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private Love is Sweet (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy nods "Knowing Night, probably a mare that no other pony would show much attention to, I'd laugh if this mare is the filly she ended up helping at our first vacation" she giggles softly


Chocolate nods as he begins playing the game again "You always were so full of energy, I remember both of our parents thought you might have ADHD" he chuckles and looks over to the children "It's wonderful how well dynamo and Orange look after Starling, always including her" he says gently


Orange nods "M-Metal Claw" she says remembering the move and nuzzles both Starling and Dynamo


Night smiles and nods "It is sweet, from what I've been told, Dynamo and Orange had crushes on each other since elementary school but couldn't tell each other, then the other day Dynamo asked Orange out and it went from there" she giggles but then she blushes "W-well would you b..would you be my uhm..you know..date for the wedding?" she then takes a better look at Dew "You know, you remind me of a little filly I once helped out when my friends and I were younger and on our first ever summer vacation. She had gotten lost and was just as shy and cute as you are now...I just can't remember her name"


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"Ara Ara"

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Gentle giggles at Candy's statement. "At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised. Seeing how Quick and Chocolate remembered each other after all these years, it just seems likely that they would reconnect as well."


Quick laughs and shakes his head at the memory. "I remember that. We went to the doctors and had to run some tests. In the end they just said I was full of energy and my son now acts the same way." He says as he looks over to his son with his fiancee and little sister. "It's nice to see everypony involved. It wouldn't feel right to leave somepony out of something.


Dynamo smiles and nods. "Yup, that's right. The gym focuses on rock types and it's strong against Charmander, who is a fire type. Metal Claw is a steel type move, which is strong against rock types." As Dynamo explained, Quick cupped his hands around his muzzle. "Nerd!" He exclaimed and laughed as Dynamo blushed. He stuck his tongue out at Quick as he wrapped his arms around Orange in a hug. "I may be a nerd, but I will always be Orange's nerd." He says as he nuzzled his fiancee and kissed her cheek.


"Big brother is a nerd!" Starling exclaims with a giggle which made everypony in the RV laugh. Dynamo couldn't help but smile as he hugged the young bat filly. "I'm your nerd too, little sister." He says with a laugh. He then pulls out his 3DS and starts playing Ponymon himself for a bit. "I really can't wait until the new Ponymon comes out. You planning on getting it? If so, any of the starters 'catch' your eye?" He chuckled a bit at his joke.


Dew nods and smiles. "They sound like such a cute couple. I would say they are rushing it a bit fast, but they seem really sure about it. I'm truly happy they found love very young. I know I wish I could find my special somepony." She says as she mumbles the last part. She was caught off guard by the question and blushed. "W-Well...I-I'm o-okay with it, if you don't mind." Her blush disappeared slightly as she got a better look at Night's face. "Now that you mention it, you seem to be familiar as well. I got lost at this lake when I was younger during the summer. I was trying to find my way there, but I got lost along the trail. I remember this mare and her friends helping me find the way. I never got to properly thank the mare, but I know someday I will." She says as the limo pulled up to the manor and the trio stepped out of the vehicle.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Candy giggles and nods "Wouldn't surprise me, fate is funny that way" she then laughs at the interaction between Dynamo and Quick then shakes her head "Our husbands are dorks and your son is a nerd dear Gentle, how does that make you feel?" she asks with a silly laugh


Orange snuggles both Starling and Dynamo "I'm a nerd too!" she exclaims and nuzzles them


Chocolate laughs "It's quite fitting, it would seem our family is an odd bunch, but that's what make us all the more closer to each other and loving" he says softly


Orange looks at Dynamo and nods "Li-Litten, the kitten"


night taps her chin in thought "Let me guess, you were yay high" she says, lifting her hand up to show how high the filly was "big, bright eyes, ears that would flick every now and then, which was rather cute aaaaand..." she thinks for a moment "A stuffed kitten that was obviously well loved and looked after that you were rather attached to?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle laughs at the interaction between her husband and son, as well as the question Candy asks her. "Well, my old friend. I can honestly say I'm glad. I'd rather have a dork and a nerd, then a boring husband and son. How about you? How does that make you feel?" She asks with a smile.


Quick nods with a grin. "You've got that right, buddy. Even though we all have some differences, we have some similarities as well. It's because of that, we are able to understand one another very well to a certain point. It makes me happy to know this odd bunch will turn into one big happy family." He says as he looks at everypony in the RV interact with one another.


Starling snuggles into her big sister. "Big sister is a nerd too!" Dynamo chuckled and snuggled into Orange and Starling. "You're right on that, Starling. Both of you are my favorite nerds and I wouldn't have it any other way." He says as he places a kiss on Starling's cheek and Orange's forehead. He then hears Orange's choice in Pokymon and smiles. "Litten is a pretty cool Ponymon and cats are awesome. It would have been my choice. However, after seeing Popplio, I knew it had to be my starter."


"Meow, Litten the kitten." Starlings says as she meowed like a kitten, waving her arms like a cat's paw.


As Night listed off details on the pony, Dew's ears began flickering as each point was made. She nodded her head at each point and gasped as it started coming back to her. "Night Night! It's really you! I can't believe I finally found you after all this time." She says as she pulled Night into a tight embrace. Tears falling down her cheeks. She pulls back from the hug and looks into her purse, before pulling out the same stuffed kitten. It was still in perfect condition from back then. "I've always kept my stuffed kitten. I use it like a good luck charm and never leave home without it."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy smiles "I'm happy for having a dorky husband and two nerdy daughters, wouldn't have it any other way" she says softly "It is often said that dorks and nerds have the biggest hearts, and from what I've seen, it is quite true" she says softly and giggles at Starling being like a kitten.


Orange giggles and hugs Starling close "Starling Kitten" she says softly and continues to hug her "Some of the new ponymon and evolutions are stupid though" she then smiles "but ice Vulpix is cute"


Night smiles and hugs her back "I always wondered how you were going my dear" she says, gently stroking her back "and that is so adorable, well then miss Dew, how about I make it official" she asks "Would you-...would you be my..my marefriend?" she asks softly


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle nods and smiles at Candy's statement. "I'm really happy it all worked out well for the both of us in the end. I've never heard that saying before, but I'm starting to believe that to be very true." She says while looking at the others interacting.


Dynamo nods while placing a hand to his chin in thought. "I can agree with that. Some of the alolan versions to old Pokemon look a little weird. Some new Ponymon like the salamander, dragon and sand castle look really cool." His eyes lit up as he heard Orange talk about Vulpix. "Thank you! Finally somepony understands. I love vulpix because I love foxes. It looks so cute and the color design and type it receives is interesting." He says with a smile on his muzzle.


Starling giggles and claps her hands. "Big brother foxy." She says as she imagines Dynamo to look like a fox.


Dew smiles as she felt Night return the embrace. "I've been doing pretty well. Thank you for helping me back then. I was looking for flowers in the area and I thought I could find a rare flower, but I ended up getting lost. After you saved me, I went around Equestria to find all sorts of unique and rare flowers." Her eyes widen as a blush began to form on her muzzle. She looks away as she contemplates the question. She then nods and looks at the mare in front of her. "Y-Yes. I would like that v-very much." She pulls Night into another hug and nods as she leaned her head on Night's shoulder. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy nods and smiles "I mean, just look at those five, doting on little Starling like that, it warms my heart to know that we married right and that our kids turned out just like us" she says with a soft giggle


Chocolate giggles and reaches over to kiss her when they stopped at a set of lights "Of course you marred right love, you married the goofiest, craziest, funniest, most caring and loving stallion you could find..me" he chuckles


Orange nods "foxes pretty" she says softly and nuzzles Starling, she hugs her close while she continues to play Ponymon and looks at what Dynamo was doing.


Night smiles and hugs her close "I would like that too dear" She then sees that Lilly had sorted through Dew's bag and sighs "Sweetheart, the kitten belongs to miss Dew, please give it back"


Lilly started to tear up and hug it close "B-but it b-belongs t-to the mare w-who make mummy happy"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle giggles and nods. "I know what you mean. I'm glad our children turned out okay and just like us in a way. I'm happy knowing how our lives turned out perfect as well. If I had the chance to redo it all over again, I would follow the same path every time." She says with a soft smile.


Quick walked up and wrapped Gentle into a hug. "I know what you mean honey. I'm glad I met you all those years ago. I'm happy we had Dynamo and that he found somepony happy. If I had to change anything, it would be keeping in touch with Chocolate more. That way I wouldn't have forgotten him. However, I'm glad to have my best buddy now." He smiled at Gentle as she nodded to him as well.


Dynamo nods at Orange's statement as he dug through his suitcase. He pulled some manga out and kept it on the table for later. He started playing his game of Ponymon. He looked to his side to see Orange staring at him. He smiled as he showed her his game. "I'm playing Platinum version. Generation 4 is my favorite of the franchise so far. I chose the penguin, Piplup, as my starter. I've gotten 7 badges so far. I've been playing a lot, but I'm trying to finish so I can start sun and moon when they come out. How about you? Which version is your favorite? Also is there a reason why it's your favorite?" He asks with a smile as he sat his 3DS down and continues playing. Every so often he glances over at Orange and Starling and gives them a kiss and a smile.   


Dew snuggled into the hug and could feel their heartbeats beating as one. She looks down to see that Lilly has her favorite kitten. She let's go of the hug and leans down until she is at eye level with Lilly. "Y-You can h-hold onto that if you like. It s-seems like my kitty really loves you. S-She could always use some more friends." She says as she pats the young filly on the head with a smile.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate nods "I'd have to say the same" he says as he puts the controller down and stretches before going to make a coffee "Drinks anyone?" he asks


Orange looks up "Milkshake p-please daddy" she says softly and he nods


"Dynamo? Starling?" he asks with a smile


Orange giggles "I like Black 2, that way I can get a S-sylveon. I love Sylveon, she is so pretty and cute" she says and nuzzles her fiance and little sister.


Night smiles "that's very nice of you Dew, I'm sure Lilly will take good care of her"


Lilly nods and snuggles the kitty "your mummy makes my mummy happy, that makes me happy" she giggles and begins to pretend to pet and brush the kitty's fur 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Starling bounced lightly in her seat with a bright smile. "Milkshake please, daddy." She says with a giggle.


Dynamo put his game down and pondered on what drink he wanted. He noticed Chocolate's sunglasses and he smirked as an idea formed in his head. He levitated the glasses over to him as he prepared to make his move. "Do you have any Sunkist orange soda?" As everypony looked at him, his smirk slowly turned into a grin. "See what I did there? I guess you could say I'm..." He puts on the pair of sunglasses. "...sly as a fox." He chuckled as he pulled the same type of joke as his uncle. After seeing eveypony laughed, he smiled. "If not, then I'll take a milkshake too please."


After laughing, Quick shook his head. "Boo! Get off the stage!" He yelled and laughed as he saw Dynamo pouting. "I'm just kidding. Only you would do something like that though, son. I'll take some soda or coffee. Either or will work for me."


After her small fit of giggles, Gentle smiled at Dynamo. "That wasn't too bad, sweetheart. Also, could I have some tea, Chocolate? Would you like anything, Candy?" She asked as she looked over to friend still driving.


Dew smiled as she hugged the little filly and picked her up and held her. "I'm s-so glad you like her. I'm also really glad you like me and that I make you and Night happy." She says with a smile. She then looks over to Night. "It's no trouble. I trust your daughter and I can tell she will take very good care of her." She says as they continued walking until they reached the door to the manor.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate smiles and nods at Starling's request then laughs at dynamo's pun and shakes his head "I'll have a look son" he says and chuckles "Well, we don't have orange, but we do have grape?" he asks then looks to Quick "If I remember correctly, just a mere moment ago, you said and I quote "I don't see the point on drinking coffee"" he says with a sly smirk 


Candy nods "That is quite true, and if what you two says about your energy level is true,then you're sticking to soda dear" she giggles then looks to her husband "Hot Chocolate for me please dear"


Chocolate nods and smiles "I'm always hot" he chuckles as he goes about making the drinks for everyone


Orange giggles and nuzzles Dynamo lovingly 


Night smiles and pets Lilly on the head "her father has done well raising her thus far" she says as they reach the doors and they immediately open and a stallion is standing there.


With a bow he says "Madame Dancer, welcome home, I wish to inform you that while you were out, Grandfather Sal has arrived and is awaiting you"


"DADDY!" Lilly squees and goes to hug him, the stallion smiles and hugs her back "Hello sweetie, and who is your new friend?" he asks with a soft and gentle smile


Night shakes her head "Devon, I've told you lot multiple times, just Night is fine, you are all like family to me" she says and hugs him "This little one is Kitten, she's a special friend of my special friend, miss Dew Drop"


Devon smiles and bows to the mare


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo looked at the drink Chocolate held in his hand. With a smile, he nodded. "I've never tried grape before, but it's a journey worth taking."


Quick chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. "Well, you know me? I'm usually a soda stallion, but sometimes I can drink coffee every now and then. Remember that one time we tried coffee when we were younger? I was bouncing off the walls for about two days. I think I did multiple laps around the neighborhood. I really don't remember because the sugar rush was that bad." He shivered from the memory. He nods his head at Candy's recommendation. "The horror of coffee. Okay I'll take what he's having." He said as he pointed at the drink in Dynamo's hands.


Dynamo felt Orange nuzzle him and smiled. He licks her cheek. "I know your not soda, but you are still very sweet." He chuckled as she blushed from his action. He then kissed the same cheek. "I love you. I love you so much." He said softly, while he looked at her with love in his eyes.


Dew watched as Night was greeted by a stallion and saw Lilly running up to said stallion, addressing him as her father. This gave Dew a confused look on her face as she had so many questions. "Who is this, Night? Is he a butler or something along those lines? Also why is Lilly calling him daddy? Unless that's her actual father when you took Lilly on as your daughter." Her ears perked as she was being addressed by the stallion. She blushed nervously and waved her hands in front of her. "P-Please, sir. Y-You don't have to b-be so f-formal, or bow. J-Just Dew is okay."  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate pouts as no one seemed to laugh at his joke, not even Dynamo, He shakes his head and smiles as he hands a grape sunkist to Dynamo and one to Quick "you slept for like two days solid after that hit, I remember your mother panicking, thinking you were in a coma or something" he remarks


Orange giggles and nuzzles him once more "I love you too my Dynamo" she says softly, kissing him on the lips and blushing


Night nods "He is.. butler of sorts, but like I said to him, all the staff here are more like family, and yes he is indeed Lilly's biological father" she says with a smile "I find that treating the staff as equals and as if they were family has a better production rate and they are happy to serv..to help out around the house" 


Chocolate chuckles "I would have to say that those two make quite the..." he puts the sunglasses on again "Dynamic duo" he nearly falls over from laughing at his own joke


Devon nods "My apologies, please come in" he says, scooping up Lilly and stepping aside


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick had a surprised look on his face, as realization had dawned on him. "Oh yeah, I remember that. I remember my mom doting on me nonstop the first few days that happened. It got to the point I couldn't take it and had to leave the house for a few days. I think that was when we tried staying up late playing video games. Huh, so that's how all that happened. That's pretty cool." He says with a chuckle as he took his drink from Chocolate.


Dynamo returned the nuzzle as he felt Orange kiss his lips. He closed his eyes as he returned the kiss. As their lips parted, he blushed, but smiled and pulled her towards him as he wrapped his arms around her. He also brought Starling into the embrace and nuzzled them both. As he heard Chocolate's joke, he let out a light chuckle. "I see what you did there. Nice one, uncle Chocolate." He then opens his grape soda and takes a sip. He smiles as he continues drinking from the soda can. "That's actually not bad. It's not like Coca-Cola or other soda's I've had, but it's pretty good. Thanks again uncle." He says as he nods to Chocolate in appreciation.


Gentle saw the cute display between Dynamo and Orange and squealed softly. "That's just too cute. They look like they're already married." She says as she giggled at the joke Chocolate made.


Quick laughed and nodded. "Good one, my friend. You're also right about that. They do make for a great team. What kind of duo would they make? I was going to say like Batman and Robin, but what other duo team is out there?" Quick ask as he rested a hand to his chin in thought.


Dew nods as she takes all the information in. She smiles at her marefriend. "Now I'm starting to understand. That's really sweet that you treat them all like family and equally as well. It really shows how much you care for everypony here. It's great seeing the bond between Lilly and Devon is strong, even though she doesn't have her biological mother. I will say though that seeing you and Lilly interact, you do make for a great mother figure." She says as she sees Devon scoop Lilly up in her arms and allows the two inside the manor. "Devon said that your grandfather was waiting for you, I believe? Do you want me to join you, or to wait somewhere for you?" She asks curiously. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy shakes her head "I swear, if you two start giving my babies bad habits" she glares at Chocolate and Quick then laughs "Never mind, enjoy your drinks, we'll be stopping at a park for lunch soon" she says softly


Chocolate smiles and nods "Batman and Batgirl perhaps? Or Superman and Wonderwoman?" he suggests "Not many good male and female crime fighting partnerships, but plenty of evil like Bonnie and Clyde and Joker and Harley" he says and smiles "Though if I didn't know better, Dynamo has the makings of a prankster"


Night nods "Most of the staff were homeless ponies the family has taken off of the streets to give a second chance, so they didn't have to turn to a life of petty crime" she says and hugs Lilly who was still in Devon's arms. "Devon is a wonderful father figure to her, poor baby has nightmares nightly though, but he doesn't mind waking up to help settle her down, the perfect father I would say" she then tilts her head a little at her last question "He's not exactly my grandfather persay, but more like...the Godfather of the mafia, and it depends if he wants to discuss business or just stopped in for a chat...regardless, I think he'd like to meet his filly's special mare" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick raised one hand to make a promise while a halo appeared over his head. "We would never do such a thing. The children are a little hyper, but we all can be hyper every now and then. Chocolate and I would never make them gain any bad habits." He says while he leaned in close to Chocolate's ear. "Not intentionally of course." He whispered as he chuckled quietly. He pulled back from Chocolate's ear and nodded. "I could see actually see them as Superman and Wonderwoman. You would think he is a prankster. He's more of a joking around pony as far as I can tell. Though I wouldn't be too surprised if he was." He said as he smiled at the three children spending time together.


Gentle received her tea and smiled softly. "Thank you Candy and Chocolate. Also a park sounds lovely to have lunch. Maybe the children can play for a bit before we have to keep going." She says while suggesting her idea.


Dew thought for a moment before making her decision. "I hope he wouldn't mind me meeting him. I hope he approves of me being with you Night." She says with a gulp. She trembles slightly as she learned on who Night was talking about. "O-Oh okay. T-Then I really do hope t-that I can make a r-really good impression. I-I'm sorry. I'm just very n-nervous about meeting somepony w-who is that important." She stuttered as she began to sweat slightly. She heard about Night's dancers and started to relax slightly. "That's really nice you were able to help out that many ponies. At least that would help stop crime from happening." Dew frowns as she places a hand on Night's shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear about that. The poor dear must miss her mother that much. At least she has a loving father and a loving mother figure to help care and raise her." She says with a smile. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate looks at his wife and glares "Oh and teaching our Orange your moves to tease and torment poor Dynamo isn't teaching them bad habits? Heck,Quick and I are in our forties and still can't handle them" he says with a slight laugh to let the two women know he was joking and then nods "sounds good, these ol' legs of mine could do with a stretch and maybe let Starling flitter around a bit" he says and looks to his youngest daughter, petting her on the head.


Orange nods "A-are we having the left overs f-from last night?" she asks


Candy nods "Yes sweetie, and maybe while we're at the park, we can all play a board game or something" she says, hoping to get all the ponies together to socialize


Night smiles "I wouldn't worry about ol' Salvador too much, he may be the godfather of the mafia but he's a big softie, just big ol' snuggly teddy bear" she giggles softly as she leads the way "I adore Lilly, and love her almost as if she was my own flesh and blood, we all do" she says with a smile


Lilly runs ahead and goes to the entertainment room "GRANDPAPPY SALLY!" she giggles


Salvador gives the small filly a smile and hugs her tightly, nuzzling her "hello there little one, I've got gifts for you,but first, let me talk with your mamma and her friend"

Lilly nods, hugs him again and skips off to play.


Night smiles and hugs him "It is good to see you again Sal, I'd like to introduce you to my date Dew Drop, she's the filly I told you about, the one I helped all those years back, we somehow found each other...oh and Candy and Gentle and their families are visiting for two weeks"


Salvador gives Dew Drop a gentle smiles "A pleasure to meet you miss" he says before looking to his adopted granddaughter "that's wonderful, I heard you were planning for a wedding, so their plan came to fruition after all?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle giggled as she scratched her cheek with her finger. "I don't think that's a bad habit. I feel that it helps spice up their love life. Always keeping things fresh I always say, in my opinion." Gentle smiled at Candy's plan. "That sounds like a lovely idea. Maybe they can play on the swings and such and get a bit of exercise. Also dear, please don't go on any jungle gyms this time. You do remember, right?" She said giving him a mock glare.


Quick chuckled and rubbed his head. "I have the bruises to prove that, dear. Also, no promises, but I'll try my best."


Dynamo smiled at the plan for the park and for lunch. "Both ideas sound nice. I think there was ham last night. I don't think I got to try any, so it's good we have leftovers."


Dew sighed in relief and giggles. "That's good to hear. It's also nice to see everypony in this manor adores Lilly. I hope I get to be a part of that family that can adore her. Sounds like the group coming to visit you will adore her so much as well." As they reached the entertainment room, Dew saw Salvador sitting in one of the chairs. She smiled and sighed softly as she watched the interaction between Salvador and Lilly.


Her ears perked as Salvador addressed her. "I-It's nice t-to meet you, Mr. Salvador. A-As Miss Night said, my name is Dew Drop." She said feeling shy and timid.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate smiles and chuckles as they soon pull over to the park and playground, "Yeah, the ham was absolutely delicious, you better hurry up before your father and I eat it all on you" he jokes, poking his tongue out and winking at Quick. "A grown stallion on the jungle jim? That'd be a sight to see" he laughs as he helps pick up Starling who was getting a little too excited "Now sweetie, if you don't settle down, you'll get an upset tummy and hiccups" he softly warns her.


Orange nods "Hiccups not nice" she says as she holds Dynamo's hand.


Candy smiles at Gentle's previous remark "It sure does seem that they are already married, it's so cute and sweet" she then whispers to her "and with how they act towards little Starling, you'd think they were her parents" she giggles


Salvador smiles "Please dear, just Sal or Salvador will do, this is an unformal visit after all" he says then scratches his chin "Wait, you're the mare who owns and runs the greenhouse where we get our special ingredients from, correct? It is a pleasure to finally meet such a fine mare" he says with a gentle bow and sits back down with a soft sigh and rests his feet on a foot stool "In fact, if not for your roots and flowers, we would not have been able to have completed out latest job from the Princesses so...expediently and expertly" he says gently

Edited by Roxy Sparx


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo laughed at the joke as he stuck his tongue out at Chocolate in return. He smiles as Orange hold his hand in hers. He nods his head at Chocolate's statement. "Hiccups are the worst. Sometimes they are easy to get rid of and other times they aren't." He says as they start exiting the RV.


Quick chuckles and nods. "I was trying to do some parkour and I slipped and fell off the jungle gym." He says and Gentle shook her head at him. "That's not exactly how it happened. The parkour was true, though. You were trying to do some flips and you almost landed on some little fillies and colts. So you tried changing direction, only to fall flat on your face and to earn yourself some bruises. You literally knocked yourself out doing that." She giggled as Quick blushed in embarrassment.


Gentle smiles and nods. "I can definitely see that. The three of them act as if they were a family. It really shows how much they care for one another. I know Dynamo and Orange are going to be great parents one day." She whispers back.


Dew nods in understanding and nods again at his assumption. She blushed a little from his praise and bows in respect. "Y-You really flatter me, Sal. I-I just love finding and selling unique flowers to ponies who enjoy those flowers as well. I-I've got a g-green thumb when it comes to flowers." Her face then took on a curious look at Salvador's previous statement. "You said m-my flowers helped you in your latest job. W-What was the job about? I-If it's personal information t-that can't be told, I understand."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate raises an eyebrow and chuckles "That'd definitely be sight to see" he says with a smirk and goes to leave the RV


Candy giggles and hugs Gentle "Isn't it wonderful! They're so young yet they're already so well adjusted and loving" she says and giggles again


Chocolate smiles and turns on the radio, he smiles as he hears a good swing song turning on the radio to begin to be played ("No Mercy For Swing" - Cherry Poppin Daddies) he laughs as he sweeps Candy off of her feet "Come on Gentle, surely you've got some swing moves in that repertoire of yours" he laughs as he and Candy do one of their swing routines. 


Orange giggles and tries to dance along with them


Sal smiles "Nothing too personal though" he looks to Night who nods "We had to investigate and deal with the members of the carnival who were hurting ponies, and one of them in particular harmed a few young ones, the children of Night's closest friends" he explains


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick chuckles and smirks. "Maybe I'll show you my parkour sometime. I haven't done it in quite a while so I might be a little rusty." He says as he exists the RV.


Gentle returns the hug and giggles with a nod. "It definitely is. I'm just happy they were able to find each other and love at that young an age. It warms my heart knowing they will be married and their love is strong and pure." Gentle sighs and closes her eyes with a smile. "I really can't wait for Saturday. I know I'm going to cry when they become married." She giggles again as she starts wiping the tears that were forming in her eyes.


As Chocolate played the song, Gentle could feel her side of dancing take her over, as she began to dance. "Now this is something that I can dance to." She says as she walked over to Quick and started dancing to the song with him.


Dynamo  started getting into the song as well and saw Orange dancing as well. He chuckled as he saw how much fun she was having. He walked over to her and extended a hand towards her. "May I have this dance?" He asks and smiles as she takes his hand. He pulled her towards her and they begin to swing dance themselves. After a little bit he let's her dance as he went to pick up Starling. "I can't leave you out now, can I, little sister?" He asks and they just spin around and laugh. "Dancing fun!" Starling exclaims as she giggled and snuggled with her brother as they danced.


Dew gasps and frowns from what she heard. "I've h-heard about that c-carnival. I thought about g-going, but d-decided against it. I'm r-really glad I didn't go. I'm sorry to hear that. I-I'm guessing they were t-taken care of?" She asks hopefully.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


They all danced happily until the end of the song and Chocolate threw Candy up int he air and finished with a flourished dip.


Candy giggles "We haven't danced like that in years darling good to see you still know your moves"  she giggles and kisses him before she is put on her own feet again.


Orange giggles as she felt a little dizzy and had to sit down and smiles "That was fun, I..I feel happy" she says softly


Sal nods "Personally, if there is one thing we do not tolerate here, it is using the dark arts to torment and bully innocence, especially those who cannot so easily defend themselves"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As the song came to an end, Quick and Gentle did a pose and then hugged. "You still have those moves I taught you all those years ago. I'm glad to see you aren't rusty and haven't lost your touch in dancing, dear." She says and giggles as Quick spun her around a few times.


Quick laughed as he spun Gentle around. After they stopped spinning he kisses her, which she returns. "Of course, honey. You taught Dynamo dancing, so it was only natural that I keep up in dancing as well. It may not be my hobby, but it's still pretty fun." He says as they both look over at Chocolate and Candy. "You're both really good dancers. I was watching while Quick and I were dancing. Not bad at all." She says with a smile.


Dynamo went over to Orange and sat down on the grass next to her. "That was a lot of fun. You're a really great dancer." He smiles and blushes. "I'm really happy that you're happy." He then looks down at Starling, who looked a little dizzy, but smiling. "Did you have fun, little sister?" He asks as she nods and hugs him. She then got out of the embrace and hugs and snuggles Orange. "Dancing really fun."


Dew nods in understanding and smiles. "I-I don't blame you. I'm j-just glad that I could help and t-that they were taken c-care of. N-Nopony deserves to treat others badly. Especially w-when it comes to using d-dark magic." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy smiles as she regains her breath "We used to go dancing every weekend, but as Orange got older, we decided it would be better to spend the time with her" she says as she sits next to her daughters and hugs them.


Chocolate nods as he goes about setting the table "Priorities" he says simply


Orange nuzzles her mother and hugs Starling


Sal closes his eyes and nods "indeed, in any case, will you be staying dear?" he asks with a soft and gentle smile


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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