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private Eastern Skies Ablaze


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"He's fed up with my negativity, I think half the ship is, I'm destroying moral at this rate by myself and we just won a skirmish this morning I am bad for everyone, and I know it... I'm not going to say anything anymore. I was told "If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything" so I'm going to be quiet from now on." 

  • Brohoof 1

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0600 Hours - Eastern Province Coast - Malteesian-Arabian Border

R.N.V Herald Of Friendship 


A much needed tweak, several bits of target practice and maybe a scuffle or two between some certain other flyers it was time for their daily tasks. And to basically sum it up without the constant military detail of aerial overlay and terrian scopping it was simply to fly around near the fleet perimeter and maybe impress the local coastal villages? The hope was never to meet any enemy fighters or receive any unexpected anti air locks. But reassuring they were in friendly parts. 


Unfortunately for Dagger Squad it looks like Sagittarius Squad would be joining them in a joint fly. And everypony knew the tension from earlier.  



They remained lined up as they awaited for Sagittarius to lift. Over to their left on the carrier runway noting the single dome nosed jet on the end. Boarding she noted it was the changeling squad from earlier. No pony seemed to see them around. Rather reclusive bunch. Donned in their black flight suits they equip their helmets and board each taking their seat. One on the left taking flight control. Another on the right with weapon systems. She realized soon it was a surveillance craft. The final crew taking seat behind them.

((Image Ref:  http://www.cybermodeler.com/aircraft/a-6/images/a-6_title.jpg))


The runway was cleared shortly as they finished their pre flight check, with rudders, yaw flaps and systems check. The changeling pilot raised his hoof in clear signal. The runway ponies nodded and took side leaning down and signaling with their hooves. A loud blare was heard from the take off alarm on said runway. Shortly after the Intruder class craft took off in high speed dipping off and accelerating into the air the wind blowing in their face but the sound of the jet engine muffled by their helmets. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Star was standing near Soar most of the time as they waited to take off. "Has anypony actually talked to the changelings on board ship? I see them take off and do things mission wise but they seem to disappear after their missions, though no idea where their bunks are... actually what are we doing to feed them, is some poor sailor drawing a short straw and going in getting all his emotions drained?" She looked off to see as the air craft few away from them. 


"I just don't get it honestly how do they survive? Who'd talk to a changeling?" She really did not know much about them, but they scared her... well the rumors did anyway.

  • Brohoof 1

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Before anypony could say a reply their comm kicked in.


"Hrimfaxi 1 is a go. Aerial Surveillance and ECM support will be online shortly. Fighter Squads prep for lauch." The aerial command spoke. 


Just across from them taking a glance to Sagittarius Squad. Amilla, Sagittarius 3, gave her a cold hard stare even with her helmet on Star could feel the burning intensity radiating off her like a bright energy burning star (ehy astrophysics reference/knowledge  ).  The Ace lined in numerical order in a V form. With 1 and 2 taking center 1 on the left and 2 on the right. With 3 and 4 taking each ends at their choice. Loaded up on the multi Pony Launchers they prepped for their take off. Their engines roaring to life as the launchers below them filled with pressure before hissing with tension and firing the group into the air. With enough power to thrust the ponies take off into formation ahead of the carrier. 


"Sagittarius Squad is in the air." Command spoke. 


"V Form. Star. On my Right." Razor spoke as she mounted her launcher pad on center left. 

(( Catapult ref image: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/metalgear/images/a/a3/MGO_Urban_Ultimatum_catapult.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140309164835))


Now in position along with her friends the two awaited. Their Helmets crack to life. 




List LOAD <<<. Check. CHECK




Star's missle counter came to life. 4 M.E.M (Magicka Explosia Missles) pods on each wing. Lightweight but enough to take out a single pony.


She could hear her miniguns whining a bit as the armament check continued.



8 Pod CONF.





"Arm check go. All systems ready." Razor spoke.


Their catapults hissed with life as they throttled their engines.


Strangely Star could hear a faint whisper, from the comms.


"Soldiers. Stand or Die. We rise or fall." It was oddly soothing. Majestic. Before she speak up about it her HUD caught attention.


LAUNCH! <<. ///


And with full force her body was lifted into the air her engine carrying her ahead after the launch. Razor has a bit of layway and was slightly ahead of her, easier to follow formation.

Following along the two approach cruising altitude. Ahead at a good distance Sagittarius was just within HUD range. Their blips in close proximity along with Hrimfaxi not too far to the right.


"Dagger Squad in the air." Command said. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Well day two the eh Daggers?" Chirping up a bit to the others in her squad, she'd have to have it out with Sagittarius and mainly Sagittarius 3 later, if they all lived to even have a talk in future.


A good night's rest had put her in a better mood than she was in yesterday, she was not going to be negative today if she could help it. She moved her helm around looking to see the missile pods and guns trace her line of sight she was quite impressed with the technology. "Why does the army always get the cool toys?" She wondered to herself, there could be all sorts of uses for this in the private sector, she knew a few engineers that would probably kill someone for this tech back at the university. 


The issues with her frame and wings from yesterday had been fixed, on top of that they seemed to of gone over her stuff with a fine tooth comb, she swore there was a new coat of paint on it to boot. Nevertheless the repairs had made keeping up with Razor much easier than the previous flight and she was kinda happy and impressed by the work.


Only Sagittarius 3's stare put her off this morning...

  • Brohoof 1

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The squad pulled to formation as they approached to the Malteesian Coast, their speed bringing them closer to Hrimfaxi. Looking over to their cockpit, approaching to their left side, the pilot gives a wave of the hoof.


Sagittarius has moved on ahead it seems. Their ID blips barely visibly ahead of them.


"Hrimfaxi to Dagger." A hissing voice spoke, "ECM avalibility is up. We will patrol any combat area near vicinity. Do try to keep us alive. We aren't the most heavily armed here." He said.

"This is Dagger 1. Don't chu worry we got ya." Razor said.


"Dagger Squad, Hrimfaxi this is Equi-Comm callsign AVERI. All operations command will be carried out under my supervision." A simple stallion voice spoke. 

"Tac-Map has confirmed call ins with Malteesian forces along their DMZ fallback perimeter. Closest target will be DMP-5 just inland near coast point 3.4 . " Command continued.


Her map showed a brief image of the Malteese Region on the left hand corner of the HUD.




((Dont mock me map making skills bro. X3))


From the fleet position they are to follow the path laid out heading toward the DMZ point labeled as DMP 5 near a town called Ustio. 


"Dagger 3. What about Sagittarius?" Kris asked. 

"They have their own mission." Razor replied.


"Radio call is clear. Malteese forces are requesting close air support at DMP 5. Hrimfaxi you are cleared for support run. Dagger Squad maintain cruise course for DMP 5, Stand by in case of Fighter intervention." Command spoke.


"Dagger 1. Roger." Razor replied. 


"Farewell Ponies." The pilot replied. Hrimfaxi pitched down and gained speed heading ahead of the group toward their objective. The squad was now coming close to the coast. Greeted first by nearly white colored sandy shores and ebony black rocks soon transitioning to slightly rocky terrian and grassy hills which soon flatten into a plain. Just within eye distance the noted the distinctly massive wall spanning from the coast and inland.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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(Your map is lovely)


"So we're just flying close aur support to the changelings eh?" That's what she made from the radio chatter, that and some dull sounding stallion was in operational command. She really kinda ignored most of it stayed in formation and took in the sight of the land they began to fly over, it was rather beautiful.

  • Brohoof 1

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They flew along hanging in formation as they flew high above the first coastal city spanning along with the unmistakable wall. Impressive they built such a spanning behemoth. Did it span the whole country? A defense line against invaders?

"Malteese in the past has been known to use defense tactics. Not really a war like nation. This wall orginally held a massive stone defense to protect against roaming nomads in ancient times. And now lately as of the past three years they full repurposed it for modern combat. And they seem to have been pushed straight to that fall back." Razor spoke, in such timely exposition.

"Gee Boss. Glad to know you're our exposition machine. Could you kindly tell us the kind of this war so we can go home?" Kris interjected.

"I've did my little bit of research sometime ago before we originally left for Arabia. Wanted to know the situation in the region. Did I mention part of my background was working close reconnaissance with the Guards Scout Legion? Before I switched to Fighter roles." She said.

"You must have more then you make Razor." Soar added in softly.

"Eh not much else to it." Razor replied.


The squad continued on.


Ahead white blips appeared on the ground. Overviewing a white dot is refereed as an unverified unit. Could be friendly or hostile. Closer and closer to DMP 5 they could make out what appears to be a checkpoint like location. Like a boarder crossing or such. Military security. Hrimfaxi could be spotted making a turn and now approaching to the squad before dipping down. A blaze of cannon fire from its nozzle firing east, the white blips on the east side of the checkpoint turning red.


"Engaging hostile ground. All forces west are Malteesian." One of the crew was heard.


"Hostile lock." Another spoke. Around Hrimfaxi's green icon a highlight of red appeared indicating a enemy anti-air. A missle could be seen streaming out from the ground below upward to their allied aircraft trailing and gaining speed.


"Jam." One spoke, the missile moved erratically and vered off course away from Hrimfaxi before exploding.

Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Can we help then, these things we've got ok to attack ground units I don't want to see our allies blown from the sky!" She quickly asked to Razor watching the ordeal unfold before them. She did not really know about her machine guns mostly she remember that the missiles were air to air, but maybe they could strafe?

  • Brohoof 1

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"Maintain cruise, circle along the combat perimeter." Razor said. "They can handle it. I don't doubt them." Razor ordered. Yawing to the left the squad circled above watching as their allied attacker commences it swoops against the hostile forces below. Flurries of gunfire could be seen from the Malteesian armor below as it blazed at the fighters on the other end of the checkpoint. Noting at a single red icon on the ground it was a light tank from what Star could make out from this height. It haste it began to backtrack on the road as though in retreat.


"No escape." the pilot could be heard as Hrimfaxi aligned itself with the road closing in fast before its cannons fired in spectacular barrage, the rounds trailing up the road closer and closer to give the inevitable demise of the armored vehicle. The cannon fired shredded into the thin armor before exploding in spectacular fashion.


"Hostile armor has been taken care of. Good to go ground." Hrimfaxi spoke on open channel. A bit of white noise was heard before a response, cheering could be heard from the ground units below.


"We are grateful! Thank you so much!" A voice spoke, rather informal of a soldier but a positive response nonetheless.


An indicator alert began to appear on her radar HUD. Approaching from the east four blips appeared in a red color. Hostile aircraft. Potentially fighters.


"Dagger Squad be advised hostile squadron approaching your position." AVERI spoke.


"Intercepting. Squad stay in formation." Razor spoke directing the squad in face toward the direction of the inbound fighters.

Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Star gulped... If she was nervous before she was on the verge of panic now, just fly away and live another day. But she followed orders, turned to face the enemy with her squad. "Why am I flying towards death?!" She screamed in her head. But somthing in her drove her to fight with her allies as they flew towards the enemy fliers. 

  • Brohoof 1

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"Dagger Squad weapons safeties are off." AVERI Spoke.


She could hear an audible click as her missle pods were switched to user control. Her HUD flashed on the upper center.




They closed in. Closer. Sooner. It felt their inevitable action was taking a pain stake. The fighters came into view. Obviously in a similar rig style as their own. 



Their radar blips flashed on the four of them. Her lock indicator targeted the one she was aligned with. Her comrades also gained lock. In subconsciousness the four of them increased speed.

"Get ready to break." Razor muttered.


Their HUDs flashed a lock warning. The enemy was targeting them! This was the official. No more training just thrusted into the action. They would soon be within gun range. Their HUDs flashed a missile warning! In immediate reaction they each fire in unison as well.


"Break!" Razor shouted before bolting in pitch upward rolling slightly. Kris rolled to his right and yawed downward. Soar banked left in a simple turn. Star aileroned downward as a screaming stream from the enemy missile whizzed past her. Her heart rate accelerated. Her lungs were breathing as much intake as possible.

"Keep it cool Dagger Squad!" Razor could be heard within her own breaths.


Star's radar showed an enemy fighter tailing along behind her.  

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She dived to gain speed even more so with her engines kicking in, from what she could tell the four enemies split off to kill them, that was the aim of the game kill or disable so one would abandon their rig and not be a threat anymore. She looked back around in quick glances for the hostile chasing her but could not see them so went after one of the others she could see, her radar said the enemy chasing her was either behind or above her she could't really tell to the accuracy of the equipment in combat.


She looked for one of the other fighters chasing Soar and quickly tried for a burst of her machine guns coming close to the mark off to the right, she pursued in order to get a missile lock...

  • Brohoof 1

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As she was about to gain a perfect alignment on a shot she could hear loud crackling around her earshot, rounds whizzing past her body. She snapped, breaking right. Seemed this fighter was on her tail hard. A peek to her radar, Razor was close by tailing behind an enemy close. The two aimed downwards to earth, the enemy snapping into a cobra maneuver but lacked enough acceleration to maintain a decent getaway speed. Razor opened fired with her guns ripping him apart into a paste.


"Scratch one." She said. 


Kris pulled hard left barely avoiding the missile streaming after him but it wasn't long till the bullets came soon. He pitched upward but only momentarily as he braked hard to Kulbit, he had to react quick. Pre firing in mind manuever as the enemy came nearly streaming past him. The two traded gunfire, the enemy taking several and spinning aimlessly upward before begining his descent into the earth. Kris began to straighten out but the sudden weight out his rig carried him down. 


"Stall." he could be heard briefly.

"Accelerate number 3." Razor iterated.


Kris regained nominal speed and straightened out. 


"Need some help." Soar spoke.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I've got my own problems Dagger 4, this fucker wants to kill me!" She dove for the ground again trying to temp the tailer to smash into the ground, close to the ground she used her own wings plus the rig to pull up in an attempt to shake her purser...


It did not work and for her efforts was rewarded with a missile that got so close it actually exploded and the blast threw her off course for a cloud she'd use for cover. The explosion dissipated the cloud and a burst of fire passed her. "Some one help me!!" She almost screamed out over the comms as she dodged, ducked and rolled. 

  • Brohoof 1

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"Dagger 1. Inbound." Razor spoke turning sharp and pressing hard on afterburn. 

"Dagger 3. Coming in hot. Hang on Soar." Kris spoke.


On her radar Razor's icon closed in with hers from the her left. Missile locking onto her pursuer. Receiving a lock, the enemy banked left to intercept Razor. The two icons on the radar clashed but both passing with little damage. The two turned again from another joust. Razor let out a flury from her cannons as soon as she was aligned, whizzing past the fighter as he began his tumble to the ground. 


"All targets confirmed destroyed." Command spoke. Star noting that Kris was succesful.


Suddenly on radar more signatures appeared to the east. One, Two, Three- it was another squadron. Then another came and another.. A second squad! Two fighter squads! In such succession?! 


"Be advised hostile fighters approaching- Receiving another signature standby." Command spoke.


"Dagger Squad! Form up." Razor commanded and they each took form directing in the vicinity of their approaching enemies.


"Fucking eight of them!?" Kris iterated.

"Can we even manage them?" Soar whispered. The situation looking a little bleak.

"We'll handle it!" Razor said.


A voice spoke on the comm shortly after.

"Not alone you can't" A male voice spoke.




Showing up closing fast to their south east four icons on their radar appeared. Green colored. Allied fighters! 



Tariq and his comrades flew in tight formation closing in quick to join the battle before them their engines roaring with anticipation and canons ready to feed hot death.


"This is Napalm 1 with Napalm Squad. We are inbound." Tariq spoke.  

Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Star formed back up for another go at more who wanted to kill her. She looked to her hud, 473 rounds remaining, 8 missiles. She'd hardly used anything and killed no one, in fact she'd screamed like a scared foal over the comms and had to have her ass saved by Razor. 


She would become the butt of everyone's jokes by the time they got back to the ship, but one thing made her smile for the briefest of moments as the two forces flew for one another...


She'd not killed anyone yet.

  • Brohoof 1

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The squad headed straight for the entirety of the two squads ahead of them now shortly coming into view their dark silhouettes now notable.


"Reaching missile range." Razor said, shortly after they each had a lock, in return they were also locked. Again in another joust formation they waited, closer and close- their missile alert came early. Having pre fired the enemy fires their volley of missiles.


"Fire and Break!" Razor spoke, in instant they all fired their missiles and breaking in their directions.



"They managed well." Peshir was heard,

"Well we expected no less from these Equestrians. Lets give a  good welcome." Tariq responded.

"Napalm Squad this Tombstone. Saftey is off. Begin your engagement." Arabian air command spoke. They silently acknowledged and closed their distance quickly firing off their vollies once lock was confirmed.



It was just like a raging hornets nest. Only the hornets were trying to massacre one another.  Star had her eyes set on a flyer just ahead. She was feeling determined this was gonna be hers. With lock she fired to continue to shake him. He turned left and she followed sharply leading ahead her shots filled into the space until trailing onto its target. A direct hit! The enemy pegasus began its tumble toward the ground in a lifeless heap. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I GOT ONE!!..." Her voice going quite the instant she said that. "...I... Luna help me..." She spoke at a near breath volume. She flew straight starting as the pony she killed tumbled back to the earth, his rig exploding on impact.


She was stunned for a few moments before a missile lock brought her back to reality as she rolled right to dodge it. Turning afterwards to shoot at the next fighter...

  • Brohoof 1

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Kris flew past her being tailed tightly by an enemy. Star engaged following closely behind. Too close with a gun she may hit Kris, missiles would be a better deterrent. Once solid locked she fired a pod, as expected the enemy trailed off to avoid the missile. Star closed in and with a burst of her weapons as the enemy began to turn she followed her pattern before and lead her shots turning sharply as her stream of lead trailed up and meeting with its target. 


"Thanks on that one." Kris called out. 


Samir grinned menacingly, these Rassarikian Rigs had lackadaisical acceleration. Approaching at tremendous momentum he let out a long burst with his massive cannons a shot a first upon the wings them steaming upward along the pilots body and to the other side. A brutal kill. 

"Akar min alagham!" He shouted happily!


Tariq switched to 4AAM, his spacing away from the group as he lined up for a support tactic just outside of the fighting after a brief pursuit. With multi locks he fired away at the various targets. 


"He's off my six. Good on Tariq." Quabar's deep voice could be heard.


Pulling fast in a Cobra manuever Peshir reiterated and returned the pursuer pressing in the afterburn to regain her speed.


Soar dived low trying to shake another following, Razor at higher altitude followed taking a lock and firing her missile pod and striking a successful hit.


As soon as it had began the radar was cleared of the hostile forces.

"Dagger Squad form up." Razor's shaky breath could be heard.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Star didn't get anymore than two... but that was enough for her to last a life time. She made her way to like up with Razor and only tapped the ready signal on her helm, she was in no mood to talk to anyone if she could help it and merely followed Razor's lead and looked forward, if anyone could actually see her eyes they'd be glazed over. 

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Forming on their right side, the friendly fighters approached. Each dressed in similar fashion their suits consisted of simple khaki brown coloring with sahara colors on their flank trousers. Their inner BDU colors on their hooves show a bright yellow green color. The large wing span of their rigs looked rather industrial in appearance compared to the streamlined sleek design of their own. The cannons looked massive, amazing they could fly with such bulky things. 


"This is Napalm 1. Good to see you Equestrians." A male voice spoke. 

"This is Dagger 1. Roger. Thanks for the assist." Razor replied. 

"Dagger 3. Thanks for the show up guys. Didn't think we could hold em." Kris spoke.

"A pleasure to help." A soft monotone female voice replied.


The two squads remained in flight for several moments.


"Our objective is complete. Napalm squad RTB." Napalm 1 spoke, the squad banked to the south west departing ways.


"Well. That went well." Soar spoke.

  • Brohoof 1

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Star had little contribute. "Yeah... well." Her voice devoid of emotion for the only two words she spoke. She looked to her other squadies who seemed a little more ok with killing then obviously she was, or they were hiding it far better then she was. "Orders?" Again her voice dull.

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"Our objective is complete. Lets head back. RTB." Razor replied. The four banked west making their direction toward the carrier.


"Well the lot of them seemed friendly." Kris said, in his usual perky self. 

"Did any of you recognize any of them? Like from the race event? Just a curious thought." Soar chimed in. 


She recalled their brief chat... but to Star none she could make out. She didn't exactly have enough time to chat with any of the Arabian racers.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Star didn't say anything, she wasn't paying any attention after Razor said "RTB". Her mind was only on the lives she'd taken, a pair of sons, husbands? Fathers? Two families that would here the words her own parents dreaded to hear while she fought overseas.


She knew she was best to pass these thoughts from her mind, when she was in the heat of the moment she was a killer, a taker of life.


She'd heard rumours of her own races creation and how they were soldiers in Nightmare Moon's army, maybe down under her cutiemark was a lineage of soldiers bread to kill...?


But what the others? How did they pull their triggers? Razor, for Equestria maybe she was a patriot. Soar, to protect us? Her Squad. Kris, she wasn't sure, maybe in the same boat as herself minus most of the negativity.

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