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private Operation: Broken Caudecus [RP]

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Captain's Log/Operator's Journal

Miles Durance

November 31st, 1015 C.D.

S.S. Dark Waters


I find it ironic that this boat, of all boats, is our transport to the island of Caudecus, as it has been aptly named by the laboratories that found it. It's maiden voyage was as a shipping transport to the island in the initial setup. Even then the level of technology in the medical equipment was state of the art, and they haven't lost any quality in the ship's subsequent trips.


This is this ship's last voyage. Age wears upon her bow and stern, and it's a miracle this thing still meets the quality standards of the Foundation's other ships. Maybe its nostalgia? Either way, it serves our purpose.


My friend had to use all of his contacts to put this operation together. He lost a child who had been taken by Fandua, and he took all the rumors full stride in some hope that she was not lost to him. I personally think he's insane, but that won't detract from my part of the mission. In fact, while the others might have the hardest parts physically, I'll definitely have a more mental one- mainly, keeping the government off of our backs. Fandua's been real close to them since their Foundation- yet obviously not close enough to allow them to hire government officials. There's a full detachment of mercenaries- the Red Eye, too. Nasty group.


Still, I have faith in our team. Some of the best people in Equestria. If there's anything there, they'll find it. Hopefully its not as horrible as those documents seem to indicate.


The briefing is at 1500 hours- three hours before we are scheduled to arrive. That leaves me about thirty minutes to make sure everything is completely in order- the armory, the situation room, and, more importantly, the agents themselves. But it's midafternoon by now- they wouldn't be sleeping, would they?



There was a loud beep, signalling the ship's intercom turning on, before a distorted voice played over the intercom. "Good afternoon. The time is now 1430 hours. I would like to remind all of our... special passengers that your meeting in the bridge is at 1500 hours. Please remember to bring any of your equipment that you do not wish to leave behind on the boat; after the briefing starts, you will not be able to return to your rooms." The voice cut out with a click, and leaving nothing but the sound of the waves crashing against the hull of the ship.

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Half an hour. I could have a coffee in that amount of time.


The pegasus stallion sat at the small desk in his room, looking out the window at the horizon. A beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky.


Though, he much preferred the night, but he had a contract so he had to adhere by it.


He got up and walked over to the bed, where a suitcase was laid on its side. A three-item lock kept his possessions nicely tucked away from any potential prying eyes, and he had done at least half a dozen comb-overs of the room for any surveillance devices.


A four-number key, a hoofprint scan and a retinal scan later, the suitcase lid propped open with a small click, and the stallion raised it to grab his things.


A black hooded cloak, a white mask, two pairs of white socks, an all-black three piece suit, and a black leather saddlebag were sitting inside.


With a smirk, he began to change.


Time to do away with my disguise, and let Dusk Waltz take a rest.


He couldn't help but steal a look at himself in the mirror after he got changed. A smirk crossed his muzzle as he adjusted his mask and hood.


Your first time in a team, Ghost. This is going to be quite interesting, indeed.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Nightlight stared up into the ceiling for what was a long while... He was a young stallion, honorable and despite his age extremely skilled as well as talented at what he did. He couldn't tell how long he had layed in this spot, mostly since he boarded but ever since then he found himself lost in time. 


His mind wandered over through the very sense of the mission...Maybe it was an evil facility, maybe it wasn't. But his goal was to help people, and if the things he heard over when was recruited for the job and from the digging he hid himself, the place surely kept some secrets that his young adventurous mind just urged to crack. 


Upon hearing the message he got off his comfy  bunk, getting everything he needed which was essentially everything he brought. Slinging his bag over his back he took a nice stretch to get his hooves going and wandered out, heading straight down his well memorized path due to earlier scouting the ship thourougly and meeting every crevice, even those maybe wasn't supposed to see. 


His lack of rest showed the moment he entered the bridge, the place he remembered was to take place when a light headache hit him and his eyes grew a bit blurry for a moment as he massaged his horn. Levitating out of his handy bag two black energy pills and swallowing them quickly, slowly feeling himself grow a bit less tired as they essentially worked like coffee and painkillers for his organism. 


Straightening out his eyes darted around the bridge, inspecting the area carefully. 

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The voice cut out with a click, and leaving nothing but the sound of the waves crashing against the hull of the ship.


When the announcement aired, Witty Thought could be found dangling over the ship's hull. Much of the color had already left her face, and she spoke to herself in a small mutter. "Thirty minutes... and I have to walk all the way back to my room on the god forsaken scrap heap." This would be her first operation on site, and travel like this would surely take some time adapting to.


Just as she was cursing the tide and readying herself to stand, Witty felt a spherical object touch the left side of her face. The object was device she had made. It was red and had an anatomy very similar to a parasprite; this, and the device's capabilities, earned the object the name of Para-Sight.


She attempted to brush the Para-Sight away, “Not now, 4...” When Witty had looked in the direction the Para-Sight was poking her, she could see four more Para-Sights struggling the keep her saddle bags hovering in the air.


“You guys are the best, you know that?”


With her equipment and five Para-Sights carefully tucked away in her saddle bag, Witty began to make her way to the bridge.

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  • Brohoof 2

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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The bridge was... underwhelming, to say the least. It was relatively small and had a few padded seats and tables for any meetings of the sailors that needed to occur, but other than that and a series of white-and-blue painted equipment, it wasn't anything special.


Now, as to the pony behind the captain's wheel...


He definitely wasn't the older-than-dirt stallion that had brought you this far up until now, unless the captain somehow magically shaved, changed coat colors, and got about thirty years younger in less than 24 hours. He was solidly built and his cutie mark was of a radio tower, while his slicked-back hair and clothes made him appear as if he was the captain's mate, running the ship while he slept. He turned around soon after you entered and, after a brief moment of looking at your face, he nodded. "Excellent. Thank you for coming so soon. The others should be on their way shortly. Until then... um... you can take a seat if you want." He turned back to the console, examining a few of the maps and the screens, before pushing a few buttons and taking a seat at one of the tables himself.




As you made your way across the deck, several sailors ran around you performing several maintenance tasks and being rather loud and obnoxious while doing so. You could feel the sailors below deck stomping around as well, causing vibrations that, when combined with the ship's momentum on the choppy sea, would gladly give you yet another round of seasickness if you hadn't just emptied the contents of your stomach relatively recently. Either way, as you approached the set of metal stairs that would lead you to the bridge, you notice that there appear to be several arrays that, while they were old and rusted a day or two ago, appeared to be shiny and new right now, and contained the full suite- sonar, radar, satellite, and several others you did not immediately recognize on sight.




The yells and the sound of ponies walking or trotting on metal reverberated through your ears as you finished putting your clothes on- almost to the point where your ceiling visibly reverbrated from merely two or three ponies walking ahead of you. You could hear murmurs and snatches of conversation through the vents- although the comments were merely irrelevant and were full of all the filth of a stereotypical sailor's mouth, snippets of information including the fact that dinner was to be on solid ground, and the ship was to remained docked for more than two weeks to celebrate its last voyage from Baltimare with food and spirits with the Red Eyes- a well-known army-for-hire that contained species from all over the planet.

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The yells and the sound of ponies walking or trotting on metal reverberated through your ears as you finished putting your clothes on- almost to the point where your ceiling visibly reverbrated from merely two or three ponies walking ahead of you. You could hear murmurs and snatches of conversation through the vents- although the comments were merely irrelevant and were full of all the filth of a stereotypical sailor's mouth, snippets of information including the fact that dinner was to be on solid ground, and the ship was to remained docked for more than two weeks to celebrate its last voyage from Baltimare with food and spirits with the Red Eyes- a well-known army-for-hire that contained species from all over the planet.


Ghost's ears pricked up as he caught the sound of ponies yelling and trotting outside his room. His ceiling practically vibrated from the sheer noise.


Honestly, can sailors get any louder?


He pointed his ear toward the vent shaft, catching tidbits of conversation. Most of it was superficial - things like dinner being on solid ground, the ship being docked for two weeks...


Though, the last part got his attention. The Red Eyes were involved.


He had heard of them before. Skilled mercenaries hailing from across the world, with a success rate one could not sneeze at.


Now this is getting interesting.


Once the noise had died down, he opened the door to his room, just a crack, and peeked outside. Seeing the corridor was clear, he began slinking along, leaping into any shadows he could find.


Let's see what I can learn about anypony else on this ship...

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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Simply giving the 1st mate, captain or whatever he was a nod, but decided not to sit down straight away. Instead his eyes immediately locked away at the bridges interior, walking around without much permission and inspecting everything that drove the boat forward.


Eventually he turned on back to whoever the other pony was, finally walking over and taking a seat.


Looking over around the room still and awkwardly facing the stranger once in a while he eventually closed his eyes to possibly get a bit more rest, grooming his mane quickly into shape.. but the boredom forced him to break the atmosphere of silence.


"So, what is it you do around here and what is your interest in the whole mission? Or will I get the typical answer that 'It's classified'? "  

Edited by The Nightly Spectre
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"Excellent. Thank you for coming so soon. The others should be on their way shortly. Until then... um... you can take a seat if you want."


Witty didn't need to be told twice. The mare stumbled into the bridge behind a dark blue Pegasus (@,) and quickly took her seat, having been all to thankful it provided at least the illusion of sturdiness.


Now given the chance to gather her bearings, Witty took small a glance around the room. The sight was a surprise to say the least, 'I guess those zeros are not for show. I don't even know what some of these are?' It was at this moment that Para-Sight 4 had emerged from Witty's saddle bag. It looked around and played a small audio recording, before attempting to violently shove it back where it belonged. 'There lucky I don't have the heart to turn off their AI's...'


"So, what is it you do around here and what is your interest in the whole mission? Or will I get the typical answer that 'It's classified'? "


Who ever this pony was, he was to the point. She would save formalities for a later time, "I'm curious as well, I always like to know a little bit more about my employers."


( ' ' is a thought " " is speech, sorry)

Edited by Contrast
  • Brohoof 1

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Nightlight raised a brow at the mare that entered the room, not tearing away from his attention at the sailor who was sitting by the table but making a very firm note that she was there... and oddly enough she sat down right next to him.


Who sits RIGHT next to a person in a place filled with other places to sit.  


Though, before the captain or whoever he was had a chance to answer his attention turned to the little parasprite... and upon hearing the words 'AI' he couldn't pull away his attention, looking at the being in amazement before returning his attention to the captain, whispering under his breath to the mare and relaxing back a bit. 


"AI little flying drones? Gotta say I wasn't sure what to expect when I heard I'd be working with other people. But I'm impressed. " 

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My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"So, what is it you do around here and what is your interest in the whole mission? Or will I get the typical answer that 'It's classified'? "




"I'm curious as well, I always like to know a little bit more about my employers."


"Ah, you're mistaken. I've been hired by our... employer as well. My name is Miles- telecommunications specialist, adept hacker, and the guy who's going to keep the Equestrian government off of our backs while you all do your thing. I'll be here running the machines while you three- er, four, I guess, counting our deployed agent- are out in the field." He adjusted his tie a little bit as he shifted in his chair. "I've been basically given the mission files on a silver platter, which we will review in more detail once the final member of our little crew is here. Got a bunch of toys for you as well if you've forgot something or you need to supplement your current equipment."





Making your way through the corridors, you can confirm that your skill at stealth still remains exceptional- at least against a series of sailors too busy to pay attention to their surroundings in a tight confined space like the cabin area of a barge. You pick up a few interesting tidbits- such as the fact that it seems that both the first mate and the captain had come down with a stomach bug at the same time (reasons such as undercooked seafood or an obsession with preventing scurvy were the most common), and that the Red Eye was going to be screening most of the sailors before allowing them access into the small town that stood next to the facility- but otherwise, it is mainly useless grumbling and and casual conversation. Big topics seem to be the next job after they've finished their last run on this ship, as well as worries and/or reassurances of the quality of food and drink at dinner that evening for the sailors.

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Making your way through the corridors, you can confirm that your skill at stealth still remains exceptional- at least against a series of sailors too busy to pay attention to their surroundings in a tight confined space like the cabin area of a barge. You pick up a few interesting tidbits- such as the fact that it seems that both the first mate and the captain had come down with a stomach bug at the same time (reasons such as undercooked seafood or an obsession with preventing scurvy were the most common), and that the Red Eye was going to be screening most of the sailors before allowing them access into the small town that stood next to the facility- but otherwise, it is mainly useless grumbling and and casual conversation. Big topics seem to be the next job after they've finished their last run on this ship, as well as worries and/or reassurances of the quality of food and drink at dinner that evening for the sailors.


Ghost kept to the shadows, proud of himself as he managed to keep hidden, but at the same time, annoyed that any information he was picking up was mostly useless.


Though, he had overheard that the captain and first mate had come down with a stomach bug. That may be worth noting, he thought as he adjusted his masquerade style eye-mask.


The Red Eyes would be screening sailors before allowing them into the town they were approaching. Now that was an interesting fact. Why would mercenaries need to inspect a group of... rather raunchy sailors?


Filing those two facts in his head for later, he continued stalking through the shadows of the ship's corridors and rooms like a nimble cat.

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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Well, I believe he is running late as I arrived about 2 minutes before the meeting was to start, spent another 2 minutes inspecting the lovely bridge we have here. " 


The hacker, well, looks like this person is important. He thought. 


"Well, glad to have you with us, Miles. And seeing as we have toys already think you could get us a sandbox somewhere in this bridge? Wouldn't that just make this place a bit less blant. " 


Looking around the room and at the platter of files he also realized something, continueing on his little ranty talk. 


"Also, funny how we're on a ship. This can be taken very symbolically as all the operatives I imagine will be having to work closely together and if one of us screws up then the whole mission will be sinking like a ship. And judging by the mission it'll be a very heavy and fragile ship.  " 

Edited by The Nightly Spectre
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When the pegasus spoke of her mentioning A.I.'s, a small blush had begun to grow on her face. 'I really need to stop thinking out loud.' She turned to the stallion and said, "Uh... Thanks. I wasn't sure what to ex~"


She didn't have time to respond before the pony that had gathered them spoke.


'New toys?' Witty's eyes grew wide at the prospect of new gear. 'That actually reminds me.' She looked at Miles and spoke, "Also, If it wouldn't be too much trouble, can I have a look at some of the machinery here?"

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  • Brohoof 1

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"Well, I believe he is running late as I arrived about 2 minutes before the meeting was to start, spent another 2 minutes inspecting the lovely bridge we have here. "


"Yes. Harrumph. I guess I'll have to be more direct then," he said with a frown. He stood up and walked over to the console, turning on the ship's microphone. "One second, please."





The last thing you were able to hear of note was the ship's cargo- although it contained plenty of things that all hospitals and labs required for their basic functions- various chemicals, syringes, and containers of varying sizes and shapes- the ship was carrying a prototype hospital bed for final testing and adjustment purposes. It apparently magically reduced the patient's full weight, allowing for speedier transportation in case of an emergency, and, more interestingly, it-


"Attention, sailors! It is now 1515 hours. May we please have our now LATE guest get his bloody rump in here before I personally filet his large posterior into chum for the next fishing vessel I visit. Thank you."


The sailors that were talking stopped before chuckling to themselves. One of them left the room above you before walking down the hallway.



Miles had a small smile on his face as he sat back down and looked towards Nightlight. "That's quite the accurate statement. Although, I guess, that heavy and fragile ship are all piloted by some of Equestria's finest sailors. Or..." He looked darkly towards the door into the cabin. "That's what our employer has told me, at least."




"Also, If it wouldn't be too much trouble, can I have a look at some of the machinery here?"


He turned to Witty and smiled. "Of course, Mrs. Thought. Although I must ask you to not touch anything on the navigational console- the one immediately to the left of the steering wheel, if you've not been on a boat before. I've spent the past several minutes calibrating that, and we don't need to be thrown off course on a small time crunch like this."

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Ghost pricked his ear up and listened closely to the information regarding the magically augmented hospital bed.


Now what would a small ship like this be doing with such advanced magical technolo--



"Attention, sailors! It is now 1515 hours. May we please have our now LATE guest get his bloody rump in here before I personally filet his large posterior into chum for the next fishing vessel I visit. Thank you."


The sailors that were talking stopped before chuckling to themselves. One of them left the room above you before walking down the hallway.


He nickered his annoyance at the impudent announcement, and slunk off through the corridors to find the meeting place.


Time flies when you're gathering information, apparently. And I'll have him know I keep myself in good shape.


He sneaked out onto the deck and found the windows to the bridge, seeing one of them was opened.


Time to make an entrance.


He spread his wings and pounced to the window, grabbing the edge and pulling himself in with a front flip to land masterfully on his hooves.


"I like to be fashionably late," he scoffed, adjusting his eyemask, "I trust I haven't missed much?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@,@@Unicorncob, @@Contrast,


Nightlight just sat and waited, glancing ever too often at the AI but as the mare seemed to have been busy he didn't bother to chat her up about it.


The moment Ghost entered through the window though, acting all badass he raised a brow, seeming to not even be surprised as he looked the team mate over.


"So, is this that hole in that said ship that'll be making us sink sometime along this mission or are my eyes and sense of time playing tricks on me? "  

Edited by The Nightly Spectre
  • Brohoof 2


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@,@@Unicorncob@( ' ' is a thought " " is speech)


 She took note of the pony that had just entered through the window. Seeing as he wore an outfit notably different from the sailors around the ship, 'This must be the third member we've been missing. Well, now that everyone is here, I wonder what is next.'


She looked around at the ponies that surrounded her and realized, 'The only name I know is Miles...' She spoke up, "I think introductions are in order?"

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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She looked around at the ponies that surrounded her and realized, 'The only name I know is Miles...' She spoke up, "I think introductions are in order?"

Realizing the same thing though not exactly caring for names Nightlight offered her a smile and straightened out.


"Nightlight, I'll probably be our eyes and cover from above while we'll be in the city, after that I'll join up with the team to whatever it is we'll be doing. "


Pulling out a case from his bag he opened it, several pieces flying out of it and as he levitated them they clicked together forming a decent light but mean looking scoped rifle.


"Or well, I'm your sharpshooter. I'll also be bringing in a drone to scout over the area which... " *He pulled out a little ball from his backpack and activated it as much like the AI flying around had the body of a parasprite just without any real details but a tiny camera where eyes would be. "Which funnily enough will probably get along with your little flying AI."

Edited by The Nightly Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@ @ @@Contrast


Ghost simply cocked an eyebrow at Nightlight's comment. "Fashionably late, as I said. Gathering information takes time, you see."


He had no problems introducing himself, so he gave his teammates a bow.

"You may call me Ghost," he said, "professional master thief. From information to jewels, anything you need, I can get. If it's nailed down, I'll simply remove the nails."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Which funnily enough will probably get along with your little flying AI."


Witty couldn't help but chuckle at Night's statement, 'I can't recall the last time I saw Four get along with anything.'


@,@@Unicorncob, @@Contrast,  


With an uncharacteristic bow, she stated her name. "Witty Thought: resident hacker, inventor, and computer ex~" Before she finished speaking, Witty glanced around the room and admired some of the technical wonders. "Well... Expert is a bit of a stretch; but if there's a firewall or security camera on sight, consider it dealt with."

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@@Contrast,@@Unicorncob, @,  




Fashionably late, as I said. Gathering information takes time, you see.


"I would however prefer if you weren't 'fashionably late' during the actual mission, Mr. Ghost. I'm planning on leaving this island alive and uncaptured and I'm would rather you not ruin that wish. "


As offensive as he sounded, he really meant it, not respecting the fact that he managed to be late to something so important as he gave him an untrustful gaze and then turned back to Witty, his smile suddenly switching on away from his darker tone.




"Witty Thought: resident hacker, inventor, and computer ex~" Before she finished speaking, Witty glanced around the room and admired some of the technical wonders. "Well... Expert is a bit of a stretch; but if there's a firewall or security camera on sight, consider it dealt with."


"Figured the team would be a lot more diverse. That also makes the two of us when it comes to minor hacking skills. Not to mention we have Miles here as a hacker aswell. And I believe we won't be doing too much pickpocketing or pursecutting during the mission.." He once more looked at Ghost, really having hoped for something better, at least more diversity and professional mind then what this little rabble in his eyes was supposed to be. - Though the mare at least had her charms so he didn't bother her as much. "But, if you are supposed to be both the best of the best or something then I feel somewhat comforted. Yet not relieved."


His attention then turned to Miles.

"So, shall we get over into the details of this fine mission and how you imagine we pull this off?"  

Edited by The Nightly Spectre
  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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