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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare's heart seemed to have dropped out of his chest watching and listening to his wife. She was no longer herself...."What happened to her?" He asked the other two with them. Hearts-Dream looked into her heart to see nothing. "Seems the evil within you somehow killed her emotionally." She went over to Crystal and wrapped her up in her wing. The other mare thought for a while.


There was a huge commotion outside with all the ponies having been turned into what looked like a crystal for a short time. They were all headed for the palace to find out what happened. Nightmare Season went to the balcony to address his people. "The Queen and I managed to restore the crystal heart of the forest, but doing so, my wife was badly wounded. The feeling you all received was the crystal accepting the bond of us as the rulers of this kingdom. I will do my best to find a way to return my wife, your queen back to you." The crowed had mixed feelings, joy they fixed the kingdom, but worry for their queen.


Nightmare went back to his mother that was with his wife. "How are the foals?" He asked her. She looked down at her abdomen. "The foals appear to be fine, but if Crystal leaves the crystal heart...." She did not think that she should finish with that line. Nightmare looked over at the strange mare. "Tricky is the future. Or rather the past. Your love has been wiped clean of who she was. Remind her of what she was and who she is." She pulled out one more golden root. Seemed she had more than his mother. "Place a wish onto this root, turn it into a container for her very being. That is the easy part. You must track down what she was and pull some of her into this crystal. That I know not how to accomplish."


Hearts-Dream looked up at that. "I might know how to accomplish that. I know of a spell that will send you into her past. If you watch over her growing up, and in secret collect some of her essence during key points in her life that crafted her into what she is. That might work." Nightmare did not hesitate one second. "Do it." Hearts-Dream focused the spell through the Crystal Heart. Nightmare wished on the root as instructed and it was turned into a locket. As Hearts-Dream finished casting the spell into the crystal heart, the spell sent Nightmare back through time.


He woke up standing outside of the Crystal Empire. Though it was slightly different. Mostly no train station and no equestrian items was seen. He figured this was the day she was born. He put on the Crystal amulet. There was another wish he flowed into it. As he wore it, other ponies will see him as a regular crystal stallion. His long years will soon start.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear looked blankly as Hearts-Dream gave her a wing hug She didn't get anything that was happenning, and had no capacity to be bothered by it. She just... were. Like an empty jar. She looked as the events played out and Nightmare Season disappeared. She just asked Hearts-Dreams - "Will he come back?"





It was a clear day in the Crystal Empire. Ponies were all busy with their happy lives and the Heart kept them safe. This was the pinnacle of pony civilisation. In one house, a new citizen came to the world, and her cry was announced through the open window. Passerby could hear as the family who owned a shop downstairs were busy with delivery of their firstborn. Laurel Wreath yelled at Fire Ruby who frantically tried to comply with her demands, with help of aunts and a midwife. Crystal Clear had a very well heard, clean tone to her cry.


Another day, another birth. Crystal is just nearly two years old, having a happy foalhood with little to no worries. Her life is about to change with the newcomer. Her parents now have a son, Snowflake. Their first encounter will be the laughing stock for years - when Fire Ruby brought his long awaited son to his firstborn baby daughter, she smacked the newborn with a hoof and went her way.


Th next few years were happy ones - foals gew up in peace and security, being loved equally. Though Crystal was envious of her brother for getting away with stuff by the virtue of him being younger. She went to school and met new ponies. Made some friends, lost some too. She started showing her sharp wit and got into trouble for that. Foals called her "Crystal Cuts", as if her tongue was actually sharp and cut whoever she spoke to. She learned that speaking her mind is not always the best when she messed up with her best friend.


Finally came the day when she got her Cutie Mark. She was nearly six. Some foals already got theirs and teased the balnk flanks. She was too nasty to be teased, but also lonely because of her bad rep. It was weekend, and parents took their kids on a Crystal Fair. Fire Ruby encouraged er to try everything, but she was reluctant. What if she is bad at everything? He managed to make her join a casual contest for crystal mending. The filly worked under supervision of an experienced Master of Crystal, a stallion called Obsidian Knife. He had jet black mane and was very supportive. She made a stand for her lucky Cube - the first of the pyrite cubes she later so lovingly collected. Crystal didn't win, even remotely so, and was about to go home, sad at her defeat. Obsidian wanted to give her the stand she made as a souvenir, but she got angry and told hims she doesn't want it. With some extra convincing, she told him why - it was not perfect. not because she didn't win, it was inferior work, and she was ashamed of it. The Master must've had a hunch since he talked with her some more, let her explain what was wrong with it. He let her fix the issues she had with it. Only then did she accept it. And got her Cutie Mark - her special talent means that, she may not be the best there is, but her attiture makes her persist until the job is done exactly the way she wants it. She never settles for less in her job. She became his apprentice in the workshop.


Years went by, Crystal Clear continued going to school and after it, dropped by in her Master's shop to help and learn. They became friends and she learned that it's not bad to speak one's mind, but her form was unacceptable. Upon graduation from school, she was a better young mare with a trade in hoof. She was thirteen and started working full time in the workshop to larn the trade to it's fullest.


She kept contact with just a few ponies from school, and even those lines slowly withered as she devoted her time to work and learn. One day, just after her fifteen birthday, a customer came to the workshop when she was alone - her old best friend, Evening Song. They had a nasty fall out back in school and avoided each other ever since. The mare was about to leave when she saw Crystal, but she pleaded her to stay and say her order. It was a present for the ivory mare's mother on her birthday. Crystal asked Obsidian to make it herself, and he reluctantly agreed. The young mare barely left the shop, working all day long to make it perfect. She was so anxious she could feint when her former friend came to collect it. She liked it. A lot. Even invited Crystal to hang out with some other youngsters on the weekend. Obsibian Knife allowed her to have small projects on her own.


Crystal And Evening Song became friends again. The mare was her lifeline out of the workshop-home-repeat routine and took her out places. Crystal was glad to have a best friend and did her best not to buck it up. Snowflake showed his first signs of being a spoiled brat when he sold his parents vase to get bits for some ide he had. He would cause her grief in upcoming years.


News circulated aroundthe kingdom that a charming, but strange unicorn stallion was courting the Crystal Princess. The cherry mare was sixteen then and was about to pass her Journeypony exam. She would leave her Master's shop and hire herself all around town in different shops to see different styles of working crystal. She was so stressed the nearly panicked when she was about to make a bouquet of crystal roses in the Guild Hall for her exam. She took longer than expected, but her quality earned her a high mark. She stood for a long time right before the Heart afterwards. Something she would continue to do in important moments of her life. Saying goodbye to her Master was really hard, but he gave her a letter with excellent recommendations. She found a job in no time, and switched shops after around half a year when the Master she worked under was satisfied with her work.


Crystal was now eighteen. Only two more shops to go until she could apply for being a Master of Crystal. Her parents were proud of her and her work, she did her best to help them every time she could. Her brother took up an idea that he'll have a business of his own, rather than work for somepony. With no bits and no skills, he failed once and again. The Unicorn that dated the Crystal Princess became Prince Sombra, and there was a grand royal wedding. Crystal Clear started dreaming of a wedding of her own, but colts didn't want to court her. said she was too independent, lise she needed nopony. So she took the initiative and tried to court a colt she liked - she met him through Evening Song and he seemed so nice. His mane wa Sapphire Sky. Things went bad when he tried to take advantage of her one evening, and she had to beat him in self defence. Thus ended her interest in dating.


She was nineteen when the Empire was stricken with grief after the death of the Crystal Princess. The Palace announced she died in her sleep. The crystal Prince Sombra didn't look too bothered at the funeral, but the youngsters - Crystal and Evie's bunch of friends were. The cherry mare brought a crate of booze from er parent's shop to soothe their grief. "Sweet Dreams" Crystal Berry Brandy. She never tasted it, but it looked good for getting hammerred for the first time. That night she took a taste inthe stuff... and her best friend. They somehow ended together in bed and became lovers.  A glimmer of hope arose from the tragedy that fell upon the empire.


The Princ decided to cal himself the King later thay year. He started making oppressive decrees when the cherry mare was due for her exam to become the Master of Crystal. Evie was there with her, cheering her up to ease the hoof shaking stress. She had to make a dollhouse - a very delicate and hard work, if you only have your hooves. Like earlier, she took linger but won with quality and well thought over design. With a certificate of officially becoming the newest Master of Crystal, she hopped the steps and went straight to the Heart for her communion. It was nothing strange, ponies came to it all the time with their joys and sorrows. Her parents and first Master were overjoyed, although they lacked funds to help her set up a shop. She was accepted by Obsidian Knife as a business partner and slowly saved bits. Although it was rather hard with a marefriend like Evie and a secret taste for brandy.


It was three days to her twenty first birthday. The King announced that every citizen was to come to the Plaza at noon. Ponies had a bad feeling about it, he was becoming erratic and needlessly oppressive over years. Nopony suspected they will found themselves surrounded by crystal guards and unicorn courtlers - severly thinned out by his many cleanses. When things seemed really bad, strange ponies marched into the city - Umbrums, like the King. Families were separated, sick and too old to work were killed. Thus Crystal Clear became a slave, working day and night in a workshop, bound to her station. Those were the darkest years of her life - beating, abuse, lack of sleep and food. She was twenty five when the Equestrian Princesses attacked the Empire. She didn't see a thing, just heard battle and her enforcers came rushing to help the defence. After a whole day of mind numbing fright, curled under the table as far as her chain allowed, somethng happenned. She felt herself engulfed in a wave of magical energy. dark energy.


Her next memory was in her parent;s house - although she didn't remember anything and couldn't tell who's house it was or who she was. She walked aimlessly on the streets and saw six strange, non-crystal ponies wandering around. They organised the Crystal Fair and she started recalling her past life, when she felt happy. She hid indoors when the King came back and didn't see what happenned at the Plaza. Crystal Came out frim her hiding only once the whole city was roaring with cheers as the Crystal Heart was restored and the ponies crystallised. Thus begun her new life.


Adjusting to the news that the world moved a thousand years forward was hard to bear. She tried to cope and learn, but began to drink more. Evie was nowhere to be found - she was alone in this. Well, there were parents and Snowflake, but she needed somepony else. Somepony special. She started despising everything that was not native to the Empire, especially the nosey visitors who thought it's a theme park for their enjoyment. The Guild was restored and she took solace in it's cameraderie. With help form th restored Court, the guild had funds to lend a hoof to the young master to set out on her own. She bought a small house at the city outskirts and moved in, a big loan looming above her head. She took her lucky cube and the stand she made for it - her most important posessions to the new home. This was the start of the Mother of Pyrite and it's elaborate pedestal. No wonder she wanted to keep it.


On her twenty sixth birthday, her family was in her house. It looked exactly like when Nightmare Season saw it first time. They had good time telling storiesand spending time together. When evening came and she was alone however, the mare took out her hissed bottle and drowned her sorrow over her missing marefriend.


The Equestrian Games were a blast. Literally.  She wasn't much into sports but it lined her pockets with jobs from the Palace, and ponies from all over Equestria wanted crystal items. One day a unicorn stallion came into her shop.He was clearly from Equestra down South, and he offered her a job to redecorate a bank in Manehattan with crystal. The payment was huge if she agreed. Knowing full well that she neede bits to pa her loan, she came down South.


Crystal Clear was out of her element outside the Empire. Ske didn't know how things worked, the ponies were acting strange and she was being given unwanted attention for her being a crystal pony. She started hating that. But the job had to be completed. She didnt like Manehattan one bit and haven't wandered far from her hotel. One day she heard music coming from a store. A good sounding music, not the modern trash everypony liked. She went in. expecting a live performance, but found herself in a music shop. She spent hours with ha very helphul clerk who showed her all kinds of classic music, and taught her how to operate a gramophone. She bought half of the Classic Section and a sturdy looking gramophone. That's how she fell in love with music.


The cherry mare went back home with a big bag of bits securely hidden in her tool chest. She closed herself in the house for three days to detox by the music and brandy, and went out once the latter ran out. Her parnets caught wind of her, hungover, walking to the market. She got an earful for acting like that and she snapped back at how she didn't like it back there and was so homesick she just had to get hammered. That's how she started to be watched by the parental inquisition and had to come up with ha cache for her brandy. Thankfully the money was good enough to pay half of the loan.


At the early days of her twenty seventh year, Crystal Clear took a habit of wandering in caves. SHe heard a rumor that somepony found a way in to the mines where ponies were made to dig out something - joping Evie was there, she took more and more risks on her adventures. Of course, she also collected crytals to cut costs of her work. That's how she met Nightmare Season.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


With the locket keeping his true form hidden from the rest of the ponies. Nightmare went out looking for his wife. Well his future wife. Passing by a home he remembered, he heard a new born foal crying. She sounded healthy at least. He made sure to attend her crystallizing when the parents presented her before the crystal heart. The crystal princess was also there to watch. The locket did its thing and pulled a little bit of her inside of it. He was glad it was working.


The crystal princess noticed the locket and the strange pony it belonged to. She also was able to see through the spell at his real form. She whispered to a guard and pointed at him. Moments latter, Nightmare found himself being taken to the cells, again. The princess latter came by to question him. At first Nightmare tried not to say anything. Though he eventually told her things when they were alone. She agreed to let him do what he came to the past to do, but told him not to change anything. She even cast a spell on him that would provide a better cover for his form. It will age as normal, and every five years he will go to her and have it reset to look like a different pony and younger.


Nightmare had to find work to afford to live. The Crystal Princess kept a close eye on him. He witnessed her when she had her brother born. The locket took a little bit again. He watched in the background as she grew up, also finding her sharp tongue in the process. He was able to afford to buy a house and move into it. Before he camped outside. He saw the moment she received her cutie mark. That made him happy enough to crystallize himself. A side effect of having apart of her essence inside of him. The locket collected a bit more.


Nightmare worked in the berry fields at this point. He had to sell his own home and buy it back again when the spell reverted him back to a different looking pony. He watched on days as Crystal worked with crystal in a shop. Even buying a few trinkets here and there that she made. Nightmare noticed the stallion courting the princess. One day when he was doing his weekly check in, the princess mentioned to him about the stallion. She knew who he was from Nightmares questioning sixteen years ago. She knew she had to let what will play out happen. She only made Nightmare promise he will do his best to keep her subjects as safe as he could. He agreed. She looked out her window, knowing full well what will befall her and her kingdom.


His new form took on an appearance of sapphire blue, similar color to the sky. He was out walking one day when a filly bumped into him. It was Evening Song. He really did not want to speak to her and upset the future, but she was insistent to apologize to him and treat him to some sweets. After getting to know Nightmare, though he went by a different name. She had a great idea. She drug him along to meet her friend Crystal. He felt things would get really bad. Till now he always kept his distant from her, now he was being dragged to be introduced to her.


Seeing her so small and cute melted his heart once again. He treated her the same as he always did before he came back into the past. The two dated for a few weeks. Crystal seemed so drawn to him especially the locket he had around his neck. Nightmare figured being her friend would not be any trouble. In fact made it easier to get her essence for the locket. A few more weeks and they were boyfriend and girlfriend. He was forgetting why he was really there. Eventually it became more. One day Crystal asked him to meet her the following day at the crystal heart. Evening Star was a part of it and lead him on that day blindfolded. When the blind fold went off, he saw her standing before the crystal in a wedding gown. The same image he saw in her dream. He gulped.


Crystal ran up to him shinning like the stars. "Will you marry me?" She asked him. His heart raced. He figured he would. She was his wife after all. He was tired of sitting back and just watching her. He accepted her. The two exchanged vows in front of the crystal. The honey moon would be that night in his home and she would break the news to her parents on the following day. Evening Song was happy for her as well. The crystal princess noticed the exchange of vows, the crystal heart even accepted it. She went to the royal library to collect a certain spell.


That night, Nightmare made love to her that was pent up for eighteen years. Crystal was amazed at just how big he really was, And she loved it. She shone like the sun that night. She was married to a great colt. She eventually fell asleep, or passed out. Nightmare did know her very well. He went outside to get fresh air. He decided he would stay like this and love her. He will even fight king Sombra off before he killed the princess.


The princess came walking up to him, scroll in hoof. "What do you think you are doing Nightmare Season?" He was busted. "I fell in love with her yet again. I figure changing the future for the better would not be too bad. "The way things happen must never be changed. A changed future will always be worse. You need to fix this problem now. She looked into his bedroom window. You even took her to bed with you?" She seemed really mad at that.


The princess handed him the scroll. "This will cover up her memories with something different, you must make it so she dose not remember her love for you and that she will never again come to you." Nightmare Season took the scroll. He did not want to hurt his wife. He thought of how many wedding he had with her. But he knew the princess was right. "Fix the memories of every pony that knew you two were together as lovers." She left him.


He gave her one last loving kiss before he cast the spell on her. He would make her instead remember him as a pony that tried to take advantage of her. She woke up and saw him over her. She freaked out and kicked him several good times before dashing home. Before that, he had altered the memories of all her friend's and family. Even the one to sell her the wedding dress. He was alone once again. All he had left was the few trinkets she made and her wedding dress.


The next year was when Sombra finally killed the princess. He had to sit by and let it happen. Crystal Clear and her friend started to keep each other company at night with a bottle of Sweet Dreams. The locket gathered more of her inside it. Nightmare was really angry seeing the two act like lovers. He did give Evening Song a few nightmares just to let out some steam. The last happy moment he had was watching her receive her title. He was overjoyed.


The years to come, he noticed the signs of an overthrow. He remembered promising to keep the kingdom as safe as possible. He knew that he would kill the entire population. He approached him one day. Of course he was cut off by his trusties. He made short work of them and into the throne room. He had already turned the inside to those hideous dark crystals. "Well well, King Sombra." Who are you, and where are the guards. "They are taking a long nap. These ponies are not up to actual combat. I however..." He took off the locket to reveal his true form. He was able to convince King Sombra that below the castle was a long forgotten prison. There the first queen captured an army of umbras and held them in stasis. He also convinced him when he took over with the few ponies he had left, instead of killing them all, have them dig out the prisons.


Nightmare became a general as the few umbras made their way into the kingdom. He set the orders for how the slaves would be treated and how they would be divided to work. He hated every moment he was overseer of the slaves. He tried to keep Crystal as safe as possible. Even seeing her sometimes to collect more of her into the locket. Finally the day arrived the princesses of Equestria came with their army. He was able to order all the umbras to stay back as the cavalry as they sent out the other ponies to fight. They really liked that idea. Nightmare Season waited with the Umbras and the King went out to see the army that stood before them. Nightmare took the opportunity to kill every last one of the umbras that killed his mother's kind and enslaved the crystal ponies. That hall was left in a horrific mess. King Sombra was left all alone to face the princesses.


Nightmare managed to escape the city with a few supplies and seeds. He knew after that day will be one thousand years before he was reunited with his wife again. He watched as the king fell and the kingdom vanished. His heart was breaking into a thousand pieces. As he turned to walk away, a magical blast took him by surprise and sent him flying. Princess Luna had a sword at his thought and princess Celestia was landing from flight after that blast. Princess Luna was first to speak, "IF THOU WISHES TO STAY BREATHING, TELL US WHAT TRICKERY IS HAPPENING TO HIDE THY KINGDOM!" She was really loud. Even princess Celestia looked really angry.


Nightmare was taken prisoner by the two sisters and interrogated. Once again he had to tell a pony he was from the future to save his wife. Explained to the two what happened and that in a thousand years it will return. They kept him for over a year before releasing him. The saw he was a good soul. He made his way back North. He was going to stay at the hot springs he had discovered with Crystal all those years ago. He planted crystal berries to grow to eat. He made trips back and forth to the Dream tree. Until one day he was attacked by a massive ice worm. He fought it off and dealt a lethal blow to it. It crawled its way into the cave he remembered finding it dead. "Well....I now know what killed it." Nightmare decided it was to dangerous now to live there. Without the crystal heart, really bad things started to move in.


He decided to head south to the ruin city and look for the pieces of the crystal heart. Several hundred years latter, he was feeling the full effects of depression for being alone for so long. He had met the natives, and with their help found all but one piece of the Crystal Heart. He knew where that was. He left one in the hooves of the tribe to protect it. He discovered a hidden room where their royal bedchambers will be. He hide all him memorabilia and her wedding dress inside of it, knowing will will not be discovered. Sadly the wedding dress withered away over the centuries, but the little crystal art works she made lasted the time.


He was being tortured. The evil mist inside of him got strong enough to visit him wile he slept. Tempting him to abandon Crystal Clear and just take on any number of wives he wished. Nightmare almost lost to it till it mentioned he did not need her or her foals. That was finally when he snapped. He loved his wife dearly and loved his foals. Even the three he had yet to see. He fought with himself, refusing to ever become evil and will only accept what apart of her was inside of him. He fought it till it was defeated. Weakened the crystal she had left him started to absorb the mist. It went screaming, but in the end, it became one with the crystal and formed a alicorn out of white mist. He had concurred himself and choose who he really was. He felt a rush of magic and power enter into him. When he woke, he discovered he now had wings. It took him years to figure out how to fly properly with those wings that left a trail of embers as he flapped. He also discovered he had stronger magic now, not just nightmare magic and the few unicorn spells he knew.


One day he felt it. The part of her that was inside of him told him, she was finally back. He raced up North on his wings. Leaving a trail of glowing embers in his wake. He managed to get there as the black shadow surrounding the city disappeared and the crystal ponies cheered. King Sombra was defeated this time. He once again hid himself using the disguise spell that was taught to him. He began to collect her essence once again.


The next year he was always sad. Crystal kept to herself and was always alone and sad. She avoided ponies best she could. He even watched as she bought and fixed up her new home. One day a unicorn came by and was asking around for a good crystal worker to do a job, Nightmare quickly grabbed him and pointed him in the direction of Crystal Clears shop. He followed her as she worked on the project she was hired for. She was still sad and miserable however. He had discovered a music shop and songs he remembered she liked to listen to. He waited till one day she would walk in front of the shop. He turned the music up as loud as he could so she could hear it from outside. The store keeper called him out on that and made him turn the volume down. It worked at least, Crystal seemed to want to buy up all the albums. He collected more of her love of music.


He tried to stay close to her best he could. One day he felt that he was coming North. It was the moment of their meeting. He spread a rumor close to her shop about a crystal mine and where the entrance was. He made sure it was the push she needed to meet for the first time with his younger self. It worked.


He stayed very far back as he watched himself and Crystal head North to save the slaves. He was finally happy again after a thousand years. He even shown like the stars and had to buy a white robe that reversed to black to keep his glow hidden. He watched as the slaves came home and the two departed. He waited till they met up again and followed the caravan South. The day he notice Crystal was bonded to her husband, he sneaked in that night to collect more. A year latter he collected more after she became a mother. The locket finally had everything it needed and it glowed to signal it had done what it was made to do. Now to just wait till they fix the Crystal heart of the forest.


The blast from the ruined city notified him that it was finally time to head home and see his wife again. so long he waited and worked to save her. Now he finally can finish it. He walked up to the outer gates with his black robe on. A horn sounded for a visitor approaching. Now the ponies were really confused, they saw Nightmare walking in the gates, but had just seen him up in the top of the palace telling them about saving their queen. Some of the guards tried to stop him, thinking of foul play. Instead Nightmare just took flight and flew up to where the three would be.


He landed to the shock of his mother and the strange mare. Crystal was still stone cold. "Your back? And.....And you are an alicorn nightmare?" His poor mother looked bewildered. Nightmare decided first he would return her memory of their first marriage back to her, before he gave back her being. He figured that would be less painful for him in that order. The spell on her was lifted and she remembered marrying the colt with the very locket Nightmare had. He then opened up the glowing crystal locket to release Crystal back into her body.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


A horn blowed b the gate and the ponies looked in that direction. Crystal seemed oblivious to what was happenning around her and just sat like she did. The sudden appearance of her husband, and with a pair of wings to boot, made no impression on her. "Oh, you're back." - she deadpanned. The stallion lowered his horn and touched hers, casting a spell. She blinked but didn't react in any other way.


When he opened the locket, tendrils of cherry magic floated towards the crystal nightmare, and she observed them with apathy. They connected with her chest, pouring their energy into her heart. The mare inhaled sharply and her eyes started glowing slightly, growing in intensity as the magic poured in. When all was inside her, her eyess glowed like sea lanterns, her mouth was speaking wordlessly and her coat crystallised and went back to normal repeatedly. Her mane went ablaze and back to normal aswell. The light display lasted over a minute, and finally her eyes stopped glowing. Crystal Clear breathed out deeply and panted slightly, looking straight down like she ran to Equestria and back. Hearts-Dream pulled the wing hug a bit tighter and peered into her heart. She annouced that Nightmare succeded, and he took her into a rib crushing hug. The mare was confused and let out a weak "eeek!", then started reacting to her surroundings. She looked around: "I... I'm alive?" She hugged back her husband and whispered into his ear. "You're crushing me, love, let go a bit will ya?" - she crystallised too. He did so, reluctantly, glowing himself, but took her into a cuddle instead, nuzzling and kissing. She noticed his wings. "Um, mom... am I seeing thing or my husband is an alicorn now?" She looked into his heart and smiled, announcing with pride that he has vanquished the evil inside him. She said she was immensly proud of him. Crystal nodded under the barrage of intimacy, and returned love fire. "So the mist that killed me is gone? And you're whole good now? Guess it was worth to die for you after all! But how did you bring me back? And why you act like you haven't seen me for a lifetime?"


Both mares said that was the case, and she was confused. "Wait, what? Anypony explain what happenned?" Nightmare said that he will in due time, and she noticed he locket that basically hit her snout. "Ow! Wait... I... remember this thing... but how?!" Nightmare smiled, but she saw pain in his eyes. He let her go for just a moment to annouce from the balcony that his mission was a succes. Crystal was scratching her head in confusion when he took her in his magic and excused them both as he took her to their chambers. The mare shut up and just let him do what he had in mind. He took her to the bedroom, but rather than do the usual, he took her in a tight cuddle and slowly told her the story of him going back in time to save her.


When he was finished, both were crying, but from joy - they were together again - the mare who died and the stallion who waited.

"*sniff* That was... the most... *sniff* most beautiful thing I have ever heard. I... I... I'll never even get close to repaying what you've done for me! I love you so much Nightmare Season! I will live for you from now on, ask whatever you want of me, nothing I can do will ever beat what you did for me!" She cried into his chest, the tears of overwhelming joy filling the locket he didn't put off yet. She took some measure of control over herself and asked. "I remember... this... It belonged to a stallion, and I loved him, and we got married and... and I don't remember seeing him ever since..." With visible pain in his heart, he told her who Sapphire Sky was, and how he had to let her go on their wedding night. Crystal clutched into him even harder and said with conviction. "I would never love anypony but you, whoever you'd disguise yourself as."


They remained in bed for the rest of the day, even ate cuddling to each other, like they were inseparable.


They were.

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He watched as a flood of emotions went into his wife. She was flickering till it all was in her again. Hearts-Dream looked at her and announced Nightmare had succeeded. He was so happy he crystallized and gave her the biggest hug he could. Though he had to let up some. After she asked about his wings and his mother told her he had concurred himself. He started to drown her in kisses. "I am not actually all good. The mist is still there, but the mist and the love you left inside of me merged into one. I am no longer at war with myself. Though don't ever do that again, you hear me?"


The two mares with them both agreed he had not seen her in a lifetime. Maybe even three. "I will tell you all latter." She noticed the locket and he looked sad that that was so long ago for him. Nightmare went to the balcony where the guards were still climbing up the stairs to chase after the flying intruder. "It is alright every pony. I found a way to save the queen, in so doing so. I gained wings." The crowed cheered as he walked back to his wife.


As he came back he took his wife in his magical embrace. "Excuse us you two, I wish to be alone with my wife for the rest of the day. He carried her back to their bedchambers and laid her on the bed. She was expecting the usual love making, but he just wanted to cuddle her for now. "Oh how I have missed you." He told her of how the only way to save her, was to go back in time and gather her essence little by little. He watched her from birth till her birthing of their foals. And how he had to wait in solitude for a thousand years, exept for the year he spent as a prisoner.


The story he told brought her to tears. He aloud her to cry in his chest as she promised to do anything he wanted. Then she remembered the locket of the special pony from her past. He told him how he had to take on different disguises and how she had fallen in love with him and married him again. "I was going to change the future but I had to let you go and change your memory to think I tried to take advantage of you."


He spent the rest off the day right next to her cuddling her. He had over a thousand years to catch up on missing her so. Sparks even brought them food in bed. "So you will do anything for me love? I wonder if mom has any more golden roots and we can see about keeping you knocked up all the time now....Ouch! Okay.....Maybe not turning you into a foal machine. I was kidding you know. All I ask is that we will always be together. I mean imagine how many times we have to get divorced before we cancel out every time we got married."


That evening he had his foals brought to them so he could make up lost time with them as well. He was so happy again. The two of them glowed so bright it probably out did the sun itself. "Lets promise each other one thing love. Lets not go through with this ever again. A thousand years is far to long to wait a second time. Though I would if need be."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The royal couple was catching up on each other and eating early supper in bed that Sparks provided. Crystal was feeling great, so safe in his embrace. The wings were awesome too. He asked whether she'd do anything for him and she nodded. "Anything." He was joking, hopefully, so she have him a slight jab in the ribs at the idea of knocking her up back to back. That brought him back on the ground. She looked up at him and nuzzled his neck. "That I can do for sure. You won't get rid of me no matter what." The mare chuckled. How many weddings we had? Four? I guess so, including the one in the dream... No worries, I will never leave."


Sparks brought the little ones and the family was in full strength that evening, The foals were a bit weirded out by daddy's wings, but they soon accepted his new look and eagerly played with him. Crystal was convinced it was so worth to die to see this, although her husband's own sacrifice was hundread times greater. When the kids were tired and Crystal Flames was looking for his favourite nanny to prey on her dreams, Crystal asked the unicorn to take her favourite parasite and Crimson Aurora dozed off in her mother's forelegs. Nightmare asked her to promise something. She looked at him and nodded solemny. "I promise. And I would do the same for you if needs be."


They decided to call it a day and take turns in feding off each other's dreams. Both ate a root and Nightmare had a first go, as usual.


When morning came, the crystal nightmares were still glowing. Nightmare woke up first, bur Crystal followed minutes later.Crimson, by some miracle, was still asleep, so the couple decided to snuggle till she wakes up.


The morning was rather usual, but they both couldn't walk five steps away from each other without coming buck for a nuzzle, and Crystal wanted to learn to preen his wings. Mommy nightmare also needed to ease some pressure on her taps. So obviously they needed twice as much time to get out of their rooms, and Nightmare Season found that his clothes severly lack in wing holes, so he had to ask Wandering Sands to get the seamstress and don what he came in yesterday.


The slightly late breakfast was served in the day room, and the whole family was present, along with the servants - they were more like extended family by that time. Hearts-Dream was there too, visibly happy from the success at restoring the Heart, her son's ascension and her daughter in-law's recovery. Crystal was eating for four as usual, but she found the time to ask her. "Mother, we kiiiind of hadn't found the time to check yesterday, but, would you be so kind and help us check what still needs work around the City? I bet we haven't discovered even half of it's secrets yet. Like how these tall ponies managed to slip into the palace and ponynap me under our guards noses... The sewers are too narrow and some tunnels collapsed, so there has to be another way in."


Hearts-Dream nodded and said she'll show them around, but it may take some time. Apparently, the memories were still haunting her and she didn't want to see everything at once. Crystal understood and didn't push. "Alright, we could start from the basics, like checking rainwater drainage and public fountains, that kind of thing. So we won't have to rely on th river for water. Some ponies got bitten by some predatory fish while collecting it." She turned to her husband, with a lok of guilt. "Also... since you were around for a time here... maybe you found out where the Old Roads lead? Or any other useful locations to send teams to? I'm sorry but, the mere thought about it makes me tear up." - She wiped her eye with a hoof.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The following morning they woke up with Crimson Aurora still asleep next to mommy. They just kept each other company till she woke up. Crystal then insisted to help Nightmare Season to preen his wings for him. He showed her how, then she laid on her back and tapped on her milk factories. He was all to happy to bring her relief. They found out that it now was his turn to have to have all his articles of clothing readjusted for his wings. So he just tossed on his horribly plan cloak.


When Crystal asked their mother to help them search around for a way the giraffe ponies entered he looked around to hide the fact it was him who opened up a hidden door in the outer walls. Crystal then turned to ask him if he discovered anything about the roads. "I found a few locations the roads led to. The quarry for one. The other way leads out of the jungle back to the shifting sands. Looked like an old trade rout of some kind. The other road leads to the mountains where I figure is where the water canals comes from for the fresh water. Other ways I did not follow long enough to find out. Oh and about the way the giraffe ponies came in at.....I kind of opened a secret door in the walls to let them enter and exit." He gave his wife his famous sheepish grin. At least that was still the same with him.


After breakfast, Nightmare rook her back to their room. He showed her his little treasure room he had found in a secret room where he hid all his treasures he had collected while watching her grow up. She was happy and some what mad he kept all of her junk she made in her early time as a crystal mender. There was one other thing he had found that he wanted to show her. It was actually out passed the rock quarry. There he discovered a cave, a short walk inside showed crystal a massive cave system filled with crystals. Similar, but not the same as the ones up North. "Here is your own little mine love. The royal family will own this just for you." She gave him a hug and a few kisses, he was still doing things for her.


The following days, the royal family spoke with the giraffe mare about a peace or alliance. The story of him was still in their history, so they agreed to be ally with them. Although, they wished to remain in their own village where they will keep to their ways. They will however provide them with their kingdom supply of dream roots. The massive dream tree collects dream from all around the world and replaces the roots each night.


After the alliance was formed. Crystal made her husband and mother-in-law proud. She used a little bit of the wealth they discovered under the throne to buy every single slave that was in the city. She then placed a ban on slaves entering the kingdom proper. Most of the slaves she bought decided to stay in the palace as servants. A few went back to their own country. Two actually tried to kill her and the sultan. Thankfully this place had a prison where they sent them to instead of killing them or turning them back into slaves. It was at least a first step to a slave free nation. The clans out in the desert will still have them for now.


The treasury after that was still piled full. They spent five days rearranging and resorting the room so it looked like a proper treasury instead of piles of wealth tossed inside it. They still had more wealth than the rest of the clans combined twice.


Nightmare went back to his old routine after that. Giving her the well loved belly rubs, and keeping her more pleased at nights. Though he was more gentle with her since she was heavy with foals. The road to the quarry was finally renovated and easier to travel. They also had a small path made to Crystal's crystal mine.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare listened to her husband, trying not to think of his lonely centuries. She facehoofed hard when he admitted he lend a hoof to her ponynap. "The things I put up with you..."


After breakfast, he led her to a secret room she haven't found yet. It was well hidden with a stone bookshelf. Nightmare opened the doors and showed her his treasures from the long wait. Of course she cried seeing his cache. Some things she loved to see again. Others, no so much. Especially her apprentice works. Seems he bought a lot of her early things. It took a while before Crystal Clear could put herself back together after the memory trip. Nightmare led her out with a wing hug. She liked his wings.


Another thing he showed her that day was just as amazing. They took a cart to the Quarry and he led her a bit further away, to a cave. The couple walked just a short distance inside when the walls sparkled with a myrriad of crystals, just like up North. Crystal Clear couldn't see any fammiliar types though - seems these were slightly different. He told er it will be the royal family's own mine, just for her. The mare had to be careful not to trip in the half dark, considering her valuable love burden, but she have Nightmare a big thank-you hug and a few kisses. She will get back there later to collect sample crystals.


Two days later, the royal nightmares paid a visit in the giraffe village - Nightmare knew the name of their kind. They had a long discussion with the mare that lived in the dream tree. Her title, as translated to Equestrian, was the Knowing One. She agreed to be an ally of the fledging nightmare kingdom, but wished to remain in their village and keep their traditions and autonomy. Crystal proposed thatthey should have freedom of entering the city and trading with whoever resides there, as sign of good relations. The giraffes agreed to supply the nightmares with dream roots, at least till they manage to get enough sweet ones from the farm to feed the growing population of root eaters. The gold ones were the matter between the Knowing One and Hearts-Dream.


Crystal Clear thought long and hard how to start repaying for the gift of life from her husband. Five days after being saved, she came up with an idea. The Queen Nightmare ordered every slave owner within the city to come to the Palace with their slaves. She bought each and every one, for the gold in the massive treasury. Thakfully most were considered cheap by their owners, and besides, the mountain of valuables would be enough to buy entore Canterlot. Once she was the only slave owner in the whole city, she gathered them all in the Plaza before the palace and officially gave them freedom, then issued an edict banning slavery within the sight of the Heart - meaning in the City and it's neighbouring areas. No enslaved being was allowed to enter her domain, or become a slave inside it. She made sure the prison was up and running, and decided that a code of Laws will be passed to fill the legal void, once enslaving was not an option. Thankfully, there were no signs of opposition to her will, and slightly shocked Nightmare Season and Hearts-Dream looked proud of her sudden initiative. She will need their aid in writing the laws.


Freeing the slaves had expected consequences - most wanted to become servants in the palace, few asked for permission to leave to their homes. Two tried to assassinate the royal family but, knowing her lesson, the mare thought about doubleing the guards in the Palace. They were captured and tossed into jail.


The royal nightmares needed five days to put the treasury in some semblance of order. But it was worth it - the neatly stacked bags and shelves looked much better, and they had an opportunity to actually measure their wealth. The royal piggy bank was very full indeed, and it pleased the mare. There was much work to be done and they still haven't found a way to generate income.


The royal couple settled into their usual routine afterwards. Crystal Clear finally accepted that trying to pay up for the stallion's sacrifice was a futeile attempt, and while it still teared her up sometimes, they both tried to return to normal. Even if the mare let him roll with almost anything he wanted.


It took two weeks to restore the road to the Quarry, and to make a path to the mine - it's entrance has been marked and secured against theft, and, thanks to the ample supply of timber, the Quarry recieved new and safe scaffolding. Crystal decided to introduce her subjects to stonemasonry, but, due to her being in her 6th month, the crystal nightmare needed to take a ride to and from the Quarry, and had a personal servant to tend to her needs when she was out of the Palace. Sparks made an excellent job in dividing the new bloods to different tasks, although she didn't want to hire any more nannies. Wandering Sands took a job of her second and oversaw the more menial tasks, like supplies and cleaning. They worked well together, and became friends. The sudden influx of capable servants allowed the royals to concentrate on their duties rather than day to day running of their household, and said duties were piling up...


Crystal Clear had her foals, stonemasonry course, she wrote letters to the Crystal Empire so fast poor Radiance went on strike once, and had that Code of Laws to put together. Hearts-Dream was huge help with her experience as a ruler of a nation. In few moments of actually free time, when she wasn't with her husband or the foals, the mare thought about her next moves. She adopted a room next to the crystal workshop as her own study, where she spent a lot of time on aforementioned duties.


The mare took a habit of wandering her City in the free time, partially so she won't get plush and weak, and partially to look for inspiration. The income, or lack thereof, bothered her. Stone was not sought after, unless she trained ponies to make smaller items, like pots or tools. But then, ironwood and metal beat stone. Only she could work crystal, and swore not to tell the secret of the trade. Timber was one option, since they had full stockpiles of it. She would have to hire some accountants to help her estimate the costs of obtaining every type and thus set the prices. She thought of Evie but decided against asking her for help. Taxes were the easiest way to get the coin flowing but nightmare ponies weren't used to them. Besides, there weren't enough businesses in good condition to leech off money from them. Maybe later, when the commerce grows...


She charted out a square in front of the Palace one day, twenty steps across. She didn't want to tell why, but she said she'll need that space after birth. It was in the very centre of a large Plaza that slowly began to be a market - the city was too large for it's current population so the citizens chose to live close to the Palace. The Queen Nightmare was sometimes found sketching something in secret, looking at that spot. She kept her notes and sketches in her study. Whatever it was, planning it sure made her happy.


Since the time to decide where to birth the foals was approaching, the royal couple decided to restore the Old Road to the shifting sands. It would also help increase the traffic to and from the City. If they build proper docks, they could also ask Dark Waters to operate the barges that would ferry cargo on the river, for a fee of course. Crystal Clear was unsure what to do about her birth, and started visiting her new Heart at the evenings. Like she was asking for advice whether it was better to crystallise her foals here or there.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare Season tried to return back to his normal life, as if the thousand years was not there. He noticed his wife was trying her best to come up with some way of repaying him for his long wait just for her. He kept denying her, telling her he did not do it because he wanted payment for it. She eventually saw she would not win that debate. Nightmare was present each time they started to discuss the laws they will bring to the kingdom. The figured a combination of the Crystal Empire, Nightmare Culture, and a dash of Hearts-Dreams kingdom had. The nightmares would need time to adjust to them. They were a proud race after all. But Crystal seemed bent on making this the best kingdom ever.


One day Radiance came and landed on his horn. When he shook her off she just perched herself on his back. Latter inquiry found out Crystal was running her to hard to deliver her letters. Seemed she went on strike.


Nightmare noticed that his wife started poking around at one particular spot next to the market. She was keeping quiet about what she had in mind. Not even his famous interogation of her in bed yielded nothing. He decided to let her have this one secret from him. As Crystal worked in her study and walking around the city, Nightmare made his own little study room and was coming and going from the city gates several times. He would sometimes bring back strange plants or parts of them.


His study was full of little bottles with powders from plants and notes on them. He was working on something himself, as Crystal worked on her mystery. He then had an idea, his collection of powders could yield the income they needed to find. He went to go find his wife to present his idea. He found her in the crystal heart room asking it if she should have her foals here or back up North for the crystallizing. He approached his foal laden wife and wrapped her in his wing. Seems she fell in love with that hug.


He went to rub her belly to let her and his new foals know how much he loved them all. "If I may put my two bits in? I figure, why not give birth here and crystallize them as the first foals of the new kingdom. Then we can head North and do it again up there for your tradition. I just feel it right that the first foals born should be bonded to this crystal heart first." He gave her a nuzzle to let her think about that. "Come with me, I have two things to show you."


He led her to one room that was empty until recently. As she walked inside, she knew right away what it was. He had made her a delivery room. "The royal delivery room. Figured you will need one with your crazy heat periods. And plans to get knocked up on a pile of gold in the treasury already." He did a really nice job with it. He fashioned it off the one she delivered in in the crystal empire. She loved it. He was already planning ahead.


The second thing he led her to his study. There with all the powder she noticed first the smell. It smelt wonderful and tasty. "So while I was here searching for the shards for the thousand years. I was trying to find things to eat with the dream roots. I came across several plants that had a strong aroma or taste. I have been playing around with them and testing them. I figure we can have these as our income. Sell these spices as a commodity to liven up the food in other nations." He gave her a little bit to taste. It was exotic spices.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


It was evening already, and the sun was slowly setting over the clear patch of land amongst the mighty forest. Crystal Clear was standing on the roof of the Palace, righ in front of the lazily spinning Crystal Heart.


Her Heart.


Her second Heart.


She started coming to it, seeking guidance like she used to back home. Or back North. Sometimes it was so cinfusing... The mare had two homes, and now she had two Hearts. Running a hoof over her large foal bearing belly, she tried to decide which one to choose.


She was here every evening for a week now, and got no answers. Either she recalled wrong, or the other Heart was more talkative. Maybe it was from the lack of power? But there was only one crystal pony family around, and their crystallings will be like drops into the ocean of needs. She'd have to ask Hearts-Dream how they kept it up and running.


Crystal Clear heard familliar hoofsteps. She saw Nightmare Season in the Heart's reflection, along with their intertwined Cutie Marks in it's core. She smiled as he gentle wing hug - she loved the soft and fuzzy sensation they gave her. The belly rub made her purr and she nuzzled his neck. "Nothing like the daddy's touch, eh?" She listened to him, snuggling to his side. She nodded silently at his idea, having it on the table as one of the viable options. Nightmare wanted to show her something, and Crystal sloghtly bowed her head to the Heart on her way out. As if excusing herself mid-conversation.


Nightmre Season led his wife to one of the still unused rooms within the Palace. She peeked in curiously. The mare smirked at his words a she inspected the interior. "Now that we cleaned it up, we'll need to do it on bags of gold, not a pile. But yeah, it would be fun alright." The expecting mother was pleased with what she saw. Just bring in the midwives and they will be ready. "Um, I think we'll need a royal midwife and a doctor too. Maybe one of the nightmare healers. So far I was doing good but having somepony to check on me and my foals as they grow would be good, to avoid any complications. especially since I give you more than one every time." She looked back at him and walked over to give him a hug. "Great job love, seems you really want your two bits to tip the scales huh?" She gave him a friendly boop.


Seems Nightmare wasn't done yet, since he led her to his study. As soon as he opened the door she could smell something tasty, but for the love of borh Hearts, she couldn't put a hoof on what was it. The mention of the thousand years made her frown a bit -she still fel guilty for that - but the mare listened and looked over his collection of powders. Her husband let her smell andd taste his findings, and the crystal nightmare was pleasantly surprised with each and every one. She sneezed after the last one and made a silly grin. "Okay, that one was not meant to be... *achoo!* Ughhh... but it has a strong taste that could be used as a spice. None of these things are poisonous, right? I wouldn't like to hear somepony important had a crazy chef who added too much and died because of that..."


She lifted the closest jar and thought for a bit, looking at the powder inside of it. "If we learn to grow these plants, rather than look ll over the forest for the plants, this might be our little gold mine, love. Powders in sealed containers can be transported all around the known world without worry, and since we will be the only supplier, they'll quickly become a luxury. That means high prices. Of course, ours will be moderate because of the transport costs, but still. I'll show my class how to make stone mill wheels, and could you show Burning sands the plants and ask them to set up a farm? I guess we could try and bypass them, but they were so loyal to our couse, even with the slave ban. They deserve a cut to keep them on our side."


Crystal looked around and took a seat on a nearby cushion. "Ahh, even with all the improvements and my increased size, there's nothing quite like giving my back a rest every now and then... Anyway, I think your plan is great, but we can do more than that, I bet. I've been tinkering with the idea to sell exotic timber - Equestria will suck it like a sponge, in any quantities. Of course we would have to be reasonable with tree cutting, but it's a source of income alright. We have to convince the next Crystal Trade Mission to come over here, by the way. Now I've been thinkingabout selling pelts of local animals, but the market, at least as far as I can tell, is very small for that. We can gain a level of mastery in stonemasonry, and that's why I have classes in the Quarry. Limestone may not be the prettiest stone ever, but small mortars and the like will get some coin flowing. I'd like to fix the sewers and try to get the water delivery working again too. Fountains are great for attracting ponies. And of course I'm on a hot line with the Empire over our Heart and buying know-how from them on various useful things. Getting some modern stuff will not only make it easier to live, but also increase our renown. It'll take a lot of time, but, fortunately, we have all the time in the world to make our kingdom the best."


The mare stretched a bt and sighed gently. "it's been a long day today... Anyways, have you discovered how they used to call th City? I was about to ask Mother, along with how they juiced up the Heart with no crystal ponies around. I saw some murals but I can't make much sense of them."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare kept his wife under his wing as she talked. "I was thinking we would get Burning Sands to help us grow them. With your brother marrying one of their mares, I figured we will let him have the rights with his wife. He will finally have his business. Since he is family, he will not mind that we get a profit off him.


He watched as she sat down on one of his cushions. He walked over to her and sat with her to get to her belly. "Makes sense. You do have three little ones in there this time" He listened to her ideas as she laid them out while giving her belly the loving she so loved. "Those sounds like a great idea as well. Bring the ponies here next year to look at the lumber we have. The trees grows fast in the jungle I noticed, so over logging if we keep it to a minimum, should not deforest it. If you can teach them to work stone, they can do the nightmare artwork on the pieces. The crystal ponies were after our designs the most."


He thought of the kingdom's name. "Mother told me it was the jungle empire in her times. Guess as a twin name of sorts. But I was thinking of the forest heart. Unless you have a better idea that is?" He thought for a bit. "You know. I do love to see you give me foals, and that makes me so happy, but I am joking with you about knocking you up back to back. I don't want you to think you need to become only good for giving me foals to repay me. I don;t want you to be stressed out from consent pregnancies." He gave her a few snuggles and belly rubs. Then helped himself to relieve her of some of her milk. Seems that was the first thing he went back to normal on.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


 The mare let her husband do his magic on her underside. She could have sworn she felt the foals react to his touch, even tough it was rather early to feel their movements. She closed her eyes and let the pleasaont feeling flow ashe replied to her torrent of ideas.


"Nightmare artwork on the stone items is a good idea, should pick interest from outsiders and let the stonemasons earn some coin. I have just ten students, all normal ponies, so they'll need to earn their living off the trade eventually." She sighed. "I totally forgot about Snowflake once he made himself scarce. Guess I'm a bad sister... I'll talk to the lovebirds and offer the farm rights. I hope they can hold off the wedding till we come North, dad would be heartbroken if he wasn't on his son's wedding."


Nightmare finished thinking and told her the city name as it was used to be called. Crystal Clear rubbed her neck and repled. "Forest empire has it's appeal, yeah, but maybe "Heart of the Forest"? Kinda long but fitting, I guess."


The crystal nightmare gave him an odd look. "Repay? I know full well that I can never repay what you did for me. Not in a million years. All I can do is strive to be the best wife you could evr have, and both Hearts so help me! But it would be nice if we had a little break from diapers, y'know. Five is a good number for the first batch." Crystal manoubred her head aroud his nuzzles to whisper to his ear. "But we're totally doing the next ones in th treasury." She gave him a wink and saw the telltale signs of him easing her on her back in known purpose. The expecting mother smiled and did as he wanted, even if she couldn't see him working at her taps through the big belly. He looked so cute when he was busy there. Crystal bit her lip and relaxed as her husband relieved her of the pressure. She was making more and more as her pregancy progressed.


Sice it was already late evening when thet came out of the study, the royal couple decided to check on her foals - Sparks tucked Crimson Aurora to sleep and Crystal Fire was following her around like a cute dream predator he was.The parents took him over as their most trusted employee took a moment to go through her evening routine unmolested. Crystal and nightmare did their best to tire the little devil before bed, and the mare thought about some way to show the nanny how much she appreciates her hard work. Shame they haven't had any luxorious resorts or spas in here, she would probably appreciate a quality break, even if she'd need to be basically ordered to take one. Before theexpecting mother came up with an idea, the number one nanny came back to take her favourite leech to bed - they slept together to avoid injuries when Crystal Flames got out. It was Sparks idea.


The royal couple bid her godnight and walked towards their rooms. A few servants were cleaning or doing other chores, but other than that, only guards were awake. Crystal opened the doors to their provate chambers with her magic - she made a special lock in them, that could be opened only with unicorn magic - a simple, but sturdy bolt inaccessible with hooves. In a land wothout unicorns, it was the best way to keep unwanted guests out. She carefully locked the doors behind them, and the royal couple sat for a pre-bed snack.


Crystal took a fruit in her magic - she was trying to use it as much has possible to gain proficiency - You know, if Mother haven't told us so early, I'd thought that Sparks is weird. She treats our son better than if he was her own. I just hope he'll marry her as soon as he maturres, poor girl will be single for so long..." She thought about it as they ate, and absentmindedly checked how much she still has in her taps. Crystal looked down and chuckled. "Okay, I guess I'll have a turn too tonight. I'll burst before morning... But where I left that infernal device? I think it's in the drawer by the bed. I'll get it, don't worry."


she got up on her hooves, swaying a bit from the weight of he foals. The mare went to the bedroom and opened the drawer - it was empty. She frowned and looked around. "I could've sworn... huh?" Crystal noticed something on the flooor and picked it up.


A feather.


She facehooved and asked aloud. "Mooom?! Get out, I know you're here..." The alicorn went out of the walk-in closet they had tof their clothes with a sheepish grin. "Have you, by any chance, seen my... "emergency pressure relief system"?" Crystal asked with a raised eyebrow. Of course Hearts-Dreas had it. "Uh-huh, and pray tell, why you took it and hid in my closet?" She said she had some idea and she coulde use some of her white gold, but knew the expecting mother wouldn't give her any. "Oh really? Well it's your lucky day then. I need that thing and you can take what I pump out, just stop sneaking on us, okay?" They shook hooves on that deal and Nightmare walked in to check what's going on. crystal giggled as she got herself comfortable on the bed and Hearts-Dream plugged the cups. "Just our mom being our mom. I gues she wanted to help herself to your buffet without asking, am I right? I just hope you'll come up with something useful, not another way to make mares more fertile. Either way, you'll have to give me a cut as your supplier!"


Crystal let the mare take it all into some magic container. "Oof, so good being empty again... ICould you walk our mom out, love? I need a good bath after the Quarry."


Therest ofthe evening went normal, with their usual routines and feeding. Next day, Crystal had to see her brother and start teaching her students in the direction of making mill stones - at least they were rather easy.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Crystal was taking to long in their bed chambers and was talking. She he got up to check on her. What he found was his mother plugin his wife into the milk pump. "I guess she has started going after my meals." He watched as she drained his wife dry. "I will escort her out then." He led his mother out of their room. "Okay mom, spill. What are you up to now?"


Hearts-Dream looked at the bottle of milk. "I figured since she saved your life with this, I might be able to condense the dream energy out of it and use it as a healing potion. I don't think you will let any nightmare suck on her or drink her milk." She did have a point. And if she can extract just the dream energy out of it, it could save several nightmares. Nightmare, after letting his mother out, went back to join Crystal in the baths. The tub was large enough for their whole family. Though they really need to fix the pluming.


The next day, nightmare was out walking around and seeing how well his ponies were doing. He noticed Snowflake's Fiance coming out of Hearts-Dream's fortune telling house. She had refused to take a room in the palace. The mare to wed Crystal's brother looked happy, yet also worried. "Whats the matter?" He asked her and she was startled. "Oh...Sultan. I...umm....found out I am with foal. Hearts-Dream said I will give Snowflake a crystal mare. Though we are not married yet. Snowflake wanted to wait till he took me to his home. Nightmare simply nodded and sent her on her way. He needed to see his mother once more.


"Before you say anything, I did not have a hoof in that at all. That was all those two." His mother told him as he walked in. "Really?" She nodded. That was fine then he guessed. He spoke with her on her research. Seems she may have luck on extracting just the dream energy. Half of the profits she will give to his wife. He liked that even better. More form of income. Though he fears that Crystal will give her all her milk outside of nursing the foals. But at least she will get better relief than just him.


The next few days, Nightmare had patrols out to find the source of the fresh water and any leaks or blockages in the pipes. They found several areas that needed to be fixed, but the estimated time of completion will be when they come back from their trip, unless they decide to stay an extra two to allow the queen to give birth. He went to tell Crystal about the news on the water. Also to ask if she made up her mind yet where to birth. He still felt it right to birth here so the kingdom will see it's first foals being born again.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The Queen Nightmare decided to take care of spice business as soon as possible.  After breakfast,  she sent for her brother to see her in the play room - she was spending time with her kids.


"Ah, you're finally here, have a seat. I've a proposition for you." - the mare pointed at a sitting cushion nearby with a smile. Snowflake took a seat without bothering to show his respects to the rules of a nation. For him, she was just his sister, apparently. Crystal ignored it since they were in private.  "So what's the matter sis?" - he found himself in the sights of Crystal Flame.

She was making her daughter a pretty msnestyle with her magic.  "My husband found something I'd like to profit from, but I'm no farmer. Your fiancé however..." - that got him interested - "I'll be frank with you. He found plants in the forest that can be dried and ground into powders that will do nicely as spices. And since it's quite possible that nopony else sells them, we want to profit off it. And that's where you come in - I need a pony to run a farm. I know you're more interested in large scale trade and stuff, but we can offer you land and seeds for your very own business.  Also a contract to buy all you can grow. I want exclusive rights to those spices,  but as you expand, I won't object if you have other plants.  What do you think?"

Snowflake looked at her as if she just turned green. "My... very own business? With a royal contract too? Damn sis,  I thought you're a mean bitch to me and all of a sudden-" - She put a hoof in the air - "don't get too intimate okay, my foals don't need to expand their vocabulary in that direction." Snowflake nodded a bit too hastily. "O-ok. I need to talk this over with Kiwi Talar, but I bet she'll want to take this offer.  My sweet girl wasted to have a farm like the one outside the city, just bigger and better! Exclusive farming rights will sure be right up her alley. Gotta go tell her!"

He was getting up as the mare shook her head. "I'm not done so don't make me chase you on the corridor. Your wedding, what about it?" The stallion made an awkward smile but kept standing. "Riiight... I wanted to wed her back home, when you go give birth, but she's so impatient!  Kiwi wants to have a wedding by the local tradition and we're in a rut. Neither wants to back down really." He looked a bit sad. Mommy nightmare got up on her hooves and went to give him a hug. "I know my marriage is not very standard, but why you couldn't have two weddings? Crystal and Nightmare? I had both and still live." Snowflake returned the hug. "Thanks sis, maybe that'll work for us too. I need to find my fiancé,"


He excused himself and Crystal was again with just her foals. Not that she minded one bit of course.


News about Kiwi Takar's pregnancy made her laugh. Her brother was now in it deep. The preparations for the Nightmare wedding were in full swing as they agreed to have two. And to cover up they had fun before they married. Crystal Clear asked Burning Sands to find a good spot for her brother's new farm while Nightmare sent troops to look over the water supply. Working plumbing would be great, but then, they would need to speed up on the sewers too. Without skilled stonemasons and with her advanced pregnancy,  it will be hard to fix those tunnels where the stones broke. But the Queen Nightmare took a different approach.  She had plans if the city drawn by herself, and another map with discovered tunnels.  Since the Crystal Empire also had sewers and water pipes, she knew what to expect and ordered to clean up just those areas that will be in use when they turn on the fountains and running water in the Palace. By her rough estimate,  it would take about a month if nothing goes wrong.  The rest of the system will be restored in leaps.


A few days after the talk with Snowflake,  Nightmare Season went to see his wife in her usual evening spot by the Heart. She greeted him with a smile as she sat in front of the relic. "I guess you came to tell me to stop asking an inanimate object what to do, huh?" He filled her in on the pipe work schedule.  "Hmm, that's good. Sewers should be ready in minimal capacity in a month too,  so we'll have the fountains running at least.  And the palace will get water too. Should make it easier to live in the city." She glanced at the Crystal Heart, spinning lazily, and bit her lower lip. "I... think I made a decision. We'll roll with your plan to stay here and crystallise the foals in our city. Then we'll go with the trade mission up North and crystallise them there. " Nightmare seemed happy about it and Crystal knew she made the right call. After their loving thanks were more or less done, she spoke again. "Seems like you'll have competition for my white gold.  Mother said she succeeded in making a healing potion for nightmares." Her husband nodded that she told him too. "Oh, right.  So I wanted to ask you how do you feel about it. Unless I really ramp up my production, the coin will be enough just to pay for two servants or so. Still, better than nothing and I'll help save lives, but I thought I'd ask you for your opinion. I know you like to have a drink every now and then and it used to be only for you and the foals..." She looked at him expectantly. 

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare went to look for his wife. Good chances she would be with the heart again. He was greeted with a smile. "I have no issue with you talking with it. Hope it will start talking to us at some point. Our cutie marks are inside of it after all." He told her the plans and deadline for the running water to be fixed. And then he went and joined her. She told him her final decision on where she would give birth at. That made him happy and he crystallized. They exchanged kisses and hugs. He then ended it with tucking her under his wing where she went for the snuggling. She then told him about her milk.


"Though I would love to keep you just for the foals and to myself, mother dose have a point in sharing you. Well, just the part that makes up the part of the dream energy." He pulled out a small bottle with a feint glowing liquid that slowly changed colors. "She finished the first bottle. It is yours to keep on hoof when you go out. Since it dose not look like your white gold, and she will never tell how she makes it, I will allow her to make the healing potions for other nightmares. However, the deal will be, only I will pump you dry unless I am gone somewhere, then you will do it for her. She will not extract it herself again. Give me at least some purpose in it." He gave her a loving kiss as she snuggled under his wing. "I am turning you into a snuggle bug, aren't I?"


Herats-Dream came in a little latter. She had brought the foals and Sparks carrying the colt with her. "I figure I should teach you the method we used for the bonding. Up North it was crystallizing using a crystal to move the love. This crystal heart is slightly different. Instead of love. It is bonding. Or family you can say." She walked over to the pedestal and pushed a stone on the floor in. Stones moved aside as a small cradle rose up out of the ground. "You two will stand on either side of the table here." She placed the two foals onto the table or cradle. "You two will hold hooves together with the foals in the center of you two."


They followed her instructions. They felt a warm feeling inside of them. The foals must have felt it too, for they went crystal form on them. The pedestal glowed and lines in the table seemed to move energy from them into the crystal heart. The crystal heart glowed and spun around faster. It shot its energy out into the city. This time the ponies did not crystallize from it. Hearts-Dream told them the first time was different since they used a crystal to bond. The ritual was over. Crystal and Nightmare both heard a soft whispered "Thank you" From the crystal. Though no pony else heard it.


Latter that day, the pony in charge of the sewers ran back to Crystal telling her somehow thew sewers were all repaired and opened. She figured it was due to the energy of the crystal spreading out.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal was a bit anxious over Nightmare's reaction, bur apparently, he saw merit in Hearts-Dream's idea. He took out a small bottle and said it was the first one with the finished product. Crystal took it in her magic grip and gave a look over. "Strange how it change colors all the time... Thanks." She carefully listened to his terms and sneggled under his wing as he kissed her. "Deal."


Nightmare pointed out that she was getting extra snuggly as of late with him, ans Crystal replied, snuggling even more into him. "You can either blame my pregnancy, or accept a compliment that you look awesome with those huge, fluffy wings. You know full well how often I dream about flying, so no wonder I'm even more of a cuddle bug. I always had it in me, to be honest." The couple glowed in each other's presence for some time, enjoying the simple pleasure of being together.


Hearts-Dream broke their bubble of calm when she showed up along with Sparks ad the foals. Crystal looked over her shoulder, concerned. "Everything fine?" She looked curiously as the alicorn mare as she explained how her nation used to power the Heart. The royal nightmares made room for the presentation and Crystal Clear was surprised she didn't find the pressure plate herself. When the royal family did as instructed by their mother, they felt it. The Queen Nightmare was amazed how familliar, yet different it felt from crystallisin foals up North. The Heart took notice of them and filled them with a serene feeling. The foals must've felt it too since they crystallised. She carefully observed as bright lines of energy went from the cradle to the pedestal, and how the Heart was filled with it, spinning faster and faster until it shot a wave of positive, restorative energy all around the City. A cursory look over a balcony revealed that ponies didn't crystallise. "Huh, did something went wrong? Ponies aren't shining." Hearts-Dream shook her head and said it was all fine, the first time was with a crystal, hence the effect. The expecting mothercould've sworn she felt the Heart issue thanks to her. It finally spoke, and it made her even happier.


The Palace was about to be closed fr the night when the chief of Crystal's sewer restoration team ran in as fast as he could. The Queen took him in her study, where he told her that the sewers miraculously repaired themselves. The mare was surprised, but after a talk with the pony, she scratched the blockades off her Sewer plan with great satisfaction. The Crystal Heart was restoring it's home.


She shared the news with Nightmare Season, who was waiting with pump in hoof to do the honors. The stallion figured that they could ask their clan to bond with the Heart, since it was their city. Crystal agreed and they decided to host a clan summit next evening in the Arena.


Next morning, Crystal told Sparks about her plan to give birth in the City, and that she will need a midwife and a healer at hoof. The unicorn said she'll send word around and present her the best candidates. The crystal nightmare went to host her stonemasonry lessons, this time taking the small healing vial with her. She made sure to carry it around every time she left home - somepony's life can depend on it one day. The students were learning too slow for her liking, and the mare was getting frustrated with minimal progress. The tools she ordered at the forge were okay, but her crystal ones were just much better. Or maybe it as because they were like extension of her hooves after all those years. Either way, she will need to bring tutors and specialists from areas her subjects weren't familliar with, but stonamasonry was her pet project and she refused to give up, even if she felt like igniting every time a student chipped his slab wrong and wasted it.


She came back home to clean up and eat, and decided to spend time with family until the clan summit. When it was time, the royal couple left the palace and went to the Arena. Crystal was anxious over what she had to say and was kind of hiding under Nightmare's wing on the way. She came rom under it when she felt sand under her hooves - they went into the Arena to adress the assembled clan.


Nightmare Season greeted the ponies and nightmares present and announced thy had something important to discuss. He then passed the chair to his wife. Crystal looked at the expectant faces all around, and started with a deep breath.


"Nightmares, ponies, clanmates! Today, I have some important new to offer, and would like to hear your imput. Yesterday, the way to feed the Crystal Heart with power was found. I know you are not familliar with it, so I will tell you how the one I was born under, works. The Heart, and I believe that this one too, protects the City and it's inhabitants. not from tripping over uneven pavement type of protection, or frm falling ill, but from outside influence. My home city is protected from eternal Winter, and this one is being saved from being swalowed by the Forest. Have you noticed how the roots and bushes evaporated when it was restored? Even great trees seemed to finally accept this was not the place for them to grow, and fell under the axes with ease. Last evening, we bonded our foals to it, like crystal ponies up North do with theirs. Our good Mother explaied to us, that this Heart is strengthened by the bond of families, who's love and commitment brought forth the next generation." She changed pace and her choice of words. "Now it all sounds pretty, but I bet you are asking yourselves - what this fancy shiny heart thing has to do with you? What can it bring into your life? So hear that - bonding our foals fixed the sewers. Just like that, poof, magic. Since there's still a lot to do around, and there's just so many foals I can have at once..." - She ran a hoof over her belly and heard some snickers from the audience. "Me and my husband would like to ask our Clan, whether we, as a Clan, shall bond with the Heart. It doesn't hurt, or take anything from you. You won't glow like me or my family, but the Heart, filled with the power of the bonds we share, will keep us safe from the Forest, and restore our City to it's former glory. Now I want to hear from you - I can answer your questions, should you have any, and I expect wthat we, as a clan, decide whether to bond with the Heart. The Royal famliy did and will continue to do so, but it has to be your decision, not an order."


Crystal Clear listened to questions and replied as bast as she could. Several ponies had their say over the matter. Some voices expresed concern over adopting a strage, un-nightmare ritual, but it seemed the Clan wasleaning towards Crystal's side. It was dark already whrn they finally settled with a dicision - The Shining Flames will bond with the Heart.


Crystal Clear was beyond any scale of happines.

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


At the arena, Nightmare Season stood next to his wife as she addressed the clan. She was a natural at this. In the end. Their clan decided to follow suit and all the families will bond with the crystal on the next day. He walked up to her and kissed her when it was all done. "You are much better at speaking than I am." He also gave her belly a rub. "Happy to hear that we do not have to rely solely on this belly of your for foals.


The next day the Shining Flames all came to the top of the palace. Each parents with their foals, now that there was a lot of them from Hearts-Dreams experiments. The Crystal glowed stronger with each one. Sending new energy outwards to fix things here and there. Mostly the roads were fixed and about half way through it, the running water was fixed. Fountains started flowing again, and the local bath house filled up again. Even some of the paintings on the walls were restored. When the last of the clan left, the royal couple looked out at their kingdom. It was almost fully restored. Now all they had to do was populate it. It was still far larger than all the clans combined.


Nightmare sent Radiance up North to inform the Crystal Empire and Equestria about their slight delay due to the births. The reply from Cadence was accepting the delay, but was surprised she took foals so fast again. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna also wrote him, looking forward to seeing him again and to open up trade and diplomatic talks. Princess Celestia also gave him a heads up that Princess Twilight will also want to talk with him, and to learn about nightmare ponies. Nightmare asked Crystal if she knew who this Princess Twilight was, and heard from her how she loves to learn new things.


Snowflake's wedding went well. His new wife was not yet showing signs that she was already with foal. So he dodge trouble with that. He was given the farm land his family would need to start growing the spices for trade. The clan leader of Burning Sands took a liking to him, probably because he married his daughter and was similar to him in manner.


Crystal was expected within the next two weeks. She was now palace ridden and could not leave. Even with her larger size and enhancements to help with pregnancy, three foals were still taking a toll on her. She was very well visible to be carrying that many. One morning, the horns declared visitors. They were not expecting the giraffe ponies so soon and wondered who it was. Nightmare went to the gates as Crystal remained in the palace. She could see however the gates that was opened for the new arrivals.


They looked like the ponies from the vision she saw when Hearts-Dream was ruler. It was the ponies that lived here. This was a small group who's ancestors survived the war and fled. Nightmare led the group to the square in front of the palace. Crystal did not care and had Wandering Sands and Sparks help her down the stairs. "Love.....You alright?" Nightmare asked her as she came to him. "These ponies heard that their long lost kingdom was being restored. They said their ancestors had to flee from here, and they lived in the mountains at the edge of the Forest on the other side of the jungle from the shifting sands." He walked over to her and wrapped her in his wing. "They wish to know if they can return here to live?"


Crystal was all to willing to allow such. The original ponies, and by the looks of their things, they still had the knowledge of stone masonry. They also told the royal couple their numbers still to come was about half the size of the nightmare pony clans combined.


The kingdom was now fuller. And with ponies who knew how to work stone without having to be taught. Some of the families that came asked to be bonded to the crystal as well. They found out that when the heart was as full power, it replenished the stone in the quarry. Somehow. At least they had no fear it would run out now.


The two weeks went by and Crystal was expecting. She was carried to the royal delivery room. All the mare healers were present at it. They wanted to make sure their queen delivered her triplets with no trouble. This time Nightmare Season insisted to be present as she delivered. She did not want it at first, but it was nightmare tradition that the father be there. Also, she really could not say no with the knowledge of him waiting so long just for her.


Her first one was a crystal colt. Coloring was almost similar to her fathers. The second one to come out was the nightmare filly. Looked like her, only was a blackish red coat. The last one was the identical twin of the first one. Nightmare helped the healers to dry them off and clean them up. Hearts-Dream gave the parents the okay on their health and pushed the rest out of the room to allow the happy couple time with their new foals. Short time latter, Sparks brought the other two foals in so they could see their new siblings. Crimson Aurora acted just like her mother did when her uncle was born. Gave one of the a boop on the noise. "Well we can see she will take after you love." He gave her the warmest kiss he ever did before to thank her for the foals she had brought to them both.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The clan was slowly leaving the arens, and the Queen was the brightest object in the City from her crystalline glow. She was expecting the ponies would be harder to convince, but, apparently, they trusted their royals. She felt the kiss and returned it eagerly. "Nah, I'm nowhere as good as the Princesses back North. I just know how to ramble out loud. Still, thanks." Crystal giggled at the comment following the belly rub. "I have a feeling that I'll give birth to a whole nation anyway, with they way we act, but, yeah, it's nice to know they accepted the Heart. It will protect them and strengthen their bonds in return. C'mon, let's get some well deserved rest. And by rest, I mean anything but." She gave him a wink and lead back home.


Crystal Clear was present by the Heart, along with her husband, when the clan arrived to bond themselves, and their foals, to it. She carefully observed as it shone brghter after each family, and spun faster too. She noticed that some blasts were weaker, and some stronger. Only a few were as powerful as the one caused by her own family. Maybe it was dictated by the strength of the bond? The royal nightmares look around their domain when the last family left. Fountains were flowing with water, broken stones were back in one piece, even most of the surfaces seemed scrubbed clean. If not for her foals inside of her, the mare would jump from happiness. They sent scouts to check what was fixed and what still needed attention.


Since Nightmare Season wrote to the Princesses up North abut the delay in their yearly visit, Crystal Clear could just happily wait for her delivery. She just wanted to wrap her hooves around her newborn babies already.


The rushed wedding of Snowflake and Kiwi Talar was a grand one, as befitting of the newly wed couple's family connections. Crystal thought that the clan leader would try to exploit the new family ties, but he didn't show any signs of it during the ceremony or after it. Still, she kept an eye on Burning Sands, so she won't be accused for favouring them. Snowflake and his wife were presented with a house near the gate and enough farm land to run a large farm, big enough for spices and then some. Since there were no taxes, it wouldn't burden them with costs of upkeep and the savings made by the colt proved enough to hire help to start growing the plants. Crystal promised them some crystal items after she gives birth - it was problematic to work with her huge foal laden belly.


The last month was, as expected, the worst. The crystal nightmare gew so big she barely fit in doors, and needed a break every hundread steps or so. Her early attempts to stay fit helped, but stil, the sheer weight and lack of excercise later on proved a killer mix. Soon she found herself unable to descend the steps of her palace and was confined inside. It made her restless, of course, with how she hated laying around. Her midwife checked on her daily to make sure everything was going fine on this last leg. The poor mare was weirded out by the sheer size of a mother carrying three at once.


It was morning and the midwife was giving the expecting mother a check-up before another mare was due to give her a back massage, when Crystal heard a horn from the gate. They weren't expecting visitors, so she wanted to see who's coming and didn't wait till the midwife finishes. She saw the new arrivals from her balcony and instantly recalled the ponies she saw in the mist of the Knowing One's vision. The mare decided to meet them and didn't pay attention to any protests. She cast a small cound under her and had Sparks and Wandering Sands help her down the stairs. Nightmare Season, who came to see who just arrived and led the group to the main Plaza, was surprised and concerned t see her. Crystal Clear gave him a smile as she came down on street level. "You know me, can't sit on my plot when there's stuff going on." She nuzzled his neck when he gave her the wing hug, then looked over the newcomers. They may have lost their City, but didn't share it's fate. The ponies were in good health, and even wore jewelry. Their accent was a bit hard to understand but they spoke Equestrian alright. She looked at her husband, and back at the new arrivals. "How could I possibly deny them the right to return to their homes? Of course they can come!"


Nightmare helped his wife get back to the palace, despite some protest from her, and they met with the new ponies in the Throne Room to discuss the details. Apparently there was a fair number of them, but entire districts were still empty, so space was not an issue. The nation needed aome help with lugging their belongings, but otherwise were fine on their own. Those were no ragtag survivors, but rather a small, but proud, nation in exile. The mare hoped that mixing sultures won't result in problems later on...


The newcomers eagerly bonded themselves to the Heart that was lost to them for generations. With the new bout of power, the Crystal Heart restored the city entirely, and even replenished the stone in their quarry, to the amazement of everypony. Now there were no neighsayers to it's power and usability.


One morning the midwife checked on her and said it was time - the foals were shifting inside her to leave. Crystal Clear was taken to the delivery room and told to wait there. The birth started near noon. Crystal didn't want to be seen by her love a mess, and insisted he waited outside, but he convinced her to stay. She wasn't particularily happy about it, but she had more pressing concerns on her mind right then. The birth took ten hours, and she was spent beyond words when it was over. The mare laid limp as the midwifes and healers took care of her and the newborns. She surely wished those were her only triplets anytime soon. But she was happy, and her crystalline glow confirmed it. Nightmare Season laid the newborns beside her and Crystal took them in weak hooves for the first time. Hearts-Dream kicked out the staff as soon as she was sure the infants were okay. The mother was still resting when Sparks came with the older ones. Everypony knew the family legend of how Crystal smacked Snowflake so hard his head apun the first time she saw him, so there was some trepidation over the reaction of  the firstborns. Crystal Flames acted friendly and tried to play with the newborns, while Crimson Aurora was more reserved. She booped the nightmare filly in the nose.


Crystal chuckled at the sight and comment. "Mommy's girl, that one. Though it's good she didn't start whacking the new siblings like I did. Maybe we won't have a civil war in the house between them... Gotta make sure the older ones don't get jealous for the extra attention the new ones need..." She rest her head on the pillow and let out a long sigh of relief. "Good thing nightmare ponies don't need much sleep, cause with those three, I won't get much anyway."


The mare was in the delivery room for a few more hours, since it was well stocked in everything she may need, and, perhaps more importantly, she was too tired and wrecked down there to go anywhere. Nightmare had to help her with everything that day, and especially taking care of the newborns. All she could do was lay on her back and move around the front legs really. When it was time to feed, they had a bit of a problem to decide which one gets the second turn. So they took the nightmare filly first and the twins second, because mares first. The next few days will see the mother nightmare slowly recovering, until she was back on her hooves with everything working as intended.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare helped his wife that day after the newborns came. He even helped to clean her up so she wasn't looking such a mess. Nightmare already had an idea on the name of their new filly. He thought Midnight Star would fit her just fine. The other two he thought they should be named from two twin gems or Crystals. He asked his wife since that was her area of expertise. The filly was the biggest one out of the bunch. Nightmare ponies usually are.


Nightmare was happy he provided a good bed in the royal delivery room. Bringing three new lives into the world really took a number on her. At least she had a comfy bed to rest on and to give the little ones their first feeding. Crystal's taps really enjoyed three little mouths taking her near empty. Though she was dreading when the taps will produce even more to keep up with them as they grew.


Next few weeks aloud the crystal nightmare queen to rest up and heal. Thankfully her body healed faster than expected thanks to the spells. The no nights without sleep really did come fast. The two was up most of the time changing diapers or feeding them. Though they were always busy with them, the two were always glowing in their crystal form. They eventually hired a nanny from the ponies that came from the mountains to help them with the three new ones. Sparks helped with the first two.


After the second week of recovery, The trade ship had come up the river for them. The new ponies knew their stone and was able to build a proper dock for their ships out of stone. And the river was wide and deep enough for the trade ship to sail it as well. It was loaded up with all the trade goods that was asked for this trip. The royal couple even had enough spice to bring along to sell to some of the rich of Equesrtria and the Empire. Dark Waters had redesigned the ship slightly to allow a slightly bigger room for the royal family. Five foals were a lot for the previous smaller one. Their destination was a month and an extra week out. Now that they had to travel the great river.


The nightmare mare that asked to join them was present. She was keeping in contact with her new husband to be. She was exited that she would finally be married when they arrived. The royal couple was actually happy watching her looking forward to her wedding. They did notice in the past couple of years that the number of multiple wives were less and less. With the dream roots being sold, there was not the need for multiple wives to feed from.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


They talked in the nursery as Crystal gave her newborns their first feeding. Of course, now that they knew how they looked, it was time to assign names. She liked Midnight Star for the filly - very nightmare pony sounding. For the colts, she thought of Aquamarine and Aventurine, two blue gemstones, although she wasn't sure really. Maybe once she's not so tired she'll come up with something better.


The foals were even more eager to help themselves to their first meal then her firsborns, and the mare felt as they emptied her out in the first go. A nice feeling for sure, but, she had a feeling that her body will react to increased demand with increased supply. She already wore long dresses... The mother decided to be moved to her bedchamber late afternoon, once she was feeling better. Still, she asked for a cloud for transport, not entirely sure of her back legs. The following week saw her back on her hooves, but still recoering from her pregnancy - there was still some noticeable foal fat to burn, for example. Crystal decided she was okay, even if her sleep schedule was out of the window, waking up at night every three hours for feeking and check-ups. Her husband and a hired nanny were huge help in the day though, allowing her to catch some rest.


When the trade ship arrived, the crystal nightmare didn't really ant to go - spending a month and then some in a wooden box wasn't high on her list of fun things, but, royal dutues called, o the family boarded the vessel after a fortune telling from Hearts-Dream that it's safe. Last thing she wanted to do was to endanger her family on a long trip. Snowflake and his wife also took a ride to have a small wedding ceremony in the crystal tradition. Crystal Clear noiced the mare was showing early symptims already. especially the nausea. Poor girl. Least she won't have to carry more than one at the time. The ship set sail along the river's current, and then up North to the Crystal Empire dock.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The trip up North went about the same as last time. Stopping twice to resupply their water and some food. The twins actually seemed to enjoy the open ocean the most. The new filly was always wanting to stay inside. She had taken a liking to staying with her father. This made Nightmare happy, finally a foal that liked him more than any other pony. Sparks took great care of the foals along with the new nanny from the newest ponies in their kingdom. Crystal made sure to be at the front of the ship when the crystal lighthouse was in view again.


Waiting for them was the royal guards and couple. This time Shinning Armor had his troops practice even more to try and impress the nightmares. He really took a beating with his last visit down South. Princess Celestia was also present this time. As the ship pulled in to dock, they also noticed the crystal trade ship was at the other dock as well. As they stepped off the ship, Cadence and Shining Armor both saw the three new foals along with their first two. They glanced at each other with a silent agreement not to have that many.


Cadence sent several crystal mares to help Crystal with the foals. Shining armor did his best to show off his better trained troops to Nightmare. Princess Cadence just watch the show for a bit. Hearts-Dream was the first to approach Princess Celestia to talk to her. When all was finished, The royal families loaded the wagons to take them to the train stations. Both Hearts-Dream and Princess Celestia decided to fly to the Crystal Empire together.


Crystal was full of energy now that she was headed to her first home, the one she grew up in. Sparks was playing with Crystal Flames while Nightmare took care of the other four. He thought it best to give his wife some time to rest and take in the view. Midnight Star was very calm and easy going. The twins were the biggest hoof full.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Despite some reservations, the mare decided that their sea voyage was was a good one. The foals didn't pick the ship apart, and she was still sane, so that's good. Sure, the newborns were demanding of her time but nothing a loving mother can't handle. The nannies helped her get some rest during the day to catch up after erratic nights of feeding herself, her husband, and their foals. Although the sudden increase in milk consumption caused by three little ones had an expected, even if not really desireable effect - her taps got bigger. The mare got a bit worried that with time, they might get too big for comfort. Thankfully Nightmare was supportive as usual. He was also very happy that his little daughter was a true daddy's girl, and wanted to be with him all the time, maybe except meals - she soon discovered that mommy can't be substituted for that.


Crystal Clear was very happy to see the sea lantern and shores of her second home. Like the last time, she was at the front of the ship, anxiously waiting to have solid crystal under her hooves. She missed it dearly in a land of sand, and now stone. After all, you can take the crystal pony out of the Empire, but not the other way around. She did her best not to laugh at the obvious attempt of Prince Shining Armor to show off his guards. Obviously, he clinged to Nightmare Season to show him everything. Athough the crystal nightmare saw the consternation at his sudden alicorn status, and the sher number of foals they had now. The Crystal Princess was so nice to delegate a few mares from her entourage to help the mother nightmare with her own kids, but Sparks politely send them off. The unicorn, along with the earth pony nanny from the Forest Empire exiles - Lucky Clover - were doing just fine. The royal mothers exchanged pleasantries and took off straight away to baby talk. Princess Cadence was a bit weirded out with triplets, and the mares decided to meet up just to talk about the unusual experience. Flurry Heart was a cute young filly by now, and wanted to play with the older kids of the royal nightmares. Crystal decided to grab some know-how on alicorn foals while she's there, just in case. With her love being one, there was no telling whether her offspring won't have any. in their midst.


Princess Celestia and Hearts-Dream excused themselves and few back to the Empire, so the royals decided to follow suit - the wagons were packed and took them to the train, and then back to the city proper. Crystal and Cadence talked for the whole time - the usual mother subjects, but also about the secind Heart and the city she found and restored. The crystal nightmare got a bit sad at the memory of just how much it cost them both to bring back the Heart...


All in all, things were more or less as like the last time - when the train arrived at the station, Wandering Sands took over the job of making sure everything arrived in one piece and relegated the royal belongings to the Palace, while the nightmare traders packed another caravan of wagons to the tent site. The royal family was to get the same room as before. The first thing they did once the doors closed was to feed the cranky foals - they were due for a mieal half an hour ago. By the time the set up in the new place, it was dinner time. A servant came in to ask the guests to attend and caught a sight of the mother nightmare dancing in the living room to the music of her gramophone, without the dress. Crystal got awfully embarassed and nearly hid behind a couch, but replied they'll be ther in a few minutes. Nightmare had a laugh from the scene, and Crystal ignited in mock anger for him calling her fat. He saved himself with saying he doesn't mind her extra padding, but she wanted to fet back in shape regardless. They went for a meal - Crystal needed to eat more than usual to keep the factory running.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As the company arrived at the Crystal Empire, Nightmare noticed that his wife was very happy and eager to get to the palace. Could be since the foals were starting to get out of hoof for wanting some food. Nightmare felt like there was more ponies looking at him then last time he was here for trade. Guess it was due to his new wings. He was glad to get into the Palace away from the crowds. He still was not use to so many around him.


They were given the same room as last time. At least that took his mind off of a few things. Crystal went straight to the bed to lay down and pull up her dress to revile the milk factories. She needed relief and the foals needed food. Nightmare brought the grumpy little colts over first. They were more a hoof fool than their sister. They went to town and even got some on their mommy's dress. Midnight Star was a lot more calm about drinking. After the three had their fill, Their mommy took the dress off to have it washed.


As they waited, Crystal started to dance to her music. Back home and a lot lighter from no foals and less milk in her, she was overjoyed and started to dance. After a while a servant entered their room to announce dinner. His gaze first landed on the queens under carriage and the size of her milk producers. Guess he did not see a mare with three foals at once as well. Crystal got so embarrassed that she ran behind the closest couch to hide herself. Nightmare started to laugh. When the servant left Nightmare spoke up. "Guess you have some fat you need to loose still?" She erupted into her flames.


He walked over to her, "I do kind of like seeing you with your little bit of baby fat on." He gave her a kiss to let her know he was sorry for teasing her. Thankfully the dress came back in time for her to get dressed before they left.


The meal was wonderful again. The royal family ate well that evening. Crystal eating more of her favorite dishes that seemed to have turned into a delicacy, since she could not get it back home. She latter told him it was for producing more milk for the little ones.....and occasion him. At dinner, her family was present as well. They were shocked to find out their son Snowflake had married wile away and was already expecting his first born. Thankfully not in the same numbers as his sister. They were also introduced to Kiwi Talar and her now slightly visible belly.


After dinner. The royal couple excused themselves back to their room. Crystal Flames and Crimson Aurora was left to play with Flurry Heart at the watch of Sparks. The other three was put to bed. Crystal's parents wanted more time to talk with their new daughter in-law and figure out why he married like he did. Thankfully no one told them he knocked her up before the wedding. As the royal couple walked back, Nightmare spoke to her first. "For a pony that never really wore anything more than a coat when I first met her. You really get embarrassed now without a dress on."


It was her turn to now get him for his shenanigans. She made sure to get him behind locked doors to give him a piece of her mind about that. He knew full well it was due to her oversized milk producers that she hated other ponies stare at. He simply gave her a kiss and forced her to let him have a little dessert. The next day was going to be a long one. Hopefully the foals will allow them some rest.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The royal nightmares went to the Great Hall for a meal. There were no official guests, just the royals and their families. The huge table looked strange being so empty, but Crystal appreciated that their hiosts scheduled the welcoming feast for tomorrow. She could at least catch up woth everypony, although Snowflake stole the show for her parents, showing up with a pregnant wife and telling he has his own business. The mare let him have his spotlight, she'll find the time to catch up with her folks in due time. She talked with Princess cadence for the most part, and took the opportunity to fill up on crystal empire delicacies. Truth be told, she should keep some kind of diet if she wanted to loose the foal fat, but this stuff was just so good, and she could eat it only once per year! No wonder she looked like she was pregnant again when she got off the table. So much for getting back in shape...


The crystal nightmare was tired after the meal and the couple decided to excuse themselves, on behalf of their newborns that needed to take a nap. The older foals wanted to play with Flurry Heart, so they stayed. Crystal Clear was homing in on the big comfy bed back in the suite when Nightmare started teasing her again. She ground her heeth a bit and walked a bit faster, but said nothing. Only when they were in their rooms, behind closed doors, did she give him a cold stare and replied: "You know full well why I wear the dress all the time, so give me a break or file a complaint to your mother! I hate when ponies oogle my huge rear and grope me with their eyes down there, okay? I hate when they stare at me like I'm some..." - She didn't finish because Nightare season gave her an apology kiss, and she gave him a hug with a slight sigh. She soon figured what he was going after. "Not in the door, you silly colt... I'm going to have trouble walking if you too keep suckling me dry..." She led him to the bedroom and only then did she let him have what he wantted. At least she could relax on that comfy bed.


The next morning came early, and several times over for the crystal nightmare mother. The foals were restless in the new place and refused to sleep for longer than two hours at once. Crystal decided to just got up around Six A.M., being fed up with being waken up so many times. She read the recent newspapers to check in what was going on around the city. and went through a thorought grooming routine, after being denied of comforts for the whole voyage. Nightmare Season also got up before the scheduled eight. The day was packed to the brim with activties - breakfast at nine, overseeing the trade negotiations from ten to tro P.M. - the royal couples were supposed to agree or disagree on every deal that was struck there, so it would be a busy time - then dinner at three and another round of negotiations till six. Whoever made this schedule didn't know that newborn foals need to be fed often and regualarily. crystal will have to excuse herself a few times. And just when they will prop themselves with their noses on the table, there will be a hige banquet in their honour at eight. The mare wanted to call in a sick day is only she could. Next few days would see them having meetings with crystal pony big fish over future trade and expanding the selection of goods.


As she brushed her teeth and magically fixed her mane, Crystal Clear thought of the nightmare mare that was so excited to go with them. Did she find that colt? Did he stay faithful? Would they really get married? Where would they stay? Sometimes she just wished she lived a simple, happy life with Nightmare in her old little house, away from royal duties and bloodchilling dangers... The sound of the twins giving a concert broke her from the daydream and the mother went in to check what was going on.


The breakfast was just as "casual" as last dinner, but her parents weren't present. Snowflake was also Heart knows where. Probably he was taken in with his wife by their parents, and was planning the crystal wedding. Crystal Clear smiled at the mmory of the crystalling crystals she made herself and brought here for the special occasion.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare woke up with his wife many times in the night. Sadly with the feeding, he could not do anything. At least he changed the diapers when they needed it. The next morning was not any better. A huge list of appointments was delivered to them as Crystal was pampering herself in front of the mirror. He read over all of them with a sigh. "Crystal love....Is it too late for us to run away from our gilded cage we found ourselves in three years ago. I feel we are but slaves now." He walked over to her to listen to her. Sure they were the rulers of an entire nation and founding a kingdom as well. But the work load at times.


"You know, I had planned to ask you out first if you ever came to my little forest cave. Go on dates, ask you to marry me properly, not in the back of a wagon we could not escape from pretending to be bonded. Go on adventures with you and just have a simple life. The many foals were apart of my grand scheme. I never thought I would have a pretty little mare seduce me into ruling as a sultan." He gave her a kiss. "Guess it is just me being old."


The day went as scheduled. Crystal had to step away many times to feed the foals, but was there for the most of it. Nightmare Season even presented the exotic spice. Half would be for the Empire, the other Half will be sold to Canterlot once they traveled there for the delegations. As he thought, with only one farm in the world, the pricing was exceptionally high. They finally had their income for the royal family.


When they finally finished the day, it was Nightmare who was more tired than his wife for a change. "I still can't take the large crowds. Now more so with these wings. Everypony wants to crowed around me." His wife came and laid next to him in bed to comfort him. She was welcomed. "Tomorrow is our free day. I figure we can go look at your mine and see how well the profits are doing. A small bit of income, but still something. The guild master said they had it open to the public. Would be nice to have some family time before we head to Equestria for round two. How did I ever let you talk me into becoming the sultan again?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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