charity is chosen for it's younger viewers which makes a whole lot of sense, and it's really kind to create an event like this. I'd donate cash myself, only I've been totally poor for 4 - 5 years, although I will someday.

Moderation is another thing I give a lot of respect and credit to. The way topics and posts are moderated is perfect as far as I can see. I don't generally go around the entire forums to say otherwise if this is not the case in some areas. But as far as I've personally seen, it's perfect. I also like how any problematic content in posts are removed to keep everything friendly. As I've never had any personal issues with moderation, and I've never been on the staff ladder to get an inside look on it, I can't say a great deal about it; Only what I've seen, and like I've said, as far as I've seen, it's done perfectly. Also, I haven't ever seen a troll on here yet, so that proves moderation is done by the book.

I would like to give a big thanks to the sites' co-founder - Feld0, for creating this top class Brony forums. It's really grown into a well presented and functional forums, even though there's the occasional server issue that happens ^^ I can guess it wasn't easy creating the forums, finding the right trusted line of staff to work together to make this place clean and awesome, and keeping it going while getting up all the content Poniverse has to offer. I run a Skype group, and although an IM group has a large gap between an Internet forums, it's still a community, and I know it's not easy in guiding a community to set a great example. The presentation is near-perfect here, and it's so friendly and welcoming.

I actually feel more comfortable on this forums than I do in my own house, and that's saying something. I know I've been giving a lot of positives for Poniverse, but there are a few concerns I have, and believe there is room for improvement which I'll go into detail in the "Concerns and Suggestions" section below. Overall this is the best forums I've ever been on, and it doesn't feel empty either; That's not because of the activity, but there's a certain vibe where I feel connected to this place, and it's a wonderful feeling.



And here's a link to the topic so you know I haven't faked anything.


With that pointed out. I do respect what the staff do. Do not think otherwise.


Anyway, here's another quote from a status I started:




Again, my intentions were assumed to be negative. The first response was from a staff member, second was from a member, and 3rd was from a former staff member; Just to clear that up.


I've recited my words in my other feedback topic above to prove my respect for this site and staff. I don't know if either of you ever read that feedback topic, but you can clearly see I do have respect for Feld0 and the team of staff. I've always praised you all, and sometimes I'll give out my concerns as well.


I was never belittling Feld0 or the team of staff. It's like, you're assuming my intentions without proof.


On a side note: I'd like to further point out a quote there. "I don't want to say you did it on purpose, but I talk it like I see it". Well this is wrong of anyone to do. You shouldn't just take something as you see it.


Can you imagine how the world would be if everyone took action because of what they see without taking the time and effort to get the whole story first? It would be chaos.


People would be accused and thrown into jail when they didn't commit the crime. There's been quite a few times where Russian planes and sea craft have crossed into borders where they were not granted too. Imagine instant retaliation towards that? We'd see WW3 if it was all "Attack first, think later".


It should not work that way. If you're going to accuse someone of belittling others or doing bad things, get the proof, learn the entire story, and then put everything together so you can come to a judgement.


You all failed at doing this. There was, however one admin that was putting in all of his effort in helping me and gaining a full understanding of the situation. That admin deserves my full respect and admiration. He done things by the book, and I truly appreciate all that he done for me.



So, think I'm wrong with anything I've said here regarding my case? Go ahead and prove me wrong.


I rest my case.



Now I'll get to the case of others that have reported mistreatment by the staff. As a friend and a fellow community member, it is only right that I defend their rights. If it is required for them to respond to make this valid, I'll let them know.



Case #2 - Friend being mistreated and not taken care of


A friend of mine who's well known on here and used to be a staff member, was treated poorly over making suicidal-like statuses. The thing is, he was having a breakdown, and anyone that knows him well enough knows that he does have anxiety issues and autism. He also has an inferiority complex which can contribute to these issues.


The thing is, he is a very good and respectable individual. He's out a lot of effort into the community. He's got a kind heart and wouldn't do anything bad to others.


It was wrong for him to have to be treated as if he was the problem. He was even put on the "moderator radar", as if he was being treated as the bad guy.


Someone that is under deep depression and even having suicidal thoughts do not take such things well, and it only makes things worse. I know there's a rule on suicidal messages on the forums, but I believe this rule needs to be revised for the better.


First, let's recap on that rule:



Please don't post suicide threats. Venting about life from time to time in a status update or blog post is fine, but please keep substantial negative material regarding emotional difficulty and other life concerns in the Life Advice forum section. While you are welcome to ask for advice for overcoming suicidal thoughts there, suicide threats are not allowed anywhere on this site. Please see this post for more details.



Now here's the thing. If you're suicidal, you're under deep depression to get you into this state of mind. It doesn't take an expert to understand this. If someone is extremely depressed to a point where they're expressing suicidal thoughts, it's at a point where they're not going to think straight hardly at all, and will want to vent it out wherever they can.


That is a perfectly natural response to express your concerns, especially if it's being suicidal. Community members that are being suicidal need to have extra special care. You cannot tell them "Look, don't express your problems here, express them in this section". A suicidal individual ain't gonna care much and worry about posting their problems in the right place. Sure, some might, but most are not going to do that.


Do you see what I'm saying here? If not, let me try to explain what I mean.


I've already stated that when you're depressed, you stop thinking straight. This might not be the same for everyone, but for many, this is how depression works. Someone who is suicidal is even more depressed to get to this stage. So do you honestly expect them to worry about where to go to express a problem that's seriously affecting them and making their mind shatter all over the place?


With that said. It's not fair to treat and punish an individual for being suicidal in places where you don't want them to be. This is not how you should treat community members. If you had messaged him instead of treating him like that, he may have concentrated on the private message to allow both sides to get things settled, laid out and treated correctly.


I won't say much more about this case because it is not my case. I'm merely defending a fellow community member and friend.




Case #3 - Friend fully banned from the "Count to a million" thread


Another friend of mine ended up being permanently banned from a forum games thread over something so small... I honestly can't see why he'd be treated like this. I did receive the quote he made that got his full ban from the forum game thread: Count to a million, but I won't post it for privacy reasons.


Many, including the targeted member did not find offense in his comment, yet he was completely banned from participating in that thread because of the comment he made.


From what I've seen, it really doesn't look like anything to worry about at all. I was told by this friend that he did get banned from the thread before, at least 2 times I think he was saying. I have no information regarding all of that.


To be really honest with you, I will say that a full ban for the comment made is unfair, but at the same time, there's a lot I do not know about this case, so I can't entirely say "This was completely unfair". I just don't have enough information to support this case.


Maybe there's a lot more to it that makes it reasonable, maybe there's not; I don't know, although I'll bring it up, and this friend is free to reply to this thread and add in all the information about it. He has a right to defend his case, and I as a fellow community member and friend will stand up for him and defend his case as long as I am able to.




Case #4 - Friend permanently banned over poor grammar


This is actually something I brought up in the other feedback topic I made. I did PM a staff member about it after awhile, and I was told nothing was going to be done about it, and basically let my friend know that he should file in a dispute via the MLPF dispute email.


I honestly don't like this dispute system. A friend of mine also complained about the email dispute system being a mess up and having to wait for his ban to lift until he was able to dispute it.


I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I believe the dispute system should work the old fashioned way: Make a new account and Pm a staff member about it to dispute your ban. That's the good ol way of doing it.


As I've already brought this one up, and I'm still not satisfied about him still not being treated correctly, I'll simply link the post I made about it.


I know he's just not wanting to worry about the email dispute. But he really is a kind friend that meant no harm. He should have a right to dispute his ban in a way that's easy for him and can even get me and several other staff members involved. It ain't hard to let him do something like that.


Link to the post I made about this



There are many other cases, but I don't have enough information about them so I do not have any rights in questioning the treatment for them. I will say that every member has a right to defend their own case in here, and they should be given the chance to express their unfair treatment, if they have been, but they should also provide solid proof that they have in order for it to be valid.


Member Care Staff line  Suggestion


Now onto the suggestion regarding member care on Poniverse.


Firstly, I totally acknowledge that there is a shortage of staff, at least from what I've heard, it seems like there's just not enough staff members to efficiently handle everything that need maintenance.


I know the staff have many duties to take care of depending on staff type: Tech developing, moderator administration, topic and member moderation, et cetera. From what I know, it sounds like an extremely pressuring situation in Poniverse history. I respect that you still are able to keep things going, and I'm really sorry to hear about being under-staffed as you are. I have known about the lack of tech developers, and honestly, if I knew anything about tech/web developing, I'd fill in a form to help out. Honestly, I would. But I just have no idea on what to even do because I've never had any experiences with that.


If you ask me, and here's where my suggestion comes in. You should set up a brand new line of staff that only handles the community members, without having the trouble of full moderation. These staff members should be qualified in helping members in a fair and reasonable manner. They should also be able to know how to deal with members that suffer from depression, anxiety and suicide.


Now, there's quite a few friends I have that are fantastic in helping me through the depression I have. It's individuals like my friends that could take on this role as member care staff. I can bet there are many on here that could take on this role. This role is mostly about heart and care, so it's not like you'd need to have grades and degrees to take on such a role, and that's what would make this easy to setup.


How I see it is the staff on here are so worked up and stressed over trying to keep the forums clean and handle forum management behind the scenes that they've not got the time to truly deal with members in the best way possible.


Having a "Member Care Staff" implemented in would get around this and relieve some stress of having to handle members. If this new staff line was only given the role to help out and take care of members, then they wouldn't have to worry about handling other things like tech development, topic cleaning, warnings and history of members, et cetera.


I'm sure there are many members on here that have the passion and care to be able to take on this role. I'm not sure if you've ever created such a staff role before; I have never seen anything that suggests you have, but either way, you really can do with some relief and help with efficiently keeping the forums going, and attending to members needs by having them treated correctly.


Remember, trial and error. It's not like anything major is going to happen if this idea fails. I really think you need this setup, honestly, I do.


We've got to keep in mind of the 2 aspects of an internet forums: The actual forums you're building up and managing, and the community members that are a part of it.


The staff should break up into 2 categories: Those that are handling the forums, and those that are handling the community members. I'd say, talk it out between yourselves, see if it's do-able; I think it is, and give it a shot.


I mean, if I was in charge of a massive network like this, I'd organize my team of staff to handle both aspects of the network, especially during a time when things are getting a bit hot under the collar in terms of keeping everything running.


I can't say I know how things are, but this is the impression I'm getting from Poniverse. Even if things are not as bad as I think, I still think such an extra line of staff would benefit and relieve stress from the rest of the staff. During the time I had that drama going on over my joke feedback, I heard there was a heck of a lot going on between the staff.


We have the Life Advice section for anything that falls into this area. If you could setup a member care staff line, they could also be in charge of that section, too. It's a neat and effective way to improve management.


But, anyway, let me know what you think of this suggestion. I really think you need this, but I won't judge the staff and forum management performance because I don't know everything about it.



Thanks for your time and I hope this goes down well. I honestly don't want to make any more issues for anyone after the drama recently. I apologize in advance if I've offended anyone here. That was never my intention. All I want to do was lay out the facts and the flaws; Give proof to it so my statements are valid, and give my idea on how you can get around this issue and improve forum management performance.


Before I finish, I'd like to apologize again for all the drama that was caused; To the team of staff and to the community, I am deeply sorry about what happened recently.

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My conclusion now: Member care on here is pretty shit, and some members of staff are not cut out to handle members well enough. There has recently been a topic created about the behavior of staff, but I believe I need to make one that proves the points made about the staff behavior. Please keep in mind that I'm not saying all of the staff have a negative attitude, but there are some that do

Yikes. When communicating feedback meant for both sides, you might want to avoid language like that. Key Sharks thread focused on communication and mutual respect. How does your conclusion further that discussion?


Oh! I also would like to go on record that I would advise the staff to not consider attempting to bring in staff that are 'trained' in suicide and depression issues. While it looks kind on the outset

... that has dangerous written all over it.


Professional resources are the only ones staff should ever direct someone to in these cases. This may come across as hypocritical since some may attest to my habit for personally intervening ... but my involvement with depressed and suicidal members were carefully laid out to specifically not diagnose and treat. Not to mention that I have access to an expert I share a bed with who would disagree vehemently with the approach you suggested.

  • Brohoof 5



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Oh! I also would like to go on record that I would advise the staff to not consider attempting to bring in staff that are 'trained' in suicide and depression issues. While it looks kind on the outset ... that has dangerous written all over it.

I agree with everything you said Jeric. But I wanted to point out what you said there, I would think it would also be some form of a liability for poniverse to offer help in these cases. I am in no means a lawyer just a thought.  

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I would think it would also be some form of a liability for poniverse to offer help in these cases.


Yeah, I did not do the litigation concerns since people tend to think that is an excuse. It is a valid concern Flitter. If MLPF creates a process to intervene in these situations, and things go south ... it could be crossing the streams bad.

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