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private Eastern Skies Ablaze


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"Ok then..." She banked off to go hunt down some balloons...


Flying through the air she looked at the various targets, deciding to target the ones that were flying away better practice she thought to herself to hit moving targets over ones that were not really. 


She spent the next few minutes firing at the aforementioned balloons, her accuracy was quite good to her surprise, the guns were on target 90% of the time maybe she'd get her helm looked at too see if it could be higher.  

  • Brohoof 1

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Just to the distance at the limits of her radar display four blue dots appear moving toward the fleet. Now facing in their general direction their blip icons come into HUD display their shared callsign Delphinus.

"Delphinus Squad. On approach to expedition fleet. Ready for fix land." A stallion spoke on open comm.

"How's your first flight Dagger?" Another voice asked through the comm, presumably open to all of them.


"Dagger 3. Eh. Fine. No complaints apart from the crazy ass speed. Even for me I'll be honest." Kris replied, definitely something unexpected from him.

"Dagger 4. Doing fine." Soar spoke.


Delphinus squad approached the rear of the carrier lowering altitude align with the vessel. Closer and closer they slow speed, aiming upward slight to maintain upward thrust. With perfect grace and in single file they land upon the carrier deck with ease. Circling around the vessel as she watched they appeared a more seasoned squad, even having personal decals on their colored flight wings.



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  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She continued to shoot at her targets still getting a feel for how to hit somthing then after some more time she moved to fly with one of her squadies. She managed to catch up to Soar coming up on her left. "Hey Soar... Err Dagger 4 how is your aim then with your guns then?" 

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"Ah. Their doing well no problems here." She replied. 


Kris soon came by their sides, Razor just up ahead. 


"Dagger squad, enjoying your new toys?" Razor asked,

"Dagger 3. Having a blast boss lady." Kris replied.


Soar simply replied with an acknowledge signal. On radar suddenly a white dot appeared on their radar pointing to their north. Their comms crackle to life.

"Dagger Squad this is Tower Command. We have an unknown aircraft flying near our radar range. It appears to be single craft. Intercept and investigate over." The captian spoke. 

"Roger tower." Razor replied. 


"They can't be serious?" Kris asked.

"It's all fine. These may be training rigs but they can be put to combat. Besides its a single craft. Form up squad!" She commanded and flew in the direction toward the unknown craft.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"We are not prepped for combat with a possible enemy!..." She said in her mind to herself, but in reality she formed into formation and followed Razor. "Ok it's just one thing maybe it's just a mail pony or some one traveling or somthing, think positive." She sure hoped it was not an actual hostile aircraft. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Approaching closer and closer to their target the aircraft came into view. Appeared to be a type of fixed aircraft. A simple passenger plane it seemed. Rather strange for it to be out this far. Tailing along its tail they remain close. It's flight tags are of arabian origin judging from the decals. Its windows are oddly tinted. A single pony could be seen at the stick.

"Dagger Squad. Confirm target." Command spoke.

"IDed. Looks like a fixed plane." Razor replied.

"Acknowledged. Give the warning." Command spoke. Razor switched to open channel.

"U-A. You are flying near restricted air space divert your course immediatley or you will be brought down." She spoke.


No response.


"Oh how cryptic." Kris said.


On radar four new signatures appeared to their north and closing, their positioning closer then expected.


"Dagger Squad, incoming signatures. Pull back to the fleet defense range. Delphinus Squad scramble." Comm spoke.


"Pull back Squad!" Razor ordered. Their HUD flashed to the ENGAGE order.


The group braked and raced forward back to the fleet at high speed, whizzing just past them their fellow flyers go forward to intercept the new challengers.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Well first day is going well eh?" She tried to remain in formation as that nagging in her pack was getting worse with the high speed they were going at now, like a rattle that only got worse with speed but in this case it was a balance issue, trying to compensate was getting very difficult. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Star's HUD then flashed a message on the lower end corner. 





On her signal icons her squad blips flash with a triangled exclamation mark. 


"Dagger 2. Having trouble?" Razor asked. 

"Comms Tower. Dagger 2. Lower speed. You are in minimal safe distance range of defenses." The command tower responded. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She took off the speed. "This wing issue is getting worse with the damn speed I need to have this seen to I can't keep myself straight with the damn issue!" She slowed right down to base speed to remain airborne "Boss can I hit the deck first? I need to get out of the air."  

  • Brohoof 1

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The squad banked off as they approached the carrier, 

"Roger that. Dagger 2 go for a land." Razor spoke. 


Star began to slow her speed further as she approached the rear of the hangar, crew ponies scrambling quickly to deploy the saftey net. 

Now past the bow of the ship she lands slopply with a bit of momentum. The net before her catching her and stopping. The crew ponies quickly remove the net.


"Dagger 2 succesful landing" Comm spoke

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She moves awkwardly off the runway area to where she could take her wings off her suit and a few ponies come over, they looked like they were engineers or those who work on the wings in some way. "There is somthing wrong with the left side of this damn thing I can't fly straight."


"We have been listening in, we'll have a look at the whole thing and find the issue for you in time for when you need it next... well we hope so anyway."


"Thanks." They nod and take away the wing frame below decks, she waits for the rest of the squad to land. 

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Shortyl after falling in line the rest of the squad lands upon the carrier, removing their helmets Kris and Soar let out a sigh of relief their manes coated in sweat. Razor approaches.

"You okay? No damages?" She asked to the officer.


Delphinus squad engaged greatly with their first targets of the campaign.


Delphinus 1 screeched as his airbrakes cute through the air parting it into his motion as he turned sharply into view of his target blasting away with bursts of his cannons. Square hit as the flyer fell limp begining a course to the oceans bottom.

"Scratch one." The squad could hear on their comms.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I don't know the flight ponies are looking at my rig to see what the problem is." She listened to the chatter. "So those other guys were not friendly or anything then?" She was still getting her head around the fact that they were in a conflict zone.


"So what do we do now then boss?" 

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"Looks like it... Drawing us out away from fleet anti-air defenses." Razor said looking back to the action in the distance. 


Delphinus 2 dipped forward, tailed close by an enemy fighter. Friendlies too occupied with others of their own. Pulling her airbrake she pits back in a Kulbit* manuever reversing her position just to face the enemy barreling toward her and releasing a flurry of cannon fire. The enemy had no time to pull and took the full burst blasted into bits before falling to the ocean. Firing an thrust-burst Delphinus-2 regained minimum acceleration before she could stall. 


Delphinus 3 eagerly followed behind his targer a constant grin on his face as the pegasus fire burst after burst chipping away until one clipped at the pack wing. The pony failed to detach and was sent tumbling into a wild spin into the depths. 


"All targets. Destroyed. Well done." Command spoke on the COMM. 


"A Victory for the Delphinus!" Delphinus 4 called out. 

"RTC Ponies. Let's not forget our newcomers. Thanks for the recon Dagger. Appreciate it." Delphinus 1 spoke in genuine thanks. 


Approaching in distance Delphinus squad began their approach, clearing the runway Dagger Squad watched as they each landed in single file. The squad approaches to them. Now in closer inspection the ponies saw the dolphin decals on their jetpacks. A rather slick design, tint colors of blue and sea blue aligning in stripes on their wings with a single simple dolphin design on the ends each with their designated squad number.


Delphinus 1 approached to Razor removing his helmet. Show the middle aged stallion underneath with sandy blonde short mane and faint blue coat. He saluted to Razor, unexpectedly.

"Its an honor you're apart of our carrier group Lieutenant. " He said as though he has known her for sometime.

"Have we met before Officer?" She asked

"Remember the Trottingham troubles? Esquire 4?" He asked her. 

"Well I'll be... Rookie. Look at you. Now you're your own lead. I almost forgot you completely." She said and the two shaked hooves.


"Old partners ehy?" Kris whispered. 

"We should call the whisp master. You whisper too much." Soar said letting out a soft giggle. Two other squad members approach, Delphinus 3 and 4. They removed their helmets. Three was a young white stallion, his mane a bright brown color with bits of gold streaks in it with hazel eyes. A bit short for a stallion she noted. Next to her Four was simple looking mare, faint purple coat with a soft pink ponytail mane. Her eyes complimenting her violet tone.


"It's nice to meet you Dagger squad." Four spoke, her tone very much polite and proper. Rather out of place in this setting. Three gave them a grin.

"Dudes! If you had some proper rigs we could've totally tagged kill counts! I just bagged my first two!" he said with pure excitement... he was enjoying it too much.


"Eh we gotta start somewhere... On the job training." Kris replied rubbing his head.


"I'm Autumn. And this is-" Four was interupted. 

"Spegal! Spegal Flashwinder!" Three spoke up standing in proud pose.


"You look more like a Winter to me." Kris replied to Autumn who giggled slightly. Delphinus 2 stood by near her flight squad remaining loyal at attention. Her helmet still on, though Star could feel perhaps she silently watching from afar.



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  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Um nice flying there guys." She didn't even want to think about the fact that there were now four dead combatants in the sea away from them. She been told to de-ponify the enemy, treat them as breathing targets but nothing more otherwise when it came to the cruch time one might not pull the trigger and kill someone who had a family and life back in their home. These ponies in the enemy army were all normal individuals most probably nice in their own right just on the wrong side, even then that was from her perspective they'd think the Equestrians were in the wrong on their ends. 


She did not like the manner in which three spoke, or Spegal he seemed far to eager after just killing two ponies. Autumn seemed nice, a little rigid, possibly from the upper tiers of society would explain her mannerisms. She looked to two, who looked like a robot nothing could be made out with her wearing a helm.


In fact it bugged her so much she looked to Spegal. "Have some respect for the lives you just ended Delphinus 3!" She did not wait for a response and walked off to head back below decks 

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The two squad members look to you with a stunned expression as you walk away. 

"The fucks her problem?" Spegal looked to the others. 


Kris just shook his head, not speaking his mind but expressing internally at the dissapointment at Spegal. 


Down at her quarters Cirrus hoped up from her spot. She let out a quizing look to her owner flapping her wings, obviously wanting to go for a fly. Before she began to do so she heard a knock on her door. Turning around a female pegasus stands there, her helmet clutched in her side. DELPHINUS 2 printed on her left shoulder. Her coat was a matte tan color and her hair a ebony black, a notable fade of brown stripes on her neck. A bit of zebra perhaps? 


"Dagger 2?" She asked.

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  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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(I'm gonna asume that Star is down there too)


She looked to Cirrus. "I'll let you out, make note of where this room is and come back here when your done." She watched as Cirrus flew out the port window for a fly and walked back to the bunk bed.


Then the door knocked and the mare came in, She looked up. "Yeah I'm Dagger two, what you want?" She wasn't quite happy at that moment because of before she was pissed and had acted a fool but she felt justified. 

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She approached the two exchanging a bit of brief gaze. Her iris color a deep brown. She extended her hoof out.

"It's a bit of an obligation I welcome my fellow flyer." She says.


Reluctantly Star shook her hoof. 

"You also seem to be the only one with descent logic. And mannerism. But that can be said for you squad too. A bit tame. Squad lead is a bit too invested. Spegal is a sadistic hunter. And Autumn is that uptight Manehatten uptown mare." She grumbles a bit. 

"I'm Heavy Cloud. Welcome aboard." She said.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Soft Star." She looked more up to her. "You seem ok, I didn't mean to make that out burst before but I... long story short I am very much a conscript I don't want to be here killing others I'm a astrologist not a solider." She looked down to the ground again. "The way he boasted it.. infuriated me." 

  • Brohoof 1

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"No no.. I agree.. He's almost sadistically entertained by it. But that could be just 'Rookie Joy' getting his first few kills. It can do that. When I first met that kid he was a bit hotheaded but he was still a little shy to it. It did surprise me even when he said that." Cloud said. 

"Though, do keep in mind. It's one thing to kill others in the sake of warfare, its another to boast on taking lives. He's gonna wake up eventually. I'm glad your taking this with a bit of salt." She said, showing her appreciation to Star's demeanor on combat. 


"You're an astrologist? Cloudsdale University?" She asked.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Yeah, I spend most of my days asleep like I should be and looking to the stars at night... I'm only awake during the day to see friends or do Wonderbolts stuff when I'm asked, otherwise I just look at other planets and do geeky stuff." She sighed. "Not gonna be doing that anytime soon again."

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  • Brohoof 1

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She took a seat by in the chair ahead, with your permission of course. She looked to her with question.

"I.. Have a sibling who's attending the university. Have you met her? Catie Cloud?" She asked wondering for a postive response.


"Doe's she attend your classes? She said she was taking astronomy." She said. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She paused to think. "Catie...?" She thought a little longer. "Yes I know Catie, she's not bad looks at her phone a little too much at times but she's got the mind and talent for the profession that's for sure no doubt if she can continue to pay attention in class. I like talking about things not related to fighting..." She sighed. 

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"Hehe.. I'll be sure to get onto her for that." She chuckles a bit...the two sit silence.


"I-I dont like it either." She says, "I don't want to go to war either. But we aren't going to just let those other ponies whoever we're fighting continue their bits of tyranny. I've been looking at the news sources. Shelling villages and running ponies of their homes. They'll take the whole region if we don't help." She says.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I suppose we are doing the right thing... but why us? Why was there a draft from the civilian population we have a massive standing army why did then need normal ponies like us to fight why could the royal guard not do what we are doing right now? Be in our places?" 

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