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private Love is Sweet (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange nuzzles him :"A-alright" she says softly and then they reach her home, she sniffs the air "mm mummy is cooking my favorite" she says with a giggle, "but where's daddy?" she asks, looking around.


Candy nods as she begins preparations "that would be wonderful" she says with a smile "Having someone who cares for her tutor her will help a great deal, and yes it is, they've made so many concessions for her, iI truly don't know how to thank them..though they keep refusing to let me repay them"


Chocolate nods and sniffs the air "mm Hamburgers and hashbrowns with fries" he licks his muzzle "seasoned as well"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As the trio entered the shop, Dynamo sniffed the air and smiled. "Smells like my mom is making my favorite too." He said with a chuckle, but looked around with a confused look on his muzzle. "Now that you mention it, my dad's not here either. I wonder where they went. Maybe our mom's know." He said as the trio started heading for the kitchen in the back of the shop.


Gentle smiled as she shook her head. "You don't have to worry about repaying others my friend. Just thank them and appreciate all they've done. That's what it was like when we grew up together, remember?" She asked with a giggle as she helped preparing dinner. "All I can say is ask Dynamo after dinner to make sure he can help Orange out." She said with a smile.


Quick sniffed the air and felt his stomach rumble. He laughed at that and at Chocolate's reaction. "Guess that means dinner is almost ready. I'm also guessing that's your favorite, huh? That's good to know because I'm getting hungry myself." He said as he began to head upstairs towards the kitchen. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange nods and giggles as she skips off to the kitchen and patiently waits for her mother to notice her "Mummy, where's daddy?" she asks, tilting her head.


Candy smiles and pats her between the ears with a loving touch "He's in the workshop with your uncle Quick Fix" she says with a chuckle "Did you find the books you needed?" she asks and smiles at Dynamo.


"great, we won't see him for ages then" she groans but then nods "Yes mummy" she says


Chocolate smiles "Indeed it is, come on, lets not keep our loved ones waiting" he says and makes way to the dining room. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiled as he levitated his three books in the air with his magic. "Tada! I've got the books I needed. Now I'm ready to get further into my project." He chuckled as he grabbed his books into a stack.


Gentle looked at her son and grinned. "That's wonderful sweetheart. I knew you would be able to do it. Now you're one step closer to finally figuring it out." She said as she went over to give her son a hug.


As they neared the dining room, Quick stopped Chocolate at the entrance and placed a finger to his lips. He then took a dramatic step into the room. "Lucy, I'm home!" He yelled as he referenced an old TV show.  As he did that everyone in the room erupted into laughter. Gentle shook her head, as she replied, "Oh I haven't seen that show in a long time. You never stop doing that every chance you get do you?" She giggled as he rubbed the back of his head with his hand.


Dynamo closed his eyes and nodded. "It's what dad does best. You've also seen me do that a couple of times mom." He chuckled as Gentle nodded in confirmation to his statement. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange giggles but didn't quite understand what was going on. Candy smiles and hugs her "It's okay sweetheart, it's just something your uncle and coltfriend both does " she says, kissing the top of her head "Dinner is nearly ready, everypony take your seats while Gentle and I dish up the food" she says


Orange does so while Chocolate helps Starling into her new highchair, then sits down next to Candy's spot. 


Candy smiles and nods once more "Oh and Gentle, don't forget about our gifts for Starling"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As everyone took their seats, Dynamo sat next to Orange and leaned in close to her. He cupped a hand to his muzzle as he whispered into her ear. "My mom used to watch an old show and there was a character who said that. When I was really young I used to do stuff while I watched TV. There was even a time my dad and I watched a show and someone got punched in the face. The next thing you know I punched my dad right in the muzzle." Dynamo tried his best to hold in his laughter, but a few chuckles escaped his lips.


Quick noticed this and stood up from his seat in rage. "I'll never forget that you little brat! I don't even know what went on in that head of yours!" He yelled as he pointed a finger at Dynamo. Dynamo tried to apologize, but seeing his dad like that made him break down in laughter. Gentle came back into the dining room to see what was going on. "Okay come on you two. It's almost time for dinner so knock it off, both of you." She said as both father and son settled down. After apologizing she went back into the kitchen, but not before replying, "Besides dear it was a long time ago. You really got to let that one go." As she left, Quick turned his head while pouting.


At Candy's words, Gentle had a look of realization and nodded her head while smiling. "Oh yea that's right. We can't forget about that. We'll do that after dinner. That will give you the chance to ask Dynamo for help with being Orange's tutor." She said in a whisper so nobody in the other room could hear them. Gentle then began to take some of the food into the dining room. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate chuckles "I remember that show" he says "mind you, we also mostly watched cartoons" he says, smiling at Orange. He honestly didn't mind that cartoons was proffered by Orange, she was a filly after all, and it was a nice way for the family to spend time together.  


Orange smiles "I liked the silly, disney ones" she says as she nuzzled her father, a display of affection that Candy never grew tired of seeing.


"thank you Luna for the family I have" she says softly before helping Gentle dish up dinner then sits down.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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After Gentle and Candy brought the food out and sat down, her ears perked at Chocolate's words. She smiled and nodded her head. "I know exactly what you mean. It was a show I loved back in the day, but I always let Dynamo watch cartoons whenever they were on."


Dynamo nodded in confirmation. "Unless you count Jetix, which had shows like Beyblade, Medabots and other shows, then no I haven't watched any Disney shows. I have seen movies and my favorites were Hercules, Lion King and Aladdin to name a few. I was more of a cartoonetwork and Nickelodeon kind of pony back then." He said closing his eyes as he remembered the good times. He opened his eyes and began to take some food and add it to his plate. "I hope everypony enjoys. Now let's dig in." She said as she finished gathering all the food she wanted onto her plate. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate smiles "I grew up with shows like Ninja Turtles, Street Sharks, Gargoyles,  Bonkers, Animaniacs, the Tick, all those sorts of cartoons" he says with a shake of his head "with a few exceptions, cartoons just aren't what they used to be like back in the day" he says as he starts to dig into his food "mm this is delicious darling" he says, swallowing his first bite and kissing Candy on the cheek.


Candy smiles "I'm glad you like it dear, how is everypony else liking their meals?" she asks then hears Starling cry as she spills over her cup and fruit salad bowl, "Oh dear, looks like it's time for the rescue helicopter" she giggles and helps clean up Starling then stats to help her eat while Chocolate goes to clean up the mess.


Orange's ears droop at the sound of her baby sister crying.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nodded at the choices of cartoons that were named. "I remember some of those shows, but the only one I've seen was Animaniacs. I never knew while looking back at it that it could have adult humor. Guess shows were really tricky back then. I agree that cartoons have changed and not really for the better. I miss the old days and wish there could be shows like that now." He took a bite into his food and hummed in delight. "This is really delicious. Thank you so much mom and Aunt Candy." He said without realizing the addition of adding 'Aunt' to Candy's name.


Gentle took a bite and sighed in satisfaction. "It tastes just like it did back then. You haven't lost your touch, my friend." She smiled and giggled. Quick was enjoying himself as he pigged out, but ate in a civilized manor. "This is astounding. You've outdone yourself Gentle. You've also outdone yourself Candy. Thank you both for this great food." He smiled in appreciation. 


Dynamo frowned as he heard Starling cry, but smiled as he saw Chocolate and Candy take care of her. He looked over to Orange and grew concerned as he noticed her ears drooped. This caused his ears to droop in worry. "Hey Orange? Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked with a mix of care and concern in his voice.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Chocolate finishes cleaning up and gives Starling a fresh bowl of fruit salad and refills her sippy cup with chocolate milk  "It's okay sweetheart, accidents happen" he says softly and gently pets her head and then nods to Dynamo's remarks "Back then, the creators of the show were all about seeing how far they could push the censorship." he says with a chuckle, "Shows were a whole lot less PC back then"


Candy smiles "You're welcome dears" she says


Orange shakes her head "Baby sister cry"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise. "I never knew about that. I usually watched the show and never really thought anything of it. I guess some shows were like that back then. I got to give credit where credit is due. That is pretty bold when you think about it." 


Dynamo then got out of his chair and walked until he was behind Orange. He wrapped his arms around her and placed his head on her shoulder. He closed his eyes as he nuzzled his head into her shoulder. "I'm sorry sweetheart. Sometimes I don't really know what to say because I'm not great with words. You shouldn't feel sad because like your dad said, accidents happen. It was just like this morning when you spilled your cup of juice. It made you sad, but it was all fixed up and everything was better again. Just like it is right now." He opened his eyes to look at Starling, who looked happy and giggling as Candy was feeding her. He turned to look at Orange face to face. He smiled at her lovingly. "You see? While it was bad at first, everything turned out just fine. So there's no need to be sad, okay?" He asked as he caressed her cheek with his hand.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


She sniffles and nods "B-but I don't want Starling to cry" she says as she holds his hands,  but then smiles, enjoying his attention towards her. She then goes back to eating with a soft giggle.

Candy smiles "Dynamo, could I have a word with you please?" she asks


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo frowned, but then smiled and nodded. "I understand Orange. It's just like how I don't want to see you or Starling sad. Sometimes it just can't be helped. Though I know if you are always there for her as a big sister, then I know she'll always smile and be happy. Just like how I'll always be there for you and Starling as a coltfriend and big brother. I just know it and that's a promise." He said as he felt Orange grab her hands. He squeezed her hands in reassurance and went back to his seat to finish his dinner. Just before he was about to eat, his ears perked up as Candy was addressing him. He nodded his head in acknowledgement. "Sure, no problem." He got out of his seat, left the dining room and walked into the kitchen. "You said you needed a word with me?" He asked hoping that he wasn't in any sort of trouble.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Candy follows him and smiles, she leans on the bench, "Don't worry love, you're not in trouble, actually...this is about Orange" she says as she looks at him with concern "I'm sure she has already voiced her concerns about her grades and how she is failing" she says and takes a drink of her wine, "now, I've already spoken to your mother about it and she has suggested that I ask you to tutor her, and I agree. Having someone she loves and who loves her,  it would help her greatly"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiled and sighed in relief. His ears then droop as he heard what was wrong. "Yes she has. She told me on the way home from Twilight's library." He said with a nod of his head. He then smiled and chuckled. "I guess my mom knew what I was planning to do. I told Orange that I had an idea and that was the plan. I was going to ask her if she wanted me to help her and then ask you to make sure if was okay. I don't want to graduate if it means she isn't able to. That's why I'm going to help her so that way she can graduate with her friends."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"Like mother like son" Candy remarks with a smile "Your mother was also always uncannily kind towards others at your age, one of the reasons why she and I were the best of friends" she says and sips more on her wine "Of course it is alright with me for you to tutor her. Come, lets finish dinner so that we can surprise little Starling with her gifts" she says as she makes her way back to the dining table and sits down with a smile.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiled. "I'm glad that I'm just like my mom.and that's great. I promise to do my best to help her. Thank you so much Aunt Candy." He said as he walked up to Candy to give her a hug. As he pulled back from the hug, the two of them started heading back into the dining room. "So that's why you stepped out earlier. I can't wait to see Starling's face as she sees what she gets." He said with a smile as he learned what the presents were for. As he sat back down in his seat, he looked over to Orange and flashed her a grin. He then took a sip of his drink before he began to finish up his dinner. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange smiles and gently holds Dynamo's hand "W-what did mummy want to talk to you about? I-I'm not in trouble am I?" she asks somewhat nervously. 


Meanwhile, Night Dancer looks up Gentle's number and rings it "Come on answer, this is important, very very important"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo felt Orange hold his hand and he turned to look at her. He smiled softly as he he shook his head. "I talked to her about the idea I wanted to talk to you about. Don't worry, you're not in trouble. Remember when you said you needed a tutor? Well I have just the one who can help you. Want to take a guess?" He said as he smile turned into a smirk.


Gentle felt her phone ring and checked to see who it was. Seeing the number was Night Dancer's, she decided to see what's up. "Hey Night Dancer it's nice to hear from you. Though it's a little late, how are you?" She asked, surprised to hear from her so soon.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


She nods and nuzzles him "A-alright  , I just want to graduate with you" she says as she soon finishes her dinner and sips on her drink rather cutely. She smiles at him then at Starling who was having a little trouble eating again, but a little better than before as Candy was helping her to eat.


"Hey Gentle, just needed to ask about details, just some business has come up, so i need to organize things around it" Night says with a heavy sigh


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo finished his dinner and placed his utensils down. He took a big gulp of his drink, finishing it as welt. He felt Orange nuzzle him and he smiled while returning the gesture. "You definitely will. We'll both graduate and we won't have to worry about school. We'll always be together and nothing like school will separate us." He said as he grinned at Orange. He looked and smiled at Starling as everyone began finishing up.


Gentle could hear the sigh and understood that Night had seemed really busy. "I understand, my friend. I'll ask the kids since they're right here with me." She placed a hand over the speaker as she looked at the young couple. "Hey kids, your Aunt Night wants to know when you'll be graduating. She, Candy and I are planning a trip for us in Manehatten and are planning out a time."


Dynamo's heard his name being called and looked to his his mom addressing him and Orange. As he heard the question, a look of confusion grew on his muzzle. He looked over to Orange, before replying, "I know we graduate next year in the Spring, but is there any time off that we get during that time frame?" 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


 Orange thinks about it for a moment "Uhm..I think we start summer next week" she says and uses her magic to shakily get her journal, but drops it right in Dynamo's lap, and blushes deeply "S-sorry" she says then looks up to Gentle "w-who's auntie Night? Is she another of mummy's friend who she cries about at night time?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo's eyes widened as the journal hit him below the belt. "On top of old smokey!" He said in a high pitched yell while throwing his arms in the air. He slammed his head on the table as he inhaled deeply from the sharp pain. "It's okay no worries. It was an accident." He said after catching his breath.


Quick cringed but laughed at the scene before him. "That had to hurt. I feel your pain son. I remember a couple times Gentle just threw her purse at Dynamo and the same thing occurred. Those happened in the car when they had to go to the store. It was always accidental and unintentional at that." He said to Chocolate as his laughter kept on going.


Gentle held the phone in her magic as she patted Dynamo on the head and nods at Orange's remark. "That's right. Aunt Night is an old friend of your mother and I. I didn't know you cried about that Candy. I always though the two of you kept in touch from time to time. I guess I didn't know because Night and I left around the same time a little while after graduating. I'm really sorry about that Candy." She said as she hugged her friend. After letting go of the hug, Gentle took her hand off the phone. "You still there Night? From what our children have said they have summer break next week. Is that okay, or is that a bad time?" She asked as she spoke into the phone.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Orange squeaks "I-I'm s-so sorry" she says, hiding behind her mane and squeaks,


Candy smiles "It's okay darling, I'm sure that Dynamo knows it was a mistake" she says, shooting him a look that said "this is one of her major problems" she sighs and hugs her, nuzzling her "shh, shh, it's okay sweetie"


Night nods "Oh that is wonderful, yes perfect, I will expect you here within the week! So how long are you and your families going to be staying?"


Candy nods "Both of you, I just missed you both and I only just started getting back in touch with her"



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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