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private Love is Sweet (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange nods and blushes deeply "I-I do. I love you, when you ran off, I..." she hugs him tightly "I was so worried I'd lose you forever, I d-don't w-want to live without you" she says softly and kisses him, not on the cheek but right on the mouth.


Luna smiles "I shall tell Cadence, she'll be absolutely thrilled"


Chocolate clasps a hand on Quick's shoulder "Time to break out the wedding fund"


night answers her phone "Hello darling, is everything alright?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo was surprised as Orange kissed him on the lips, but he calmed down and returned the kiss. After they parted their lips from the kiss, he looked at his marefriend with a blush. "You always know how to make my heart skip a beat. You know that?" He chuckled and nuzzles her. "I love you too and okay. There's just one thing I need to know. When do you want this to happen?" He asked curiously.


Quick felt Chocolate clasp his shoulder and laughed at what Chocolate said. "You've got that right buddy. It was only a matter of time and I'm glad that time is now. They're going to be so happy when that time comes." He said, truly happy for his son's happiness.


Gentle smiled at her friend's response. "Hey Night I'm glad you answered. Listen, there's been a change in plans. Some things happened to Dynamo and Orange and we are moving up our time to come to Manehatten. We might come Tuesday so we can pack tomorrow and be ready for the next day. Is that okay with you, Night? I hope that doesn't inconvenience you in any way." She said as she explained the changes to her friend over the phone. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


"M-maybe when w-we're at Manehatten" she says shyly and nuzzles into his chest once more, she was truly in love with him and wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him.


Starling looks at her "W-what a wedding?" she asks


Candy smiles and picks her up "A wedding is when two ponies, say your big sister and big brother, love each other very much and they want to spend the rest of their lives together, so they do a special ceremony to celebrate that fact" she says, nuzzling the cute little bat filly


Rarity squees "Oh you simply must let me make your dress and suit!" she giggles


Night smiles "No trouble at all dearest, I look forward to it" she says then hears the giggle "A wedding in Manehatten eh? You two must be very happy"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"That sounds perfect, my love." He said as he hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "Wait a minute. I want to do this right." He said as he pushed her away gently, before taking her hands in his and started getting down on one knee.


Quick looked over at where Luna was standing. "You said Cadence, right Luna? As in, Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire? Why would she be thrilled? Also isn't the legal age to be married is 18 years old?" He asked as Dynamo face faulted to the floor. "Did you really have to ruin the moment, dad!?" He yelled as he looked up at his dad with a pout. Quick laughed at his son's behavior. "Well at least you're back to your old self son. I'm just making sure because we are going to be in Manehatten for two weeks. We have a lot to plan out and get ready if this happens. I just don't want to get anypony's hopes up for nothing."


Dynamo reluctantly nodded at his father's words. "I understand dad, but I think it'll work out in the end. Also you don't have to do that Rarity, but I really do appreciate the help." He said as he nodded and chuckled at the fashionista's excitement.


Gentle sighed in relief and giggled. "Thanks for understand and I can't wait to see you. This is going to be an amazing trip. Candy and I are really happy, as well as Dynamo and Orange. Maybe you can be a part of the wedding. We can all discuss this when we get together."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Chocolate nods "Well normally it is eighteen, but it can be younger with the parents' permission, besides they are nearly eighteen, regardless, they have my permission" he says with a soft smile.


Candy smiles "As do I"


Rarity smiles "Are you kidding me , it'll be my pleasure"


Night smiles "Of course, now I must go see to some business again, I will see you in two days darling, kisses" she then hangs up


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick nodded in understanding. "That makes a lot of sense when you think about it. I also give my permission of the two getting married." He smiled as he saw his son getting up off the floor.


Gentle smiled happily. "That's great and okay I understand. We'll see you soon. Hugs and kisses dear." She said before hanging up with Night Dancer. She walked over to the rest of the giant group. "I let Night Dancer know of the details and it's all worked out. We go to Manehatten in two days time. That gives us enough time to pack and get things together for our trip. I also heard the details and I also give my permission."


Dynamo smiled and nodded. "Thank you Rarity I really do appreciate it." He grinned as he heard his parents gave their permission for their marriage. "Thank you mom, dad, Aunt Candy and Uncle Chocolate. Then that means I can do this." He said as he retook Orange's hand in his and got down on one knee. He felt nervous with everypony in the room watching, but he tried to be brave for what he was about to do. "Miss Orange "Sherbet" Sparks? Will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my wife. I'm really sorry I don't have a ring to give you, but I wanted to do this because I felt this was right. I know we are both still in the Academy and have not been together very long, but I don't care. I love you with all my heart and soul. I want us to always be together and to grow old together. There's not another mare in the world that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You've made me the happiest colt in the land of Equestria. I promise to make every day we spend together wonderful and truly special. I love you Orange. So, what do you say? Will you marry me?" He asked as he smiled softly and looked up at Orange with love filled eyes.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Everypony watched and waited for Orange's response.


Orange's eyes were filled with tears and she then starts to cry, nodding as she couldn't speak due to being speechless and overwhelmed with emotion.  She simply hugs him and kisses him, finally able to let out one word in a soft croaky voice "Yes"


"YAAAY!" Starling squeals delightedly and hugs them both


Candy sniffles and wipes away some tears "My filly's all grown up now"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's smiled widely as he saw Orange responded with a nod. He stood up, kissed her and pulled her into a hug. He rubbed her back in a circular motion while he nuzzles her. Hearing her answer made him slightly tighten the hug he had around her. "I love you so much, sweetheart." He said as Starling rushes over to join them in the hug.


Gentle embraced Quick as tears were starting to stream from her eyes. "It looks like our son is all grown up now." Quick said as he wrapped his arms around his arms around his wife. "He'll always remain my little foal." Gentle said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate hugs his own wife "No matter what, Orange will always be our sweet little filly" he says, nuzzling Candy's neck.


Orange giggles and hugs both her fiance and her little sister as she cries into Dynamo's mane softly.


Pinkie then begins to cry herself


"Oh boy, here we go" Applejack says as she hugs the overly emotional pink mare


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick smiles as he looks over to Chocolate. "I guess this makes us in-laws, huh? I'm glad and I wouldn't have it any other way. Welcome to the family, my friend." He said as he raised a hand for Chocolate to shake. 


Gentle smiled as she brought Candy in for a hug. "I'm so happy for our children. They're going to be so cute and happy together. I couldn't ask for anything greater."


Dynamo continued to hug his fiancee and little sister. He felt Orange crying into his mane as he smiled and softly nuzzled her cheek. He noticed how Pinkie and Applejack were acting and chuckled. He then realized something and smiled. "I guess since there's going to be a wedding, we're going to need to set up a party afterwards. I heard that you are the known as the super party pony. Would you like to help out with that Pinkie? If that's okay with Orange, that is." He asked as he tried to get both the party pony and his fiancees' attention. 


Quick nodded his head as Dynamo brought up a point. "That's true because we need to figure out what we need for the wedding." He said as he used a hand to rub his chin in thought.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Pinkie sniffles "R-really? Y-you want me to organize the r-reception?" she asks, still sniffling.


Orange nods "Y-yes" she says softly


Candy nuzzles her best friend "I couldn't be happier either G-Gentle" she sniffles and hugs her close and tight.


Chocolate smiles at Quick "Ha!" He says, dragging Quick into a friendly headlock and gives him a noogie "Indeed friend" he says playfully, soon letting go of him.


Twilight smiles "Hey we gotta go, we've got exams soon, is it okay if we leave? But don't forget to invite us to the wedding now"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nodded his head and chuckled. "Of course we do Pinkie. It would be an honor."


As Gentle was being nuzzled by Candy, she giggled. "This vacation is crazy. It feels like there's so much to do and we haven't gone yet. I can't wait for this trip."


Quick laughed as Chocolate pulled him into a headlock. He tapped Chocolate's arm with his hand so he would let him go. As Chocolate let go, Quick rubbed the back of his neck. "I can tell that's going to be a thing." He said as Dynamo chuckled at their dads antics. He perked his ears as he heard Twilight address both families. "Oh yeah I completely forgot about exams. I guess we'll see you soon and good luck on the exams. Also yeah, definitely on inviting everypony here to the wedding.." He said as he waved to everypony as they left the house. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Pinkie giggles and hugs them "I'll do my best! Maybe I'll get Cheese Sandwich to help out" she giggles and bounces off as the rest of the girls wave goodbye and go to leave the house.


Candy sighs in relief "I'm just glad all that bullying is done with, I hated seeing our little Orange so spooked" she says softly and continues to hug into Gentle's embrace.


Chocolate smiles "Something tells me that Our wives were very, very close." he says with a chuckles "Just look at them"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"That sounds awesome Pinkie. I've also heard of Cheese Sandwich. That would make the party even more amazing." He said as he was hugged by Pinkie. As the others left the house, Dynamo moved over to sit on the loveseat while he held Orange in his embrace. "It's funny how things worked out. First we became coltfriend and marefriend, and now we are engaged. I'm so happy I have you with me in my life, my love." He said and chuckled as he kissed Orange's cheek. He felt Starling sit on his lap and smiled at his little sister.


Gentle sighed happily as she looked at the young couple. "I know how you feel. At least the two of them have each other and their friends to help them out."


Quick looks to over to what Chocolate was talking about and chuckles. "Yeah, you would need the jaws of life to pull those two apart. It's great knowing they were best friends and that they were able to reunite." He said as he sat down on the couch. "I guess we should try and figure out what we need for the wedding. I know we need invitations, who to pick as best mare and other things. Should we get a list going?" He asked as he got his phone out to write down notes. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Chocolate smiles as he sits down as well and thinks with a smile on his face "I haven't seen Candy this happy in a long, long, long time, I wouldn't be surprised if she wants to move to Manehatten though, that's been a dream of hers" he says and looks to the two wives gossiping and chatting, "Let's see, invitations we can do, I think that the best mare and and bride of honor should be up to our children, though I have a feeling that Dynamo would want little Starling as his best mare" he says, thinking out loud, "music, well..I have a thought though it's not exactly wedding music"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Chocolate looked at the two wives talking and nodded at what Chocolate had said. "It's always good to have a dream. I know my wife will move there in a heartbeat. Those two will never want to be apart again." He said, chuckling as he began writing down the things they needed. "What kind of wedding music were you thinking of? Also, to the two love birds over there. Can you please stop being all lovey dovey and help us in planning? We need to know who you're best mare and bride of honors should be. Also who do you want to invite and all that stuff." He said, getting the young couple's attention and for Dynamo to stick his tongue out at Quick.


"I think your father said Starling could be the best mare. Though I was probably going to ask Twilight to be best mare and Starling could be a flower mare. What do you think, sweetheart? Do you think Starling is ready for that kind of responsibility as best mare? do you have somepony in mind to be your bride of honor? Also do you want to have a small/private wedding so we can have all our friends and family? We could even invite Miss Celestia and Miss Luna." He said smiling while voicing his thoughts out to Orange.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange giggles and nuzzles Starling who had snuggled up to them, she smiles "Starling? flower girl?" she asks and the little filly giggles and claps her hands


"Flower! flower!" she giggles


Orange smiles "Seems she wants to be flower girl" she says nuzzling her baby sister, hugging her close "S-sorry for scaring you"


Chocolate smiles "the music? Something well,,steampunkish" he chuckles "orange really loves that music, almost as much as her pop music" he smiles


Orange smiles and "Small, friends, teachers" she says softly


Candy smiles "what do you say sis? We move to Manehatten? be with Night again, be like old times?" she asks with a giggle


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo chuckles and nods. "I think she'll be a great flower girl. Then I guess that means Twilight will be my best mare. Now all we need is the bride of honor and we'll be set on that. A small wedding sounds perfectly fine. So that's Twilight, Sunset, Starlight, both Miss Celestia and Luna, Trixie, Pinkie and the others. That's around  thirteen if I counted it right. I'm also adding Spike and maybe my teacher from Fillydelphia." 


Quick raised an eyebrow in wonder. "I can honestly say neither myself, nor my family have ever heard of, or listened to steampunk before. It sounds interesting by the title genre. Do you mean Pinball Wizard, son? I think that would be great for your old teacher to be there." He said as he remembered the arcade owner his son used to go to. Dynamo fidgeted nervously in his seat. "Could I make a suggestion? Can we add some songs from anime. That and/or maybe add some bits of steampunk and anime to our clothing? I can see some bits and pieces of steampunk would fit well with Orange." He said as held her hand and rubbed it with his thumb.


Gentle giggled and closed her eyes in thought. "That does sound like a good idea. It would be great for the old trio to get back together again. Though I would hate to take our kids away from their friends. They can always take the train to visit them when they are able to. I'm all for the move if my family is. We can talk to Night when we go visit her and then see what she thinks. Then we can have a group family discussion. If it all goes well, then maybe we can all move down there after our kids graduate. What do you think of that?" She asked as she ran the plan by her best friend.

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@@Dynamo Pad


"D-don't forget miss Night and Lilly" Orange says and smiles at his suggestion "Steampunk and Anime..." she then gasps "Full Metal Alchemist theme!" she giggles and dances around with a giggle, it was one of her favorite animes and she dances around happily with Starling who was also giggling. After a few minutes she calms down and looks to her mother "mummy? Bride of honor?" she asks


Candy smiles and puts a hand to her mouth, tears in her eyes "I-It would be my honor to be your bride of honor baby girl" she says softly and tightly hugs her two daughters, crying into their manes.


Chocolate smiles as he gets out his phone and flips through his phone to show Quick some music (


 he then looks to Gentle "well I'm all for moving to Manehatten, been thinking of expanding and franchising the shop"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"That's right. My mom did say they would be at the wedding as well. Maybe we can also have Lilly join Starling as flower mares." He said as he gasped at what Orange had said. "Why didn't I think of that!? Orange, you're amazing!" He yelled as he cheered around the living room. After a couple minutes, he calmed down and looked at Orange. "Maybe later or tomorrow, we can talk to Rarity and see if she can make something from Full Metal Alchemist. That way it'll have a mix of both anime and steampunk. It'll be our own unique and original wedding. I love it." He said as his eyes widened from what Orange had said. "I have a brilliant beyond brilliant idea. If Aunt Candy is going to be the bride of honor, then my mom can be the best mare. This way both of our dad's can give us away when we make it to the altar. Would that be okay?" He asked as he looked at everypony in the room.


Gentle gasped quietly and hugged her son tightly. Tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Sweetheart, that's such a nice thing to say. I would be honored to be your best mare." She looked over to Candy as a few tears had fallen. "It's like we are connected to our children. It's as if it would be our blessing to their happiness being long and forever eternal."


Quick decided to give the song a try and enjoyed it after listening to it. "This is actually pretty good. I think this genre might grow on me after listening to it for a while." He looked over to Gentle and smiled at her. "If Night approves, then I'll approve too. Who knows? You might get more dancers in the making. I could probably open up my own carpenter and welding shop for those who want to learn." 

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@@Dynamo Pad


"A-and Sweetie Belle and the others" she says softly as she hugs him close, still not believing that her dream had come true. 


Candy and Gentle were dancing around just as happily as their children had been and Chocolate chuckles and smiles and Quick "Kind of hard to tell who's happier, our children or our wives" he says with a smile and a soft sigh, wiping tears from his eyes "Darn liquid pride" he says, quoting Shining Armor with a chuckle and when he hears what Orange said about Sweetie Belle and her friends, his smile widens "Always thinking of others, not wanting to exclude them" 


Candy hugs her friend close "The old trio back together, and I know that Night will look after our children extremely well, perhaps we should tell her before going there first?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"If they want to, then most definitely." He said, returning the embrace. He sighed happily and nuzzled her. Feeling happy on how things had turned out for the two of them.


Quick smiled and chuckled. "I honestly can't tell. You'd think your looking at two identical sets of the same ponies." He turned and saw Chocolate wiping tears away. "Liquid pride always gets the best of us from time to time. Hearing Orange say that shows that she has a true kind heart. Dynamo really has somepony special in his life. I'm proud to call her my daughter-in-law."


As Gentle was dancing around with Candy, the two embraced and were hugging each other closely. "That would make sense. We don't want to spring the surprise on her and expect her to like the idea. Even though she'll most definitely say yes." She giggled as she took her phone out to text Night. "Hey, sorry again, but Candy and I were wondering something. We were thinking after our children graduate, we would move down to Manehatten. The three of us could be together again, forever this time. What do you think?" After finishing the message, she sent it to her other best friend.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Chocolate smiles "Orange sure is something special, and Candy and I couldn't be more prouder of her" he says, still wiping away the tears "and I can honestly say that we are proud to call Dynamo our son in law" he says, sighing softly, then leans into whisper to Quick "honestly this couldn't have happened at a better time, I caught Candy nearly cutting herself the other night" he whispers.


Night smiles as she reads the text and texts back "Wonderful idea, and your families are more than welcome to live with me, you know me darling, I insist and will not take no for an answer! It'll be great for little Lilly to have friends to play with as well" she texts back with a smile and puts her phone down then goes off to take a long needed nap.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick smiled as he heard Chocolate talk about Dynamo. "Thank you. Gentle and I can't be more proud of Dynamo either and I'm glad you approve of my son. I know the two of them will live a long and happy life together as husband and wife." He said before he gasped quietly at what Chocolate had told him. He placed a hand on Chocolate's shoulder, a sad look upon his muzzle. "I'm really sorry to hear that. I can kind of relate. Gentle was depressed from time to time. She never did anything extreme, but nothing I seemed to do would work. She would say she was okay, but she would mask her sadness when the time called upon it. I'm really glad to see the two of them being happy again. That's the happiest I've seen Gentle in a while." He said with a soft smile as he turned to look at his wife being truly happy.


After getting a reply, Gentle read the message and grinned. She began to send another text message. "Perfect! I can't wait to see you again. I also can't wait until we all can be one big happy family. I think our children will get along with each other very well. See you soon." After sending the text message, she looked at Candy with a smile. "I got her reply and she said that it would be wonderful. She's more than happy for us to live with her, so that means the plan is a go. Once our kids graduate we can start our move." She said as she hugged Candy. After pulling away from the hug, Gentle looked up at the clock and noticed it was starting to get a little late. "I guess with everything going on, it's almost time for dinner. Do you want to stay over for dinner? We can cook the same stuff from last night. Maybe you and the others can stay over for the night. We can have a sleepover like when we were fillies. What do you think?" She asked as she giggled in excitement. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate nods but then smiles "Candy is much better now, and luckily it was only one time, but still...it scared the buck out of me" he says with a soft sigh and shake of his head, he then looks at his wife conversing with her long time friend and then at his daughters happily playing with Dynamo, it would seem that both Starling and Orange had both 'conned' him into coloring in with them. He chuckles "My girls sure do love their coloring in books" he says and gets up, "what are you drawing there girls?"


Starling looks up and goes "meow" with a giggle, which Orange then copies cutely, holding her hands up like a kitty would.


Candy smiles "L-live with her?" she stutters a little, then shakes her head "She's always been the generous type, This is going to be wonderful" she says then looks at her girls and smiles "We'll finally be able to get Orange the kitten she wanted, she'll be so happy" she say softly 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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