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private Gordan Ramsey Meets A Tsundere (1x1 with Summerbreeze)

Love Doctor Blaze

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne jumped up from the couch, made sure her wide fabric wristbands were right in place and grabbed a little backpack she packed for herself. she swung it on her back and stepped outside and jumped into the car. "let's go learn some pub owner a lesson." She said exited.

Jack jumped in as well. He made sure that his chef clothes was properly on, and quickly adjusted his hair. "Right. These fuckers are not going to live for long if the food is shit" Jack was actually looking forward to working with her. More out of curiosity then anything, but still.

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne rolled her eyes when she saw Jack worrying about his appearance. "calm down diva-Jack,  you look fine." She said to him. Then she stared out of the window, for the first time in a long time she could leave the school terrain. Not that she felt trapt there, not at all, but she really wanted to see what the USA looked like outside the school.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne rolled her eyes when she saw Jack worrying about his appearance. "calm down diva-Jack, you look fine." She said to him. Then she stared out of the window, for the first time in a long time she could leave the school terrain. Not that she felt trapt there, not at all, but she really wanted to see what the USA looked like outside the school.

Jack let a grin cross his features "But man. This is going to be hella nostalgic..." Said Jack as he leaned back. He haven't been out much after coming to USA. Only for whiskey and stuff like that, since the school didn't give any alcohol.


"So, have you been to an english pub before?" Asked Jack.

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


now Joanne couldn't stand it anymore "you keep saying that this will be so nostalgic but why? did your parents own a pub or something?" she asked. then joanne shook her head "nope, I heard about them but I have never really been to one." Joanne admitted. "But I have been to plenty of other pubs and caffees, so I know what to expect of course."  she added because she didn't want to give Jack a reason to boss her around when they were there.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


Jack looked down on his badge that was on his clothes "Yes. My family owned a pub in Ireland. So i have been cooking in one ever since i was 8, and stopped a year ago since i had to go to this school" Said Jack with a sigh. "But you should be excited. If they got the atmosphere done correctly, then you will see what i mean when i say that english and irish pubs are the gretest" 

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@@Summer Breeze,


Jack looked down on his badge that was on his clothes "Yes. My family owned a pub in Ireland. So i have been cooking in one ever since i was 8, and stopped a year ago since i had to go to this school" Said Jack with a sigh. "But you should be excited. If they got the atmosphere done correctly, then you will see what i mean when i say that english and irish pubs are the gretest"


Joanne nodded, just as she thought. "You really started cooking early." She said impressed. "And I am exited, I love seeing things from different countries. And I hope it's good, you get only one first impression ever and it has to be a good one. But I doupt that it's the greatest, nothing will ever beat a traditional italian restaurand." she said proudly, she was a typical proud italian sometimes.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


Jack hid a smile. While she might act like a complete bitch, she actually cares about cooking and is glad to learn new things. He laughed at her second remark "Of course. Of course..." He repeated. Suddenly, the car stopped. "We have arrived Chefs. Do your magic" Said the driver. Jack nodded "Cheers. See you" He walked out the car, and immediatly cringed when he saw the pub. This wasn't a pub. This was a fancy ass restaurant. "Fuck me..." Muttered Jack, as he immediately became mad

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne looked confused around. were they at the wrong place? was the pub further down the street? this didn't look like a pub at all, or maybe that's how english pubs were supposed to look. She looked at jack and was about to ask it this was how it was supposed to be but from the look on his face she could see that that wasn't the case. "Well, let's see how it's inside then." she said as she pushed open the door.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


Jack nodded "Right." He walked inside with her, and put on his best mask to conceal his cringe. When they went in, he came face to face with the owners. A skinny, bald guy and his brother who was more... Big and he wasn't bald. Jack shook hands with them "Hello gentlemen. So, uh, we have been sent here because you are in quite the... Pickle yeah?" They both nodded. He looked over at Joanne "Please check their cooking" He whispered in her ear, as he made a beeline straight for the fridge. 

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne wasn't the type for official greetings, she simply stuck up her hand "ciao". Then she rolled her eyes, of course he would order her around again but this wasn't the time to get into an argument again, they had to work right now, and she didn't have a door to slam with. She walked to the kitchen folowed by the the two men she called mr bold and mr bulky in her head. She gestured to the kitchen "go ahead, just act like I'm not here." she said to the men and she leaned lazy against the wall while she looked at the men.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


Meanwhile Jack was looking for the fridge. Eventually, he found it in the back of the house, which was a weird spot. Already this worried Jack. He opened the storage room, and immediately felt his hope crumble. Fermented chicken, frozen food from the past days and lastly. A fucking frozen piece of bread. "HOLY FUCK" Exclaimed Jack, as he took the fermented shit out. He walked into the kitchen and dumped it in front of the chefs "EXPLAIN YOURSELVES!"  

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


joanne was standing in the kitchen, chrinching because the two men were so terribly slow and every move they made showed their lack of cooking skill. Then Jack walked into the kitchen and Joanne stared in horror at what he just threw on the table. "Santo merda!" she whispered in disbeleve, no fucking way that That was what they were cooking.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


A look of fright was splayed out across the two owners faces. However, the rest of the staff stood with smug looks as they observed the scene. He picked up the bag of fermented chickens "HAVE YOU BEEN SERVING THIS SHIT?!" The duo immediately shook their heads "No chef" He stuck his hand down, and pulled out the slimy green chicken "Why the FUCK are you lying to me?! I fucking can't accept this." He threw the slimy chicken straight at the bulky guy's face. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STANDING THERE?! GO STOP THE SERVICE FOR THE FUCKING NIGHT!" Shouted Jack, as the two morons slightly recoiled in shock. Once they went out the kitchen, Jack sat down and looked at the out dated shit.


He then looked up at Joanne "We are going to need, a fucking serious battle plan in order for this to work. I am willing to put aside my pride if need be, but if we don't solve this shit. I'll get a tumor on my bollocks" 

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne had almost laughed out loud when Jack threw the slimey chicken in the bulky's face. she almost felt jelousy that she wasn't the one to throw it but since he dicovered it so he had the honour to do so. 


Then she nodded, Jack was right, some serious shit needed to happen here. She rubbed the back of her neck when she thought "We first need to make sure everyone who is eating here or is comming to eat here is warned and gets the fuck outta here. we also need new supplies pronto and those guys need to fucking learn how to cook." she said as she looked at the way the two men went. "I can go make sure the people will get the fuck out of here" she threw an evil look at the chicken "And then you can go take care of the new ingredients. when that's done we can clean up this fucking mess that they call kitchen together and then we'll see what's next. agreed?" she said and stuck out her hand.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,@@Summer Breeze,


Jack gave her a firm handshake "Right, go get those poor bastards out of here before they get fed pure poison" He whipped out his phone and found the nearest market. Then, he copy pasted all the ingredients he used for his food into the order and ordered himself a shit ton of ingredients. Then, he took the shit food and threw it straight out the kitchen doors. The kitchen was now devoid of ingredients. 

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne nodded "let's do it." she said, then she grabbed the chicken and went to the main restaurand. Thank goodness it was still early and there were not many people. She climbed on the counter and coughed loudly, everyone looked at her. "ladies and gentlemen, stop eating right now! no, not one bite anymore!" she said and the people started mumbling confused "I wan you all to get up and go have breakfast somewhere else because this is what you're eating." she grabbed a hand of the slimey green chicken and showed them to all the people. "the idiots who call themselves owners use this as their chicken. if you have eaten chicken please go see a docter if you feel unwell. Now I want you all to go to this countere here and get your money back. scream at those two dickheads as much as you want because they deserve it. thanks you." she said as she jumped down from the counter


She stood in a corner and looked with a sadistic smile how the people were all gathered around the counter and screaming at mr bald and mr bulky. some were even throwing food at them. she stuck her head into the kitchen "you gotta see this." she said to jack.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


Jack looked over at Joanne when she said there was something he had to see. Whatever it was, it was pretty noisy outside. He stuck his head out, and couldn't help but feel pure satisfaction for the scene "Now all we need is a fucking cocktail eh?" Said Jack with a chuckle, then he got serious again "Anyways, i have ordered a shit ton of stuff. It will be arriving in 20 minutes tops. First we need to clean up this huge pile of donkey droppings known as the kitchen, oh and by we i mean them of course" 

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne chuckled too "indeed, you know, someone had to record this, would be hilarious." she said, then she got serious again too "sounds good, you can keep an eye on those two to make sure it stays in controll then I'll go and get the staff to work. send them to me as soon as they can." she said then she turned around and went to the kitchen. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


Jack nodded. Once the sea of batshit mad customers dispersed, Jack walked over to the owner "You two, over here please" Said Jack and pointed at the kitchen "I want you to start cleaning this shit up" Said Jack calmly. Seeing that he had calmed down, one of the owners tried to act up, or "Mr. Bulky" "Why is that our job? Aren't YOU supposed to help?" He said. Jack was flabbergasted for a second. Only for a second though. "YOU FUCKING DONUT! I'M HERE TO GET YOUR RABBIT SIZED BOLLOCKS BACK INTO FUCKING REALITY. I'M NOT HERE TO TELL A RETARD THAT A KITCHEN NEEDS TO BE CLEAN" Barked Jack, and the owners instantly lost their bravado

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne had gotten the staff to start with cleaning the kitchen, she had been nicer to them as to the owners since it wasn't their fault that the restaurand was like this. She had told the staff not to do too much since the owners had to do the most things. She could hear Jack screaming at them and she ordered the staff to stop working and sit down. "idiots, your lovely staff has already started with cleaning for you, be thankfull, and now fucking start cleaning!" She said to them and stared at them with a  deadly look that told them that if they wouldn't start cleaning inmediately they would get in majour troubles.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


Jack rubbed his temples. His mind could not grasp the reality which is this kitchen. This is NOT how a kitchen should look like, he felt sick, disgusted. He then heard the ingredients come in, and walked over to the staff. Which consisted of women, and a male bartender. "Alright ladies. Please come help me load the pub with EDIBLE stuff" Said Jack as he opened the door

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne kept an eye on the owners cleaning the kitchen. she rubbed the back of her neck out of frustration. "Come on guys, can't you two go fucking faster?" She asked and almost felt the need to start helping them because they were so slow. But she decided to help them another way, when one of the guys sat on his knees on the ground, trying to clean under a cabinet Joanne kicked his but "Does that make it clearer?" She asked with a sweet but deadly voice. now they finaly understood it and they suddenly got a whole lot faster while they kept looking over their shoulders to make sure joanne wasn't suddenly behind them. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


Jack was happy to see that the waitresses where enthusiastic to help get the new food inside. He placed everything on the now clean kitchen table "Joanne, a minute please" Jack called out, as he started getting all the food out of the giant bags they where delivered in  

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@@Love Doctor Blaze,


Joanne walked over to Jack to help him unpack the new ingredients. seeing all the fresh food made her so happy, this was a billion times better as that slimey chicken. "Let's hope this won't end up the same as that poor chicken." Joanne said and then she chuckled as she thought of how luna would've reacted if she would see that chicken, the owners wouldn't be alive anymore, that was sure. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze,


"Thanks" Said Jack when she helped him out "Yes, i swear if they somehow fuck this up. I'll make a bloody risotto out of their bollocks and spoon feed it to them." He clapped his hands together "Right, everyone gather around. Today, this lady and me will create a viable menu. Not a fucking fancy pants meal, this is a PUB. A P-U-B. PUBS don't sell complicated food like you do, and while on the topic of that. Please pull all this fancy decor down before i hire a demolition expert to do it for you." He looked over at Joanne "So. Since you have studied a good amount of english cuisine, do you have any cool ideas that we could mix?" 

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