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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


"It was tasty." He replied to her. "Anyways, your alarm is going off and the sun is starting to make it's ascent into the sky. We best be off as soon as we can."


Nightmare waited till Crystal packed up the last of her supplies in her saddle bags and do her normal routine in the bathroom. When all was ready and Crystal eating her breakfast sandwich, they left the warm cozy house and exited the city. The guards that were posted outside were the only ones relived that morning with the fire horse leaving the city.


North bound the unlikely team was headed. Past the barrier that kept back the wintry chill of the frozen North.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal smiled at his remark. "Straight to business huh? Very well, I'll get myself ready then."


She walked to her nightstand and deactivated the alarm clock. It was Equestrian in origin,  but covered in a layer of crystal to fit in her apartment. Another "little helper" worming it's Equestrian way into her life... The mare yawned as the last memories of her dream still remained in her head, then stretched her back for good measure, receiving a series of satisfying pops as her body got ready to face the day. The usual routine in her bathroom was next on the agenda, followed by the last sandwich and packing the last items and supplies. She raided her wardrobes in search for all the warm clothes she could find, and came up with just the right set for the job: black warm socks, dark brown winter boots, a pair of charcoal pants she used to wear during winter, a long sleeved blood red winter jacket with a fur collar, all crowned with a winter cap that looked more like a textile helmet. Paired with her saddlebags loaded with foodstuffs, a pot to melt water in, a firestarting kit, a compass and a knife, some rope she brought from the workshop and her trusted pickaxe, she was nearly ready.


"Hold up,  just one last thing. Where did I put it... Ah, there it is! All set, let's go." She almost forgot about her glow-crystal lantern.


Once both ponies were outside and Crystal locked her house and checked the announcement about her absence was visible, she shot a glance across the street and saw the tired guards trying to pass for... well, there was nopony else in sight. She waved to them and hollered: "Tell your C.O. we're leaving on a trip, okay? We won't be back for a few days. Seriously guys, get some rest..." With this out of her head, the pair took a route straight north. It took some time to reach the barrier, a few hours at least. Once they stood by the magical wall, Crystal explained. "On the other side lies the Frozen North, where the weather is wild and unpredictable, animals are not friendly, and there are quite a few monsters too in the mix. If you see some shelter - a cave, a niche in the rocks, anything suitable, we hide, get warm and drink some, then move on. There's no telling where the next one will be and we can't remain in the open for too long. Well, I can't. Will it be okay if I walk beside you this time? So I can feel your fire and not get burned, you know. If you have any questions now is the time.  Who knows what lies ahead..." The mare waited for Nightmare to ask his questions or state his observations, all the while looking at him with her sapphire eyes.

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"It will be alright for you to walk beside me for warmth. We can't have you getting cold to much can we." He responded to her question. He then looked out into the distance. The snow fields that after some time began to incline up to the foot of the snow-capped peaks. "Looks like home sweet home to me. Well not the snow, but the inhospitable feeling." He started his first steps past the barrier that kept the frigged snow and wind at bay. Crystal right beside him. He lit up his mane and tail to produce heat as to keep his company warm. A great walking campfire for these cold mountains. Reason why he did not need any warm cloths.


"So what more can you tell me of these lands? Like what kind of weather do we face and what dangers, environmental or creatures might we run up against?" He asked her.


As they walked in the snow onward he listened to what Crystal had to say. The best way to be prepared is to know what lies ahead. He shifted his new saddle bags about a bit. He was not use to them being his size. So he would have to get use to his new gift.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal Clear smiled a bit when Nightmare said the frozen land looked like home to him. The idea was so... outlandish. But then, so was a huge pony with fire for their mane and tail who ate dreams.


She took a deep breath, pulled her cap to cover her ears and took a step outside the barrier. It was cold, but not unbearably so.  The skies were overcast and  it was gently snowing. She took her place beside the stallion and felt the heat on her right contrasting with the cold on her left. Switching sides every now and then could be a good idea.


As the nightmare pony fired his barrage if questions, Crystal tried her best to answer. "Well... the weather is unpredictable, and it never stops snowing for some reason. So now it's like, the best we can get in here. It also changes fast, so we can be hit by a blizzard so hard we won't see our nose tips at any moment,  really. As for the wildlife... well, every once in a while some adventurer will come here, and few return, so it's anypony's guess what lurks in there. Over the centuries we learned about some if them,  like a great polar sabertooth or a yetee monster. Basically, big predators which won't shy away from eating a pony instead of a snow rabbit. Last but not least is the land itself. We are to follow natural crystal pillars that will mark the way towards the brewery that lies in one of the valleys, but there are no roads in here, and few landmarks other than the great Mount Everhoof up north. The snow can cover deep holes between the rocks, there are high ridges and narrow ledges, caves are often populated by animals or monsters... Yeah, paradise incarnate."


As they walked, the mare spotted the first pillar in the distance.  "See? That's our waypoint. We reach it and should see another, then another et cetera. Now let's get going, the good weather won't last." With that remark she picked up her pace,  despite deep snow melting all around them. 

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As they approached the first marker, Nightmare looked at it. "These are nice. Will help keep us from getting lost. As a back up plan. I still have the dowsing crystal that could help point the way. That is if the need arises." He looked down at the mare as she switched sides so she could warm up her left side.


The odd duo walked several hours always keeping the pillars in sight, one after another. After a point Nightmare stopped and looked off in the distance. He looked worried about something. He quickly looked around the landscape and then laid eyes on something. "I feel a bad snow storm approaches. I think I see a cave over there, so best if we hurried along to shelter." He beckoned her to follow, this time taking his full strides forcing Crystal to pick up her trotting. Just as they arrived at the mouth of a tiny cave the wind began to howl and the snow became heavy.


He hurried inside first to make sure they were the only company of the cave. When he saw no danger he nodded Crystal to come inside. "It is wise for us to hunker down inside while the storm passes."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal gave the marker a good look over. It was indeed a natural crystal, just moved in here and dug into the frozen ground. Well, currently defrosting since Nightmare was around but still. Dull red and around three ponies high, it was easily seen. She didn't waste any more time then necessary however, and they soon started walking again. Crystal was glad that her boots were somewhat waterproof, since Nightmare's flames carved a path of melted snow and ice wherever he went.


The pair walked for a few hours, making good progress in favourable weather. As the landscape changed into high hills and narrow valleys, Nightmare stopped abruptly and started looking around. The crystal pony got a bit worried, and asked the stallion as she checked on her pickaxe with one hoof. "What is it? You saw something? " She was relieved to hear it was "just" bad weather, rather than some creature. Mindful of her own words about finding shelter every time they can, she trotted beside the nightmare pony who decided to speed up. Or rather, stop making baby steps for a change and walk normally. Soon enough they reached the cave and Crystal Clear scooped some snow into the pot do they could have something to drink once it melts and heats up.


The cave was... cozy? For a place in the desolate Frozen North, at least.  They moved a bit deeper in to find respite from the howling wind, but the mare felt... safe? Maybe it was because of her company.  Now that they were in enclosed space and the temperature was rising into more acceptable levels,  Crystal found a dry spot and decided to take off her heavy saddlebag and let her boots dry, so she took them off. Mindful not to get her socks dirty,  she remained in one place. "So how do you like the Frozen North, huh? Such a scenic place. Some Equestrian ponies wanted to make an all year round winter resort in here. I heard they resigned however as one of their own got lost in a blizzard and never returned..."


The temperature have risen enough so she could remove her cap and unbutton the jacket, and so she did.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


While Crystal was getting comfy taking off her clothing to dry off, he Noticed the pot with the snow she had gathered. He walked over to it and lowered his horn to point at it. The horn glowed an eerie red, and then flames shot out and hit the pot. He kept the flame going till the pot turned a red hot and the snow melted then boiled. As soon as it had a good boil to it he turned off the flames from his horn.


When he looked up and saw the mare looking at him somewhat confused and scared, he told her. "It is one of my spells I know. Boiling the snow first will help prevent any form of disease we might get if it was dirty for any reason. So when it cools down we can drink it." He walked over to a comfy part of the cave floor and sat down.


"So Crystal. What are your goals once we find this friend of yours?" He made sure not to mention her name to try and keep the fact that it was him disguised as Evie in her dream the other day.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal noticed that her companion was approaching the pot I'm which she gathered snow to melt and drink. At first she thought he'd just sit by it or point his tail nearby,  but instead, Nightmare lowered his horn and turned it red hot in mere seconds with his fiery magic. She didn't know he could do combat spells... The mare must've looked weird since he a tarted explaining his motives. "Okay... I just thought you'd melt it with your tail or something along these lines..." She rubbed her chin as she talked. What else can he do with that horn?


Before she made up her mind whether to ask him or not, Nightmare sat down and asked a question himself. She thought for a moment for a suitable answer. "Well, try not to suffocate her when I hug her, that's a priority." She chuckled at the witty response. "Seriously though, I'll bring her home. Arranged my place to make sure she can crash there for as long as she wants. I even made a real office, since she's an accountant, you see. So she could open a business too. I guess she'll decide what comes after. She was always the bold one, you see." She stared at her hooves as she finished.  The wind outside was still howling it's threats to anypony  who dared cone outside.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"What is an accountant?" He asked her.


As he listened to her answer and other things she had added in, he was watching the wind push the snow almost sideways outside. After a good time had gone by he tested the temperature of the water. With a nod he stated, "The water seems to have cooled off enough for us to drink." They split the water and continued to wait out the storm. At one point Crystal got up and gathered more snow. This time, when she came back she tried to start a small fire herself.


It was getting late in the day by this time, with no signs of the blizzard screaming outside letting up. "It looks like we may have to spend the night in this cave. The storm seems to still be going strong. And as you put it. These mountains are not safe if we try and navigate them at night."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear was a bit surprised by the question, but then, she figured that Nightmare might be unaware of some aspects of life in Equestria.


"Well, it's somepony who's good with numbers and lends their help to other ponies for pay. Mainly making tax reports, keeping books in order in a business, things like that. They need to be savvy in law too, since they need to know when and how much to write off for tax and the like. Evie was always a beast in math, even back in school when we first met. We planned to open her accountancy office along my shop, so I made the space for her. With all those new laws and Equestrian ways, she'd have way more business that me in no time..." Her mind wandered and she stayed silent for some time, until she noticed that Nightmare checked on their drinking water. Truth be told, she could use something to drink. "So it's ready then? Good! Let's split it up, and I'll grab some more snow to melt." They drank what they had and Crystal dressed up and went for some more snow. When she returned, she was basically white from walking outside into the blizzard. She shook it off herself and declared "We're stuck in here, juuust great! Should've brought a snow shovel to dig ourselves out once it ends..." Seemingly out of habit, or maybe out of boredom, she put away the pot and collected various items strewn in the cave, mainly debris and junk left by other visitors, and tried to set them on fire to boil the water. She tried to start the fire with her kit several times, but apparently everything was too damp to light up. Must be because of all the melted snow and ice bacause of Nightmare's presence. She smiled shhepishly as she put her kit away. "Well, I tried at least. Told you I'd be done without you in here. Could you boil this batch too?"


She got back to her previous resting place and took off excess clothing, then laid her head on her cannons and tried to stay awake. This storm was stalling them for so long... Her ears perked up as Nightmare mused about staying inside for the night, but she didn't raise her head. "Yeah, I guess we're not going anywhere in this dark. Seems it's time to eat, and then we can plan how to spend the night - I suggest we take turns and stand watch in case something creeps up, but then you won't get your fill out of my dreams... Got any other idea?"


The mare got up, stretched to wake herself up some, and went to her saddlebag for something to eat.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare Season got up and went over to the pot. He put fire to the pot and got it red hot once more to melt, then boil the snow. He looked back at the walls of the cave the resided in. "It dose not seem to be a large cave. So anything coming in from that direction would be slim. Unless they dig inside." Then his gaze turned back to the opening of the cave and the blizzard outside of it. "Blizzard might be to bad for anything to be wondering out there at this time. So likely hood of something coming in from out there is slim to. But greater than withing the cave."


He walked over to the entrance and peered outside. The wind was howling and the snow seemed to have gotten heavier. "If I rest here the heat will keep the snow melted and away from the entrance. So your shovel would not have been needed." He walked back over to Crystal where he sat down next to her to help warm her up some. "Since the weather is forcing us to proceed forward slow, we should conserve our food. I am low on my dream roots."


He watched the mare as she dug in her saddle bags for her next victim to consume.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal listend to the nightmare pony as he mused over the chances of them being visited by unwanted guests. Well, it made sense. Anything that was outside already took shelter or died, and if anything was within the cave, the change in temperature would probably let it to them already.  She smiled reassuringly to the stallion as he sat nearby. "Alright then. I'll chew something for supper and take the first turn to take a nap, so you'll get your meal too. Take as much energy as you need, okay? It's just a dream, after all." She held a knife in her foreleg and cut a slice of cheese she bought earlier and ate it. As expected, it was perfectly edible despite being transported in the freezing cold outside. She briefly thought about asking whether she could lean on him, since the cave floor was hard and uncomfortable, but decided against it. She wasn't sure if he would be okay with that. Instead, she decided to have a little conversation. The mare looked at her fiery companion and asked with a smile. 


"I wanted to ask you something... I'll understand if it's none of my business but, do you see eating dreams as... I don't know... evil? It's not that I'm somehow angry about you not eating my every dream but rather... I'd like to get to know you better, you see."


She kept the pleasant smile she always had while having a chat, hoping the stallion wouldn't take offence...

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Well..." he pondered a bit. "I do not see that -eating- dreams comes off as evil. That is what nightmare ponies typically eat to survive. But when we take it to far for sport and torturing a poor pony. That is when I feel it becomes evil. Bringing about bad dreams is the side effect of us eating them. Now I would love to be able to find a way where we could eat and not cause them to become fractured and twisted." He looked deep into his own memories to figure out what next to speak on. He looked over at Crystal Enjoying her sandwich.


He remembered something, something he heard when he was a young colt. That might be something to bring up with her. "I once heard when I was a young colt. That there was once a nightmare pony that supposedly turned into a daymare pony. It was believed he did this by somehow giving ponies good dreams. However, nothing is really known about that. Might just be an old mare's tale."


He kept his mane and tail nice and warm for his company. That way she could be as comfy as possible with the storm outside.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


It was so obvious, and yet she had to hear it out loud to actually get. Crystal chuckled at her own shortcoming in intuition and replied, keeping her warm smile. "Yeah, that makes sense. Strange how I thought that the very idea of feeding on a pony was unpleasant for you, but I feel your struggle. I felt like that when I was an apprentice, you know. I was being given a beautiful natural crystal, and I ruined it with my actions. I sometimes feel like that even today,  when I take an order and the customer has an awful taste in aesthetics." She shook her head at some particularly vile creation that came from under her chisel, then continued. " But, in both our cases, we do what he have to. I need bits to pay the loan,  and you need to eat dreams or you'll starve. The only way I know is to accept the reality, but try to put some resistance once in a while.  You have dream roots, I can refuse the order. We lose something, but retain our dignity." Since she ate her ration, she decided to go va banque for once. The mare walked to the nightmare pony's side, and leaned on him while trying to hug his neck with a foreleg. She partially succeed,  even if her hoof reached just to his spine. She kept close watch on his mane so she wouldn't get burned.


"Could you tell me more about the daymare pony? I'd like to hear about them, if that's okay."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He saw her get really close to him now. The warmth was there, but not hottest enough to burn her. "I did try and put some resistance in me eating your dreams when you first told me to eat on them. remember you snapped at me. But yes, I do have these dream roots I eat to avoid eating dreams as much as possible. With just eating dreams that is all I need to survive. With the roots I also need food once in a while to survive." He yawned a tiny bit and looked out of the cave.


"There is not much known about the daymare, Mostly is told of in our legends. What I can say, is like me, he did not care to bring about nightmares. Somehow he found a way to feed on bad dreams and turn them to good dreams. For me feeding now on bad dreams tastes bad and turns them worse. So how he did it I know not. However, I will seek a way to be able to do such." He pulled out his deck of cards from his new saddle bags.


As Crystal watched the deck get shuffled then pulled out. She looked at the stallion with questioning in her eyes. He read over them to see what his question would be answered as. "It appears as though the snow will let up by morning and will be a pleasant travel. Tomorrow." He placed the cards back into the deck. "Anything you would like to hear about?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season

Crystal Clear thought about the legendary daymare. If only the tales gave a pointer how he did it... She took interest in Nightmare's newest Tarot reading since he didn't ecmxplain what he asked the cards about. Once be gave the reading aloud, it became clear. She removed her hoof from his side as she took the cue to give him a break. Instead, she lied down right next to him and rested her head on her cannons. "Nah, I don't have any pressing concernes right now. I'll get some sleep and if you wish,  the buffet is open. Least I can do for a friend, eh?" She looked up at him and smiled warmly, then closed her eyes and tried to sleep. The light from his name was too bright however,  and she covered her eyes with a foreleg.  "Goodnight Nightmare, wake me up once you'll need to take some rest yourself okay?"


With these last words,  she soon drifted off to sleep. 

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He smiled down at the mare. Noticing her cover her eyes from the light he dimmed the flames so they would not bother her. He then returned his gaze back to the snow outside. A pure white, looks so calm, yet can kill a pony if not careful around it. He too was thinking about the daymare. How did he manage to do what he did. If only he knew.


He waited till the crystal pony next to him was asleep and in her dream world. He was hesitant at first. He had his dream roots even though in short supply till he gets back to the Everfree forest. But with a free dream being welcomed to him as a buffet.... he dived on in to her dream world.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


A bridge, made entirely of grey, opaque crystal. At one end, was the Crystal Empire - basked in light, surrounded by green fields. The other was shrouded in shadow, with dark smoke obscuring the view. A lone pony was walking on the bridge towards the unknown...


Crystal Clear slowly paced towards the far end of the bridge, her glow-crystal emitting a faint light. She seemed to be oblivious to the fact that the bridge behind her crumbled and disappeared in the boiling darkness below. As she walked, a figure seemed to emerge on the far end of the bridge, but who was it? Nopony could tell. She walked, but her objective remained out of reach. It seemed she was stuck in this state of affairs.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As Nightmare entered the dream. He saw Crystal on a bridge, behind her crumbling. A head of her a darkness she was intent on getting to. He plopped down right behind the mare. This time he did not take any illusion around himself. For he knew what the crumbling bridge represented in the dream world. Crystal wanting to leave her past behind her. In front of her the unknown. He looked back to Crystal trotting trying to get to the far end but stationary she was. Conflicted between the future and the past.


"You know Crystal, it is usually always easier to proceed forward with another pony at your side." He said as he walked up to her side. Spooking her a tiny bit. "Yes we are in your dream." He said before she could ask the question. "He nodded his head to the darkness. Shall we walk there together while you sleep?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal heard a voice coming from behind her, and as she turned she saw the nightmare pony walking to her side. She was surprised and a bit spooked at first, until she saw who was with her. She was about to ask when he already answered her question - she was, in fact, dreaming.


The mare kept walking, but smiled at her sudden company and said. "So, you finally decided to say hi rather than hide in my dreams, huh?" She waved a hoof at the scenery. "Not the most pleasant of my dreams, but still a recurring one. I heep walking this bridge for some reason, but never reach the far end. Meanwhile I get gurther away from where I came, with no way to come back. You better keep walking, unless you can fly." She winked at him as another chunk of the bridge collapsed. "So, what do you think lies on the other side? You're the expert, after all."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"This bridge represents your struggles. You are currently in between two places. Your past that you fear you can never return to. And the unknown future, where you fear to travel to." He started walking beside her. "You know that your past is something that you can not go back to. So your mind prevents you from returning with the collapsing bridge. However you fear your future. That explains the darkness up ahead. You do not really want to move on however. So that is why you walk, but never reach the other side."


Nightmare trotted ahead of her on the bridge, where he stopped and looked back at her. "You have a choice now. Stay right where you are. Or you can overcome your doubt and finally get to the other side." He gave her a warm smile. "Only you are able to decided what you want to do at this moment. And besides, this is a tiny bridge after all." With that he faced the dark side of the bridge, and with one powerful leap, he jumped to the end. There he waited with the unknown pony.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


As they walked and Nightmare Season continued his lecture, Crystal Clear just listened, but once he walked ahead and reached the other side, she felt like a failure. With her head low and a deep sigh, she said, still walking in place. "Yeah... that makes sense... Now that I know my... friend... is alive, I can't just keep waiting till she steps through my door and make some token attempts to find her. And now I can't even demolish my liver in her memory." The mare shed a single tear, but it sizzled and dissapeared on the crystal bridge, as if it landed on a hot frying pan.


Another pillar collapsed behind her, and Crystal looked back at the place she left and couldn't go back to. With a sigh, she faced the nightmare pony waiting on the other side. "As for the future, well... Sometimes it's easier to be left in the dark rather than discover the unpleasant truth." A sudden gust of wind penetrated the boiling dark smoke, but it didn't reveal the mysterious figure. "So I stay here, unable to go back to my comfy ignorance, but too cowardly to face whatever fate has in store. Now you know who you followed into the unknown. quite a surprise, huh?" She smiled sadly...


...and stopped in place.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare just watched as the mare just stopped her walking and stayed on the bridge. He watched as a tear came to her check and dripped down to the crystal. After a few seconds he walked back to Crystal and gave her a nudge on her head. "Sometimes it is hard to be brave. But what will you do? Just stay in limbo never proceeding forward." He walked behind her and gave her a good size push. "Sometimes you just need someone else around to give you that first push." His great size and strength was no match for Crystal to remain in her stead. And she was tossed across the bridge and rolled to the other side.


He walked up to her on the ground giving him that stare. "If you are afraid of the dark, then let me light the way for you. I have already crossed my bridge along time ago. So I know how you feel. However, you are lucky. I did not have anyone to give me that push I needed." He offered a hoof to help her up. "Besides, just look at how small that bridge was." As he nodded back to a tiny bridge over a babbling brook.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal just waited to see if the bridge will collapse and end her struggle. She knew she won't get hurt in a dream... probably. Seeing Nightmare come back to her was a surprise, but somehow, deep inside, she was hoping for just that.


"Maybe one day I will. But not toda-Hey!" She didn't expect he'd just shove her like a sack of grain to the other side. What sort of help was that?!


She landed awkwardly on the other side, then rolled onto her belly, but didn't get up. She just gave him the cold stare as he approached and offered his hoof. "Good job. Do you always help ponies by forcing them out of their dilemmas? Encouragement could work too, you know..." She took his hoof and stood up, then looked at the bridge. What seemed like a never ending road now looked like it could be crossed in a few leaps. The mare growled and looked away from the stallion. "Grrr okay, you made your point. Thanks for help. But I still feel like I'm going to fail miserably on this side of the bridge. Choosing not to choose gives you that comfort of safe routine at least... So I'll face my future. Go where fate leads me and for what? I'm just one mare against the Frozen North and Heart knows what else. I knew I had to make this trip but now I fear that I won't make it back..." There was guilt in her voice, and she refused to meet the stallion 's gaze, dropping her head low and looking straight down. "Maybe I'll just... just... arrrrghh I never should just rush into it!"


Crystal Clear stood like that in silence,  then finally spoke in a resigned voice. "So now what? "


The bridge finally collapsed entirely,  and the Empire on the other side faded out of view. The pair stood on the edge of a sheer cliff where the bridge used to be, surrounded by dark mist. The unknown figure was nowhere to be found.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Now we will see what lies ahead." He looked back at the empty abyss where the kingdom use to be."For your encouragement....I am here for you and we packed well to face whatever we will face. You did not rush into this at all. So take comfort in that." His head lifted up to look at the sky. "For now the dream must end. Morning will be upon us soon. Sometimes a dream is far longer than we realize when we reside inside."


With this he vanished from her dream and came back to the cold cave. With his absent for so long, she had become slightly cold. So he laid right next to her and turned up his heat to warm her up before she woke. He also took a root from his pack and began to eat it. He did not have the chance to eat any of her dreams. After a few minutes Crystal finally awoke from her land of dreams. At first she just snuggled against him not fully awake.


He looked out of the cave where a feint light could be seen, and no snow was falling.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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