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private Road to Retribution (with Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne


Harley straightens out her dress "Well first of all, we did a little scouting from the tower, it would seem that the deputy has done his job." she states to him "Which then brings us to some theories, we are just wondering how the bandits knew when and where to ambush Garreth and his escort? It seems...planned, like they knew what was being transported." she says, folding her hands in her lap "So we think, that either there's been a spy around here or..." she sighs "as we haven't seen the deputy, he either betrayed us and joined the raiders or the less offensive, he was captured and they tortured the information out of him"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth sat quietly as the Sheriff listened to Harley's news and theories, but the old stallion seemed... unaffected by any of it. Somehow the griffon wasn't reassured by thin in the slightest.


"Hmm, now that's strange, cause I haven't heard from the post office that they hailed Canterlot again. Maybe there's another sabotage up north, I don't know..." He then said solemny. "As for my deputy, well, thank you for telling me about your theories. Ponies told me he was not fit for the job, but I thought that he would grow a pair soon enough. Maybe I was wrong, after all..."


After a moment of eerie silence, Peacemaker looked up at the pair before him and said with authority. "I want you to complete my deputy's mission and check what happenned to him. If he's dead, bring him home. Nopony deserves to get eaten by vultures..." Then his tone took a darker note. "But if he really defected, or collaborated with these bandits, I want you to bring him to me, alive. No extrajuidical killing, got it? We are better than that." Then he looked squarely at Harley - "Miss Wheels, I presume you'll take this lad to accompany you, am I right? So do me a favour and don't let him do anything stupid." Then he shot a look at Garreth. "No offence kid but you have no idea how things are in here. and no amount of big city training will prepare you for what this land has in store. So listen to her and maybe you'll make it out in one piece. Save me paperwork too."


Garreth just nodded. There was no point arguing with the Sheriff on what he already knew.


"Alright, so we have this thing sorted, what next? You have any questions, maybe?"

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@@Raven Rawne


She nods and understood fully "Understood sheriff, no vigilante justice, just do his job, find him, bring him back dead if he's dead, alive if he's betrayed us" she says with a nod and a sigh. she then looks to him "No questions really, though I'm sure you're well aware of my past and why I do what I do" she asks then smiles at him softly "So I'll be doing this job on the down low, just enough for supplies and stuff, other than that, no reward needed" she says as she gets up and walks over to the map. There were a few different colored pins around the area of the tower "What are all these different colors? We saw a few small camps, but they didn't look significant"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Understood sheriff, no vigilante justice, just do his job, find him, bring him back dead if he's dead, alive if he's betrayed us"


Sheriff nodded - "Good, that's what I wanted to hear." He than turned to Garreth. "I know it's personal for you, but do we have an agreement?"


The griffon also nodded and repled: "Yes, sir, we do."




"No questions really, though I'm sure you're well aware of my past and why I do what I do" she asks then smiles at him softly "So I'll be doing this job on the down low, just enough for supplies and stuff, other than that, no reward needed"



The Sheriff looked at the mare like a worried parent. "I know, child, you've had it harder than anypony in this town... I already told you we don't have any coin to provide, but you have my word that we'll pay you to a penny as soon as we'll be able. Promise."




There were a few different colored pins around the area of the tower "What are all these different colors? We saw a few small camps, but they didn't look significant"


Both Peacekeeper and Garreth followed Hatley with their eyes as she got up and approached the map. When she asked about the markers, the first one repled: "I've been tracking suspicious activity in the area in hopes of finding some key to their mode of operations. Maybe get a grip on what they're crawling from. The red ones are confirmed direct attacks. We either had witnesses, or the site provided with obvious clues to pin it to the bandits. As you can see, there's a lot of them all around the city, mostly by the roads. Blue ones are... possible bandit attacks. We weren't sure when we inspected those places. Again, all over the area, but most on the south-east. We had some monster attacks there too - something holed up in one of the old mines apparently. Green pins are camp sites. Ponies report to me when they see a camp, or marks of camping. I figured they could lead me to the main camp, but so far, nothing. As you can see most are located up north, so my best guess is that the main base is down south, since they wouldn't camp close to home. So, basically, that's all I know really, aside from witness testimonies and site inspections that is. If you'll have any information, theories or other imput, share them okay? No matter what you come up with."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"I see, that makes a lot of sense" she says as she ponders over the map once more "hmm, what's this? I think I see.." she says, grabbing a pen and tracing around the pins "Is that a pattern I see?" she motions for both the men to come to see "I could be wrong, but this looks like a pattern, look" she says softly and points it out "It's almost, their next mark is going to be..." she points to a point on the map "Here"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth got up from his chair and approached the map, while the Sheriff simply swiveled around in his chair.


Peacemaker leaned forward to take a better look at what Harley's been pointing out. "I'll be dammed... it does look a bit like a pattern... But what does it mean then? They can't pick attack sites to make a pretty shape on the map now can they? No ordinary bandits would ever think about that kind of thing."


Garreth chipped in. "Alright, so let's assume, theoretically, that there is a pattern. We got reds and some blues in the mix, and also a possible next target area... Sheriff, why you pinned blue in these places?"


The stallion thought for a moment to recall the details, then replied. "They were different. We had no witnesses or survivors, no evidence of kidnapping, and no signs of sexual assault either. So two uncommon traits already. But strangest thing is that the victims had both gunshot wounds and animal assault wounds. Some looked pretty bad, I admit.  Since we couldn't tell if the animal attacked first or along the bandits, we pinned the blue one."


The griffon looked at the place where Harley predicted to be the next hit. "So... is there anything important in there? Anything to attract potential victims,  maybe? You know these parts, Harley."

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@@Raven Rawne


"It just seems so..odd" She says as she continues to look at the map "You're right sir, it doesn't seem something the normal bandits and raiders are capable of" she says pacing around a little "if it's an indication that they've finally gotten organized, it could be organized crime we are dealing with, which is bad, very bad" she says "But it would explain the pattern and their efficiency with ambushing Garreth" she says with a sigh and looks once more at the map "As for your question Garreth, before the war, the woods were nice walking areas, there are also herbs and roots that only grows in the woods.." she ponders "Sheriff, have you noticed any ponies that stand out from the rest? Any that would look like they might belong to some criminal organization?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Both the griffon and the sheriff seemed to agree with Harley's theory on organised crime encircling Appleloosa in it's grasp. Garreth was still thinking about the proposed area of next attack and studied the map,  while sheriff replied to the mare's inquiry.


"Well, we had some moonshiners, salesponies with fake medicines, that kind if deal. But ever since traveling became dangerous, these small fish outright disappeared! My basement used to have guests all the time, now it's empty... So they got scared away or joined the organisation. We still got illegal liquor popping up in the Saloon, now with the booze shortages they seem to get it anyway they can... I decided to let them have it for now. (He looked straight down, apparently ashamed) Not very lawful,  I know, but imagine those hotheaded cowboys without a water hole. It would be a disaster, I tell you. So you can ask the owner as long as you won't cause me trouble in there, okay?" The sheriff got up from his chair and approached the window. "As for other... organised crime suspects, some ponies seem to fare better than usually, now that I think of it... I'll have to pay a few visits around town, ask some questions. Maybe they've been doing some side jobs, or got paid for providing information..."


Garreth finally felt bold enough to join into the discussion. "Okay, so you sir will ask around, while we check the Saloon, check the telegraph and hopefully find the deputy AND prevent the next attack in the designated area?" We better make some priorities then. Where we go first partner?  He asked Harley for her opinion on what to do first.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley thinks for a moment,  "You said it possible the telegraph lines were possible sabotaged around here right?" she asks the sheriff pointing to an area that was quite close to where the next ambush is guessed to be, they also seemed to be close to the railway "Hmm.. they'd be well hidden if this is truly their next spot, but then..it could also be a decoy, as there's still spots around near the railway they could focus on" she says then looks to the Sheriff, "I don't blame you for looking the other way when it comes to alcohol, this prohibition business is bad anyway" she says, clasping her hand on his shoulder "I'd say we go further up the trail and deeper into the woods to a spot I know, we'd be able to see better from there"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth inspected the map further. "Alright, so back to the cable business... They go alongside the rails up north, all the way to Canterlot. Since all we really know is that signal is dead, I guess we should go on patrol all the way to the Ghastly Gorge. Ponyville would hopefully check them from there. There's no telling if they cut off just us or Dodge City too..." The griffon took a better look at the finer details of the old map. "Is that... a road in here? Snaking north some distance from the rails? And it's well within the next attack spot... Maybe they hoped to catch the cable servicing crew? They would travel this road for sure... So another truck or two, a few strong ponies and more tools to grab. Sounds like a good catch to me, eh?"


The Sheriff nodded. "Sounds plausible, kid. They would cut the comunications and snatch the repair crew, good plan... I'm starting to worry about our chances here."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"That would be bad, cut off from our two main lines of support" she wonders out loud "That means if we are attacked before the lines are repaired, we'd be without any sort of backup" she says tracing the pattern once more and she notices the road "Yes, it's a road, but barely used since the war, but I see your point" she says, still tracing the pattern with her finger, "Just doesn't make sense"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Just doesn't make sense"


Both sheriff and the guard looked quzically at the bounty hunter. Harreth was first to respond.


"What doesn't make sense? It does, just... not for us. We have the wrong approach, we're missing something important, that's all." Then he facepalmed. "Right, a trivial matter..."


The sheriff picked up where the previous spekaer left. "So let's look at it from other angle! I mean, what's the harm, right? We know that a group of bandits suddenly started to act differently, got better equipment and in time, became a total menance outside the city proper. We know that they must have some sort of hidden agenda, something beyond common robbery and troublemaking. They likely have connections or informants to sass out where to strike for maximum effect - like in your case kid. To make matters worse, we have all the reason to believe they are behind the recent telegraph failure. We are surrounded, cut off from outside help, and harassed every time somepony leaves town. I haven't heard from some farms in weeks for pony's sake! So whatever they're doing out there, it's big. So don't be afraid to think big too."


Garreth voiced his opinion first. "We know they kidnap without ransom, and we thought it's because they need slaves. Possibly as free workforce. Maybe they reopened some mine, or dig in a new spot? If they found gold they would be swimming in bits in no time, hence the equipment."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Oh right, I completely forgot about that" she says, facepalming  "That definitely makes more sense now," she says and sighs "this is getting more and more complicated, isn't it?" she asks "Not just a simple find and retrieve, but a find and eradicate" she shakes her head "We'll keep our eyes and ears open Sheriff, but right now, we have a date to get ready for"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The sheriff scratched his head. "It sure is complicated... Alright then, I'm not holding you in here any longer, have some fun this evening cause we've got work tomorrow. You have your tasks, should keep you busy for some time. Meanwhile I'll ask around town and try to figure it out somehow. Would be nice if you brought one of them alive though... I'll walk you kids out." The sheriff then did as he said, and they parted ways by the door.


Garreth turned to Harley and raised an eyebrow. "To the dressmaker, then? I bet she did your dress by now,  if that's why you kept it last on the list."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods "We'll try our best to bring at least one alive, but no guarantees" she says as they are walked out. She looks to Garreth "Pretty much, sometimes my orders can take all day"  she says with a giggle as she gets onto her bike "Wanna ride with me again or are you too scared to ride with a speed freak"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth coked his head a bit while looking at the bike, like a bird looking at a snake from afar.


"I sure don't want to walk all the way so... alright, just drive at reasonable speed okay? Or I'll ask the sheriff to give you a speeding ticket." He stocked his tongue out for emphasis that it was, in fact, a joke. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Oh that was just a thing I do whenever I get her back from the shop" she says, laughing at his joke "Mind you, he's always trying to find a way to give me a ticket" she says with a chuckle, then waiting for him to get on the back before driving off towards the dress makers. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Ha! So I was right when I thought he wasn't thrilled to hear your bike roaring under his windows. But really,  who in their right mind speeds so much through a populate... okay shutting up now. Let's just... go."


The griffion sat on the passenger's seat and braced for another breakneck drive.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Even though this time Harley drove at a normal speed, it still didn't take much time to arrive at the dressmakers. She smiles as she parks her bike  and gets off, holding out her hand to him "there, was that better?" she asks with a giggle to show that she was at least somewhat joking.


She then pokes her head in the door "Madame Shrug? Are you there?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth had to admit,  this time Harley was driving reasonably enough. Although he still thought that bikes weren't meant to carry passengers... Once they arrived at their destination and the mare asked jokingly about his views on the recent drive, the griffon replied: "Well, it seems you actually can drive responsibly." He got off the machine,  held her hand and they walked together inside the tailor's workshop.




Jacquard Shrug was seated at the back of her shop, sewing other customer's dress. She raised her head once she heard the distinct sound of a motorcycle by the entrance. She thought to herself: "Ah, there they are, good. I was about to close for today soon..."


She got up and walked to the front of the building as her customers showed up in the door. She replied: "Ah, nice to see you two. Come in, please, I have your orders ready. Let me show you..." She looked around, finger raised as she recalled where she put those clothes. "Ah, here they are!" - a moment later the mare was towing a clothing rack with seven outfits on it.


"Now, the first one is for you, sweetie (she took the dress off the rack and presented it to Harley). The change room us to the left, as you probably remember. Tell me if it fits well." She then turned to Garreth: "and for you sir, I've prepared six complete outfits, from undergarments to overcoats. (She then took the second outfit off the rack and gave to the griffon). There's a second cabin to try on your new clothes."


Garreth thanked for the outfit and went inside the cabin to try it out.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles  and laughs "Like I said, I only drive like that after getting her from the shop and when I'm out in the open" she says and as she is handed the dress, her eyes widen "Oh Jacquard, it's absolutely beautiful, your best work ever!" she squeals delightedly as she then skips over to the changing room, shortly coming out and doing a turn "Well, how does it look on me?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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 The tailor couldn't resist a genuine smile at the mare's raction - she was one of the few clients that made the job absolutely worth it, and not just in the minetary aspect. Harley just seemed so... happy every time she bought something new or had her clothes adjusted. It was very heartwarming to watch.


"I'm really happy you're satisfied!" - she took a closer look at critical areas of te dress, how it looked on it's owner. "it sees that I really got it on the first time indeed, which is always a good thing. Oh, looks lie your friend is ready too. How do you like my first pick, darling?


Garreth walked out of the cabin, still trying various poses and how the ourfit reacted to his body movement. He had to admit, the tailor knew her craft. She even made the wing holes just right! if clothiers in Manehatttan were half as good he wouldn't have to pay for constant adjustments...


He saw Harley in her dress and commented: "Now that is a work of art - you look splendid, partner." Then he adressed the matter of his own attire: "I won't buy my clothes anywhere else from now on. The fabric, fit... well the style might be a bit too Appleloosan for my taste, but still. I'm very satisfied indeed." He was wearing textured charcoal pants on suspenders, a white buttonned shirt, crimson vest and a matching ascot tie, together with charcoal blazer. Other outfits included a brown duster, black short jacket, one more elegant vest, this time blue and a cravat to match, one bark brown "everyday" vest, five shirts in different colors, two pairs of trousers - brown and black, a pair of black leather gloves with cuffs, and of course, a hat: black gambler with slightly upturned sides.


Jacquard smiled at all the praise. "I did what i could, dear. I was fairly limited in my choices because I had to adjust existing clothes rather than sew new ones. I could make you something later, if you'd like to."

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley blushes, she wasn't used to looking and feeling beautiful but she did enjoy it. She hugs Garreth lightly "you can thank madame Shrug for the dress" she says as she kisses his cheek and looks at Jacquard "Thank you so much, how much do I owe you darling?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Jacquard Shrug observed the pair with some sentiment. Oh, the days when she was Harley's age... Once the mare asked abut payment, the tailor wakled to a nearby desk and fished her notebook from one of the drawers. "Let's see... all in all, we're looking at 450 bits, and that's already with the discount, I'm afraid."




Garreth had little time to brace for yet another hug today, but he already grew accustomed to Harly's habit. Truth be told, she was one of the very few who's hugs he didn't mind... He froze when he herd the bill though. That sum exceeded the meager contents of his lean wallet, and with no way to access his bank account till he gets back to Manehattan, well, he had o ask for a loan.


He approached Harley and asked: "Truth be told, I don't have that much with me. Could you... pay for me, this time? I promise I'll give everything back once I'll get back to the city and access my account." He hated being in debt, but there were no other options this time...

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@@Raven Rawne


She smiles and nods "No problem dear" she says as she gets out her purse and writes down a cheque "Here you go dear," she says before going to get changed back into her casual clothes, she didn't want to ruin her dress by riding her bike while wearing it. She soon then comes out from the change rooms "we'll get dressed at home and walk to the restaurant" she says to Garreth with a soft smile.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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