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The Deepest Ocean <Mature>


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Atropa felt like she was floating, everything was so sunny and nice in this beautiful dream.

She knew she could do anything, and nothing would happen.

Atropa heard someone call her name, and she turned to see Jake.

She smiled widely and waved.

Sasha was there too, so she waved to her as well.

"Hi everyone! You all look so great."

She laughed, and ran up to Jake, hugging him happily.

She paused to look into his eyes, and then she ran off towards the swings.

She was gonna jump off them and fly.

When she got there, she began to swing with all her might, she wanted to get high as possible.

"Hey everyone, I'm gonna fly!"

She sang out, smiling and laughing.

Dreams were so wonderful.

"Atropa, be careful.. You're really high up.." Skyler said, worried.

"Don't be silly, Sky! This is a dream! Nothing can hurt me!"

Skyler laughed.

"Um, Atropa, this is NOT a dream..."

Atropa's smile faded.


"It's not a dream.. Are you high or something?"

Atropa stopped swinging.

She looked around, and then dug her fingers into her arm, surprised by the pain.

"N-Not a dream?"

She whispered, looking at the people around her.

"No, Atropa....Not a dream.' Skyler said, walking towards her.

Atropa screamed.

"Get the fuck away!"

She jumped off the swing, stumbling in the process, and fell on her knees, scraping them.


There was blood pouring down her legs, and she was screaming. She was going crazy.

She thought it had all been a dream.

This morning, last night.

She didn't have her piercings on, or any makeup.

She stood up to Greg, she went to the hospital, she kissed Jake.

She didn't go to Brenden's house.

She was dead. Beyond dead.

Her heart beat wildly, and she ran back to her house.

Quickly she put her piercings back in, and put her eyeliner on, then ran back outside to Brenden's house.


She gasped, when he opened the door.

"I'm so-sorry. I t-thought I was d-dreaming.."

Brenden laughed.

"it's okay babygurl. Get your fine ass in here, and make it up to me."

He winked.

Atropa nodded, and went inside.

How could she have thought she was dreaming?


"Babe. Here."

Brenden handed Atropa the pipe, and she took a long puff.

"You're one crazy bitch, you know that?"

He laughed.

"And just as great as ever in bed."

Atropa didn't answer, just pulled the sheets over her naked body.

"I'm glad you realized you weren't dreaming. And came to your fucking senses. You know you belong with me, gurl."

Brenden put the pipe down and started to get on top of Atropa.

"A-Again?" She asked, looking at Brenden.

"Yeah. You gotta make it up to me, don't you?"

He smiled and kissed her neck.

She let him do as he pleased,

scared of what would happen now that she wasn't dreaming.

  • Brohoof 1


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Jake smiled as he saw how happy she looked, but that all changed. She went haywire, he didn't know what had gotten into her, she ran off. He had gotten worried, and followed, getting there in time to see her walk into Brendens house. Tears came to his eyes, threatening to pour over, his hands clenched as fury filled him. <how... how could I have been so stupid?! I... I CARED about her!! And then she goes back to him?!?!> he stormed up to the door, and banged on it with all his might. "BRENDEN!!! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW YOU FUCKER!!"


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*Sasha was startled by the sudden change in Atropa's behavior. One second she was happy, joyous even, and the next, she ran off screaming.*

"Dammit. What happened to you?"

*She mumbled. Then she realized. Reality. Reality is what had happened to her. Sasha looked at herself. Her tattoos, her piercings, and realized something else. Reality had hit Sasha too. But not when she had started acting rebelious, not when she got her first tattoo, but when her mother died the day before.*

"Why does this have to happen to us? Why must the world be so harsh and cruel?"

*She said aloud. She thought back to when life was simpler. She and Atropa had been good friends once. Back in elementary school. Everything had been so simple back then. And Sasha now truly understood the truth in the term, 'Ignorance is Bliss'. Sasha looked over at Hayley, standing under the tree, and wondered.*

<Do I really have a crush on her? Or am I just lieing to myself to maintain my own ignorance?>

*Sasha sat back down on the park bench and put her head in her hands.*

<If there is a god, then it is a cruel bastard. Allowing horrors like this to go on. If there is a god, why would it torment its own creations in such a way? Is this a punishment for some unspeakable crime? Or is all of existance just some game to it? With people being the toys that get broken and thrown away, so easily replaceable.>

*Sasha began to cry, hope in humanity nearly extinguished. Hope in things ever getting better almost drowned in the sea of reality, drowned, in the deepest ocean.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Brenden answered the door, wearing only his boxers.

"What do you want, giant? She chose me. Leave us alone, you crazy stalker."

Atropa was sleeping, oblivious to all of this.

Brenden smiled at Jake, and began to shut the door.


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Brenden staggered back, clutching his nose, blood flowing everywhere.

"You stupid dick! Don't you get it? She doesn't want you!"

He flew at Jake, knocking him down, punching him in the jaw.


Atropa heard the scuffle and woke up, quickly put on a bra and panties, and walked outside.

When she saw what was going on, she screamed.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

She tried to pull them both apart, but it was no use.

Atropa went into the kitchen and got a knife, then ran back out to the fight.

"If you two don't stop fighting, I'll cut my throat!"

She screamed, holding the knife to her throat and pushing it in.

Brenden looked over at her and laughed.

"You won't kill yourself, you stupid bitch!"

He tried to get up, but stumbled and fell back down on his ass.

Atropa dug the knife deeper into her throat, making a small line of blood run down her neck.

"I will.." She whispered, tears gathering in her eyes.

"I don't need this. I don't need anything."

She pressed harder, smiling now.

The cuts all over her body seemed to glow with heat and blood, as if she was cutting herself all over again.

She started laughing crazily, and tears flowed from her eyes.



(OC; I'm leaving for a bit. please don't like,kick me outta this xD don't post a zillion thangss)


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Jake got up slowly, looking at her with tear filled eyes. "Atropa... don't... don't do this... please" he said gently, the pain in his voice could be easily heard. As much as he wanted to beat Brenden into the ground, he didn't want to see Atropa hurt herself, he tried to take a slow step to her, extending his hand. His pleading eyes filled with tears.


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Hayley heard someone crying nearby and got up. The sound of anyone crying really tore her up inside. It was Sasha. "Sasha." Hayley said gently and wrapped her arms around her in a loving embrace. Hayley slowly rubbed her back to comfort, without saying a word. Sometimes there were things not even words could say.

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Hayley heard someone crying nearby and got up. The sound of anyone crying really tore her up inside. It was Sasha. "Sasha." Hayley said gently and wrapped her arms around her in a loving embrace. Hayley slowly rubbed her back to comfort, without saying a word. Sometimes there were things not even words could say.


*Sasha felt the embrace and saw Hayley hugging her.*

"Hayley. I dont see any logic in this world anymore. Everything is just a random chaotic mess."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"I'm sorry to hear you want to live in such a depressing world." Sasha looked at Hayley blankly, "perception is reality. You create the world around by your attitude towards it. If you think that, than so it shall be."

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"I'm sorry to hear you want to live in such a depressing world." Sasha looked at Hayley blankly, "perception is reality. You create the world around by your attitude towards it. If you think that, than so it shall be."



*Sasha stayed silent. She couldnt think of anything to say.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Atropa smiled at Jake.

"You don't even really care. I bet I'm just a charity case to you. Helping me to make yourself and your girlfriend, Hayley, feel better."

Atropa looked over at Brenden.

"He's the only one who's ever loved me. He might be mean to me, but it's no less than what I deserve. I don't deserve to live, I don't deserve to have anyone love me."

She threw the knife to the floor and sank to her knees.

"I just want to die! Can't you understand that?"

She sobbed and clawed at the floor, ripping her nails to shreds.

"Please... Just let me die.."

She whispered, looking up at Jake.


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Jake knelt down so he was eye level with her, "Atropa... Hayley isn't my girlfriend... it's you I want to be with... you aren't a charity, nor are you a tool to be used by Brenden... I do care about you... a lot... You don't deserve Brenden... you deserve better than that..." a single tear left his eye as he continued, "In the hospital, you asked me to help you... and that is exactly what I intend to do... you don't deserve the abuse Atropa... I can't stand to see you like this... you've become a part of my life... and damn me to hell if I let you slip away..."


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Atropa looked up at Jake, holding her hands down on the ground.

"I don't need help...Just.. leave..."

She sobbed louder.

"I- don't need anyone. Everyone just leaves me..."

she crawled away and over to Brenden, and held his head in her lap.

"Except him.."

she looked up at Jake, sorrow and guilt in her eyes.


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"Atropa..." tears were now pouring freely from Jakes eyes. He slowly shook his head, "Don't do this... he doesn't love you... to love someone doesn't mean to hurt and to use the other... please Atropa... I want to be with you... I won't ever leave you... please..." he slumped down, beginning to lose hope, his heart felt like it was being torn into shreds.


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Atropa sobbed harder and stood up, running from the room.

She couldn't deal with this right now.

She didn't want to.

Atropa got dressed quickly and ran from the house, going to her secret spot.

The only place she could think of, and a place only she knew about.

She curled up into a ball and cried, picking at her cuts.

she hated this.

hated everything.


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Jake didn't follow, he watched as she ran away, tears rolling down his face. He got up slowly, and walked out of the house. He was heartbroken, sad, confused, and angry all at once. He found himself at the park without realizing it. He walked to the empty swing set and sat down, burying his face in his hands. <Atropa...>

Edited by Strong Hooves


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(I'm going to work my way from the whole Atropa in park to Brenden. So Pretty much the only relevant thing is at the bottom)

Skyler felt his jaw go limp as see

She thought...that this was a dream? She only did those things because she thought this was a dream? Huh, I'm so stupid. How could I not see this. You don't just become happy like that.

He just stood still as he saw his sister bleed.

Was this what she wanted? Are these her dreams? Is having a normal life her dream?

He stood still as he saw Atropa run away.

And why is that her dream. That should be reality. Not this fucking mess.

He stood still as Jake ran behind Atropa.

She is living a fucking nightmare and all she wants to do is wake up.

Skyler began walking home. His mind closed to the world, his eyes blank.

As he arrived at the front door, he noticed that Greg was home.

That fucking bastard. I could fucking kill him.

"So where's that fucking sister of yours, you piece of shit."

"Greg, don't do this. Not today."

"What was that?"

What the fuck did I just say? Oh my fucking God. Skyler's words just dawned upon him.

"What was that you fucking parasite? Did you just talk back to me?"


Greg grabbed Skyler. Skyler tried to wrestle out of Greg's grip. He tried to run away but it was for nill. Greg punched Skyler in the gut and then the face. He smashed Skyler's face into the kitchen bench. He took Skyler's arm and twisted it behind his back.

"So, where the fuck is your sister and where is my car?"

Skyler was blinded by pain, he couldn't move a muscle and to coordinate a response is nigh on the impossible.

"One last chance before I break this fucking arm. Where the fuck is my car?"

Skyler felt like he was drowning. He gasped for air. He blacked out.

"This'll hurt, you fucking idiot." And with that he broke Skyler's arm.


(OOC: I got no idea how to break a person's arm so use your imagination lol. I just realized there was a 9th page. Sorry if I wrote something that is wrong lol. Just tell me in the OOC and I'll edit it or delete it)

Edited by Scopes


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Atropa woke some hours later in complete darkness.

She stood up and left her secret place.


It was time to go home.

If you could even call it home.

She walked slowly, hoping maybe her house had burnt down.

No such luck though.

She walked in the front door and was immediately pinned down against the wall.

Greg smiled at her, breathing alcohol fumes in her face, making her gag.

"So, where were you, little bitch?"

He laughed.

"I broke your precious brothers arm."

Atropa stared at Greg with disbelief.

"You what?"

Greg laughed.

"Broke his little arm."

Atropa stared at nothing.

Anger surged through her, making her see and hear nothing.

He could touch her all he wanted, but hurting Skyler?

No. Fucking. Way.

She punched blindly, not seeing Greg, but knowing she made contact.

To hell with the consequences.

He deserved it.

"Don't you ever touch Skyler again, you fucking pig."

She said through gritted teeth.

Greg had let her go when he'd gotten punched, but now he grabbed her by her hair and slammed her against the wall.

"How dare you punch me, bitch? And for what you said earlier too, you're gonna get it good."

He went to grab her breast, but Atropa twisted and got loose.

She ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, and when Greg came in, he ran straight into it.

Atropa felt his hot blood run down her hands, and she stared in shock.

Greg choked, gasped, and backed up.

The knife came out of Atropa's hand, and she watched as Greg spit blood out, and fell down onto the floor, gasping and clawing at the walls.


He mumbled, and then his eyes rolled up.

Atropa was in shock.

His blood was on her hands, she'd just stabbed him.

She pushed the hair out of her face, and then realized that now his blood was on her face.

She screamed and looked around wildly.

The blood.

Blood everywhere.

Atropa ran to her room and hid under her bed, sobbing and laughing at the same time.

She didn't even hear her mother scream when she found Greg's body.


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A few hours after the...incident.


Goddamn my head hurts. Where am I? What time is it?

Skyler opened his eyes. There was no one around except for his mother.

"Sarah, what happened?"

"Nothing sweetie." She smiled and leaned in for a hug. Then she started whispering into his ear.

"Now listen you idiot, you sister just killed Greg..."

She did what!

"Where is she?" Skyler asked, worried for her safety.

"She's being detained but I that's not why I'm here. She is going to jail but I need you to testify against her."

"What the fu-"

Sarah cupped Skyler's mouth. His words muffled.

"Listen. You see this," she gestured to his arm. "Your face. She did that. You're arm. She did that as well."

"She didn't-"

"I know, but if anyone asks you that's your story."

"Why the fuck would I say that?"

Sarah smiled.

"Because I know something you don't."

Skyler's face drained of blood.

How does she... no. She's bluffing. She can't know.

"Huh. Like what?" Sky said with a unconvincing smile.

A nurse walked in with some food. She noticed that Skyler was stressed.

"Umm, excuse me but you have to let the boy relax. I know you want to comfort him but he needs his rest."

"Of course. I'll just say good bye to him."

She leaned in once again.

"Oh I think you know." Sarah said as she stood up.

"What I want to know is how long you'll take to crack."

She began to walk out of the room.

"You're bluffing," Skyler said. Sarah didn't look back.

"You're bluffing," Sky said a bit louder.

Sarah left the room.

She's bluffing. She has to be.

"Are you ok? Do you need something?"

"I'm-I'm fine."

The nurse left the room, leaving Skyler nothing but food and his thoughts.

She's not bluffing.


(OOC: Had to change my post a bit after reading Lola's. I like the new one though. Sounds more natural.)

Edited by Scopes


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Atropa was still under the bed, but she'd gone silent.

She didn't know where Skyler was, or her mom.

She didn't care.

The blood had dried on her hands, but she no longer cared.

Her mind was frozen, she couldn't think or move.

It felt like the world had stopped.

"Atropa! You little bitch, where the fuck are you?"

Her mom called, running up the stairs.

Atropa shrunk under her bed.

"I know you're here. You're in deep shit."

Now her mom was in her room.

Suddenly her bed was lifted off the floor and Atropa cringed.

"You're going to jail. You killed Greg, you stupid bitch." Her mom pulled her up by her hair and smacked her, hard.

Atropa didn't fight, she knew she was going to jail.

She didn't care much.

Her mom dragged her down the stairs behind her, and called the cops.

Well, there goes my life.. If you could even call it a life..

Atropa thought, and put her head in her hands.


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Jake was walking home when he saw the cop cars in Atropas yard. His eyes widened and he sprinted off toward her house. There he saw a policeman taking her out, he stopped him and asked "What's going on?!". The officer tried to push Jake out of the way but he pushed back, "I said what the HELLS going on!". The cop looked irritated but told Jake, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped. "No... officer no, you... you don't understand, she's been abused for as long as I can remember! No it wasnt her fault! No!" he began trying to pry Atropa from the cop, but others started coming. He looked at Atropa, "I'm going with you" he said, clenching a fist and punching the cop as hard as he could. Jake was pinned to the ground now, then roughly lifted up by the cops and shoved into the car that Atropa was put in.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Hayley let go of Sasha and helped her up, "it's late. We should be getting home for dinner. Why don't you stay with me tonight?" Hayley said smiling.

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Atropa was silent, she knew it wouldn't help anything if she fought back.

Jake had appeared out of nowhere and began yelling at the police officers.

Atropa kept her head down, ashamed of what she did to him.

Jake punched one of the officers, saying he was going if she was going.

Atropa looked up, shocked.

She and Jake were both put into the police car together, and she stared at him.

"Why- after what I did, why would you do that?"

She bit her lip and tried to scoot closer to him.


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Jake looked at Atropa and gave a small smile, "Because I wasn't about to give up" he said gently, "I care about you Atropa, and I wasn't even about to think of turning away from you, like I said, you're a part of my life now, and I'm not about to let you go." he looked into her eyes, his smile got wider as he did.


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