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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


After the news of her royal crystal pony wedding taking place. She shared a hug with the alicorn then showered Nightmare with kisses. Nightmare grabbed her and held her up when he felt her give and pass out. Like clock work he had her on his cloud and racing her to their tent. The ponies that saw what happened escorted him to make sure nothing was in his way. He took her to their bed and laid her down. He sat next to her until she woke up.


"You seemed to have gotten to exited. You passed out in my arms. You need to be more careful now future mother." He gave her a kiss to cheer her up. He listened to her as she went over the past few hours in her head. He too was especially happy about twins. "You look so happy I don't think I will ever see you again without your crystal look. Nightmare got her a root on her request and brought her extra pillows and sheets. She had to be extra pampered now that she will give him twins.


Since it was not bed time yet, he went to go spend time with his mother and ask several questions. A few things he found strange with Crystal. When he finally came back, he saw his wife glowing with happiness something good was going on in her head. He decided to join her. As he entered he saw his wife dancing in a wedding dress. She waved him over and showed him what the heart was all about. "Well then...here is my vow to you as we stand here before it. I promise to love you forever. And since we are both immortal now. That forever is a lot more than most ponies can promise. He gave her a loving kiss to seal it.


He looked at the heart after she said she may never see it again. "Do you forget love....we live in moving towns. And I will make sure we get permission to bring our foals up here for your ceremony. We are just heading to my home for a coronation, after that we can say where our town will travel to." He held Crystal in his front legs as he gave her a kiss. "Only thing I am worried about is you passing out tomorrow again like you did today. Maybe you can teach me how to dance properly so tomorrow I don't make out like a fool?" She agreed, at least she could move properly in her dreams.


The next morning Crystal woke up with excitement. Nightmare was sitting at the cushion area thinking. She had more strength today and she went over to him for their morning kisses. "I had a good talk with your mother in-law yesterday after you turned in. I now know just how scary she is." He pulled her in front of him to sit her down in his lap holding her in a warm hug. "Seems like she was not totally honest with you the times you met her. Seems she gave you a loving push in the right direction to fall in love with me and marry me. The whole thing with me going nuts if you got killed was only to those that killed you. And there were opportunities for us to escape with out your death." He kept her in his hug as he told her this. "Seems the wedding was planned as an apology to you. Everything she told you was just so you chose this path with me. She even told me about the golden root....Seemed it dose not do what she told you it did. She just waited till you ate it to take you to her palace in the dream world. The real reason she wanted you to eat it was for the side effects." He lovingly rubbed her lower abdomen. "Seems that it allows a mare to be more fertile. And increases your chances of having foals. That is the reason she did not want me to eat your other one. She also told me that each time we try when you are in heat, we can expect twins and triplets. Having just a single foal now will be rare. So be ready for many foals to come. Those roots will become really sought after now by nightmare mares. It will give them a monthly cycle instead of hundred years or more." He continued to hug her and rub her belly lovingly. "But you know what. I can't seem to be mad at her. Not with you by my side and a family on the way." He gave her kisses to prove that.


Nightmare helped his wife get in her wedding gown latter that day inside the wagon. The caravan had packed up and moved to the outskirt of the fishing village. There the ponies from the North, and the few from the village waited for the wedding to start.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare was surprised, but very pleasantly so. She listened to his vows and happily accepted his kiss. Then it was her turn. Crystal Clear took a deep breath and looked at the spinning Heart, then back at her husband. "May the Crystal Heart be the witness that I, Crystal Clear, take you for my husband, and I swear to stand by you, united in Love till death do us part." She gave him a kiss and added: "And I will give you so many foals that we'll raise a city just for our family to live in." She smiled at the dance lesson idea. "You know? That's actually a good idea! So, stand here and..." - she showed him how to dance at a crystal pony wedding, since she could move freely in the dream. After that,  they parted ways till the morning.


The Princess of the Sun lifted her charge as morning cane upon the land. Crystal Clear woke up rather early,  and could barely contain herself from the moment she opened her eyes. The mare flailed her forelegs before she opened her eyes. Having found nothing but silk and air,  she sat up and looked around. She saw Nightmare in the sitting area, thinking. She rubbed her already ruffled mane and gently slid off the bed to approach him. She felt that her body gad more strength today - not nearly as much as before,  but it should suffice for walking.  "Hey, I woke up and you weren't with me... Now I feel very unsnuggled and you better fix that,  hmm?" She threw her forelegs over his neck and took her fix of intimacy. She wasn't done yet when her husband put her on hid lap,  so she muzzled her cheeks into his fluffy chest as he hugged her. Must be another pregnancy thing - desire for non stop snuggles.


She listened to his monologue as she tried to satisfy her need for closeness. Touching her abdomen,  now that she was expecting felt... different. As if it was a private area. But Nightmare was allowed. Encouraged even - Crystal gave him a loving purr and a kiss. "But you told her to work on her honesty,  right? Now that we don't need any "loving pushes" from her? I don't want to second guess everything she says just because it can be another scheme..." She clutched tighter to her stallion. "Mothers are like that,  you know.  Meddling in the affairs of their foals. Give me a slap in the flank when I start playing ours like chess pieces, okay? I want to be a good mother, not a grand strategist."


They remained like that for a bit, but time dictated that they should start getting ready, and Crystal reluctantly let go of the stallion of her life. They changed in the carriage into their wedding attire - Crystal Clear in her gown, proudly displaying her talisman.  She asked Nightmare to help her tie her mane a certain way - in a rounded bun, tied behind her head. She looked good in it but said it was hard to pull off without help, that's why she normally had a simple 'do.


The caravan didn't have a mid-day stop, but rather finished earlier and set up tents on the large beach pursed the village.  Crystal stayed in the wagon as they hustled and bustled, feeling as if hee mane would erupt in fire from all the waiting. At some point in Kate afternoon, the door was opened and Midnight poked her head inside. She simply said "It's time."


Nightmare Season helped his wife outside - the carriage was parked right behind their tent and the mare couldn't see the ceremony grounds. Wildfire escorted Nightmare to the ceremony and Midnight kept her company till her father showed up.


A crystal pony stallion in his fifties came around the corner. He had the same coat as his daughter, but his mane was charcoal, not ice blue. Fire Ruby, for that was her father's name,  walked to his eldest child with a genuine smile.  He was gentle in spirit. "My my... You look stunning my dear! Ready for the ceremony?" Crystal hopped in place as she saw him, and shined with renewed vigor. "Dad! I'm so happy to see you! Let's go, I can't wait to say my vows!"


The mare has been escorted by her father through the nightmare camp.  Crystal keenly noticed that, I'm the distance, was a second camp and a large ship. They walked off the beach and re-entered it only once they were very close to the ceremony grounds.


It was... perfect. A red carpet pointed the way to a small stage like pedestal, surrounded by sitting cushions full of guests. As dad walked her to the pedestal where her husband and the Crystal Princess herself stood, the mare noticed the Crystal Prince, sitting and weeping. Turns out the rumours were true - he does cry at weddings. She saw Hearts-Dream, sitting with her mom and her brother (who she always hated). Evening Song and a few friends... Even the Guild Master and the master who's apprentice she used to be. Other guests were nightmare ponies and some officials from the Empire. 


Her father stopped at the foot of the stairs, and Crystal Clear slowly ascended them to meet her husband.  She couldn't really describe what she felt.  Stage fright, apprehension, gut wrenching anxiety and heart melting joy. Fueled by her current state, the mare took Ages to register there was music playing. All she saw was Nightmare Season before her. And the Princess to her side,  too. She smiled at the stallion and politely bowed to the princess.


The ceremony started. Crystal Princess Cadance, with her usual ease, gave a short speech of how the two of them found each other in unusual circumstances, fought the elements and the Evil King to save the mare's friend, and now entered a new adventure, together forever.  If Crystal Clear could think straight, she would notice the speech rested heavily on the guard reports and what little info Hearts-Dream must've provided. But she didn't care. The important part was about to happen. 


The princess adressed the couple - "My dear ponies,  as the Princess of Love, I don't have to ask. But let's honour the tradition. Do you, Nightmare Season, take this mare as your wife?" He answered without fail. "Do you, Crystal Clear,  take this stallion as your husband?" The mare gave the widest grin in her life. "Was there ever any doubt?  I mean, I do." The princess smirked at the offshot remark. "Then may the Crystal Heart bear witness to your union. I pronounce you mare and colt! You may kiss your bride."


The small gathering of guests cheered, and Nightmare gave his thrice married wife a long, passionate kiss. Even the princess seemed impressed. When he was done, Crystal felt dizzy with all the love coursing through her, but didn't faint. They walked off the pedestal and led their guests to a large tent of unknown origin - apparently Nightmare was instructed to do so. Inside a feast awaited,  laid out on genuine crystal tables.  The married couple sat at the head of the horseshoe, with the Royal couple at Nightmare's right and the brides family to the left. Other guests were seated according to their status.  Hearts-dream sat by Prince Shining Armor.


Now the stallion could take a look at his wife's family - Fire Ruby he already saw. Laurel Wreath, her mother,  had that ice blue mane, so iconic for her daughter, and golden coat.  Just as her husband was nice and gentle,  she was casual and laid back. Their younger son,  Snowflake stood out, trying to be more royal than the princess. He had a charcoal mane and nearly white coat - just a hint of blue could be noticed.


Once the guests took their seats, the feast started.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare helped his wife and future wife get ready. She told him how to get her mane just right and he did his best. When Wildfire came to get him, he left her with Midnight and walked off to get ready himself. Princess Cadence told him all he needed to know about their custom for weddings. Told him how to proceed and what to say at what point. The music started playing when they were ready. Nightmare waited for his bride and wife. Multiple marrying the same mare got his head confused.


He felt like he fell in love with her all over again when she came up the center aisle. She was fully crystallized and in her wedding gown fit for a ruler. Crystals reflecting the light of the sun. He almost missed his cue to respond since he only noticed Crystal in that Crowed. "I do." When he heard her respond expecting him to be hers, it made him so happy. He made sure to seal the deal with his best kiss to this point. He wanted her to have all his love in that one kiss. The princess kind of brought him back down to earth remarking about the kiss and that he needed to take her to the tent.


The feast started. Seems they did not spare any expense on them. His mother seemed so happy, though he knew that she had a big hoof in this. Though he was glad she did. When the feast was over, the gifts were brought out. One was a potted crystal berry bush for Crystal to take a part of her home with her. Hearts-dream had bought a work station cart for her new daughter. The inside was filled with tools and crystals of every different kinds. "So you can do something on your trip." She told her as she presented it. There were others that came and gave gifts. After that was over was the first dance. Nightmare took his wife and escorted her to the center of the room. He wanted to show her off to every pony there and make them jealous of them.


The party lasted a good time into the night. When he got her back to their tent, he made sure she knew just how much he loved her and was happy. Even made it seem like he was trying to give her a third foal. The next morning he would great her family and Cadence properly. But that night he was all hers.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Now that she somewhat cooled down, Crystal could finally pay some attention to what was happening around her. The mare decided that their wedding must've cost a small fortune,  with all the guests, food... she never saw so much good food at once - a mixture of Crystal Empire and Saddle Arabian treats. Thankfully she did remember hee table duties as dictated by nightmare culture. Still, it didn't feel like a chore and Crystal felt rather happy doing something for the stallion she loved. To surprise of her Northern folk, she didn't touch alcohol, for her offspring's sake. Everypony was so happy that night, even mom seemed to approve her life choice. Although this will have to be confirmed on the next day - mom was a tricky one. She did her best not to notice Snowflake who, apparently, decided that his sister's status made him a noble or some nonsense like that.


The gifts were... intriguing. Crystal Clear never thought she would receive so many. Her parents gave the couple a table set for twelve, with plates,  glasses, cutlery and all the like. A traditional gift, but normally every item would be adorned with cutie marks of both newly wed ponies. She decided to add Nightmare's mark on her own, since hers was already there. Snowflake gave some sort of suspenders to hold a foal in front of a pony, resting against the parents chest. Some new Equestrian invention, he adopts them without a second glance. The Guild brought her certificate of membership as a honorary member,  also extended to her husband, and a supply of rare crystals to work with.  Masters of Crystal rarely give each other finished goods, since it would imply that the recipient couldn't make the gift themselves. The Royal Couple gave them a book on parenting, which caused the mare to laugh genuinely at the joke - their baby daughter nearly destroyed the city already. The Crystal Princess knew very well that it's not about making an impression on the recipient, but give something useful, a bit silly maybe,  but something the newly wed couple will remember. There were many,  many gifts.  Some big, some small. Some just symbolic, like a wooden training dagger with an "Never give up your dreams" inscription from Midnight, or a bottle of Sweet Dreams from Evie.


Once the presents fever died down, it was time for a dance. Nightmare Season took his wife to the center,  and they danced beautifully to the first song. Crystal didn't have the strength for more than a couple slow dances, but still had a great time.


Eventually, like most good things, the party wound down and finished well after midnight. The couple retreated to their tent, and Crystal keenly noticed that her dress was tight around the belly.  Sure, she ate a whole lot, but she was eating for three and that was her excuse. Nightmare had a last surprise in store for her - even though they already succeed and her window was long closed,  they nearly didn't sleep that night. One could argue that they were so enthusiastic that she should conceive another goal just from the power of their love alone.


Morning came and went. Nopony had the will to disturb the happy couple,  and Crystal woke up just after noon, resting on top of the stallion of her dreams. She soaked up the lovely feeling of being close to him and nuzzled her cheek in that magnificent chest of his. With a purr and a slight stretch, she mused aloud. "Hmmmm... If only we could spend every night like that..." His loving embrace was all she needed in life, but they had things to do today. With great reluctance, the mare climbed down from her husband and git out of bed, then stretched and went to make herself all pretty.  She was still crystallised and felt like it would never end. She sure wouldn't mind.


Once she vacated the bed, Nightmare Season got up himself and waved a pony in with their selection of attire. Another one brought food for them and Radiance, but Crystal waved at him from behind a screen of wood and silk - "I'll skip breakfast, thank you." Nightmare walked to her and took a look behind the temporary barrier to see if she's okay. Crystal was halfway done with her routine and smiled at him. "Don't worry, I just ate for six last night." - she ran a hoof on her still very full stomach for emphasis.  She looked like it was her second month or so. - "Besides, our babies seem to be reminding me that I should eat carrots,  not cake. Feeling a bit nauseous." She gave him a kiss and git back to work. "I'll try to catch the Guild Master and Evie, make a deal to sell my workshop equipment and give her the bits. Also write a paper to give her the house. I'll ask her to send me some if my stuff once I'll grab some adress and tell her to do whatever she wants with the rest. I guess you could ask for a meeting with the Crystal Princess. You don't really need me there. Later we can have a proper introduction with my family.  Dad is okay, so don't worry about him. He won't try to kill you for knocking me up before wedding. Mom is a tricky one,  buuuut I guess that, even if she doesn't approve of my choice, she'll try to be politely neutral. Now keep an eye on my brother - he may seem nice and charming at first, but he will try to take the pants off you the moment he figures they're worth some coin. Or ask for a loan that he'll never pay up. Consider yourself warned." She came out of her hiding, trying to hide the bump on her otherwise lean statue, but with little success.  Crystal chose a breezy silken dress with lots of belly space.  It was a mix of scarlet and azure with gold details - just like herself, it seemed. The mare walked to her husband and gave him a kiss.  "See ya later, I'll sort out my business and find you around camp.'


She went outside. 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare slept in that was not like him. He had everything he ever could have dreamed for in his embrace. When Crystal finally woke up he knew he had to as well. With her comment Nightmare gave her a kiss. "We could see about doing just that love."


When she was getting dressed behind a blind, he had their breakfast delivered. Seems they were waiting for a while. He apologized but the pony knew why the delay. Crystal said she was not hungry and he went over to make sure she was alright. Seemed she was starting to show signs of her pregnancy. He listened to her plans for the day. Sounded good. He could also get to know is new family some to. And start discussion with the Princess about maybe making peace. Maybe even get a trading line opened up between them. He liked the crystals they did and everyone seemed to love their silk. After she kissed him and before she left for her list of things to do, he told her. "I hope you let your father know that I knocked you up the night of our wedding. This one was our second one after all." He heard her snicker as she left.


Nightmare was stopped by his brother Wildfire as he went off to seek the others. "The pony we sent North has finally caught up with us last night. I hope you know, after what passed seven days ago. You don't have a right to challenge her for entering her dreams right?" Nightmare knew all to well. The challenge bit was to help push their act, though it was pointless. "Guess I will see her around then?"


Nightmare first met with Cadence, she seemed all to thrilled of his idea. Though he had to wait till after he is coronation as sultan, at the moment he was not ruler. She agreed with her husband Shining Armor. "The first silk I send will be a dress and gown for you two. Hope we can finally get our craft out there. And I know Crystal will love having crystals sold in my land." When all the formalities were settled. Nightmare walked around to find his new family. He first found Crystal's Father.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


 Crystal Clear left the tent with a sly grin. Nightmare had a point, after all. Not everypony has an opportunity to have two weddings. Well, three, if they counted the one in the dream.


She walked through the camp, getting used to the feel of sand under her hooves. She still didn't like how it gave in under her, and got into her coat with even the slight breeze. The mare went over to the guest tents and asked around for the Guild Master. She found him in his tent - the stallion who taught her the craft was on a walk. The privacy allowed her to lay her case plainly, since the elderly stallion was like a second father to every Guild member. They struck a deal - the Guild would buy her workshop equipment for more than it's worth, and hand the coin to Evening Song. Crystal Clear will be removed from the roster of active memebers, but her honorary title will mean she's allowed to practice the craft, albeit not for proft. She can give her products, but not sell. In return, she had to agree to make sure that, if the two nations start trading, the secret of their craft will not be passed to the nightmare ponies, and the Guild will have a monopoly on trade with crystal products - raw crystals were not considered a part of the agreement. She left the tent with a feeling that she struck a good deal, that would help her fellow guild members in the future.


Next on the list was Evening Song. She asked around for her, and managed to find the mare at the beach, wading knees deep in the sea and deep in thought. Unsurprisingly, this discussion was much difficult... Evening song was mad at her. For runing off to Nightmare Season after as much as a bad dream. For leaving her back home, alone with no job and a single coin of hers - everything belonged to Crystal Clear. Last on the list of grudges was, of course, that the red mare hooked up with "some monster" for his silk and cushions. Crystal was pretty sure that Evening Song could be heard back in camp, but decided to weather her verbal assault. Once the other mare was catching her beath, she laid out her scheme to secure the future of her friend. It took some convincing, but at last Evening Song agreed to take the bits off equipment sale, and recieve the house. Crystal asked to keep her framed certificate and the pyrite cube, and Evie agreed - they weren't worth anything anyway. The rest was hers. They sought a pony from the Princess's entourage and asked for writing a legal agreement. Now Crystal Clear was free from the balast of her past, and Evening Song had enough bits for a year of quality life. They parted ways.


Crystal Clear felt tired emotionally, but there was one last thing on her list. She found her mother, her idiot brother, and Hearts-Dreams. She invited them to her tent, and since her family was very jumpy around nightmares, the alicorn led them in. Crystal found her father with Nightmare, walking along the beach. he waved to them and trotted to them. "Ah, there you are! I've been looking for you two everywhere. I already found the others, and asked them to meet at our tent. About time we all met properly, right?" She looked at both stallions in turn, smiling. 


"Well, seems you have already taken care of everything so, why not? What do you think, son?" Fire Ruby seemed out of his element, but kept his cool and seemed to actually accept Nightmare season, despite his outlandish appearance.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare nodded to Fire Ruby and they went with Crystal to their tent. There they found the rest had taken to the cushions. Hearts-dream was telling them how she was his mother, but through her nightmares gave birth to him. He noticed Crystal's brother was taking a fancy at the riches his sister married into.


They all sat down together. Crystal snuggling up to her husband. He introduced himself properly. How he met their daughter and had escorted her up North to free the other ponies. And what happened when she came to look for him. Though he made sure to tell them how happy he was and glad to have married their daughter. He also told them that they were expecting twins and that was what her amulet represented. He kissed Crystal after the mentioning of their foals.


He had food brought in for them as he continued to tell them about nighmares and their culture, and how their daughter would fit in to everything. Some things her parents did not like. Especially the part of them having multiple wives. And the shock of her already expecting. He then told them on how Crystal will not age anymore.


The group exchanged a lot of words. Mostly Nightmare hearing how he better take great care of their daughter. Her brother seemed to ask a lot about how rich she was now. When the couple finally finished and the rest left. Nightmare brought her to bed with him. The following day is when they must say their goodbyes and set out once more South.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


 The ponies assembled in the tent, and took their seats in a circle. Crystal Clear obviously pushed er cushion to her husband so she could lean on him, both as a sign of their bond, and because it just felt so damn good. Shenoticed that er family was uneasy, much like she used to. Dad was keeping a politesmile, an eternal optiminst, that one. He was the heart of the house, and their shop. Mom was... a tricky one, like she used to say so many times. She sat next to her husband and remained silent at first, as if asessing the situation. Her expression was neutral and unreadable. Snowflake was his usual self - head spinning so fast she hoped he would snap his spine, asessing the wealth around him, and, no doubt, his supposed cut. As if. Hearts-dream tok a seat alone, a small distance from both groups - a one pony club. Nightmare inroduced himself properly, and his mother. Crystal did the same with her parents, but gave Snowflake a stern look to behave when she mentioned him. Obviously, the cue went over his head. Hearts-Dream took an opportunty to explain her relation with Nightmare Season. Crystal's family listened with some fright over how the stallion before them was born. It didn't sit right with them, how a pony can be born rom bad dreams. And yet they knew that the strange blind alicorn wasn't lying. Next, Nightmare season took an opportunity to explain his culture, with occasional snippets from Crystal, who held him close the whole time. Dad played it nice, knowing well that his firstborn is too dense to change her mind. Besides, Crystal looked so happy - it was unusual for a crystal pony to shine for so long without pause. Mom was more skeptical, and asked technical questions, especially about the relations between the husband and his many wives. The prospect of their daugher being on of many, even if the first and most important one, didn't feel right for them. They were also a bit concerned with the sheer distance that will separate them, and the slim chances of visits. The part about immortality sure raised their eyebrows, and Snowflae looked like he had a stroke. Crystal was annoyed how he seemed to be interested solely in Nightmare's wealth, as if asessing how much he can "borrow". Crystal Clear never liked Equetrian gadgets, but when Nightmare Season told her family about the twins, she sure wished to have a camera - their expressions wre just... priceless. Snowflake nearly choked with his own saliva, dad was thrown of-balance, but more with joyful surprise than some aversity or anything these lines. Always look at the bright side of life, he says. Mom didn't move - she looked sternly at the stallion, then at her daughter. She seemed to think for a moment, and asked how they can be sure - they just had their first night, as far as she was concerned. It was Crystal who explained they already had a nightmare pony wdding, and she timed it the way it would count, so it was no "happy accident", but deliberate decision. Laurel Wreath nodded, and politely congratulated her. Crystal knew she will need some time to accept all this. At least she ad dad on her side.


They talked for like, three hours. Maybe more, the mare didn't check the time. Finally, the ponies bid each other farewell, officially for the expecting mother's sake. Crystal knew her family will have a lot to think and talk about tonight.


Once they wre alone, the mare gave her husband a kiss. "Good job, love. We did better than expected, honestly. Dad is with us, and mom will see the merit of our love, eventually. C'mon, let's spend the evening indoors, hmm? Unless you have some pressing royal duties?" She giggled as he took her on his back and carried to bed. "Ooooh I like what you're thinking!" They laid down in bed and snuggled. Crystal needed to talk over the meeting to put things in her head. She kissed his chest and listened to his heart. "I know we're supposed to be back on the road but... for some reason, I actually want to be going you know? I put my things in order, got my crystal wedding like I could only dream about... but I want to look into the future, not clutch to my past, you know?" She laughed a bit as she recalled smething - "now that I think of it, I have enough crystals in my posession to make full size statues of us, and tere's enough material left for, I dunno, twenty foal sculptures? Now that your mother tricked me with the golden root, and with our tendency to... get busy... we'll hit twenty before the first century! That's some thought..." She laid for a moment, thinking of how it would be to have so many foals.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare listened to her plan for their future and what she can do with the crystals. He smiled and kissed her with the mention of twenty foals. "You sure are serious of having our own town that is just our children." He rolled her on her back and kissed her. "Lets worry about our first two first. No need to rush, we have like eternity together. But I love your plan. If you act like you did when we bonded, I may not have a choice but keep giving you foals. You are scary wile you are in heat." He gave her a warm kiss.


The next morning they said their goodbyes. Nightmare promised to get her up to their house before she delivers. He thought Crystal would love to have her first two foals in the empire. When all the tears finished they were once more on the road. Nightmare made sure Crystal was as happy as he could make her. She thought she would never be normal again and will always be in her crystal look. Crystal had more reading lessons each morning, she started to get the simple words memorized. They were on the road a month, Nightmare had them stop off at a few locations where he knew of dream root trees. He did not want his wife to run out of them. He did not want a repeat of Brutus. Crystal managed to get the language learned enough she started reading scrolls about the nightmares. One in particular she wanted to know about.


She read about the challenge for the right to be the main wife. The challenge was a way for a mare to show her love to the husband or future husband. As Nightmare had told her before. If the one being challenged would not accept it, she showed she did not love her husband and would be exiled. Seems that is one of the few divorce like customs they have. She read that the winner will be noted as the main wife who is in charge of the other wives. Though in some cases the husband can change it to his favorite wife at his choosing. The part of the challenge that talked about a challenge set forth to a mare with foal already is the winner by default. The winner either way can decide to accept the losing mare to join as a wife, or turn them away. The worst case is if they tried to cheat they can be banished.


They were now about half way through their trip South. They found themselves in a high mountain range. One day the caravan stopped to the sound of the horn. A lone pony was before them. Crystal heard a voice call out as loud as possible. "I am Night Flower, I am here to challenge the mare who says she is Nightmare Season's wife." Nightmare hearing this looked as his wife. He helped her to climb down from the wagon and escort her to the front where the voice came from.


There before them, a lone nightmare mare stood with her small wagon behind her. She looked like she was on the road just as long as them but did not have the luxuries they had.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare giggled when he rolled her on her back. She listened to the stallion calming her that they have enough time. Although the mention about her being scary made her laugh. "Hahaha that was rich!  I wasn't THAT desperate wasn't I? Okay, I so was, like, Rawr! Give me a foal, now! " She laughed some more.


Next morning the caravan had to move out. Crystal Clear bid farewell to her family and friends, but heard Nightmare's promise to bring her back North before she gave birth.  That was actually a pretty interesting idea...


They travelled South, and, to Crystal's big surprise, she just kept shining. She was so happy with her husband. Even with the first symptoms of her pregnancy appeared. A week or so after the crystal wedding,  she was hit by morning nausea, nearly every day. She had to eat breakfast in the carriage, and a light one too, or it wouldn't remain in her stomach. As a side effect, she had less energy but otherwise was healthy. Funny enough, it seemed that bonding improved her linguistic skills - her reading lessons were going better and Crystal managed to actually read some scrolls, like the one about challenging the wife. It still concerned her, despite the fact that an oracle and her own body confirmed that she was pregnant - she missed her next period. Still, she didn't feel really safe.


And so came the time of challenge. One day, without warning, a horn signalled a stop. Crystal Clear heard a loud female voice uttering a challenge.  They exchanged looks - the mare was worried. With shaky legs and help of her husband, she came out of the carriage and walked to the front of their column. There she was, the one who would challenge her, just as Hearts-Dream foretold. She took a deep breath to steady her voice. "I am Crystal Clear,  Nightmare Season's first and only! Approach, Night Flower, let's not yell at each other for all of the mountains to hear!"


The nightmare mare did just that, and looked as if she was ready to tear the poor crystal pony apart where she stood. Crystal motioned Nightmare to lend an ear, when the challenger was still away. "If I get it right, then I won by default, right? I can't risk our foals in a fight, I don't want to... you know... loose them." Her voice was a rather obvious cue that she wasn't just hiding behind her belly,  and would fight if needs be, but hoped her current state would be enough of a proof. "Also, what do you think of her? I don't want to share you but... it's your decision too."


Crystal Clear fidgeted with her talisman, making sure it was clearly visible that she was expecting.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare looked down at Crystal after she asked him about fighting. She seemed nervous. He patted her amulet, "You are not allowed to fight with this. As for your winning choice, that is for you to decide. This is a ritual after all. I can't step in." With that he walked away from his wife to the onlookers. His mother also came up beside him with a smile. There was Crystal all alone waiting for the mare to get closer."


"So you are Crystal hu?" She heard the mare say when she was in range to no longer have to yell. "I knew Nightmare Season since we were both foals. My father received word that he was coming home with someone pretending to be his wife. I am here to challenge you and prove to these ponies you don't actually love....." She seem to have froze in place. She finally noticed her amulet and how it was carved. "But...but...." She looked around at the gathered to confirm what she saw. Many of the ponies just nodded. She lowered her head. "I have lost then." She walked up to Crystal and bowed her head all the way to the ground. "You win. I will accept your choice on what is to be done with me." Crystal now noticed she looked terrible. Traveled a long way by herself and looked a bit under weight from lack of food. There was also a tear in her eye.


As Crystal looked to Nightmare for some clue as to what he wanted, he had already started walking back to the caravan. Guess it was up to her to make the decision.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Okay, so no fighting today, that was something. But her husband gave her no cue on what to do, and even walked away into the small crowd of onlookers. She was... alone in this. Crystal looked around for something, anything that would point her towards the right choice, but neither Nightmare nor Hearts-Dream showed any signs, well, anything. They were just there. And the mare was getting closer.


Crystal har a hard time talking to the mare. All she managed was a stammerer "Y-yes" when she asked her name. Her legs felt shaky and her nerves were on edge as the mare delivered her rhetoric blows. then something happenned - Night Flower paused, and lost her confidence. She must've noticed the amulet, judging by her reaction. Crystal made a weak smile and said "T-twins, just over a month now. That's why I don't look, you know..."


Night Flower looked... pretty terrible now that she could have a better look at her. It made the crystal pony feel bad for her. Crystal took a glance at Nightmare for a last chance to get a cue but he... he was walking back to the carriage?! That made her feel even worse. She looked again at the mare bowed before her and took a deep breath to calm her nerves some.


"I... I'm sorry. I won't welcome you by my husband's side." Uttering that sentence felt like somepony was tearing her heart out. With a spoon. "But you can join our caravan, there's safety in numbers a-and you could both catch up with each other..." She hoped the other mare wouldn't take it as a sign she took pity on her, nopony should be looked down upon just because they didn't look at their best at the moment. "You don't have to answer n-now, just... think about it." She sniffed and felt a tear forming in her eye. "I-I'm sorry!" Crystal turned back and ran to the carriage. She barged in and jumped at the nearest pillow, into which she began crying like she neved did. Her shiny coat was gone - she looked normal again and more importantly, she felt awful. Her husband left when she needed him, presented with an impossible choice when she was to choose the lesser evil. But fow whom?! She didn't want to share - did it make her posessive? Mean? Unfit to be with a nightmare pony? What if Nightmare would like a second wife? What will she do when the next challenger appears? And the next?


She didn't have answers for any of this. So she cried, and couldn't stop.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare did not like having to turn away and walk from his wife. She was declared the victor so every onlooker had to leave before the decision was made by Crystal. He waited till he saw Crystal run back into the wagon. She was no longer shinny. He followed her to find out how she chose. He went in and hugged his crying wife. "It's alright. What is done is done. Not every customs we have is easy to do." He gave her a gentle kiss to help calm her down.


She was angry at him, for leaving her to make the choice. Nightmare took it. When she finally settled down the caravan had started to move again. He kept her in a loving embrace and told her about how every pony was to leave before her verdict was given. It helps a little he says. One good bit of news she heard from him, once word got around about her foals. There will no longer be any challenges. Seems Night Flower had left right after the first letter, so she had no way of knowing they did get married and bonded.


She finally told him of her choice. He seemed relived to her her choice. He hugged her to thank her. "I only ever want you. The whole wives thing is for feeding. With the roots, I don't need another wife. You will no be hurt from feeding to often. Besides....I know a few stallions with us that will probably approach her now. She can find another husband."


Nightmare did his best to bring her shiny coat back to her for the rest of the day. When they stopped that evening for camp, they found themselves at a mountain lake.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


She heard the carriage creak gently as somepony got in. She looked up from the pillow she made so thoroughtly wet with her tears. It was Nightmare Season. She was too far gone in her crying fit to say anything - she just sniffed and looked at him with reddened eyes as he took a spot next to her, and gently lifted her off the pillow into a comforting hug. At least he tried to be with her now...


"*sniff* Y-you left me! A-and I didn't know what to do, and she... she..." A reassuring kiss silenced her for a moment. The overwhelming sadness slowly dissipated as she took comfort in his hooves, but another emotion took it's place - anger. "Why you left me there, without a slightest cue?! Hearts-Dream told me to ask, when the challenge comes, and you didn't answer! How was I supposed to decide if I never laid eyes on that mare, and y-you knew her from bucking diapers!" She huffed and put a token effort to get free from his hug. Nightmare just waited it out. She came with round two. "Do you even know how I felt back there? Clueless about everything but most basic customs, with no support from you, having to decide if I want to accept some strage mare to live with you or not? And what if I chose wrong? Displeased you? Would you put a collar on a mother of your foals?!" Aother angry huff, round three. "And what if I don't want to share? Do your customs even take the mare's will into account? G-get your hoof off my foals damnit! I'll walk back all the way to the Empire if you keep pulling off tricks like that, you hear me?!"


Eventually, the mare's rage burned out, and she stopped fighting and yelling. Crystal just lied in that steady embrace and huffed audibly. Nightmare decided to make use of the silent treatment and fill her in on the finer details of the challenge custom, and that she's safe from any more challenges now that she carries his foals. As he finished, she settled some. Crystal pouted as the last, feeble attempt at defiance. "I sent her away, just so you know. But allowed her to tag along, she looked terrible and malnourished. I couldn't just tell her to go buck off. So if you reeeeally want to reaquaint yourself with her, I guess she'll be around."


He squeezed her a bit too tight in a "thank you" bear hug. Somehow she thought she looked like Nightmare when he got hugged by Brutus. "Can't... breathe... Uuugh, what the hay? You want to kill me?" She finally snuggled into a more comfortable, and intmate position. He wasn't mad, she chose right. And Night Flower wasn't a lost case too. As long as she doesn't try to make her husband cheat on her... Crystal Clear wiped her eyes with a foreleg and looked up at her husband. "I'm still mad at you, just so you know. Don't think you'll squirm away with just a killer hug." She may talk tough, but the way she snuggled to him undermined any and all evidence of her supposed fury.


The rest of the day was... okay. Crystal didn't shine, but felt good. A couple more hours of pretty much snuggling to her husband settled her mind and emotions, so that was good. Eventually, it was time to get out as the doors opened and Mignight poked her head in to annouce they stopped for the night. The mare got out after her stallion, who made sure she didn't fall out after basically laying for a few hours. She needed a stretch or seven to get the blood flowing, but otherwise was fine. She looked around and smiled at the scenery: "Views like this make me wish I was a painter, you know? This place just begs to be immortalised on canvas. The grey mountains with white snow caps, the reddish sky... and that blue lake. Care for a stroll to take a better look at it?"


They took a short walk towards the lake. It looked so pure and perfect. The mare looked at the water and saw her reflection. Soon another figure joined. "I still can't believe that I'm supposed to look like that forever... I don't suppose you could make me younger? Twenty or so? Heh, thought so. That's just mares for you, even immortality is not enough haha!" She looked up and took in the view. "Daamn... I could live here, you know. A small crystal cabin, just the two of us... Well, soon four. Ehh, let's go back, I'm getting sentimental. Sometimes I wonder if it's really me or my hormones talking." She nuzzled into her husband's neck and went back to camp.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne, @@Raven Rawne,


He took his wife out for a stroll to the lake's edge. She seemed to have settled down and was enjoying the view. Her question about becoming younger sadly was not possible. "Eternal life, not a youth spell." He nuzzled her. "Besides, don't think I will be able to handle you if you were younger." When they had their fill of the fresh mountain air, they walked back to camp together.


They were met by the mare that had issued the challenge earlier. She was waiting by their tent for the couple to return. She seemed to have gotten cleaned up and rested as another pony pulled her wagon. Looked like she still needed to eat though. "So twins?" She asked Crystal. "Never heard a pony having two before. I must have looked silly saying you did not truly love him. To be honest, as I see it now.....I only had a fascination for your husband." She walked up to Crystal to look at her amulet better. "This is beautiful. Have not seen a crystal like this before. I hope you will have healthy foals."


She then turned to Nightmare Season. "I only came all the way out here cause I was told you two were just faking it. Thought I would make a good wife for you. Though it seems I must now look for a different husband, your main wife will not let me share you. I don't blame her either." She turned to leave the two to themselves. Crystal stopped her. She told the mare about the roots and that they could give her nourishment. At first she seemed to not believe such a thing till Nightmare told her. "Those are what I fed on for years after I ran away. Only downside is we have to eat regular food as well. Not just for show."


Night Flower was hungry and decided to try a couple from their stash. The look said it all that she also hated it. But she ate them up once she felt the energy of dreams in them. Crystal at least felt a bit better now after her choice.


That night, Nightmare tried to bring her back to crystallize. And the following morning they departed . Night Flower now with the caravan.


Another month had passed. Crystal now could read with ease their words. so those lessons had stopped. Night Flower had a few of the stallions approach her to court her. Apparently she had chosen one of them. The day they stopped had them on the edge of that vast desert. "After we get past this we are home sweety." He told Crystal. She started showing a little bump on her abdomen at this point that he made sure to lovingly rub. "I lived here with Brutus for a time. Want to go check out his cave. Want to see if something grew there.


Nightmare led his wife into the hills a ways. There they had found a cave. He lead her inside where he use to live after running away. It was not especially homey to say the least. At one point it seemed something went on a rampage inside and destroyed many things. "This is what happened when I fed to much off of Brutus. He lost his mind and I left." He lead her to what was his bedroom, There he had tried his best to reproduce the scroll he had lost. Though his drawings made her laugh.


His room had an opening to the outside that he crawled through and she followed. There was a little patch of an oasis. She knew when she saw it, he had tried to grow his own dream trees. They were but tiny saplings. But they had survived and grew slightly. "At the time they were to small to have roots. Seems they took now." He dug up one of the roots. It was different. The colors waving through them were much brighter than what they both were use to. Not the dull grey and brown shades.


As he tasted one his eyes went wide. "Crystal, taste this." She did such and to her amazement, it was sweet. "It seems cultivated ones are not bitter." He gave Crystal a kiss and she returned it. She was getting fed up with the taste for so long. Now they knew the secret to have them taste better.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


They were nearing their tent when Crystal spotted Night Flower. She was waiting by the entrance. The red mare greeted her with a dose of suspicion - she cleaned up and apparently had a bit of rest, although she still looked starved. The black mare spoke first, and Crystal decided to let her say her part without interruption. Only once Night Flower said her part and took interest in her crystal amulet did the expecting mother speak up,  with a small smile.  "It's called Aurora Borealis. The crystal. They're pretty rare and took their name from the lights dancing on the night sky in my homeland... Oh and, uh, thanks for the kind words." She remained silent as Night adressed Nightmare, but her smile widened st the remark that Night wouldn't share him either.


"Wait! I uh... we can share some dream energy with you. I don't want to be rude but you look starved and the evening matches are a slim chance to get some food for you. We uhh, found roots that contain dream energy. Taste us awful but Nightmare could live off them for a while." Night Flower didn't buy it until Nightmare confirmed it. With nothing to loose and an empty stomach, Night gave them a try. She also found the taste revolting, but at least fed some. Crystal felt a little better with this random act of aid.


A month has passed.  Crystal Clear was now in her second month, out of the usual ten. Since she carried twins,  the bump in her abdomen was already clearly visible. Nightmare Season seemed to take great pleasure in touching his wife's belly, and she didn't mind the extra attention...


They were standing on the edge of a huge desert. The mare already felt the cursed sand chafing her coat under her dress with every gust of wind. Still, not enough of an issue to stop her from shining 24/7. She nuzzled her husband's neck. "I can't wait to see your home love. Lead the way to Brutus place then.  Just keep a slower pace,  okay?" They ventured off from the rest of the caravan, in the direction of hills she could see in the distance. The walk was slow with all that sand under her hooves.  Seems there was some special way of walking on this thing since Nightmare was much faster. Eventually,  they found a cave. "What happened here... The whole place is just... wrecked." Nightmare said it was Brutus. Well it made sense. They went to the stallions old bedroom. She saw his drawings, crude copies of the scroll he lost. She laughed sincerely. "I really hope our foals won't take the artistic skills after their daddy." Nightmare crawled through a small opening outside,  and she reluctantly followed. It was a tight fit, with her larger belly, and she really didn't like that she stained her dress, but the sight if a small oasis, and in it, tiny dream trees made it almost worth it. "Hmm, so you took to gardening too?" She listened as he explained and dug out a root. She also noticed it looked different. Nightmare tasted it before she could protest. Then he offered her one, but his excitement told her to to question his judgement. She was ready to drink half of the pond nearby to wash the awful taste, but to her surprise, it was... sweet? He stated the obvious and they exchanged kisses. Now Crystal was on the case. She looked around and thought out loud. "Alright... so we nailed the secret. Now we need to think of a way to make them grow... Dud you just put the roots in the ground and water the soil? Hmm... maybe we could dig them out and put in pots, so they could be carried with the caravans. But how to make them grow?" She patted her chin in deep thought for several minutes, then exclaimed.  "Wait! Tell me, the trees you already discovered, did they tend to grow close to pony settlements?  Well, close being a relative term?" Maybe they soak up the dreams of ponies and that makes them grow? Sounds like ramblings of a pregnant mare on the verge of a heat stroke, I know but..." She inspected the tiny trees, as if they could share their secret to her. 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


He listened to her thoughts. When he thought about it himself it did make sense. "I have noticed the trees grows close to settlements. The larger ones closer to larger cities. Seems they soak up the dreams that are around and store them." He kissed his wife for that deduction. "I had cut a few branches and got roots to sprout. Some of the larger trees have seeds on occasions."


When the two got back to camp, he sent a couple of ponies to transplant the saplings into pots. He was going to bring a couple back to their future home to grow. That night Nightmare went to his wife and told her what the next few days will be like. "The land before us is Saddle Arabia. Our home is on the other side of it. We are not really on the best of terms with them. So we will no longer set camp till we get safely to the other side. We will be traveling both day and night. Stopping only to allow the ponies to switch out who pulls the wagons and those to sleep in the wagons. We will be inside the wagon at all time. Hope you don't go crazy on me to much." He jokingly told her as he planted a big kiss on her snout.


The next morning saw them head out across the sands. The dreaded ocean of sand she did not want to see, but she was alright with her husband next to her. As he said, they never stopped except for a few breaks to rotate the ponies. In was two weeks of that, Crystal felt like she would go crazy just laying around and reading for her spare time. Nightmare made sure she was as happy as he could make her.


One early morning the caravan stopped to a horn. Off in the distant a horn sounded as well. "Seems we are there." Crystal was so happy she bolted out of the wagon to look around. There before them was a vast rocky mountain range. Behind was the sands. There was a slight valley that cut its way through the mountain. As she looked around she noticed a settlement of tents in the valley. Ponies and nightmares approaching. "These mountains separate us from Saddle Arabia. Once we pass the guards we are home." Nightmare said as he walked up beside her. They both decided to walk the rest of the way. The sun barring down on them. Crystal found out that their clothing attire somehow made the heat more bearable. She had thought less would be better, but more seemed to work better. Now she understood why they were always dressed going through the desert.


They made camp on the other side of what looked like barricade tents. Now she saw the nightmare army. Mostly what looked like normal ponies as the forces and a few nightmares as the leaders. She also noticed Midnight was out hugging a stallion with a foal hugging her leg. three other mares were standing by them as well.


"Tomorrow love is when we will see the capital. And I can properly show you out new home." He gave her a kiss to get her hopes up.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


She looked at him funny. "So... I figured it out?" A kiss was enough of an answer. Crystal hugged her husband and nuzzled him happily. They got back to camp and Nightmare ordered some of the ponies to replant the saplings into pots. Now they had their own trees, and if the theory was correct, they would grow faster with ponies around.


They have spent the next two weeks locked up in the carriage. Crystal was happy to spend time with her husband, but lack of movement and monotematic views from the windows, just sand everywhere, have also taken their toll. She irritated more easily, and her normally well toned body started to become rather plush. She also gained some weight, but that was to be expected for a pregnant mare.  One morning she was laying in a corner, trying to keep herself away from heat when a horn was heard at the head of their caravan. Another one answered up ahead. She got up, slowly, and looked outside. Nightmare announced they reached their destination. Crystal Clear noticed the carriage stopped and jumped off it through the door.  She landed on hot sand, but at last was outside! She took in the views and noticed a settlement in the valley up ahead. Nightmare joined her and told her how things were. "Can we walk to the village, please?" The crystal puppy eyes must've worked,  because Nightmare Season agreed.  They walked side by side all the way to the settlement.  Crystal noticed that dressing up from hooves to snout, as her husband told her when they entered the desert, worked better than wearing nothing as far as heat protection went. Still, she was a bit tired when they reached the tents. Fortunately, the caravan proceeded to set camp behind the barricades. It seemed they entered a military camp, with lots of ponies at arms and some nightmares acting like officers. It made sense based on what she heard from Nightmare.  She also noticed that Midnight reunited with her family. That was a really heartwarming sight. 


He told her tomorrow they'll reach the capital.  Crystal looked st him, with a pleasant smile,  shining like she did for the most of their trip. "I won't lie, I'm all too happy to be done with the trip. I am also curious of the home that awaits us. Although,  one thing kind of bugs me. Well, two actually.  Will the rest of your family be there? Don't get me wrong but... they didn't seem too nice in your memories. I'm a bit, dunno, scared to meet them? Other thing is the coronation and all that. You mentioned trials, and I don't kniw a thing about them.  Or about my role as the Sultans wife for that matter... Care to shine some light on my ignorance? " She noticed their tent was being set up next, but not ready yet. So she looked around for some shade.  "Hmm... any good spots we could hide from the sun and get some water? I'm still a pony of the cold North, after all..."

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare led the mare to what seemed like a mess hall tent. There she found like a small cafeteria. The tent had fans tied to rafters that kept moving due to magic. It gave a slight breeze to help with the heat. There was also water and food waiting for all the tired ponies from their travels. "My family will be there to present me to the council. If I am proven legit, they get royalty titles. And yes, they are cruel so best keep an eye on them. The trials will test my blood and strength. Should I fail the ones that deems me a true born.....I will be killed. My family will be banished for deceit. You will be sold off to another husband." He saw how Crystal did not like that news one bit. "Well I for one have the pony that made me from her dreams, I don't think it is possible for me to fail. I will explain each trial as it comes."


Crystal now noticed the power of her amulet. The line she went to for food and water allowed her to move to the front. She had a seat waiting for her where a pony got a cushion for her to sit on. The culture really did treat expecting mares like queens. As she ate and drank, Nightmare told her some more things to expect about her role as his wife. "Like I mentioned before, during meals you are to serve me first, then yourself before the other guests serves them selves. As the main wife, if I had others, you would be in charge of them. I can send you with a letter as a messenger to deliver my orders, but you have to authority to make your own. You are basically there for foal bearing and feeding. And keeping me company. Since you are mine. The other ponies has to treat you with some respect. With that amulet you will be treated basically like a queen, when you are not with foal, you will be treated like any other pony here."


The couple retired to their tent for the night. The first night in two weeks they did not have a moving bed. The next morning saw them off. The caravan had changed, few of the original nightmare ponies came with them. Now there was a great deal more helfbreed nightmares and regular ponies. Crystal started noticing the shorter horns on the halfbreeds. The caravan was much larger since they now had others with them. Their destination was their capital, or what her husband called it. It was more like a gathering of all the clans. They did not have a permanent building anywhere.


Close to mid-day they heard several horns off in the distant sound, then their own. Crystal wanted to get out and see her new home. Nightmare stopped the wagon so they could walk in. As Crystal looked out at the city, it was a sight alright. A large gathering of ponies and tents. She now could see the sear lack of nightmares among the normal ponies. "Most of the normal ponies you see are all sons and daughters of nightmares. Some you see are wives and husbands that married into a clan, some were foal-napped and brought here. One of the reasons we are not liked by outside ponies." Crystal noticed that the tents seemed to be crammed together in groups. A few large tents had a different banner flying over them. "Each group you see is a different clan. The capital is where the most gather at any given time. So giving you an address will be a bit hard."


As they approach Crystal noticed why they had set up tents there. There were several small springs that popped up all over the place. A touch of green grass and trees formed around the land. She bolted to feel grass under her hooves again. Nightmare taken by surprised dashed after her. Crystal found herself in what could be called a street. Some places were shops selling silks and gems from their land. Some were restaurants. Some tents she avoided cause they looked important with guards standing guard. There were a few sights that made her heart drop. Slaves.


Nightmare caught up to her and moved her away from them, he knew her past. He will explain that latter. Nightmare led his wife to the center of that large camping trip as she noted. There she saw sitting in the middle of that city, was the largest tent she never thought she would see. It was grand and stood above all the rest. No flag was flying over that one, but she felt like it was her new home. It was even set up by a small stream and lake. "Welcome home sweety." Nightmare told her. "This is our main tent, the one we were in was just for traveling." She noticed the other ponies had parked her cart out front of it and their wagon. Several ponies were unpacking their things and taking them inside.


He led her inside, It felt more like a home now. There was actually different rooms inside of that large tent. And what looked like a throne room in the center. Did not have a chair but several finally decorated cushions. Looking around now gave her a clue as to how rich they were. It made their other tent feel like a commoner's tent. She went exploring the different rooms.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Nightmare Season led her inside a large tent. Once inside, the mare noticed it was a mess hall of sorts.  The line was pretty long but the ponies waiting have insisted to let her to the front. She figured it was because of her amulet - her husband said expecting mothers were treated specially. They sat by one of the tables.  The mare had a big cup of water and some salad. She listened to Nightmare as he laid out the future events to her. She put a foreleg protectively on her belly when he mentioned all the bad things that could happen.  She didn't say it out loud but she'd rather die with her foals than be sold to another. Another thing she noticed, and didn't like, was how other nightmares will perceive her - food and entertainment. Somehow the time they were travelling seemed all the better now that she thought of the normal rules that will apply to her. At least she knew her company and they treated her well.


 Night went as usual,  but it was nice to be still rather than in a ricketing carriage. Morning was also rather usual - get up, endure morning nausea, stare in the mirror and notice your body changing,  get dressed, into the carriage. The caravan was larger, but only some of her travel companions were still around.  It seemed they were under heavy military escort. She saw halfbreeds for the first time and began to tell them apart from full bloods.


By midday, they were there. She heard the horns and got up on her hooves to look out. "Can we just walk in? I can't see much through that tiny window..." Nightmare stopped the carriage and helped her get out. For some reason, even simple tasks were far more exhausting now. They walked by their transport, in case they needed to get back in for some reason. Crystal Clear could take in the sights and sounds of the nightmare pony "cspital". It was busy and large. Not as large as the Empire, or do she thought, but big for a gathering of tents in the desert. Nightmare Season provided useful information to her.


As they got really close, she noticed trees - there was an oasis here. Crystal saw a spring with grass all around it, like a public square.  She didn't really think, it was an impulse - she dashed to feel the grass under her hooves. Only once she lifted her snout from the green carpet, having smelled fresh grass for the first time in months, did she notice that Nightmare ran after her. "Eheh, sorry. I just had to the moment I saw it. Another crazy pregnant wife thing on the list." They continued the walk and she noticed all kinds of shops and businesses. At some time she froze in place, staring intently with an intense, but mixed expression.   A slave pen.  Nightmare had to literally carry her away. The stallion led his wife to the center of the tent city, towards the biggest tent she ever saw. Crystal wasn't sure if it was even possible to make a tent that big without collapsing. At first she thought it's a public structure, since it had no flag. Only once Nightmare welcomed her home did she realise it's theirs. She was positively speechless.


The stallion led her in, and Crystal Clear slowly took in all that she saw. The mare went deeper in to explore their new home. There were like,  ten bedrooms, probably for the lesser wives,  and one big main one. The bed was so grand that Nightmare could sleep with all those ten wives at once and still be somewhat comfortable. There was storage space, a meeting room and day area, all big enough to accommodate the wives. Also some smaller rooms, now empty.  Crystal found her husband in the throne room. He was eyeing the main cushion, as if unsure if he could sit on it. "This place is just... huuuge. We'll need to think about some rearrangement though, half the space are bedrooms. " Age noticed how he looked at the quasi throne and nuzzled his neck.  "C'mon, you know you're a true born. You'll pass the trials, I know it. And then you'll be the best Sultan ever, promise." She looked around the room.  "Am I supposed to be around as eyecandy during your audiences? The cushions seem to be arranged like for the wives... Or advisors maybe. There's so much I still don't know. So how much time we have before I see your family and the trials begin? No offence but I don't really look forward to meeting them in pony. Or having them near my foals for that matter."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As his wife went to explore the maze that was their tent, Nightmare remained in the main hall and went to the cushion area. There he will be for a great deal of time. His own form of slavery will soon begin, and he dragged Crystal into the same cage as him. He only broke his train of thought when a warm nuzzle woke him up. He returned the nuzzle as it was her turn to comfort him. "It is not the trials I fear. It is the golden cage we two love birds have found ourselves in. I took you from saving your friend from slavery to bringing you into a different form of slavery." He lead her up to the cushions. "I will sit here in the center, You as my main wife will sit on my right. The other cushions are for other wives and then family. When we are in audience with other ponies. They will make two rows on either side, They bring their own cushions. You will notice each clan has their own colors and designs. You noticed the banners right? You and me after I am fully accepted as sultan will design our own, then a banner will wave over this tent first time over two thousand years."


He looked over at the halls and rooms separated by the cloth of the tent. "We can even turn one of the rooms into your private workshop. I need to show off the skills of my wife best I can after all. Get that trade route started from interest gained from what you make." He looked around at his new home and all the riches that was passed to him from their last sultan. "Hope you can find peace here." he kissed his wife.


Hearts-dream came in after a wile. She had found her own spot in the city to set up her tent and came to visit. "How is my daughter doing?" She asked as she went over to sit with them. "I over heard that your family as been notified and is on their way. She hugged Crystal in a loving embrace. With a whisper in her ear she told her, "Don't worry, if they so much as look at you funny, I will deal with them." With that she bid her farewell till tonight when the counsel will come.


Nightmare nuzzled her. "Seems the counsel will come tonight. The oracles will come with them. So we are free till then. Shall we head out and I can show you around?"

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The shiny mare frowned at the frequent mentions of the S-word. "I wouldn't even think of calling our predicament like that. Yes, royalty has a ton of stuff to do, and a lot of it it... rather pointless in fact, but don't put a parallel between us and those ponies I saw, alright?" Her voice was a bit shaky at the end, but she followed him to the cushions and listened to his little lecture. Crystal replied to his inquiry about banners with a simple "Uh-huh" and a nod. So they will design their own banner? That would be interesting.


The mention abut a workshop piqued her interest. "Hmm, it would be nice to get back to work, buuuut I need some alchemy ingredients, and a mini lab to make the formula which allows the crystals to grow into a single piece. Plus, I probably won't have the strength to do anything major, not with the babies inside." She ran a hoof through her steadily growing underside. "Maybe I could scrap my old cart and make pots for the dream trees? No point in using up the better crystals for them..." It seemed she was already planning her work schedule, pating her chin as she tend to and smiling. A kiss brought her back to the present, and she returned it. "Don't worry, things will be alright as long as we're together."


They were resting in the "throne room", making some rudimentary plans when the alicorn showed up. The mare gave her a wave from her cushion. "I'm fine, thanks. Still trying to get used to all that, but  guess I'll be fine." She made a wide motion around her with a foreleg. Crystal frowned slightly at the mention of Nightmare's family - truth be told, she considered them more of a foster family than anything else at this point. He had a mother after all. The alicorn's embrace was different, but still very nice. Those wings felt amazing when she wrapped them around the crystal mare. She smiled and nodded at her mother in-law. Seems like she had to have some secret plan going on at all times.


Nightmare Season told her that they will probably have a busy evening. Crystal Clear wasn't really looking forward to it, but it's not like she could stop time, so... "Hmm, actually, why not. I can't just lie around like a bottle of fine brandy, do I?" She got up, slowly, and smoothed out her dress. "Shall we, love?" She asked in a semi seductive manner.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare and Crystal walked outside, with the moister in the air from all the springs and plants about, it was some what cool. Well in tolerable levels. There was a lot of ponies walking around, shopping and talking. She noticed very few foals were around. Guess the part of them having few offspring were true as well. They walked together this time.


He took her around to shops he could find so he could show her what they had. Many had silks for sale. Fewer shops had dresses and gowns for sale. One place sold the different amulets. She guessed now that Nightmare wanted hers to be special and hoof made hers. The city was set up, it seemed, in clumps. "Each section you see will be apart of a different clan. The counsel will be one or two from each clan. Clans are the family and other ponies that are with them. Each one has their own ways and customs."


When he finished his tour, the two of them headed back. Nightmare carried a few vegetables back Crystal really wanted. When they were close to home, they passed by the gypsy tent that Hearts-dream owned. Seemed she had a line for her fortune telling. A few mares with a similar design amulet. Guess she would be loved in this culture. Nightmare paused their walk so he could ask his mother to come by. Wanted her next to Crystal as the rest of the ponies shows up. She agreed after she finishes up with her clients. As they started going back Nightmare mentioned. "She is going to become very busy."


When they got back the sun was starting to go down. Crystal noticed that ponies started setting up a table and food upon it. A section just for them, and a much larger table stretching across the floor in front of their cushions. Looked like they were preparing a long runway in front of them. Nightmare had the food put away and he led Crystal up to he seat. As they finished setting up the food Nightmare gave his wife a few pointers. "Remember to properly serve the food, first me then you. Don't want to get ponies made at us on the first night do we? Also when the talks are going on, you must remain silent unless you are asked a question or talked to first. Each clan by tradition will bring gifts. It is a sign that they will accept me as sultan. Those that do not present us a gift will challenge me tomorrow as a test.  When it comes to gift giving....It is not unusual to present a slave, so we might get one or two given to us. We must not act like we hate it, otherwise we insult the clan that presented it. So try your best not to look upset should that happen." He hugged his wife to insure her things will be alright.


Their mother came in as the two were hugging. "Seems I came first then. Where will you like me to sit son?" She asked as she walked around the large table. Crystal patted the cushion next on her right. "Next to her please. Help keep her safe and calm if you can?" Nightmare said. She went over to sit next to Crystal, "So how are things going so far?" She asked Crystal.


Short time latter three nightmares showed up at the entrance. Wildfire and what looked like his adoptive father and mother. "Look who finally came home." The stallion said. "After everything we did for you, you ran away and tried to make us look foolish? Well now that we are here, I suppose you want us to sit on your right I assume?" They started heading to his right side, the alicorn wrapped Crystal under her wing. "You three will be on my left." Nightmare told them. Crystal noticed they did not take a fancy to that, but seemed they had to agree. The mare was the next to speak as they found their seats. "Looks like you managed to find a wife. And you got her pregnant already? Seems you were not as useless as I took you for." Nightmare looked at her. "I know you always hated me, but you will leave my wife alone. "You will get your title tonight, then I want you out of here." Nightmare told them.


A horn sounded and they looked to the entrance. There was a pony there looking for permission. Nightmare nodded and the pony stepped aside to allow the clans to enter. Ponies and slaves brought in cushions of many different colors and decoration stitching and laid them along the table that was before them. When they finished they stood along the wall behind where they placed the cushions they brought. At that point pure blooded nightmare stallions in fancy outfits came in, many with a wife or two depending on how many cushions were laid for their clan. So the whole thing was about to begin.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


And so they took a walk. Radiance decided to join too, and perched herself on the mare's back. Seems she didn't want to be left alone.


Crystal made a few observations - first, the foals. Or lack thereof. She saw just a couple of them really, so, unless they're kept indoors at all times, Nightmare didn't exaggerrate. They kept to the markets and shops, since her husband wanted to show her the wares of his culture. She saw some fine things, and decided that nightmare ponies could easily make a bang with their silks. Another thing that seemed odd was that the whole city was arranged in clean cut districts, each one looking a bit differently. There was always some space between the tents of different groups. Nightmare Season explained they were set up by different clans. They bought some veggies that Crystal had a sudden urge to eat - another pregnancy quirk - and headed back. Radiance had an opportunity to fly freely, and pulled off some pretty neat stunts. Fortunately, she didn't cause any trouble - the bird was a mischevious sort.


They paused by the alicorn's tent - seems like she was cashing in on her fortune telling, jusging from the line of ponies by the entrance. Nightmare asked his wife to wait outside and excused himself inside. Soon he was back with her and said that he asked his mother to come over for the evening ceremony to heep the expecting mother company. Crystal actually liked this idea - one more pony on her side in this mess...


They went back home to witness the preparations for the evening feast - ponies were setting up food of all kind on tables - one, smaller, just for the Sultan and his retinue, and one, very long, for the guests. Nightmare put the edible treasures in another room and led his wife up to their seats. She took a comfortable position, a bit sideways to avoid putting pressure on her belly. On the downside, her foal bearing underside was exposed for everypony to see, and the dress only accenuated the bulge. She listened to the instructions. "Alright, the food serving part I rememember." She thought it was weird to demand table service from a pregnant mare - some things about nightmare culture were so dumb. She frowned deeply at the mention of slaves... again. The hug did little to improve her mood. She nodded and sighed. "Okay... I'll keep my mouth shut and try not to look angry, but if we do get any, we let them free, got it? They can be hired as servants, but as free ponies. I won't suffer slavery in my house."


She saw Hearts-Dream approaching. Her guardian angel, of sorts. When she asked where they wanted her to sit, there was only one correct answer. Crystal practiced the fine art of shutting up and patted the cushion next to her. Heart it was hard not to talk... Her mother in-law asked how she was, and Crystal shrugged. "Anxious doesn't do it any justice. I'm all freaked out, to be honest. Just the three of us against the Clans, his pseudo parents and Heart knows what else. And the slaves... I hate slavery..." Hearts-Dream tried to comfort her.


The sight of three nightmares, these... particular, nightmares, made her gulp audibly and instinctively cover her underside with a foreleg. The prospect of having them right next to her was unsettling, and her mother in-law wrapped a wing around her for emotional comfort. It helped, she didn't feel as exposed. Crystal nodded at the alicorn in thanks.


It seemed the party was about to start. the clans were taking their places by the large table. Crystal was thinking of all the nice things she could come up with, and her coat still shined, but she figured it was more because of the way her pregnancy made her happy than her current mood. She shifted herself under tle loving wing of her mother in-law, so it would be easier to get up and serve the stupid food. She was too nervous to eat anyway.


One last glance at Nightmare Season, a deep breath and a nuzzle from the alicorn. She won't be ready for thins, not in a thousand years. So it may as well start already.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The table that laid before them was crowded around by nightmares. A few normal ponies that they figured were wives. Several were talking with each other wile some looked around. One of the stallions noticed the crystal pony under the wing of the alicorn. She was still shining. "Might I ask you, what kind of pony are you to shine like a precious gem?" This Nightmare had three wives with him and he was a nice large and plump Stallion. With his question the crowed went hushed to hear her answer. Hearts-Dream removed her wing around her so the rest could see her properly. And her bulge from her foals inside her. Nightmare gave her a nod saying it was fine to answer him. When she finished that question, another one asked how far she was along. The group went hushed and gasped as she mentioned twins.


"Has an oracle verified this?" One of them asked, more out of shock then disbelief. Their reaction seemed to say they never heard of a mare with two before. Hearts-Dream answered that question. "I am an oracle, and I can see she will give birth to twins. A colt nightmare, and a filly crystal pony." The crowed was in aw at that news. "She ate a golden root that increases her chances to conceive." With that she help up the golden root she had been hiding. The one she took back from Crystal. The gathered erupted in talk and questions. A bidding war even started to buy it off her to give to their wife.


Nightmare called out, "I am sure we can talk more about the golden root when the time for trading starts. But for now, I think it best we get this started so we can feast. To my right is my wife and future mother to my foals. Many of them as we are told. Next is the pony that birthed me from her nightmares. She is also a talented oracle. To my left is the father that raised me from birth and his wife. Next is my brother Wildfire. My sister is with the oracles and will join shortly. They are here to receive nobility titles as is our customs. I believe we are ready for the test to prove my claim as sultan." He nodded to a guard that was standing by the entrance. He went out, soon after the sounds of drums echoed through the air. A steady beat to announce the oracles as they entered the tent. One was carrying a goblet of some kind. One of them with a table, and the other with a dagger.


As they approached them Nightmare whispered down to Crystal. "They will test my blood. If I am a true born, Then my blood dropped inside the goblet will burn. If not then it will just burst and die." The oracles were then followed by what looked to be two executioners. As they got to them, they set the table down between the family and the clans. Upon it was the goblet that looked to have black sand inside. Nightmare got up and walked over to it. The one with the dagger waited. The guards with their massive blades stood either side of Nightmare. "Nightmare Season. We are told you are true born and wish to take the title of Sultan. Should you prove true, than this is all yours and we your people. Should your words prove false. Then death will await you." Nightmare nodded to the oracle as he held out a hoof to her. With a quick poke, a drop of blood formed. He held it over the goblet to let the blood fall. As it hit the black sand, it ignited and burned a steady flame for all to see. "He is true born, and he is our sultan. Every pony there bowed to him as he walked back to sit with his wife. A few horns sounded outside to let the rest know, they finally had a sultan again. Cheering could be heard. 


Nightmare said "Let the fest begin." Before Crystal had a chance to get his plate one of the stallions stood up and Nightmare stopped her. "If you will honor me sultan, My daughter here just came of age. May she fancy you and be the one to serve your meal?" Nightmare nodded and the mare in question stood and walked over to him. Nightmare whispered to Crystal what was happening. "He basically wants to show off his daughter to us in hopes I will take her as a wife." The mare served him then Crystal. As soon as she had food in front of her, every clan there had their wives serve their husband then themselves. The feast had started.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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