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private A day in a Life [1x1 with Captain Whirlwind][RP]


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Stardust was busy finalizing the charts she was about to send to the University department. Frantic because theses were supposed to be sent in the week before! They had to be to the University this afternoon!! "Why did I put this off??! GAH! I'm such a procrastinator! Now I have to fly these directly to the University in order for them to be on time so I can be paid!!"


Stardust put the final touches on the last chart and rolled them all up. Tied twine around them and gently placed them in her saddle bags. She strapped it to her back and she was out the door. 


"Okay, as long as nothing else happens on my way there things should be okay!" She quickly shut and locked her door. She figured she wouldn't make it the entire way to Canterlot especially with having to fuss over making sure the charts don't fly out of her bags. She decided the best way was to take the train, it did in fact only take a couple hours and she had 4 hours to get there. She began her trot down into Ponyville to the train station. 


She saw ponies going every which way, it was a really busy morning. Stardust was not surprised with the festival coming up in the next few days. 

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Whirlwind was having a pretty free day. He was running out of ideas on what to do. He was wanting to look for a job

that he can make some quick bits and earn probably focus a little more on finding an education. 

Whirlwind thought he should spend the rest of his day in Ponyville just to explore and even know the city better. 

Because there might be some jobs around he could apply for. As he flies over ponyville thinking of ideas'


"Well here we are in Ponyville. Wonder whats gonna be the first thing to do?"

  • Brohoof 1

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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@@Captain Whirlwind,


 Stardust was in such a hurry to make it to the train station on time she decided to try and glide a bit. She spread her wings and lifted off the ground slightly. As she did a breeze picked up and carried her higher than she wanted. All of a sudden one of her charts flew out of her saddle bag and began floating in the breeze behind her, getting higher and higher. "Horsefeathers!!!" She shouted, in order to make sure that the rest of the charts didn't fly out either she quickly placed her bags down on the ground and began to chase the wind blown parchment. 

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Whirlwind was trotting around town, just glaring at his surroundings.

As he is just about to head down past town hall, he hears a pony shout "Horsefeathers!" 

"what?" Whirlwind says as he turns around finding where that shout came from.


Looking in the direction of pony, Whirlwind sees a mare who had papers flying out of her saddle bags.

He causally flies over to the mare with papers and sees if she needs any help.

"Um. Do you need help with those papers?"

Edited by Captain Whirlwind
  • Brohoof 1

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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@@Captain Whirlwind,


"Oh my goodness! Please yes I need some help! That parchment is very important and delicate, can you help me to get it down without a scratch?!" She was so grateful that the stallion had offered to help. She darted up behind the parchment in hopes to catch it, luckily it 'caught' her by flying right into her muzzle. "Oaf" She grunted. She managed to get a few words out, "Here, take this end please while I get the twine ready again." 

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"Oh okay. I could do that" As Whirlwind generously helps the grey mare Pegasus.

"So whats your name? If you have time for asking. hehe" Whirlwind says.

He begins to realize that the mare is stressed out and doesn't seem like the right to now.

"here is the papers you need"

Edited by Captain Whirlwind
  • Brohoof 1

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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@@Captain Whirlwind,


Stardust had heard the stallions question but she was so preoccupied with trying to get the twine around the paper that she didn't answer him. Finally she had it in her hooves and she started to flutter her wings until she was back on the ground. "So much for a short cut..." She mumbled under her breath. 


She noticed the stallion again. "Oh, I'm sorry. Uhm... my name is Stardust... and thank you so much for your help. If I had lost this chart I don't know what I would have done." She looked over her shoulder to the train station. "Say... would you mind walking with me to the train station in case that happens again, you have quick reflexes." She gave him a smile. "Oh, and what's your name?" 

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"Oh yes of course!. My name is Whirlwind. I can kinda see why you are stressed now"

As The two ponies both start walking down to the ponyville train station, Whirlwind 

was feeling happy to help any pony who needed help. 

"Hmm. What are you doing with all of these papers?" You work or something?"

  • Brohoof 1

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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@@Captain Whirlwind,


"Yes! I chart stars for the University of Canterlot. And these need to get there TODAY! And I am running late!" She explained as the two made their way to the train station. As they got closer she felt a bit better since the train hadn't arrived yet. She breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that at least she hadn't missed it. She spotted a bench and made her way in that direction.


She turned to the stallion, "Thank you Whirlwind, you are a life saver. I should be okay from here. I do apologize for interrupting your day." She gave him a warm smile. "Maybe I'll see you around sometime, it would be nice to get to know the stallion who came to my rescue." She giggled a bit. 

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"Oh well your are certainly welcome" As he smiled back

"I hope everything goes well with your star chart in Canterlot. And it would be pretty nice to see each other again soon" 

*whirlwind blushes*

"But I'm usually not in a hurry to get things done. Good luck now!"

  • Brohoof 1

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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@@Captain Whirlwind,


 "Thanks. ... But, well... what are you doing for the rest of the day? I wouldn't mind some company on the train, it is a bit of a ride, we can talk and then I can take you out for lunch as a thank you for helping me out." She could hear the train begin getting closer to the station. She stood up and went to buy her ticket. "What do you say?" She asked Whirlwind. 

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"I'm pretty down for that" Whirlwind responded happily

"Yeah, I think I brought enough bits for the day. I was just coming down here looking for jobs.

But I don't mind meeting someone new". Whirlwind goes up to the ticket window and purchases a ticket to 
Canterlot. Eventually walking over to the train he let out a relieving breath after seeing the train.


  • Brohoof 1

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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@@Captain Whirlwind,


Once aboard Stardust found a nice spot next to the window, she lowered it just a bit, it always made her nervous if she couldn't feel the breeze. "So you are looking for a job? What sort of work?"


She was fighting with her saddle bags making sure not to bend any of the charts. "And... I don't spend a whole lot of time in Ponyville, but I think I know most of the ponies around there, are you new to town?" She asked. 

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*Whirlwind looks at Stardust*

"Well....I've been kinda looking a job for a little while now, looking retailing positions.

By the way, I actually come from the city of Cloudsdale." He said in a shy-ish fashion. Whirlwind was internally surprised by the fact 

he is doing quite a bit of traveling today even when he has nothing to do.

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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