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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Nightmare Season


One of the stallions took interest in her. Crystal looked to her husband for confirmation that it was OK to speak up, and he nodded. The removal of that nice wing made her feel exposed. "I am a crystal pony, from a land far to the North. Beyond Equestria, actually." Another one took interest in her pregnancy. "It's just the third month, but I carry twins, hence the look. She smoothed the dress around her belly. It seemed Hearts-Dream took over, and unasked. No fair. Still, she said her babies will be just like in that dream? Funny. But if it's true, then her daughter will end up as a wife to some nightmare... Hopefully she'll go North, as an ambassador maybe? Too early for that, the crowd was on the verge of a war for that root. Maybe they would accept the normal ones too...


Nightmare Season called out to bring the meeting to order. He then nodded to a guard and the Oracle's came.  This was it, all or nothing.  She glanced to see if her own dagger was in place. Nopony will trade her like a bag of potatoes! Nightmare approached the oracles and made his claim.  Crystal was shaking from anxiety. The goblet burned and he was pronounced legitimate. She breathed out like a deflating balloon, relieved.


Okay, time to do the table service... Crystal was about to get up when one of the guests spoke, and her husband motioned her to remain on her seat. She looked at him funny but fortunately, he explained. She smiled somewhat at the mention it was an attempt to net him a wife. Well she was kind of pretty alright, but they already discussed it.  No more wives. The mare looked down at her plate and thought about what to eat. Her eat all you can compass didn't point at anything available, but she took a small bite. More out of politeness than hunger, she was still rather stressed.


Crystal poked him gently and motioned to lend an ear. She asked him quietly: "So now that you were confirmed, will all the clans bow their heads, or some will test you because they can? I don't see a point in further trials myself." She looked at the assembled guests. If they could see how one sided their culture was... Everything for the stallion.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"In due time." He whispered to her. "After the feast we will see what they think." They all ate the food that was prepared for them. Crystal not sure about the different type of food, but her growing belly would take no for an answer and she ate. When the meal was coming to a close, they both noticed the clans starting to talk. "Now for the bragging competition." Nightmare had whispered to Crystal. And sure enough each stallion took his turn. Mostly starting with the one that finished eating first.


"We are the clan of Falling Sun. We pride ourselves in the making of the best silks. We accept you as sultan and present to you and your wife, our best works." With that said by the first clan. Servants carried over a few dresses and gowns for the couple. Crystal looked up, seems it was the presents time. "May these fine cloths favor your tastes." After that each clan stood in turn and announced themselves.


"We are the clan of Raging Fire. We pride ourselves as being the greatest warriors among the clans." Crystal recognized this one pony. He was the husband of Midnight, who she now noticed was sitting on his side where she could not see before. "We bring to you and your wife our best armor, Your wife looked like she needed a better set. However, before the gift is given, we value strength and wish to see you prove yourself tomorrow in combat with our greatest warrior. My wife will be your opponent." Nightmare agreed. Crystal was shocked a bit that she was the greatest warrior of the army clan.


"We are of the clan of Dark Waters. We are the only ones that sail the sea. We have the only ships to our nation. We bring you the wealth of the seas." He held up a string of pearls and rare shells. "Though we also wish to test you, We will not trust a sultan that is afraid of the water." Nightmare agreed to their challenge.


The next clan almost made Crystal giggle. It was the chubby one that asked about her and he had trouble standing up. He needed his three wives to help him stand. "We are Burning Sands. We are the ones who food was prepared for this feast. We have the best farmers and fields to keep our nation fed. We bring to you and your wife the bounty of our lands." A servant brought them baskets filled with many fruits and vegetables, many of which she did not know about. "May they keep your house fed."


"We are the clan Shooting Star. We pride ourselves as the greatest hunters and trackers. We have never failed to find our target. We bring you the wealth of some of those we hunted. It is yours after you show us your skills in espionage tomorrow." Nightmare agreed then whispered to Crystal who looked confused. "They hunt down those that have harmed our people. Bounty hunters as it were." Crystal did not like that thought.


The next clan she knew would be her least favorite. "We are the clan Poisoned Oasis. We train the best slaves and servants for the nation." Hearts-Dream held Crystal under her wing with this stallion talking. "We will honor you with this rare pony, She calls herself a unicorn. A pony not of these lands. Her parents hurt one of our foals so they were dealt with and their daughter became ours." A young mare not much older than a filly was brought in. She was a unicorn and she looked sad. Nightmare whispered to her. "Unicorns are not from around here. Also I will let you free her when this is over." The unicorn was taken to them where she stood behind them in fear.


This went on for a good amount of time. There was only three challenges issued and several gifts. There was clans that were good in jewellery and wagon building. Weapon and armor smithing and the likes. Crystal hated getting two slaves in total. The young unicorn and what seemed like a capture guard from another nation. When all the clans had a chance to announce themselves and present gift or challenge, it seemed that the business end had started. Stallions were discussing trades and wares to each other and taking orders. Nightmare asked Crystal. "Can you go get one of your berry bush and some Crystal Empire wears? Want to see if they will like my plan for trade."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


She wasn't impressed with the answer,  but it's not like she could file a complaint on it. Crystal Clear remained silent for the duration of the feast, and after some hesitation I'm her side,  she started eating. Mostly because she wasn't sure if she'd hold her meal. Still, seemed like her foals didn't like the thought of skipping meals and she ate rather much.


Nightmare leaned to her and filled her in on the next step of tonight's gathering. Seems like it was time for gifts and challenges.


Amongst the long list of clans,  the crystal mare took special notice in a few. The Raging Fire of course, since they announced Midnight Gleam as their best warrior. Now it made sense why their sparring were so one sided. Still, Nightmare faced worse and won. The Dark Waters were okay, but their challenge was a mystery. What will they ask for, to swim someplace? The Shooting Stars had an eerie air to them.  And they issued a challenge too. Crystal was jess than thrilled to have head hunters under her roof but it's not like she could do much about it.


And if course... the Poisoned Oasis. Her mother in-law wrapped a wing around the mare as soon as it became apparent what their specialty was. Crystal hated slavery with a passion, and gritted her teeth as the stallion dared present them with a very young mare, who he announced like a rare crystal of fine qualities. She brought a foreleg to her neck as her eyes noticed the collar on the poor mare. Crystal had one too, and still tried to pry it loose on occasions, even if it was gone for good. Realising her nervous tick, she covered her snout, faking a yawn.  It was the best she could think of other than standing up and yelling at the stallion. At least Nightmare will let her free the poor soul. She got two slaves in total.


As the stream of gifts ran dry and the clans took interest in their own company,  Nightmare Season asked his wife to bring some of her land's wares for show. She nodded and turned to the alicorn. "Mother, could you help me? It'll be much easier to carry it all with your magic." The alicorn agreed and they both excused themselves for a moment. The gathered stallions didn't even notice - they were busy earning money.


Crystal Clear went to a storage room that contained their crystal items. She opened her cart and fished out the glow-crystal, and the axe. "Heh, I know somepony who will be interested in this." Them she picked the berry bush - it seemed it survived the trip in good health. The mare thought for a moment,  and decided to bring along her old cart too, after emptying it up, and some raw crystals that would look good as jewelry. Should suffice for a start. She didn't want to show the work station, or the dinner set - the latter at least until she added her husbands mark to it. With Hearts-Dreams aid, they managed to take it all in one haul. Crystal had the necklace, axe, and a bag of crystals.  She sure hoped none will be stolen, she didn't have any means of getting new ones. Thus laden with stuff, they came back to the main room.  Nightmare noticed their arrival and asked for attention. He then made a presentation,  and she answered any technical questions, since she could make nearly anything out of crystal.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The clans were deep in their bartering. Things were being agreed upon on trades and sales. When the two mares returned Nightmare got up. "Clans, can you hear me out." The room went silent. All was wanting to hear what he had to hear. "As you all know I was away and been to different lands. One of these empires I got to know. My wife here comes from a crystal empire made entirely out of crystal. And they are interested in trading. For our silks, they will trade their wondrous crystal items." He allowed Crystal to show off the crystals she had brought. Many took interest in the cart and bag of crystals, a few the axe. Seemed the glow crystal was neat to them, but they always had their fire with them for light. "If you are interested, Dark Waters clan will need to make a ship, one that will sail far North to bring our silks to them and bring back their crystals. And Falling Sun will make the silks and dresses." They both looked at each other and nodded. Crystal felt happy about that. "Then it is settled. I have the sizes of the two in charge up North, I promised them the first we send will be for them." The two clans started to talk among themselves.


Nightmare found the stallion from Burning Sands. "My wife here loves these berries from her homeland. Do you think you will be able to grow them?" The stallion took one of the berries and tried it. "This is very good, Looks like a crystal but tastes great. Our ponies will try our best to grow you a field for your wife." With that he took a few of the berries to get the seeds from. Nightmare gave her bush back to her so she can keep it. "Looks like we can get you your favorite berry for you.


Last up was Shooting Star clan. Crystal did not really want any dealings with them. "I have a favor to ask of your clan. You have the best scouts that travels far. There are trees I have marked in different areas. Their roots contain dream energy. The taste is awful, but they can feed a nightmare for a long time. With them my wife can allow me to eat each night with out the chance of her mind breaking. Also they have the golden roots on occasion." This peeked every pony's interest. Mostly for the golden root that the alicorn refused to sell to either of them. "My wife found that the taste is far better if we grow them ourselves." The clan was less eager than the others and said they would think about it.


The group remained for some time. Dark Waters agreed to have a ship built in time to take them North before Crystal's due date. And the rest finished up their business with each other and started to trickle out. Thankfully the rest of his family did not stick around for that part, so Crystal did not feel as though she needed to hide her foals from them. When all had left Nightmare and Crystal was left alone with their new slaves and riches. Nightmare nuzzled Crystal to approach them and tell them what she wanted to say.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare put the items from her homeland on display as Nightmare Season brought the clans attention to himself. She answered a few questions, but kept silent for the most part. The way she saw it, they were interested in decorative application of crystal - for jewelry and show-off items. A whole wagon made of crystal would sure make an impression. It seemed her axe didn't end up as a hit. They had their own weapons and, more importantly, knew how to make and repair them. A crystal axe in hooves of a nightmare was more or less a single use item, or a ceremonial piece maybe. She thought about items she could do in her spare time, to advertise her kin's wares.


Nightmare made a deal with the clans to prepare the first trade expedition, and it was good news that they would be ready to take her, and her husband, up North so she could deliver her foals there. Since her daughter was a crystal pony, she had to be crystallised as soon as possible, to link her with the Heart. She looked curiously as he grabbed the bush with his magic and stowed it to the Burning Sands stallion. They talked for a bit and he returned the plant, with some good news too. She gave him a hug  and a nuzzle. "Thanks, I really like them! Although I kiiind of expect they won't be so eager to make booze out of it, heh." Her mood improved with the silent departure of Nightmare's vulture-like foster family, and the good news only helped. She noticed he then approached a Shooting Star stallion, and frowned slightly. What kind of business would they have with them? She overheard him wanting to find the Dream trees for him. Well, at least they wouldn't hunt ponies while they're at it, right?


She waited patiently as the ponies slowly trickled out of the tent. he party was winding down as the clans struck deals and made agreements. It's as if they didn't talk to eachother unless brought together for a big occasion. Most bizzare. At last, when the moon was up, and for a long time already, they were left alone and in peace. Nightmare nuzzled her lovingly - she decided it was a thank you for acting her part as intended. More or less. There was one last thing to do for today...


Crystal Clear slowly got up from her cushion - all the laziness as of late didn't do well to her stamina, on top of normal pregnancy fatigue. She approached the two ponies she was... presented with. The young mare looked scared, while the stallion looked at her with a blank expression. She felt sorry for him - it was a clear sign they didn't treat him well, by any standards. She stopped a few steps away and thought for a moment on what to say. Crystal started, no longer hiding her attitude towards keeping ponies as slaves. "My husband said we may be... given... a pony. I grew up in a place that knows what it means to wear a collar." She instinctively tried to pry hers loose, even though she as free for a long time now. "And I told my husband that I won't allow slavery in my house." The mare looked even more scared now, Seems she got the wrong impression. The stallion didn't really react. They broke him already... "N-no, not that way. I was trying to say that you're free from now. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I own slaves. If you'd like, you can stay with us, as... servants, I guess? You'd be paid for your work, of course. or you could go your way, I'm not stopping you. I don't need a declaration right away, think about it. Un, Nightmare? Do you know how to take off those awful chains? Thanks. If you'd like to eat, there's more than enough for us all on those tables, for a week probably... Take a bath if you want to, and I guess my husband won't be angry if we lend you guys a spare bedroom. I guess that's all, welcome to my home, as free ponies."


The mare was in shock, but a happy one if that made sense. The stallion nodded and walked over to the big table to eat. Crystal decided to bring her crystal treasures back where she took them from, then returned to Nightmare in the main room. She have him a kiss and a nuzzle. "Thanks for letting me do the right thing. So what do you think about those trials? I guess you'll beat Midnight in a fair duel without much issues, but the other challenges are a mystery to me."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Crystal asked him if he knew how to take the collars off. They had given him a key to each one. He handed it to his wife so she could unlock their collars. We listened as she told them whats what. He accepted her kiss and nuzzle. "I am not to worried about the challenges. Maybe fighting Midnight a little bit. Dark Waters may just want me to swim in the lake. Not sure about Shooting Star clan's challenge.


They showed the two ponies where their bed room was then they headed off to their own bed. It was much larger and more grand then the one they slept in before. Crystal loved the fact it was softer too. Placed less pressure on her abdomen. With the normal dealings of their nights they both went off to sleep. Late in the night, Crystal needed to use the restroom and woke up. Just as she did she saw the stallion over nightmare with her dagger that was hung up. He was going to murder her husband. She screamed and woke up Nightmare who barely dodged the blade to his heart. It nicked him slightly and drew blood.


Failed the stallion bolted from their room and the tent. Nightmare made sure she was alright then he chased after the stallion. Crystal could not go to sleep the rest of the night and stayed up till morning with worry. The young mare was woken by that and went to Crystal for protection. As if she accepted Crystal as her new mother. As the sun rose she went to the entrance to see where her husband was. She noticed he was walking back though the camp with the stallion from Shooting Stars, they were talking. She run to him and hugged him. "Seems I passed the test for Shooting Stars. With that former pony from an enemy nation escaping, He asked me to track him down as my test. Sorry love. He had to be silenced, other wise he could have brought an army back with him." He gave her a nuzzle to settle her down. Then he whispered to her. "Most slaves are criminals or prisoners of war. With having no prisons that is what we do with them instead of bars. I know you hate it, but that is how we survived. Nightmare noticed the young mare waiting for Crystal. "See you made a friend wile I was away."


Latter that day his other two tests were taking place. For Dark Waters, they only wished him to swim to the other side of the small lake. Was not that difficult for him. The servant stayed close to Crystal all day. The water ponies gave them the pearls and shells and other riches from the sea as gifts for passing. Shooting Stars gave them both a ceremonial dagger for passing theirs. All that was left was the challenge from Raging Fire. It seemed the whole city gathered around outside of the city and formed a circle for the arena. Nightmare was there ready as Midnight Gleam came, She was in fancy armor and wielded her saber by her side.


Drums started to sound a steady beat as the two faced off. "I was hoping to have fought you back at that ruin to test your skills, guess I know get that chance. You disappointed me a bit just giving up like you did." Midnight told him. Nightmare just smiled. The drums echoed faster and faster till they stopped all at once. The start of the battle began. Nightmare was the first to react as she charged forward. He shot out a burst of energy as he flared up like he did with the yeti and king Sombra. Crystal knew he did this she she was the only one not taken off guard by that. The rest of the gathered reacted like they never seen such before. Even Midnight had stopped her charge and looked. Not sure what just happened.


There was a few weapons scattered about for them to use. Midnight not wanting to get in close with him looking like that dash to grab a javelin. She threw it at him to see how he would dodge. To her assessment. He did not act like he would dodge. Just as it was about to strike, it hit a wall that burst into flame and shot the projectile away. More gasps from the crowed. Seems his wall was new to them as well.


The rest of the match was close quartered. Nightmare did seem to have his hooves full with her skills, but in the end she gave in and he won. The two of them were gifted with a matching armor set each. Much better quality than the one Nightmare made for Crystal. Though she could not try it on till after the birthing. The rest of that day had the whole city partying. The next day the clans would all separate and head off to their own destinations.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Her husband didn't seem too worried, so she took comfort in that. He knew better after all. Crystal noticed that their new servants have eaten their fill too, and since she was rather sleepy, she got up and and yawned, then motioned at the ponies. "C'mon, I;ll show you to your rooms. I'm sorry for the haste, but I'm rather tired. We'll have time to talk tomorrow though. I'll be fine love, meet you in the bedroom okay?" She went into the small maze and showed the rooms to her new servants. They were as far as possible from the main bedroom, as a feeble attempt to filter any love sounds, should they happen to come off from the main bedroom.


The couple went through their morning routine, Crystal as usual stared in the mirror for a bit. She was actually afraid of how she'll look before delivery. Her foals were rather demanding as far as space was concerned... Finally, she joined her husband in bed. it was humongusly huge as far as she was concerned, but also very soft. That was good, it put less pressure as she layed on her side, spooned by her husband.


She woke up in the night. Stirred and opened her eyes - she needed to visit the restroom. To her horror, the same pny she freed in the evening, was standing over her husband with her own dagger. She kicked Nightmare and screamed in fright - she couldn't do much to fight him anyway. "Nightmare, wake up! Why are you doig this, I gave you your freedom for Heart's sake!" the stallion stirred from his sleep and barely managed to avoid the fatal strike. Still, he was bleeding. The assailant escaped, dropping the weapon. She curled up, frightened. Nightmare asked if she's okay, and Crystal nodded. He then ran after his would-be killer. Crystal remained like that for some time, fearing every sound. The young unicorn mare got startled too and peered inside the main bedroom. Crystal saw her and tried to comfort her. "I-it's okay now, he ran away. C'mon, at least we'll be scared together..." She smiled weakly, and the unicorn approached, with some trepidation. Crystal patted a spot next to her, after making sure there was no blood there. "Have a seat. I'm afraid I didn't ask your name, how do they call you?" "Sparks, ma-am." - the unicorn replied, still shaken. "Crystal Clear. Just Crystal Clear, I'm no stuck up noble. Nice to meet you Sparks, wish the circumstances were more favourable but, still. Feel free to get under the covers, I'm used to the cold. Prefer it actually. Guess we won't sleep tonight, eh? I'm too shaken to get any shuteye. Guess my foals won't be too happy about it..."


They spent the rest of the night together. Crystal tried to ask some rudimentary questions, tell a thing or two about herself too. Make the young mare feel welcomed in her home.


Dawn came, and Crystal didn't sleep for a moment. Now that it was bright, she didn't feel so afraid to move around, and went to the tent entrance. From there, she saw hee husband, thankfully he was okay. A stallion from Shooting Stars was beside him and they talked. She ranto him at top speed and have him the strongest hug she could muster. "I was so afraid when you just ran off like that! Couldn't shut an eye for a moment, thought the shadows want to get me... I'm so happy you're back!" Nightmare told her about the passed trial. She wasn't really moved that he had to put down the stallion - they gave him freedom, and he wanted to kill them. Hay, she'd finish him herself for trying to kill her husband. Nightmare whispered her some info on the practice of slavery amongst nightmare ponies. She still hated every bit of it though. Thankfully, her husband directed her thoughts elsewhere. "Yeah, we seem to be getting along. Name's Sparks. We talked a bit, but she haven't decided what she wants to do with her freedom yet though."


They came back to the tent and got through their morning routine. Crystal patched up her husband's nick before he dressed up, and they had a meal. Sparks was with them most of the time.


Dark Waters trial was... silly actually. Crystal would pass even in her current state. They got the gifts of the sea. Shooting Stars presented the couple with matching daggers, pretty nice looking, actually. Trial from Raging Fire was last, and actually looked serious. The whole town assembled on the arena outside, and Midnight Gleam was in her full gear. Crystal observed with some fright as they tested each other's nerves. When the fire barrier shot around the stallion, she felt at ease. Nothing could hurt him when he was like that. Other ponies seemed amazed, and a bit frightened by the display. Unfortunately, Nightmare didn't heep it forever and actually clashed with Midnight up close. The battle was fierce, but the mare had to admit her defeat eventually. Crystal cheered for her husband and applauded his victory. The armour sets they recieved looked fantastic, even if she couldn't try hers on. They retired to their tent, Sparks in tow. The whole town was one big party - it's not every day you get so see such a fight, and have a new Sultan too. SHe overheard that the clans will go their way tomorrow.


The trio stepped into their house, and the clan servants laid down the gifts by the cushion area. Crystal breathed out in relief. "Uff, I'm so relieved this is over. And I'm sorry for that stallion. I didn't know it could happen..." She looked apologetically at him. Sparks found herself in Radiance's sights - the bird seemed to be asessing whether she likes the newcomer. "So, the clans are going their way. Are we staying here? And with whom? Besides Sparks, if she wishes to that is. I won't be able to take care of a house this big, you know. Much less help to move it someplace else."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare walked over and gave his wife a kiss and then a nuzzle. "It is alright, You are new here and will learn in time. Remember, this is a land ravaged by wars. It is not the peaceful land you come from. Both mine and your head is now worth a fortune for any pony that can claim it for our enemies. As for our future. I figure I will take you to a place where I once visited as a foal. Nice and green within a half mile from the river." Crystal seemed to perk up at that. "As for who will take care of our home and traveling. We will see who all stays till the morning. Clans usually gains and looses ponies at each gathering. A clan is made up of the ponies that travel with them as well. So all those we see in the morning will belong to our clan."


That night, Nightmare made sure to make her happy. For she was now the princess as it were of his land. The morning would see them off to a river promised to have green grass and trees.


After their normal loving morning with each other, Nightmare took her outside to see their new clan. Sparks followed, she came to the conclusion Nightmare Season was not as bad has her last owner. To their amazement, there were still several ponies gathered waiting for them. Seemed they had a population of a town with them. "We will break the tents and head to the great river, where the trees grows thickest. There we will stay for several moons." As he finished, the town was active with ponies packing everything away. Several ponies and nightmares came to pack up their tent and belongings as well. When they had everything packed, Crystal looked around. Now she could see the many different springs around where once was a city.


The journey to the river took two days with resting at night in their small travel tent. Sparks found her bed with the cushions. Near the end of the second day, Crystal saw the trees out the window of the wagon. She was over joyed. They slept in their small tent that night due to their normal tent would take a full day to pitch. But she did not mind. The following morning she could see the river and the greenery.


Morning came with her pestering Nightmare to wake up and get ready fast. She wanted to find the perfect place for their home to be set up. Nightmare led her to the river. Along the way she gazed at all the grass and trees. Some even had pretty flowers that he warned her were poisonous. She finally saw the river. The other side of it was barely visible. It was a great river after all. The two managed to find a perfect place for their home. Next to a small offshoot of the river that made a small pool. Crystal imagined it will be their own private swimming pool. The servents and other ponies pulled in the massive wagon that housed their massive tent and began to set it up. Wile that was going on, Crystal insisted on looking around more.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare was relieved Nightmare wasn't mad at her short sightedness with the ponies they were "given". She still had so much to learn about this place... Although the mention of green and a river lifted her spirits. "A river? And real grass? Count me in!" The idea that they would have their own clan now was... odd, but it's way better than being tied down to this place from lack of hooves to help them move.


The "royal family" and their guest retired for the night. Crystal had a good idea to assign the far room for Sparks, since Nightmare made sure to make her happy that night. They met in the morning, in the main room. Sparks seemed a bit embarassed and Crystal came up to her and quietly apologised for the noise. The trio walked outside, Radiance perched on the crystal mare's back. She lived riding on ponies. Crystal Clear was positively surprised to see that their clan has increased in numbers - a good number of ponies were still there, waiting on Sultan's decisions. Once her husband annouced the move, whole town took a group effort to pack up everything and get on the road. Crystal was amazed how strangers managed to cooperate so efficiently. The trio took their basic belongings to the carriage and let the clan ponies pack the rest. Crystal said that, if she'd like to, Sparks can travel inside with them. She tried to be a friend to the young mare, maybe secretly hoped she would stay. The unicorn was still jumpy, but she seemed to like the crystal mare as well. Right before departure, Crystal Clear took a look at the place where their city stood a day ago - now there was no trace of it, just the many springs and patches of green.


They were on the road for two days, and spent the nights in the travel tent. She didn't mind, it was very nice after all. Although it lacked some privacy, since Sparks was living with them. The mare arranged bedding for her on the cushions that formed the sitting area. Apparently she was used to sleeping on the ground, judging from her reaction. Poor child, Crystal knew how she felt, but didn't tell her of her collared past. Some things should be best buried in the past... The evening of the second day brought the much anticipated view of the distant trees. Crystal Clear practically lied by the doors to be out there as soon as possible - a place free of sand, her little green sanctuary, so close she can smell the vegetation.


Unfortunately, they didn't have the time to sightsee, since they arrived at the desired spot nearly at dusk. It was a bit dangerous to wander around in the dark, so Crystal reluctantly went to the tent - the small one, it was much easier to set up.


She woke up early, apparently right after dawn by the look of it. The usual need to use the restroom, it was becoming a norm for her to take restroom breaks several times per day, and in the night too. Another pregnancy thing. Once the mare took care of her business, she opened the tent flap and looked outside - the camp was asleep, but the daylight meant she could look around. With a big grin, Crystal walked back to bed and gently woke up her husband. "Wake up love, time to find the pace for our home. C'mon, I'll make it up to you, hmm?" They got ready, trying not so wake up Sparks. Seems like the soft bedding made her sleep like a foal, however, and the couple managed to sneak out without waking anypony. Nightmare showed her around and led to the river. there was lush grass, some bushes, real trees, even if a bit weird. they looked like straws, with big branches at the top. A bit like umbrellas. There were some flowers around, but she was told they were poisonous. What a shame. The river itself was... amazing. The crystal mare never thought to see this much water in this dry land - she could barely see the other side, it was that wide. Probably deep too.


At some point, the mare took off from her husband's side and trotted hastily to a modest offshot of the great river. She inspected the area, and the still pool of water, then annouced with pride. "This is the place for our home." It was a great spot - a group of those funny trees grew by the river, profiding shade and some protection from wind. The tent would sit between the river proper and the pool, so it will be cooler inside. The pool itself seemed clean and rather shallow, perfect for safe swimming and relaxing. All around was green grass, not sand. Nightmare ordered to raise their tent in this spot, and as the clan obeyed, Crystal decided to sightsee some more.


"C'mon, just a little romantic walk." She was practically using her whole body to nuzzle her husband into submission. "If I'll just lay around, you'll have to carry me everywhere because my legs will get weak, I need some movement..." He finally agreed, seeing she won't get off his mane till sundown. "Yes! Adventire!" She gave him a hug and panced around in a silly manner for a bit. The couple informed the clan that they're off for a walk, then took the opposite direction than previously - against the current. The scenery was as such: river, a strip of fertile land, depending on terrain from fifty to several hundread steps, then the desert. Crystal didn't know how it all worked, but the shrubs tend to grow on the outskirts of the green land, and the trees usually by the river, occasionally forming groups further in-land. She saw a few little birds, heard the frogs, saw fish in the river, a pair of big, pink birds hunting fish in the shallows - Nightmare said they were called Flamingoes. At some point he held a hoof before her to make her stop - Crystal didn't notice a big snake ahead of her. It didn't look friendly, and Nightmare said it was poisonous. They also saw bog animals in the distance - yellow cats called lions. They steered away from them. At one bend of the great river, Crystal saw something strange - gianric lizards sunbathing on the river bank, by the dozens. They had huge couths that could nearly swallow her whole. Nightmare called them Crocodiles, and said they hunt in the water. Their tent should be safe though, they're very sluggish on land and only come out to sunbathe like this. Since they walked a fair distance already, and Crystal's foals were demanding she ate something, they headed back.


It was still morning, although late, when the couple arrived at the camp. Their masive tent was still a work in progress, the ponies were still assembling the skeleton. Crystal came inside their travel tent and keenly noticedthat Sparks organised breakfast for the royal couple. She smiled and gave the unicorn an friendly nuzzle. "Thanks, I really needed a bite to eat. So, have you thought about your future? You'll be always welcome in my home, but if you'd like to move someplace else, I guess we may give you something for start." She looked at Nightmare for conformation of her offer. Sparks - Crystal Clear decided it was most probably a name given to her by her previous owner, based on the obvious fact that unicorn magic is shiny - seemed taken aback for a moment, and thought deeply on her answer. She finally nodded. "If it's alright, I'd like to stay for a while. I don't have a place to go anyway..." Crystal have her a hug - seems she was getting maternal on everything youngerthan herself. "It's alright, you can stay. Think about what you'd like to do in our little clan, okay? You're a free mare now, no more ordering around." A loud grumble from the expecting mother's stomach, then a giggle broke the moment. "Sorry, I guess it's time for breakfast. Come sit with us, if you wish." The trio took places by the table and began eating. At some point, Crystal asked Nightmare. "So... now we have our own clan, correct? And you said something about banners too. Maybe we should get to it and figure out our name and colours? Something bright and uplifting, maybe, as mark of the good future of nightmare ponies. I think we should try and convince the rest, by our example rather by force, to use the dream roots and such. Maybe even teach them to be Daymares, like you. That would be something." She ate and thought of the colour schemes of their banner. "Hmm... maybe red with gold around the edges? And some symbol in the middle? Your cutie mark maybe. You know, tree as if dream tree and such."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As Nightmare inspected the ponies unpacking their huge tent, Crystal asked to go on a romantic walk. She even used her whole body to nuzzle up against him, trying to get him in the mood. She finally broke him with mentioning being carried around all the time if she did not keep her strength up. She looked very happy when he said alright. She acted like a filly. "You are going to be a hoof full aren't you?" He gave her a kiss then told those working to set up the tents that he will show her around a bit.


He showed her what the land they will live in a wile looked like. She especially took notice in the pair of pink birds. "They are called pink flamingos. That eat a little pink creature called shrimp." As she was looking around at all the trees and grass and creatures. Nightmare noticed a movement ahead of her. He brought her to a halt and pointed at the snake in the grass. "Careful, that one is venomous and can make you really sick if bitten." Farther along he spotted a small pride of lions. He told her they are hunters and will occasionally go after ponies. Though they tend to be scared off by fire. Farther along where the river made a slight turn he noticed another deadly creature. "Crocodiles, They hunt in the water. Another reason nightmares avoid the water. Though on land they are very sluggish and typically don't try and hunt on land. We are safe where we pitched our tent. And the pond is safe since it is clear and you can see the bottom. But avoid the waters that you can't see in."


When Crystal started to get hungry, Nightmare took her back to their temporary tent. She was eating for three now. When they returned, Sparks had set up the table for them with food. She seemed to have taken a liking to the young unicorn. Guess she was practicing for her own foals. He agreed with Crystal about her being free and to help her get a hoof-hold on her future with a few bits. Though he liked it when she said she would stick around. The couple would need an extra hoof around when the foals come. And also it was very hard for a slave to get by on their own. As Crystal thought up ideas for their banner, Nightmare listened. He liked her ideas. "Those sounds great actually, Though..." He placed a hoof over her cutie mark. "One of the branches will be yours as well." He gave her a kiss.


They finished up with breakfast and decided to head to the pool. Their tent was still being set up by this time it was half way done. Crystal hung her dress up on a branch by the water and waded in. To her relief it was cool. Nightmare decided to join her. "Sadly it in not a hot spring, but this will do I hope?" He asked her. She was swimming around for a bit. Thankfully the flower bushes around gave the two some bit of privacy.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


the mare chewed up a portion of her meal and smiled. "You really think it's a good idea? Thanks." She wasn't sure where he was going with that hoof, but once it became apparent, she laughed. "Riiight, I guess we could place my mark amongst the branches too." She closed her eyes and thought of the image for a moment. "Yeah, that would work..." Crystal took a small bite and and after a bit, mused aloud. "though we still need a name... I'm bad with names. So much I named my shop "Sapphire Rose", if you can believe it."


They ate their breakfast until all three ponies decided they had their fill. Radiance also came for a bite. Crystal never really had a pet, but she was really happy with the phoenix. Nightmare said he wanted to check on their tent, and Crystal decided to join. Sparks agreed to clean up, and Crystal made sure the knew it was aappreciated, not simply expected. She still needed to talk with the unicorn about actual terms of her stay, like occupation and where she'd live, but all in due time. For now, the royal couple went to visit their home.


Crystal Clear inspected the tent from a safe distance, so she wouldn't interrupt the works. Seems they finished with the roof, and started filling the tent's inside. All in all, the task was about halfway done, structure-wise. The heat was rising and their private pool looked rather inviting. The mare decided to try it out. "I'll do a test run on our pool, okay?" She took off her dress and hung it carefully on a branch. Then, she carefully waded into the water. She could see the bottom alright, so no crocodiles. Either somepony tampered with it sometime earlier, or it was really convenient - first several steps were a gradual decline, then a flat part, the water would just brush her underside if she wasn't pregnant. Good for swimming lesons for little ones too, she thought. Further in, the water was deeeper and allowed for proper swimming. The bushes that grew around it's edges provided some privacy, but no shade. Still the water was nice and cool, compared to the hot air at least. She swam along the length and came back to Nightmare, who was wading through the shallow part. "Hot springs are amaaaazing, but they're a cold climate treat, you know. This will do just fine, help me bear the heat better." Crystal looked around as she made room for her husband to join at the deep part. "We could try and make some improvements though... Place a canopy over a part of the pool for some shade. If we found some stones, I could quarry them to make floor and walls on the shallow part, to make it easier for our foals to get acquainted with water..." She patted her chin in thought, then waved a hoof dismissively. "Ehh... we won't stay here forever. Maybe we won't find this spot once we come back. I guess it's why your kin doesn't make any permament changes to their surroudings, right? Although that valley could use some proper, stone fortifications... Anyway, look at me trying to fix everything at once. Let's just enjoy ourselves and maybe think of a name for our merry band. It's so fascinating we get to start a whole new clan! We get to make the rules, customs... I can't help myself, the possibilities are like, endless! Err, sorry, shutting up."


The pair enjoyed the cool water for some time. "Buck, we didn't get any towels... I'll either ruin my dress or look indecent in front of my clan. Talk about royal pains..."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"I have a great idea for our clan name. With my fire and light and you a crystal pony shining, what do you think about Shining Flames?" He gave her a kiss and nuzzle. As the two enjoyed their time together in the cool water, Crystal was making a list of things to build. Radiance even found herself a small area to use as a bird bath. "Nightmares don't build things to be permanent. Reason one, with us always at war with one nation or another. places that acts as landmarks are usually easily targeted. So we move so we can't be found. Second reason, this land with shifting sands is always changing. The sands can cover up buildings. Also this river changes its landscape when the upper mountains gets their monsoons. The river will flood its banks and cut new areas out. This pool will be gone most likely next time we come by here. However, I will see about making you a little canopy so you can lay out side next to the water and enjoy yourself."


When the two were done, Nightmare pulled her out and they found a nice comfy area to lay with each other till they dried. The trees around gave them a small shaded area. When they both had fully dried, neither wanted to get up. The current company was making them a bit lazy to do any thing. Sadly however, a phoenix flew over and noticed Nightmare and flew down to a branch close to him. It carried a letter. Nightmare grabbed it and read it. "Seems it has already begun. The unending responsibilities I will have. Seems that Dark Waters wants permission to build a dock along the shore, that way they can have a warehouse and area for the trade ship. Though they request funds for guards and buying timber." Nightmare sent a reply that they will receive funding till they can support themselves with the trade that will come through.


Close to evening a pony found the two together and informed them that the tent was finally up. "Shall we go to our home now?" He asked her with a kiss. Nightmare showed her to one of the rooms that had two walls left out and all her crystal items inside. "Here is your work area. Sparks, your room will be at the end down there, our room is at the other end." He also showed her where he converted one bedroom into a garden for her berries and their dream trees. Still in pots though. "Welcome home love. We will stay here till time to head to the Crystal Empire." With that he lovingly rubbed her growing belly.


"We can have both our foals do your custom for new foals. That will help secure peace between us."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


She smirked at the proposition. "Shining Flames eh? I like it. Kind of confusing with the tree banner but, whatever, let's be Shining Flames then."


She had to agree with her husband when it comes to building though. "Hmm, another thing I haven't taken into account." She peeked over the bushes at the dunes." As an outsider, I thought the scenery is permament, like up North." She submerged again and sighed. "I can also see the merit of not building landmarks... It's so sad yout kin doesn't know the lasting peace." She gave her husband a wet nuzzle. "The canopy would be appreciated, thanks."


At some point, the mare felt cold in the water. Too much of the good stuff, apparently. The pair got out of the water - Nightmare gave his wife a helping hoof, since she found herself surprisingly stiff from laying in the cool water. Then he led her to a shaded patch between those funny trees, where they laid on the lush grass and let the wind dry their coats. Even when they were completely dry, neither wanted to get up, so they just crawled to each other and lied together in a relaxed embrace. Just enjoying their presence. No words. Their little shaded haven.


Crystal saw a phoenix fly and perch on a bigger bush. "What is it, Radiance?" The bird gave her a funny look and pecked at the letter hung to it's chest. It was some other phoenix. Nightmare took the letter. The mare looked at the blue sky as he penned the reply. "I think you have the wrong attitude, sweetheart. Just as I do with cooking. It is a responsibility, yes, but look past the swarm of letters and clans biting at your coin purse." She lifted a hoof and pointed it straight up, for no reason really. "You have a great opportunity, to put the clans in order and actually do something that will benefit the nightmare ponies as a whole. That's what the Sultan is for. You lead them, even if some don't want to go where you want. You can kick their greedy flanks into a better future. I guess it's not that bad from this perspective?" She looked at her husband, who seemed to be thinking of her words.


Somehow, the big breakfast, cold water and no movement made her last till evening without the need to raid the nearest food supply. Crystal was a bit dissapointed she had to get up, but it was time to move into her home. Crystal put a hoof to her snout, as if deeply thinking over the proposal. "Well... It is kind of tempting but I might need some mor convincing." She smiled at him and purred as he gissed her some more.


The tent looked the same from the outside, but as soon as they left the large "throne" room, things got a wee bit different. "Somepony's been redecorating, huh?" Crystal playfully jabbed Nightmare with a hoof. She let him show her around. The crystal workshop was neat the entrance, mainly for ventillation since she needed to make some alchemy stuff too. Sparks room, a real nice one at that, was separated from the workshop by the indoor garden. The main bedroom was placed at the opposite from the workshop, and the unicorn's room. The other bedrooms were mostly kept intact, in case they had important guests. They finished the tour in the main bedroom, standing side by side. Crystal positioned herself to get the most of the bellurub - she loved the way he did that. "Our very own paradise indeed. It'll be hard to leave when the time comes, but it's very importnat that our daughter is linked to the Heart. Our son won't need it, being a nightmare pony. I hope it'll be okay to make the trip with any crystal foals we'll have? it's not just some tradition, it keeps us who we are, the crystal ponies." She nuzzled his neck. "Keep rubbing that tummy, the babies need to know they're loved by their daddy. Thaaat's it. Uuuuh so good..."


They stood like that for a few minutes, or so, when Crystal felt hungry. "Okay, I guess that'll do for now." She smoothed he dress. "Care for a bite to eat? I could use a few actually. Skipping dinner wasn't the best move on my part." The couple left the bedroom and walked through the corridor and into the main hall. Sparks did it again, she was halfway through with setting up the plates on the table as some other pony brought trays with food. "Seems you have a knack for that, dear. Perhaps you'd be interested in... how do I put it... the pony in charge of the house. Keep tabs on the supplies, make things run as intended. No heavy lifting or such. You'd be management. What do you think love? We could use a good pony to lend a hoof in running this show. Especially when our numbers double..."

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare agreed with his wife about the hired help. "Will help me out a lot, Especially when you get to the point where you can't do much work." They both ate their meal Sparks had provided, She also ate with them. When the meal was done, Sparks cleaned up. Nightmare held Crystal close to him to talk to her. "About the crystal pony ceremony. We should do our son as well. Remember he will be half of you after all. He may look like a nightmare pony, but he will also be half crystal pony too. The pure blood thing is not really a pure nightmare. There never was a foal born from two true borns before. So every nightmare you see is some part normal pony. We just determine what is what by the length of the horn. I feel it just right to do all our foals in your ceremony. Also, with our filly we will have. She will look like a crystal pony, but she will also be half nightmare pony inside. She will suffer the same slim chance of having a foal and when she has a tantrum or gets made. Her mane and tail will ignite in fire like mine. So a bit of a heads up so you won't get burned. I don't know how your crystal form works, but I imagine our colt will be able to do it too."


"Indeed he will son..." Hearts-Dream entered into their tent. "It will be good if you do both at the same time after they are born. Tie both of them to the crystal heart." She nodded to Crystal as she sat down next to them at the table. Sparks came back to finish cleaning up the table. When she left the alicorn spoke again. "My my... I just saw a bit of her future. Seems she and your little colt will fall for each other and marry after he comes of age." Crystal did not like the idea of her unborn son being wed to someone much older than he will be. Nightmare explained to her. "Nightmares don't worry about ages. As you saw, there are not many foals at one time. Even if he would marry a winkled old mare, With the bonding of the two, she will regress in age back to her prime. Did you feel younger after I bonded with you? It is the same. So in years she will be older, but their bodies will basically be the same age." Guess they have one added to the family even before she will know it. "Best not tell her though, She is still scared of nightmares, let her fall in love at her own pace." The alicorn told them.


"I do have a gift for you two." She had brought what looked like a shield. The emblem on it was the design the two thought of in the pool. "Really mother again with the looking forward in time?" Nightmare asked her. "No. Not this time at least. Heard you two talking about it over breakfast. You were not really being quiet you know. So I had it made for you." The emblem was the Rose of her cutie mark as the tree trunk. his branches broke off from that and the leaves were of different gems shining in the light. All set in a red and gold color palate. "What do you think?

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


"Well it's settled then. If you're interested that is." Crystal smiled pleasantly at the young mare. By her rough etimate, she was sixteen or so. Maybe that's why the crystal mare was feeling a bit maternal to the unicorn. Speaking of whom, the mare was a bit surprised by the offer, but took it without hesitation. "You want me to stay with you? Sure! I'll keep the house supplied and clean, no worries."


They ate together, and Crystal was beginning to question just how much she can actually eat. Seemed like there was no upper limit to her these days. Once she decided she ate enough, the crystal mare leaned on her husband, who took her in a loving side hug. As Sparks began cleaning up the table, Nightmare filled her in on the nouances of nightmare pony offspring. He had a point with their son, and she nodded in agreement. Although the news about their daughter were... strange. She put a hoof on her foal bulge and nodded again. She felt sorry for her daugher. Hopefully they'll find a golden root for her, so she will be able to experience the joy of motherhood.


The sudden appearance of her mother in-law broke Crystal's train of thought and shelooked up at the mare, who approached the table and sat with them. "Nightmare told me our son will be also part crystal pony, so that means he'll also need to be linked, yes..." She was stil processing the news, and gently rubbed her abdomen with a foreleg, a if trying to calm her offspring. Sparks showed up again to take the rest of the plates. Seemd=s like she wasn't too good with unucorn magic, since she could pick up just a few tings at a time, and the heavier objects wobbled a bit.Hearts-Dream deliverd another bomb, as if she liked to tell shocking news. Crystal gave her an unamused look. "Really mom? My colt will fall for his nanny, who's like, sixteen years older? Sparks is a good filly but, come on!" She gave her husband the same look as he chipped in, but softened as he said his part. She sighed and nodded with a small pout. "Sometimes it's easier not to know some things... Now I'll look at her and see my future daughter in-law. Don't worry mom, I wouldn't tell her anyway. She still has the collar mindset, and would pick it as some perverted order, not a future telling."


Crystal looked with interest at the gift, but frowned again. She thought the same as Nightmare did. Perfect, so she was not only reading their future, and meddling with it at will, but also eavesdropping. Just great. The crystal mare looked at the shield emblem, then at Nightmare's mark, then again at the shield. "I was thinking of something more like my husband's mark, but... the red and orange gems will do nicely for the Shining Flame vibe. Yeah, I like it. Still need a banner though." Crystal looked around, made sure Sparks wasn't around, then leaned to the alicorn and said quietly. "Do you think you could teach our new friend a thing or two with magic? I noticed she's not very good at it. Growing up around non-unicorns, she must've missed a lot of lessons on using her horn. It would be nice to, you know, tutor her some. Help her build some confidence back as her skill grows. Even if she won't become my daughter in-law, I want her to be happy. Can you talk to her?"


The alicorn said she'll see what can be done, and Crystal nodded with a smile. "Thanks mom." Crystal Clear got up and sat in a different position, a bit sideways to shift her lower weight onto the pillow. Gosh she was getting big, and it's just her third month! "Now I have another thing to discuss with you two. See, we still have some time, but it's better to plan ahead. I reckon we should getto the Empire roughly on my ninth month, juuuust to be sure. Some foals are all too eager to get out and don't wait till the tenth comes. I read it in that book the Princess gave me. Pretty useful. So I figured I'll write to my parents, tell them we're fine and all, but also start setting up the stage. They need to make the necessary preparations ahead of time. Now I no longer have a home in the Empire, and my parent's place is pretty small for all of us. Not to mention that we now have a clan of our own... I want to hear your opinions on the trip, if it's just us and Sparks, or the whole clan, whether we'll take the big or small tent - if I count correctly, it will be Spring when we hit the Equestrian shores, so a bit chilly for tents, but we don't really have much options. Since you're the Sultan, love, you could pen a letter to the Princess herself and ask for pick-up, so we won't have to travel all the way on hoof. As much as I hate the place, Manehattan has a huge port and a train station, so the ship can safely dock there, and the Princess just might send the Crystal Express to pick us up. Last but no least, we need a Crystaller for our foals." She noticed her audience didn't get what she meant. "It's a pony, family or friend, who presents the foal to the Crystal Heart. Traditionally, they're supposed to look after the foal, help raise it as a good pony and, in case something happens to the parents, take them in. I guess Evening Song wouldn't be too thrilled with the offer, and my list is awfully short..." She frowned and fell silent, thinking of all the things that will need to be arranged.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The two listened to Crystal as she explained her plan and the ends and outs of the ceremony. Seemed there was a lot of tiny stuff here and there. Hearts-Dream agreed to be the crystaller and take care of the foals in case the worst happened. Nightmare told her that only part of their clan would come and part of the Dark Waters and Falling Sun clans will as well. Getting there a month early will work great, give the ponies a chance to trade and get to know the empire. As for the tent they will take the traveling size one. When the plans seemed to be set in place, Hearts-Dream took her leave and went to her own tent.


"That mother of ours...Wonder what she already has planed for our two foals?" He nuzzled her. "Tonight I will renew the gift again. Don't give me that look love, I know you hate laying around like that. But at least you seem to only need two days now. It is a monthly thing after all. A good price to pay for everlasting life is it not?" He took her to bed with him to do their monthly bonding.


The months passed relatively fast. Crystal grew very big. Proof that she was with twins in her abdomen. Crystal got some crystal work done to show off the wears of her home city. She was able to get an interest in them thanks to every month the clans gathered to buy and sell goods as well as catch up on the happenings going on around the kingdom. The Shooting Star clan found their trees where Nightmare pointed them to. So they kept well stocked. Only one golden root was found, and it was given to a nightmare of the Shooting Star Clan. They figured first one will be theirs. And as the alicorn promised the mare that hate it had a greater chance to take in heat. A huge demand went out for that colored root. Hearts-Dream refused to sell the one she had. The roots themselves were only taken an interest in within the Shining Flames clan. They had got a few trees planted at different oasis, but needed a few years to grow before they got the sweet roots out of them. Nightmare had many things to attend to as sultan, but was not as much as the two thought it would be.


Before the couple knew it, they had moved their town to the mouth of the river where their ship awaited them. Sparks had really stepped up to help Crystal around the house in her late pregnancy. They were ready to sail to the North. Princess Cadence stayed in contact with them via Radiance and their letters. She had ordered their own dock to be built. Thought it best nightmares did not dock in one of the biggest city in Equstria. Not until they got use to nightmare ponies at least. Everything was in place. Nightmare rubbed her belly that he made sure to do regularly. "Well love, not long now."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


All in all, Crystal figured it was good her mother in-law volounteered to be the crystaller. She would meddle in her children's affairs anyway, and she would be around for as long as them too. They talked over their plans for the coming months, and it calmed the mare. She preferred to have things figured out ahead of time.


"Sometimes I want to tell her to keep those visions to herself, you know. But I know she does it for our own good, or at least thinks it's that way. Always scheming, that one..." She gave her husband aneeroll and a sigh at the mention of renewing the gift. "Really? I hate laying around..." Still, she let him lead her to their bedroom for bonding.


Days turned into weeks, then months. The Shining Flames clan moved several times with the river's current - the dock built by Dark Waters was that way. Crystal Clear scrapped the old cart, as she planned, and made large, decorated pots for their dream trees. And the berry bush of course. She pestered Nightmare to move the dream saplings into the main chamber, so they would become associated with their clan - that could be their specialty. Se also did some jewelry, since it seemed to gather most interest, and she wore it on every occasion. They gave a few pieces as gifts to the clan leaders for some services. It seemed the nightmares were taken over by root fever, after Shooting Stars found one golden root and the mare that ate it got pregnant soon after. Sadly, only Shining Flames took interest in using the regular roots. For Crystal Clear, it was a time of her honeymoon, interrupted by royal duties and visiting clans. As expected, by the time they reached the shore, Crystal Clear was unmistakeably pregnant. She could move around on her own, but needed help with some things, and Sparks proved to be excellent aide for the expecting mother. Seems the unicorn really wanted to show her gratitude for all they did to her - freedom, good home, magic lessons...


The royal couple stood on a cliff, loking down at the ship made by Dark Waters. Below, ponies and nightmares from Dark Waters, Falling Sun, and of course, Shining Flames were busy with packing supplies and everything they may need in their journey. Like a triple supply of dream roots, stashed in different parts of the ship for safety. Crystal wasn't taking chances with her sanity, or her husband's nourishment. She saw parts of their travel tent being loaded, together with an extra bed for Sparks.


She purred to the feeling the gentle rub - she loved it and didn't hide it. the mare gasped and looked at her left side, then smiled. "Seems our babies agree. Gosh they know how to kick... Let's see our quarters for the voyage, shall we?" They walked side by side, albeit slowly, down on the beach, and then into the small dock. Hearts-Dream was already on board and waved at them. Sparks was running around in tiny circles with a checklist. "I hope our numbers won't dwindle that much during our absence. We seem to have cobbled together a nice clan. Shame they have to stay." She gingerly barded the ship and looked around. "Where to now? A nightmare from Dark waters led them under the ssun deck and to a room at the aft. It was small, by all means, but the best one onboard. The couple had a comfy bed, but with her so... big - not only did Crystal grow in waist, but also took some foal fat in places. Inevitable really - they will cuddle to sleep. Not that she minded particularily. At least they had a screen for privacy, since Sparks had her bed there too. On a small table by the wall, she saw the small crystal box she was working on for some time - it contained the crystals that will be used during crystalling. Her most perfect work yet. There was also a perch for Radiance, and the sturdy gramophone that refused to give out, even when dropped in deep sand. With all the laying around, both after bonding and due to her pregnancy, Crystal listened to a lot of her favourite music. The mare decided to test their bed. "Not bad actually. A bit small compared to our usual ones, but manageable. So this will be my spot for most of the trip..." Hearts-Dream told her to lay as much as possible, to relieve her spine from the weight of her foals. Truth be told, her back was killing her after as much as a short walk. "Uhh, I'll just, rest for a moment. Would you please check on Sparks? She'll burst in flames trying to make sure we brought everything. Heheh, burst in flames." - she pointed at her husband's mane and giggled. "I guess you'll find me here." The mare mede herelf comfortable and sighed, rubbing her large belly. "Can't wait to have them in my hooves..."


The mare fell asleep there, and was woken up by Nightmare some time later - there was no window, so she didn't know what time it was. Thankfully, he woke her for dinner, not some emergency. The ship was on sea and en route to the Empire. By the dark Waters estimate, it will take a month to reach the destination. She will go bananas in here, unless there will be something she can do to keep her mind occupied.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare helped Sparks with her checklist. Crystal was so worried about every little thing, guess she wants to make sure to get her foals to the empire safely as possible. The clan would remain by the dock till their return in a few months. In fact they had word other clans would head there latter to be the first to see what was brought back on the first trading ship of the kingdom. Crystal took a liking to her clan ponies and feared some would leave with their absents.


Crystal was sound asleep when the ship launched. Their one month journey has started. They figured they would only need to go to shore twice to resupply on water. Thankfully food was not heavily needed, Just for the normal ponies really. The nightmares would be on food rations, since they had other forms of food. Nightmare let his wife sleep through the day, she needed her rest, especially her back. Hearts-Dream told them that they both will be very healthy at birth, and heavy due to all she was eating. When the evening dinner was being prepared, Nightmare went to wake up his wife to come eat. He gently woke her up by kissing her. "Dinner time love, I imagine the foals will agree to some food?"


The meal was nothing special, but it was enough to feed the normal ponies. As they ate the few Nightmares on board took care of the sailing. Calm waters and weather was a great help on their trip. Several days past with no worries, except for the non-Dark Waters ponies. They seemed to feel very uncomfortable out on the water. Crystal found that amusing a pony scared of the water. The hold was full of rare fruits and vegetables and the finest silks Falling Sun could make. At the heart of all that would be the dress for Cadence and the gown for Shining Armor.


A few days into the trip, the phoenix that sent word of their arrival came back. Princess Cadence will have a room ready for the loving couple and expecting foals in the castle. So at least that allowed Crystal to relax a bit from worrying how her foals would react to the cold of the tents. The rest of the party will have a section to pitch their tents outside of the city. Dark Waters said they will remain at the dock with their ship.


Their first stop for resupplying, Nightmare took Crystal to shore so she could get some decent exercising in. Though her foals weighed her down greatly. The second stop she stayed on the ship. Nightmare kept her company the best he could. Though mail was keeping him busy some days. Sparks was the best help to her, even bringing her food in bed on days her back was to sore. Sparks was getting less afraid of nightmares that once held her as a slave.


The weather treated them kindly throughout their travel. Just once did a storm blow over. That really sent the ponies not use to the water crazy. By the time they got close to the docks of the crystal empire. Crystal knew she was a few weeks off. And she was simply glowing, the anticipation of her new foals and seeing her homeland again.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare stirred up from her sleep. "Huh? Oh, right, time to feed the little ones. Well, not so little anymore but, yeah." She slowly got up, her back was feeling better now that it had a few hours of rest, and followed her husband for dinner. Truth be tols, ship food tasted more like her own creations. Funny how the times when she cooked now seemed like a lifetime ago. Crystal took notice that non-Dark Water nightmares, and most of normal ponies, were rather uncomfortable on a wobbling ship. Rather amusing, but then, hey could say the same about her and sand.


Crystal spent a lot of time in their room, mostly sleeping. The weather was good and the ship didn't rock too hard, but still, she didn't want to risk injury. Besides, her love burden seemed to grow with every minute, to great discontent of her poor spine. Nightmare tried to keep her company for the most time, but his many duties caught him even at sea. Sparks stepped in when needed. Crystal was starting to think of her more like an adopted daughter than a servant. The unicorn was also less scared of the nightmares - seems like her husband set an example that they're not monsters. One day, Nightmare Season brought her a letter from Princess Cadance - seems like they will stay in the Palace, and their clan will have a place to set camp outside the city. Warmth and running water were great news for the expecting mother - tents weren't exactly the best for keeping foals, or recovering from delivery.


All in all, the ship had two stops in secluded areas for resupply. Nightmare managed to convince his wife for a walk on the first time, but on the second time, she didn't want to - Crystal was barely leaving the room by then. Once she was told they reached the Hayseed Swamps, she started shining like a lantern. She was so close.


Morning came and found the couple in a loving embrace. There was a knock to the door and Sparks got up, reluctantly, to answer it. Crystal stirred and huffed at the sudden intrusion. She tried to sleep some more.


"Y-yes" - Sparks opened the doors slighty and saw a large nightmare stallion from Dark Waters. He bowed very slightly. "I came to inform the Sultan that we're approaching the dock. We can see the a lighthouse in the distance." With that, he turned back to his duties. Sparks closed the door and hesitated whrther to wake them up or not. Crystal said in a sleepy voice. "It's okay, I'm not asleep anyway. Damn knocking woke me up..." She nuzzled and kissed her husband. "Rise and shine, love, we're nearly there." Nightmare knew better than to open his eyes and look at her directly - his flames were so close that the mare shined like a glow-crystal at full power. He got up and and she stretched on the bed, laying on her back - her sides were so large she couldn't sleep in any other pose really. "Nghhh, a helping hoof anypony?" She tried to roll over, but to no avail. She felt so huge it wasn't funny. Nightmare seemed to think the opposite and teased her for a bit, then gave her a morning belly rub to appease her temper. Sparks went to grab a bite to eat for them. She ate in bed and let herself get dressed. In the meantime, the ship approached the dock. Nightmare went on the main deck to check the docking, and Sparks helped Crystal out of the room. She also took the case with crystals for her foals. The clanponies would take the rest of their stuff.


The crystal mare emerged on the sun deck, already tired a bit. This was just ridiculous hor fast she got tired these days. She saw a tall crystal lighthouse, and a dock for the ship. Seems like the Guild cashed a hefty sum on this one. Good for them. Ponies and nightmares stared atthe building made of solid crystal, discussing how it was possible that it looked as if made from one piece. She heard those talks many, many times. Still, it was amusing to hear their theories. "Nearly home, sweeties, geve mommy a break will ya?" She adressed her foals, who seemed to have a kicking contest. They didn't listen, of course... Crystal guards were standing on the shore, ready to formally greet the Sultan.Crystal Clear saw wagons and carriages readied up to take them further. "I'm coming, give me a moment." - She walked to her husband's side, and let him help her walk on shore.


Crystal heard that Prince Shining Armor was really derious on guard ceremonies, but seeing one for her husband was uplifting. A row of guards stomped on attention on the crystal floor, echoing through the misty water as soon as Nightmare stepped off the ship. Crystal saw the Prince waiting at the end of the row, and a uard pony ready to lead him in. "Go on, I'll catch up, eventually..." Sparks stayed with Crystal as Nightmare was escorted by the guard pony through a double row of crystal pegasi. A Flugelhorn announced the presence of a royal guest. Prince Shining Armor bowed formally before the Sultan. He was wearing his parade armour, as usual during guard ceremonies. "Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Sultan Nightmare Season. I hope your journey went well. We've prepared transport for your family and retinue, as well as any goods you brought for trade. The Crystal Express awaits us neaby. May I show you your carrage?" Nightmare decided to wait for his wife, and waved at Crystal. She smiled and gingerly walked to him. "Your royal highness." She bowed her head as far as her condition allowed. Shining Armour smiled and returned the bow. "Seems you arrived just in time. The Palace is ready for your delivery, we have some experience with foals." She chuckled at some private memeory and showed them to their transport, then excused himself to oversee the unloading process.


Crystal Clear laid in the carriage, again, on her back. She knew very well that she was unable to roll ober, but her back really needed the relief. Nightmare took the opportunity for some more belly rubs, and the foals responded eagerly, moving around inside her. it took an hour to pack the wagons and get the caravan rolling. Then another two to reach the Express. It was just as majestic as the first time she saw it - the perfect marriage of their ancient culture with modern technology. She wondered if the windows she made were still there. Prince Shining Armor led them into the first wagon, and directed the other ponies and goods to the other ones. Crystal Clear never saw the inside of the first wagon. It was the pinnacle of crystal craft, made by the Guild Master himself. Sparks coulsn't believe what she saw and pestered the mare with questions, knowing full well that she knew everything about crystals. Nightmare talked with the Prince on a nearby cushion area as the train was loaded, and then rolled towards the Empire itself.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


As Nightmare waited with Shining Armor for his over burdened wife, he looked around at the greeting. "A much better welcome than my last trip to your crystal empire. Last time I was arrested, questioned, and kicked out. I am sure your court wizard told you about that?" The soon to be mother finally caught up and did her best to bow to the prince.


As they were waiting in the carriage, Nightmare noticed how his wife was one again laying on her back with her massive hump sticking up. He nuzzled her then lovingly rubbed her belly with the foals inside. Both him and Crystal seemed to have become addicted to that show of affection. He even felt the foals kick inside. "You know, I am going to miss rubbing your belly like this once you give birth. Might even be tempted to knock you up as soon as possible after to get this belly back." He gave her a kiss before she had time to protest. She was hoping he was joking with that.


When they finally arrived at the train, every pony with them was in aw. Never before had they seen such a thing. Train tracks in the desert would be gone very fast. And the amount of crystal on the cars took their breath away. They were given the royal coach for their ride. Nightmare was glad it had a soft cushion for his wife to lay on. Two foals were taking a toll on her, and to think, thanks to that golden root, she will always have twins or triplets.


As the train rolled off to deliver the ponies to the crystal empire. Nightmare took the time to have a father to future father talk about what all he should be expecting. Especially with the upcoming crystallizing. Also a little bit of what his filly put them through and destroying half the castle in the process. Close to evening Crystal went full blown shining. Out the window she saw her homeland. They were nearly there. Nightmare could not help but give her a kiss and a belly rub to make her even happier. She will deliver her first foals where she was born.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The train was rolling fast through the northern landscape. They travelled through green plains, then snow capped mountains, through a few tunnels,  and even passed by the breathtaking Rainbow Falls. Crystal Clear took a spot by the window as soon as she was able, so she didn't miss he view. The mare heard this and that about this place, but never saw it with her own eyes. Maybe they'll have a shirt stop on the way back. Sparks never saw this much green, or rainbow cascades for that matter,  and concluded that this land must be some kind of paradise.  Crystal had a hugging itch and, since her husband was talking with the prince, Sparks got some instead, as the crystal mare told her about this land. They travelled for the most of the day, and had to wait for a civilian train to vacate the tracks - seems like the Griffonstone trail was finally coming alive. Their train arrived at the Crystal Empire station just after dusk, and Crystal was by the window the whole time. Her reaction to seeing the Crystal Palace in the distance was... priceless.


"Is that... Oh my Heart, we're finally here! Nightmare, Sparks,  we're in the Empire proper,  I can see the Palace! Ow, oow! Stop kicking whoever does that in there, give mommy a chance to freak out from happiness will ya? Nonononono don't give me that look Nighty, I need a break after these two. You can rub my tummy even without your foals in it. Speaking of which, I think your kids need a reminder they have a daddy. Oooh that's it. Why did she trick me with that stupid root..."


The train stopped, and so the bellyrubs. Crystal pouted and got up from her seating position. To think she's going to be like that for another month, and bigger yet! She was actually afraid of delivery, with twins, and big ones at that.


Prince Shining Armour led them outside, into another guard show. This time two stood by the wagon door, and a single line by the station building. Crystal Princess Cadance came to greet her guests. "Forgive the show, my husband loves those things. I hope your journey went well, Sultan?" She looked at Crystal Clear.  "Oh my, he really got to work with you didn't he? Come princess Crystal Clear,  I bet standing about is the last thing on your list of priorities."  Crystal saw the knowing look of a mother and nodded with a smile. "Indeed Crystal Princess Cadance, my back is killing me." Cadance was so casual, as if she was taking in some friends for tea. It helped the crystal mare to be at ease. Still, her massive belly and lantern like shine caused a lot of whispers in the royal retinue.  On par with the appearance of Nightmare ponies. Cadance led Crystal into the station building, leaving their husbands - and poor Sparks - to look over the unloading process. She pointed to a low table and sitting cushions arranged for them. Sunburst was there with the Royal baby. "Court Wizard." She nodded at the stallion. He returned the nod and looked as if he was about to start making feverish notes, but bit his lip and remained with the baby. Cadance took a seat and smiled.  "Sit as you feel comfortable, we're both mothers so there's no need to torture yourself for some elusive sense of social appropriateness." The mare returned the smile.  "Thanks, I know just what I need, just don't laugh too hard." Of course she laid on her back - the only comfortable position these days. Cadance whistled as the full sight of her pregnancy. "I was way smaller in my ninth. So, twins then?  You're going to have your hooves full. Flurry really gave us a run for our bits..." Crystal shook her head. "An oracle told us that it's a nightmare pony colt and a crystal pony filly." She rubbed her belly, since her husband was away. "We'll need to watch out for fire with them.  You know,  the manes and tails. Our daughter is said to also get fiery when she gets mad and the like. I've no idea how nightmare ponies manage to raise their foals in decent conditions without torching the whole camp. You have fire insurance?" She grinned sheepishly and Cadance waved a hoof dismissively. "You know full well that the Palace won't burn. Thanks for the heads up though. I'll tell the ponies that will take care of you. Aaanyway, how's the life down south?"


The mares talked for the whole time until their husbands came to join them. Nightmare Season seemed amused by his wife's way of showing her expecting state, and Shining Armor said something inappropriate when he saw her laying like that,  but apologised under three death glares. The clans unloaded the train and were moving to their camp site. Tomorrow the royal visit will begin officially,  with a feast and gifts,  but for now,  the royals - and Sunburst, and Sparks - decided to go to the palace in a carriage. Crystal Clear was on the verge of either fainting or shining like a sun as they rolled through the familiar streets all the way to the Palace.  They disembarked at the Plaza, and the mare went straight to the Crystal Heart. She stared at it for several minutes, and Cadance stopped any pony from hurrying her along. At last,  when Crystal Clear finished her silent communion, they went inside. 


"Your room is on the same level as ours, but on the opposite side. Hope you don't mind the stadium by your windows... Our ponies brought your belongings inside, and I'll send something to eat too. I don't see a point in setting up a feast just yet, we'll have one tomorrow.  You can rest after your journey for a bit, I guess. Oh and there's no bathtub, sorry. In my experience, walk-in showers are the best way for a pregnant mare.  Here we are, enjoy your stay!" Cadance escorted the trio, plus Radiance,  to their guest room.  It was more like a mini palace actually.  Separate bedrooms for the couple and Sparks,  exquisite crystal decor and finest furniture. The walk-in shower was big enough for three, so Crystal could get some help in cleaning up. Sparks was exploring with her jaw dropped and the expecting mother looked at her husband with a sly smile.  "Soooo, may I ask you for some help in the shower?" 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare watched as Princess Cadence led Crystal into the station. He knew she was in good hooves and decided to stay with Prince Shining Armor. "We have an area over there ready for your ponies to set up their tents." Nightmare looked in the direction of where he was pointing. He nodded and told his own nightmare guard where to go. And like clock work the clans started to unload everything.


Nightmare looked back at the crystal city. "Still amazes me seeing your buildings. Where we live, buildings gets covered up by the ever shifting sands." Shining armor mentioned "Must be tough always moving like this." Nightmare shook his head. "When it is the way of life, it is not really difficult. Though I know my wife wishes on occasion to have a stationary house. Shall we go see where our wives went?" As they walked through the door, the two saw them by a bench. Crystal on her back once again. "Showing off how large you are love?" Prince Shinning Armor said something he did not like and looked at him to apologize. After a few more words, they were in a carriage and off to the palace.


As they rolled through town, Crystal was shining like the sun. Though Nightmare was very uncomfortable. Around this many ponies, especially what happened last time he was here. When they finally arrived at their destination, Crystal jumped out and headed straight to the crystal heart. Nightmare watched her as she stared at it. "So that is your heart?" He asked Cadence. She explained to him about it, even got on to her husband for wanting to move her along. When Crystal was done, they were showed the way to their room. It was indeed fancy, and poor Sparks seemed to be having a heart attack by the way she looked around the room. Nightmare still thought he preferred their room back home better, but Crystal was really happy with the shower. Even asked him to help her out. "I suppose I can help you get all nice and clean for every pony." He gave her a kiss.


"So what are the plans for tomorrow love? Go see your family?" He asked her as he led her to the bed to lay down. The belly was exposed again for his rubbing pleasure.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare lied on the bed and sighed with pleasure at how comfy it was. Much better than the small bed on the ship. One thing she's going to surely miss from her pregnancy will be all those bellyrubs though. "Oooooh right there... Princess Cadance said I need to see her court physician, she will take care of me on the last leg of this journey, so to speak.  Once that is over, yeah. I'd like to see my family. And Evening Song too. See how she's doing. Other than that? No plans really. I guess the doc will throw a fit seeing me walking at all but, buck it. I can't just lie in bed for a month!" She crawled to her husband and gave him a hug. "Thanks for bringing me here. I really appreciate it. If you'll need me at any of your meetings, I'll come, just so you know. But I really don't feel too well these days.  I just want to deliver already..." She snuggled to her husband. "Sparks will keep me company, so don't worry and make good deals for our ponies. The trade route will not only make our subjects richer, but also help establish peaceful relations with other nations." Crystal tried to put her head on his chest, like she so loves to, but found it awkward with that huge belly. "I fear for my life if I you ever give me triplets. She just had to decide for me, didn't she? Mmmph, I'm starting to talk nonsense. Toss me a root? You deserve some compensation for bearing with me..." The mare felt lonely when he got up and brought her the sweet root. Stupid hormone stuff and whatnot. She ate it and gave him a long kiss. "Buffet opens soon love, unless you have something to do. I'll wait, no worries." She dug under the sheets and laid on her back.  "I feel so stupid laying like that. But it's the only way to be comfortable these days. Goodnight love."


The following day would be very busy, for both of them.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare agreed with her, "Making it so you could have foals easier was a nice thought, but making it so you will do twins and triplets was over doing it. Though you are a tough mare, I am sure you will survive, even if I have to carry you around on the cloud for months." He got up to get her a root to eat, thankfully they had a few of the sweet ones with them. She gave him a long kiss, mostly thanking him for putting up with her. As she snuggled into the sheets, he gave her that loving rub on the belly. "Just stay as comfortable as possible Love. We will soon be holding our foals in our hooves." He kissed her as he laid down next to her.


When morning came, Sparks entered to wake the two up. Seems the court physician came back to look Crystal over. After the examination was over, she gave the okay she was doing great. Though it seemed the size of nightmares compared to crystal ponies was showing in her belly. Nightmare helped her get showered and dressed. Even though she was back home where dressing up was for special occasions, Crystal was in the habit of always dressing. Besides, her silk dresses can help advertise their silks.


The carriage was waiting for the two outside, it would take them to her folks and Evening Song's shop. Princess Cadence wanted her off her hooves as much as possible. As they arrived at her folks place, they both noticed Hearts-Dream was there already. Her brother handing the alicorn a golden root and she gave him a large sack of bits. In unison they both called out, "MOTHER!" The alicorn turned to great them. "Oh hello, just wrapping up a little business. What? Don't give me that look. I may not be able to see you two, but I know what you are thinking."


Nightmare helped his wife down from the carriage and they both walked over to her to find out what was going on. "What are you up to now mother?" He asked her. "Oh, I sent him a letter telling him where the tree up here was. I wanted him to get the last golden root from it and I would pay him handsomely. I am only down to half of my last root." They both looked at her with regards to she only had half of it left. "Okay....I been.....testing the golden root. With Crystal eating to much of it and having a permanent fertility boost that will see her with twins and triplets each time she is with foal. I been experimenting to figure out the right dose. So when we get back.....you may see most of the mares of the clan with foal. Found out that we grind it up into a powder and give just a pinch to a mare. Allows a nightmare mare to go into heat and increase chance to take, and regular mares as well. Also it will not be permanent like in Crystal's case. Also there will not be the side effect that you will learn with your next window."


Crystal went hysterical on her, what side effect. "Well love....it seems you will have a heighten sense in heat. You will be craving to mate with my son. Thankfully it will not be too bad till after your foals grows up and leaves the house. But your body will want to be fertilized." Nightmare did his best to settle his wife down. "I am sorry love, I was not thinking to much about what will happen with my little pushing." She laid down before her to apologize. After they were down, mostly Crystal telling her off, they went inside to see her parents. Hearts-Dream went back to her tent.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


A knock to the door woke her up.  Well, at least it wasn't her bladder this time. "Whaaat?" Crystal asked aloud,  still sleepy. Sparks poked her read in. "Sorry Crystal,  the court healer has arrived and wants to speak with you." The crystal mare was unamused. "Okay then... I'll come to the living room in a minute..."


Crystal Clear got up,  grumpy. Nightmare Season also woke up and helped her look presentable, then the pair left the bedroom.


The doc was a unicorn in her forties, with large experience with mothers and foals. That's why she was hired in the first place - for Cadance and Flurry Heart. It was nice to be treated like a patient for once, rather than a vessel of a disease like the physicians tend to. The unicorn performed a full examination,  tossed some diagnostic spells too. The verdict was that the mother and her foals were healthy, and the colt was rather big - apparently because of his race. Crystal was more relaxed now that she had a green light from a professional, but she was told to lie down as much as possible. Preferably on the back as she figured out already.  The unicorn bid the couple farewell and they started their morning routine - showering, brushing, and dressing up, a light breakfast. Nightmare Season decided to accompany his wife on a visit to her parents and friend. Sparks wanted to stay with Radiance.  Crystal didn't push - apparently the unicorn felt out of her element.  They walked out of the palace,  with a stop or two so she could rest. Ponies stared at her massive belly, and she didn't like it. Thankfully the silken dress paired with her hoof made crystal jewelry made her look a bit better. Apparently, the Crystal Princess cough wind of their plan and a carriage was ready at the Plaza. Crystal sure didn't mind a ride. The opportunity to rest some more was most welcome.


The carriage stopped and Nightmare Season helped her out. They saw their alicorn mother by the house. She seemed to have made a deal with Snowflake of all ponies, as evident by the bag of bits... and a golden root.


"Mother! What the hay are you up to this time!?" She approached as fast as possible,  already mad. "You, get in the house and make some tea. And stop smiling like an idiot or you'll spend that coin on miraculous Equestrian dentistry got it!?" Snowflake knew better than try to argue and vacated the premises,  holding the bag like it was his firstborn.  Crystal glared at the alicorn furiously as Nightmare questioned her. She entrusted a golden root to that idiot! When Hearts-Dream said she only had half of the root, Crystal ground her teeth with frustration. So what now?  She added it to her salad?!


She face hoofed and sighed at the news of their whole clan getting knocked up. It's as if this mare was obsessed with getting mares pregnant.  The mention of a side effect pushed her over the edge. Crystal really had murder in her eyes this time as she put her hoof down and said in a low, strained voice. If she was half nightmare, she would be engulfed in flames.  "What. Bucking. Side effect?!" She listened to the explanation and looked as if she could throw herself at the blind mare in equally blind rage. "You tricked me with something you barely understand, I'll risk my bucking life every time I have foals,  and now you tell me that I'll get crazy for my husband every time I'm fertile?! That's the oh so good future you wanted for me!? To spend my life in bed producing foals as fast as I can?! What the hay mother? Think before you mess a pony's life will ya?" She started crying and Nightmare Season tried to settle her down.  Hearts-Dream apologised,  at the very least. Crystal needed some time to settle down,  and just waved at the alicorn to go. It took several more minutes until she could normally speak again. "I hate her for that. She thinks it's some kind if game to mess up other ponies? Don't give me that look, I know you're happy with me losing it for you every time. But I don't want to look like that all the time okay?  Don't let me grind you dry unless we decide we want it you hear me? *sniff* C'mon, they probably wonder why I was yelling at their doorstep. 


She knocked on the door and dad opened immediately. "Ah it's so nice to see you kids!" He looked over at his daughter. "And you look... healthy! Yeah, that's good." Crystal shook her head. "Cut it out dad, I feel like a boulder. And I'm surrounded by idiots. .." Fire Ruby gave Nightmare a questioning look as he hugged his daughter. He knew he won't get any real answers from her right now. "Cutome you two, to the living room. We have tea and some light snacks prepared." He tried to save the situation, it was so nice if him. Laurel Wreath poked her head from the kitchen and her eyes went wide.  "My Heart you're so..." Dad made some gestures behind Crystal to shush hus wife.  "...good, I mean, look at you, nearly ready to bring your first foals to the world. Have you thought of the names yet?" Crystal gave her a puzzled look and went inside the living room. It was a middle class apartment on the first floor.  Their general goods shop was on the ground floor. The living room was rather spacious though. Crystal Clear spotted a large cushion and laid on her back.  Her spine really needed it. Besides, she didn't give a damn on how big she looked that way. Not around family.  "Ughh, did I make you look like that mom? It'll take months before I recover... Unless I lose my mind and breed my husband all night on my next cycle.  Hearts-Dream made me a foal factory. And tell Snowflake to give you the bits he earned from her. Should be enough for at least some of his debts... Anyways, how are you?" Crystal knew they hadn't had the best start today,  but once her rage cooled down,  she tried to save the situation.


They talked for hours. About the land of nightmare ponies,  their clan,  future trade with the Empire, but also her parents business, latest gossip around town,  and how Evie was doing.  Snowflake tried to sneak out with his bits but mom caught him and led to another room. He went out empty hooved and without that stupid grin. They stayed for dinner, and Crystal Clear was overjoyed with tastes of her youth. Nothing like a dinner at ones parents.


It was late afternoon when they finally bid farewell and took to Evening Songs place. Crystal was stressed to go there but it didn't go as bad as she feared. Evie was calm and nice, a but curious even about them. Still, the visit lasted only for like, two hours. Crystal didn't feel too well on her former house, and took the cube and her certificate back to the palace. The cun was still up,  but not for long when they went back to their room. There was a feast in honour of the guests planned on the evening.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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