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private Love is Sweet (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Dynamo felt Orange lean into him more and he decided to wrap his arm around her waist. Hearing Orange talk about a chance of them not meeting made Dynamo frown at the thought. He then smiled and nuzzled her, before replying, "When you put it that way, I can agree we probably wouldn't have had a chance to meet. Although, I still believe we would have met no matter what. I probably would have met you in the candy shop or even during the arcade. We might bump into each other and it would lead us to where we are now. I'm just really happy things turned out the way they did now. If I had the opportunity to go through it all over again, I would take it with no hesitation."


Dynamo noticed Orange petting Starling and talk about her. He couldn't help but smile softly at the interaction between the two sisters. "She really is a precious little filly. I'm glad we were able to find her as well." He said as they neared the orphanage. Hearing about the group getting ice cream later made Dynamo grin at the idea. "That sounds great. Hopefully if this all goes well, maybe we can have an ice cream celebration." 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"That sounds like a really lovely idea Dynamo" Candy says with a smile, she was so happy that Orange was finally getting over her jealousy and bonding with Starling, she smiles at Chocolate who was going through everything in his mind.


"n-no, that won't do, they certainly won't accept that" he mutters to himself, then notices his lovely and beautiful wife smiling at him, he smiles at her "Don't worry sweetie, I'll have everything sorted by the time we get there" he says with a soft smile.


Starling looks up at Dynamo "you going to mawwy big sis?" she asks with a giggle 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo chuckled and smiled at Candy's response. "Thank you Mrs. Hearts, Starling came up with the suggestion. I just felt like adding to the idea." He said with a smile on his muzzle. He looked to see Chocolate muttering to himself about what to say when they got there. While he chuckled silently at the sight, he couldn't help but feel the same way.


As soon as he heard Starling's question, Dynamo's eyes widened. His jaw dropped and his face turned into a beat red blush. "W-Why do you a-ask, little sister? I m-mean don't get me wrong, I would love to someday marry Orange. A-Also, we are still in school and w-we just got together yesterday. I don't want to rush the relationship. It is a nice thought though." He said as he scratched the side of his muzzle. His eyes drifted towards the ground, thinking it was interesting to look at due to him feeling a little shy and nervous. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,

//really sorry I haven't replied sooner, been a rough few days


Orange blushes and hies behind her mane, "I-I'm t-too young" she says softly before they finally arrive at the orphanage, where Candy was beaming with a wide smile on her face.


"Here we are sweeties, time to finally get our little Starling officially adopted into our family" she says with a smile and wheels the stroller in, with Chocolate, Orange and Dynamo following close behind.


The mare at the desk looks up "Hello ma'am, sir, how may I help you?" she asks


Candy smiles and giggles "Well you see, my daughter and her cute coltfriend found this cute little filly out on the streets yesterday, she says she has no family and that her name is Starling. We would like to adopt her as a member of our family"


The mare smiles "You certainly did the right thing, lets just check our records..." she says, and goes through them "hmm, odd, there isn't any record of an orphan bat filly named Starling, however.." she says as she gets out some paperwork "Even though there isn't a record, there wasn't any records of missing fillies either, so I can with a clear conscience, help you through the adoption process." 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo walks in with the group and sees a mare at her desk. He stands back as Candy and the mare talk about Starling's adoption. As the two mares talk, he closes his eyes and rubs Orange's hand with his thumb. He felt nervous, but didn't want to give up on hope. As the mare helped the family on the adoption process, Dynamo let out a breath he didn't know he had and cheered. He began to pick up Orange in his arms and began to spin around with her. "Alright! We did it! We did it! We did it! Starling is going to be a part of your family! I'm so happy for you Orange." He said with a big grin forming on his muzzle. He stopped spinning and pulled Orange into a tight hug.


As he let go from the hug, he noticed that Orange looked a little dizzy. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously to himself. "I'm sorry Orange. I'm just so happy for you and everypony. Now she truly is your sister. I guess the tests weren't truly that bad." He placed Orange's head on his shoulder as he ran his hand through her mane.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange giggles as she is spun around by Dynamo, but does feel a little dizzy. She soon recovers composure and nuzzles him lovingly "I-I'm so happy" she says softly and wags her tail somewhat, almost as if she were a puppy.


Candy and Chocolate both heave a sigh of relief, knowing now that they'd be able to adopt their little darling daughter, "Such a relief, we had a pretty bad argument this morning on whether or not we'd be able to adopt her" Chocolate says with a somewhat resignation to his tone "From what I heard, the adoption process is really lengthy and difficult to pass" he explains as Candy nods in agreement.


the mare smiles and shakes her head "Times have changed, while normally it would be little more difficult, as she isn't in our system yet and that you actually did the right thing by coming in today instead of just taking her in, I can tell you genuinely care for her" she says with a sparkling white smile before pushing the parchments over to them.


Candy smiles and quickly reads them then sings them, as does Chocolate, Candy kneels infront of Starling and hugs her, kissing her forehead, keeping her close "You're a part of the family now sweetie, you'll be very well looked after and very much loved" she coos softly to the little filly who was crying happily.


The mare smiles and signs her parts "Now, normally there is a fee, but once again ,as she isn't one of ours, there isn't one, though.." she says and sadly looks to the donation box "there is an option for a donation..but I couldn't.."

Chocolate shakes his head "We'd be more than happy, how does four thousand bits sound?" he asks as he gets out a cheque book.


The mare's eyes light up "T-that'd be wonderful! That' be enough to keep the orphanage open another two years plus new clothes, plenty of food and of course outings to their favorite places" she says happily, and as she sees that Starling still had tears in her eyes, she smiles and uses her magic to levitate a small brand new plush toy of a tundra wolf to her, she then holds it out to her. "Hello there sweetie, you're very lucky to have such loving and caring parents, I want you to have this little wolf to hang onto, take good care of her okay?" she asks, nothing but kindness and gentle care in her eyes.


Starling looks up, shyly takes the wolf and hugs it close to her, nodding "I-I will, I p-pwomise" she says cutely.


Candy smiles and as they all bid the mare goodbye, she beams "Right, now who's for Icecream?" she asks in a very happy and bubbly way.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo watched as Orange began shaking her tail in happiness. He couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she was being. Dynamo had a surprised look on his muzzle at how much Chocolate had donated. He didn't question anything as he was feeling so happy for the family. He also couldn't help but smile at how generous the stallion had been. He looked at Starling who was happily crying while being in Candy's arms. "I'm so happy for you little sister. Now you are truly a part of this family." He said as he looked at Starling with a soft smile. At the mention of ice cream, Dynamo got an excited look on his face. "Oh! Oh! I do! I do! Now we can have an ice cream celebration!" He shouted while wildly waving one arm in the air.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange giggles at how excited and animated Dynamo was being "M-me too mummy" she says softly as she holds Dynamo closely. She was very happy that she had a baby sister to play with now, and she was also happy that Dynamo was happy.


Candy smiles down at the little filly who was happily snuggling her new plush toy. "what about you sweetheart?" she asks with a smile


"Yes pwease mummy" Starling says, giggling softly 


"Alright then sweetie, come on then" she says once more as they all walk towards the ice cream parlor.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As they headed out of the orphanage and to the ice cream parlor, Dynamo just couldn't stop smiling to himself. 'This just feels perfect. I have the perfect marefriend, I've got a little sister and the adoption went very well. Today just feels like it's going to be a great day. I have a good feeling.' Dynamo thought as his grin turned into a soft smile. He looked over to Orange as she held him closely towards her. "When we get to the ice cream parlor, do you want me to pay for your ice cream?" He asked as he nuzzled her playfully before looking at her lovingly. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange smiles and sighs softly as she rested her head on Dynamo's shoulder, walking side by side him and arm in arm. I wonder if Princess Cadenza had something to do with us meeting? Or even Princess Luna. She thinks to herself and then hear ears flicker at his question "Y-es please, I'll have a bubblegum, triple chocolate with honeycomb please" she says cutely and smiles over at her sister "Don't worry little sister, I-I'll p-protect you if-if anything bad happens" she says quietly. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"That sounds really good. I might go for a vanilla and chocolate swirl myself." He said as he felt her head resting on his shoulder and they linked their arms together. He grinned as he playfully nudged her and kissed the top of her head. "I'm glad to see you happy. You have just the cutest smile. You also seem to be deep in thought. What are you thinking? If you don't mind me asking, that is. Just like she promised, I promise to protect you as well Starling. It's my job as a big brother, after all." He said as he addressed Orange before leaning his head down slightly to address his little sister. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Starling nods and giggles, she looks to the wolf and smiles "I wanna name her Sherbet, after my big sis" she says and hugs her close, which made Orange blush and giggle.


Candy smiles "I think that's a lovely name for her" she says with a small smile and patting Starling on the head gently.


They soon arrive at the ice cream parlor and Orange smiles as she sees one of her friends from school, it was Sunset Shimmer "Look, Sunset's here" she giggles


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"That sounds like a perfect name." He said with a smile at his little sister's choice in name. As the made it to the ice cream parlor, his ears flickered at Orange's response. He saw who she was referring to as a mare with an amber coat, with red and yellow mane and tail was sitting at a table, enjoying some ice cream. Dynamo smiled and was happy that Orange's friend was here.


"I'll get us some ice cream, you can go and say hi and catch up with Sunset." Dynamo smiled as he went over to the counter to order their flavors. As he reached the counter he was asked what he would like to have and responded, "Can I have a bubblegum, triple chocolate with honeycomb? Can I also get a vanilla and chocolate swirl please?"  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange giggles and does that, "hiya Sunset, got time off from studying for once?" she asks, giving her a hug.


"Yeah, Mother finally convinced father to give me some time off, he can be such a hard ass..." she says then sees Dynamo "Isn't that Dynamo? I didn't know you two were together?" she asks


"Y-yeah, since yesterday.He just kind of..well he and I have had feelings for each other since gradeschool but didn't have the courage to tell each other, but he finally asked me out yesterday and went on our first date at the arcade" she giggles


"cool, hey I hard about that jerk, I heard Luna actually expelled him once she found out he's a student at the accademy" Sunset chuckles, she then notices Starling "Who's that? I didn't know you have a sister"


"Yeah, Dynamo and I found her on the streets yesterday after our date, mummy and daddy adore her so much that we adopted her this morning"



The mare behind the counter smiles "Of course, that'll be ten bits please" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo took the exact amount of bits for the ice cream and placed them on the counter. After being given his order, he grabs the cones, one in each hand. He also uses his levitation magic to hold them in place. He turns around and heads over to where the group is sitting at. He hands over Orange's cone before replying, "There you go Orange I hope you enjoy my love. Also hi, you're Sunset Shimmer, right? Orange has told me a bit about you. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. It's nice to meet you." Dynamo smiled as he began to enjoy his ice cream.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Sunset nods "Yeah I'm Sunset, it's good to meet ya too, and good to know Orange has a good coltfriend." she says with a smile "I'd hate to have to chase you away if you hurt her though" she warns.  "Well I gotta get home now, you two enjoy yourselves and see ya at school" she says, picking up her books and going home.


Orange nuzzles Dynamo as she takes her ice cream "thanks sweetie" she says cutely and licks her ice cream, while watching her parents help Starling eat hers and fuss over her "I'm so lucky to have such wonderful parents" she says softly

Edited by Roxy Sparx


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"I understand what you mean. I would never want to hurt Orange in any way. I would never forgive myself if I did." Dynamo nodded at Sunset's warning. Dynamo smiled at how caring Sunset was to her friends. "Okay sounds good. See you later and it was nice meeting you Sunset." Dynamo waved as Sunset was leaving the ice cream parlor. Dynamo sat down next to Orange as he was being nuzzled by her. "Your welcome sweetheart. I know what you mean. I feel really lucky to be considered a part of this wonderful family." Dynamo smiled as he continued to eat his ice cream. Suddenly, a playful little smirk had formed upon his lips. He took a small scoop of his ice cream on his finger. He booped the ice cream from his finger on Orange's muzzle, chuckling a little while licking the ice cream off of his finger. He then leaned towards her and licked the ice cream off of her muzzle. He blushed and saw her blush, but he smiled and nuzzled her.


Suddenly the door to the ice cream parlor opened again a new couple had entered. "Aw, isn't that just sweet? You two are being so lovey dovey right now." The mare smiled and giggled at the sight. Dynamo looked up to see it was his parents. "Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?" His eyes widened a bit in surprise, but he was happy to see them. "Your father and I went out shopping and we noticed you walking towards the ice cream parlor. I can also see you and a mare arm in arm and looking so happy together. I'm guessing this is your marefriend?" Gentle Step smiled and walked over to Dynamo and Orange.


"Yup, that's right mom. Orange this is my mom, Gentle Step. Mom this is my marefriend, Orange "Sherbert" Sparks. Also this is my dad, Quick Fix." As he heard his son address him, Quick Fix walked over to where his wife was standing to introduce himself. "As Dynamo said, my name is Quick Fix. It's a pleasure to finally meet my son's marefiend." Dynamo then got back to the question at hand. "So what are you guys shopping around for? Did you get anything while being out?" As Gentle Step was about to answer, Quick Fix cut in to answer. "Yup, just some stuff for dinner and some clothes here and there. After we saw you and Orange together, she wanted to spy on you to see how you two were-ow!" He couldn't finish his sentence as Gentle Step began to pull on his ear.


"What your father meant was we saw you two and we really wanted to meet the mare that captured our son's heart. He couldn't stop talking about you last night and today. You've made him the happiest colt in all of Equestria." Gentle Step giggled as she saw the couple blush at her words. "Do you mind if we join you, honey? We'd like to get to know more about you and Orange." Gentle Step asked as she pulled out a chair, but hesitated as to not be rude. "I'm okay with it, but only if Orange and her family is okay with it as well. What do you think, sweetheart? Do you want my parents to join us for a little bit?" Dynamo then turned to Orange to see what she thought of all of this.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Orange giggles and smiles with a nod "O-of course" she says softly.


Candy looks the mare up and down "Gentle? Is it..is really you?" she asks with a wide smile "I should have known that this charming young colt is your son" she says and hugs her "It's me, Candy Hearts, we went to school together, remember?" she asks with a giggle, then takes out her necklace from her top, showing half the best friend she had "I still have mine"


Chocolate chuckles "Now I'm absolutely sure about Dynamo being with my filly" he says, reaching out to shake Quick's hand "Chocolate Swirl"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle heard her name being called and turned to see a mare inspecting her. After hearing her name to be Candy Hearts, Gentle's expression turned to shock and surprise. "C-Candy...is that really you?" Gentle had tears running down her muzzle as she smiled widely at Candy. She ran up towards Candy and embraced her life long friend. "Candy! I'm so happy to see you again. It's been so long since I last heard from you. I still have the necklace and I could never forget my best friend." Gentle pulled her half of the necklace from her top and connected the two necklaces together, making it a perfect match.


As this was going on, Dynamo had a confused look on his face. He turned to look at Orange and see if she knew anything about this, but she seemed just as lost as he was. "Mom, do you mind explaining what in Equestria is going on? I'm just a little lost on everything that's happening." Gentle looked towards her son as she wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but I don't think I ever told you. You see, Candy and I go back for a long time. I used to live in Canterlot when I was your age and Candy and I went the the same school together. We were always hanging out that you could practically call us sisters." Gentle giggled at the thought while addressing the young couple before her. "I'm glad you approve of my son Candy. Quick and I have raised him well. He has his father's funny and playful nature, while his kind and caring side is from yours truly. I can also tell by the way your daughter acted when I talked to her, she sounded so familiar to me. She definitely resembles you Candy and there's no mistaking that. So tell me, what has my best friend been up to all this time?" She asked as she and Candy sat with their children to catch up and get to know everypony.


Quick Fix saw Chocolate address him and extended his hand towards the Pegasus stallion. "Quick Fix and it's nice to meet you Chocolate. I'm glad my son has left a good impression on you. So tell me, how long have you lived here in Canterlot? Also what do you do for a living." Quick Fix said as he reached out and shook Chocolates hand. Quick pulled out a chair and sat down with the group to join in the conversation. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy smiles and hugs her dear friend "Thank you, we've done our best with little Orange, but it hasn't been easy with her having autism and all" she says, wiping her tears away and puts her necklace back "and your son has indeed left a good impression, in fact, if he hadn't become her friend, we would have pulled her out of the academy because of how hard it has been for her" she says then shakes her head, lifting up Starling and hugging her close. "Oh, Chocolate and I own the candy and malt shop nearby,  and just before, we adopted this little adorably filly..Starling say hello to your auntie Gentle Step" she says, hugging the filly close.


Starling looks up "H-hewwo auntie" she says, shyly nuzzling into Candy's chest to hide.


"Poor dear, she was left abandoned on the streets for Tia only knows how long, but your son and Orange found and brought her home, and well, you know me, I couldn't resist but loving the cutie" she says, gently stroking her mane "It's okay sweetie, Gentle is a very kind and caring mare, we grew up together and she is your 'big brother's' mother" she says


At that, Starling's eyes light up and she jumps into Gentle's arms, snuggling her "You're big brother's mummy? He's very kind and fun to play with!" she giggles


Chocolate shakes his hand and smiles "Oh, I moved here for college, which is where I met Candy, and after graduation we opened up the nearby candy and malt shop, it's become quite successful" he says then smiles at the affectionate display between their wives and Starling "You've really done well with raising Dynamo, not many stallions would want to date my little Orange, with her being disabled and all, yet he loves her for her, and he even protected her from a creep yesterday as well" he says, smiling widely.


Orange giggles and hugs Dynamo "Our mummies are friends!" she giggles and looks at him with big puppy dog eyes


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle put her own necklace away as she had a sad smile on her face. "Your welcome and I'm so sorry to hear about that. It's never easy, but you and your husband have done an amazing job so far. I could understand your reason on why you would pull her from the academy. Trust me I speak from experience when it came to my son. I'm just glad we came back here and he was able to meet her. It's like a part of us found the other to our children. They remind me a lot of us back when we were little." Gentle closed her eyes and giggled at some old memories. She opened her eyes and smiled at how her friend had been doing.


"I'm glad to know you followed your passion after graduating Candy. You always did have a sweet tooth and the treats you made were always the best. For me I moved to Fillydelphia to work on my dream of dancing. I was a dance instructor for the time I was there and it was fun teaching fillies and colts to dance. Now I moved back here after my son mastered his magic and I enrolled him at the academy. I still work full time as a dance instructor, but I teach different styles of dancing to hopeful and determined young ponies." Gentle saw a little filly in Candy's arms jump towards her. After catching them, Gentle couldn't help the blush on her face as she nuzzled the little filly constantly. "Oh, she so adorable! Hi my little baby. It's really nice to meet you little Starling. You can call me your Aunt Gentle and you will always be considered family to us as well." 


Gentle was shocked to hear what happened to Starling, but smiled after hearing everything that happened. "That's just awful to hear about that and a shame. I don't know who could ever abandon such a sweet and adorable little filly like this, but I'm happy if she had to go to one family, it would be yours Candy. You were always like that when you were younger. Whenever you saw something you loved, you wouldn't stop until it was yours." Gentle giggled and was glad her dear friend had stayed the same after all these years. She smiled at the young filly before replying, "I am little one. I'm so glad you love your big brother. I know he'll always be with you and take care of you like a big brother should." Gentle continued to nuzzle and play with the little filly in her arms.


"That's actually very interesting Chocolate. I'm glad to know your shop has become quite successful. I've been a carpenter and a welder by trade. I met my wife Gentle when I was called in to fix her studio. After repairing her studio and seeing her grace and beauty in her dancing, we've been together ever since. I'm also a stallion who loves racing and sometimes, I head to the trace where the wonderbolts race to have a little competition." Quick said, getting lost in thought of what he enjoyed doing. He then opened his eyes and smiled, before replying, "It makes me as a father proud to hear that from somepony. Dynamo is a good colt and I know he's not like many stallions. He's been through a lot where we originally lived and he's grown because of it. Dynamo sees the good in others and I think he found a deep connection to Orange. I heard about what happened from him yesterday and I'm glad he stood up for himself and Orange." Quick looked towards the young couple and smiled widely in pride towards his son.


Dynamo chuckled as he hugged his marefriend. "I can't believe they were friends this entire time. It feels like we were connected towards each other, even before we met." He looked at Orange and smiled widely. He blushed at the cute look Orange was giving him. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy nods acknowledgement "Indeed, Orange is really taken by him, and it makes me glad that my little filly is in love with my bestfriend's colt." she says and smiles at her "I too am glad that you were  able to pursue your love and passion, in fact,do you remember our friend Night Dancer? I hear she's moved up in the world, really up, like.." she hushes her voice "she's part of the Manehatten Mafia.." she giggles "but that's just rumor, she does own and run the two best clubs in Manehatten though, she does spend most of her time at the cabaret club instead, says it's classier than a strip joint" she laughs, and sits down with her ice cream.


Starling giggles and nods "Big brother gave me a pony back ride yesterday, it was really fun, and when mummy and daddy were fighting this morning, he stopped it and comforted me and big sister" she giggles


Chocolate smiles with a nod "He's a good colt with a strong heart, I'll give him that, and honestly, couldn't imagine a better colt for my baby girl" he says and nods "I really have Candy to thank for the business booming, she is pretty much the heart and soul of the store." he says then sees Gentle "I can see why you would fall in love with Gentle, she is very beautiful, not as beautiful as my Candy though" he chuckles "I swear though, it's like they are like sisters, I wouldn't be surprised if they start organizing dinner dates and such" he laughs and shakes his head "Though, to be honest, this chance meeting is a blessing, Candy's been somewhat depressed lately, I guess she's really missed Gentle" he says, licking his cone softly.


Orange nuzzles him "mummy is soo happy now, I am happy" she says softly


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle nodded and smiled at Candy's words. "I'm so glad to hear that. Orange is such a sweet and adorable filly. I'm really glad to know my son has somepony who will love him with all of her heart and soul. It also warms my heart to know that my son is in love with my best friend's filly." Gentle's eyes widened in surprise from learning about one of her other old friends. "I haven't heard from Night Dancer in such a long time. I remember the three of us would go out on the town and have a grand adventure." Gentle clasped her hands to her muzzle and gasped. "Even if it is a rumor, it's surprising to hear Night being a part of the Manehatten Mafia. I remember it was always her dream of one day being a part of that organization. It's amazing she owns those two clubs and I'm glad they're in good hands from somepony we know. Maybe we should go visit her one day and see how she's been. Maybe bring both families and see how it goes." Gentle said as she laughs along with her dear friend.


"Aw, he did now, did he? That's so adorable sweetheart. I'm so glad you have a family and my son taking care of a sweet filly like you. You're in good hands, I can tell you without a doubt." Gentle smiled as she tickled and nuzzled Starling, receiving giggles from the small filly in return.


"Thank you Chocolate. I'm really glad you trust my son from what you've told me. I can say the same thing about Orange. I don't think I can see a better mare for my son." Quick nodded in acknowledgement. "Even if she did all of that, I still think you did a great job. You two make a great team and to be able to make a shop that successful is through teamwork." Quick places his hand on Chocolate's shoulder. "I can say the exact same way about Candy." Quick laughs as he too his hand away from Chocolate's shoulder. He looked towards the two mares and smiled. "If one didn't know better, they could very well be sisters. Having dinners and other activities sounds great. It would help these two families to grow and the love between our children to grow as well. I can agree that this meeting is like a blessing in disguise. Gentle always looks happy, but she seemed sort of down as of late. I never even knew she had a best friend until just now. It's great to see her back to her old self again." Quick said as he smiled lovingly at Gentle.


Dynamo smiled and hugged Orange as she nuzzled him. "I'm so glad to see you happy. I'm happy when you are happy. I love you, sweetheart." He said as he kissed her cheek.


Gentle saw the display of affection between the young couple and sighed happily. "That is just too sweet, but tell me son. When are you and Orange planning on getting married?" She smiled mischievously as Dynamo leaped back in his chair and was about to fall backwards. He tried to gain his balance, but gravity won against him as he hit his back on the floor, his ice cream going flying. "Ow, that hurt. Hey did anypony see where my ice cream went?" Dynamo looked up and saw his ice cream sailing downwards towards him. As it fell and was about to hit him in the face, Dynamo used his magic to levitate the ice cream, inches from his face. "Whoa, that was close. For a second there I thought it was going to..." As he was talking he lost concentration on his magic and the ice cream hit him in the face. "You know what...just...nevermind." Dynamo sighed to himself after all that had happened.


Quick laughed at his son as Dynamo tried to get up. After fixing the chair, Dynamo decided to sit back down. Gentle levitated some napkins for her son, before replying, "You still have to practice on your magic control, my son." Dynamo sighed, but nodded as he wiped the ice cream off of his face. "Yes mom. Still I don't get why you asked that. First is was Starling and then you. Is there any reason why you would ask that? Not that I'm complaining, but Orange and I just met and we don't want to rush anything." Gentle smiled and nodded. "It's a funny story actually. You see, during our last year in school together, Candy and I asked each other what we wanted to do in the future. We both knew we wanted children and I kept telling her she would have a filly and I would have a colt. We both thought that maybe one day our children might end up together and maybe get married as well. At least I was half right on our children would get together." She smiled at Candy as she saw the young couple blush a deep shade of red.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy nods in agreement "That sounds wonderful,  and yes I remember, those were the days" she says. sighing in nostalgic remembrance "In fact,  I believe I met chocolate on the night of our graduation celebration" she says as she looks over at the two stallions with a smile on their face and her ear twitches at what Chocolate was suggesting "I think our husbands have the right idea, we should organize dinners and such, heck even double family holidays" she says, and looks to Gentle before quickly hugging her tight and nearly crying into her mane "Oh Gentle, I've missed you so, so much! I've actually been rather depressed since we parted ways" she says softly, still hugging her best friend.


Chocolate nods and smiles as he pays for another ice cream for Dynamo before going back to his conversation with Quick "Indeed" he says with a shake of his head "Orange is a very special filly, and it warms our hearts to see her happy" he says and then looks to his wife crying into her best friend's mane he smiles "not going to lie, we're still trying to find a tutor for her, but it's been pretty difficult"


Starling tugs on her mother's sleeve "mummy, why are you crying? A-are you sad?" she asks, worried that her beloved adopted mother was upset.


Candy wipes her tears and smiles "no sweetie, it's just I've missed your auntie for a long time, and I've finally found her again" she says, scooping up the worried filly and kissing the tip of her muzzle "it's nothing to worry about"


On the other hand, Orange couldn't help but not only blush at Gentle's question, but also giggle at Dyanmo falling over and having his ice cream hit him in the face.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Gentle couldn't help but smile at the idea. "That sounds wonderful. Things like Nightmare night and Hearth's warming would be great for both families to spend time together." Gentle felt Candy embrace her and felt the tears in her mane. Gentle trembled as she returned the hug, shedding tears with a smile on her muzzle. "I missed you so much as well my friend. I'm sorry you were sad when we parted way. Not a day went by when I missed my friend. I know I had Quick and he always made me happy, but I've always missed you. I'm so glad I was able to find you once more." She said as she tightened her embrace in the hug while giggling.


Dynamo watched as Chocolate had given him another ice cream. After thanking the stallion for his generosity, he watched as the stallion went back to converse with his dad. "Thanks, but you didn't have to do that. I would have gotten him another one. That's still really kind and generous of you." Quick said as he smiled at what his friend had done for his son. "What kind of tutor are you looking for? If it's anything magic related, I think my wife, Gentle, would be perfect. She was able to help my son gain better control of magic after he gained his cutie mark. If there is anypony who can help in that regard, it's definitely Gentle." Quick said as a curious look appeared on his face. 


After thanking Chocolate for the new ice cream, Dynamo began eating while thinking of what his Gentle had said. 'I never knew my mom would plan something out like that so far in advanced. While I can definitely see Orange and I being together for that long, I still feel that we should know each other more, but I won't throw that possibility away. Only time will tell.' He thought as he glanced at Orange and saw the blush on her muzzle. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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