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private Love is Sweet (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Dynamo smiled and nodded in understanding. "Okay that sounds good. Is there any character in particular you would like to go as? Just in case your parents say yes. That way we can brainstorm ideas. I've never really read any of the Daring Do books. I've been more of a Harry Trotter fan, but Daring Do sounds like an interesting series. Maybe I'll take a book out and see how it goes." Dynamo said as he nuzzles Orange back. The group finally reached the library and Dynamo was surprised at how huge it was. "This is a library? This is also Twilight's house? Wow, if you ask me, this must be a reader's paradise. If I lived in a house filled with anime, manga, and video games I would consider that heaven." Dynamo said with wide eyes, but laughed at his little joke. As the reached the door, Dynamo knocked three times hoping Twilight would hear them.


As the adults were walking back to the candy shop, Gentle was discussing some plans with Candy. Gentle closed her eyes, deep in thought from the question. "Hmm...I'm honestly not sure. I would say when the kids are off for summer break for us to go, but I don't know when that is. Also how many days would we want to spend there?" She asked as she opened her eyes to address Candy.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


She smiles and giggles "Honestly? I was thinking of going as Silica from SAO" she says with a smile,  She then also nods as she looks around to try and find Twilight, "Maybe spike knows where she is" she says, going over to the little dragon who was reading a comic "S-Spike?" she asks cautiously.


He looks up "Oh hey Orange, looking for Twi? she's in the study, studying" he says as he goes back to his comic but then he notices Starling and blushes a little "she's cute" he says softly


Candy nods "Summer sounds great and I'd say no more than two weeks"


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"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo gasped loudly as he smiled at Orange. "I know who you're talking about! That sounds awesome and I can definitely see that. Would you go as the SAO or ALO version of Silica? I might go as Kirito to fit the theme." Dynamo said as he raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Spike? Who is Spike?" His question was soon answered as he saw a small purple dragon reading a comic. As he addressed himself to the group, Dynamo had eyes widened in surprise. "A dragon? I never knew there was a dragon in Canterlot. I'm not saying that's bad, but that's something you don't see everyday. That's also pretty cool. Also hi there Spike. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. It's really nice to meet you. Also what comic are you reading?" Dynamo asked as he walked up to the dragon and kneeled down to talk to him.


Gentle smiled at Candy. "Excellent and two weeks sounds okay. There seems like a lot to do in Manehatten for two weeks of vacation. Though I do have to ask. When does the school let off the students for summer. It feels like they change it up every year or so." Gentle said with a look of confusion written on her face. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"hi Dynamo, I'm Spike, and yeah, I'm the only one here, Twilight hatched me for her entrance test into the accademy, so she's kind of like a mother to me" he says and chuckles a little at Dynamo's enthusiasm "I'm reading the latest Ponymon comic" he says with a smile and shows it off to Dynamo while Orange went off to find Twilight.


"I wouldn't know either, we can ask Orange or Dynamo when they get back" Candy says with a giggle


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"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo was surprised, but was happy. He smiled at how he viewed Twilight. "I never knew there was an entrance exam like that. I guess there are different tests for every unicorn to take in the Academy. It's really nice how you view Twilight. I don't know her personally, but I can tell she would make a great mother figure for you." Dynamo smiled and was stunned that there were Ponymon comics available. After taking the comic in his magic he skimmed through the pages. "This looks really cool. It looks much different from the video game versions. I might look more into it sometime." He said as he handed the comic back to Spike. As he turned back to talk to Orange, he noticed that both Orange and Starling disappeared. Panicking slightly and with a nervous smile on his muzzle, he turned to Spike, before replying, "Hey Spike do you know where Orange and Starling went? This is my first time being in this place and I'm afraid I'll get lost."


Gentle smiled and nodded with a giggle of her own. "Okay sounds like a plan for me." As they reached the candy shop, Gentle was in awe at the candy shop. "I can't believe this is the shop you told me you dreamed about. It's so nice to finally see it after so long. It must look even more impressive inside the shop." Gentle said with excitement and enthusiasm in her voice.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spike giggles "I think they went upstairs to find Twilight" he says and nods "From what Twilight told me, it was a special test for her, as she got in pretty early" he says and at the mention of Starling's name, he blushes a little "Starling is pretty c-cute" he admits, and tries his best to hide his blush.


Candy smiles and opens the door for her "I have Chocolate to thank, he built the store with his own two hands" she says with a smile


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's panicking lessened and nodded in appreciation towards the baby dragon. "Thank you and I really appreciate the help Spike. That's also pretty interesting. I guess that's why she's Miss Celestia's protege for a reason." Dynamo said as he had a surprised, yet impressed look upon his muzzle. Dynamo noticed a tiny blush on Spike's cheeks and couldn't help but grin mischievously . "Looks like somedragon has a crush on my little sister." Dynamo chuckled lightly as Spike started to become a little flustered. "I'm sorry about that Spike. I wasn't trying to tease you. I think it's pretty sweet if you ask me." He said with a smile on his muzzle.


Quick whistled after hearing how it was built and Gentled nodded her thanks at the kind gesture. As she entered the shop, Gentle spun around in awe at the beauty of the candy store. "This place is absolutely beautiful. Must be nice living in a candy filled wonderland of sweets and such. Also I was wondering what was the plan for dinner? I was thinking maybe you and I could work together like old times." Gentle said as she turned to address her friend as everypony else entered the shop.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spike nods but then as Dynamo begins to "tease" him, he begins to pout and whimper.


Twilight giggles "aaw, it is rather sweet Spike" she says as she cuddles the small bat filly in her arms and smiles at Dynamo "So you're looking on something that could help you with your immersion into Video Game project for school?" she asks as she gently places starling onto her shoulders and walks over to one of her many bookshelves and started looking through the books "I think I might have something that could help"


Candy smiles "It's a dream come true, as is our children being a couple" she says softly and smiles at her then nods enthusiastically to her suggestion "That sounds absolutely lovely, we used to work off of each other so well" she says and looks at her husband conversing with her best friend's husband "who would have thought, after all this time?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's ears drooped and frowned as he saw Spike pout and whimper. He placed a hand on Spike's shoulder and replied, "I'm really sorry Spike. I wasn't trying to make fun of you, I promise. I realize it's not right to joke about somepony, or somedragon having feelings for another." Dynamo cupped a hand to his muzzle and leaned into Spike's ear. "I am wondering something though. You saying that Starling is cute, the stuttering and the blushing. Do you really have a crush on my little sister. I promise I won't be mad or make any jokes, but I want the truth, if that's okay." He whispered so nobody would hear them. A curious look etched on his face as he looked at the young dragon. Dynamo's ears perked up as he heard someone address him. He saw Twilight enter the room holding Starling in her arms.


"Hey, you must be Twilight, right? You have Celestia's Magic Manifestation class, the same as me? My name is Dynamo Pad, bu you can call me Dynamo. It's really nice to meet you." He said as he bowed slightly in respect. He then rose from his bow and replied, "Yes that's right. Miss Luna told me yesterday that you might have a book that could help me with that." Hearing that Twilight might have a book for his project brought a smile to his face. "That would be awesome. Anything that can help me with my project would be a huge amount of help. I greatly appreciate the help."


"It truly is a dream come true. A dream that has become a reality. I also remember we thought we could be just like the professionals. We almost burned the Academy down because of our cooking attempts." Gentle smiled softly and then bursts into a fit of giggles at the memory. She looked to where Candy was staring at and smiles. "You're right about that, my friend. Who would have thought our friendship could bring together so much over the years. It's something I hold dear to me after all of this time." She said as she pulled the necklace from her top and holds it close to her heart.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Spike sighs and nods "W-well I do yes, I've pretty much given up on Rarity, she's still a lovely mare but she's obviously not into me that way" he says and looks over at how cute Starling was being while on Twilight's shoulders "and she is really cute and sweet"  he remarks and smiles at her.


Twilight smiles as she finds a book "Ah here it is, Stargazer theorem on realm crossing:" she says and looks to the contents page "ah here it is, Virtual Realms" she says and gives it to him "Here, hope this will help, I have a few other books, but they're more..advanced" she states and looks to Spike "Well,I'd be fine with you crushing on little Starling, but of course it's also up to her family"


Orange giggles "It'd be so cute" she says as she snuggles up to Dynamo.


Chocolate chuckles at Gentle's remarks "Now that's a story I've never heard about those two," he says with a smile and scratches his chin, "she's gotten a lot better these days though" and as he says that, his ear twitches and so does his nose "hmm something nice is happening, father's intuition"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nods with a sad smile on his muzzle. "I'm really sorry to hear that Spike. I'm glad that you moved on and were able to find somepony else. Maybe we can help you out. I think she might like you too, but my piece of advice would be this. Try spending time with her and getting to know her more. This way you can see if she has similar feelings for you as well." He said as he patted Spike on the head.


Dynamo receives the book Twilight gave him and he skimmed through the spell. Dynamo's smile grew the more he read on how the spell worked. "This is perfect. This is just the spell I needed to get it to work. It also works in conjunction to Haycart's method. It's a little advanced when putting those two spells together, but I think it's possible." Dynamo closes the book and gives Twilight a quick hug. "Thank you so much Twi. This really helps me out a lot." Dynamo then realized what he was doing and backs away quickly. "I'm really sorry about that. I just did that on impulse. I even gave you a nickname when we aren't even friends. I would like to be friends with you and Spike though, if that's okay."


Dynamo smiled widely as he felt Orange snuggle up to him. He wrapped his arms around Orange in a hug and replied, "Hey, there you are sweetheart. I missed you. I agree and I can see Spike and Starling being together. He would just have to talk to your dad first. He may act stern, but he he's really nice and understanding."


Quick laughs as he looked at Chocolate. "I've heard all the crazy stuff Gentle has done back in the day. She was very determined and dreamed big. She's gotten better herself when it comes to cooking." He notices Chocolate's ears and nose twitch. "I wonder what that something is." He said with a curious look on his face.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Twilight smiles "Oh it's no problem at all, any friend of Orange's is a friend of mine" she says and then her ears perk at the mention of Haycart's method "You're a fan of Haycart's theorems?" she asks as she immediately rushes over to a bookshelf "In that case, I have two more books that may be of help" she says, getting them out, they were labelled "Haycart's Realm Crossing Theories" and "Haycart's Virtual Realms". She gives them to him "These are the more advanced ones, but as you already know of his method, they may be of more use than Stargazer's" she says excitedly.


Orange giggles and nods as she gets out her phone "Daddy, Spike has a crush on Starling it\s so cute~" she texts to him with a giggle.


Chocolate receives the text and chuckles "well what do ya know, it would seem that Twilight's little friend Spike has a crush on our little Starling" he says and at those words, Candy's ears perk and she's at his side immediately.


"Aaw that is so adorable" she coos


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "That's good to know and I'm glad we're friends. I'm not really what you would call a fan, but his theories interest me. It's really good to know other ponies who have heard of his techniques. I've heard about being able to go into book through his techniques. I've done that once or twice when it came to reading manga, or learning a spell. It's really a hands on learning experience and it's like watching a story while reading a manga that way." Dynamo said as he chuckled at Twilight's enthusiasm. After receiving two more books from Twilight, Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise. "I can't believe it. I never knew Haycart worked on spells for the virtual world. I thought it was never tested by anypony. This is just incredible! This will definitely help a lot. Even if it's more advanced, it's worth the challenge. Also I'm not exactly sure who Stargazer is. However, with the spells they've used plus Haycarts, I think the spell I'm working on will become a reality. Thank you so very much for this Twilight. I'll give these books back as soon as I get this spell down." Dynamo said unable to control his excitement.


Gentle heard the conversation from her friend and husband and couldn't help but smile. "That's so sweet. I'm so glad to hear that my little niece has somepony who cares deeply about her." Quick had a curious yet confused look on his muzzle. "I'm sorry, but you seem to have lost me. I'm guessing this Twilight is Orange's friend, but who is Spike? Is he another friend of Orange's, or something like that? Also, isn't Starling too young to have a crush? I mean she's still a little filly and might not understand the concepts of love, besides familial love." Gentle looked at her husband and sighed while shaking her head. "Quick you should know by now that it doesn't matter. Love can happen in the craziest of ways. Even if she's young, she at least have somepony her own age to grow up with. Then over time these feelings between the two will blossom into true love." Gentle said as she closed her eyes and placed both of her hands over her heart. A small smile gracing her lips. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


orange giggles and nods as she watches her coltfriend get excited about his project she kisses his cheek "Wanna go back home now sweetie?" she asks as she picks up Starling who was curiously looking at Spike.


Candy smiles "Twilight Sparkle, she is one of Orange's friends from school, but she is also Princess Celestia's protege and Spike is her..well he is a baby dragon who sees her as his mother, due to the fact she hatched him for her entrance exam" she says with a smile "But I do agree, they are a bit young for full fledged love, but I don't think they can't be too young for puppy love, it'll give them plenty of time to grow up together and explore their feelings for each other"


Chocolate nods "I agree" he says simply then grins "You wanna see my workshop Quick? I do a bit of..tinkering as a hobby"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo felt Orange kiss his cheek and blushed. He looked towards and her smiled at her while nodding. "Yeah I don't want to overstay our welcome. I"m ready to go back if you are sweetheart." He said as he took on her her hands in his. "I guess we'll be seeing you later. It was really nice meeting you and thanks again for the books Twilight and Spike." He waved with his free hand and the trio left the library for home.


Upon learning that Spike was a dragon, Quick freaked out and began freaking out. "What!? Spike is a dragon!? Honey we gotta hurry. When our son gets back, we gotta get out of this place. This dragon will destroy this place and nothing will be safe!" He yelled as began trembling. Gentle walked up slowly to Quick before bopping him on the head. "Calm down Quick. Candy said Spike was a baby dragon and was raised by Twilight. She wouldn't raise him into a mean and hurtful dragon. If Twilight is a protege of Princess Celestia, then I trust that everything will be okay. Sorry about that Candy. My husband can be a bit of a worry wort and overreact on things." Gentle said as she shook her head and sighed from her husband's antics.


As Quick began to calm down, his ears perked as Chocolate was addressing him. "Yeah sorry about that. Also yes, I would like to see your work shop and hobby as well." Quick said as his curiosity was becoming interested. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange picks up Starling and waves goodbye to her friends as she leaves the library with Dynamo and Starling. "I wish she wouldn't study so much, I-I get it is good to study, but s-she has no time for others m-most of the time" she says softly, hugging her baby sister close.


Candy giggles "I can see where your Dynamo gets his sillyness and overreactioness from" she says "and you are right, Spike, while being a dragon, a baby at that one, he is being raised by one of the kindest fillies I know, he's actually quite the sweet little one, often coming in for my special gem sweets" she smiles as she leads Gentle off to the kitchen "Don't get too dirty darlings" she calls out to her husband and Quick.


Quick rolls his eyes "yes dear, we won't" he says and smiles as he leads quick to his workshop behind the shop "I do things from clockwork, woodwork, metalwork and I am even working on a car." he says with a big smile, glad to finally have a friend to share his hobby with.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As the group began walking home, Dynamo sighed softly as he nodded his head in agreement. "I know what you mean. It's the same thing when it comes to Sunset. I'm probably going to guess it's the same thing for Starlight. I guess being a pupil to Miss Celestia has it's benefits, but also some drawbacks as well. Wait, tomorrow is Sunday right? Maybe we can try to get the gang out together and try to have some fun. I think it would also be nice for Spike and Starling to get to know each other more." He said as he smiled while placing a hand on Orange's shoulder.


Gentle giggles while nodding her head. "You've got that right my friend. His silly nature is from his father while his kind and seriousness comes from me. Not a bad combination if I do say so myself." She said as she began to roll up her sleeves with a serious look in her eyes. "Okay. Let's get this dinner started. By the way, what are we making?" Gentle's serious look dissipates as she laughed loudly to herself.


As the entered Chocolate's workshop, Quick couldn't help but be amazed at everything Chocolate was working on. Quick whistled as he roamed around the room. "This is really impressive Chocolate. I have my own place where I work on carpentry and welding, but this is amazing. I love the car you're working on. Has there been any progress and is it completed? Maybe I can help work on it from time to time." He said as he went towards the car and began to inspect it. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange nods and sniffles "They're always so busy, hardly enough time for me" she says softly and nuzzles Starling lovingly. "But I have you and Starling to play with now" she says with a happy smile "I am happy that they are successful with their progress though" she says with a soft smile and looks around as they continue walking "just in time, it's getting dark and.." she whimpers a little "I'm afraid of the dark"


Candy smiles "I was thinking we surprise our husbands with cooking their favorites, Chocolate's is freshly cooked burgers with hashbrowns and curly fries" she giggles with a smile "he's a simple stallion but I love him so much"


The car was a deep crimson red Chevrolet Corvette "My pride and joy, after my family of course" he says, sliding a gentle hand along the bonnet,  "I've been working on her since I was a teenager"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nods thoughtfully at Orange's words. "I guess that makes sense considering this is our last year in the Academy. It's good to know we've all come a long way since the beginning. I'm glad I have you and Starling as well. I'll always be there for you two." He said as he smiled lovingly at Orange. As it started getting dark he noticed Orange's whimper. He wrapped his arm around Orange to keep her and Starling close. "If it makes you feel better, I'm a bit fearful of the dark. Always unsure of what's in the dark unknown. Although, if there's someone right next to you, it doesn't seem so scary, right?" He said as he rubbed her shoulder to help calm her fears. As they turned a corner, the candy shop was close in sight.


Gentle smiles and nods. "That sounds great, Of course my husband will eat anything so it doesn't matter to me. He could eat an entire house if he wanted too. I would feel sorry for you if he devoured the candy shop. I'm just kidding and I'm sorry about that." She said as patter Candies shoulder as they started getting to work on dinner. "I'm glad you found the happiness you deserved Candy. It's the same with me and Quick. Sometimes he's simple and other times he can be so complex. It makes the relationship unpredictable and that's why I love him so much." Gentle said with a smile and she sighed softly.


Quick looked inside the car and stood back looking impressed. "This looks fantastic. That must have been years of hard work. Good to know you took very good care of it for so long. Is there anything you're missing to the car? I'm just wondering because I might have some spare pieces lying around. Also I couldn't help but notice the things on your work table. I know you help at the candy store, but what kind of projects are you working on?" Quick said as he looked over to Chocolate's work table. Marveling at the work Chocolate had done.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


She nods and rests against him "We feel safe with you around, don't we little sis?" she asks, gently petting Starling's mane,


Starling looks up and nods "I do" she nods


Orange smiles "I just hope that they will have more time for me after we graduate...if I graduate" she says softly, looking down, knowing there was a good chance that she would have to repeat the year.


Candy giggles "Oh, Chocolate is the same, I often find him snacking in between meals and scold him for it. Don't get me wrong, a lot of it is muscle, but he is getting a bit..round in the belly" she laughs "and he hates it when we call him our big lovable teddy bear, well he hates it when I call him that, he takes it from Orange of course"


Chocolate smiles "A few things, but they're the rarer parts to find" he says, lifting up the bonnet to show the engine which in itself was in pristine condition, but was missing quite a few key pieces. At Quick's later question he smiles "Well...truth be told, it's part of a cosplay, yes yes, Orange gets her love for video games, manga and anime from me, I'm a massive nerd when it comes to anything steam and cyber punk" he chuckles, motioning to the various pieces of his cosplay.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiled, but then had a curious look on his face. "Wait you said if you graduate. What did you mean by that?" He said as started to become worried for his marefriend.


Gentle giggled at the thought. "I know what you mean. Quick eats whatever he wants, but yet he never gets fat. I'm always jealous of that stallion and yet I wonder what his secret is. He doesn't even work out and he stays the same." She said with a pout as she crossed her arms. She then laughs after hearing what Candy calls her husband. "Oh I'm never going to let him live that down. I can honestly see him as a teddy bear when I think about it." She said as she began to laugh hysterically, almost collapsing to the ground from laughing to hard.


After Chocolate lifted the hood up, Quick rubbed his hand on his chin while thinking. He closed his eyes in thought and after a few minutes, he opened his eyes, before replying, "Hmm...I might have some pieces lying around. Where I work on welding and such you would be surprised on what I use. I could be wrong, but it wouldn't help to check and be sure." As he listened about Chocolate being into anime and cosplay, he chuckled to himself. "Don't let Dynamo know about that. You would probably be in discussions with him and Orange every day. Though you don't seem to be the anime type of person. That's still pretty cool if you ask me."

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@@Dynamo Pad


She looks down and her ears droop, in a soft whisper she says "I-I'm failing and my grades are rater below average" she says and begins to tear up.


Candy laughs too almost to the point of having tears in her eyes but then her mother's intuition kicks in, she knew what was happening "Oh dear, Orange is upset again, but this time about her grades and having to repeat her final year" she says softly "we've been trying to find a suitable tutor for her, but nopony is willing because of her disabilities and how she is slow to lean new things" she says sadly


Chocolate nods "well free to look, if you think I'm missing something that you might have back at yours, let me know, I'd be willing to pay for the parts too" he says then nods in answer to his other words with a slight chuckle "Believe it or not, I was quite the loner at school, so manga, anime, cartoons and video games were my escape, I guess..in a sense like how it is with Dynamo" he says then places a hand on his shoulder "he is more than welcome to come over at any time to talk about anything, if he is having trouble with school work, being bullied or is feeling down, and you and Gentle are too busy with work or what ever ,send him over"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's face was one of concern and sadness as he heard what Orange had meant. He pull her into an embrace and patted her on the head. "Shh, don't cry. Beautiful mares like you should never cry. Everything will be okay I promise." He pulled back from the hug and wiped her tears away. "How much longer is it until our graduation?" He asked as he tried to figure out a way to help his marefriend.


Upon hearing what was happening, Gentle had a look of worry on her muzzle. "That's some impressive mother's intuition if you're able to feel how your daughter is feeling. I'm sorry to hear that Candy. It just makes me angry that a great school such as that Academy can't help students who need it." Gentle said as an angry look grew on her face. She clenched her hand into a fist, but calmed down and put her hand on Candy's shoulder. "I think I know of a tutor who can help Orange in time for her to graduate." She said as a small smile began to form on her muzzle.


Quick waved a hand in front of Chocolate to dismiss the thought. "It's no trouble Chocolate. I would gladly help you out no problem. Like I said, I have extra spares lying around. I've just got to make sure there the parts you need." Quick nodded his head at the information. "I'm guessing you introduced anime and games to Orange and she became instantly hooked. It's nice passing something down like that to your child. I remember my wife passing down her dancing to my son. Although his dancing is a lot more random if you ask me." He said as he laughed at a memory. He then felt Chocolate place a hand on his shoulder. He nodded at the words and had a grateful smile on his muzzle. "Thank you my friend and it really means a lot to me and Gentle. I think Dynamo really respects and looks up to you like he does me. I'll gladly send him over if he ever needs help or advice when Gentle and I aren't able to help."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Orange whimpers and nuzzles him "I-I think we have summer holidays then a few more months after that" she says softly and snuggles close to them as they near her home and she smiles "d-do you really think I-I'll graduate with you?" she asks nervously.


Candy nods "well, it's also a small spell that Celestia did for me, so that I would always know what she is feeling as she does have trouble expressing her emotions and feelings" she says with a sad nod "Any tutor would be greatly appreciated, I hate it how she feels so sad and alone in the fact she may need to repeat" she says, and then smiles "how about we also cook our children's favorites as well?"


Chocolate smiles with a nod "Excellent, well feel free to take a look and see if you have the parts I need" he says then looks over to the door to the kitchen and smiles "I trust Dynamo implicitly, he's always so polite and well behaved, and how he cares deeply for not only Orange but for Starling as well" he smiles warmly "you and Gentle have done a wonderful job raising him, I will be more than happy to accept his request to marry Orange, when the time comes. As from what I've seen, he'd be the type to ask my permission first" he chuckles.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo closed his eyes and he thought of how much time they had left. After some time thinking, he opened his eyes and grinned. "That's plenty of time left. It's already summer, so with that much time left we should be graduating in the spring." He felt her snuggle up to him and Starling and he returned the gesture. "I know you'll be able to graduate with me. Twilight, the others and I won't leave you behind. I have an idea." He said with a nod and a smile.


Gentle had a sad smile on her muzzle as she heard everything. "I'm sorry to hear about that. It's really nice to know Princess Celestia was able to do that for you." She said as her sad smile turned into a happy one. "I think you already know the tutor that can help Orange. Knowing my son he's probably thinking the same thing already. He's going to be the one to help her. He always helps other ponies when they need help. Plus he got pretty good grades in school. I know he'll be able to help your filly." She places a hand on her shoulder and nods. "You don't have to worry on your filly being sad, alone and repeating a year. After meeting Dynamo you know he'll always be there for her. Also that sounds perfect. My son always loves chicken." She said as she giggled.


Quick pumped a fist in the air as he grinned. "Leave it to me. I'll let you know about the parts as soon as I can." Quick turns to where Chocolate is looking at and smiles warmly. "Thank you. Gentle and I have done our best raising him and we're happy with the results. He really does care for Orange and Starling. It's the same thing to anypony else he truly cares about. If they are kind to him in return, then he'll be there for them no matter what. That's something Gentle and I have never taught him." He said as he begins to chuckle. "I'm glad to know you approve of that. I wouldn't expect anything less of him to ask permission from you and your wife first."

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