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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


"I suppose I can wait one more year for you." He gave her a thank you kiss.


That night Crystal was looking at the scroll in their bed. She motioned for him to join her. he listened to her plan. "That is a good idea. The river could take us deeper in so we could get a good start on the trip." He nuzzled her for her good idea. "As for our son....We do need to get him to start figuring out how to enter dreams, even if it random among us and our servants. Unless you plan on feeding him with your taps for his whole life? Cadence told me that with those spells, you will always be with milk. So I guess you could do it that way, but I can't imagine how his sister will treat him always suckling you." Nightmare did make a good point. One day he would have to start feeding himself. "Tomorrow, we can have a meeting with the two clans about your idea. Then we will head to the docks to welcome your family."


The next morning the royal couple met with the clan leaders. Both agreed without any worries. Dark Waters had several small fishing vessels they used to find pearls. They could spare two to transport a group up the river into the unknown jungle. Burning Sands will send two of their ponies to find new food. When all was agreed, they started packing up the city to head to the docks. This time they traveled as a whole nation. Not just her small clan.


When they arrived at the docks. The ship was expected within the week. Thankfully for Crystal, her heat was starting up, so she would not be in heat with her friends and family there to see her. Again Nightmare was with her to ease her urges. Though she did feel like she wanted foals now. Nightmare reminded her they agreed on another year.


The next week saw the crystal ship pulling into the dock.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The crystal nightmare frowned. "I uh... haven't thought about that this way. I don't want him suckling my milk till he gets a wife, that would be just... eww! But we need to tell Sparks and Wandering Sands when we let him loose." She bit her lower lip and looked at him. "She really said I'd keep producing all the time?" He nodded. "Stupid spells, guess soon you'll have it all for yourself then. You have no idea how uncomfortable it is when I hold it in for too long." He seemed to be far from worried at his soon to be new duty.


The next day went pretty usual, with the exception of a meeting with Burning ands and Dark Waters, and tearing down the camp to move to the seaside dock. Crystal Clear seemed to be paying more attention to her son, trying to figure out what to do about his diet. She didn't want him to prey at random, but it seemed it was the only way until he was big enough to reason with him. Thankfully for the mare, they arrived and set up the capital about a week before the ship was due. Her heat came in on the second day in the new location too. Nightmare Season kept the promise not to knock her up, despite her hormone induced urge for just that. At least she didn't have to worry about it with the crystal ponies around...


Finally, the day has come. Crystal Clear stood beside her husband under a small canopy on the wooden stand as the crystal ship slowly pulled up to to the dock. The mare was filled with pride - the ship was even better than the train. Such a shame she didn't lay hoof to making it... Dark Water ponies secured the vessel and made room for a folding catwalk that was lowered from the ship. Of course, first were the two honour guards, and then the Crystal Royal family. Sunburst was with Flurry Heart just behind them. Court ponies and traders followed, and she finally saw her family. Although she saw they were looking for her even though she was sanding in plain sight. They didn't recognise her... The mare sighed sadly and lowered her head a bit.


The Crystal Royals approached the Nightmare Royals and they exchanged polite bows, then burst in laughter. "It's nice to see you Nightmare Season but..." Cadence held a hoof in the air as an unasked question. Crystal Clear rolled her eyes. "It's still me, Princess. Crystal Clear. I'm now part nightmare pony and kiiiind of grew a tad bigger because of all the magic that keeps me together. It wasn't planned. But I'm still me." The Crystal Princess nodded. "Sorry for that, I was just... surprised I guess." Nightmare invited the royal guests into their tent and the royals retreated to the main hall. The courtiers and traders were pointed to a separate set of guest tents, along with all the luggage. Crystal's fmily was also led to the Sultan's tent by a nightmare pony. The crystal nightmare sure hoped her brother wouldn't come, but, here he was.


Nightmare Season led the Royal family to the seating area and Crystal Clear waited by the entrance for her family. Dad first took a hint. "Are you...?" She nodded. "I guess so, dad. Mom. Snowflake.... It;s a long story, but basically the clans decided to make me their Queen, and only nightmare ponies can be one so... they made me one. Partially. But I'm still me, just taller. Come on in, let's not stand in the doorway."


They joined the rest of the gathered ponies. Nightmare was under assault of questions from Shining Armor, who saw all the guard ponies and their fierce looking gear. Crystal Clear shook her head. "Colts and their toys... How are thing inthe Empire? Is it still Crystal or we're losing the fight for our identity under the mass of Equestrian goods?" Cadance shook her head. "Heart protect us! it;s still Crystal alright. We even managed to keep the crystal fashion in Equestria alive, so the Guild has it's hooves full. Shame you brought so little silk last year, it was a real craziness. Phew, is it always so hot around these parts?" Crystal CLear smiled. "Afraid so. That's why we wear clothes all the time. Helps a lot against direct sunlight if you believe."


They chatted for over an hour, and stopped only because the mothers had to take care of their little ones. Fathers took an opportunity to move to Nightmare's study to look at his suit of armour. Crystal's family decided to chack their quarters - most of the topics went over their heads anyway. Crystal Clear decided to catch up on them separately.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare and Shinning armor went off on the army and gear they had. Seemed Shinning really did like the whole appealing guards routine. When the mares excused themselves for their foals. Nightmare took Shinning Armor to his royal office, as it were anyways. He showed him the runes on the scroll that allowed them to always know where each city was. Shining Armor was wanting to know the last time they spoke. He also showed him Radiance as their form of mail delivery, since Pegasus were not native this far South. Radiance as her normal mischievous self, Flew over and landed on Shining Armors horn.


When the four finished up their talks and feedings. They met back up in the main hall. Seamstresses were waiting to present the royal guests with new silk gowns to wear and to help with the heat. Crystal Clear went to the bedroom they had assigned to her parents. Avoiding the room her brother was given. She made sure he had the smallest, less decorated one. Nightmare Season showed Cadence and her husband where their room was. Seemed both parties were amazed at the size of the tent as Crystal was her first time.


Crystal's mother had brought her a little present. "This is from Equestria, seems like it will come in handy for you. Wish I had one after I had you and your brother." Crystal opened it up, there inside was a milk pump. "Cadence told me about the spells they cast on you to help you with your foals."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Once the royal foals were fed, the mothers and fathers met again in the main hall. Crystal nodded with satisfaction at the outfits presented to their royal guests and went to check on her parents. She purposefully avoided the room Snowflake was given - the mare really had no intention to see him. She stood at the entrance of the guest bedroom where her parents were unpacking their luggage. "Sorry for the chat earlier. We have so much to discuss with the Crystal Princess... Anyway, how was the trip?" The crystal nightmare seemed uneasy. "Well, it sure was... interesting. To say the least.  We met some new ponies from upper class, mainly the businessponies. You know the courtiers, always pointing their horns straight up... Um, sorry." Dad apparently though he offended his daughter - she too had a horn now.  Mom tried to make their space more Crystal Empire as she unpacked. Crystal Clear walked inside snd sat on a cushion. Gosh she was so big compared to her parents... "I reckon they tried to ask you for a favour? To arrange an audience or something? And no worries dad, I may have changed on the outside, but I'm still the same where it matters." Mom chipped in. "You're not, Crystal. Don't lie to yourself. You've changed a lot since you first met that... stallion of yours." Dad tried to save it. "But for the better! I've never thought that my filly will be a Queen! You've got a loving husband, cute foals, the whole life ahead of you. Surely some things will change,  but not all change is bad." He put a hoof on her shoulder for reassurance. Crystal frowned.  "Yeah, whole life... I'm basically immortal, now that I'm part nightmare pony. A lot of time to think..." Her parents looked at each other. Mom fished out a box from her luggage and handed it to the crystal nightmare.


"A milk pump? I'd never expect something like this from you mom. Thanks,  I guess.  My own mother wants to make me a milk cow..." Crystal shook her head smirking. "Did the Princess tell you I won't stop lactating after my twins stop feeding off me? Stupid magic. But enough of my private parts,  how were you this past year?"


Crystal Clear spent some time with her parents.  If course,  her brother eventually showed up too. He asked for silk for sale to find another business of his. Crystal said she'll give some good stuff her parents and they'll decide whether to help him or not. Eventually Sparks came to ask them for dinner and brought outfits for her family.  Crystal told them they can keep them and explained how clothes made the heat more tolerable.  She got used to it for the most part anyway.


The dinner was a medium sized one - the royals and Crystals family were accompanied by the most important courtiers and business representatives, with a Master of Crystal amongst them. They ate and talked about broad terms of what the nightmares have to offer in terms of trade, and what the ponies from up North were interested. Seems that, apart from silk,  the business ponies saw an opportunity in finished goods,  like cushions and anything really as long as it had outlandish decor. They were also somewhat interested in timbers they saw, for decoration. Much like Crystal down South, it seems the Crystal ponies were interested in luxury items and anything intriguing enough to be marketed as one.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Has every pony ate, talks were going on as to what supplies and products was wanted in trade for their crystals. Nightmare like the idea how they wanted rugs and cushions with their decorations on them. Those are like a dozen for five bits. Though he did not tell them that, they will get stuff that sells high for stuff any pony normally buys in these lands. Nightmare did notice his mother-in-law giving him a distasteful glare now and again. He whispered to Crystal. "Guess your mother hates me now for how you have grown up so."


As dinner ended, The guests all went their own way. Nightmare and Crystal asked to show the royal couple and her parents around. Explain a few things. Nightmare had arranged a demonstration for Shining Armor how a real army force is trained when there is always war on the horizon. Apparently he really loved the show that was put on. "Mind if I try my hoof with one of your solder?" The unicorn asked Nightmare. "I am sure I can find some pony to spare with you." He gave his wife a wink. She knew just the pony. She introduced Shinning armor to her trainer, Midnight Gleam.


As the two got ready, every pony else found a good area to watch from. Shining Armor was telling her not to be to upset when he wins. As the horn blared to start the match, Shining Armor found out just how Crystal felt seeing the nightmare mare for a split second then open skies on his back. He got up saying it was just a fluke. He was not saying that after his fifth time. She showed that peace prince how a war pony fought. Cadence enjoyed the show the most.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The ponies talked about business and trade, and Crystal tried to gather interest for all kinds of goods they had, while glancing at her family every now and then. Poor ponies were so out of their element by the table with big trade fish, holier than thou courtiers and Royals. Dad was as usual his cheerful and optimistic self, and since they owned a general goods store, he tried to contribute to the conversation as kind of a "voice of the comon folk" - chipping in what the less well-off ponies would be interested in. The crystal nightmare was making mental notes on his observation, since she wanted to give them some items to sell in their shop. Mom was interested in various foods that were served, but the mare couldn't help but think she was unhappy with being here in some distant land with ponies she has no ties with to see her daughter who barely resembles herself. Crystal felt like she disappointed her. And Snowflake... well let's just say the Queen would happily show him some nightmare spells - especially the fire bolt.


Crystal Clear noticed Nightmare Season leaning towards her and she lend an ear. She shook her head a bit and whispered back. "It's more complicated. I'll explain later okay?" The mare gave him a nuzzle and they continued the conversation.


The dinner came to an end, and the royal nightmares decided to show their guests around. They took a stroll around the city, avoiding places that weren't fit for showing to guests, like the tents of Poisoned Oasis and Shooting Stars - anywhere there may be slaves really. Fire Ruby noticed the stand with talismans and mentioned they would do nicely for jewelry, but his daughter showed him the wares and explained whatthey mean and that they're not just shiny trinkets. Laurel Wreath had her eyes on household appliances, foods that could survive the trip back, common things really. She knew her clients would buy something small and moderately priced out of curiosity, but not a cushion for hundread bits. Eventually they reached the grounds of Evening Matches, that looked more like an Arena now that the clans were all gathered. Nightmare prepared a demonstration of his soldiers fighting prowess. Crystal knew it would be good the moment she saw Raging Fires insignia on their armours.


The show was indeed good, and Prince Shining Armor wanted to try a sparring with one of the nightmare soldiers. Crystal barely kept a straight face when she realised Nightmare asked Midnight to be his opponent. This will be priceless. The ponies took a seat and watched as the mare dances in circles around the Crystal Prince like she was training with a dummy. Eventually Cadence told them to stop - she knew her husband's pride wouldn't allow him to give in the fight unles he got seriosuly injured, and there was no way he could win. Crystal leaned to Nightmare as the prince took off his armour, beaten and humiliated in combat. "He was a Captain of the Royal Guard back in Canterlot, a career soldier all his life, and a commander too. Now you know why I didn't have much faith in the guards back North... Thankfully the Crystal Princess called him back, he would probably keep trying till she broke his leg or something. Stallions and their pride."


Cadance took her husband to their room for clean up and rest. It was late afternoon, just a few hours to the great feast with all the clans. The table wouldn't fit in the tent tonight. Crystal's family also decided to take a break in their rooms, they weren't used to the heat and got tired quickly. So the nightmare royals also went to their room, and took over the foals from Sparks.


Crystal CLear knew what was on her husband's mind as soonas they closed the flap behind her bedroom. "Not a chance, love, I don't want our guests to hear my singing voice and you know I can't be quiet. Guess we're out of luck unless we sneak out someplace. No, not now." She had a hard time under the assault of his nuzzles. "C'mon, let it go for once. Let's have some fun with our kids alright?" He nodded reluctantly and they played with the little ones.


At some point, the stallion stumbled on a strange box that wasn't there last time. He opened it and took out some strange device from it. Crystal saw it and covered her snout with a hoof. The foals didn't notice anything and kept playing. "A gift from mom to help me once the foals switch to solids and dreams. I ruess it could be used to secure food for Crystal Flames until he figures out dream eating too. I haven't tried it yet but should be more comfortable than hooves to ease the pressure. It gets uncomfortable if nopony... you know. Helps themselves to the white gold."


Nightmare being Nightmare, he decided to try it out. Good they had a large empty bowl at hoof for washing their faces - once he convinced his wife to try, she didn't want to stop until she was empty. The couple was surprised how much she held insde her, and the foals didn't need extra invitations to take their serving from a different source. Still, they had no clue what to do with the rest.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As their guests all went to their rooms to rest up and clean up. Nightmare went with his wife to play with their foals. As soon as he closed the flaps he looked back to his wife. She instantly told him no on their fun and to just play with the foals instead. He even went to her and gave her nuzzles after nuzzles to try and put her in the mood. She was not falling for it this time. Nightmare knew to give up, mostly he knew his mother-in-law would even be more angry with him if she overheard her daughter as loud as she was with him.


While they were playing with Crystal Flames and Crimson Aurora. Nightmare discovered a box that was new. When he opened it up, inside was a strange device he did not know what it was. He showed his wife who tried to hide her embarrassment. He listened to the explanation. "So I have been replaced by a tool? You know I would have helped you out love. But I guess this will come in handy if one of us gets badly injured again. You did say doing it by hoof was hurting you." He looked around and brought their clean wash bowl over to them as he put her on her back to test it out. She was at first trying to stop him. "We have to try it out. See if it even works or not. Also the fouls are getting hungry and we should feed them." He convinced her and he connected it to her taps. Using the hoof pump with it, he went to work.


It did indeed worked, and it was fast at it too. She was like a fountain of milk. She most have liked it, cause she took over the pump at used it till the bowl was almost over flowing and she was on empty for once. When the foals noticed their loving mothers milk in the bowl, they went to it to like it up even before she was done getting it out. The colt was the first to drink that way followed by his sister.


When the fowls were done and full. They were burped by their parents then sent off to bed. The couple still had a half of the bowl left. "I see now how you would be uncomfortable with this much. Guess you got a great present after all." He had a nice idea, he picked it up and drunk half of it himself. Then he looked at her. She tried to say no, but he managed to get her and forced her to taste it. Once she tasted it, she gladly drank the rest of it. Now that she could taste the dream energy in it, she understood why her husband and colt loved it so much.


As she finished up, Sparks came by to tell them the feast was ready outside. Sparks gave Crystal a funny look. Nightmare noticed and he wiped milk off her cheek. Sparks excused herself as she went to the feast. They both giggled a little, Crystal being slightly embarrassed.


As they went to the feast. They had Crystal's family members sitting with them at the small table next to her. Hearts-Dream was next to Nightmare. The Royal Guests had their own table as well between the Sultan's and clan members. Their feast selection really impressed the guests. For they had several fruits and vegetables they had never seen before, along with dishes they had never tried before.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare was resting on the bed, enjoying the feeling of being empty for the first time. Seeing all that milk in the bowl, it was no wonder she felt uncomfortable. Seems she'd really need to let Nightmare "help" her with managing her taps. She took the pump and tried it one last time, but nothing came out. All in all, it was fun. She took off the cups as Nightmare looked at the bowl, still half full. "Yeah, try so suck that all out the regular way... It would take ages." The scrystal nightmare snorted and giggled as her husband took the bowl and started drinking, but then noticed he levitated it towards her. "Oh come on, surely you don't want me to... Hey, hooves off! I have rights and..." She didn't finish since he tilted the bowl and she just had to drink, or she'll get all wet in it. To the mare's surprise, it tasted... good, actually. She held the bowl in her hoobes and finished on her own. The dream energy inside it, it made all the difference. "Okay, now I get it why you and our son are so into it. I still think it's weird but... feel free to get a cup or ten whenever you want. I need to keep it flowing anyway, so might as well not waste it."


Sparks came in to announce the feast was nearly ready, but Crystal noticed how her eyes darted between several locations as she gave the royal couple a funny look. They got busted, again. Nightmare wiped something off her cheek and she knew she was caught red, or rather, white hooved. The unicorn just rolled her eyes and excused herself as the royal couple started giggling, although Crystal felt embarassed.


They got themselves back in order, and the mare even jumped a few times as she marvelled how light all of a sudden she felt. Then they went to attend the feast.


Crystal was satisfied that her family sat by her table, but she was a bit surprised that the Crystal Royals family had their own table. The large table was abuzz with chatter as the clanponies mingled with courtiers and traders. Crystal decided to give more attention to her family, and told them about different foods and table customs as they ate. All in all, she had a good time. Even showed off her fire mane at one time when they talked about her new form, and levitated her cup to show she had a functional horn. She could afford it since she had a dream energy meal just recently. Of course Laurel Wreath was the least thrilled. Thankfully the royal guest table was close enough to keep a converation too, but the princess seemed to feel a bit cut off from the party. As the ponies slowed down their eating, it was a time for various performances, like ritualised duels, taming of wild beast and other flashy acts. Snowflake asked where's the alcohol and got a murder glare from both parents and his sister. All in all, it was a very good evening as the feast naturally evolved into a more standing party when the ponies by the large table started mixing and matching to talk with eachother and strike deals. Crystal decided to liven up the atmosphere by the royal tables and took her husband for a dance, and Cadence did the same with her stallion. Hearts-Dream decided to have a chat with the crystal nightmare's family now that she wasn't listening. The mare suspected she had another of her cunning plans, but decided to just roll with it - most of the time her messing around turned okay. It occured to her only after they stopped but as the pair danced, the party seemed to quiet down as ponies stopped what they were doing and watched the royals dance - the couples had vastly different styles, one Equestrian, other Nightmare. Both cultures took notice at similarities and differences at the spontanious display. When the couples finished their dance and bowed, there was a ear deafening uproar of stomps and applause. Crystal grinned and went to Cadance to have a little bragging contest on who was the beter dancer. They aggreed to disagree and meet again on the dance floor next year.


The party continued well into the night, but eventually lost tempo and winded down on it's own. Eventually it was over and the guests said goodnight to their hosts. Crystal sat by her husband in the great hall, leaning on him and nuzzling his neck. "That was one good party I tell you, but it still needs something to end it with a bang..." She gave Nightmare a look and bit her lower lip. "Would you be interested in watching the stars on the beach? Away from our tent?" Of course she meant anything but staring at the sky.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare was tired after their dancing, he was not use to it. He did over hear the two wives brag who the better dancers were. They agreed to continue next year. Nightmare whispered to Shining, "Guess we will be seeing dancing practice." They both laughed slightly. The night had fallen and the guests retired to their rooms. The only two left was Nightmare and Crystal nuzzling.


With her suggestion, he knew what was on her mind. She had turned into a love pony with him. "Oh? You want to look at the stars?" He looked at her. "Are you sure it is the stars you want, or something else? Come on....tell me what you really want." He made sure that she told him exactly what she wanted before he went with her to find a secluded area away from camp. Crystal was the one to pounce first when she believed they were far enough away from the city. That way no pony could hear her when she really got into it. Nightmare was at her mercy that night. She crystallized and shown like a star herself.


The two lost track of time with their late night escapades with each other. By the time they were tired it was well past midnight. The two was to exhausted to head back right after so actually wound up looking at the stars. Nightmare looked at her shining under the moon light. "Guess you really wanted me to see a star after all." He gave her a kiss. She was still good to go so the start of round two. Good thing she was not in heat, or she would probably had six foals that night.


The couple finally managed to get back to camp before the sun came up. They looked terrible with sand covering them and some messes from their loving campaign. They needed to get washed up before their guests woke up. Sadly as they entered the tent. Cadence was the only one awake feeding Flurry Heart. She saw the messy two and giggled. Both nightmares blushed as they walked past her to their room to wash. "This is your fault after all. If you were not such a love pony, or big." His only reply from her on that was a long kiss.


The morning came shortly after, They were looking proper now and came out looking like they slept. One good thing about nightmares is not needing much sleep. Crystals first duty was to feed the foals. Her taps were working enough to feed both of them with a little bit left. Breakfast was served up by Sparks and Wandering Sands in time for all the guests to attend. Cadence gave the two a wink to tell them it was their little secret.


That day was going to be the first day the royal couple will get to see a better selection of goods they had to offer.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare scrunched her nose at the sudden questions. He was supposed to levitate her out of the tent at top speed, not prolong it! She nibbled his ear and brought his head lower so she could tell him exactly what she had in mind, with graphic detail. That made him move at last.


They went on the beach and the crystal nightmare was keeping a lookout on any sentries or amateurs of late night walks. Once she decided they were far enough not to disturb anypony, she knocked her husband off his hooves and pounced on him. Now she will have her fun, whether he likes it or not. Well, he liked it a lot.


She crystallized like she always did, and once they couldn't muster any more from them, the couple laid in the sand, hugging and staring at the night sky, enjoying their presence. They were too beat to head back home just yet. His comment made her giggle. "Like you have noooo idea." She kissed him back. This time Nightmare took the lead for round two, and she sure liked what he had in mind.


Finally, they were both spent and satisfied, and since the night was at its end they came back to camp. Both ponies looked like they lost an argument with a sandstorm, with all the sand in their coats and messed up clothes. Crystal's mane came loose and nearly dragged on the ground. Not to mention other stains on her cherry coat. The crystal nightmare grinned like mad and still shined as they approached the tent. "We really need to do this more often. The sneaking out part. It's way better when I can be as loud as I want." Unfortunately, their plan to come back unnoticed failed since, when they entered their tent, Princess Cadence was already awake and playing with Flurry Heart in the Main Hall. The mare giggled as nightmares tried to sneak. They blushed and just went to their room normally. Nightmare tried to blame her for getting caught like that. She just gave him a passionate kiss to remind him why they went out in the first place.


When morning came, it was the first night when Crystal Clear didn't sleep for a moment. Since she had a dream meal, albeit from an unusual source, it seemed she didn't need to sleep. Funny how, apparently, she slept mostly out of habit as a crystal pony rather than real need. The couple cleaned themselves up thoroughly and put on fresh clothes, then went out of their room like nothing ever happened. The mare went to wake up and feed the foals, and she noted that, despite getting emptied out completely just ten hours ago, or so, she had enough to feed them both and there was still some left. Maybe she produced more and more every time the demand increased? She would have to ask Cadence. Maybe she'd have some more spells to offer? Speaking of whom, the Princess of Love gave them a sassy wink at the breakfast. Seems she decided to keep their secret after all.


When everypony had their fill by the table, it was time to plan the day. Crystal wanted to hang out with her parents some more, and let them enjoy the company of their grandfoals. So, they scheduled a walk around town for the crystal nightmare and her family. They would go back and play with the little ones when it was time to host a meeting between the traders. Cadence decided that Sparks and Sunburst will pool their resources and the foals will be together during the day. Maybe Sparks will learn some new helpful spells too. Shining Armor wanted to buy a set of nightmare armor and weapons, despite the disapproving glare of his wife, and Nightmare Season offered to show him to a good armor smith. Cadence decided to check in on her delegates. The ponies decided to meet at the same place in three hours, so they could rest before the trade negotiations.


Crystal Clear kissed her foals’ bye-bye for a bit and took her family for a stroll. She wanted to have an honest talk with them, cut the cord on the boulder that was looming above their heads, for better or worse... The Queen headed for a park-like section of the camp, where ponies and nightmares liked to spend their free time. They took seats on a publicly available carpet with cushions and a low table. She seemed to tower above them, and she didn't like that, so she laid down. They had a long, and difficult conversation. Crystal Clear felt like she was cutting her heart with a spoon the whole time, but it had to be done. There was no way to keep up the appearances any longer, their lives would eventually go in separate ways and everypony present knew that. Laurel Wreath finally had her say over her disappointment over how her daughter abandoned her family and friends, how she became... something else. How she looked at the mare and didn't see her daughter anymore. Fire Ruby tried to reason that they'll see each other every year, and they were writing to each other, so it wasn't that bad. But even he had to admit that, eventually, they will drift apart and become blood related strangers. To her surprise, Snowflake finally found a brain in his head and instead of asking for money, he started acting like a stallion and brought up the issue of them aging and dying, but her, not really. And how to tackle the issue that he would be there on his own, taking care of the aging parents. Crystal offered them a place in her clan if they wanted, but Laurel Wreath refused - she didn't want to leave her house, her friends and clients. So, Crystal offered funds for their care but she refused, again. Seems they were getting nowhere with that topic.


When the time came, they headed back. Crystal Clear felt awful, being outright rejected by her mother like that. She reckoned that talking with her father in private may be useful. Laurel Wreath went to her room and Fire Ruby with Snowflake decided to go and see the foals, as they agreed earlier. The stallion really wanted to be a proper granddad. Crystal showed them to the little ones, then went to her room and cried her eyes out into a pillow.


Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare came back from his shopping adventure with Shining Armor. The unicorn was grinning like mad that he now owned a set of Nightmare Armor and blade. As Shining took his things to their room, Nightmare went to their room. Not making a noise, he noticed his wife fave first into a pillow crying. He slowly backed up and went to go find her father. He was not hard to find with his playing with his grandfoals.


"Do you know why Crystal Clear is crying?" He asked him. He listened to him how their family meet up went. And how her mother was refusing to accept her new form and lifestyle. Nightmare nodded and thanked him. He then went to find Laurel Wreath. When he found her he asked to have a walk and talk with her in private. Reluctantly she agreed and they both left before Crystal emptied her tear ducks.


Nightmare walked her along the beach where they would be just the two of them. He told her of how they first met, the quest he went on with her and even almost dying for her to keep her safe from King Sombre. Also how it was her who stayed with him to nurse him back to health. He told his mother-in-law how she came to see if he was safe when the nightmare pony lured her with a nightmare. How he had fallen deeply in love with her and bonded so he could stay with her forever. He went on and on. The spells was to keep her safe from having his foals with him being much larger than him. How she saved his life the second time when he protected his family from the sand cats.


By the end he had told her how much she still loved her friends and family, and how she was crying from her not accepting her own daughter, even though she should be the happiest mother in the world. Crystal after all fell in love with a creature most wants to kill. Also how she became a queen. Something else that was unheard of since the original true borns. When he got her back to his home, Nightmare even showed off his wife's work area, and how she was even keeping the crystal pony way of life alive. He really nailed his point into his mother-in-law. She finally realized how special her now big daughter was. Nightmare led her to where Crystal was still in bed. See no longer had her glow about her, but had dulled out.


Laurel Wreath went to her and hugged her and apologized. Nightmare felt it best to leave the two to regain their relationship. Nightmare went back to his foals and his father-in-law to keep them company. He told him that those two was finally going to make up hopefully. Fire Ruby seemed to like that he did that just for them. Nightmare picked up both little ones and put on the costume saddle bags for them. They were almost getting to big for it now. "Shall we go for a walk with them dad?" He asked him and they both went for a stroll to allow the two mares to be alone together.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare didn't know for how long she was crying, only that she felt like she'd never stop. Why it happenned to her? Does anypony even care how it feels being a part of two worlds, and having to choose only one?


She felt a hoof on her shoulder. A smaller one than her husband's. Crystal Clear wiped her eyes in the pillow - it was soaking wet - and lifter her head to see who came.


"You look like a mess." - Mom always knew hot to cheer her up... The crystal mare continued, slowly and carefully choosing her words. "I, uhh, had a... talk, with your husband." The crystal mare sniffed loudly and looked at her intently with red eyes. Laurel Wreath seemed to be uncomfortable and started making circles in the nightmare's coat. "So he told me a lot of things. How you met, everything you did together, how you both brought each other from the brink and eventually fell in... love. And how your... changes... are effect of saving your life during delivery and backfires when mixed with nightmare magic. Not some attempt to become a nightmare pony on your part." Mom took a deep breath and looked her daughter straight in the eyes. "I'm sorry. For being so narrow minded about you and your choices. For being so unsupposrtive for your marriage and even going so far to not accepting your new form. I just..." Now Laurel Wreath was losing her voice, and Crystal Clear simply grabbed her into a tight hug.


They both cried, but not from sadness. The tears had almost purifying effect on her hearts - they finally reconnected, and it felt so good. The mares went from tears to laugh and crystallised, still holding each other close. Finally, they let go of each other and Laurel Wreath stood on the bed next to her daughter. "You really are beautiful like that, daughter." The crystal nightmare smiled and nodded. "Thanks mom. So, we're good?" Laurel booped her. "And what does your mother sense tell you? Come on, I want to see my grandfoals."


The mares left the bedroom and looked around the tent for the little ones, but couldn't find them. Nightare and Fire Ruby were also out. Sparks said they went for a walk and they decided to look for them. The ponies were already setting up the tables and cushions for the trade meeting in an hour or so.


Crystal saw them on a beach, making sand sculptures. The mares trotted to their husbands, still shining, and have them a hug. Crystal whispered into Nightmare's ear: "Thanks for talking sense into my mom love, Do remind me that you need to be extra rewarded in the evening?" She gave him a long kiss and nearly pulled down onto the sand, but he held his balance. The family had a great time on the beach until it was time to start the meeting. The Crystal royals and their advisers would have a proper look at all the nightmare ponies had to offer, and decide what they's like to trade for their crystals. Thankfully, the crystal nightmare already made a deal under the table for raw crystals, so she could keep her workshop running.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare had taken Fire Ruby and the foals to the beach where he released the little ones to play in the sand. When they were almost finished building little sand forts. Their wives came up to them. Nightmare was grasped in a hug that almost took him down on his belly with a passionate kiss. When his lips were freed he responded to her. "You are welcome love. I did say I will try my best to keep you in your shinny appearance didn't I? And as for my reward tonight. Think we can go back to where we were last night?" He gave her a kiss.


The family played together on the beach. Taking a few chances to go for a swim to cool off. Now that he had his wife with him, she helped Nightmare build a decent sand fort so It did not look so bad up against her father's creative one. Laurel Wreath seemed to have accepted Nightmare now and was not giving him the cold stare of blame. He actually started to think she was a good pony. But still she made sure he knew she would go after him if he made her daughter unhappy. He frantically nodded to her as the father daughter pair laughed at the scene.


Sparks came by to get them. The meeting on trades was to take place soon. The young unicorn also took Crystal Flames back clinging to her back. She looked happy with the colt. Guess Hearts-Dream was right that she would become his wife when he was of age. As the family came back inside their tent. The tables were set up with all that the nightmares had to offer. The guests were also poring in. The Royal couple took up their positions at the head of the table. The Crystal Royals also sat next to them. Since it was not the feast, there was no separate tables this time. Sparks took the foals to their room to keep them entertained.


The talks went on for a good length of time. Several items that was not up North was up for discussions on pricing. A good deal of the rare fruits and vegetables. Seeds were actually asked for, but Crystal did not want them to have the seeds just the fruits. Crystal's carrier in business helped out the deals a lot better. Most of what was wanted, was their everyday items that they would sell as collector items and novelties. Nightmare and the clans liked that idea. That meant they could sell a cheap item for a higher price.


When everything was finished, and the contracts for trade was signed by each pony involved, they all left for the party that would be held that night outside of the city. The party was in full swing with ponies eating and dancing. Nightmares talking with crystal ponies about future trade or just getting to know about each other. Before the party finished, Crystal had dragged Nightmare away from the party so they could go back to the area they were at last night. Guess she was wanting to give him his thank you present early.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The family separated in good spirits when it was time for some more royal duties. Crystal Clear noted with satisfaction at the selection of goods presented by the clans. Now that the crystal ponies have seen them and their wares, she was certain she would make a blast with much more than their silks. The mare took an active, and evn lead position in the talks. Once the crystal ponies made a list of things they were interested in, the crystal royals, backed by a few business advisors, started negotiating prices. Crystal Cear knew that much depended on how the buyers viewed the goods and their marketing, so she played the novelty, scarcity and luxury cards all the time to lift the price. Textiles were by far the most sought after, starting with silk that was already making a blast in highest circles of society, through carpets, rugs, cushions, pillows, blankets, anything really that had a distinct nightmare pony decor and was made from local textiles, unavailable up North. The clans will be pleased with the prices, since they will sell everyday items as luxurious novelties. The tradesponies tried to buy seeds of their fruits and vegetables, but Crystal Clear banned seed trade outright - she knew very well that next year they wouldn't sell any foodstuffs now that they were grown domestically. Burning Sands would not like being cut off from theur profits like that. Cadence smiled at her protecting her nation's interests like a real monarch would. The crystal ship couldn't hold large quantities of exotic timber or large items, like wagons, but the interest was there. They decided to trade a few suits of armour from Raging Fires for a hefty price, as collectors items. The clan wasn't sold on the idea of fine nightmare steel gathering dust, but the bags of money soothed their feelings.


It was evening already when the talks were over and the trade contracts signed, and the attendants were invited to a party held outside the camp. Braziers, glow-crystals and fire manes provided light on the grounds and food laden tables. Nightmares and crystal ponies were talking and playing together. The royals decided not to crash it again with their dancing, and opted for a more stationary celebration. They talked and mingled, even playedsome games. Crystal Clear took the opportunity to tak with the princess about some things that she wanted to know when Shining Armor was talking Nightmare Season's ear off with his guard stuff and many perils and great rewards of being a father. Seems like he finally found a pony that would manage to bear it all without falling asleep.


Once the crystal nightmare knew all she wanted from the crystal princess, and the mares shook hooves on a little agreement, she decided it was time to save her husband from the prince of rambling. She came and announced she feels sleepy and wants them to go. He seemed greateful for the save but didn't wantto go just yet. She convinced him by mentioning his reward. However, they didn't go to their tent, but to the spot they occupied last night. This time they took off the clothes before getting down to business. Crystal made sure he felt rewarded for bridging the gap between daughter and sister, and let him try some new things and places he asked for several times earlier. She also told him what she got off Cadence about her taps - the more pours out, the more they produce, just as she expected. Seems Nightmare took a reasomable approach to the matter and said they should keep her running on minimum just to have a backup when one of them gets badly injured.


The nightmares really let it go on that beach, and had to rest before heading back home. This time they weren't cought, thankfully, and went to their room to clean up and let mommy nightmare had a meal too.

Edited by Raven Rawne

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Crystal led Nightmare back to the same place they had gone the previous night. She wanted to make sure he was well rewarded for patching things up with her and her mother. He really enjoyed it, She even let him take control at some points. When they were both satisfied. Crystal told him about her milk producing. He thought about it for some time. "Well.....If you are to produce milk even after weening the foals. Hopefully it will be less you make, Though, we should keep it flowing some what. Makes a great healing tonic for nightmares on their death beds. Like with me that time. And a little snack here and there will be appreciated." He gave her a kiss to seal that deal, hopefully. And helped himself to her more private areas again until they both were tired.


They retired to their room that night, thankfully Cadence was not up to see them this time. Crystal was hungry for dreams, so he allowed her to feed that night. She had a lot of milk needing to be made with dream energy. Within his dream, after they met up. Nightmare decided he was not fully done making Crystal scream with delight. She was there physically and could feel the moments. While she fed, she was also being taken care of really well. Though it was not fully the same without his physical body. But she felt like he deserved it. After a short time of their loving, Crystal felt like Nightmare was about to wake up. Crimson was crying. She was able to hear what he heard and left before he woke up.


The couple went to their foals room. Looking around, Crystal Flames was gone, and their filly seemed to be having a nightmare. "Guess I will go in after our son, seems he finally found out about dreams. You stay here to comfort out daughter when she wakes up." Nightmare said as he disappeared into the filly's dream in a puff of smoke. He came back a short time later carrying Crystal Flames who was shining like his mother when happy. "Found the little devil. Guess we have to keep him in our room till he grows more." Crystal picked up Crimson Aurora to comfort her. Nightmare picked up the cradel and moved it into their room so when Flames decided to try his dream feeding again, it would be one of his parents instead.


Cadence came in to see what happened and if anything she could do. When all was settled down, they went back to their husbands to finished the night out. The next morning saw Cadence take Nightmare outside to try and teach him some more magic spells. Crystal had a good time watching such a thing. Guess he really wasn't good with unicorn magic.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The crystal nightmare eagerly took the invitation to feed on his dreams tonight. Although her husband's offer to give her some more love tonight took her by surprise - it didn't occur to her they could do it in a dream. Still, if he thought it was safe, she sure took the offer without as much as a second glance. It still felt awesome but, also different. His dream body didn't feel quite the same to her. Still, he made her scream alright. Feeding on the sweet dream energy and getting the best care from her stallion, she sure hoped the night would last forever.


Unfortunately, her ride was about to be cut short. Somehow she heard Crimson crying, like an echo through the dream So she could hear what he did? Interesting. She also had a gut feeling he would wake up soon. The crystal nightmare reluctantly stopped her husband and left the dream.


Crystal Clear materialised by the bed and her ears confirmed the filly was crying in her sleep. She took comfort in the afterglow of their loving as Nightmare woke up herself. If they kept at it she would be probably walking funny on the next day, but whatever. They went to the nursery. Nightmare said he'l get their son from the filly's dream and she would stay to comfort her. The crystal nightmare smirked when he came back with a tiny black fery lantern of a colt - Crystal Flames was shining and looked very happy. Unlike his sister who was now soaking her mother's coat with tears. "There there, it's just a bad dream..." She comforted the filly and stared withher till she fell asleep again. Nightmare moved the colt to their bedroom so he would feed on his parents instead. Their dreams were ironclad with their regular root intake, so there was no way he could cause them a nightmare anyway.


Crystal Clear was surprised to see the Princess in her night gown, all sleepy, entering the nursery. Seems the crying woke her up and sde decided to check in whether the parents need any help. The crystal nightmare thanked for the offer but they had it all under control now. The mares came back to their beds. The rest of the night went in peace.


The next morning was usual - clean up, grooming, breakfast... Princess Cadence tokd them she had the scrolls with spells Crystal Clear asked for. That picked everypony's interest but she played it down, saying these were just small things to help lighten the burden of foal care. It was true, mostly.


The princess took the nightmares out to show them the spells and hopefully teach them too. They took their foals too, since most of them were centered around them. There was a spell to instant change the diapers, cleaning spell, calming spell for a last resort if they couldn't do it with any other means... Crystal Clear took a back seat since she could barely lift her brush, so this was waaaay above her level. Nightmare also had a hard time, and she couldn't help but be amused by his attempts, but he did manage to get a few simpler ones to work. Finally Cadence shook her head and said. "Hate to break it to you guys, but you have a lot to learn about magic. Your nanny is a unicorn, how about her? You think she could manage to pull off those spells?" They both nodded and sgreed to ask Sparks if she'd be interested. Crystal went to get her and the mare agreed - it would make her job easier, and lessons from Hearts-Dream made her easily the most potent magic user in the house. With the princess's guidance, she managed to pull off the spells with just little issues and was presented with a stack of scrolls containing them. Still, Cadence had three more with her. "Hmm, these are the "other" spells you asked for, but judging from your earlier persformance, there's no use even starting to teach you two... I'll talk to my court wizard, maybe he'll be able to help."


Crystal was a bit dissapointed, but she knew there was no way they could pull them off. Nightmare asked her what the scrolls contained as they went back into the tent, and she gave him a mischevious grin. "Oh nothing special love, just some... improvements." Cadence snorted as she overheard the mare and shook her head as she went to find Sunburst.


The royal couple went to the main room to play with the foals and Crystal's family. The ship would depart tomorrow, and she wanted the grandparents to have as much fun with their grandfoals as possible. Nightmare Season kept bugging her about the spells, but she decided that it'll be more fun if she keep him in the dark a little longer. "If Sunburst figures out something, you won't be dissappointed, promise."


At some point Crimson Aurora spilled a big cup of juice she'd been occasionally drinking from on her mother. Crystal had no other option than t excuse herself and wash - Queens don't wear stained dresses and have sticky coats, after all... She was in her bedroom, the gown laying on the carpet as she scrubbed her chest with a wet towel, when she felt being lifted with magic and brought to the center of the room. With an audible eek, she tried to fight it but couldn't. She saw it was Nightmare Season that grabbed her, and now levitated her in an... interesting position. "I won't tell you, do your worst if you wish!" She decided to defy his will to tell him what the spells were, and he decided to "make her talk". Well, she tried to resist his "interrogation", but there was only so much she could take before starting to get loud. Finally her embarassment took over and she told him, panting hard and with her back legs twitching funny. She'll need to rest and clean up after this, but it was just so awesome! They'll have to try it again sometime. He let her go on the bed and watched with amusement how she tried to figure which way is up. Seems that cleaning spell would be the first on her list of magic tuition priorities, judging from the look of her, and the carpet where she was suspended.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare heard that Crystal had some kind of arrangement with Cadence for three "special" spells. He thought to himself what was she up to? However, before he could get to her to find out what they were, She brought the foals out to play with their grandparents. He will have to wait.


At one point, hie wife got some juiced spilled onto her. She told every pony she will go and change. After she left Nightmare told his father-in-law that he was going to go help her, but asked them to take the foals to the beach. He knew her punishment will be to loud to keep them from hearing her, and he did not want his mother-in-law to start giving him a hard time again. When the family left with the foals, he went on the hunt.


Nightmare saw her washing her chest off from the juice and her gown was off laying on the ground. He used his one unicorn spell he knew well to pick her up. She knew what he wanted and refused to tell him. He was holding her in a very inappropriate way should some pony come in on them. "You sure you won't say? Your parents are outside and will be able to hear you." She would not budge, so he had to do his worst. Apparently holding her in that way stimulated her even more. With his loving techniques he learned wile doing it with her, She quickly felt pleasure and could not help but make a mess of herself and the rug she was floating over. She finally gave in when she thought her parents heard everything.


He laid her down with her hind legs twitching still from the pleasure he caused and watched as she tried to figure out which way was up again. She finally spilled the beans and told him about the three spells. The first one was a silent spell of some kind. Made sense with how load she got into their nights together. The second was kind of a stamina spell for him. Seemed she missed the times when she had less stamina than he did and would pass out on the bed. The third she really wanted him to be in the dark about. Seemed it was something very special for their time together. He thought about punishing her more, but remembered their fillies were on the beach.


He grabbed a wet rag and started to wipe her clean down below, making sure to make her feel good from it. "You turned into a little love crazed love bird, didn't you. I created a monster, but not one your mother thought. And you told me the day I confessed my love to you. You said you were not good with love. You so lied to me back then, you can't get enough of it can you." She reached up to give him a kiss as a thank you for cleaning her up like he did. "Everyone is out at the beach." Telling her that got a boop from her. Making her think they heard her love melodies she made.


He helped her get a new dress on, and then they went to go see how the family was doing down at the beach.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare just laid on the bed, still trying to make her brain work. Her legs twitching after all he's done back there. At least she got away with one secret, though it was more because she wanted him to "question" her some more. Feeling a towel wiping her to a more presentable state made her moan again. She hear Nightmare talk to her and chuckled. "You got all wrong, dear, I said I didn't have experience. Never mentioned I didn't like it. And let's be honest, you're too good not to want more and more till I pass out on you..." Crystal Clear tried to reach him for a kiss, and he let her give it to him. "Thanks for the clean up. Seems we better try and learn that spell huh? Geez did I do all that mess?" She scrunched at the news he tricked her into believeing her family heard everything and gave him a boop. "Not fair, I'd last longer if not for that. I want a rematch."


The mare needed a moment to let her hind legs work again as intended, make herself presentable again and pick a new dress. The nightmares went out of their bedroom, brushing againsttheir sides and taking sly glances at each other.


"What took you so long?" - Laurel Wreath first asked when they approached the grandparents at the beach. Crystal looked at Nightmare. "It's the juice, mom, Oranges make a mess of a pony's coat, had to take a shower to get rid of it." She looked at the foals and hopped to join them in the sand. "How are my little cuties doing, huh? Digging a hole now, Crimsy? You want to be a miner?"


The family had excellent time together, making sand sculptures and even taking a swim in the sea. Crysal wished they could spend evey day like that. Eventually, it was time for dinner. Crystal Flames was starting to lok at mommy in a certain way and Crimson Aurora also could use some food. Although she was like, 90% on solids now. Mainly mashed salads. The mare took her son for a snack toher bedroom and Nightmare spoon fed his daughter in the main hall as Sparks and Wandering Sands set up the table. The unicorn used less magic today, apparently she was tired from practicing her new spells. The crystal royal family also showed up for dinner, apparently they had a stroll around the camp on their own.


They ate in good atmosphere, knowing full well that it's their last day together this year. The ship will head back tomorrow morning. Princess Cadence chipped that she and Sunburst came up with a way to use the spells, despite the nightmares poor magical prowess. Crystal Clear seemed really happy about that, but she downplayed the topic by the table. Once the meal was over, the crystal Princess asked to have a word with them, and the nightmares took her to the study room. She looked concerned. "I took a walk with Shining into the city, get some more shinies and the like. Now I don't want to sound..." Crystal cut her off with a sigh. "I know, slaves..." The princess nodded. Nightmare explained why the nightmare ponies took up the shameful practice in the first place, and how deeply it ran in their society. Crystal added. "I got two as a gift. Gave freedom to both. Sparks stayed with us, and the other one wanted to kill my husband on the first night. I was very negative about it and still am, believe me" - she instinctively tried to pry something loose on her neck, even tough she had nothing there - "But it'll take a lot of effort to convince them to abandon the practice. If I issue a ban, they won't listen anyway." Cadence thought for a moment, then nodded. "I see... Hopefully my subjects didn't see anything. Oh and the spells you wanted. Sunburst had some super old method of locking spells in items, and he made some for you." She led them to the main room and took something from a small bag that was there. "Put it where you want to keep quiet, and shoot this spell." she fished out a small scroll with an entry level spell. Nightmare tried it and a transparent dome formed around them, several steps across. Large enough for it's intended use. "The sound will still came in, so you'll hear the babies crying, for example, but nothing will escape it. Of course you'll be still visible, it's not a cloaking spell." She deactivated the crystal sculpture. "The rest is for you, I presume. We took liberty of fusing both in a single necklace - each stone holds one spell. Just put in on and it'll work." The princess held a crystal necklace with two larger crystals, that shone a bit, and presented it to Nightmare Season. "Have fun you two!" Cadence winked at the couple and went to her room without explaining the other two spells. Crystal grinned sheepishly at her husband who examined the necklace. "You know one of them, but I'm not talking about the other. Even if you made me sipill on the main square. You'll like it, no worries. It's a little gift for putting up with me all that time."


She leaned to him and gave him a kiss. "Wanna try it out?"

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


After dinner ended. Cadence asked to speak with them. He led her to his study with his wife. She started to mention about seeing the slaves, but Crystal interrupted her. "Slaves have been apart of our culture for a long time. Since we are always on the move, we have no jails. So most prisoners become the slaves you see. Also our enemies keep our foals as slaves as well. Kills the nightmare ponies and enslave the rest. Will be hard for us to stop that when Our enemies do the same to us. But I trust my wife will one day, not soon, but one day bring that to an end."


Cadence then went on to presenting the two the items imbued with the magic spells. The spell to trigger the bubble was not as challenging. They found themselves in a strange bubble after he triggered it. Now that they had such a spell, he fear Crystal will now be more bold as to where she wants to be pleasured. He received a necklace with two gems sunken into another gem. He looked at it and back to her. Cadence excused themselves knowing full well those two will be testing them out. "Oh? You wont say?" He was getting ready to get her and drag her to their bedroom when a horn blared. Crystal heard that tone before. The signal that sand cats are close by.


Nightmare without hesitation grabbed his sword and armor and dashed outside following the sound. Crystal did not want a repeat of the last time he fought them and did the same. Putting her armor on as she ran after him. Shining Armor was also in pursuit after Crystal to find out what was going on.


At the edge of the city, nightmare guards and a few crystal guards were moving all the ponies to the main tents of the clans. Two were out in the sand in combat. There was four cats trying to get at the ponies. Nightmare and Crystal both saw them at the same time. Crystal had a flashback of Nightmare Season being carried back almost dead from them. Her anger escaped her. She exploded in a blast of energy, just like her husband did back in the snow with the yeti. She felt the power inside her stronger than ever. She also felt that it was something only a daymare could pull off, she also felt the flame shield around her to protect her from flying objects.


Nightmare almost toppled over when his wife exploded into a more powerful version of herself. It reminded him of himself when he had a rush of power. He watched her dash off, charging right at the nearest cat cursing at it for hurting him. The other two nightmares broke off from their fights and watched as well. the four sand cats felt the crystal nightmare was the priority. Though Crystal made short work of them with a few explosions and slashes of her sword.


Shining Armor was petrified where he stood at the ferocity he saw the cats fought like and how angry Crystal was at them. He now saw real fighting from a nation that was always at war. When the dust and smoke settled. Nightmare went to her to calm her down. They spoke with a few ponies to find out what happened.


One of the Crystal Ponies was out walking around when he noticed the cats. He went screaming to the nearest guard that sounded the horn and shot the two warning flares into the sky. The only injury was a nightmare pony trying to keep them out of the city. Hearts-Dream and the healer ponies were called in immediately to tend to the wounded pony. Thankfully no pony was badly injured.


The three went back to inform those waiting everything was alright. Crystal now drug him to their room. Seemed she waited long enough for him to try and make her say what the third spell was, and wanted him to pry it out of her. "You are utterly hopeless love. Guess we can first try out the silents spell." He put the two in the bubble on their bed. Now it was time to make her his.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare's grin was growing to silly proportions as she eagerly awaited when he took her with his magic, when a horn was heard all over the capital. Her heart sunk as she recognised the tone - sand cats.


Nightmare dashed for his war gear, and she did the same e moment earlier. She felt like she did this countles times already, scrambling to repel an attack on camp. As she bolted out of their room, tail still in the elaborate style and ice blue mane flowing like a cape from the comb in her helmet, Prince Shining Armor showed up and tried to ask her what was going on. "Sand cats, no time to explain, get everypony to this tent and rally the guards to protect them!" She dashed off to where the horn was heard, following Nightmare Season.


She saw the guards - nightmare and crystal - ralluing the civillians to the main clan tents for safety. Two nightmares were engaged with the cats, there were four of them, at least for now. Poor guards wouldn't hold for long. The crystal nightmare had a nasty flashback of the memory when her husband was carried lifeless after fighting the beasts, and she stomped a hoof in anger, taking a silent vow not to let another mare go through the same. Her burning hatred to those creatures fuelled her anger - her mane and tail went ablaze and she felt a rush of power channeling tgrough her, as if she had a connecton to some other source of power, far greater than she could store herself. The air around her went ablaze as he fore shield surrounded the mare. With suddenly boundless confidence, she charged in to join the fight, yelling curses at the feline monstrosities, as if these were the ones that hurt her husband.


The fight was short, but fierce. Her shield didn't work against the cats who had no ranged attacks, but still glazed their coats into glass, momentarily impeding their movements before they broke their shells. Crystal Clear shot fire bolts left and right, and shashed with her sword like never before. The cats were too feral to run, so they all died one by one. Suddenly the mare was alone, shooting fire bolts at the places where each of her foes disintegrated into sand.


"Come on! That's all you've got?! Where's the rest of you? I'll murder them all, ALL!!!" - she yelled at the piles of glass, still burning. Nightmare must've saw she was vctorious because he came to her to calm her down. Crystal felt a tap on her shouder pad and glared at who did this, but snapped out of her berserk rage sawing it was her husband. Her fires were starting to die out as she camled, until she had hair again. The mare have him a tight hug. "I couldn't let them hurt anypony like they did you, I couldn't!" He patted her back and let her settle down, then both went to investigate how it all started. A few ponies provided useful information, and it turns out it was probably a chance meeting with a hunting pride rather than a big raid like the last time. Sadly one of the nightmare ponies was injured in the fight, but it seemed he'll make it.


The royals - Nightmare, Crystal and speechless Shining, went back to the main tent and said it was all clear. The ponies gathered inside started pouring out and life slowly returned to normal. Crystal Clear stood around in the main hall watching the ponies depart, tapping her hoof nervously. Suddenly she nibbled on her husband's ear and dragged him to their room. She waited long enough.


Nightmare, once his ear has been released inside their bedroom and Crystal kicked the flap shut, decided to hold her off some more by taking his armour in a very deliberate fashion, almost as if it was a sacred object and needed to be treated with utmost respect. She let out a deep love starved sigh and put hers off on it's stand, albeit with much less decorum. Finally he decided it was time to activate the silence spell. Crystal shook her head and clumsily put the necklace on him with her levitation. "Na-ah, time for a complete package." She thought about letting him "interrogate" her about the third spell, but she decided against it- he needed to have some fun too. The crystal nightmare pounced on her stallion, knocking him on the bed. With a mad giggle, she motioned him to lay on his back. "Just enjoy the ride, love." She put her mouth to use on where it counted the most, and he quickly figured out what the third spell was. Crystal Clear watched in satisfaction as he squirmed from all the pleasure she gave him - the spell would increase the sensation several times. Now it was just a matter of time until he too got loud....


Unfortunately, their "no holding back", crazy love session didn't last till he rutted her unconcious. Wandering Sands called to them from the other side of the flap, knowing better than to peek inside. They of course heard it, as advertised. Nightmare was about to return the favour and Crystal was being levitated in a very "interesting" way as he took advantage of her defenslessness to get some milk, preparing for something way better. The mare found herself back on the bed, trying to catch her breath as Nightmare deactivated the silence spell and called to the other stallion to say what was the matter. Apparently a nightmare pony accused a crystal pony of theft and the Sultan was needed to settle the dispute. Crystal was in no shape to get up anytime soon, so he had to go alone.

Edited by Raven Rawne

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Once they got back to their bedchambers, Crystal helped him take off his armor. Then she did her own more rushed. Within the bubble, Crystal made sure he wore his new amulet with the spells on it. She was taking control of that night. He now knew what the mystery spell was. And he liked it. He noticed Crystal also like seeing him enjoy her touch now. After the first round, Nightmare grabbed her in a levitation. He was going to return it ten fold, by starting off with stealing some of her milk. Though sadly, Wandering Sands came and said they were needed. Nightmare put his wife down and removed the silent bubble. "What is it?"


Nightmare left Crystal to regain herself on their bed and followed Wandering Sands to where the trial was. Nightmare listened to both sides of the story. Apparently the Crystal pony was still outside during the sand cat alarm. He had been browsing the shops at that time. With the coast clear, the nightmare saw the pony picking up an item and though he was stealing it. After all no non-combat pony was suppose to be outside at that time and figured he was a thief. Nightmare explained how the crystal ponies did not have any thing like the sand cats, and did not know about their gathering at those times. All was settled and the ponies went their own way. Nightmare headed back home. He had unfinished business with his wife.


When he got back to his bed chamber, he found his wife eagerly waiting for him. She even took the time to put up her main and tail in a more seducing fashion. "Great, I really have created a monster after all." Though he somewhat liked it himself. He formed the bubble and went to get her. That night they both passed out together from the sensation they both made together.


The next morning saw the ship leave port. Crystal had said her goodbyes. As they were waving the ship off. Snowflake came walking up beside them. Crystal nearly killed him. Nightmare had to now protect the unwelcome guess. Apparently he thought to expand his vision for bit gaining. Nightmare whispered to her so he could not hear them. "We can always use another servant till next year." He gave her a wink.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear layed where he left her for some time. She was still feeling the echoes of hs loving. The mare picked herself up and decided to pretty up, and of course clean herself up too. She experimented with her mane and tail these past days, and while she found the bow-like tailstyle and Hearts-Dream made manestyle to be most fitting her Queen status, she made some changes to be more seductive for her husband. Then she took a spot on the bed and waited, looking like a million bits.


The crystal nightmare smirked at his comment when he saw her all ready to go. "Oh really? And what are you going to do about it? I suggest taming the beast. Rawwwwr!" She giggled as he went to get her. He sure did his best to tame her that night.


Next morning was time to say goodbye. There were some tears and apparently Cadence's entourage had some lovebird, judging from a sad nightmare mare waving at the ship more feverishly than the rest. The royal nightmares were waving the ship off when she saw hoofsteps on the deck and a most unwelcome voice. "And off they go..."


Crystal Clear looked around, slowly, feeling a wave of blind rage as her mane went to flame. "Snowflaaaake! What the hay are you doing here!? Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't send you to that ship with a fire bolt!" - Her hown started to glow as she readied that particular spell when Nightmare Season blocked her line of shot and told Snowflake to go someplace alse, but the ice brain decided her big sis is just kidding. He started rambling about his "genius" business ideas as Nightmare did his best to block Crystal's shot as she tried to give the stallion a fire bolt in the nose. Eventually he stopped rambling and her fire died out. Crystal was frowning very deeply and still had murder in her eyes when Nightmare whispered in her ear, She slowly nodded. "I need to send Radiance back to the ship with a letter. Knowing him, parents have no clue of his latest idea." She stomped past her brother back to tent. Soon after, a Phoenix flew from it.


The mare locked herself in the bedroom with her foals, and even Sparks was a bit concerned when Nightmare met her in the main hall as she levitated the furnishings from the guest chambers back to storage - less cleaning. She seemed to connect the dots when she saw the crystal pony though.


The crystal nightmare threw a cushion at the opening to her retreat as soon a the flap moved, although she clearly aimed at the height of a normal pony's face. "Get lost before I drown you in the sea and say it was an accident!" She huffed angrily as the little ones took notice of her frustration. She didn't hit who she thought she aimed for, but rather Nightmare Season's chest. She sighed as Crystal Flames decided to climb on her head. "It's you... Please hold me when he's around because I really, really want to do something rash. How could he just... stay?" Her husband tried to talk some reason into her, and Crystal pouted while she listened. "Okay, I won't snap his neck or do any of the very tempring things I have in mind, but he's under your supervision, okay? You can order him to count the sand grains in the desert if you want, as long as he's not causing trouble or annoying me. Maybe you'll teach him some responsibility this year. At least he won't cause any more grief to my parents while he's here..." She gave him a hug. "Thanks for stepping in back at the beach, I think I could actually hurt him. Good you're the more reasonable from the two of us." She gave him a thank-you kiss and nuzzled his neck, still keeping the hug. She just wanted to be close to him. The mare thought for a moment, watching her kids play together. "I'm sorry Nightmare." He wasn't sure for what. "I'm sorry for treating you like a bed accessory. Guess I got carried away with that... I should spend more time with my foals, or think of my subjects instead of trying to scratch an itch that seems to only get more severe. I hope I didn't ruin my reputation with the Crystal Princess because of that. Maybe I'll send an apology letter."


Radiance flew in and landed on the stallion's horn. then dripped the letter before the mare. He shook her off and she flied to her perch, sqwawking. "Huh, seems parents were just as surprised as me. At least he had enough common sense to leave his luggage on shore." Crystal put away the letter and corrected her tiara from her son's earlier attempt to take it. "So, my Sultan, shall we break camp and head along the Great River into the unknown? We'll have to plan the expedition very thoroughtly since, apparently, we'll have to take the foals with us... Unless we find a volounteer to keep Crystal Flames fed with their dreams." She looked at the little devil. Sparks was a natural candidate, but she didn't want to put even more pressure on her.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


After Crystal went back home in a rage to send a letter, Nightmare Season looked at him with a stern glare. The response was "What?......" Come with me Snowflake, I want to show you something before we get back. Nightmare deterred him to the Poison Oasis camp. "This is what happens to unwelcome guests. I give you one of two choices; I sell you to them and give the bits to my wife, or you can earn your stay by working as a servant in my tent."


Snowflake seeing the slaves and remembering the past was scared to death. He quickly agreed to be a servant to him and his own sister. Nightmare nodded and returned to check on his wife. He had Sparks show him around and told her he was a new servant and she was in charge of him. She liked that idea, especially after seeing her queen upset like she was. Nightmare went to the bed chambers and was greeted with a pillow thrown at his chest and a yelling. Although it was not targeted at him.


"Now now. He has not been shown what reality really is yet. Being with us will be good medicine for him." He told her as he went over to her. She talked some more then gave him a hug she would not release him from. He listened to her apology. "I am sure princess Cadence dose not think badly of you. You told me she was the princess of love after all. And she secretly cast that spell on you with the others to give you more pleasure. So I do believe you are fine. But for the whole loving thing. Maybe we can just have a good time. All these strange ways we are doing recently might be going to far. However, I will still be there for your little bed toy." He gave her a kiss.


Her phoenix flew in and landed on his horn. "Is there a reason you always land on my Radiance?" He shook the bird off once again. She made that into her own little game with him. She asked him if they were ready to depart for their next big adventure for the year. "I will give the order for setting off in the morning. It will be about two and a half weeks till we get to the jungle at the river. Dark Waters will have the boats ready for us a few days after that. The clan will remain there while a few of us head into the jungle. Though I figure that will be around the time of your next heat. We will depart after you settle down from that. Sound like a plan my queen?"


A letter came to the two latter that evening. Nightmare read it with a grin and then shared it with her. "It seems that mare we saw on the docks waving frantically. It seems she wishes to join us next year when we head North to the Empire again. Seems she is love stricken. What do you think love?"


The following morning the clans all departed to their own destinations, and their clan packed up and followed the great river. Snowflake seemed to still be in shock of the slave threat that he listened to every word Sparks said and told him to do.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare seemed to like the fact they will finally start exploring the jungle. Since she still had her forelegs wrapped around him, she gave him a kiss.  "Sure does my Sultan. Although I'm a bit afraid of going into the unknown with the whole family..."


They decided to have some fun with the foals till dinner.  Sparks was busy with something and didn't come to check on her favourite colt like she usually did. Crystal decided it was probably because of her brother... Speaking of whom,  he was frantically serving them dinner. The crystal nightmare was very amused by that fact and tried to ask her husband how did he convince him to move his lazy flank that was "born to higher purposes". He told her that she agreed to give him under his authority and his methods are his own.  She wasn't thrilled with the answer but thanked him for the result.  Maybe that pony will learn something after all...


She was with her foals when Nightmare cane with a letter. They both shared a good natured laugh at that. "A love story? Already? Well we can't possibly stand I'm the way of love now can we? I sure hope she won't find him with another..."


Morning came and the couple managed to retain a measure of self control in bed. Crystal asked Nightmare to take the lead in deciding when he wants to have some fun. She needed a break from starting things because of her lust clouded judgement.  The mare decided to try and control her urges better.


Nightmare ordered to break camp and follow the river to the jungle. Crystal was happy for the adventure and talked her husband's ears off in the wagon. Especially since Crystal Flames said his first proper word.  Oddly enough it was "Sarks" - Sparks. Not mom or dad. They had a laugh knowing what their alicorn mother told them about his future. Also, Snowflake was acting like a servant who wants a raise for good job. That was so surreal.


Day after day the clan moved upriver. The now familiar routine didn't bother the mother who was much more concerned with how to keep her kids safe while they explore the unknown. They reached the forest and made camp next to the river. Now they needed to wait for the boats.


And her heat.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The journey up the river was a long one. The great river stretched across the widest part of their empire. Sparks was thrilled when Crystal Flames first word was her name. Crimson Aurora first word was mommy. Nightmare felt a little sad that he was not called daddy till latter on. His wife did cheer him up the best she could.


Sparks one night came to the couple in the night. She was holding the little colt, well not so little any more. "I found this little guy in my dreams." She did seem a little happy about that. They started to allow her to eat the dream roots as well. Seemed Crystal Flames preferred her dreams and would always weasel his why into her dreams. Sparks was perfectly fine with that. Guess they found the pony to keep him fed. Both foals were fully weened by the time they got to the jungle. Crystal found her milk producing was cut in half. She was still making milk, but not enough to feed four foals. Her gift from her mother helped to keep her emptied. Though on occasions it was Nightmare who did the honor.


The couple figured they would stay to the boats till they found a secured area to set up a more permanent base. This will allow the foals to stay on the boat where it was safe with Sparks. Snowflake and Wandering Sands will be the pack ponies to carry the much smaller tents whenever they went into the jungle to explore over night. Snowflake was being paid, he was saving up his bits to buy the heavily sought after nightmare pony goods that would sell in Equestria. He was starting to understand how business worked and that it did not just fall into a pony's lap. Crystal Clear was finally able to stand being around him, after she notice the change in his demeanor.


As the finally arrived at the boarder where the river exited the jungle. The clan set up the city for a minimum of ten months of stay. So the large royal tent was also set up. Crystal noticed her mother-in-law was somewhat on edge now. Asking her reviled nothing, finally she told them she will not join them and will instead travel around to the other clans. The royal couple knew not to push the subject.


One day, Crystal knew her time in heat came again. The urge to breed was there again. Thankfully her new size and magic helped her to keep her mind. In the night Nightmare took up his job to ease her best he could. Although she insisted he wore his amulet so he too could feel great for his hard work. Sadly with his pleasure he felt, he forgot to think clearly about the situation and forgot to not knock her up. Crystal felt that moment clearly, her body knew what it craved was there and took it all. The pleasure from both Cadence's spell and the pleasure that her body finally got what she was craving caused her to pass out for the night. Nightmare also passed out from the pleasure.


The following morning, Crystal woke up and did not feel that craving as normal when she was in heat. She then remembered the night. He had forgot and knocked her up. Without waking him up or getting dressed, she ran to Hearts-Dream's tent. She already knew it was to late, but was wanting a confirmation. After Hearts-Dream woke up from Crystal calling her, she came to talk to her daughter. As she looked at Crystal, she saw within the year, triplets. "Good grief daughter. I foresaw you two waiting a few years in between each time. You are knocked up again. Identical twin crystal colts and a nightmare filly are starting to grow in you." She went over and nuzzled her to help bring her back from that bit of news.


Hearts-Dream took her crystal ball and tarot cards to give a better future reading for her worried daughter. "Do not worry daughter, the journey into the jungle will see your family safe. Before you get to far into your pregnancy, you will find a perfect place to set a base camp. The foals will be born healthy at your old home by the end of the year." She did whisper to her as she left back home, "Thank you for making my son so happy."


As Crystal got back to her home. Nightmare was stirring in bed as she walked in, causing him to awake as well and look at her. The first thing Crystal did was go to her jewelry box and pulled out the amulet to announce she was with foal again and hung it on her neck. Nightmare's Eyes went wide with that sight as he remembered what he did to her last night. He frantically apologized telling her he was feeling to good to remember she was in heat. But soon after he was giving her a hug and showering her with kisses after she told him about the triplets on the way.


Two days after that, their boats arrived to pick up the expedition. Crystal would not let her pregnancy stop this trip to discover new allys and trade partners. Though she also shone like the sun with her new pregnancy.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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