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The Deepest Ocean <Mature>


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/15343-the-deepest-ocean-ooc/

This roleplay has some mature content that may not be appropriate for children. <people under the age of 15 years old.>

Atropa Lemont stared sadly out the window.

She tapped her pencil on her desk, and sighed.

School was like torture. But she had to start going again or she'd be kicked out, and she'd never get a job.

She needed a job so she could move out of that horrible house. Away from her "mother" and her.. Mom's boyfriend. Atropa could feel the cuts stinging under her sweater, and it made her feel a little bit better. She liked knowing that she had a secret she could keep from everyone.


The teacher's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and she looked up.


"I asked you to read page two hundred. Where is your mind?"

Atropa shrugged and popped her gum.

"Gum is not allowed in school. You know that."

Atropa glared at the teacher, pulled the gum out of her mouth, and stuck it under her desk.

The glass went totally silent.

"Go to the principals office now!!"

Atropa sighed, picked up her bag, and walked out of the room.

At least she was away from there now.

All the principal ever made her do was fill out a small paper, but he usually left her alone for a while.

Edited by MachineGunLola


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Jake was walking down the hallway, having nothing better to do. His class had a sub so he decided to skip instead of endure some cheesy movie. As be turned a corner he walked into Atropa, he looked down with a surprised look, "Whoops! My bad Atropa!" he said as he took a couple steps back. He didnt know her well, but it didn't mean he couldn't be kind.


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Skyler was carrying a stack of papers. He liked his Physics teacher and he needed help with his homework anyway. He wasn't doing this to gain the teacher's affection that was for sure.

Come on Skyler, this isn't all that bad. I mean all you have to do is help the teacher mark these tests and then you'll ask her that question. It isn't like you're sucking up to her. Then you're off to lunch. That'll be great.

Skyler didn't have much to do either way. He didn't have any friends and his slender build was reason enough for bullies to push him around. The grounds was a nightmare for him. He'd rather just do paperwork than risk getting beaten up. As he walked past the office he eyed Atropa. He was going to call out to her but he held his tongue. He wasn't exactly on the best of terms with her.

I guess she's in trouble again. Probably for chewing gum or something like that. If only the school knew...

Skyler wanted to help her out. He wanted to talk to her and she how she was feeling, but he wondered if that would really help. She had issues and he doubted that a 15 year old brother would come off as anything but whiny.

Skyler noticed that someone had walked into his sister. At least he wasn't going to bully her.

Bully her? She'd rip them to pieces.

"Skyler. Are you coming" Ms. McCraw called out. Skyler hadn't noticed that he stopped moving. I hope they aren't too hard on her he thought as he began walking, continuing past the office.

Skyler followed Ms. McCraw to her office and began working on the tests.

He already knew the answers so it wasn't like he needed the answer sheet but he liked to reference at it to see if he had made any mistakes. Naturally he hadn't. In truth he was simply stalling for time, willing the clock to turn it's second hand faster. He didn't want to go outside. It was not safe outside.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Atropa was standing near the office when Jake Akin bumped into her, almost knocking her down.

"What the fuck dude? What where you're going, you freaking giant!"

She flipped him off and walked to the office, where she noticed Skyler walking past.

He looked at her, but quickly looked away.

Yeah, that's right. Look away. Go and help your precious teachers, you little wimp...

Atropa sighed and walked to the principals door, where she knocked and waited.

"Ah, Mrs. Lemont. So happy to see you, as always."

Atropa rolled her eyes.

"Today you're gonna be helping one of our students get back into the swing of things. His name is Jake Akin. Do you know him?"

Atropa grit her teeth.

"Yes, I know him."

"Good, then let's go get him!"

The principal went out the door and found Jake, then brought him back in the office and sat him next to Atropa.

"So, Jake, I hear you've had a rough year. Atropa may not get good grades, but that's only because she doesn't put her work in. She'll help you."

Atropa glared over at Jake.

(OC: I'm leaving for a while, please, everyone, only TWO posts!! I wanna be able to post and not be lost!!)


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Jakes eyes widened slightly at what the principle had told him. "Uhh, but-but sir... I... It's not that... I don't..." but Jake had nothing he could say. His grades hadn't been the greatest, it wasn't that it was hard, he just... was slow to understand the homework. So he usually got it in late or not at all, of course he would get stuck with a tutor. But Atropa? The one who had just flipped him off and called him a giant? Not that it really bothered him, but he'd rather not be stuck with her. He avoided her glare as he sighed and looked at the ground.


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Hayley volunteered at the office during her spare. Despite working extra hard to get a spare in grade 10, she enjoyed using her time to do more work. She even made herself a little badge that read 'Junior Office Assistant'. The office secretrary put down the phone, "what's doing on today Ms. Hofflehorn?" "It's that Lemont girl again, seems like she'll be joining us today." "How wonderful! Another chance to make her smile!" "Also a Mr.Akin, he's failing almost all of his classes again this year. His teacher sent him here to do his homework without any distractions." Hayley starred at the secretary blankly for a few seconds and then gasped, "I just had a wonderful idea."

Hayley dashed into the principle's office and hugged her father. "Oh daddy, I just had the most wonderful idea!" "What is it Princess?" "Ms.Hofflehorn told me which students would be joining us this period and, I thought instead of them just sitting here bored they could work together!" "I don't know about that, Ms.Lemont is quite the nasty one." "Father, she is still one of God's children. She's just misunderstood and not to mention a borderline genius. Daddy, I've seen her essays, they're brilliant. Please! Please! Please!" "Well, I suppose you do have a point." "Oh Daddy thank you!" Hayley hugged her father before leaving his office.

Hayley went back to her duties while her father spoke to the two students. When he was finished the two we seated at a desk together. Atropa scowling and Jake with a confused look on his face.

"Good morning! It's so wonderful to see you again Atropa!" Hayley beamed, "I loved what you've done with your hair! Is it new? I bet you could pull of any look, since you're so pretty!" Hayley smiled at Jake as she waited for Atropa to respond.

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This chick, Hayley, if that was her name, was getting on Atropa's nerves. First the giant bumps into her, and now this prep is calling her pretty and trying to help her?

Hell. No.

"Don't waste your breath, prep. I don't need your compliment."

She looked at Jake.

"He could use some compliments. If you can even find anything nice to say, that is."

Atropa got up and walked to the door, rubbing her stomach.

"Well, this meeting is over. I'm hungry. See ya!"

She opened the door,showing a rare smile to Haley and Jake.

She was actually very very beautiful when she smiled. It was like a whole different girl showing through.


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"Awh Atropa! You're so humble." Hopelessly optimistic as usual. Hayley looked at Jake as Atropa mentioned him, she put her hand on his shoulder and smiled. "What isn't there nice to say about this wonderful child of God?" Jake turned his head, his line of site meeting Hayley much larger than average breasts. "Oh the period isn't over y-" Hayley was interrupted by Atropa's smile. Hayley beamed back. It was nice to see Atropa happy, no matter how briefly.

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Atropa was very irritated.

Did this Haley girl not get that she was being a bitch?

She sighed and left the office, ignoring the teachers who were telling her to go back.

She went into the girls bathroom, opened the window, pulled out her pipe, and got high.

She loved looking at the sky when she was high, it was so beautiful. Things didn't feel so bad when she was high.


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Hayley sat down in the seat next to Jake. "How about I help you this period. As long as you don't find me too distracting." Hayley giggled to herself, "get it because your teacher said you were easily distracted!" She was completely clueless as usual. Hayley opened Jake's text book and read, "Allie has an income which is five eighths that of Basil. Allie's expenses are one-half those of Basil and Allie saved 40% of his income. What is the percentage of his income that Basil saves?" Hayley looked up at Jake, "any ideas? Well we have start up by drawing up an equation using variables. B can stand for Basil, and A can stand for Allie!" Hayley spoke as if she was talking about something exciting. "Now let's look at what we- oh! Nature calls!" Hayley sung as she stood-up. "I'll be right back!"

Hayley went to the girl's washroom and saw Atropa. "Hello again! Guess we're on the same cycle, eh?" Hayley laughed as Atropa looked unamused. "Woah Atropa, you're eyes are really red. Are you feeling okay? I heard there was a bug going around. Flu season!" Hayley approached Atropa, extending her arm in an attempt to take her temperature.

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Before Atropa could pull her arm away, Haley had lifted her sleeve up a bit, revealing the recent cuts that were there.

Atropa jumped down from the window and pushed Haley away, pulling her sleeve down.

"Fucking stupid bitch! Leave me alone!"

She stumbled a bit, and left the bathroom, slamming the door shut, and walking straight into a teacher.

"Miss Lemont. How nice to see you. Your eyes are red, are you okay?"

Atropa smiled, stuck her tongue out and flipped the teacher off.

"I'm great, thanks a whole bunch!"

She began to walk away, but she tripped over her own foot, and fell.


Atropa got up and ran out the front doors of the school, tears flooding down her face.


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Hayley was quite startled and put off guard my the whole situation.

Woah! I'll need to remember that Atropa is super sensitive over being asked if she is sick or not. I'll save that in my handy dandy brain box! And then there were those cuts on her wrist. She must have quite the energetic little kitten or puppy at home. I really hope she is taking care of those though, I'd hate to see them get infected. Maybe I should stop by her house and bring her some disinfectant after school today. That would brighten her day for sure. Whoops almost forgot to answer nature. Too much excitement!

Hayley finished in the washroom and headed back to the office. The period was almost over, but she still had time to finish at least a few questions with Jake. "Sorry for the wait, ran into a friend!"

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Atropa couldn't believe how high she was.

She'd never bee this high before, and it was great!

She stopped by her ex boyfriends house, just to look at it, like she usually did.

She missed Brenden. She loved him, he was everything to her.

But he'd just used her.

Suddenly, she was crying again, and she sat down under a giant oak tree in the front of Brenden's yard.

She looked up, and saw that the world was spinning.

It made her dizzy, and gave her butterflies in her stomach.

She laughed, and then passed out.


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Skyler was in class, daydreaming. He had completed his test and still had 20 minutes left of the period.

Should I check over them one last time? Maybe tenth times the charm.

Skyler checked over his test for the tenth time. He hadn't found any mistakes. I guess I could leave early. "Hey umm Ms?"

"Yes Skyler?"

"I've umm finished, can I like leave?"

Someone in the class groaned. "No need to show off Skyler"

"Are you sure you finished Skyler? This is a pretty important test" She said as she eyed a boy at the back of the room.

"Umm, yeah."

"Well, just bring it over here and you can take the rest of the period off."

"Thanks." Skyler went over to the teachers desk and handed in his paper. He left for home. He had a double free period for the last two periods so he decided he would leave for home. At least BSBFF might be on.

Skyler packed his bag and began walking home. He liked leaving early. There were no bullies about.

As he walked home he wondered what he would talk to his BSBFF about. He smiled. Talking to his Applejack was the high point of his day. Life seemed pointless without her. Skyler felt a pang of pain in his heart. He didn't want to think of what he would do without her.

As he walked home he saw Atropa lying down near a tree.

I hope she isn't going to talk to Brenden. Skyler never liked Brenden but he abhorred him after what he did to Atropa. He had changed her.

He arrived home but didn't go through the front door. His new step dad may have been around and he didn't want to get punched again. Instead Skyler went around the back of the house and climbed his tree into his room.

It was a neat room. It had a small bed ,which felt like a hard floor, and a desk with his computer on it. It wasn't particularly powerful but it was enough to run most high end PC games nowadays. He logged into skype but unfortunately his BSBFF wasn't online.

I might as well reply to any new posts on MLP Forums.

There were no new notifications.

What to do... what to do...


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Atropa woke up to someone calling her name.


She looked up, and there was Brenden. The sun was shining behind him, making him glow.

"What are you doing, girl?"

He helped her up and she shook her head.

"I- Just passed out I guess."

She blushed.

"Well, why were you in front of my house? Spying on me?"

Atropa shook her head.

"Well, wanna come in? Smoke some?"

Atropa thought about it for a minute, then nodded.

He let her in his house, and took her to his room.

"I just got some purple. It's good shit."

Brenden lit it up and took a puff, then passed it.

Atropa took a small puff.

"So, Atropa. You're looking fine."

Brenden eyed her breasts with a shine in his eyes.

"Thanks, you too.."

He put the pipe down and scooted closer to her.

"I miss you, sexy.." He said in his husky voice.

"I-I miss you too, Brenden.."

Atropa smiled weakly.

Brenden leaned down and kissed her, hard.

He pushed his tongue into her mouth, and layed her down on his bed.

Her face was flushed and she kissed him back, letting his hand slide up her shirt.

A few minutes later, he'd taken off everything up top, and was working on the bottom.

"S-So Brenden, c-could we get back together?" Atropa asked, breathing heavily.

"Mm, babe, I don't know.. I mean, we had so many problems..."

Brenden replied as he kissed her breast.

"We can do this and see what happens.." He said, taking a moment to look up at her.

"S-So, you mean, j-just a sex buddy?"

She said softly.

"I'm up for that baby. You know I love you."

Atropa nodded.


A few more minutes and Atropa piped up again.

"But can't we get back together?"

Brenden sat up and huffed.

"Babe, I'm not really looking for a relationship. I want you, and I love you, but I don't want to date you. Now shut the fuck up and let me do my thing."

He went back down for her chest, and she pushed him off.

"Get the hell off me, you asshole. You think you can just use me like this?"

Brenden laughed, and pushed her back down.

"I know I can."

Atropa wasn't strong compared to Brenden, and he held her down.

"Get off!"

She struggled against him, tears streaming from her eyes.

"You know you like it, baby.."

Atropa screamed, and bit his lip. Hard.

"Fuck!" Brenden sat up and clutched his lip, which was bleeding.

"You stupid bitch!"

He smacked her and she fell against the wall.

Before he could smack her again, she got up, gathered her clothes, and ran out of his room.

She didn't care that she was half naked. She needed to get out of there.

She ran out to the street, and noticed Brenden had stopped in his doorway.

"Don't come back unless you're ready to give me some ass, you stupid whore!"

Atropa sobbed and continued to run, only stopping when her sobs shook her whole body and she couldn't continue to run.

She sank to her knees in some wet grass, holding her clothes to her chest.

I love you, Brenden.. I've always loved you.. Can't you see that? Why do you have to treat me this way?

That's all I'm good for.. Sex.. Even mom's boyfriends think so...

Atropa pulled her bra on and took a knife out of her pocket.

She pulled the blade out and began to slice her arms, stomach, and chest.

Anything she could find to slice.

When she was too tired to continue, she was covered in blood, and so she went to the river at the edge of the park she was in, and jumped in the cold water.

She sank down, and opened her eyes, seeing blue all around her.

It was dark, cold, and quiet.


Maybe she'd drown here, and life would be over.

Atropa took a deep breath, which filled her with water, and she began to happily fade away.

  • Brohoof 1


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Skyler decided that he might as well get out of the house. He didn't want to be around when his step dad came around. He left through the window as usual. He had a safe spot when he was six years old. He would go out with Atropa and lie down on the warm grass and just talk. After Brenden... well that stopped. He made his way out down to the ground. As he walked past Brenden's house to the lake he wondered where Atropa had gone. She wasn't lying near the tree, where he had last saw her.

I really hope she didn't go into Brenden's house. He is only going to abuse her like he always does.

It didn't really matter much to him though. He had grown distant from Atropa enough that he barely even looked at her.

A few minutes later he arrived at the lake, where he noticed that someone had dumped a pile of rubbish near the edge of the lake.

You'd think that people would care about the only nice thing in our neighborhood but I guess not.

But as he slowly approached the pile of garbage he noticed that the pile of garbage wasn't trash at all. He quickened his pace, fearing the worst. He began running.

Indeed his worst fears had come true. What he saw was not trash but his sister. He quickly rushed to her side, noticing the bloody water around her. She cut herself as well. Bloody Brenden. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed 9-1-1. He screamed for them to come along. He pulled Atropa out of the water but noticed that she had many major cuts near on her chest, arms and chest. He quickly removed his t-shirt and ripped it apart and tied the strips of the shirt around the cuts spewing around the cuts the most. He applied pressure the to more severe cuts that he couldn't wrap his t-shirt around and tried to stop the bleeding. He didn't know if this helped or not but he had to do something till the ambulance arrived.

I should have picked you up. Brought you home or at least somewhere else. How did I not see this coming? For the smartest boy in my grade I'm pretty fucking stupid.

Skyler was an atheist. He knew what he was going to do was useless but he needed comfort.

Please just save my sister.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Atropa woke up in the hospital. Her head was throbbing, and so was her whole body. She closed her eyes against the bright light, and took a breath. Last she remembered, she was fading away under the cold water. After that, it was black. She heard someone crying, she opened her eyes to see her mom sitting in a chair, sobbing to a doctor. Atropa grit her teeth.

Stupid bitch. She doesn't give a fuck..

When the doctor left, her mom quit crying, pulled out a mirror and re-did her makeup.

Atropa sat up as best as she could, and glared at her mom.

"Looking for a new boyfriend, mother?"

Her mom jumped, then smiled.

"Well I gotta look nice if I'm gonna be at the hospital for my fucked up piece of shit daughter, don't I?"

Atropa coughed.

"Sure, whatever makes you happy.."

She sighed.

"Well, look, they said as soon as you wake up, you can leave. I don't care where you go, but don't get landed back in the fucking hospital. I got better things to do besides drive here for you. And don't' tell Greg that you were here. He don't want anything to do with you."

That's not what he said last night...

Greg was her moms newest boyfriend, and just like all the boyfriends before, he preferred Atropa, but only at night, when he was done with her mother.

An hour later, Atropa was out front of the hospital, watching her mom drive away.

It was dark and cold.

Atropa didn't know where she was gonna go for now, but she walked in the direction of her house.

When she was almost there, she remembered that she had a few pills she could pop.

Excited now, she climbed the tree to her 3rd floor bedroom, and reached under her bed, but found her tin gone.

Shit... Who found it this time?

Atropa sighed.

There really wasn't anything to do now, except sleep.

But she needed a shower first.

She could hear Skyler in his room, but she didn't feel like talking to him.

Who had found her anyway?

Atropa gathered her things and went to the bathroom to take her shower.


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I feel like such a dick for leaving Atropa at the hospital with mum. I can't believe I did that. And just to see if Gummi was online. The worst thing was that she wasn't.

Skyler sighed. He had gone to the the hospital with Atropa but didn't stay, he just wanted to speak with Gummi. It was selfish but he needed her now more than ever.

Look at yourself. You're sister cuts herself and you think that you're the one who's hurt. Selfish much?

"Maybe I should go talk to her" Skyler said, voicing his thoughts out loud. "I might as well tell her what happened"

Skyler made his way into Atropa's room but saw that she wasn't there. He knocked on the door. That was a recent thing too. Knocking on her door. It used to be open but now it was closed forever. He heard no reply. He's heart skipped a beat.

Maybe she's... no. She must be doing something else. Skyler opened the door and entered Atropa's room. It was a dark place. Not the lighting, the atmosphere. It was cold and unwelcoming. It was different before Brenden. It was warm and safe.

Skyler saw that no one was inside.

He sat on Atropa's bed. He'd have to talk to her. He hadn't talked to her in a long time and this disconnection was worrying. He wanted to get to know Atropa again. He wanted things to be like the days before he met Brenden.

Skyler sighed, dreaming of the days near the lake where they just talked for hours about nothing in particular. Skyler sat on Atropa's bed till she came back, wishing for the good old days.

Edited by Scopes


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Jake had walked home from school, he couldn't help but feel he could've gotten off on a better note with Atropa. He pulled out his phone and called his mother "Hey mom... yeah I'm fine... they got me a tutor to help... I know... I'm gonna be a little late, gonna take a walk around the neighborhood... I will... love you too... Bye". He put away the phone and put his hands in his pockets as he walked. His neighborhood was the same one that Hayley lived on, but he didn't expect her to be out at this time. He continued to walk in silence, but he couldn't get Atropa out of his head.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Atropa sat on the floor of the shower, picking at the cuts, making them bleed more.

She felt lightheaded, she'd lost a lot of blood.

She just wanted it all to end.


The water got cold, so she stood up, wrapped a towel around her, and went back to her room.

She didn't notice Skyler on her bed until she turned the light on.

She screamed.

"What the fuck Sky?! You scared the shit out of me, you freak!"

She laughed, something she didn't usually do.

"God, man... What are you doing?"

She gave him a sad smile, and a soft look.


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"Just trying to make you laugh." Skyler laughed as well. He loved it when Atropa laughs. He hadn't heard her laugh in months. The slight increase in pitch in her voice sounded, the little skips in her laugh. It was lovely.

"I just wanted to talk to you about what umm happened to you today." Skyler was a bit nervous. He didn't know how Atropa would react. He used to know her like the back of his hand but now, it was like she was a completely different person.

"I mean I completely understand if you want to not talk about it, it's personal and I get it. Just that I haven't talked to you in ages and I feel like we are losing each other. You were my best friend before..." Skyler wasn't about to say Brenden. That name was one he would never say out loud to Atropa, in case she felt nostalgic about her relationship. He quickly responded before she could say anything. "I just want us to be best friends like before. I loved being your friend." Skyler smiled. It was sincere. He had no friends since Atropa left him. He needed someone and Atropa was the only one who understood him.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Atropa looked uncomfortable.


She made a motion for him to turn around, and when he did, she quickly got dressed, then sat on the bed next to him.

"I love you. You're my little brother. But stay out of my business. And we.. Nothing is the same. We can't go back to how we were."

She sighed, and then her face hardened again.

"Did- um.. Was Brenden at the park? Or around anywhere?"

She blushed and looked down at her hands.


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Before he knew it, Jake was passing the house of Atropa. He couldn't help but feel they both had gotten off on the wrong foot that day. He may not have known her very well, but he would want to. Be went up to the door and knocked on it, waiting for someone to answer it.


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The moment was interrupted when there was a knock at the door.

Atropa jumped up to answer it.

She was surprised to find Jake Akin standing there in all his gigantic glory.


She put a hand on her hip, and looked up at him, waiting for an answer.


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