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private Love is Sweet (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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As Dynamo entered the store, he was introduced to many stuffed animals and plushies. His eyes widened in surprise at what the store had to off him. He went through aisle after aisle, but nothing was speaking to him. 'I'm not sure what Orange and the others would want. Maybe I should message them and see if I can get a good idea.' He thought as he pulled his phone out to send a message to his fiancee. "Hey sweetheart. I was just wondering something. I know you and Starling love cats, but is there any other favorite animal that you, Starling and Silverwing love? Please let me know." He added a smiley face and a heart before sending the text message.


Quick chuckles while rubbingh back of his head. "Yeah, sorry about that. When Dynamo goes into a store, he comes right back out in just a few minutes. Thought we should have bolted to the game store so we would have time." He says as he nods at Chocolate's plan. "That sounds good to me. I'll be over on the other side of the store." He says as he heads over to the retro section. He scanned through the list of games and smiled at all the old school games that were popular back in the day. He started jumping around in the store, which didn't go unnoticed by the other ponies in the store.


Gentle nods in understanding from Candy's remark. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry about that." She placed a hand under her chin in thought as she laid all the games out on the floor. "Hmm...I would probably say Mario Kart, Need for Speed, or some type of racing game. Quick loves racing other ponies and getting a record there will be a hit to his pride. What about you, dear?" She asks as she smirked at the thought.


Dew smiles and nods. "O-Okay. Maybe we can try to learn the poultices today, if not sometime this week. There's plenty of time and no rush." She blushed as Violet's words as she glanced over at Night. "I t-truly am lucky to be with her. Her being kind and gentle are just some of the things that I truly love about her." She says with a nod. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange gets the text "Well I love Kitsunes, you know the foxies with more than one tail, I think Starling likes Tundra Wolves and Silverwing..she says she likes Arctic Bunnies" she sends with a giggle and starts to play the game "Dungeon Lord" to try and beat his score. 


Chocolate nods as he pays for the two games and goes over to the retro section "Man, didn't even think stores still had all these old games" he says with a low whistle, "lets see.." he says then finds it "ahaha! Swift's favorite game, only one left!" he says then starts looking around the store "I wonder, would a game as a gift for Pinball be too cliche?"


Candy nods "Need For Speed I think is a good idea, I'm pretty good at it, we could beat it as a team, then go out" she says as she smiles at her oldest friend an sighs softly.


Violet nods and smiles "I do need to pick up a few at the gre..." her eyes narrow "Dew? Dewy? I can't believe it, how did we not recognize each other, I often go to your greenhouse for ingredients for my potions and poultices" she hugs her "I am so happy that you are with miss Dancer"


Night giggles but blushes a little.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo received a text from Orange and began reading it. He smiled widely as he began to text back. "That's perfect. Thank you so much for letting me know. I love you." After sending the text, he went around the store again to look for the right plushies. As he kept going down aisles, he was able to find the tundra wolf and arctic bunny for his sisters respectively. He tried looking for a fox for Orange, but there was no such luck. As he continued looking, he stopped in his tracks as he glanced at one particular aisle. His eyes widened in shock as he found an aisle full of Ponymon plush. He crossed his fingers, hoping to find what he was looking for. He jumped for joy as he found the ice Vulpix that Orange was telling him about earlier. 'I don't believe it. How is this out so early? That's not even possible.' He thought as he looked around to see other Ponymon from the Sun and Moon game were available. 'Oh well. I'm not complaining. Orange is going to freak out after seeing this.' He thought with a smile, ass he grabbed it the ice Vulpix. He then headed for the front of the store to pay for the plushies. He placed the plushies to be scanned by the cashier as he smiled on how well the search turned out.


Quick glanced over his shoulder as he saw Chocolate approach the retro section. "I know what you mean. These days, the game stores only sell current gen consoles. They don't even take old gen games when you want to trade them in. I guess this store is pretty different. I mean, they even have some of the old consoles for sale. These games are even dirt cheap, so they're definitely worth it." He grinned as he noticed Chocolate found Swift's favorite game. He placed a hand under his chin in thought from what Chocolate had asked. "Hmm...well it is Pinball. It may seem cliche, but it's sounds fitting for our teacher. He's always looking for rare games to add to his collection. The question is what game has he never owned before? Just please don't say Supermare 64. That superhero game was way beyond bad. The only reason I would get it, is if Pinball destroys that game. It would be worth every bit to see that and it's something I know everypony would love to see."


Gentle smiles as she sets the game up. "Okay, old friend. I think it's time to break some old records." She giggles and smirks as she starts the game up and the two mares begin to play the racing game. "Oh yeah, that reminds me. After we beat this record, should we teach Orange the moves before we leave." She asks Candy with a curious look on her face. "This way, she'll have a good idea on what to do and we can teach her more later."


Dew had a lost look until she looked Violet in the eyes. Her eyes widened in shock as she hugged the young unicorn. "Now I remember! It really is you Violet! Oh, I'm so happy to see you. I didn't know you worked here, but seeing this garden, I guess I shouldn't be surprised." She giggled "I guess I never really looked into why my customers by my flowers. Usually I assume they want to give them to their special somepony or something romantic along those lines." She says with a shrug. She pulls away from the hug and nods with a soft smile. "I'm happy too. I could never ask for a greater marefriend." She leaned in so she was near Violet's ear. "Just between us, I had a little bit of a crush on Night. It was when she saved me all that time ago. I never got to thank her, but after all this time I was able to. Getting to meet her and talk with her made me realize that I wanted to always be with her." She leaned back and smiled at her favorite customer. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


The storeowner smiles "Buying for a special somepony?" she asks, leaning on the counter, her cleavage showing somewhat, "And yes, those just came in" she smiles and sighs softly, she could tell that Dynamo most likely didn't have a lot of money "Is there a special occasion?" she asks, seeing if she could give him some sort of discount, as he seemed really happy.


Chocolate smiles and nods "we could get him an old arcade" he says looking around, and as he does, he couldn't help but sing along to the catchy theme song that was playing for the shop on the loudspeakers:

(the Drunken Peasant's version is better though)

He continues to look around then he finds something "I don't...believe it..they have..Polybius! I thought this game was destroyed back in the 80s after the whole conspiracy about it!" he says jumping around happily. "we should totally get him this, and..." he then sees something else.. "E.T? Are you kidding me!?"


Candy smiles and nods "Yes lets" she says and smiles as how Orange was letting Silverwing and Starling help her. "She is such a kind little mare, it warms my heart to know that she is my baby girl"


Violet looks down "I-I d-don't have a special somepony, just my flowers, plants and critters" she says softly then smiles "I am glad you two were able to reunite, and yes, I know what it is like to be saved by Night, she found me all along as a filly and raised me as her own"


Night simply nods


(Feel free for a timeskip after)


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's ears perked as he heard the cashier address him. He smiles and nods. "Yes, it's for my special somepony and my two little sisters. Also no special occasion, really. I just wanted to get my fiancee and sisters something special because I love them so much." He smiles softly with a blush.


Quick noticed the special games from back in the day and he jumped around excitedly. "We could get him these, one from each of us. These would be perfect for his game collection." He nods as he heads up to the counter to pay for the games they found.


Gentle giggles as she winks at her best friend. "And she'll follow in her mother's footsteps." She says as she was starting to make record time in the game.


Dewsmiled softly as she placed her hands on Violet's shoulders. "I'm sure you'll find somepony special to you. Once who will love and appreciate all the things that you love." She says as she goes to sit back down next to Night. "That's very sweet of Night. It seems just like her to care about and helping everpony she can."




After Dynamo paid for the plushies, he walked out of the store with his plushies in a bag and a smile on his face. Quick and Chocolate paid for the arcade machines and decided to ship them to Pinball. They met up with Dynamo as he was about to message him. "So, it looks like you found what you needed huh?" He asks with a smile. Dynamo nods and grins at his dad and uncle. "Yup, I did. It looks like you hit the goldmine in games." He chuckled at the multiple games that were bought. The three decided to look explore the town for a little while to see what it had to offer. After a few hours the group decided to head back to the hotel and get ready to go out to dinner.


After a few hours, Gentle and Candy began to finish the last bit of the race in the game. Finishing in record time, Gentle jumps up and cheers. "YES! New high score and another trophy to add the the PlayStation console." She exploded into a fit of giggles as she hugged her best friend. "Our husbands are going to freak when they see what we've done."


After spending some more time in the garden and exploring the manor, Dew Drop's stomach began to rumble. "I guess we lost track of time. I guess it's time for dinner." She giggles as she blushed in embarrassment.

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@@Dynamo Pad


the storekeeper smiles "Oh, you're the young stallion I heard that's marrying the sweet little unicorn? In that case, everything is half price for you dear" she says and brings up the price "100 bits in total" she says giving him a smile.


"Yeah, but I think Polybius is going to have to be delivered" he says with a chuckle.


Candy nods and hugs her daughter.




Chocolate smiles, "Yep, we picked some really old retro games from when your father and I were young" he says "One is going to be delivered to him though, they're delivering it now, I would love to know what his reaction would be" he laughs as they leave the game store "We should probably head back to the hotel now" he says.


Orange cheers "I beat he game! He could never beat the fifth level!" she giggles and dances around with Starling and Silverwing.


Candy nods as she turns the game off "Let's get going before the boys get back, or do you want to hang out a little to see their reactions first?" she asks


Violet and Night nods "To the dining hall then" Night says as she gets up and stretches


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo had a look of wonder and amazement on his face from Chocolate's statement. "Maybe we can try calling him tomorrow. He doesn't even know about the wedding. Plus, we can catch up with him a bit and tell him the surprise." He suggested with a smile.


Quick smiled and patted his son on the shoulder. "That's a good idea, son. It's been a while since we last saw Pinball. I know he wouldn't miss this for the world.." He says as the group decided to head back to the hotel. He took his phone out to message his wife. "Hey honey. We got the stuff and everything we need. We're on our way back. See you all soon." He smiled as he sent the message.


Gentle giggled at everypony's success. "That's excellent, sweetie. I'm sure Dynamo would be proud of you." She looked over to her best friend and contemplated the options. "I would say we wait for them to see their reactions. This way we can get our suits and dresses and head out for dinner. Also, we can teach teach Orange our moves." She giggles again as she received a text from Quick. After reading it, she smiles. "That was Quick. He said that they are on their way back. So, we can teach her for a bit, then get some hilarious reactions and then we can go eat. Sound like a plan?" She asks as she goes over the plan to everypony.


Dew Drop smiled nods. "Onward and upward! Excelsior!" She exclaimed as she spread her wings and floated a little bit in the sky. She floated back down and giggles with a blush, as she takes Night's hand into hers.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Chocolate nods "Indeed, In fact I do believe he came to both of our weddings, so it would only make sense for him to come to our childrens' wedding as well" he says as he flicks through his phone, trying to find his number, "ah here it is, did you want to call him mate?" he asks, giving the phone to Quick.


Candy giggles and nods "Excellent idea, Orange, come here sweetie, time to learn how to seduce a stallion" she says with a giggle "You're going to need it on your honeymoon, knowing Dynamo, being the shy and very respectful colt that he is" she giggles


Orange gets up "Y-yes mummy" she says and then begins to learn from her mother and aunt "L-like this?" she asks, walking with a slight sway of her hips and swish of her tail


Night giggles and so does Violet "I can see why miss Dancer loves you, she loves goofy"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick smiled and nods. "That's right. I think we asked him to be a part of the wedding instead of being in the seats." He chuckled at the memory. Seeing the number on Chocolate's phone brought a smile to his face. He shook his head at the offer and handed it back to him. "I think you should call him. I've seen him a few times when I lived in FIllydelphia. I think he would be happy to hear a familiar voice." 


Gentle gaps a little as her draw drops slightly. She turned to Candy as she smiled which slowly turned into a grin. "She's a natural at this, dear. It's like she had the hidden talent all along. The movement and the cute face too. Dynamo sure picked the right mare to marry. She's got this down. Although we have to test this." She said as she closed her eyes in thought. Her eyes opened quickly as she smiled deviously. "We are all going to be having a pool day on Wednesday. We can test it out then. This is going to surprise Dynamo, without question." She giggled evilly at the idea. "Oh, I am so evil at times."


Starling and Silverwing giggled and clapped their hands together. "Yay! Go big sister!" Starling exclaimed as she giggled again.


Dew giggles as she walks with a spring in her step. "Well it's a good thing I'm goofy at times. Once I get over my shyness when knowing somepony, I can be a real goof at times."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Chocolatenods and takes the phone back. he dials and waits for an answer "Heya Wiz, it's Chocolate..yes, that Chocolate. Been a while, anyway, Quick, Dynamo and I sent something your way, you should get it later today or early tomorrow. Also Dynamo wants to say something" he says handing the phone to Dynamo.


Orange blushes and giggles as she hugs her sisters.


Candy giggles "purrfect idea dear" she says putting empathis on the purt.


Night nods with a smile "adorably cute too"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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A brown earth pony, known as Pinball Wizard, was running the arcade in Fillydelphia, when he felt his phone start to ring. He picked up and his ears perked as he began to smile at the familiar voice. "Hello? Chocolate? Chocolate Swirl? Dear Celestia, it's been a very long time. You said Quick Fix and Dynamo Pad were there too? It's a big reunion of some sorts." His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "A surprise, you say? This better not be a prank of some sorts you and Quick used to pull on me." He chuckled as Dynamo was put on the call line.


Dynamo took the phone and smiled nervously. "Hey, Mr. Pinball. How are you doing? It's been quite a while since I've last seen you. Also, my dad's got you something cool. They told me themselves." He chuckled as Pinball grinned at the new voice. "Well I'll be. If it isn't Kyubiki Tenchu, a.k.a. Dynamo Pad. How's my student been doing." Dynamo chuckled "I've been doing okay. My time in Canterlot has been pretty interesting, to say the least." His ears drooped as he sighed sadly. "I first wanted to say I'm sorry. I broke your code of honor when I saw Cosmic again. He was bullying me and a few others. He said he was using his nightmare magic to implant nightmares. He defeated me and I felt like I let you down in so many ways. For that, I'm really sorry." Pinball nodded over the line. "While I will admit, it was foolish to fight, but I will not blame you. That Cosmic is trouble and it seems he still hasn't learned his lesson the first time. You are a great student and I'll always be proud of you, no matter what." Dynamo smiled as he began to wipe the tears away that were starting to form in his eyes. "Thank you, sir. I'm really glad to hear that. Although, I heard that Cosmic was taken care of for good. I don't think he's coming back." He says with a frown on his face as he closed his eyes.


Pinball nods grimly. "Unfortunate, but I guess it was the right think in the end. Whoever took care of him did the right think, in my opinion. He was what gave a gamer a bad name. What he did was not the way I taught you, your father, and Chocolate. Enough about that though. There was a reason you called me, yes?" He asked with a soft and kind smile. Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise and nods. "That's right. You see, I met this mare in Canterlot, who just so happens to be uncle Chocolate's daughter. After spending some time with her, we both decided that we wanted to get married to each other. We are having the wedding Saturday and we invited all of our friends. I wanted to extend the invitation over to you. Would you like to come to the wedding? It would be a big honor and I think Orange would love to meet you." He says as Pinball smiled softly. "I would love to be at the wedding. I was a part of your father's and Chocolate's wedding all those years ago. It's only fitting that I join in their offspring's wedding as well. I'll definitely see you at the wedding."


Dynamo cheered and jumped around like a little foal. "That's great to hear. I'll give the phone back to uncle Chocolate. I'll see you soon and it was great to hear from you." He said as he handed the phone back to his uncle.


Gentle giggles with a nod. "Just make sure you don't teach this to Starling or Silverwing. Our husbands will freak at the games, I'm sure. Them seeing their little fillies and I think they'll pass out for the night." She laughs loudly at the thought. 


Dew blushes as she hides her face within her mane. "O-Oh you flatter me. Y-You're just so k-kind and l-loving towards everypony. Y-You have a h-heart of gold, in my opinion."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Chocolate chuckles "Not a prank I swear on my high record of Pacman" he says with a soft laugh. "You've really made Dynamo's day Pin, I just want you to know that he did what he did to defend my little Orange and her friends. Foolish as it was, his heart was in the right place.. anyway i think the delivery truck us there" he says with a smirk "enjoy"


Candy giggles "now my dwar, that is just plain diabolical"


Night simply nuzzles and kisses her


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Pinball whistled in surprise. "When you risk your high score on pacman, that means you're not lying. Oh, hold on just a moment. I think I see the truck." On the other line you could hear some loud screams and cheers. After a few minutes, Pinball answers the phone again. "I'm truly sorry about that. You two got me E.T and Polybius!? Those games are impossible to get now. This is possibly legendary collector's items. You didn't have to get me this." He says as he rubs a stray tear from his eye. "I'm glad to have made my student's day and I look forward to meeting the mare that captured his heart. I have to let you guys go. I'm about ready to close up shop for the day. Plus I need to start getting ready for my trip down for the wedding. Just let me know the directions and I'll be down there most likely Friday. It was great hearing from you all again. I'll see you guys very soon." He said as he hung up the phone.


Dynamo jumps for joy as the group was near the hotel. He ran as fast as he could back to the hotel room to give the good news. As he ran, he made sure to keep the giant bag of plush in perfect condition. Quick smiles and laughs at his son's excitement. "I tell you, this wedding got about ten times better now that Pin is going to be there. He was always like a grandpa to all of us." He said as he and Chocolate walked hotel room as they saw Dynamo wait for them at the front entrance.


Gentle giggles and smirks. "Remember, it was I who could come up with some diabolical plans. There were times Quick and Chocolate were wrapped around our fingertips, they had no idea. You had your share as well, but Night always kept us in line if we took an idea too far." She closed her eyes and smiled at the memories.


Dew blushes ans smiles as she nuzzles and kisses her marefriend. The dining hall is just within sight of the trio. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate grins "We wanted to say thanks for everything you did for us..." he says then his tone saddened a little "Wiz, I'm afraid we have some sad news about Night Song, you know Night Dancer's little brother...well, his family was murdered few years back...his filly though..well, she's an ethereal spirits of sorts,  and Quick and Gentle took her in, anyway just so you know, the kids want a anime themed wedding, Fullmetal Alchemist if I'm not mistaken, see you then" he says then hangs up and grins to Quick "He's very grateful for E.T and Polybius, you should have heard him cheer" he says with a laugh.


Candy nods with a giggle "Oh yes I remember, and soon with our moves combined with her adorable cuteness, dynamo is going to be putty in Orange's hands" she giggles again, hugging her daughter close.


Lilly giggles and runs up to them "mummy! mummy! Look what Nightmare won me!" she says excitedly as she holds up a replica of the Velveteen Rabbit "Now Kitten has a friend to play with!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick laughed as the trio climbed the stairs up to their room. "I actually heard the cheering from where I was standing. I haven't heard him act like that in a long time. He must really like those gifts we got him. I think he's going to get a kick out of those games." He says as they opened the door to their room and entered.


Gentle giggles and nods at Candy's remark. "Getting Quick and Chocolate entranced by our moves is child's play compared to what Orange is going to do to Dynamo." She giggles again at the thought as she shook her head. "One day at a time though, dear. We might need to get Night in on this plan as well. She could teach all of us a thing or two." She heard the door open and saw Dynamo and the others enter the living room. "Hey welcome back you three. Were you successful in your search?" She asked as Quick nodded. "We sure did. We even got to talk to Pinball and he's going to be at the wedding."


Dew notices the velveteen rabbit Lilly is holding as she squeals and giggles. "That's so adorable, sweetie. I'm sure Kitten will love to have a new friend to play with." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate laughs and nods "Especially E.T, it's as notorious as Supermare 64 for being bad, if not worse. Did you hear the rumor about how they gathered all the games and burried it somewhere in a desert?" he chuckles as he hugs his wife and daughters "Hey Quick, how about a game of NFS while the girls go freshen up?" he asks as he goes to get the game.


Orange giggles and hugs Dynamo, she then sees the big bag "W-what's in the bag love?" she asks softly and nuzzles him, doing her best to hold in her excitement about beating Dungeon Lord.


Candy smiles and hugs her husband "Come on girls, lets go freshen up, then we get some nice formal clothes and go for dinner" she says, walking with Gentle and a sway of her hips and swish of her tail to seduce her husband.


Lilly giggles "I put her in my backpack with the zipper somewhat undone so she'd be safe and cou.." she looks in her backpack and starts to cry "I l-lo..lost her! I-I'm s-so sorry! P-please f.."


Nightmare comes running in "Lilly, sweetie, you dropped Kitten" he says, giving her the plush kitten, who she immediately hugs tightly and fusses over her. "Poor filly, got so excited about her new plush, she ran off and Kitten fell out of her bag, lucky I was there to pick her up" he smiles warmly at Dew Drop, he then sees Violet and blushes somewhat.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick smiles widely and nods. "Yeah, I remember that rumor. I think it was buried somewhere near area 51, or so I've heard." He says as he nods again at Chocolate's suggestion. "Yeah, I'm down for a quick race." He watched as Chocolate went to get the game.


Dynamo felt Orange hug and nuzzle him. He smiled as he hugged his fiancee back tightly. "Sorry, my love, but that's a surprise for later. I'll show you and our sisters later. That's a promise. Also, no peeking, sweetheart." He said as he watched Orange and the others leave to get ready.


Gentle smiled and giggles with a nod. "Okay that sounds good to me. I think I remember them saying we can all rent some suits and dresses at the hotel. We'll be right back, guys." She says as she imitates Candy which brought a blush to Quick's face.


Dew gasped softly and felt sad for the little filly. She was about to comfort Lilly when she saw Night Spell enter the room with Kitten. She smiled as she watched Lilly fuss over Kitten. "That's being a really good big brother to Lilly. Thank you for finding Kitten and returning it to her, Night Spell. We really do appreciate it." She smiles and nods in appreciation to the bat colt. She noticed him blushing at Violet and smiles while leaning against Night. "Hey sweetie? Look at Night Spell. I think he's blushing at Violet. I think somepony has a crush on a certain mare." She winked with a tiny grin to her marefriend.  

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad,


"Guess they missed one" he says as he finds the game and puts it into the PS4.


Giggles could be heard from the bathroom


"I wonder what they're gig..." his eyes then narrow "Quick, take a look at this and tell me if something is amiss here" he says in a serious tone "I think our wives have played a prank on us"


More giggling, but orange was so excited she forgot to close the 3DS and left it open for Dynamo to see in plain view.


Nightmare smiles and gently rustles the filly's mane "It's no problem at all miss" he says as he continues to blush


Night chuckles "I believe it goes both ways, look at our dear Violet"


Violet was nervously blushing deeply and fiddling with her necklace.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick shrugs his shoulders. "I guess they did. Lucky that Pinball was able to get an arcade machine." He picked up his controller as he was about to play NFS, but his ears perked at Chocolate's remark. "Huh? What do you mean by th-" His words were cut off as he noticed what the prank was. The giggling added on to his shock as his eyes widened. "Wait, just a minute. Look at all the race courses through story mode and time trial. They literally beat them in record time. They even did the story in a speed run. Those snakes in the grass. How do you even do that!?" He asked as his voice became high pitched from shock.


Dynamo placed the bag of gifts down in a place the girls wouldn't see them. He noticed Orange's 3DS was open on the table. He went to put it away in a safe place, when he noticed the game that was on the screen. "Hey, this is my dungeon Lords game. I forgot I even packed that with my stuff." He smiled as he looked at his game file. His jaw started to drop slowly as he noticed the game was completed. "W-Wait, what? That's not possible. I could never beat that game. Level 5 was just too difficult a level." As he saw his dad and uncle's surprise, he started to come to a realization. A smile slowly started to grace his lips and he chuckled a little. "I can't even be mad about that. I'm actually very impressed. I think this calls for a reward and I think I know just what to give Orange, Starling and Silver." He says as he whispered the last part.


Gentle could hear the reactions of Quick and Chocolate, as it brought a smile to her face. She giggled as she looked to the other's who were freshening up. "I think the guys finally figured out what just happened. Do you think they love our little surprise, dears?" She asked as she finished freshening up.


Dew watched as Violet was becoming nervous while playing with her pendant. A small smile was on her lips as a thought came to mind. "Maybe during the week, do you want to try and play a little matchmaker on those two? They seem very cute together and I think they have a tiny crush on one another." She whispered into her marefriend's ear.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy was too busy rolling around in laughter, as she stands up and holds her sides she wipes the tears away "I think they do, they're shocked for sure, but also very pleased" she says then looks to Orange "And you three, I do believe Dynamo is very proud and impressed of your ability to finish the game" she says as she hugs them, and they hug her back.


Chocolate could hear his wife's laughter and shakes his head "Snakes in the grass is right ,but in all honesty, it's nice to hear that beautiful laugh of hers again" he says as he chooses to start a new game "It also looks like the younglings played the same sort of prank on our Dynamo" he says with a chuckle.


Orange looks to her mother and aunt "I-I want to show Dynamo w-what I can do, c-can I?"


Night nods in total agreement "If our two friends don't beat us to it" she giggles 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Starling and Silvewing giggled and cheered as they hugged Candy. "Yay! Big brother is proud of us!" Starling cheered as Silverwing nods as she giggles again. "He's always proud of us. I'm really glad he isn't mad or upset by that. I don't want to hurt big brother." She says as she frowns slightly. Gentle smiled as she wrapped her arms around her daughter. "Nothing you do will ever hurt your brother. He loves each and every one of you. Never forget that, my dears."


Quick closed his eyes and sighed as a small smile appeared on his muzzle. "I must admit, that was pretty good of them. A very good prank indeed and I'm impressed. Gentle never plays video games that often, but she's done an awesome job." He says as he picks the controller back up to start a new file with Chocolate.


Gentle looked to Orange and smiled as she looked back to Candy. "What do you say dear? I would say we should wait until Wednesday, but she is your daughter, so it's up to you. Maybe she can give him a sneak preview." She winked with a grin. The group of mares exited the bathroom to the living room to get ready to go out to dinner.


Dew smiled and nods as she giggles cutely. "I think four mares helping will work even better. Strength in number, I always say." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Starling and Silverwing immediately run to hug Dynamo "You proud of us big brother?" Silverwing asks  as she nuzzles into him.


Candy smiles "I think a little sneak preview is a good idea, might even give our own husbands a bit of a nosebleed with how cute she is" she giggles and shakes her head "Go for it sweetie"


"Daady~ Uncle~ Dyyynamo~" Orange calls out and stands in a rather nice pose, waiting for them to notice, as soon as they do, she walks over to the couch with a sway of her hips, swish of her tail and a twitch of her nose and flick of her ears to add her own little flare to it.


Chocolate looks up "what is it swe..." he instantly gets a nosebleed "curse you Candy, turning our own daughter against me!" he says exasperatedly "There's no hope for us now Quick old pal" he says trying to stop the nose bleed


Night smiles and nods "Mm indeed, Violet will get along very well with Gentle and Candy I believe"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo chuckled as he felt his two sisters tackle him into a hug. "I'm very proud of the two of you. You both helped your sister into beating a game I thought was unbeatable. I couldn't ask for better sisters." He smiled as he patted his two sisters on the head.


As Quick's ears perked, he turned to see that it was Orange who was addressing him, Chocolate and Dynamo. As he saw her use the same moves as Gentle and Candy, he suddenly got a nosebleed. He chuckled at Chocolate's remark as he got a paper towel for him and Chocolate to stop the bleeding. "I'm sorry my friend, but she's crossed over to the dark side. It was a valiant effort, but it was inevitable." He placed a hand on Chocolate's shoulder as he offered his condolences.


Dynamo made sure the game was saved as he turned the 3DS off to conserve power. He was about to put the 3DS away, when he heard Orange calling out to him. He looked and saw Orange pulling the same moves his mother and aunt would use. He noticed she even added her own style as well. This caused him to get a nosebleed, while he blushed deeply at what he witnessed. He grabbed a paper towel to stop the nosebleed, which elicited a fit of giggles from the two sisters sitting next to him. He got up out of his seat to move close to Orange. As he sat near his fiancee, he pulled her in and kissed her passionately. After a few minutes, he pulled away and brought her into a hug. "I guess it was only a matter of time before my mom and yours would taught you their moves, huh? I guess I got to start getting used to it." He chuckles as he began to nuzzle her. "That was really cute. The ears flickering and the nose twitch added on to how adorable you are as well."


Gentle watched as she peeked from around the corner. "Three nosebleeds and only her first try. That mare of yours is a complete natural." She giggled

as she saw her husband's embarrassment. 


Dew nods with a grin on her muzzle. "I believe so too. It would help her conquer her shyness. Violet reminds me a bit of myself: shy and nervous, but kind and hard working at what you love to do. Just like back then when I met you and the others." 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad, (So did you want to do the other rp as well?)


Chocolate laughs "Was there any doubt that my filly would cross over? Come on, those were the same moves our own wives used on us when we fist met, with a flare of her own" he says, wiping the blood away and shakes his head "Sorry Dynamo but I'm afraid your doomed, your father and I have had over twenty years to get used to this and we still haven't" he says


Orange giggles and blushes, kissing him back, closing her eyes, holding him close and pressing her chest against his as she held the kiss. She then looks at him with big puppy dog eyes and bats her eyelashes at him.


Candy smiles and nods "Was there any doubt?" she giggles and looks away with tears in her eyes as her baby girl kissed her fiance "My little baby girl is all grown up" she wipes her tears of joy away


Night simply nods and cuddles her then her ear twitches "And so little Orange has learned the art of seduction" she giggles and looks to Dew as she shows her the text message from Candy


Candy giggles "Come on everypony, lets go hire those suits and dresses so we can go out for dinner"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick chuckles as he shakes his head. "I would say yes on the doubt. I mean, you tried to not let it happen, but it was bound to happen eventually." He smiled as he prayed for his son. "Sorry Dynamo, but Chocolate here is right. Twenty years have gone by and we still aren't used to it. I wish you luck, my son."


Dynamo laughed as he nods in appreciation to his dad and uncle's condolences. "Thanks and I think I'll need the luck. Honestly, I'm just glad to have a great mare like Orange in my life." He turned his attention from Quick and Chocolate as he turned to face Orange. Seeing her give him the puppy dog eyes and batting her eyelashes, made his heart skip a beat a few times. "I guess they were right. You made my heart skip a beat again. You're just so beautiful, funny, sweet, king and everything else. I love you sweetheart." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. He pulled back and gazed at her with love, care and affection in his eyes.


She giggles and nods. "No doubt whatsoever, my friend." She watched the kiss between Orange and Dynamo and her eyes widen. She whistles as she looks right next to her at her best friend. "Wow. Now that's true love right there. Seeing that just proves they'll be together for a very long time." She closed her eyes as she placed a hand over her heart and smiles.


Dew smiled as she held Night close to her. She noticed Night showing her the a text of what happened with Gentle and Candy's group. She giggles and grins as she closed her eyes. "The art of seduction is a very powerful thing. Must be used wisely, for overuse shall prove fatal." She opened her eyes as everypony stared at her. She breaks down into a fit of giggles. "What was I even saying!? It sounded funny though."


Gentle nods as she walks over and takes Quick by the hand. "Let's go, dear. Let's all have a nice dinner together." Quick nods as Dynamo stands up. He pulls Orange up with him and holds her close. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's have dinner and then I can show you thing stuff I got you and our sisters." He smiles as he kisses her cheek again. The group then head out to the hotel room and head to the fitting room to get their outfits. 

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