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private Crossheart (1x1)


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OOC Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/154975-new-positions-coming-eastern-skies-ablaze/?p=4616576


Scourching heat, salty air and the arid arise of whatever that chef was making at his food stand. No fancy welcome they were expecting, they thought equestrians were welcomed in droves. Whatever.

Film Reel effortlessly loaded the camera and tripod on his back, assormtents of storage film in the saddlebags on his flank. Shades on his eyes.

"Well.. Not as hot as Arabia I would say." He said.


Malteese wasn't an arid desert. In fact it lush. Desert lands generally begin in the lower sections of the country. The two departed their ferry boat and made their way into the street. The city of Dinj'ar .

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Ohhhhh... I am SO glad this outfit breathes."


The unicorn mare stared hard at the terrain around her and gave a slight chuckle.


"And here I'd been led to believe I wouldn't see another living tree out here - foolish me, right?"


She was lean and fit, a long mane of crimson pulled back into a braid, with a tail to match - little purple strands here and there giving her a blended look.  The outfit in question was actually durable, conservative and had pockets, pockets, pockets... all courtesy of the nice, fat budget she'd been given for this venture.


She glanced down again at the press pass on the shiny new ball-chain she was wearing: "Splash Page - Equestrian Daily reporter".  She smiled a bit brighter as she read it for what had to be the two hundredth time.  Goodbye, fluff reports and sports promos - hello, SERIOUS journalism, she thought.


Indeed, it was her first REAL shot at finally being able to get some truth out into the streets.  About the downtrodden, the long-suffering, the pain of broken families... yep, she was ready to get every last morsel and scrap of this story down.  Then she'd show 'em.


She'd prove she wasn't just some two-bit talking head... but a REAL reporter, giving REAL truth.


Turning to Reel, she gave a slight chuckle.  "So, you really know your way around that thing, right?"  Page lifted an eyebrow, glancing to the camera.  "Ever used it in a firefight?"

  • Brohoof 2

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Reel looked to her with slight disbelief.

"Despite what my resume says, this is a first for both of us." He said. Hefting it along as they walked.


"SO, This pony or whoever. He's meeting us around here?" He recalled.


Remembering to what got her here in the first place she recalled many upon many contacts she had. The Arabian Armed Forces, Malteesian Guards Group, The Wonderbolts even small security firms. All dismissing her for foolishness in taking interest. Saying she was a dead pony. Until an email came to her one day a week ago.


I hear you are interested in learning more upon this dreadful conflict. Perhaps earn some stories. Perhaps we both can help each other. These ponies are driven from their homes forced to leave behind everything they had. Imagine it, a goal only driven by the need of dependecy on community and your fellow creature. Our organization known as the Peace Salvagers Group have been generouslly assisting our broken hearted neighbors since the begining of this conflict. You can imagine it, tension, hopeful kindness and constant imagery of the war. You can get your stories and we can get our name known to the world.


If you are interested I can arrange an operative of ours for you to follow. He will keep you in safe condition.


I eargerly await a response. 




After a brief glee of excitement she replied eagerly. And with that set in motion these events to come. She was told he would approach as soon as she got off the boat.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She started glancing around.


"Well, my info said we'd meet a guide here... and from what I read, the PSG is the real deal; a number of reports out there from locals say they've done the area a great service.  Of course, they don't exactly go into much detail... but that's what WE'RE here for, right?"


Page stuck out like a sore hoof; her clothes were new, her press pass shiny, and her eyes bright with ambition and excitement.


"It's not another hoofball game, thank Celestia; one more o' those and I SWEAR I'd have to wretch into a trashcan!  I mean, yay sports and all, but... I didn't get into the field just so I could look pretty in front of a green screen, or write the articles that get cut to a single column on page 12!  The truth's OUT there, Film Reel - can't you TASTE it?"


That starry-eyed look was nothing but trouble.


"So, I guess..."  she made a small circle, looking towards each direction in turn as she kept looking for even the slightest sign, "... we're just going to wait here, and The Director's assistant'll show up to get us to the nearest Stable Six, right?"


She hoped Reel was the jovial type; she'd hate to be stuck with a stick-in-the-mud.

  • Brohoof 2

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She could feel a poke on her side by Film. Looking the direction he pointed a figure approached. 


Coming closer and closer a tall armored minotaur approached to the two ponies. His coat a light brown with spots of gray along him but only noteable on his limbs and face. A slight tuft of fur hung under his chin. His clothing option show an obvious military facade, a heavy chest rig with pouches and such adorning on it with a utlity belt upon his waist. A ceramic shoulder paldroun sits on his left shoulder in khaki color. Heft under his arm is an imposing matte black belt fed rifle. Strangely though despite his gruff look he gives a geniune smile to the two.


"You are from Equestria Daily yes?" He asked, his voice a bit younger sounding then expected but nonetheless the gruffness was notable faintly. He was a minotaur afterall.


"I am Srosh Crossheart." He spoke kneeling down to them. "Nice to meet you." He held out a hand to them.

Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Yes, hey, good to meet ya!"


Page quickly filled his meaty hand with her hoof; she could feel calluses on top of calluses there, and it spoke a lot about how much Crossheart worked.  Might be worth asking later about it; there was a story everywhere - you just had to know what questions to ask.


"Well, I gotta say that they certainly grow 'em BIG here, hunh?  I take it The Director sent you?  I'm Splash Page, and this is Film Reel; I hope you've got a good story or two for us!"


She looked around a bit, searching for something.


"No cab?  No one else?  I mean, not that you're not the bee's knees already, but... I kinda thought there'd be more than this waiting for us, y'know?  Still - you're no disappointment, Srosh Srosh... or will just Crossheart do?  Best to get that out of the way now, since I'm gonna be getting to say and write it over and over!"


She gave a laugh that she hoped would keep the mood light; ANYONE that big gave her a little dose of the creeps, but she wasn't about to even think of backing out of this - she'd been told that the local fighters could literally smell fear.  She hoped her perfume and her bravado would keep things easy and light.

  • Brohoof 2

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"Yes, hey, good to meet ya!"


Page quickly filled his meaty hand with her hoof; she could feel calluses on top of calluses there, and it spoke a lot about how much Crossheart worked.  Might be worth asking later about it; there was a story everywhere - you just had to know what questions to ask.


"Well, I gotta say that they certainly grow 'em BIG here, hunh?  I take it The Director sent you?  I'm Splash Page, and this is Film Reel; I hope you've got a good story or two for us!"


She looked around a bit, searching for something.


"No cab?  No one else?  I mean, not that you're not the bee's knees already, but... I kinda thought there'd be more than this waiting for us, y'know?  Still - you're no disappointment, Srosh Srosh... or will just Crossheart do?  Best to get that out of the way now, since I'm gonna be getting to say and write it over and over!"


She gave a laugh that she hoped would keep the mood light; ANYONE that big gave her a little dose of the creeps, but she wasn't about to even think of backing out of this - she'd been told that the local fighters could literally smell fear.  She hoped her perfume and her bravado would keep things easy and light.

"I apologize. There is no cab or such. I generally walk most of the way. Cars and trucks are too big, more noticeable when your out on a mission. And Srosh is just fine but your preference is up to you." He says. 

"Come this way with me. I will take you to my small home." He says gesturing them to follow. With haste they follow as a small group of armored trucks rolled by with various fighters, blaring their horns to signal those in their way. 

"You are all brave to come this far. A lot of journalists aren't thrilled to come into Malteese." Srosh spoke.

Film reel hefted along his equipment before he was suddenly knocked down by a gang of stallions. They just came in a swarm over him almost instantly he cried out for help unable to fend them off. Srosh turned bellowing a bit before raising his weapon. One of them shouted in their native tongue and the rested looked to the minotaur dropping whatever they had planned to loot from him before dispersing.


Film Reel stood on his shakey hooves.

"W-what was that!? What did I do!?" He asked quickly retrieving his things. 

"Tourists are not exactly liked well here.." Srosh said rubbing his head a bit. "Don't worry they won't hurt while I'm around." He added.

"Oh sure, its not like they knocked me down or anything.." Film replied with a hint of agitation.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Splash had watched the scene unfold as Reel got swarmed.  She even had the sense to say, "Hey... HEY!" before she tried to pull one off; not that she had any success, but she certainly tried.


When the others parted, then dropped their muggings and ran, Splash was over to help Reel up quickly.


"You hurt?  Everything okay?  Hey, what kind of-"


She listened as Srosh spoke, explaining the situation.


"Well... if this is the kind of welcome folks get here, I can see why the tourism board isn't exactly prospering.  But still - I guess we'd better start securing our gear better, eh?"  She helped Reel gather his things, trying not to leave scuffs on the expensive equipment.


"Coming here is important, Srosh; somepony has to tell the world what's going on here - the poor, the sick, the dying - so they can all understand that this is REAL.  There's a lot of pones out there who don't even realize what kind of fix your people are in here; they need someone to wake them up!"


And a nice, big literary award wouldn't hurt, either, she mused to herself.


"So, with that in mind, what would you say would be the biggest thing keeping the folks here oppressed?  Who or what keeps their hoof down on them?  At least, in your own opinion?"


A good reporter was ALWAYS learning, always active.

  • Brohoof 2

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Splash had watched the scene unfold as Reel got swarmed.  She even had the sense to say, "Hey... HEY!" before she tried to pull one off; not that she had any success, but she certainly tried.


When the others parted, then dropped their muggings and ran, Splash was over to help Reel up quickly.


"You hurt?  Everything okay?  Hey, what kind of-"


She listened as Srosh spoke, explaining the situation.


"Well... if this is the kind of welcome folks get here, I can see why the tourism board isn't exactly prospering.  But still - I guess we'd better start securing our gear better, eh?"  She helped Reel gather his things, trying not to leave scuffs on the expensive equipment.


"Coming here is important, Srosh; somepony has to tell the world what's going on here - the poor, the sick, the dying - so they can all understand that this is REAL.  There's a lot of pones out there who don't even realize what kind of fix your people are in here; they need someone to wake them up!"


And a nice, big literary award wouldn't hurt, either, she mused to herself.


"So, with that in mind, what would you say would be the biggest thing keeping the folks here oppressed?  Who or what keeps their hoof down on them?  At least, in your own opinion?"


A good reporter was ALWAYS learning, always active.

Srosh smiled at her noting her optimisim. Certianly it was that Equestrian Spirit heard of. Looking for truth and reality. Perhaps she could shed light on the situation. But hearing the rest he questioned a little if she did know what was happening? Don't they have a big media coverage? Or was it the Arabian's doing in diminishing the severatity?


Noting her question he pointed in an eastern direction.

"He would be. Asir Rassadi." He said.

"And uhh. Who would that be?" Film asked him unsure of the name.

"He is the stallion responsible for this trouble. This war. His greedy rule and his evil deeds are the cause of many loss of lives. And the destruction of many communities in this country." He said.


"Sound's like the idea of typical evil king. Like Sombra huh?" Film said.

"Tell me have you any idea why your princesses do not simply stop im? Do they posses magical powers?" Srosh asked the reporter.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Well, you'd think so, but to be honest, there isn't much news coverage in Equestria over the struggles here.  The princesses hear a LOT, but they can't always pick out what's what, with all they have to do in Canterlot, not to mention the rest of the nation - that's part of why we're here, Srosh.  It'll be OUR job to bring the truth back to our home, and we'll get it the coverage it deserves - I promise you that."


Page gave the minotaur a kind smile; she wasn't sure about a number of things out here, but she usually had a very good sense for others - and that sense told her that the hulking figure here with the two of them was going to be fine.  He'd do his utmost to keep them safe, she felt it true.


Besides, if this was any indicator, then this might not be such a dangerous assignment after all.

  • Brohoof 2

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With the incident over and the situation given a basic explanation, they continue onward following the hulking bull to their temporary resting place. Passing through a market and into a small alley, they approach to a door next to a rusted dumpster. A small swaying sign hangs above it written in an arabic dialect. Through the metal door they enter into a dim lit room. The small hallway has a small locker in its opening, Srosh rests his weapon inside it and removing his paldroun. Squeezing inside they enter into the small room. The walls are a simple sand colored and the floor is concrete. 

"Not much a home. But I am grateful." he says. 


The room only holds little. A small folding table, a small stand with a little television. A campframe sits against the right wall, obviously the bed. Srosh takes a seat on the stool near the table, a small durable military laptop awaits there.

"I generally-" Film suddenly interupts, "WAIT! Uhh do you wanna start filming now? Do any interviewing or such?" He asked to Splash Page

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Page looked over at Reel.


"Well... maybe just the introduction - as long as it won't be too much trouble of you, Reel; if so, we could start tomorrow."


She looked around the small room, and felt bad for their host.  She had enough money in her budget to not only get her and Reel separate hotel rooms, but perhaps a third one for Srosh; her first thought was that he would probably enjoy the space... then it occurred to her that she didn't even know if he'd accept.


She sat down, and her horn glowed a soft purple, levitating a pencil and notepad next to her, ready to take notes.


"Okay, before we get started, I wanna know if there's any rules you or yours have that we need to know before shooting any film around here, and is there anything you would rather I NOT ask about... or ask carefully?  I mean, I want a good story - REALLY I do - but I don't want to dredge up old wounds or sore spots."


She glanced to Reel and nodded; if the camera wasn't too much trouble, he'd set it up - if it was, no worries.  She loved her pad and pencil anyway; they were close friends since fillyhood.

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"I have no quarrels or such. I am open to any question. The only thing I ask of you is to be careful when filming any Malteese soldiers or near their facilities. They are a bit jumpy. Considering they are loosing ground quickly. If they ask you to stop. Do so." He says.

"And I have no problem with an interview. Please. Go ahead." he says.


With that Reel kicks into gear unloading his things. Microphones, Camera and inserting the digital card into it. Placing it onto a tripod he positions in a panning pose. He hands Srosh a small microphone for him to wear. He pins it onto his vest. He gave one to Page as well.


"Our set up is good. You can start when you like Page." He said.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She took a deep breath, and her mother's words echoed through her mind again, just as they did before every recorded news story.


Keep asking questions, and the truth will show itself.


She turned to the camera, and opened her eyes with a smile.


"This is Splash Page, correspondent for Equestria Daily, and Film Reel behind the lens.  We've been most fortunate to be invited into a land far different than the well-known plains of Equestria, and we will be given a tour - not to mention a chance to see the situation here firsthoof - and hopefully, our work here will do a lot for... for... rrrrrgh, great."


She sighed, then looked right into the camera.


"Keep rolling - lost my train of thought, there... we'll clean it up in editing, no problem.  Let's just get started, right?  We can always record a new intro later."


Turning back around, she let her eyes travel up the height of the minotaur for effect, then stopped when she had eye contact.  She smiled warmly.


"My host here is Srosh Srosh Crossheart, a burly-looking fighter with a kind heart and a passion for his country.  Please, tell us a bit about yourself - and don't be shy; we want all the details that other reporters glean over.  Paint us a picture of what it's like to be you, Srosh... tell the world what you'd want them all to know!"


The shoulder-mounted mic was doing it's job beautifully.

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((That was a typo. His name is just simply Srosh Crossheart.))


Srosh smiled and nodded to the camera.

"THank you for coming Miss Page." He replied.

"I am Srosh. I am apart of a group called the Peace Salvagers Group. To be honest you are the only reporter to have ever interviewed me. Or any from the group. Not much seems to be known in our little corner of the world. I was originally from Taursikstan. Its to the east. I came here to Malteese to flee from what has been occuring with our war waging neighbor." He said.


"As for me, well I don't really have much to say. I just simply want to help others." he says giving a happy smile. Film gives Page a positive gesture on the film.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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He was making small talk, which was FINE for everyday chatting... but, as an interview, it STUNK.  She needed to try to ask him some other questions, get him to open up a bit more, feel out his emotions and such.  She wouldn't wow anypony with such a lackluster interview.  She decided to try to get him to open up about his past first.


"Srosh, tell the folks at home a little bit about the life you grew up in - let others around the world know what it was like for you growing up.  Maybe you remember a funny or heartwarming moment you could share?  After all, we're trying to garner sympathy for your cause - one of the best ways to do that is to let the folks at home know what sort of child you once were.  Can we start there?"


She smiled; she though Srosh was a kind soul, even if he was kind of short on speaking.  No matter; she'd accept it as a challenge, to try to get the hulking minotaur to open up a bit more.

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"Srosh, tell the folks at home a little bit about the life you grew up in - let others around the world know what it was like for you growing up.  Maybe you remember a funny or heartwarming moment you could share?  After all, we're trying to garner sympathy for your cause - one of the best ways to do that is to let the folks at home know what sort of child you once were.  Can we start there?"


She smiled; she though Srosh was a kind soul, even if he was kind of short on speaking.  No matter; she'd accept it as a challenge, to try to get the hulking minotaur to open up a bit more.

Srosh nodded thinking or a bit. He seemed to be a bit in thought. Film looks to Page giving an annoyed expression.

"I remember a good time, my sibling and I would visit the cavern swim holes. Our herd elders would have the empty mines filled with water. I enjoyed a bit of swim. Always dunking and wrestling bout with my fellow herd calves." He said.


"One day, there was this thresher worm that swimming around in our little water hole. A little larva, it was harmless. We had this plan to scare it into one of the draining pipes we found. So we stick it into the water and some of us got in the water, as we closed in it swam between me and my sibling and shot straight for the pipe! It movedso fast it shot out like a missle! And landed right on the face of one of the elders as he came in." He said letting out a hardy chuckle.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She smiled, glad to be starting out with such kind memories.


"Your family, your community... these are the things you're fighting for, right?"


She moved in a bit closer, leaning in close to get a good look into his eyes.


"I'm sure you had to take on responsibilities and such, what with a conflict like this going on around all of you.  You've shared with us something sweet from your happier days, like letting us bite a piece of pastry... so, I feel it only right to ask you, Srosh, about the first time it really came home to you, yourself, that you would get directly involved in this war."


"That moment... everyone has it.  That single instant they decide that they've had enough, that they're going to make a change, come Tartarus or high water.  Can you recall your own particular moment for us?  Please?"


She hoped she wasn't asking too much, but then again she hoped they would see this as the opportunity it really was for them to be heard.

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She smiled, glad to be starting out with such kind memories.


"Your family, your community... these are the things you're fighting for, right?"


She moved in a bit closer, leaning in close to get a good look into his eyes.


"I'm sure you had to take on responsibilities and such, what with a conflict like this going on around all of you.  You've shared with us something sweet from your happier days, like letting us bite a piece of pastry... so, I feel it only right to ask you, Srosh, about the first time it really came home to you, yourself, that you would get directly involved in this war."


"That moment... everyone has it.  That single instant they decide that they've had enough, that they're going to make a change, come Tartarus or high water.  Can you recall your own particular moment for us?  Please?"


She hoped she wasn't asking too much, but then again she hoped they would see this as the opportunity it really was for them to be heard.


"No Taur in their birthright has never felt the need of luxury. We've all taken to our greatest responsibilities even to the youngest of capable ages... But the war. We we're no strangers to war. But this war. Not just modernized but from this pony, Rassadi." He snorted a bit, expressing a bit of anger.

"I remember when the elders came to round up our herd for soldiers. We already had a fighting force before but perhaps out interest in war had no been reinstated as it use to. There was very little training. No need for a lot of physical trainings or such we were all in good condition. We had gotten the news on an attack, we lived just several miles away from the northern border. We are told that being shelled is very much an uncomfortable sound. We didn't get to engage into the village and we were already being shelled with mortars. The first truck ahead of us pulled off into an inclined bank. The pathway kinda elevated as it rose to meet the ridge sized village. So it was difficult to enter into the entrance from the sides. A... bad design flaw looking back. So we were stuck taking cover behind rocks and our wrecked trucks, hoping their shells wouldn't hit any of us. This went on for hours..." he drifted at the end of his sentence. 


"I'd say that was the worst of it. Immeneint death was up there for sure... but the shelling. The awful constant banging it was.. maddening. Like me ears were just constantly ringing." he shook his head.


"It lasted until nightfall. No water, no food. We thought it would be a simple skirmish turned into a seige. It had appeared they had stopped with the shelling. The pegasi pilots above were gone. But we dared move thinking they would continue with their mortars." He said, he made a sudden jester with his fist to his palm, making Film Reel jump a bit in his seat.


"The village gates had burst open and this massive steel beast hurdled through! It was a tank! Then an another, three, four- It was a whole armored unit!" His voice escalated a bit. 

"Now we are brave taurs we are. But we were not stupid. None of us had anti-tank weapons. Again, underdeveloped military... There was no where to go but back and we each took off back up the bank and running to the road the way we came! I took to the left were the most of the cover was there. It was blind fear at this point... I could hear shouts and roars and the rapidness of the machine guns from behind. Just running and running... When I finally stopped and just collapsed I could hear noone. I was completely alone... I feel. I was the only one who made it." He said.


There was a bit of silence for a moment, Film Reel focused the camera zooming in on Srosh at his blank... numb expression as he stared off into thought. 


"I didn't go home... I felt ashamed. I didn't stay. How would my fellow Taur treat me if they found I was the only survivor? While the rest gave their lives? Would they see me as a coward?... So... I-I wandered... heading west." He said, his sentence trailing off a bit. Film Reel looked to Page as though looking for confirmation to continue?

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Page felt bad; she'd wanted a story from him... but she wasn't cool with bringing up old trauma.  She thought for a moment, trying to find a way to segue into a different tack.  She nodded to Reel to continue... but she leaned forward, placing a sympathetic hoof on his arm.


"Srosh, for what it's worth, saving your life isn't the move of a coward.  From everything you've said, there was nothing you or anyone else could have done.  It may be small solace, but think of the lives you've saved since that day... think of the good you've done.  I'm sure every last life you've saved would all agree that you're no coward.  Sometimes, the hardest thing to face... is ourselves."


She gave a soft sigh, then sat back.  "You mentioned Rassadi - and with no small amount of venom, I noticed.  In such a world as you've had to live in, I'm sure you have your thoughts on the subject - please, tell me: do you think the problem would be completely solved if he was no longer in power... or do you think it would only continue, were he to be replaced?"


This would be great for headers, later - she'd have the footage cut up from this interview, and would disperse his words across the introduction to each 'section'; the part about the playing as children would be good for the pan-shots of the local villages, adding a great background for the scenes, while the part about what happened to his village would be a haunting accompaniment to shots of war-torn houses and streets.


Splash Page could see it in her mind now... hopefully soon, she'd be able to share that vision with the world.

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Page felt bad; she'd wanted a story from him... but she wasn't cool with bringing up old trauma.  She thought for a moment, trying to find a way to segue into a different tack.  She nodded to Reel to continue... but she leaned forward, placing a sympathetic hoof on his arm.


"Srosh, for what it's worth, saving your life isn't the move of a coward.  From everything you've said, there was nothing you or anyone else could have done.  It may be small solace, but think of the lives you've saved since that day... think of the good you've done.  I'm sure every last life you've saved would all agree that you're no coward.  Sometimes, the hardest thing to face... is ourselves."


She gave a soft sigh, then sat back.  "You mentioned Rassadi - and with no small amount of venom, I noticed.  In such a world as you've had to live in, I'm sure you have your thoughts on the subject - please, tell me: do you think the problem would be completely solved if he was no longer in power... or do you think it would only continue, were he to be replaced?"


This would be great for headers, later - she'd have the footage cut up from this interview, and would disperse his words across the introduction to each 'section'; the part about the playing as children would be good for the pan-shots of the local villages, adding a great background for the scenes, while the part about what happened to his village would be a haunting accompaniment to shots of war-torn houses and streets.


Splash Page could see it in her mind now... hopefully soon, she'd be able to share that vision with the world.


"The region would be a much peaceful place if he was dead." The spite came full along with his grimace expression. 


"The countless lives he has ruined is inexcusable and unjustified. And I surely hope Equestria opens its eyes soon to the atrocities he has committed." He adds. 


"His forces need to be stopped and disarmed. Or more so... destroyed. The longer he remains in power and people follow him the region will only remain in conflict. And it'll only get bloodier if Saddle Arabia decides to intervene. " he says, letting out a soft sigh. 


The military laptop near him flashes awake, the monitor lighting up. 


"We'll have to stop here. That's my next order." he says. Film stops the camera and dismounts it.

"A good amount of footage." He commented whilst the minotaur perused his email he recieved.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Page nodded, then gave Reel a smirk.


"So... you think stuff like THAT will give 'em pause before sending me off to do anymore fluff pieces?  I think that went well, and we can disperse those stories in editing - REALLY use 'em for effect, y'know?"


And they told me I wasn't gonna handle this assignment well, she thought smugly to herself.


She looked over at Srosh for a moment, and her reporter's instincts kicked in.  She lowered her voice and spoke sotto voce to her camerastallion.


"Hey, Reel?  Might wanna go ahead and have some more film ready... just in case.  If this is some sort of order and Srosh has to head out, maybe we could tag along and get a few dramatic shots, right?  We might see some action today yet!"


Action, she thought.  Well, I can handle a little action; why not?

  • Brohoof 2

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Page nodded, then gave Reel a smirk.


"So... you think stuff like THAT will give 'em pause before sending me off to do anymore fluff pieces?  I think that went well, and we can disperse those stories in editing - REALLY use 'em for effect, y'know?"


And they told me I wasn't gonna handle this assignment well, she thought smugly to herself.


She looked over at Srosh for a moment, and her reporter's instincts kicked in.  She lowered her voice and spoke sotto voce to her camerastallion.


"Hey, Reel?  Might wanna go ahead and have some more film ready... just in case.  If this is some sort of order and Srosh has to head out, maybe we could tag along and get a few dramatic shots, right?  We might see some action today yet!"


Action, she thought.  Well, I can handle a little action; why not?


He nodded and readily placed his camera on a shoulder steady stick. 


Srosh looked about on his email silently. Seemed to prefer to keep things to himself a bit. 

"We'll be heading east, a string of stops it looks." He says as he scrolled down further to reveal a map of the stops he will be having. From in a small compartment in the computer case he pulls out a notepad and pen begining to write down information. 

"I'll be marking the names of the villages and cities." He says. siting them off: Usto, Fari'inar (Far-In-harr), Gracmeria (Grace-Marry), Ah-Alsir and Shifa-Al Abu Dinrah.


Scrolling down he begins to document a list of items each under a city name and with addresses followed by descriptions of the homes from what Page could make out. Film records his actions from various angles from his eye gaze, to his writing to the scrolling of the laptop.


Finished he stands up. Film Reel follows his footsteps as he records him reaching for his unassembled machine rifle. Under the table he pulls onto his back a large circular like pack device, it rattle heavily with something inside, a little slot on the left side reveals rifle cartridges hanging about in leather strips. Assembling his reciever to his trigger and screwing on the barrel he opens the top reciever to show the feeding mechanism and reaching with his left hand to ammo slot pulls a reel of 35 rounds. Slapping the first round onto the loader he pulls down the top lock, slapping into place. He then reaches his hand over pulling the charging handle loading in the round before putting it on saftey.


Reaching into one of the armament crates he pulls out two pony sized helmets. Rather crude but they look effective. He takes on placing it upon Page's head.


"Don't want you getting hit." He says smiling to her. 

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Page put a hoof on the helmet to make sure it was secure.


"Thanks... look, I feel like I should ask if we're headed into combat territory; if we are, we may have to bring more film and such.  I figure, ask you first to see if we'll even need it... or if it's simply a better idea to travel light during this trip?"


She felt nothing but excitement at the prospect of possibly seeing the massive minotaur in actual action.  The idea of actual danger wasn't even crossing her mind.




She looked over at Film Reel.  "So, now that you've seen a little bit of my style... whaddya think?"


Her reporting style was a matter of pride for her... but she was prepared for a snide comment or two; it wouldn't be the first time, thanks to the oh-so-friendly words heaped upon her by Head Line, the head anchor at ED.  


So VERY handsome... so VERY well-spoken... so VERY full of himself that he always seemed to have some backhoofed compliment for her.


"Fine reporting... I'm sure the children will appreciate being able to comprehend."


"Glad to hear the pie-eating contest is going well - seems like your kind of reporting!"


"Ooooh... be careful out there on Nightmare Night; some of the little ones may find your reporting as scary as we do!"


Yeah?  Well, let's see your stupid muzzle down in the thick of it HERE, Line!


She looked forward to the day she got back with all this footage and expert reporting - and fantasized about laughing in his face over every picture.

  • Brohoof 2

=====  ( 0=====


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Page put a hoof on the helmet to make sure it was secure.


"Thanks... look, I feel like I should ask if we're headed into combat territory; if we are, we may have to bring more film and such.  I figure, ask you first to see if we'll even need it... or if it's simply a better idea to travel light during this trip?"


She felt nothing but excitement at the prospect of possibly seeing the massive minotaur in actual action.  The idea of actual danger wasn't even crossing her mind.




She looked over at Film Reel.  "So, now that you've seen a little bit of my style... whaddya think?"


Her reporting style was a matter of pride for her... but she was prepared for a snide comment or two; it wouldn't be the first time, thanks to the oh-so-friendly words heaped upon her by Head Line, the head anchor at ED.  


So VERY handsome... so VERY well-spoken... so VERY full of himself that he always seemed to have some backhoofed compliment for her.


"Fine reporting... I'm sure the children will appreciate being able to comprehend."


"Glad to hear the pie-eating contest is going well - seems like your kind of reporting!"


"Ooooh... be careful out there on Nightmare Night; some of the little ones may find your reporting as scary as we do!"


Yeah?  Well, let's see your stupid muzzle down in the thick of it HERE, Line!


She looked forward to the day she got back with all this footage and expert reporting - and fantasized about laughing in his face over every picture.

"Eh, I'd say you did a good job." Film said giving her a smile. Rather simple comment but it was a postive one.


"That'll be up to you." Srosh said heft his rifle on his hip with a sling. Attaching to his upper chest pouches he sticks what appear to be bulbous like stick objects. A stick with a can like top or such. On his lower pouches and hips he places various water bottles in them. And finally hefting around his right shoulder is a loose duffel bag.


"I can carry a good amount.But you will have to carry your own film. If you can handle the hefty walk, take as much as you please. Otherwise you can leave it here. It'll be safe." He says.


Film debates a bit looking at his rolls of film. The usual field camerapony carries about 10 rolls each with about 2 and half hours of film. Uloading about 4 he places them in one of the crates. He now holds 6 in his carry bag. Plus his photo camera with an extra reel and the one in his video camera.

  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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