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open Lucky Fire's First Ever Trip Into Ponyville

Lucky Fire

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Rainbow gave a chuckle, her head tilting a bit. "Alright! I'll show you it later, but right now, I gotta go practice some more!" She turned and sped off, Twilight shaking her head. "She's probably going to train for the wonderbolts...again." (I actually have to clean my room, so, I'll be slow at responding. D: )

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( that's ok, I have a half an hour before I have to get off, then I'm probably off until sometime after midnight .. maybe )



Discord thought for moment, if he could cause illusions, he could probably make an illusion that someone did the rainboom, He'd jsut have to find a pegasus willing to try and cloudsdale sounded like teh perfect place " Hey lucky, when RaindowDash does take you to see Cloudsdale, would you mind if I came along? I've never been there before "

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(ok, no problem.)


Lucky smiled. "Twilight Twilight! Can you teach me magic until Rainbow comes back from practicing?" Twilight smiled, "Sure, let's go everypony." Lucky hops with Pinkie to Twilight's library tree. "Oh boy. I hope you're not like Twilight, where you lose control of your magic 'cause who knows what will happen if you do.", Spike said. Everypony, including Lucky gave Spike a look. "What? I'm just saying, what if she does? We're going to have to watch out unless we want to be turned into something else. Besides, somepony's going to have to calm her down so she can become normal again."


That gets Twilight thinking. "Actually, you might have a point Spike." Lucky chimed in before Spike could reply. "Actually, I don't know magic yet. I never even tried really." Everypony looked surprised. "What?", Lucky said. "I'd have thought before now that you'd have at least tried once.", Rarity said this time. Lucky shook her head. Then she turned to Discord, "Sure, if you can touch the clouds without going through them. I mean, you look like a pegasus, but we don't know if you can touch without going through them. Unless you done it before at some point."

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Discord followed them, mainly sticking near Lucky " Hm .. I never thought about that .. I'll be right back, I'm gonna try it. Good luck with your studies " Discord said before spreading his wings and heading off into the sky.


( there, all set to leave xD c'ya guys later )

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(XD lol ok. later :) )


Lucky grinned at Discord, she really does believe he is good, despite him being bad before from what the others said. She really believes he changed. "Thanks for the good luck wish. See you later then Di... Divon.", she kinda had a feeling that it would be bad if she said his real name, so she stuck with calling him Divon, the name he gave her. She thinks she understands why he gave her a fake name, so that nopony can shun him or run him out of town if he has truly changed, except for still liking pranks and jokes, which is ok. Unless you take them too far, but she thinks he wouldn't take them too far.


They then reached the library tree. "This is where I live Lucky. It's a library, and it's perfect for me because I myself have to study, but now it'll be the place where I also teach you magic. Today, you will learn the basics. Very important, otherwise you'll be doing something wrong and a disaster might happen, depending how bad you screwed up." Twilight went on lecturing, Lucky hanging onto every word, the other ponies laying down watching them. "Well, she's learning from the best, right everypony?", Rarity asked. Everypony else nodded.


A lot of time passed on and by now the others were napping. "Ok, you ready to try a little magic now?", Twilight asked. "Uh-huh!", Lucky replied enthusiastically. At that everypony else woke up and lifted their heads, interested to see how Lucky's first spell would go. "Ok, try turning the page with magic. That's the first thing I learned to do, and what any other unicorn would learn to do first." Lucky nodded, looked at the book in front of her, and concentrated.


Concentration is the key point to magic. Without it things could go wrong, horribly wrong. Lucky then focused on turning the page. Her horn flickered, then glowed as the book glowed and the page turned. Everypony who was laying down got to their hooves and cheered for Lucky. Lucky hopped up and down, for the 8th time that day. "I did it!" Twilight ruffled Lucky's mane. "You sure did, great job Lucky."

Edited by Lucky Fire

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Rainbow Dash came skidding in through the front door just before she managed to turn the page, panting slightly but she grinned when she saw what her little protege had done. "Great job, Kiddo." She chuckled. "Let's just hope Twilight doesn't turn you into an egghead." She stuck her tongue out playfully, praying that no one would mention her addiction to the Daring Do book series. (Sorry, dinner and all this shtuff. x_x; )

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( i decided to try roleplaying on my phone. Im in an rp mood and no ones on msn lol)


Discord flew into twilights library tree and hovored over everyone. He came after lucky did her first magic trick and wondered why everyone was clapping. He decided to stay quiet

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(that's ok)


Lucky turned around at Rainbow's voice. She beamed. "Rainbow!" Lucky tackled/hugged her other mentor. "You saw me turn the page with magic? Yay!" Lucky got off Rainbow, and said, "I actually love to read, though I'm not a good reader yet. Mama and papa used to read with me and whatever words I couldn't read, they'd help me. So you're calling me an egghead?", she said with the saddest face she could muster. "Aaaawwww!", everypony else said, but they giggled too.

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Rainbow laughed then paused, blinking. "Well..uh..no.." She reached up with a hoof to rub the back of her head, glancing at the others for a moment, then back at her. "In fact..I read too..." She muttered in a hushed voice, praying she didn't hear her.

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Discords ears perked up." You read?! The famous rainbowdash reads?!" Discord laughed

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Lucky tilted her head. "Huh? You said something about you and reading? ..... Oooooo, you read!" Applejack chuckled. "Eeyup, Rainbow reads. Daring Do. Though those're the only books she reads." Lucky smiled. "Cool. I've heard about Daring do. Sounds interesting. Now only if I could read I would read those books. I love adventure!" Lucky then turned her head and saw Discord. "Hey Divon. Welcome back down to Earth.", she said then giggled.

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Her face flushed as she huffed, glancing off. Rainbow knew there was no way she could protect herself against this, so she let it slide. She sat on the floor and tapped a hoof on it for a moment. "Hn.."

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Discord snickered " i havnt touched the ground yet, so im not back to earth " he said, he then landed " now i am. And why do you keep calling me divon?"

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Lucky giggled when Discord replied to me. "I call you that because what if somepony overhears me call you by your real name? They might run you out of town, and I don't want that.", she said with a saad face. She liked Discord. He was nice, and kinda like a big brother the way he messes her mane up sometimes.

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Discord nodded " that makes sense. Hey, wanna see something cool?" Discord asked as he trotted outside. A pink cloud appeared above twilights house and it started raining chocolate milk.

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Pinkie Pie's attention was immediately drawn away from everything as she gaped. "Chocolate...RAIN!" She squeed as she darted outside, opening her mouth wide so that she could get as much chocolate rain as possible. "Oh brother..." Muttered Rainbow as she face-hoof'd.

Edited by Dashing Blossom
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Lucky's jaw dropped. "Oh my gosh! That's so cool!" Lucky ran outside and did the same as Pinkie. "Oh brother.", Twilight said. "Well, I think we can safely say now that we have two Pinkie Pie's on our hooves." Everypony laughed. Lucky came back in after she had her fill. "That was good, and awesome. Why are the clouds pink though? Are they real clouds or what?" "Haha, nope. They're cotton candy clouds.", Applejack said. Lucky's eyes slowly widened. She darted back outside and looked up and immediately sulked back inside. "Too high up for me to reach." Everypony giggled.

Edited by Lucky Fire

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Rainbow gave a small laugh and flew outside, reaching up and biting the edge of one cloud gently. She came back down as she did so, trotting back inside, holding out the cloud for Lucky. Pinkie still outside, gulping at the chocolate rain.

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Lucky looked at Rainbow and hugged her. "Thanks Rainbow!", she said, then took the fluffy cotton candy cloud and ate it. "Yummy!" She said as she laid down, tired out from the hectic day. "Wow, today was awesome. Met my idol, met other ponies, who are all nice, and had some chocolate rain and cotton candy cloud. I think that makes the bestest day ever." Everypony grinned at Lucky. "Glad you had fun Lucky.", Twilight said.

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Discord came back in. He shook the chocolate milk off him, getting whoever was near him wet. He laughed, then looked at lucky " pretty good eh my dear?"

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(I'm thinking about replacing Blossom with Rainbow and removing Blossom from the rp and doing what we talked about in the messages with Rainbow. Is that okay? o: )

Rainbow grinned. "No problem!" She beamed then paused when some chocolate rain got on her, scrunching her face up for a moment before licking it off. Pinkie Pie suddenly coming inside, her mane flat due to the rain. "You should to-to-TOTALLY come by Sugarcube corner tomorrow and help me bake sweets!"

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Lucky got some chocolate rain on her from Divon shaking himself off, making her soaked. She giggled. "Yeah, that was really good. Thank you for showing me that Divon. I loved it. Do you have anymore tricks? Though *yawn* I might want to see them tomorrow. I'm a bit tired...... and need a bath..... I have chocolate all over me.", she said the last sentence about having chocolate on her while giggling. "That sounds fun Pinkie!" Lucky smiled.



(lol, we posted at the same time. and sure, if you feel it's a good idea. i mean, you haven't been blossom in a while really :/ I don't mind :) )

Edited by Lucky Fire

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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Discord looked at pinkie " i dunno, maybe" he said than looked at lucky " of course! I have more tricks then twilightsparkle here "

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(I got so wrapped up in Rainbow that I even forgot Blossom was in the rp! XD)

She gave a light yawn, shaking her head and body to get the chocolate rain off of her. "Hey...kiddo? Wanna come up to my house for a bit to wash off? I mean, you said you lived in the everfree forest and thats quite a fly away. The chocolate will stick to your fur."

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Lucky grinned. "I dunno. I heard she's Princess Celestia's own personal student. She's gotta be the best there is when it comes to magic. Being the Princess' personal student is a big deal probably." Twilight grinned sheepishly and blushed lightly. "Oh stop, you're too kind. You are right though. Being the Princess' protoge is a big deal. Protoge means basically honored student, or very talented student." Lucky nodded, "Ok, and sure Rainbow, sounds good. Chocolate rain is sticky, isn't it?", she asked while smiling. She gave another yawn and stood up. She looked at everypony. "Well, it was really nice meeting you all. We'll see each other tomorrow too, right?" Everypony nodded. "Well of course, why wouldn't we? you're our friend ain't ya?", Applejack said. Lucky nodded. "Ok Rainbow, I'm ready.", Lucky said while hopping on Rainbow's back.

I am being helped, little by little. I am mostly out of my dark place. I am halfway in the light. My pony friends accept me and they are teaching me things I need to know. This place I am in, part light part dark. I am in between.

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