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private Love is Sweet (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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After Dynamo stepped out of the room he headed into his room and got his things together. After making sure he wasn't forgetting anything, he left his and Orange's room and carried his luggage to the living room. He saw his mom and dad playing with with his sisters as they waited for Orange and the others. He saw Orange and her parents walking into the living room as Gentle noticed Candy sniffling. "Candy, are you okay, dear? What's wrong?" She asked concerned for her friend. Starling became scared and clung to her mother. "W-Why are you crying, mommy?"


Dynamo became nervous and worried as he shuffled his feet. "I-I think I know why." He said as she explained his and Orange's events earlier and the day before. After explaining, he looked to his aunt and uncle apologetically. "I'm really sorry aunt Candy and Uncle Chocolate. I promise I didn't do anything to Orange and I never would. I want to experience everything with Orange before we take that step. I was afraid she would think of me as some sort of pervert, I love her so, so much and she's beautiful, both inner beauty and outer beauty. I...I hope your not mad or disappointed." He says as he looks down slightly.


Gentle smiles slightly and nods. "It's okay sweetheart. I know nopony here is mad or disappointed. We were just worried that you two would rush things so soon. I'm just glad everything is okay. It's bound to happen because you are both going to be adults after being married. Just please, don't rush things too soon. I don't want you to do something you will regret later down the line. I don't want you to feel unprepared for anything." She says as she started to tear up a little.


Quick nods and pulls her wife into an embrace. "I understand how you feel honey, but you have to remember. They are mature and smart ponies. I know they wouldn't want to rush things like that. Our son was worried and explained it to his fiancee so she wouldn't think badly of him. What they did is, in a way, them showing they had nothing to hide or fear. They both truly love each other and that time will come. That's after the academy graduation, so we'll be prepared before then." He rubbed her back soothingly as he rubbed her mane gently.


Silverwing hugged her mother's leg as she looked up to look Gentle in the eye. "Everything's going to be okay, mommy?" She asked as Gentle smiles warmly and nods. "Everything will be okay, baby. Mommy was just worried a little, but it's going to be okay." She says as she hugs her daughter and nuzzles the little ethereal filly.


As Dew and Night made it to the dining room, Dew rocked in her seat, smiling and feeling anxious as to what they would do today. "Do you have an idea on what the plan will be? I'm just wondering because today sounds like it will be fun." She giggled in excitement. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy wipes her tears away and hugs Starling "I'm alright sweetheart, mummy is just both sad and happy that little Orange is growing up" she says, scooping up the filly and nuzzling her "I'm happy because I know she will be well looked after by your big brother, but sad because she was my first filly and I don't want to lose her" she sniffles again.


Chocolate smiles and hugs her "We're not going to lose her darling,  She and Dynamo will be living with us at the manor, don't forget" he says and then smiles at her "And I feel that even though she is doing adult things she will still and always be our adorable little filly" he says and chuckles as Orange flicks her ears and twitches her nose cutely and nods.


Candy nods "I-I know, I j-just didn't expect her to grow up so fast, but then she is a very smart filly"


Night smiles as she hums a little in thought "Well we will help them get settled and then we will discuss things further" she says "Chocolate and Quick should be able to help move your things here as well"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle giggles and nods, as she hugged her best friend. "I know what exactly how you feel. Dynamo is my first child and seeing how things are, it's just scary and exciting how things have gone so far. It's sad knowing he won't be my little baby anymore, but I know he'll always be my little colt in my heart."


Quick nods, but a thought came to mind. "That reminds me. Even though we won't be moving to Manehatten for a while, there's something I don't get. Where will the two be living when we get back from the trip? I mean is one living with the other or they live in an apartment? I mean I'm a little bit lost." He says with a confused look on his face. Gentle giggles again and kisses Quick on the cheek. "We'll figure something out dear. No need to worry." She says as she picks up her luggage. "Okay everypony. We just let the owners know we're done with our stay, we drop our stuff off, get breakfast and it's off to Manehatten!" She cheered as she pumped a fist in the air.


After grabbing his suitcase, he extended his other hand for Orange to grab. "Ready to go, my love?" He asked with a warm smile. His ears flicked slightly as his tail wagged a bit.


Dew closed her eyes as she went over the plan again in her head. She nods with a smile and she opens her eyes. "That sounds good to me. I'll help out if you need any help. Also that would be very appreciative. I can water all the plants together in the garden when we do." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange nods as she holds his hand and uses her magic to shakily carry her luggage, but Chocolate soon uses his magic to take over "Don't worry about your luggage sweetie, you just focus on you and Dynamo. okay?" he says and nuzzles her.


She nods and nuzzles him "Okay daddy" she says as she uses her other hand to hold Starling's hand and they all begun walking towards the front desk, where a sleepy  Stella was waiting for them.


She smiles at them "Leaving already? Well I hope you enjoyed your stay" she says with a soft smile and covers a yawn with a smile.


Candy nods "Oh we did, it was very luxurious" she says as she hands over the keys "We will be sure to give Night Dancer a recommendation about you" she says as they all then make their way towards the carpark and their awaiting RV.


Night nods and eats her breakfast and smiles at her.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As the group walked to the front desk, they noticed Stella, who was half asleep at her desk. Gentle giggles and nods. "Yup, we have to get going. We got a little while until we reach Night's place. Thank you so much, Stella. It was a magnificent stay. I hope we get to see you again sometime. Don't be a stranger now." She smiled and pulled Stella into a hug. The group left as they walked to the parked RV in the carpark. 


After dropping their stuff off and getting to their seats, Quick got Chocolate's attention. "Hey, buddy. Since we are going to get breakfast, how about we go to the diner we saw last night. We can make a quick stop and then head out. I think there's parking along the side walks."


Dew smiled at her as she took another bite of her breakfast. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the taste of her french toast. She smiled as an idea popped into her head. She cut a piece of her french toast as she grabbed it with her fork. She placed the piece near Night. "Say 'ah' sweetie." She asked as she offered some of her breakfast to her marefriend. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate nods with a smile "That sounds like a good idea,  we also have the left overs and a few things in the kitchen plus a few small towns along the way" he says with a smile and looks at the kids "You kids alright with your handhelds or do you want the consoles? If not, Quick and I may have a few games" he says as he then goes to the kitchen to make a coffee "Anyone else for a coffee? maybe a soda or a tea or hot cocoa?"


Candy smiles "Coffee for me please, with a shot of Bailey's please" she says as she gets into the driver's seat and smiles at Gentle "what about you Gentle?"


Orange smiles and giggles "Coffee for me too please daddy a-and can I try what mummy has?"

 she giggles again and then picks up her DS "I'm good daddy, I want to play some more Ponymon with Dynamo and our sisters" she says, pulling Starling into her lap and begins fussing over her.


Chocolate looks to his wife for confirmation and she nods "Alright sweetie, I think that should be fine, how about you Dynamo?" he asks


Night giggles and opens up "aaah"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick nods and smiled in understanding. "I forgot we had food in the fridge and leftovers as well. Anything sounds good to me, anyway. I'll take a soda. Not falling for the same thing twice." He chuckled as he sat near his wife.


Gentle closed her eyes in thought, before opening them and smiles. "I'll take a tea. Too early for bailey's for me anyway. Will you be okay to drive while having bailey's, dear? Also is Orange allowed to have some of the drink too?" She asks as she smiles appreciatively towards Chocolate.


Dynamo smiled and shook his head. "I'm okay with no consoles, uncle. I'm going to finish the elite four and cynthia in Ponymon." He smiled with confidence. "I'll take a soda please. Can you surprise me on the flavor?" He asks as he wrapped his arm around his fiancee. He felt his sister, Silvering, sitting in his lap. He pulled his 3DS out of his pocket and turned the game on to his file of Ponymon Platinum.


Starling giggles as she was being fussed over by her sister. "J-Juice box daddy?" She asks with puppy dog eyes. Silverwing nods as she giggles from Dynamo nuzzles her slightly. "Can I please have a juice box too if it's available, uncle?"


Dew Drop smiles as she places the piece of french toast in Night's mouth. She giggles at how cute she was being. "You are just adorable, sweetie. How did the food taste?"

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@@Dynamo Pad


He chuckles and nods "Alright two coffee's with Baileys, a tea, two sodas and two juice boxes" he says "coming right up" as he goes through the fridge, he levitates a grape juice box to Starling and a Blackcurrant one to Silverwing. He then levitates a lemon soda to Quick and a apple one to Dynamo. He then goes about making the teas and coffees. He starts to hum a little tune he had stuck in his head for a bit.


Candy smiles "don't worry dear, It's only a shot" she says as she starts the engine and starts to drive out of the carpark "Off to Manehatten and to our future home" she says with a giggle.


Orange giggles as she looks over at Dynamo's DS "ooh you have a Eevee? Wanna trade?" she asks as she shows him her list of ponymon.


Night smiles and blushes "Says you, you little cutie" she says, tickling her 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle smiled and nods. "Okay and sorry about that, dear. I can't help but worry on those who are important to me. It's not fun drinking and driving, in my opinion." As soon as Candy announced their leave to Manehatten, everypony cheered as the RV took off down the road.


Quick caught the soda as he opened it and took a sip. "Mm, lemon soda. Not bad and thanks, buddy." As Dynamo caught his soda, his ears perked at what his dad got. He then stood up while holding his soda in the air and ranted while smiling. "When life hands you lemons? Don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want you darn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these! Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day they thought they could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the pony who's going to burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm going to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!" He said referencing a dialogue from Portal 2.


After ranting from the video game, he fell to the floor and couldn't stop laughing. "Oh my stomach hurts. I love that line. Thanks for the apple soda, uncle." He says as he gets back in his seat with his fiancee and sisters. Starling and Silverwing each took their juice boxes and began sipping on them. "Thank you for the juice, d-daddy." Starling smiled in appreciation as she watched her sister play her game. "This is really good. I've never had blackcurrant flavored juice before. What is it, anyway?" Silverwing asked as she continues sipping on her juice box.His ears perked as he looked towards Orange and smiles with a nod. "Yup I can do that. I have an extra Eevee in my PC. I also love Eevee. And Sylveon, and Umbreon and Espeon too." He chuckled as he looked through her list of Pokemon. His eyes stopped searching as he saw a Pokemon he needed. "Oooh, a Haunter. Can you trade me the Haunter for Eevee? Also, can you take the everstone item off Haunter? This way when the trade goes through, it will evolve." He smiled as he got the trade set up.


Dew Drop gasped as Night walked up to her and started tickling her. She tried to break free, but her strength was fading from the laughter. "S-Stop it, d-dear! I-I'm too t-ticklish." Her fits of giggles continued, as they could be heard throughout the manor.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


The whole RV erupted into fits of laughter at Dynamo's little rant and Chocolate was the hardest laugher "Oh dear, that's a good one Dynamo" he says wiping his tears away before getting the tea to Gentle and the coffees to Candy and Orange. "Hey Quick, you want a co-op at Diablo 3?" he asks with a smile as he gets the game out. He then tussles Starling's and Silveriwng's manes "Blackcurrant is a kind of berry, it's like a raspberry, only black and well can be bitter if not eaten when it is ripe" 


Orange giggles and nods "I can, I don't really like him that much, he's too scary" she says as she removes the everstone and begins the trade 


Candy nods "Thank you dear" she says and kisses Chocolate before looking to Gentle "I only usually have one shot when I'm driving, it helps wake me up a little"


Night continues to tickle her "Not until you admit that you are adorable and cute and goofy and sweet" she giggles


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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After laughing at her son's rant, she smiled at her best friend. "Your welcome, Candy. I'll always look out for you. You are my sister after all." She giggles and her eyes widened in surprise at Candy's remark. "That's pretty interesting. I never knew drinking some bailey's could wake a pony up. I guess it effects ponies in different ways." She placed a hand under her chin in thought.


Quick chuckled and gasped in surprise of the game choice from Chocolate. "You still have that game? I remember we used to co-op that game a lot on the computer. I'm always up for that game." He says excitedly as he goes to sit down near the game console and TV.


Silverwing giggled at her uncle's remark. "Raspberry's are funny." She giggled again as she starting making fart noises. These noises made her big brother and sisters get involved with farting raspberry's. They heard a random noise as they tried to see who it was. Everypony held their nose as they tried tracking the smell of the perpetrator. It all lead back to the one resposible was . "Dad! Why would you do that!?" He asked as he looked at them with an innocent face. "I did no such thing. Maybe it was Dynamo." Dynamo gasped and looked the other way while pouting at his father's claim. Gentle held her nose with her hand and tried finding a spray for the RV. "I'm sorry dear, but that was definitely you. The stench trail follows back to you." She says as she find's the spray for the air and beings spraying around the RV.


Dynamo smiled and nods. "I can agree with you there, but he looks really cool. I also can't help but admit that his mega is crazy. He smiles as the trade between them went perfectly. His smile grew as the Haunter evolved due to the trade. He hugged Orange and kissed her. "Thank you so much, sweetheart. I promise to kick some butt at the elite four and Champion league." He says as he nuzzled his fiancee and sisters. 


Dew Drop continued giggling as she she raised her hands in defeat. "O-Okay, okay! I admit it!" She exclaimed as she felt the tickling stop. She let herself catch her breath, before looking her marefriend in the eyes. "You are adorable, cute, goofy and sweet." She laughed at using her choice of wording. She stuck her tongue out at Night and saw her about to start round two of the tickle war. "Okay. I mean it this time. I'm adorable, cute, goofy and sweet." She said waving her hands in front of her as she plead for mercy.

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@@Dynamo Pad, ((god I'm so immature, I like laughed so hard at that part for like 5 minutes :lol:  I needed that tho))


Chocolate smiles "Well it's the latest one, you know the one Blizzard had multiple problems with" he says then quickly goes to open the windows "whew, watch what you eat pal, that was toxic" he says and laughs as everyone else holds their noses then laughs again at their looks of "How the buck aren't you dead!?" he shakes his head "Trust me, you think we're immature now, you should have seen us back at college, just about every night we'd have a game of fart tennis, the winner was the last to fart or the one who didn't pass out" he laughs and clasps Quick on the shoulder with another laugh "Oh man, but seriously, I think you won that round mate"


Orange nearly passed out but giggles "Eevee!" she squeals and hugs her DS, then dances around "Vee! vee! Eeevee!~" she sings mimicking Eevee's cry. She then goes about naming it "Snugglefluff" she giggles and shows it to Dynamo with a giggle "What do you think love?"


Candy quickly opened her window and shakes her head "Not as bad as when we're alone in bed, Chocolate keeps trying to Dutch Oven me" she chuckles and looks at her husband pouting "It's true!"


Night laughs and sits back down "Good, you admit it, and maybe I too am cute, adorable, goofy and sweet"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick gasped as he realized the game Chocolate meant. "Oh, now I see why. That makes sense. I guess that's why they polished Overwatch when they did. Thought they are doing multiple patch updates for that game." He chuckles but then pouts. "Okay, Okay. I'm sorry everypony. I didn't think I was that bad." Dynamo raised one eyebrow as he looked towards his dad. "Are you kidding me!? One time when we went to the food store you walked right past me and farted directly in my face! I almost couldn't get the smell out of my mouth!" He raged as his eye twitched."


Quick chuckled as he ran his hand through his mane. "Still the best joke I ever pulled." He looked to his best buddy and smirked. "Oh yeah, that's right. I remember winning most of those games. No one could out fart me when it came to a game like that. I think I made you sick one time and made you pass out." He laughed at the memory.


Dynamo blushes as she sounded like Eevee. "You're just so adorable, you know that?" He chuckles and nods at the nickname choice. "I think that's a perfect name miss Snugglefluff." He chuckles again as he nuzzled his fiancee. "I think it's a fitting name for Eevee. Thank you for the Gengar." He says as he receives his Haunter, who evolved into Gengar right after receiving it.


Gentle shook her head and smiled. "I know what you mean, dear. I have to put air fresheners on Quick's butt on certain night's his farts are that bad." Quick pouts as she shrugs her shoulders. "I'm sorry honey, but it's true."


Dew giggles as she regains her breath and sits back down. "We both are that and I couldn't agree with that more." She giggles as she continues to enjoy her breakfast.  

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@@Dynamo Pad


Chocolate laughs "whipped dude, does she seriously do that?" he asks as he nods "Yeah, honestly if Overwatch had a single or co op player mode with a decent story, it wouldn't be so boring, to me it's just another Team Fortress 2 or CS:GO" he states and still couldn't help but chuckle "And yeah, a couple times, you'd make me pass out right away, I think it's what you eat and drink that does it to you"


Candy giggles "Oh dear, now that's a novel idea, I might just have to try it, I swear, if I don't pass out from the smell, I sure as Tartarus pass out from laughing so hard, I swear, it's like laughing gas"


Orange giggles and nuzzles him "Snugglefluff" she says softly as she cuddles up to him


Candy smiles at Gentle "I think Chocolate is right, she will always be our adorable little filly, that little dance and mimicking of the ponymon, that was heart melting adorable"


Chocolate chuckles "Indeed it was, very adorable" he says as he pets Orange on the head


Night smiles and nods "I hear that both Orange and Starling have matching kitty one piece swimsuits, I can't wait to see how adorable they'll be"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick reluctantly nods. "it's very true, my friend. Also, I'm surprised that Overwatch didn't have a story mode. Seeing all the character movies looked really interesting to me. You'd think with graphics like that there would be a story." He shakes his head and sighs. "I agree, but it's great seeing more diverse characters when it comes to comparing those games. Though I do hate how some people can pick the same character and have a full team of that one character." He grumbles but chuckles himself. "I think it was the shrimp I ate last night. Some food just do that to you. Just be glad it wasn't beans or anything. I wouldn't be able to guarantee anypony's safety on that one." 


Gentle giggles and nods while placing a hand on Candy's shoulder. "It's a lifesaver of an idea. I can agree on that. I'm surprised doctors don't use laughing gas from farting. I guess people think fart jokes are funny while some think it's immature. I guess we fit under the former category." She giggles as she placed a hand over her chin.


Dynamo chuckles as he cuddles her closely. "You're my little snugglepuff." He whispers softly in her ear. Starling and Silverwing snuggle up to Orange and giggle. "Snugglepuff, I choose you!" Silverwing exclaimed as Starling clapped her hands.


Gentle giggles and nods. "It was very adorable. Dynamo has definitely found somepony special for her special traits. They are just so cute together," She grinned and squealed in happiness.


Dew Drop looked up from her breakfast and grinned slightly. "Aw, those sound adorable. I guess she's Dynamo's little kitten, huh?" She says with a cute giggle.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Chocolate couldn't help laugh heartily "Oh dude, you totally got whipped" he laughs once more and sighs as he wipes the tears away then gulps as he sees a glare from his wife "W-what? A-at least I don't make you pass out from the gasses?!" he exclaims


Candy giggles "Well if you keep trying to Dutch Oven me, I might just have to use an airfreshenner on your butt dear" she says and smiles at the loving display between all four children.


Orange giggles and nuzzles Silverwing "Puff! Puff!" she mimics what she thought a Snugglepuff would sound like and snuggles all of them while she happily plays her game.


Candy nods once more and smiles "And I can say the same about Dynamo, i was beginning to think she wouldn't find somepony who'd love her for who she is" she says with a hug of Gentle


Night smiles and nods "It does sound adorable" she says and smiles as she sees Lilly walk in hugging Kitten and Bunny "Don't look now dear, but there's a very sweet, adorable and sleepy filly coming towards us" she says with a giggle


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Quick blushes and coughs in embarrassment. He then notices Chocolate stuttering and laughs at his misfortune. "You say I'm whipped. My friend, I think the same fate goes to you as well." He continues to play Diablo 3 while laughing. 


Dynamo wraps his arms around Orange and snuggles her. "Yay! I just caught...a Snugglepuff!" He exclaimed as he made a victory hand sign. Starling and Silverwing giggled as they snuggled close to their brother and sister.


Gentle nods as she hugs her best friend. "I know what you mean. I wasn't sure if Dynamo wouldn't find somepony to love him for him. I'm just really happy they didn't give up and found each other." She says as she sighs and looks at the display of the children having fun.


Dew giggles and sighs cutely at the sight of Lilly. "Aw, look at her. Did you have a good sleep Lilly? You ready to meet Night's friends and family?" She asked as she scooped up Lilly and hugged the little filly.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Chocolate nod "I best be on my best behavior then" he says with a chuckle and also continues to play Diablo 3, "You know, they did so much better on this than the company that made Dungeon Siege made their third one. I feel like Dungeon Siege 3 was just a Diablo copy" he says as he sips on his coffee and smiles at his best friend "I agree with what Candy and Gentle are saying, it is truly wonderful that our kids found each other have someone special who loves them for them" he remarks "Just like how we found our wives really"


Orange giggles and nuzzles Dynamo into his neck "I love you so much Dynamo, you help me feel happy and wanted" she says as she then cuddles her sisters "You two as well, I love all my family and never want to lose any of you" she nuzzles Starling and Silverwing.


Candy smiles "You won't darling" she says then looks to her husband and friends "I never answered the question about where the kids will be staying after the holiday, did I?" She giggles "I think we shouldn't split them up" she thinks for a moment "The shop really isn't that big for the two of them, I mean we could try it, but if it doesn't work, I think your place would be best, Gentle" she states with a smile as she continues to drive.


Lilly nods and reaches up for a hug, she then curls up in Dew's lap "Are you going to be my other mummy?" she asks sleepily and rather cutely.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Quick chuckles and nods. "Same here, but knowing me it won't even last a day." He shakes his head as he laughs once more. "Some games are like that nowadays. Just like how some RPG's are like Final Fantasy. Some are good that you don't even notice. Though sometimes there are those that are very bad carbon copies." He says as he shivers at the thought. He sips his soda before smiling warmly and looks towards his best friend. "I feel the same. It's great knowing they found somepony special like that. It's difficult finding one like that now. It feels like the time when we met the girls. We both really did find somepony special in our lives."


Dynamo smiles as he kisses her cheek and nuzzled the top of her head. "You will never lose us. We'll always be with you. You and I will always be with each other, together forever. I love you so much as well, Orange. You've made me so happy, wanted and loved." Starling and Silverwing nuzzle back as they both nod. "I love you too, big sister. I'm happy to have you and everypony else as family." Silverwing nods once more. "The same goes for me. I may have just joined this family, but I'm so very happy. I'm glad to have you all as family."


Gentle smiles and nods at Candy's plan. "I'm okay with that idea. Our house isn't really that big either. I was just surprised that it could just about fit Twilight and the others when they came over. I guess we'll see how it goes." She looked down at Candy's GPS and grins. 


Dew Drop smiles warmly as she nuzzles her lovingly and sits her down at the table. "Only if you want me to be sweetheart. I-I'd gladly be your other mommy. I love your mommy Night and I want to be with her as much as I can. I'm really glad I was able to reconnect with her." She say as she looks to her marefriend with a love filled glance. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate nods and smiles and sighs "Ugh, you know what, I'm sick of these new games for now" he says as he gets out the NES and dusts it off, "Hello there old friend, it's been a while" he says as he looks through the games "Hmm, how about we play some Gauntlet? Like old times?" he asks with  a smile to Quick and sighs softly "I honestly forgot if we ever managed to finish this game"


Candy smiles and nods "That is true, maybe we ought to invest in renting them a small apartment together or something?" she asks and sighs softly at the thought of her filly moving out, she shakes her head and smiles "It was only a matter of time"


Orange giggles and hugs him (much like in our avatar hehe) and kisses him lovingly while hugging her sisters as well.


Lilly sleepily yawns cutely and nods "I-I do, I love my mummy and daddy ,but I.. love you too"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Quick nodded in agreement. "Yeah, the game is fun, but not exciting or a lot of fun." He gasps as he notices Chocolate pulling the Gauntlet game out. "Oh my sweet Celestia! I didn't even know you still had that! I think we were about halfway through the game. Let's do this!" He chuckles and sighs from nostalgia.


Gentle placed a hand under her chin and nods slightly. "That could work. We'll figure it out when we are finished with the trip. I can see them having an apartment for the time being before we all move to Manehatten." She sighs and nods once more at Candy's remark. "I know what you mean. I can't believe my son is going to move out soon, only briefly. I always told him he could live at home for as long as he wanted. He's really growing up." She says with a smile.


Dynamo chuckles as she hugs him and kisses him. He returns the kiss lovingly while wrapping his arms around her. (Just like in our signature haha) As their lips parted, he smiled warmly at his fiancee. "I love you so much, Orange. I'm so glad we met each other and that we're together. I'm so glad how things have been so far. I'm so happy to have you in my life." He says as he bring his sisters in for a hug. "I'm so glad to have you two in my life as well." Starling and Silverwing blush happily and snuggled into their siblings embrace.


Dew blushes at how cute Lilly was being. Tears began to form in her eyes as she wipes them away with her hands. She picks up Lilly and hugs her. "I would be honored to be your other mommy, my sweet little daughter." She spun for a big and laughed as Lilly giggled. She stopped spinning and brought placed Lilly in her seat. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,



Chocolate chuckles as he plugs the NES in and blows on the cartridge to get rid of the dust then slots it in. He smiles at him "I remember spending hours on this with you and the guys" he says with a sigh and hands Quick a controller "I think our kids were well,,foals when we started playing this" he chuckles "before we somehow lost contact with each other"


Candy nods "we can always visit them, there is that" she says with a smile and a giggle "We'd have to make a roster of who cooks for them on what days"


Orange giggles and nuzzles him back, still hugging their sisters, she flicks her ears for them and giggles again.


Lilly giggles and looks to Night who was now passionately kissing Dew Drop "eeeew kissy kissy!" she squeals and giggles


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Quick chuckles at Chocolate trying to clean the old console. "I remember we needed to blow on the cartridge and console to get rid of the dust. Oh those were the days. Games have evolved so much." He smiles and sighs. He nods in appreciation as he takes the offered controller. "I think you're right. I remember we got the guys together. We tried doing a marathon to try and beat the game in a day." He chuckles sadly, but smiles "It's sad that we lost touch, but I'm glad we were able to reconnect now."


Gentle nods with a smile. "There is that. That's very true as well. We can do either of us and then cook together. So we have three different days on who is cooking." She says with a giggle. She looks down at the GPS and grins. "We're almost there. Just a few blocks and the manor should be just up ahead."


Dynamo smiles as he levitates the 3DS over to him and the others. He begins playing platinum again and makes his way over to the elite four. "Okay, then. Time for me to face the ultimate gauntlet." He smirks before commencing his battle against the elite four.


Dew Drop get pulled into a passionate kiss by Night. She was surprised at first, but gives into the kiss as she closed her eyes. She pulls away from the kiss and wraps her arms around Night's neck. She giggles at Lilly's reaction. "What was the kiss for, sweetie?" She asks while looking to Night with a love filled smile.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate nods "Yeah, I believe was the first time you tried coffee as an adult and were bouncing around the house with energy, it made our little ones giggle so much, made us laugh pretty hard too" he says then looks to Orange and Dynamo "Yes, that is right, you two used to play together as foals, which might explain why you have feelings for each other and are so close" he says then chuckles "Remember the other marathon we tried pulling of, trying to finish games like Action 52, Top Shot, and some of those other crappy games"


Orange giggles and nods as she focused on loving on her Eevee to help it evolve into another Sylveon, she hears what her aunt says "We nearly there mummy?"


Candy nods "Juust about..." she turns into the driveway "there" she says as she parks out the front of the Manor and whistles "F-a-n-c-y" she says with another whistle before honking the horn



Night smiles "Wanted to get it out of the way before they got here" she says and hears the horn "Aaand that must be them now, I recognize that honking pattern"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Quick chuckles at the memory. "Oh yeah, that's right. I remember not feeling well and was tired from lack of energy. I remember freaking out when playing Duck Hunt. There was also the part where we tried to see who could clear Super Mario Brothers in record time." He smiled as he looked to the kids playing. "I think I remember that. They wouldn't stop being near each other. They would always cry if one or the other would be separated. It just went to show just how much of a bond they had back then."


Gentle whistles as she looks out the window. "Now that's what I call a house. Night sure knows how to pick them." She giggles as she goes to get her suitcase.


Dynamo saved his game as he reached the final battle. After turning his game off, he heard that they made it and looked out the window. His jaw dropped slightly at the sight of the manor. "Oh wow that's really cool. We're going to be staying in that manor?" He looked to Orange and smiled. "It looks like this week just got a little more awesome." He chuckles as he pulls her into a hug.


Starling and Silvwerwing ran up to the other side of the RV and looked out the window. "That place is huge!" Starling exclaimed as she stared wide eyed at the manor. Silverwing could only nod as her jaw dropped. "It looks just like a castle."


Dew smiles and nods. "That makes a lot of sense. Okay, then." She says as she leans in and kisses Night once more." After pulling back from the kiss, she hears a car horn. "I guess you're right. I can't wait to finally see them." She says as she walks with Night to the front door of the manor.

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