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private Love is Sweet (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Dynamo felt Starling embrace him and he returned the gesture. "I promise to always visit, little sister. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." He said as he did the gestures of the promise. Out of nowhere he heard the word 'forever' echo from far away. Dynamo looked everywhere to make sure he wasn't hearing things. He blinked twice before replying, 'O...kay, weird. Y-Yeah, that was the idea. Anyway, I need to get going. It was nice meeting you everypony, see you tomorrow." He blushed from Candy Hearts assumption and left the shop. On his way he started off in a walk, but broke off into a run. He couldn't stop smiling after everything that happened today. He took one giant step and a leap and he felt he was flying. His smile turned into a giant grin and he closed his eyes before yelling to the sky, "I have a marefriend! Best day ever!" As he landed he tripped and fell forward onto the pavement. "I'm okay!" He yelled to nopony in particular and got up to dust himself off. He started back for home as the sky finally turned to night and Luna's moon was hung in the air.

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@@Dynamo Pad,

Orange giggles and yawns cutely before Chocolate chuckles and picks her up "come on baby girl, lets get you and your baby sister into bed, tomorrow we'll take her to get new clothes and toys" he says, nuzzling both his daughters.


Orange giggles "Can Dynamo come too?" she asks cutely and innocently,  


"Well, that's up to him sweetie, he might have things to do tomorrow" Chocolate says as he then proceeds to tuck them in, giving Orange her stuffed wolf and then magicking one for Starling.


Candy was close behind and begun to sing a lullaby for the two of them



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"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo finally made it home. He found his parents in their living room and sat down to talk to them. After going over how his day had went, his parents were happy for him. "Well done, my son. I'm really proud of how you handled yourself. You also seem to have a keeper there." Quick Fix said with a wink as he patted Dynamo on the shoulder.


Dynamo smiled at the praise and blushed at his dad's joking nature before replying, "Thanks dad and it was nothing really. I'm just glad nopony got hurt. I'm really tired so I think I'm going to turn in for tonight." Dynamo said as he got up from his seat. He nuzzled both his parents and gave them a hug before leaving the room. Before he left his mother, Gentle Step, replied, "It's really nice to see you have a special somepony. Orange sounds like a really kind mare. I hope we get to meet her sometime." She said with a smile. 


Dynamo looked around the corner with a smile before replying, "Thanks mom and I think that would be nice. I love you both, good night." With that Dynamo left the living room and headed into his room. After getting changed into his pajamas, he slipped into bed and allowed sleep and the dream world to claim him once more. Dreams of him and Orange spending time together filled his head, causing a small smile to grace his lips as he dreamed.

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@@Dynamo Pad, (Time skip)

The next morning, Orange slowly opens her eyes as she feels the sun's warmth warm up her fur and when she opens her eyes, she sees that Starling must have climbed into bed with her after having a nightmare. She was unsure of what to do really, but she then remembered what her parents would do when she had nightmares. Holding the filly close to her, she protects her and asks with a kiss to her forehead "Did you have a bad dream little sis?" she asks, nuzzling the filly once more.


Starling nods as she slowly wakes up "uhuh, I-I dreamed you and mummy and daddy no want me anymore, just like my weal mama and dada" she says ,curling up in a frightened ball. 


Orange sighs, she knew that feeling all to well, despite how many times her mother and father would reassure her that they will always love her and want her around, she still couldn't help but feel that she was a burden, she pulls the filly in close "shh,we will always want you" she coos softly, gently stroking her ears


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@, (time skip)


The next day, Dynamo woke up an hour earlier than he usually does. He groans as the sun hasn't come up yet and tries to go back to sleep, but to no avail. He then sits up and turns on his video games to occupy him. After a while of playing games, he sees that the sun had risen into the sky as he looked out his window. With a stretch of his limbs and a big yawn, he replies, "Okay, time to get up and ready." With that he does he normal routine of getting ready for school and puts his uniform on. He then heads down to get some breakfast. He enter's the kitchen to see Gentle Step making pancakes for breakfast and Quick Fix reading the paper. He takes a seat, taking a couple of pancakes and after adding syrup, begins to eat. His parents notice Dynamo and reply, "Good morning sweetheart, did you sleep well?" Dynamo nods a bit after swallowing his food. "Yeah, although I got up a bit early, I slept well." He said with another yawn as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.


"So, do you have any plans after school today?" Quick Fix asked as he looked up from his newspaper. Dynamo closed his eyes in thought on if he had anything to do. He opened his eyes in realization and remembered he did. "Actually I might head on over to Twilight's and see if there is a book that would help me with my project." Dynamo said as he took a drink of his juice. Quick Fix had a sly smile on his face before replying, "Wow son. I didn't know you were going to go out with another mare so soon. So how does it feel, champ?" Dynamo spit up his drink and coughed a few times.


"Dad why would you say something like that!? I would never betray Orange like that. You know that!" Dynamo said with an angry look on his face. He knew his dad was messing around with him, but hearing his dad joke about his relationship like that was a bit much. Gentle Step went over to Quick Fix and bopped him over the head. "Now dear, while it's fine every now and again to tease our son about his new marefriend. I won't allow you to accuse him of doing something I know he'll never do. We raised him better to treat others with respect and not something so horrible as to cheat on another mare." Gentle Step said with a crossed look on her face. Dynamo nodded his head and thanked Gentle Step for defending him. Quick Fix apologized to Dynamo who just waved his hand in front of him, telling him it was okay and that he forgiven his dad. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Starling nuzzles into her new sister's embrace, and Orange smiles at it, she had always wanted a baby sister and she got what she wanted, and her sister was just so adorable. She nuzzles her lovingly "Come on baby sis, lets go get breakfast" she says, getting up and then picking up Starling in her arms.


Starling giggles and nuzzles her some more "O-ok big sis" she says "will Dynamo be comin over today? I wanna see big brother" she asks cutely as she curls up in a small ball, making Orange smile and pet her like she was a kitten.


"I don't know, he might be over at Twilight's for school" Orange says with a sigh, helping Starling into a high chair, and then goes to get her breakfast, as she does, she picks up the phone and dials Dynamo's number.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As Dynamo was just finishing up his breakfast, he heard his phone going off. He checked to see who it was and saw that it was Orange. He excused himself from the table so he wouldn't be disturbed and went to his room. As he made it to his room he sat down back down on the bed, answered the phone and replied, "Hey Orange, good morning. What's up?" Dynamo had a smile on his muzzle as he answered the phone. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"Hey Dynamo, just wondering if you had anything on today? M-mummy and daddy are taking us out to get Starling some new clothes and toys and we both want you to come along" she says with a cute little giggle, trying to  find a nice dress to wear. As it was a warm, summer day, she wanted to wear something that would look nice on her but would also give her enough freedom to move.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo went to his bed and sat against one of the walls in his room. He crossed his legs and closed his eyes. 'I know I have to see if Twilight has any books for my game project. Though I do want to spend some time with Orange and the others. I think I have and idea.' He thought as he opened his eyes and uncrossed his legs. He smiled before replying, "I do have to visit Twilight and see if she has any books on my project, just like Miss Luna suggested. I do have an idea though. Maybe most of the day we can hang out and go shopping. That way, you, me and Starling can all spend time together. Then after some time, we can go see Twilight and see if she has any books we might need. I honestly don't know where she is and I'm a bit nervous on meeting somepony new. Would that be okay?" He asked, hopeful that his idea would work out okay. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


"Sounds great, I wonder if she's got the new Daring Do books in too, so I can check on that while we are there" Orange says as she then hears her mother call her for breakfast "Oh, gotta go, mummy made breakfast, love you" she says with a soft kiss to the phone before hanging up and skipping down the stairs "Dynamo says he can come, then we're gonna go to the library to get some books" she says to her parents.


"sounds good to us dear, do you think you could take Starling with you?" Candy asks


"I don't think that should be a problem mummy" she says with a smile, hugging Starling


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Oh okay, awesome! Sounds like a plan. I'll message you when I'm on the way. I'll see you and Starling soon. I love you too." Dynamo smiled as he did a soft kiss to the phone as well. He got up out of his sitting position in his bed and went back to the kitchen. As he entered the kitchen, he retook his seat and turned to face Gentle step. "That was Orange. She and Starling are going out shopping and they asked me to join them. I'm going with them and then we are going to the library afterwards." He said as he began finishing up his breakfast.


"That sounds wonderful sweetheart. Though you should probably change into something nice. You're still in your school uniform." Gentle said as she giggled softly. Dynamo had a confused look on his face before looking down and realizing that Gentle was right. "Aw man, I thought I had school today. Waking up early today messed up my sleep schedule." Dynamo said as he groaned and slammed his head onto the table in embarrassment.


"I was wondering when you were going to catch on son. I thought you would have noticed sooner." Quick Fix said as he lowered his paper again to address Dynamo. A small smirk and chuckle escaped from his lips. Dynamo replied while mumbling, "Please dad that's not helping. Anyway, I'll message you when I'm coming home. I'll see you guys later. Love you, bye." Dynamo said as he raised his head from the table and left to get ready. He went into his room again and tried to figure out what he would want to wear today. Hearing the weather report to be warm, he wanted to find something comfortable to wear.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Orange giggled while eating her breakfast, she wanted to wear her new dress which was a nice summer dress with kittens and kitten paw prints all over it. She thought it made her look cute, and believed it would draw Dynamo's attention to her. She quickly finishes her breakfast and races upstairs to get ready.


Starling, who was still in her highchair looked at her new parents where in discussion about something important.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo looked through his closet and found the outfit he wanted to wear. A red branded shirt of Naruto, black pants, and sneakers. After looking in the mirror to see his appearance, he nods his head in approval and grabs his wallet and phone. He then exits his room and heads back to the kitchen to notify his parents that he was going. He then exits the house and walks towards the candy shop to meet up with Orange and Starling.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"I know dear, but we do have to put into consideration that the orphanage won't let us adopt her" Chocolate says and hugs a sobbing Candy Hearts.


"and WHY the buck not!? We are the only ones with hearts big enough to love her!" the mare sobs into her husband's embrace.


The yelling could be heard from Orange's room and she curls up with her stuffed wolf, she gets her phone and quickly texts "P-please c-come, m-mummy and d-daddy are yelling" she then starts to cry.


The little filly starts to cry too, too chocked up to form any words


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo felt his phone ringing and found he received a text message from Orange. As he pulled the phone out of his pocket to read the message, he felt as if his stomach had just dropped. His eyes slightly widened in worry as he was reading the text message. He began to text Orange back to see if he could get any more info. "Are you and Starling okay? What about your parents? Where is everyone at and is the shop open, or do I have to knock? I'll be at the shop in just a little bit." After sending the message, his walk suddenly turned into a run as he rushed on over to the shop as fast as he could. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"I-I think they're fighting about Sta...OH NO! I LEFT HERE WITH THEM!" she texts back and quickly rushes downstairs, grabs Starling form her high chair and rushes back upstairs. "I-I have Starling, but they're still yelling and arguing..the door is unlocked..I t-think" she texts back, cuddling Starling close to her and curling up in a ball. She was close to tears again, her parents very rarely fought, but when they did, it scared her a lot.


"B-big sis, w-why is mummy and d-daddy fighting? D-did I do something wrong?" Starling asks her big sister and begins to cry as well. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's heart raced as he saw the new message in his phone. As he neared the shop, he replied to the recent text message, "Okay. I'm on my way, Just stay where you are and I'll be right there. I'm right near the shop. I promise everything will be okay. I won't let anything happen to you or Starling." As he sent the message he reached the door to the shop. He tried to calm his quickened heartbeat as he reached for the door. Sure enough, it was unlocked like Orange said and he went inside. It felt weird seeing it empty so early in the morning, but that wasn't what concerned him. "E-Excuse me, Mr. Swirl? Mrs. Hearts? Please is anypony here?" He asked as he raised his voice to get the attention of the parents. He was nervous, but was determined to get to the bottom of this.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"I DON'T CA..." Candy yells at her husband before hearing Orange's coltfriend yell to them for attention, "D-Dynamo I.."  she sighs "I'm sorry you had to see and hear this, but please tell my stubborn husband that the orphanage will allow us to adopt Starling." she says, looking at him with exhaustion. She then also realizes Starling and Orange's absence "O-oh no..where are my babies!" she exclaims, running around to find them.


Chocolate sighs "this all started because I was simply trying to get her to see that there is a possibility that the orphanage won't allow us to adopt her. Please go to her room, she's most likely there with her baby sister" he asks softly, and places a hand on his shoulder "and be gentle, when Orange gets scared, she..she has a tendency to lash out due to not really understanding her feelings.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nodded at Candy's apology, but had a confused look on his face. He saw her run around looking for Orange and Starling, but turned to look at Chocolate. After find out what was going on he replied, "I'm sorry I truly didn't know what was going on, sir. Though I don't know all the details, I just hope everything will be okay. I understand sir. I'll make sure that she will be okay." Dynamo said as he walked around the shop and was looking for her room. After a couple of minutes, he finally found the door leading to Orange's room. He knocked gently, but loud enough for her to hear him. "Orange? Starling? It's me, Dynamo. Can you open the door?" He said hoping they heard him. He felt afraid, but hoped he could help his marefriend and sister any way he could.  

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@@Dynamo Pad


The door suddenly opens and the small batfilly launches herself at him sobbing into his chest, "mummy and daddy don't love me anymore!" she wails "T-they w-were fighting about me, j-just like my old mummy and daddy d-did" she says as she nuzzles more into his chest.


Orange looks up from her ball of 'comfort' "W-why are they fighting? I-it's scary" she whimpers and curls back up


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The door opened and Dynamo saw Starling tackle him into a hug. He felt the small filly tremble as she was sobbing. Dynamo wrapped his arms around her and rubbed the back of her head in comfort. His eyes were beginning to well up with tears seeing the both of them look so heartbroken. Though he tried to stay strong for them as best as he could. He picked her up and brought her back into the room and sat on the bed, the batfilly still in his embrace. He placed one of his hands on Orange's back and started making a circle motion to help her know he was here for her.


"Shh, it's okay little sister. Your mommy and daddy love you very much. I can tell when I first met them. Something is wrong because the orphanage might not allow them to adopt you. I don't know all the details as to why this happened, but I know they will do everything they can to make you a part of this family. I could hear them yelling, but it wasn't a fight, my love. They are just worried that this orphanage might not allow your mom and dad have custody over Starling. I understand it's scary, but I promise you with all of my heart that it will be okay. I won't let anything happen to either of you. I'll always be here for the both of you. I love you so much, both of you." He said as he helped Orange up into a sitting position. He nuzzled them both and placed a kiss on both of their foreheads, before hugging them both tightly. He lightly rocked them both back and forth while making gentle shushing noises and words of comfort.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Starling soon settles down and starts to suck on her thumb cutely as she was curled up in his arms. Orange sighs softly "W-why wouldn't the orphanage let them adopt her? They're the kindest, most caring ponies I know" she says with a soft whimper "They just want to officially adopt her, I mean th-they shouldn't have to, sh-she was just abandoned on the street. If the orphanage wanted her, she w-wouldn't have been on the streets" she says, nuzzling into him softly.


Chocolate makes his way up to the room and gently knocks onto the door "Sorry about that darling, your mother is very passionate about adopting her, and I was just..being too much of a realist, I don't really see why they won't let us adopt her, but there are certain requirements that needs to be met" he says ,walking over and kisses her forehead while petting Starling's head a little. He then looks to Dynamo "Thank you for helping calm them down, I promise you, we do not argue often"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo scratched softly behind Starlings ears as he continues to nuzzle Orange. He sighed softly before replying, "I wish I knew why my love. Your parents are really kind and the orphanage shouldn't be acting like this. It just doesn't make any sense. We found her on the street at a late hour. If the orphanage wanted her then they would have gone to find her, but they didn't. I just hope there's a way to make sure she's adopted without a problem."


Dynamo heard the door open and saw that it was Chocolate Swirl. He smiled before replying, "Your welcome and it's no problem sir. I believe you and I didn't mind helping in any way I could." Dynamo's face grew into a confused state at what Orange's father said.  "Why wouldn't they let you adopt Starling and what are the conditions that need to be met?"

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"From what I've heard and read , there's all sorts of tests, like financial stability, homelife stability, how well we will look after her etc" he says, rubbing the back of his neck "Obviously we'd love her just as much as we love our little Orange, we'd take care of her as well as we can and the shop is doing really well lately, so the financial stability wouldn't be a problem...but.." he sighs and looks around nervously "I heard those tests are still really difficult to pass" he sighs and pets both his daughters lovingly.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nodded his head in understanding at Chocolate's explanation. "I see what you mean. I didn't know the Orphanage could have those sorts of tests. The way I see it, you have what it takes to convince them to adopt Starling. Please sir, you have to at least try. It's better to try and find out then to not try at all. Even if these tests are so strict, isn't there a loophole to get around it. What about Princess Celestia? She and Princess Luna govern the land of Equestria, right? Can't they try to fix these rules or help out in this situation. I understand that would be showing favoritism, but there has to be some way to get around this problem. There just has to be." Dynamo said as he looked up at Chocolate, his eyes pleading for an anser. He interlocked his fingers with Orange's and squeezed her hand gently in reassurance.

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