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private Love is Sweet (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Dynamo Pad

It is a lovely sunny afternoon in the busy capitol city of Canterlot, and the owners of the local candy and malt store "Sweet Tooth" are getting ready for the usual after school rush, where fillies and colts of all ages would gather, purchase their favorite drinks and treats and relax before going home. 


It just so happened, that one of those fillies would be Orange "Sherbet" Sparks, the only daughter of the owners. She was helping them set up the store, which she does whenever she finishes school early.


Normally, the shy, cute and nerdy little mare would be more than happy to help her fellow fillies and colts from school (and other schools) order their drinks and treats but it was on this given day, that she was feeling kind of down and lonely. As she waited for the other fillies and colts to start coming into her parents' store, she leaned against the wall with a sad expression on her face and playing one of her favorite video games to help get her mind off of it.


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As the school day came to a close, a blue colt with a black and red mane and tail raced out of the school as fast as he could. This colt, known as Dynamo Pad, had wanted to get an early start on some after school fun. While some classes were either boring or interesting, it helped him to harness the magic from within him, so he couldn't really complain.


"I got to get home as fast as I can. Then I can stop and pick up something to eat and head on over to the arcade!" He yelled to himself as the destination in question was right within sight. As he got home and greeted his parents, he dropped his stuff off and grabbed his bits and other things he considered necessary to him. After notifying his parents on what he was doing and a quick goodbye, he exited the house and made his way to the "Sweet Tooth" candy and malt store. It was a couple of blocks down the road and close to the arcade, so it was a slight detour for him. He quickened his pace when he saw the candy store, but was going way to fast for his own good. He tried to slow down which caused him to trip and slam face first into the door, prompting it to open.


"Ow. Did somepony get the number of that taxi? Next time I shouldn't rush to where I need to go." He said to nopony in particular as he rubbed his muzzle to see if he was hurt. After gathering his bearings he looked around and saw he was the first pony to arrive at the shop. "Hmm, I guess I'm the first one here. Guess everypony else is still taking their time getting here." As he waited he walked around the shop trying to see what candy he wanted for the day. As he was browsing, he noticed a little orange mare leaning against the wall of the shop. Upon closer inspection, he could see she had a sort of sad expression upon her features. Not wanting to see somepony sad, Dynamo decided to go up and try to cheer this pony up. As he slowly trotted up to the mare so not to scare her, he felt this pony was familiar to him in some way, but he couldn't put a hoof on it. Looking over he saw that the mare was playing a video game which intrigued him. "Um...h-hey there. What game are you playing and what level are you at?" He asked as he tried to start up the conversation.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange looks up slowly after pausing her game,  "Oh um hello there, I'm  playing Ponymon, Sapphire, I've only really just started playing, haven't even gotten up to the first gym yet" she says. smiling softly to herself after the fact that somepony had actually taken the time to say hello to her outside of school. Slowly putting her game away, she smiles at him as she goes behind the counter, "Welcome to Sweet Tooth, Canterlot's best malt and candy store, I'm Orange "Sherbet" Sparks, how may I serve you?" she asks, in a not so much of a bored tone, but more of a I wish I could just get back to playing my game and forget my thoughts sort of tone.


Upon seeing the uniform that the colt was wearing along with the pin and badge of his year, her eyes and smile brightens up a little more "Oh hey, you go the Academy too? That's pretty cool" she says, trying to make conversation as she waits for him to make his decision on what he wanted.


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"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo watched as she put the game away and moved over to the counter. He moved his way to a stool and sat down and proceeded to spin in the stool while he thought. Dynamo stopped suddenly and slammed his head on the table, dizzy as he spun around too many times. He then raised his hand while answering in a dazed manor, "I'll take a vanilla shake and something gummy flavored, please." After the dizziness went away, he lifted his head off of the counter and rubbed a hand through his mane in embarrassment. "Haha, sorry about that. It's just so much fun spinning in the rotating chairs. Even though you get dizzy afterwards, between you and me, it's totally worth it." Dynamo closed his eyes and grinned at the mare across the counter from her.


He then opened his eyes as he heard about the Academy. "Yeah, I do go to the Academy actually. I guess I forgot to change into my regular clothes. I think we are in the same year because you seem familiar, though I'm not entirely sure why. You said you're name is Orange, right? My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. It's really nice to meet you." He said as he raised a hand out to shake her own hand.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange couldn't help but giggle a little t the colt's antics, she shakes her head as she begins to get his shake ready "One Vanilla shake and gummies, gotcha" she says, and as she looks at him, she giggles again, it was a rather cute and shy giggle "Oh yeah, I think we have Celestia's Magic Manifestation class together with Twilight, Sunset and Starlight, right?" she asks him, nodding in agreement to his statement about the stools, she was also quite relieved that he wasn't like the other colts, who would constantly stare at her, for even though she was still a young mare, she was rather well developed and she smiles at him "that'll be eight bits please, you going to the arcade after?" she asks with a small smile, hoping that maybe her parents would let her off early so she could go too.


She finishes giving him his shake and gummies after receiving the eight bits. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo levitated the eight bits from his wallet and hands them over to Orange. After receiving the shake and gummies, he began eating the candy and sighed in satisfaction. "I tell you, candy does wonders for the soul of a gamer. Though nothing beats that more than a sugar rush. Also yeah, now I remember. I think we sit a few chairs away from each other. I do enjoy that class because it's giving me an idea, though it's still in the works. I'm trying to manifest a way to make a way to enter the gaming world. I know it sounds crazy, but I know there's such a place and I hope I can make that reality. Just like in the Haycart's technique, being able to enter a book or something along those lines. Imagine being able to enter the gaming world and seeing Ponymon or anything else. I also have an idea where since we lose track of time when playing a game, time would flow differently, which means the spell could last a lot longer!" Dynamo stopped himself cold at how he was acting while waving his arms at his crazy idea. "Haha sorry about that. It's just a dream I've had since I was a bit younger. Though It's something to imagine."


Dynamo ate another gummy piece and took a drink of his shake. He noticed Orange's giggle and smiled at seeing she was happy. He didn't know why, but he though she looked really pretty, especially her eyes. Even while wearing glasses, it made her eyes more defined and beautiful that way. Dynamo not realizing what he was doing briefly shook his head, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "Y-yeah, I'm heading to the arcade afterwards. Do you want to join me? Maybe we can play some games there and maybe some Ponymon as well. I have a copy of my own, but it's Ruby version. Plus, I would like to get to know you a bit better, if that's okay." Dynamo smiled as he pulled out his portable game console with the Ponymon game inside. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Roxy giggles again and smiles "That'd be awesome, I'd love to see all my favorite ponymon, they're so cute and look so cuddly" she giggles softly again and nods "well I can see if mummy and daddy would let me go early, and you're right about the Haycart's technique, how-ever there are some very high risks of say entering the gaming world, as there are with books and movies, such as getting stuck in the world and not being able to return or something going horribly wrong, like in the Sword Art Online series" she says and smiles at him once more, he was quite a good looking colt, and the fact he asked if she wanted to go to the arcade with him, it made her blush a little, "be right back I just gotta ask mummy and daddy"


She rushes off to speak to her parents, and after a few hushed words from her parents, she rushes back giggling, "they said yes, but I have to be back in time for dinner at seven" she says excitedly before going to help a small filly with her order of ice cream and then going to her room to get ready.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nodded at her idea of the risks to using the Haycart technique. "Hmm...when you put it that way, I guess that makes a lot of sense. I mean it would take a lot of testing to find out everything involving the game world. Though if there is a set time limit, then maybe we can take a clock or something that would keep track of time. That way the one's using the spell wouldn't overstay in the dimension. Other than that, it's still a mystery, but a fun mystery nonetheless." As Dynamo took another drink of his shake he chocked a bit as he heard about Sword Art Online from Orange. As he got his choking fit under control, he looked at Orange with widened, sparkling eyes.


"Wait you mean the Sword Art Online!? I mean I know it was a manga and then turned into and anime and spawned several games and all. Though I never heard of anypony talking about that series, or even anime in general. I know it's not a huge thing here in Canterlot so I'm actually quite surprised, in a good way that is." As he watched the mare leave to talk to her parents, Dynamo felt a bit sad and wished she was still there. Even though she would be right back he strangely felt lonely. He closed his eyes and tried to think of the reason behind this feeling. 'Why am I feeling this way. It's not like I'm in love with her or anything, right? Well, she is pretty cute and we have some things in common, but does she like me in that way?'  Dynamo's cheeks began to turn a light red once again. 'I mean we just met and I don't want to rush things. I do want to see how it goes though. So maybe us hanging out at the arcade can help see how my feelings are about her.' As he opened his eyes he saw that Orange had returned. He tried to get his blush under control as she began to tell him the good news.


Dynamo hopped out of his seat and jumped around, cheering like a little foal with a huge grin on his face. "All right, awesome! This is going to be great! It's still a little early out so going home at 7 is okay with me." He exclaimed excitedly as he watched her serve a filly and then getting ready for the arcade. He decided to slip his book bag over his shoulders as he waited for her to come back.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


 Orange's giggles could be heard from her room above the store. She soon reappears in more casual clothing, consisting of sneakers, a short skirt, anime branded shirt of One Piece and her hoodie. She holds her bag to her chest as she looks around to find Dynamo. Finding, him, she swishes her tail and flicks her ears cutely as she walks over to him and adjusts her glasses with a small smile.


"Yeah, I absolutely love anime, it's one of my biggest passions next to gaming and sweets" she says with a giggle and puts on her bag as she waves goodbye to her parents and smiles at Dynamo "As for SAO, it is one of my favorite anime to watch, such an immersive story." she says as she and Dynamo begin walking out of the shop. She then looks at the colt walking beside her and couldn't help but feel a bit of a blush crossing her face as she thinks to herself, He's so cute, and we get along really well. I mean sure, we only just met sorta, but we do have a fair bit in common and he goes to the same school. She then smiles and coughs slightly before speaking "So Dynamo, what are some of your favorite games? Aside from Ponymon, mine are Fall Out Equestria, Gothic and the Elder Scrolls series" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo saw Orange return in her casual clothing and couldn't help but blush. She looked absolutely beautiful and it caused his jaw to widen a bit slightly at the sight of the mare. As they headed out of the shop, they began to walk towards the arcade and discussed some things on anime. "It's really interesting to know somepony else love anime like I do. It's about the same amount of passion I have towards video games. SAO is a really great anime, though I haven't gotten around to watching the second season. There's so many new anime and games that are out, that I just haven't had the time to catch up. I do agree that the story is incredible and the whole VMMORPG is really interesting. It makes you wonder if something like that will be become possible here in Equestria." As they were walking, Dynamo glanced towards the mare and couldn't help but smile to himself. 'It's like I've known for years and e just met today. I never though I would meet someone who likes almost the same exact stuff as me. My heart keeps pounding so quickly when I'm near her as well. Her choice in clothing suits her well and it makes her absolutely beautiful.'


Dynamo's smile continue to widen slightly as a blush formed to compliment it. He heard her cough as he was brought back to reality as her heard her question. "That's a good question. Ponymon would definitely be up there as well as the Kingdom Hearts series. My absolute favorite would have to be the Ultimate Ninja Storm series. I like your choice in games, though I haven't played Fallout or Elder Scrolls unfortunately. I've always wanted to play Skyrim and use the Fus Ro Dah!" He exclaimed as he raised a fist in the air as he yelled a move from the video game.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Orange nods to what he was saying, she couldn't help but agree on what he said about the VMMORPG thing and giggles when he did the whole Fus Ro Dah thing with the fistpump to the air "Oh I grew up on Kingdom Hearts, do you play the Final Fantasy series as well though?" she asks with a smile, she never thought she would meet let alone get along with another pony when it came to her love for anime and video games. "I really like how Square Enix implemented characters from both the Final Fantasy and Disney universes, I mean, being able to play as a character such as Cloud or Sora, while immersing yourself in the Disney levels such as the Colosseum from Hercules or the Garden from Alice in Wonderland, it was such an innovative and unique idea"  she goes on, then realizes she was rambling on and blushes with a soft and cute giggle once more "Listen to me ramble, as for Skyrim, I have  copy of it at home, if-if you;d like to come over and play it s-some time" she says, all of a sudden going all shy and timid, as if she was asking him out on a date or something.


What are you thinking Orange? He probably doesn't even like you in that way, who would? She thinks to herself, almost letting out a heavy sigh, but stops herself when they reach the arcade, "Cool, we're he..." she stops as a colt whistles and she blushes at it


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"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo listened to everything she said and felt mesmerized by her words. It almost felt angelic to him in a way. "I've played a bit of Final Fantasy like seven, ten, thirteen and the Dissidia fighting games. I got into Kingdom Hearts after a while because I didn't really see the big deal of the game. After playing it I'm glad I gave it a chance. I'm honestly surprised that Disney and Final Fantasy go hand in hand together really well. It's also awesome being able to go to Disney worlds that you've grown up watching. Though I hate the Atlantica worlds. Those swimming levels are just torture beyond belief. Hey it's okay you weren't rambling. It's good to express how you feel towards something you love. I'd love to play it sometime. Sounds like a date to me. I-I m-mean if it's a-alright with you." Dynamo said nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed. He could see the arcade in sight and wondered what games they could play. As they stepped in to the shop, he heard a colt whistle at Orange and saw her blush. He couldn't help but feel a bit mad for some reason. He almost felt jealous in a way. Though it lessened as he felt that colt made her feel uncomfortable.


He took her hand and after giving that colt a glare, walked away further into the arcade. "Don't worry about that guy. Some ponies don't have manners these days anymore. They just have to act so obnoxious that they can't seem to learn to respect a mare." Dynamo realized he was still holding her hand and with a blush he quickly left go. His hand losing the warmth of the hand he was holding. "S-Sorry about all that. With the whole pony whistling and everything, I thought you were feeling uncomfortable to the whole situation." He drifted his eyes towards the floor thinking it was much more interesting at the moment due to his embarrassment.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


First at the mention of a date and then Dynamo holding her hand when the colt whistled at her, she could feel her face redden and the blush deepen, "A d-date? l-like a-as colt and m-marefriend?" she asks, secretly wishing that he had continued to hold her hand as it felt nice and it helped her feel comfortable and safe, she then shakes her head, "P-please, you can continue holding my hand if you l l-liked it, it helped me feel s-safe" she says as she idly brushes his hand with hers and her ear flickers. She nods to his remarks about Kingdom Hearts and the swimming levels though "you're right about those swimming levels, I remember the levels like that in games like Donkey Kong and even the Daring Do games, they were murder beyond torture" she giggles and smiles at him whilst looking around at all the games she could play ranging from the old arcade beat em up to the more modern first person ones.


The colt who had whistled at her grumbles as he is glared at by Dynamo and stomps off to play Them's Fighting Herds for a while. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo felt Orange's hand brush against his, causing him to raise his head to look her in the eyes. He smiled a small smile and nodded as he took her hand in his again. He unconsciously began rubbing her hand with his thumb. As the continued to walk around the arcade he replied, "To be honest, y-yeah as in colt and marefriend. T-That's if it's okay with you however. You don't have to in you don't want to." He said nervously as he slightly looked away in worry. He looked back and couldn't help but agree with her. 


"Thank you! Somepony actually understands what I mean. Others say that swimming levels have improved over the years. In reality however, I think the game creators do a good job making it too realistic. This just makes in unbearable to play a water level, haha." Dynamo said as he chuckled a bit. He began to look around at all the games available to play, ranging from the new to old. "So are there any games you want to play first. You can go ahead and choose first." Dynamo said as he looked at the mare next to him with a smile on his face.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


He does like me in the same way I like him, I-I must be dreaming. She thinks to herself as a cute smile crosses her muzzle and as she enjoyed feeling his thumb rub her hand, she looks over at a co-op dungeon crawler "ooh, how about we play that one?" she points over to it, "I haven't seen it before, so they must have just had it recently installed". She blushes a little more "I-I would l-like it v-very much, b-but I would have to ask mummy and daddy first" she says somewhat softly, despite her age, her parents, more specifically her father, were quite protective of her.


She smiles as she gets out her phone and looks at him "I c-can call them now, you go and choose your character first" she says, dialing her father's mobile number and waiting for him to answer.


(I'll make it that the other colt tries to do something with/to her so that Dynamo can protect her or something?) 

Edited by Roxy Brightspark


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo looks over to where she's pointing and see's the game in question. "Yeah you're right. I haven't seen this game before so it must be brand new. This looks like it's going to be a fun game." Dynamo said as he smiled in excitement. "O-oh o-okay that's true when you think about it. Okay, I'll go check out the game. I'll keep your seat warm." Dynamo smiled and chuckled a bit with a tiny blush. He walked over to the game while glancing slightly at the mare that captured his heart.


'I can't shake these feelings away and I don't want to. I'm really starting to like her. I just hope that when the time comes, I can tell her how I truly feel.' He thought to himself as he inserted the amount of bits to play. He looked at the characters to choose from and decided to be a knight/warrior with a sword and large shield. He looked back at Orange with a happy and patient smile on his face.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange giggles as she hears her father answer the phone.


"Hello darling, is everything alright?" Her father asks, to which she giggles and replies.


"Yes daddy, you know that colt who I'm at the arcade with? Well, I kind of like like him, and he feels the same way towards me, h-he wants to go on a date with me, c-can I say yes?" she asks nervously.


"I don't see why not, but I will have to have a talk with him, okay sweetie? Don't want my little filly running off with the wrong colt, now do I?" he says over the phone, and she giggles, skipping over to Dynamo like a little filly would.


"Okay daddy, I'll hand the phone over to him" she says, smiling at Dynamo "Daddy wants to talk to with you" she says before handing him the phone.


"Hello, this is Chocolate Swirl, I understand you want to take my filly out on a date, is that true?" he asks over the phone, while Orange goes about choosing her character a mixture of a mage and rogue class. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo see Orange skipping over to him and smiles at how happy she is. After being told that he needs to speak to her father, he becomes really nervous and is afraid of messing up. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before taking the phone from her. As he puts the phone to his ear, he hears her father speak to her.


"Hello sir, and that is correct. I would like to take your daughter out on a date, if that is completely okay sir." Dynamo was still a bit nervous, but did his best to calm his nerves. He didn't want to mess up a chance to be with somepony he felt connected towards in his heart. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


A slight chuckles could be heard as well as a giggle, for her mother was there with her father as well, ""It's alright son, no need to be nervous" Chocolate says with a slight smirk on his face "Though there are a few rules you must follow, first of all, get her home by nine at the latest if it's on a Friday or Saturday, if not then get her home by seven. Secondly, treat her with the utmost respect and kindness, she is a rather fragile and naive filly, so keep that in mind, and third of all, touch her in any way she doesn't like, and you'll be answering to me, understood?" Chocolate says in a rather authoritative yet kind tone.


Meanwhile, the colt who had whistled at orange before had now finished playing his game and was staring at her, thinking that while Dynamo was on phone, it would be the perfect chance for him to try something with her. Walking over to her, he suddenly pulls her into his powerful arms and in a tone that had a slight "purr" to it says "Hey there sweetheart, why be here with a loser like him, when you could be with a stud like me?" he asks, pulling her closer despite her attempts to get away.


"D-Dynamo H-help me" she whimpers in a rather fragile and timid tone, trying to get away from the colt who was now trying to kiss her and feel her up.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo could hear the chuckling and giggling on the other end of the call and he began to relax a bit. After hearing all the rules that was given to him, he replied, "Thank you and I understand sir. I promise to have her home on time and to treat her with the utmost respect and kindness. I also promise not to do anything that would make her feel uncomfortable." Dynamo smiled knowing he got the confirmation, but wanted to surprise Orange about it.


He heard his name and turned to see the colt from earlier grabbing Orange and tried to kiss her. Seeing this made Dynamo angry that somepony would do this to a sweet and innocent mare. In a calm, but serious tone he replied, "Excuse me sir, but something has come up and I need to take care of it. I'm sorry but I have to go. I promise you that I will always protect your daughter." With that he ended the call and pocketed the phone before walking over the the colt. "HEY! I don't know what your problem is, but all I know is that this is stopping one way or another. So either you let her go or you're going to have to answer to me, got it?" Dynamo said to the colt as his expression became angry and his eyes became and cold icy type blue. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


The colt laughs "what's a scrawny fool like you going to do to a jock like me?" he asks, sneering at him then mocks him "I've already convinced this filly to choose me over you, so I suggest you cut your losses and leave" he says, glaring at him.


It was Orange's expression on her face and in her eyes that told Dynamo that it was the complete opposite, but she felt powerless, she mouths the words "help" and "please" to him.


The cot then suddenly releases Orange as he gets ready to fight. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo looked towards Orange's expression and nodded in understanding. He gave a look that told her she will be safe. He looked toward the colt and replied while smirking, "You do realize that violence isn't allowed here unless it's a fighting game. You really are a dumb jock, you know that?" Dynamo chuckled at the quick jab he gave. "I will fight you then we do this my way. I challenge you, right here and now at a game of my choosing and settle this. I win, you leave her alone and never come back or bother anypony again. You win, well then that's up to you, but let me give you a little warning. You've messed with the wrong colt here punk. You won't get away with what you've done. Now follow me."


Dynamo led the colt over the game he chose. Hearing his outburst got the attention of all the gamer's in the arcade and went over to see what was going on. They stopped at a Guitar Hero machine with two guitar controllers. "Since you're a complete simpleton, I'll go ahead and explain it real easily for you, okay? One game, one song. I pick the song and we are going to play. The one with the highest score wins and the other won't complain about it. Does that sound okay to you?" Dynamo asked not taking his glare away from the colt standing just a few feet away in front of him. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


The colt gulps a little but nods "You're on, I've got the highest score of all the football team" he says, leering at Dynamo while Orange just sat on a chair and watched. The way that Dynamo stood up for her, the way that he was prepared to protect her and the way he made her feel. She felt safe, secure and..happy.


"you can do it Dynamo! Kick this loser's flank!" she cheers him on, as  others started to gather around to see what all the fuss was about.


Lttle did they know, that the Princess, Luna was there playing some of her favorite games, using her magic she continues to play her games but keeps an eye on Dynamo, I'd be shocked if he can beat my high score. She thinks to herself.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo huffed in annoyance at the colt's attempts at his fear tactics. He looked through the song list and smirked as he found one that was perfect. Dynamo looked towards Orange and chuckled at what she had said. He gave her thumbs up as a promise to win it for her. 'This is for you, my love.' He said in his thoughts. Both competitors stepped on opposite sides so no cheating would occur. Taking a deep breath to calm him down, Dynamo clicked start and the song commenced.




As the song was playing, both players were giving it their all. Dynamo was bouncing around in time with the beat and was having fun. He looked over at the colt and could tell he was good, but he wasn't smart when it came to the change ups. Both players kept gaining note streaks and star power and trying to outdo the other. The change ups gave Dynamo the edge and was able to take a good lead in the song. As the song neared it's end, Dynamo raised his index and pinkie fingers up and tilted the guitar to activate star power. At the end, Dynamo attained victory, easily beating the colt by a few ten thousand points. He smiled in victory and proved to the bully to not count him out. He saw the crowd cheer from the battle, but wasn't concerned about that. All that mattered to him was that the colt would leave him and Orange alone.


"There are you satisfied now? I won the battle and now you have to pay up. Leave both her and me alone and don't bother us ever again, got it!?" Dynamo yelled as he walked away and headed towards Orange. "Hey, are you okay? He didn't hurt or anything, did he?" He looked at her with care and concern written all over his face.

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@@Dynamo Pad


The colt's jaw drops "H-how..you must've cheated!" he exclaims, all but throwing the controller down and storming off. 


Meanwhile, Orange throws herself into his arms, and does something she never thought she would do in her life time, she kisses him on the mouth "Dynamo I..." she says, blushing softly, quickly pulling away, "I..thank you, no he didn't though he tried to" she says and then smiles at him "thank you, f-for sticking up for me" she says softly, nuzzling into his neck a little.


After she finally regains composure, she looks at him "So w-what did daddy say?" she asks him, as they walk back to the arcade machine and she sits down, ready to play their first game together.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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