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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Nightmare Season,


 She heard flapping wings behind her, and sighed. Even now she cpuldn't have a moment of peace... The mare slowly turned around, expecting to see a guard that would probably finish her off. Instead, she saw Hearts-Dream, landing nearby. Crystal's heart soared as she saw hope in the blind mare. "It's Nightmare, he's wounded, really bad, could you help him?" She looked with pleading eyes as the alicorn simply nodded, and got to work. Her friend's many wounds closed, and he started breathing, although shallowly. It very long compared to fixing her ribs, and Hearts-Dream visibly tired herself working her magic. Eventyally she had to stop, and Crystal breathed out in relief. "All that matters is that he'll live. I'll take care of him as he did take care of me..."


The mare bserved as acloud of black smoke, the same kind he usedd earlier emanated from the stallion's horn, and lifted him off the rocky ground. Crystal replied to the alicorn's explanation about the cloud's properties. "Thank you. it's good to know I can take him from this... den." She didn't dare glance at the place her former ruler lied, or what's left of him, to be precise. She smiled weakly at the alicorn as she bid her goodbye and flied away. There was hope, in the end.


Crystal Clear collected her bloodied weapon and walked ack to the ponies she left, her hooves shaking a bit from the emotional exhaustion. Her kin welcomed her with looks of relief, but as soon as the black cloud appeared in their view, they seemed very disturbed. Some took several steps back. The red mare looked at them with exhaustion, and said in a matter of fact tone - "This is Nightmare Season, he's a daymare who feeds on bad dreams. He looks rather peculiar, but he's a good friend of mine who almost gave his life to save you lot, so give us a break, will ya? His fire is real by the way, it burns and is very hot. Great to warm up in this cold land." She rubbed her face and wiped off some blood off it, collecting her thoughts. "Riiight... I didn't expect there would be that many of you. Forty, is it?"


"Forty seven" - Evie stepped from between the armed stallions with that killer smile of hers. "I reckon you prepared just for me, right? That would be so you. Sit down and rest for a moment, you look like death. We'll take what we need from this place and follow you to that camp you advertised earlier."


Crystal Clear nodded and lied down where she stood. Kingslaying was a tiring job. It took over an hour before the former captivs ransacked the outpost, and word spread out about the King laying dead in the main chamber. They set out laden with supplies to the camp. By the time they got to the cave, it was late afternoon. The ponies somewhat accepted the presence of Nightmare, even if they kept a fair distance off him. Crystal shook her head as she stood before the black pallisade blockinh ger path to the camp. "yeah, that's when you would levotate a crystal out of the way... Guess we gotta do this the old way." She and sever stronger ponies pried a crystal loose and let it fall into the snow. They then entered the spacious chamber, which soon became not-so spacious at all. The red mare led with her friends in the middle - Evening Song was the first to give the stallion some benefit of the doubt, mainly for Crystal Clear's sake. Other ponies rested, talked, exchanged items or ate. Nightmare was still unconcious.


The red mare and her friend kept vigil by the wounded stallion till late evening, while other ponies hit the proverbial hay one by one. He came around only after the moon was up, and Crystal nearly dozed off herself. Evie succumbed earlier and slept in a bedroll just a few steps away..

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare finally came to. It was night time and the moon was shinning in the cave and a small fire was going to warm up the cave. He tried to lift up his head but was stopped due to the pain he felt. He then just surveyed the surrounding area with his eyes. He saw they were at their last camp site, but this time it was full with crystal ponies. He then noticed Crystal Clear next to him dozing off trying to stay awake.


"Seems that the battle was won?" He asked weakly. Crystal heard him and sprung awake. She gave him a hug and tears. "I do feel like death you know." He said as he felt the pain course through his body. "Seems you got all the others out. But I want to know how I am on a cloud of smoke. I did not make it, though I feel as though it is mine." He pointed over to his saddle bags that was left by the sleigh that morning. "Can you get me three.....no four. I need some food and energy."


Crystal smiled and fetched him the roots. This woke up her friend who also noticed that Nightmare was awake at last. She walked over to get a better look at him. "So you are Evie? Nice to finally meet you for real this time." Crystal brought him back the roots he asked for and he started to nibble on them, he did not have the strength to fully chew on them.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal Clear was on the verge of falling asleep.  Her head nosedived several times only to be pulled up at the last moment. She had another such event when she heard the voice from the left. "Wzzzzz huh? Oh,  you're finally awake? I'm so happy to see you've came around!" She stood up,  shakily from the sleepiness,  and gave him a hug for good measure. Another small dam inside broke and she felt she was crying. The mare chuckled at his remark. "Now you know how I felt just the other day. I still feel my side when I move about. Guess it's my turn to get you on your hooves then right?" She broke the hug and finished. "What a twist."


She smiled at the stallion when he made his observation and asked for food. "I can explain, although it might sound far fetched. Let's start with a meal first, and if you'll feel able,  I could tell you all in a dream. I'm barely standing myself." The red mare walked towards the saddlebags,  swaying a bit on her hooves. 


All thus movement and noise stirred poor Evie, who got used to waking up at the slightest sound in the slave pen. She noticed her friend walking around, and heard some movement on the cloud. She looked at the strange stallion with curiosity, but also a bit of fear in the mix. The ivory mare approached, also sleepy, and stated at the nightmare pony, unsure what to say.


Since Nightmare spoke first, she replied with a melodic voice: "Seems somepony has been talking your ear off about me, correct? I'm Evening Song, yes. Crystal still calls me Evie though.' She shrugged, trying to look neutral and professional - apparently an old habit. "There you go, I brought five." - Crystal chipped in and laid out the roots on the cloud. "I guess it's time for some formal introduction, right? Evening Song, this is Nightmare  Season, my newest friend. Nightmare, this is Evening Song, my oldest friend." The other mare smirked.  "If what those new captives said is true, we go back for over a thousand years. By the way you look good Crys, for a thousand years old mare..."


The red mare rolled her eyes, but seemed amused. "Yeah, we're officially over thousand years old, and our civilisation is a living fossil for the modern ponies. Get some sleep, we have a long walk ahead." The other mare seemed unhappy with being bossed around,  but saw the merit if this course of action.  "I'll leave you to your plotting then.  Goodnight."


Crystal looked at Nightmare, who seemed to be listening to their exchange.  "I know, we're like an old married couple. So what now?  You need to rest so I guess I'll be running this show for a few days, but if you feel like entering a dream would help you, do go on. I could tell you everything there, or in the morning. I'm too beat to tell it now. "

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"He looked up at Crystal with pathetic Eyes. I do not have the strength to enter dreams right now. I will Just finish up my roots and go to sleep myself. You can tell me what happened after I broke the mountain tomorrow as we head for that forest. Good news is just follow our hoof prints and we can't get lost." He tried to lift his head again but was denied due to the pain.


Nightmare finished off the last of his roots and went to sleep himself. He went into a deep sleep and did not dream that night. He awoke the next morning with the sound of ponies getting ready for the trip and eating. He was able to lift his head this time, but the pain was there. Not as bad as the night before. He looked around. So many were malnourished and still shaken up from their captivity.


When he started to look around, some of the ponies noticed he was awake and gasped. "Is Crystal around?" He asked the nearest ones. One of them answered him that she was outside getting the sleigh ready to depart. He simply nodded his head and laid it back down. He waited till Crystal came back in to check on him.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare felt sorry for her companion. She decided to stay awake till he finished eating and fell sleep himself, in case he needed something. "It's okay, I'll take care of you till you get better. We'll start the trek tomorrow and head to the monster's cave. It'll be crammed and we will have to leave some stuff outside, but it's the best shelter around that we know of." Crystal Clear waited till Nightmare fell asleep and followed his hoofsteps soon after.


She was woken up be Evening Song, accompanied by other ponies. Apparently at least some of them woke up earlier and started organising themselves, since they already knew eachother. The red mare yawned and looked around - Nightmare was still asleep on his cloud. "Mornin' already? Damn I feel like I haven't rested one bit. Why are you all looking at me like that?"


The ivory mare spoke first. "Well... for once we're in the middle of  Frozen North and kind of want to go home?" A stallion chipped in - he looked better than other captives, obviously one of the brewers. "I see you found our brewery and used it's supplies on the way up here... Normally we'd be mad but, I guess it's a fair price for freedom. Do you have a plan lass?"


Crystal sat up and nodded. "Actually, yes. We go back the same way I came here. We found shelter for every night, although some are pretty small for a group this large. So, unless you guys know of some better shelter within day's reach, we'll go into the forest and to a cave we found. Don't worry, it's former occupant is positively dead, thanks to Nightmare here."


Another stallion nodded. "I guess I know which one... The creature that lived there was one tough son of a goat, so I never went inside. Better get ourselves ready to move out then, it's a bit of a trek."


Crystal nodded and started packing her bedding. "Yeah, let's."


All in all, it took more than an hour or so to let the party started. Most of the ponies couldn't carry much more than their own clothes, but they had a few strong ponies in the bunch, so at least Crystal didn't have to pull the sleigh. Still, she had to carry her saddlebags and a big pack of dried hay they stole back from the camp, and of course her armour and maul, just in case. She was outside when one of the mares called her to come back inside - Nightmare woke up.


She trotted towards him and asked in a cheerful tone - "How's it going? Feel any better today? We're about to start moving so, unless you have some unfinished business here, I'll take you outside, hmm?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare just simply nodded. He then found out that the cloud was following Crystal as she left. How could his own spell be out like this? Unless he did it himself somehow and forgot about it. When all was ready as they ever would be, the set out for their next night's stop. Thankfully the weather was being kind to them and it had not snowed once. The trail the two made coming was now their trail back.


At one point Crystal noticed that Nightmare seemed uneasy. With this many ponies around he was scared. She smiled, this big stallion has a weakness after all. He was jumpy when ever a strange pony got near him. Maybe for warmth, or maybe curious about him. But thank fully most stayed away from him, scared of him. He did almost resemble their old ruler but with normal fire instead of that green flame.


The trek back was slightly easier. It was a decline in elevation. Since they no longer needed to walk up to get to the mountain, the sleigh was able to move a bit smoother as well. They stopped once briefly so the ponies could catch they breath and gather their strength before they attempted the rest of the way. Nightmare took this time to ask Crystal, "So are you going to share with me what happened after I fell?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


She looked at her silent companion with some concern, but then recalled her own "lay down and die" attitude when she was injured, and just whistled at the cloud to get it moving. She didn't know how it picked when to follow her and when not. The mare emerged from the cave and announced: "You guys ready? Then let's go, we have a long walk ahead of us."


The group slowly moved out, Crystal at the fore, since she had a vague ides where to go. Just as Nightmare remarked, all they had to do was to follow their hoofsteps, until it snowed at least... Nightmare's cloud followed just a few steps behind the mare, and off to the side. She often glanced back if he was okay. Most of the time he seemed to be sleeping or looking around, but he also seemed... uneasy? Yeah, she observed that the presence of so many strange ponies didn't do well for his mental state. Especially when they came closer for some reason. Most were all too content with giving the pair some breathing space though.


During one stop to rotate the ponu at the sleigh, the group decided to catch a longer break and eat something. Since they were on that featurless plain, there wasn't anything to produce fire from, so they ate cold preserves. Well, aside from Crystal and Evie who weren't scared to use the stallion's tail to heat something up.


Nightmare spoke suddenly and some of the ponies who were closer perked their ears, as if ready to run. Crystal walked up to him and sat on the cloud. "Sure, but... like I said, you'll think I went bananas after that fight. Probably kick my flank if you could..." She scratched her chin, contemplating this option. "Whatever. So you remember how you got injured in my dream and it caused me to see more of your memories? Of course you do. Turns out, we had help from that point. Now I can't explain you the fine details of how and why, but... you remember that unicorn that gave you your cards? She saw me in your memory - I know, I know, it's not possible, but she said so herself. She stashed some stuff for you at the brewery and told me not to tell you about it until we come back, or else. So I kept my mouth shut and everything went smooth until I got wrecked. I knew what the golden root is for, since she left on in that shash and told me what it does." She felt really uneasy as Nightmare was piercing her with his eyes. "So... if you eat it and go to sleep, it takes you to her home. She's kind of a Princess of Dreams. An alicorn. Hearts-Dream's the name. It was her who patched me, and you, with magic. She also made the cloud and ordered it to follow me around. She has a special interest in you, you see. It's about  the Daymare."


She looked at the stallion, unsure whether he wanted to hug her or suffocate her.


Meanwhile, Evening Song gave the mare a curious look. "You need to lay off the drink, Crystal. It's the worst ramble I've heard in my life..."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Well....he thought a bit. I do not see how else you could have healed up so fast, unless it was due to the root itself. But considering I came to with no bleeding wounds, unless you force fed me a golden root, I have no idea how it could have happened. So I will believe you. I can vaguely remember that unicorn. So she was an alicorn? However, I do not see how she created this cloud when I can feel it is mine." He looked back to Evie. "Sometimes her rambling is true after all."


"Do you know why she has taken an interest in me and the daymare? I no longer have the scroll I once had that spoke about it."


After Crystal finished up her story, the company of ponies took off once more to their next cave for the night. It was past sundown by the time they got there. That was a relief. It seemed as though it took them longer to walk with the weak ones following. But they were able to make a fire and had a warm meal. The cave was bigger than the last so it was less cramped.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal exhaled with relief.  "Uff... You'll have an opportunity to speak to her in the brewery, where I stashed the golden root."


Evie shook her head and resumed eating. "If you say so."


The red mare hopped out of the cloud. "It's yours alright. She somehow made you do it when you were unconcius. As for the Daymare, there's a full scroll waiting with the root.  She said yours was incomplete. She also has her reasons in taking interested in you personally,  but maybe it would be best if she told you herself... Well, seems we need to get moving soon. I'll make a round and come back to you, then we're off. "


The crystal ponies reached the cave they wanted, but it took them longer than on the way in. That was bad, but they couldn't do anything about it really. The group was resting before they retired to sleep, and Crystal Clear again set her bed by Nightmare. She looked up from her bedding at the stallion. "How are you holding up there? Need a root? Maybe help you lay differently?" She sighed. "Next stop us the cave you lost your cards, if I recall correctly.  But I have some doubts whether we manage to reach it in one day. Some ponies are just so weak..."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He laid there thinking for a bit before he answered her. "Like you I hate just laying around. At least for me I am useful as a campfire at least." He smirked at Crystal. "If you would not mind, Let me feed off your dreams tonight. Eat a root before so I can feed more. If I heal up faster than I can actually help the slower ponies with this cloud." He tried to roll over himself but was unable to due to the pain. "I feel like I died back there."


Crystal ate the root at the hesitation of Evie. And soon every pony was sound asleep. Nightmare managed just barely to enter into the dream of Crystal. "Ouch that hurts." he screamed as soon as he found himself in her dream. That was all Crystal needed to know that he had entered. She looked around for him and when she did, she walked over to the broken down nightmare. "I will just have to lay here and feed till I heal up some." He gave her a sheepish smile. "Try not to dream of anything that would find me delicious till I can at least stand."


Nightmare spent his time just laying there feeding and telling Crystal about his fight with her former king. And a bit about his own family, till morning came and he exited her dreams.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The red mare nodded. "I know the feeling... If you feel well enough, sure, I'll lend a dream. Least I can do really." She smiled as the stallion tried to roll over, then said solemnly. "I think you just might."


The ponies had a meal,  this time warmed by several fires they made from branches and nest materials. Crystal as usual kept close to her injured friend, and Evening Song reluctantly shared his company. She protested when Crystal fished out a root before going to sleep. "Are you insane? You're going to eat some strange... thing and let him parasite on you?!" Several ponies that laid closer turned to listen. The red mare shook her head. "Always the smartest... I ate those roots already, ,and he been feeding off my dreams for over a week now. It's safe, really. Just let me do my thing to out him back on his hooves. Heart knows we need his help to get back home safely." The other mare seemed unmoved. "Ughh... when did you get so stubborn? And reckless too! Fine, but don't expect me to take care for you if he does something to you." She walked to her bedroll and slid it away a couple steps,  then laid to sleep without a word.  Crystal sighed deeply and looked at Nightmare before laying down herself.


She dreamt of the chamber where she found Nightmare and the King. The  details were all wrong, and there was a like of black armoured bodies in the middle,  crowned by the King himself. Her body count. Crystal Clear stared at it until she heard a scream and knew she was dreaming.  The mare winced at the sight and looked for her friend. Somehow the cavern was connected to a generic looking cave room, and there he was, laying helplessly.  Crystal lied down next to him. His comment made her smile humorlessly: "If I never fight again in my life, it will be too soon. I still feel the blood on me sometimes. I don't know how you manage..."


They talked in her dream till it was time to wake up. Nightmare exited first,  Crystal woke up soon after.


She felt a hoof shaking her awake. "Are you alright?" Evie was waking her up violently. "Wzzwha? I'm fine, let me go okay?" She rubbed hee eyes open and sat, them looked at the black cloud - Nightmare was safely back on his bed. "H-he wasn't there when I woke up and then appeared in a puff of black smoke! I didn't know what was going on!" Evie was still at it.  "He went physically into my dream, like he always does. No big deal... Thanks for caring though." She turned to the stallion - "How do you feel huh? Any improvement?"

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare turned and twisted. His facial expression gave it away. He was still in bad shape, but at least he was able to move at least. "Seems I will need one more night of dreams till I can actually walk. Seems I am bed ridden longer than you were." After Evie made sure the strange creature did not harm her friend in any ways, they all gathered up and departed for their next point. Nightmare was still traveling by smoke though.


They had to stop for the night at a different cave along the glacier, For the slow going ponies that were under nourished took some time. Two more days after that saw the group arrive at the brewery. By this time Nightmare fed enough so he was able to walk on his own. Though he limped many times. They all settled in for the night at the brewery. Hopefully just one more day till they saw their home again


"I think I will sleep in the hot springs room tonight. The steam will do wonders for my acing.....well....everything." Crystal looked around no Alicorn, but she knew where she hid the golden root so her friend and nightmare can see her. Sadly when she got to the stash. A letter was left on the box addressed to her. "Sorry Crystal. I came and took the root. Can't have Nightmare get to the main dream world. If he ever turns evil again that would be really bad. Don't worry, if you go with Nightmare after you get everyone back to the Empire we will see each other again." It was signed by the alicorn.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal nodded."I wasn't so badly messed up when she fixed me. It took her thrice as longer and it must've been a real effort in your case..." She looked at the ivory mare - "Cheer up, he's on our side. Besides this dream eating is safe, like I told you." Evening Song wasn't sold on the idea.


It took them three long days to reach the brewery. When they finally did, Crystal Clear was relieved - they managed to get through the worst part. Though some of the ponies were too weak to continue the march, and the group was considering their options on sort of a meeting. Crystal stayed with Evie at the meeting, holding the old box with Alicorn's gifts under hoof. She didn't take the bottle, it made her feel like a thief now when she met the ponies who lived here. Nightmare said he'll be at the hot spring.


The ponies decided that, since some of their number are too weak to continue, the group will hole up in the brewery and send somepony to inform the Palace and send help. Somehow everypony was convinced that Crystal and her friend should be those ponies, and she agreed - for once, Nightmare didn't like to stay with the crowd, and they were on edge in his presence. Second, they were pretty good at braving the Frozen North, and thirdly, this option allowed Nightmare to avoid the crystal guards and any potential problems. Evening Song reluctantly agreed to accompany them.


The red mare walked to the hot spring, box in hoof. She saw the stalion laying by the water, resting. "Sorry for the hold-up, we had a little meeting up there. Seems we're supposed to reach the Empire and inform the authorities, while the rest warms their hooves here. Some of the ponies can't walk any more, you see... I brought the box I told you about. You'll find the scroll, and two letters inside. Seems like she took the golden root in exchange for another letter." She laid the box in front of him and took off her clothes, then waded into the pool. "Oooohhhhh... I so need one in the basement... " She allowed herself a moment of relaxation as Nightmare inspected the contents of the box.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare unrolled the scroll to the fullest. Now it looked like a small banner than a single sheet of paper. He looked over it wile Crystal went swimming. It talked about the daymare from his birth all the way to the end where he had already saw. Nightmare looked a bit disappointed. Crystal noticed him and asked what was wrong. "Seems the daymare was born a daymare. So it seems like I can not become one."


Crystal quickly interjected what the alicorn had told her. How he was already one and the white nightmare was born without color. She saw how Nightmare perked up with that. If he was a crystal pony he would have crystallized at that moment. All he could do was give her a friendly nuzzle in thanks. "So we are to bring back help from the empire then?" He agreed "First thing in the morning then we will set out.


Nightmare noticed Evening Song trying to hide in the crystal berry bushes to keep an eye on him and her friend. He simple chuckled silently under his breath and pretended not to have noticed her. The two enjoyed their hot spring bath as much as they could. They surly deserved it.


When every pony was asleep Nightmare snuck over to the office room. There he found writing supplies. He wrote a letter that he would give to the mare on the following day. With his last feeding from Crystal he was well enough now to travel again. The next morning saw the two start off to the Crystal Empire again by themselves. With clear skys, it only took them one day to reach it, unlike their trek from it that saw them take shelter for a night due to snow.


As soon as Crystal got to the edge of the snow and felt the grass once more, she became so happy that she crystallized. She ran to the edge of the city where the ponies noticed her approach. She was met with a couple of guards as she entered the streets. "Where is that nightmare pony that left with you?" They asked her looking around. At that point she realized she was alone.


Two days latter saw the return of the slaves that had gone missing. A great party was held to welcome them back. There was so much love that the crystal heart was rejuvenated once again and shot out an aurora across Equestria. Off in the distant on a small snow covered hill sat Nightmare Season. He stayed back to make sure that the ponies were safe and got back alright. Once he saw the glow from the crystal heart, he knew things would be fine for them. He stood up and started his walk back South.


It was not till after the party did Crystal emptied out her saddlebags at her home, Now livened up with her friend. There she noticed a letter had been hidden at the bottom. It was left by Nightmare Season. She grabbed it and read it.


--Dear Crystal.

Sorry I could not continue with you, but you know how they reacted the first time. Do not fear, I will remain close by till you get everyone back safely. I will make sure none followed us and tried to stop you. Once you get everyone back, I will see my way back to the forest in the South that has those strange wolves made from wood. I will see about making my own home there since it seems most ponies avoid those woods. Hope we can stay friends and can meet again.


Nightmare Season--


Nightmare spent a few days walking back to the Everfree forest. As he was bypassing Ponyvile he found a discarded newspaper. The headline was the Crystal Empire at joy for the return of the missing ponies. He smiled and threw the newspaper away in a waste bin. He then entered the forest.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


 Crystal was soaking up as Nightmare read the letters, and most importantly, the scroll. At some point she noticed he sighed with dissapointment. "What's wrong, huh?" She swam to the edge of the pol near him as the stallion laid out his reason for sadness. She rested on her crossed forelegs on the pool edge and slightly pedalled her hind legs, keeping most of herself underwater. "yea, and so are you. That alicorn told me so, and she seeems to be well informed. She said the daymare from the scroll was born that way, somethng called an albino - he had no color on him from day one. What's important is the ability to feed on the bad parts of the dream, instead of all of it at once. And correct me if I'm wrong, you did it several times already." She smiled at the nuzzle. "Heh, I knew you'd like that part. Seems they want us to brave the last leg on our own, yeah. we'll notify the authorities and I'll get back to my quiet life. Hopefully." Somehow she didn't want the news about her involvement to be published. He never liked heroic types, and didn't want to be counted amongst them.


The ponies had a quiet night's sleep, and Nightmare fed off Crystal's dreams again. The trio - crystal, Nightmare and ever reluctant Evening, marched to the Empire. They reached the Barrier just before sunset, and both mares felt so hapy and relieved by feeling grass under their hooves, that they crystallised and laughed happily for several minutes. Oblivious to the obvious fact that Nightmare wasn't exactly welcome here, Crystal waved a hoof at her companions and trotted towards the buildings. "Come on, let's get to my, well, our, house. I want to take off those worn clothes!" They were stopped at the first crosroads by a guard patrol, who asked about the nightmare pony. "Crystal gave them a funny look. "What do you mean? He's right... behind me? Where did he go now? Must've left when we crossed the barrier, without a word..." That made her sad.


The mare was awfully busy with answering questions of the Guard, signing her testimonies and other boring, but important things she never thought would result from her journey. Two days have passed without her even unpacking her things. Only when she did, she discovered a letter from her fiery friend. The mare decided to keep it, along with the unaesthetical suit of armour he made her, and the maul she used to... well, save her friends. That's how she chose to rationalise it to herself.


It seemed that after a week or so, life began to settle into a normal course for the mares. Crystal showed Evening around, explained things that changed. The ivory mare spent a lot of time in the library, reading on modern laws, so she could open her own business in Crystal's small office. Thankfully she didn't end up in the news as some silly heroic figure. only occasionally, inmoments of quiet contemplation, she found herself thinking of the nightmare pony, who disappeard without proper goodbye.


Over a month have passed since she last saw him, then Crystal Clear had a powerful nightmare. She dreamed that Nightmare was in great danger, running for his life amidst strange, dark trees of an evil forest. She woke with a start and knew she needed to go South, and fast. Three days later, a small eternity, Crystal Clear was standing on Ponytille train station, hooking up a small 2 wheel cart, os couede made of crystal, to her harness, and setting off towards the strange forest. This time she was better prepared - she had her glow-crystal, a compact bedroll, a pair of sturdy hoofboots, some food, a fire starter kit, compass and a map, even if the Everfree Forest was mostly a white area on it, her armour and a newly made axe (packed in the cart), and most importantly, confidence that she'd find him and help. The mare trotted through the town, noticing a few landmarks, like the distinctively kitsch castle that ignorants called "crystal", and took a route into the forest, thankfully unmolested by locals. She hated the "are you a crystal pony?" questions. Crysatl Clear stopped by the treeline, took a deep breath and said to herself. "He would've done the same for me. Hay, he already did way more." Then she entered the forest.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Crystal not knowing exactly where she was headed, just that he said he would build a home, or try to, just wondered around. Several hours in and she was fully lost in the unexplored area of the forest. She heard something from behind her and swung around. There looking at her was a timber wolf. She instinctively went for her weapon. The wolf did not seem to fear her. As she ready for a fight more wolves showed up. She found herself surrounded.


As the wolves slowly moved in they heard something and stopped. Looking around they seemed to see something and ran away, fast. Crystal looked around for what was caused them to flee. There in the bushes was a familiar fire looking at her. "What are you doing down here?" Nightmare Season asked. He was greeted with a hug then a slap. Apparently she did not like his leaving without a proper goodbye.


As he rubbed his cheek where she slapped him he simply replied. "Sorry."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare rearranged herself right behind the treeline - she donned the armour and kept the axe at the ready. He mentioned that some nasty things lived here... Crystal Clear saw a faint suggestion of a route and decided to follow it, since, quite frankly, she had no idea at which part of the forest Nightmare lived in. She went deeper in, and soon the trail disappeared. The are decided to go wherever she would be able to haul her cart without much problems.


Hours passed and still nothing. Crystal couldn't see the sun through the thick canopy of trees, and it only increased her sense of unease. At some point, she realised she had no idea where she was, and more importantly, which way is the small town she left earlier today. That's when she geard movement from behind. "I've been looking for yuu forever..." - she said dryly as she pressed the release of her harness and turned around. Instead of the familliar face, she saw a Timberwolf. Then another one came from nowhere, and yet another.


She was surrounded by eldritch beasts, with just an axe for defense. Crystal was in really deep trouble.


The wolves closed in, one step at the time. Crystal readied her axe, since there was nowhere to run anyway. To her surprise, they stopped, exchanged looks and ran away. Something told her that they weren't suddenly scared of her, but something far worse was approaching... She looked around and saw the familliar fire. Nightmare asked her what she was doing in here, but the only reply he got was an attack hug from the mare. When she settled down a bit, she let go of his neck and gave him a long overdue slap, and a stare. Truth be told, it felt good to give him a piece of her mind.


"Yeah, sorry. First you leave without goodbye, because letters tucked in somepony's saddlebag hardly count as one, and now you give me dreams about your incoming sudden and violent death. What the hay Nightmare? I left everything and came all the way here as fast as I could, so you better have some explanation. And a safe place to rest, those hoofboots are killing me." She came back to her cart and hooked herself to it, after refastening the axe to it. "So, which way?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare looked at her curiously. "I did not send you any dream. I eat them and warp dreams, not send them. Also the distant is far to great for me even if I could." He cleared a path ahead for her cart. "My cave is about an hour this way. Don't worry about those wolves. They know not to come any where near me." He heard Crystal ask him that if it was not him, then who sent her that dream. He simply shrugged, "No clue."


Nightmare had his ear talked off as they walked through the dense woods to his home. Hearing all that had happened after he left. "Glad to hear your friend was able to get settled in." He told her at one point in her story. After about an hour Nightmare said they were there. Crystal looked around and saw only bushes and trees. He moved a bush off to the side to revile a small grove with the sun shinning through.


It was actually beautiful. The grove had a stream running through it. There was a cliff face at one end with a cave in the side. Flower vines were dangling down over the entrance. Off to the side was a small vegetable garden. A few fruit trees were at the other end. The entire floor was covered in grass and shamrocks. Nightmare smiled at Crystal as she took it all in in amazement.


"Just a little place I found and spruced it up. Had a hard time removing the trees so I got this little grove opened up." He told her, "You are in luck though. You came just in time for this rainbow colored apple tree to bear fruit." He pointed over to a zap apple tree loaded with ripe zap apples with their rainbow markings. "It is a strange tree, you can help me pick the apples. Last year they vanished after just one day being on. This year I intend to gather some to store."


He walked her inside. The tree line gave a natural wall that hide this area. "You can park your wagon over there by the garden. I will show you the inside before I pick some apples." Crystal went over to his garden to unattached herself from it. The small garden had several different vegetables growing in it. There was a hollowed out log next to it, seemed to act as either a water barrel or a basket. Maybe even both.


When she went back to Nightmare he was holding the flower vines up so she could walk inside. The first area was just a small open area that had a cavern exiting from it in the back. Nightmare walked her through the cavern. A short walk in revealed another well opened area. In the middle of it was a large dream root tree. Not as large as the one they found up North, but a good size one. Sun was peeking through the roof of the cavern allowing moss and flowers to grow in small patches around the tree. The cave then split off in three other directions.


Nightmare pointed at each way. "That way is my bed room, over there is my little makeshift kitchen area, the last way in my storage area. A bit empty though. This is my little home I made. Not much I know, but at least it is better than the caves we slept him on your journey." He walked on over to the tree. "Thanks to that pony village close by, this tree replaces its roots with dreams regularly. Able to sustain me."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare looked as if she was considering another slap, but stayed her hoof. There must be another explanation... She did feel angry though. Crystal Clear followed the cleared path and asked Nightnare: "So if it wasn't you, then who? Any clues? *snort* Of course you don't..." Her mood improved somewhat soon, and she told Nightmare how things have been for her this past month. For once, she wanted him to know it all turned out okay. Second, she knew he didn't like being talked to death.


They walked for nearly an hour, and at some point her companion stopped and announced they reached hus home.  She looked around. "I can't see any houses Nightmare, or caves even..." Crystal gave him a questioning look as he walked over to a bush and pulled it to the side, but understood when she saw what it hid. The mare followed inside, slightly jaw dropped. She let the stallion show her around, and unhooked herself from the cart when allowed the opportunity, and continued sightseeing until they saw it all.


She nodded at the host. "Considering the circumstances, it's rather amazing actually.  You're self sustainable and have enough living space too. I'm a bit curious about those apples too..." Crystal looked at the sky - it was nice to see it again. From the look of it, it was past noon or so. "So... back to the reason I'm here, any troubles in your little paradise?  Some new monster maybe?  Local ponies discovered you? Anything really?" She sure didn't want this trip to turn into a false alarm. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Other than the local wildlife that is not really safe. None that I can figure. I do not have a deck of cards yet so I can not see if they can share some light in on it." He thought for some time while he brought his friend some food. Fresh vegetables from his garden. "I really have no idea. Unless you somehow developed oracle abilities." The ate and caught up on what they did since the last they met. Nightmare having the most boring story.


At one point Nightmare perked his ear. "There is something out in the woods, wait here for me." Nightmare went out into the dense forest to investigate. Crystal decided it would be a good idea to look through her cart and reorganize it. After a short time, Crystal heard something coming in her direction. Must have been Nightmare, she turned to ask if he found what it was. At that moment a large Minotaur came through the tree line. Moving the bushes away to let it pass. He took Crystal by surprise, there was no time she could get her axe.


In a loud voice, the Minotaur yelled out to her. "YOU PONY! What are you doing in this wood? You are not welcomed here." He moved closer to her cracking his knuckles as if getting ready to fight. Before she had time to do anything, Nightmare came leaping over the hedges and landed between the two. The beast and the nightmare pony stared each other down. Sizing up the one before them. They made a small circle trying to intimidate one another. Crystal had a chance to grab her axe and was ready to jump in to help her friend.


Nightmare and the minotaur charged at each other and collided with their heads to one another. "Finally I found you, I have a score to settle with you." The creature called out to Nightmare as they were locked head to head. "So you found me. Did not expect to see you so soon." Nightmare replied. Crystal wondered what he could have done to have made this monster so angry at him to hunt him down. Was this her dream?


As she charged in to save her friend. The minotaur grabbed Nightmare in a massive hug. "Boy how I have missed you." He told the nightmare pony in his arms. "Likewise, what brings you here." Nightmare responded with a -your crushing me- tone in his voice. Crystal came careening to a halt. "Crystal, this is Brutus. I lived with him for some time after I left my family." Brutus dropped Nightmare to the ground where he flopped down.


He turned around and looked at the crystal pony before him with her axe. "Salutations pony. It is good to see this boy managed to get one more friend. Sorry if I had scared you before. Was not expecting anyone else but Nightmare here." He helped Nightmare back up to his hooves. "Is she your mate?"


Both Nightmare and Crystal looked at him and then each other. "Umm.....No. We are just friends. Just helped her get her friend back from a slave camp." Nightmare was grabbed by Brutus and was given a head rub. "You sly pony you." And he started laughing. "You never do listen do you. So what brings you here?"


"Oh right, almost forgot. I came to warn you. Your family sent someone to find you and bring you back." He then sat Nightmare down right next to Crystal and pushed the two together. Nightmare whispered to Crystal, sorry about this. He is a bit narrow minded. He then looked back to his old mentor. "What do you mean?"


"Lets go inside and I will tell you everything." He pushed the two forward to the cave. "You two look adorable together." Nightmare just blushed from embarrassment.


Brutus told the two about how a small force of nightmare ponies gathered together with his family. They had heard about how Nightmare Season was born and was the strongest. The intended to take over the country and rule it under Nightmare Season. So they sent a group to track him down and bring him back with them. He also said they managed to get up North and found a pony that knew him. He pointed to Crystal. "They are following her. She took the train so she got ahead of them, but they will be here in days."


Nightmare sighed and walked to his room. Crystal followed him. He had a leaf bed he was laying on. Over the bed hung the scroll of the daymare. "Well, that explains your nightmare about me." He told her as she entered.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


"Well buck, I haven't seen any magic shops when I passed through Ponyville, so I can't fetch you a new deck. Why I haven't thought about getting one..." She sighed. "A false alarm then. Well, least I can do is help you with that harvest, and anything you need done around the, um, house." She ate the early dinner he provided as Nightmare told how he was doing after he came back South. At some point, her host stood up and announced he needs to check the perimeter. She nodded and finished her meal, then went over to her cart and went through her things, thinking if he could make use of something from it. The bush-entrance moved and she asked without looking up. "All clear out there?" No answer. She looked up and froze, seeing a massive minotaur. Well, she thought it was a minotaur, she only saw a sketch once. The bull came closer, apparently making a show to intimidate her before the real fight. Truth be told, it worked - she didn't move any closer to her axe until Nightmare blocked his path out of nowhere. Only then did she start thinking rationally and grab her weapon. Time to test that edge she shatpened for several hours...


Crystal reared up and charged silently at the minotaur's back, but halfway through, the bull hugged Nightmare and they started behaving like... friends? She halted just a few metres away from plunging the axe deep into the minotaur's lower back, and observed the eschange, still ready to cut him a new one if needed. As Brutus let go of Nightmar and greeted her properly, she looked at him funny and lowered the axe. "Glad you two didn't keep that act any longer..." She ran a hoof on the cutting enge for emphasis. "Name's Crystal Clear, by the way." She hacehoofed loudly at the question of them being together, but said nothing.


The part about warning perked her ears, but before she could ask anything, she found herself squeezed into nightmare's side by the minotaur. She replied weakly to the stallion "You don't... say..." Nezt, she found herself being pushed insode the cave/house, and she didn't like the way she was being handled. Or the bull's hand on her flank for that matter. She said dryly - "I'm taken, not by him. You done?!"


The mare paled at the full extent of the news. Well, under her bright red coat at least. She followed Nightmare into his bedroom, and saw the scroll of the daymare. "W-what do you mean, explain? Oh buck." Her pupils nearly dissapared when she processed what happenned. "There was a Nightmare in my house, in my dream! It made me dream the nightmare and rush in to find you! B-but, how will they find me now? I-in the forest? They can't just burn it down and wait for you to come out of the inferno, right?" She traced circles, trying to look at herself from every angle, but she had no marks or nothing of the sort. "The cart!" She ran outside and emptied all the containers - it was her toolcart, with a large tray loaded from the back, then with rows of containers accessed from the sides and closed with hatches. Once it was empty, she breathed deeply and looke at the mess all around. "There's gotta be something that allows them to track me, right? Right?!"

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@@Raven Rawne,


He came outside and looked at her mess. When she looked at him for an answer he nodded. "Remember when I marked the cave up North so I know where a tree was located? Well..." He hesitated. "The same mark can also be used inside of a dream. So they are tracking you from your mind. I can enter in your dream and remove it if I can find it. Though they know where you are right now."


Brutus came walking out of the cave. "Anything the matter out here? Should I leave so you two can be alone?" Nightmare rolled his eyes at his remark. "I think that the nightmares are tracking my friend here. Tonight I will have to search for the mark placed in her dreams. Hopefully I can remove it before they get here. then we can pack up and leave." He looked back to Crystal who looked guilty for falling for such a trick. "Problem with being a rare creature. Very easy to track from rumors and sightings of me."


He went over to the zap apple tree. "I was hoping to get these stored. Brutus, may I ask for a favor?" He turned and looked at his old friend. Brutus responded to him, "You owe me already, this will make twice you will owe me. So tell me what you want.?" Nightmare smiled. "Yes I owe you twice. Can you stay here and pretend you live here? Crystal was just passing through looking for me. And can you pick these apples for us on our return?" Brutus agreed.


Nightmare and Crystal quickly reloaded the cart and packed it with food for two now. "Sorry for getting you caught up in my mess. Now we have to be on the move till I can clean up that mark in your dreams." They headed South.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Her heart stopped for quite a moment as the implications sunk in. She touched her temple with a slightly shaking hoof. "You mean, it's in my head?" So not only did a nightmare pony break into her house, despite locked doors and windows, saw her - and Evening Song, sleeping, AND left a mark in her mind? That was just too much.


Even Brutus couldn't break Crystal's train of thought. The dream was bait. And she fell for it without a hunt if doubt. Now because of her stupidity, Nightmare was in danger. She felt awfully guilty.


The mare woke up from her stupor only once the stallion called to her. She blinked and refocused on the present, and packed the compact cart with her stuff and some more supplies for Nightmare. They nearly loaded it to capacity. Crystal strapped herself to the cart and checked if she can reach the axe fast enough.  Satisfied with her test, she followed the stallion, after saying goodbye to the minotaur.  One last glance on the tiny bit of paradise made her sigh heavily. Once Nightmare spoke,  she shook her head. "I tangled you in mine too, remember? And it nearly got us killed so, let's just focus on staying alive alright?" The mare pulled the cart over a big tree root with some effort.  This place was just so not suited for wagons of any size and form... "Are there any other safe spots in the forest?  It's your backyard after all." Another obstacle. "I could try and lay down now, cut the link faster. If you know a place where I won't get eaten in my sleep that is..." This forest made her nervous. It was so twisted, dark and untamed. Nothing like the forests in the rest of Equestria that she heard of. Every now and then, she saw something that turned out to be a weird leaf, or a shadow, but at first her imagination placed all kinds of monsters there. Only Nightmare seemed unmoved by his surroundings,  apparently used to all those sights and sounds. "So where are we going?" Crystal wished to know if they even had a destination.

Edited by Raven Rawne
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@@Raven Rawne,


"We head South. Out of the forest. There is a desert down there with large open plains. We will be able see them coming from a long way away. First off, there is an old ruin that we can stay the night in. Somewhat safe and I can see to looking for that mark in your dreams." He led her through the forest. Helped her get her cart over a branch or rock here and there. Close to evening Crystal noticed an old castle standing in the middle of the woods.


Nightmare Season led her into the castle grounds where they hid the cart with branches. The two of them found the old bed rooms. Not much was left however, but there was some usable cloth to make a bedding out of. After Crystal went to sleep, Nightmare dived in to look for the mark. "Okay, we need to find something that stands out. Something that dose not belong in your dream."


They both looked around for a long time. It was Crystal who finally noticed a small scorch mark on a tree in her dream. Nightmare came and looked at it. "This is it. I can erase it and then we should be good." He shot his own flame at it which caused it to change then fade. "We should be good now. Though we should leave in the morning as soon as possible." With that he left her dreams.


As he materialized, he found that the two were surrounded. six nightmares were standing around with their curved blades. Two were standing over Crystal with their blades at her throat. "Do not do any thing foolish. We know you care for this mare." One that seemed to be in charge of the others told Nightmare. "Alright, just don't hurt her." He replied. One of the nightmares shook Crystal to wake her up. When she came to, she realized what had happened. "Crystal, this is my brother. Wildfire is his name. The others I do not know who they are.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


"The sand land from your memories? Something tells me I won't like it there, but... okay. Let's clean up my dream first, then I'll start complaining about the heat and sand." It just so happenned that she hated both. No wonder that she was on the Manehattan beach only once. Well, twice - first and last.


They somehow managed to navigate the forest so that the cart wouldn't slow them down that much. It was getting slightly darker under the thick canopy when the mare saw ruins of looked like a castle. Nightmare led her inside, and they hid the cart. She took a bite to eat, and her bedroll from it, and followed towards old bedrooms. She ate her quisk supper and went to sleep - the sooner they get that mark off the better.


He stood beside her nearly just as soon as the dream started. They were in a large garden, but many plants were blurry or didn't make sense. Pretty normal for a dream of somepony who never saw a proper garden until recently. Crystal nodded at Nightmare's explanation and went off looking for, well, something. It took a lot of time before she noticed something off on one of the trees - it had a scorch mark, but the others didn't. There was no reason for it to be here, no fire nearby. She called the stallion and showeh nim the mark. "Here, you think this is it?" The mare breathed out in relief that it was, indeed, it. Nightmare left her dream as soon as the task was done, but Crystal wasn't in the mood for having fun in the dream world. She sat on a bench and pondered on their situation.


A rude kick stirred her awake. That made her angry from the start. Crystal opened one eye, expecting to see her companion but instead, she saw two blades aimed at her throat. She looked around and noticed that they were ambushed in her sleep by a pack of nightmares. The blades poked her skin for emphasis as she tried to move. That made her even more angry, but she said nothing. Just glared. Nightmare introduced the leader of this pack, and she spat out - "Spare me the pleasantries, okay? What am I supposed to do, shake his hoof? Kinda hard with these at my throat." She felt a mixture of anger, fear, and stubborn defiance. They lost, pure and simple. Now they will drag Nightmare Season back to the sand pit and torment him until he breaks and joins their cause, and she? At best, they'll kill her here and now. This was a good option, actually. The alternative, and far more probable, scenario was that Crystal would end up as a slave and extra leverage to ensure Nightmare's loyalty. She observed her adversaries, and with each passing moment, fear was being replaced by strange calmness. There were only two options for her - fight or die. Probably both, considering the circumstances. She looked at Nightmare and slowly shook her head, hoping he'll understand that for a crystal pony, surrender is not an option.

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