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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare laughed friom the bedroom when she heard him complain. Se was comforting the colts who got scared of something. "First thing first - don't use the S word with me, you know I have hooves-on experience in that matter and don't want to go back to that. Second, would it be any better if we had day jobs and had to take care of those little devils all by ourselves? No nannies? I doubt that... So be a big colt and let's just get through today, okay?" The colts settled down and tried to get to the buffet, but it wasn't time yet, so she tried to distract them as Nightmare kept on talking.


She smiled at the kiss and gave him a nuzzle in return. "You know, I don't really regret what happenned, even if some parts were... far from ideal... but yeah, I guess I too sometimes wish we went on dates, and had it all done like normal ponies do. I admit, I'd like that. But I'm happy with what I have too." She frowned on his remark of being old. It still bugged her how much he sacrificed for her. The mare decided to comfort him. "Aww, don't be sad, we may never really know simple life any more, but once the foals are a bit bigger - and you won't knock me up in he meantime... - we could have some simple vacation every now and then. Hmm? Just us someplace nice, having fun, going on dates... wouldn't it be cool?" They decided to keep that idea for later.


The meetings were a total and utter drag. The traders were sometimes worse than foals, with their arguing over prices and all. The demand outweighted the supply several times over, and while it sure lined the coin purses of the clans, Crystal Clear couldn't shake the idea that they should have some trade treaty with the Empire, so the merchants could travel on their own, and buy what and how much they wanted. It sure would work with timber, which was too heavy to take on their once a year trip. She'll have to talk this over with Nightmare, once her head stopped ringing. Taking breaks to take care ofthe newborns was a real blessing that day. At least they would go home with a lot of money for their spices. Snowflake will get rich in no time on that royal contract.


The banquet was... Well, it was grand and all, but after a brain killing day, they didn't enjoy it that much. Princess Cadence saw her competitirs were in poor condition and didn't call them for a dance off that evening. Maybe on the next banguet just before they go to Canterlot. The crystal nightmare noticed that her husband was besieged by important figures that evening - asking for favours, trying to lick his horseshoes, trying to impress him... and of course stealing pictues of a strange looking alicorn. She just took the first camera pony on the side and showed him the fire mane with a few warm words, so he would tuck that device back where he fished it from. Still, she also had a circle of ponies around her for the same reasons as Nightmare did. She was glad when it was all over.


The mare smiled as she walked into the bedroom to see her husband so spent. She already took off her gown and fixed her mane and tail into more compact shape for bed time. Crystal lied next to him to comfort him. "I know it's not something you like doing. Remember how I used to hate the warmth and sand, hmm? You'll get used to it, eventually." She snuggled to him as he mused aloud.

Crystal booped his nose. "Because if you didn't, I'd be dead and they would drag you back evry time you escaped, until you gave up and took the job? I think that was the case. But yeah, I helped you take the position. Hold on, it's just a couple of days. We'll have fun tomorrow, rememeber? I need to get something done in the Guild house in the morning, but after breakfast we'll go to the cave we met in, show it to our foals. Then we'll go to the Heart and crystallise the newborns - I figured Snowflake could be their crystaller, he grew up a brain this past year. Then we'll go to my parent's place so they can meet their grandfoals, and in the evening, we can have a little date somewhere private, Sounds okay?" She inched closer and whispered to him. "I think you can have a go on me too. If I recall correctly, the observatory had some great acoustics." - She gave him a wink. They had just about an hour before it was time for the first night feeding, so they decided to stay awake and just be with each other. No royal duties, or fancy meetigs. Just two ponies who love each other spending time together, simple as that.


Next morning the mother nightmare went to the Guild Hall downstairs after morning feeding. She was, of course, welcomed like a long lost relative, but the younger Masters that were present gave her a feeling that she's an outsider. Crystal didn't like it but, couldn't blame them really. It was a matter of time before the Guild will recognise her Master title, but not herself as a pony. Time and physical changes can't be cheated. Still she went there to make a big order on first grade crystals, not to feel like the whole Guild is welcoming her with open hooves and teary eyes. The pony who took the orderwas a bit baffled by the sheer amount she wanted, and said they can't sell that much at once - there was simply not enough stockpiled, and the other Masters needed their crystals too. Crystal Clear bought what she could and asked to be put on a list for the rest. Maybe the mines will meet her needs before they'll have to go back...


The mare came back to their suite with a slight frown, but decided to do her best to enjoy the rest ofthe day best as she could, starting frim the tri to the place where it all began.


It took a few hours to get there on hoof, especially with the foals - twins in the funny saddlebags,carried by Crystal, the filly was riding on daddy's back. The firstborn ran around like wildfire. They took a blanket and some light snacks, in case the 2-year olds got hungry. Crystal had her glow-crystal necklace on her neck, just like old times. They took a stop on the way to feed the littlest ones, and arrived at the cave around noon. Crystal Clear saw the entrance closed off with a crystal wall with reliefs depicting their first meeting. A crystal stallion was sitting in a little guard box by the entrance and there were a few visitors buying tickets. They waited in safe distance until the coast was clear. There was a statue of her, as a crystal pony, by the entrance. The plaque said "Crystal Clear, Master of Crystal, A pony who saw light where others saw only dark." The mare snickered at that line. "Somepony's a poet alright."

The stallion looked at them with a funny expression, and the mare rolled her eyes. "Crystal Clear, the gal on the statue, that's me. Don't give me that look, either let the owner in or sell me the tickets, okay?" Nightmare seemed amused as she talked sense in the stallion, who finally decided that she doesn't look like herself, and he won't lwt them in without tickets. Crystal didn't disgrace herself by showing him the cutie mark for proof and just payed. They went inside.


The cave was cleaned up and there were glow-crystal lit alleys everywhere. She let out a sigh. "Not quite as I remember it. The darkness gave it more... appeal. C'mon, I hear ponies approaching." They went in, trying to find the cavern they first met in while avoiding tourists.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare waited with the foals until Crystal finished her trip to her guild to buy crystals. The twins were always rowdy as for Midnight Star, she was just happy to be with her dad. When she got back, she looked down that her order could not be fully done. But he knew taking her to her crystal mine would cheer her up some.

When they arrived at the cave entrance, they noticed all the changes to the cave outside. Especially the statue of her before she became part nightmare. "She little ones, this is what mommy looked like before I got a hold of her." He gave her a sheepish smile as she went to the guard post to get access. The guard did notice Nightmare Season and was going to let the owner in for free, But Nightmare behind her back was nagging him to make her pay for kicks. He decided to play along and charged her for tickets. She would get her bits back anyways.

She looked a bit sad that they had placed in lit walkways to the main chamber. She missed the dark for some reason. They continued along the path for a ways till they came to the main chamber where they first met. The crystals were all still there, his flames caused the lights to dance all around the walls. The little foals seemed to really love that show. Nightmare at one point drug her away to a closed off section of the cave system. Where there was no lights. "Here is where we can feed the little ones. Was a long walk down here." He nuzzled her as she laid on her back to let her foals take from her what they wanted.

After they got back, Crystal picked up the crystals for their foals to be crystallized at the heart. Finding her brother was a bit tricky, but eventually all the ponies were at the crystal heart with reporters to capture the crystalling. The nightmare mare was even present with her fiancee. She did find him and they were going to get married tomorrow. They even asked the royal Couples to attend. They agreed to over see the wedding of a nightmare and a crystal pony.

After the energy from her three new foals were given to the crystal heart, they were set out to visit her parents. Three new foals to the family needed to be introduced properly.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


 The family wandered around the cavern for some time. Could be two hours even. Finding the one they first met in  proved harder than she thought, but finally, they made it. The couple stood in the middle of the cavern, taking in the light show provided by Nightmare's mane, and remebering that day. They explained to the older foals that they first met right here, and it was a special place for them. Most probably went over their heads among all the shiny crystals, but whatever. It was nice to come back, look back at those previous years and how it all started right here. Crystal Clear felt happy and crystallised down there. Nightmare did so too. They had a break to feed the foals in a remote part of the system, then headed back. She didn't even glance at the ticket stallion on the way back, but had a pang of nostalgia seeing her statue. Funny how that Crystal Clear seemed like some other mare, or another lifetime, for the Queen Nightmare of today.


They headed back - there was much to do yet, for a "free" day. Crystal grabbed the case with specially prepared crystals and the family went to look for her brother, first in her parents place. She dropped by in their store to ask them for the crystalling and ask where Snowflake was. Turns out he and his fiance went to buy the gown, and Crystal knew just the place to get one. She bought hers there, after all... Her brother was a bit reluctant to go, but Kiwi told him she'll be fine, so he did. They went to get their parents to compleete the family, and headed to the Crystal Heart.


They met the nightmare mare and her crystal fiance on the way- they had a walk to see the city. Crystal thought they looked cute - the stallion was smaller than his mare, and it seemed she ran this show. They were due to have a weddingtomorrow and asked both royal couples to attend. The Queen couldn't just say no to that. The Crystalling was a media event, with reporters swarming the Plaza like fies, but they at least kept it shut and let the family complete the ceremony in decednt conditions. crystallings were always public events, so it was to be expected that they'll have an audience. When the Heart accepted it's new kin, Crystal Clear approached it in silent communion, like she used to do for so many years. She had a lot to tell, so it took longer than usual. Snowflake hurried back to his fiance and the to-be wed mixed couple continued their sightseeing. The Plaza went back to normal.


The nightmare family were asked to their parent's place to properly introduce the new family memebers and just catch up after a long year. Grandparents were charmed with the twin colts, and Midnight Star proved to be fearless and went traight to the grandparents as soon as dad told her who they are and that they're okay. The older ones got a bit jealous so the parents had to give them some extra attention for balance.They didn't go for dinner to the Palace, but stayed in the comfy apartment and talked, talked, and talked till it was time to tuck the little ones to bed. They touched many topics, from general catching up, Nightmare's wings and how he got them, the Forest Heart and their new kingdom, Snowflake growing a brain and getting married, how he will stay down South and the old folks will be all alone up North... crystal asked them to start a shop in her city, so they would be together, but they decided it was not time yet. Maybe, when they get old and start being lonely without their children, then they can move. For now, they had their place in the world. They bid farewell when it was dark already, and crystal Clear cried whe they hugged each other on the way out. She didn't want to see her parents once a year...


The royal family crashed in their suite and didn't bother with getting anything to eat - the older fials ate supper at the grandparents, and so did they. It was rather apparent that Crystal Clear was thining about er parent's future that evening - she didn't shine and had a thoughtful expression the whole time. The mare just went to bed as soon as reasonably possible - tomorrow won't be any better, with two weddings and no doubt some more royal duties. There was no way cadence would let them leave without that dance-off the mares promised each other last year...

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare mostly sat back and listened when they were at her folks place. A few times he spoke up to answer a question or two. They had a whole year to catch up with each other, so he allowed it. They ate dinner there and when it was dark, they headed back to the palace. The foals were all tired and went straight to bed the triplets waited till they were fed then went down. He watched his wife while she laid down. She had a lot on her mind he could tell. He knew what she was thinking about. Her parents alone now up here. She really loved spending time with them. Guess the observatory with the great acoustics she told him about that morning would just be another day then.


He went and laid down next to her on that comfy bed. "I still like our bed best, a lot bigger than this one." He started to give her kisses to try and cheer her up. "I am sure your parents will be alright for a few more years alone. At least they finally have time to themselves." He nuzzled her wile wrapping her up under his wing. "Things will be alright, time always passes." He listened to her for a while.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The crystal nightmare looked at him as he took a spot next to her. She smirked for a moment at his comment. "Yeah, funny how quickly I got used to huge beds, even when I was smaller. Waking up sideways was sure interesting..." The mare sighed at his loving ministrations. She wasn't really in the mood for bed fun, but at least he made her feel better about herself. She played unconvinced for a bit, so he would keep up the good work on her. "Eh, I know they will. It's just... You saw how Crimson needed to be reminded who they were? I don't want my parents to become strangers to my own foals." She gently pulled his wing tighter around her and rolled to face him, then snuggled to his chest like she so loved doing. "I'm just afraid I'll come back home one day and they'll be gone, you know. A-and I won't..." Crystal sniffed loudly and started to tear up into his chest. "S-sorry, it's just... If they get sick, there's nopony in here to take care of them, and they're too stubborn to see it. I-I know they're not old yet, but..." She settled down some in his embrace, and they spent some time in silence. Finally she spoke up - "I'll get some shuteye, want to go on me first? I ate a root already." He nodded and she made herself comfortable on her favourite pillow of black fur, listening to his hearbeat. Crystal had a nightrmare that night, about coming back on her yearly trip to see some strangers living in her parents house, like they never existed to the world but her. Thankfully she had a Daymare to help her out.


Morning came early with loud banging to their suite doors. Crystal Clear woke up with a start, ruffling Nightmare's feathers as he had his wings around her. She heard annoyed voice of Sparks answering the door and her shriek as she got knocked back by the rapidly openineg doors, then a stampede of hooves towards their bedroom. Sounded like one pone, so she charged up the fore bolt spell and aimed at the door. She released it and changed it's course at the last moment, missing narrowly as she saw who it was. There was nor a charred spot on the crystal doors... "Snowflake! I could've burned your stupid snout crispy! What the hay is going on?!" The foals stirred up by the commotion. He caught his breath, and she could see he didn't even brush his mane yet today, must've ran out as soon as he got up. "K-Kiwi! Can't find her! We fell asleep together and I woke up alone, I looked for her but... Can't find her!" Crystal facehooved hard and groaned. "Bucking great. Wait in the day room, and get a brush or something, you look awful. Say sorry to Sparks too. I'll be there in a few minutes..."


Crystal looked back at her husband. "Any ideas where a wedding scared mare from distant South may go around here? Bars are closed yet, and I guess we can rule out borthels..." She hopped off the bed and started her morning routine, just much faster than usual, thinking where to look. Nghtmare Season calmed the foals and also got ready to go. Mother Nightmare decided to speed feed them by laying on her back and letting er husband bring them over as she brushed her coat and magically fixed her mane. It was the fastest morning yet, since she became a mother at least. The royalc ouple went out of their chamber and saw the stallion pacing around the day room, frantic. Sparks was giving him a death glare as she served breakfast to the firstborns.Lucky Clover bowed slightly as she passed them to check on the triplets. Crystal took Snowflake by the ear in her magic grip and led outside, then out into the Plaza. "Spill up, what happenned last evening?!" She wasn't going soft on him. "N- oww! Nothing! We went to sleep as usual! Let me go, I can go on my own you know?" The mare released her grip and he nursed his ear as he walked. "She was so happy for tomorrow, I didn't see anything suspicious."


They entered the Plaza and decided to spread out - Nightmare Season would check the tent camp, and the siblings would wander the streets. After two hours of worry, the alicorn returned with the bride and took her home, then found the others one by one and said he succeeded. She had a sort of Bachelorette party there.  The royal couple went back to their suite to prepare properly fir the ceremony that was due on noon. As they came back, ponies started to assemble the traditional decor for wedings on the Plaza. Both will be held at the same time, since the Crystal Princess couldn't find more time in her timetable at such short notice. There would be a wedding feast in the Nightmare camp afterwards.


The royal nightmares donned their best attire, knowing full well that this was a day to remeber for the loving couples. The mare had to bend the feeding schedule a bit, but the foals were all too eager to get their fill earlier. They won't be so cheerful when they get the next one later though... Sparks and Lucky Clover stayed to keep them occupied while the parents went for a wedding.


Crystal took a seat in the first row and smiled to her husband. "Cheer up, we've done this before, right? Well, from over there but, whatever." She pointed at the pedestal where the couples would take their vows and grinned. "I still remember our ceremonies. All four. I'd daresay I liked the dream one the most. It had that... intimate air to it. Just the two of us." They sat patiently as the weddings took place. The Crystal royals were also present, since Princess Cadence took their vows and Prince Shining Armor provided the "music" - sobbing as usual. The nightmares foud it hilarious. When both couples were announced mare and colt, Snowflake and Kiwi came up to them to thank, for everything really. The stallion shined like crazy, and so did his parents. They took the happy couple to their home so they could cool down for a bit. The feast was due for evening and of course both royal families were invited. For now, Crytsal and Nightmare retreated to take care of their litle ones, and discuss some of their royal duties.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


That night, As Nightmare entered his wife's dream. He discovered she was having a nightmare. She hadn't had one of those in some time. He did his best to eat of the negative energy best he could. She really was worrying about her parents. The next morning saw a frantic Snowflake almost getting char-coaled by his sister running into their room. The two got dressed as fast as they could. His wife was missing. Even feeding the foals as they brushed her mane.


At the plaza they split up. Nightmare did not think she just got cold hooves, they were already married after all. As he got to the nightmare camp, he heard feint music in one of the tents. He knew what that was and went over. Inside was a small party being held for Kiwi. Her mare friends had thrown her a small party before the wedding. They missed her rushed shotgun wedding before. He told her how worried her husband was and took her back to the palace.


It took longer to find his wife and Snowflake, but eventually reunited the couple for their wedding. As the wedding was soon to begin, they took their seats. Nightmare remembered how he was married without the ceremony to her a thousand years ago as a different pony. "Lets see....I love your dream one too for the intimacy, Our wedding when you were but eighteen. You were so cute back then. Our wedding at the fishing village where every pony came down to see us off. We technically got married with our cutie marks merging in the crystal heart back home. Then we had that night when we bonded and you were so impatient you did not want to eat anything but me." He gave her a wink. "Seems we had five weddings." He gave her a kiss.


The two giggled a bit at Shinning Armor for crying yet again. And then they sat back to watch the two get a crystal pony wedding. Cheers rang out when he kissed his bride. Thankfully her dress hide her slight pregnant abdomen. When every pony dispersed, Nightmare and Crystal went back to their room. They knew they had five foals that were missing them, three would be demanding food from their mother. Crystal Flames was just playing with Sparks. Midnight Star was still calm, but looked hungry. Poor Lucky Clover had the worst time with the cranky twins. Even though it was fillies first, the twins were fed first to settle them down.


After all the foals were happy again, and the two oldest ones knew their parents did not abandon them. Things went back to being calm. The couple just sat together on a couch. "One good thing. At least your sister in-law dose not have to have the same enhancements cast on her as you had on you." He gave his sheepish grin as she gave him a nudge. "Though I love you just as much when we first bonded. Do miss the little pocket sized some." Crystal pushed him down on the couch for that remark. He accepted her kiss wile on top of him. "At least you kept one of your parts the same small size." His hoof wondered to her flank." She slapped it away. She knew how good he was at putting her in the mood. They had a feast to go to latter, and did not feel like having to redo her mane and dress. "Alright. Will you at least show me how good the acoustics are in the observatory are tonight? You kind of forgot last night."


The two returned to sitting on the couch properly. He was thinking about his wife missing her parents each year. His thought was broken when she asked about the trading. "I guess once we establish diplomacy with Equestria and figure out a trade line with them. Dark Waters can do a once per month round to deliver stuff. Though it would lower the price a bit on our goods since they will be a bit more available to buy." The time was getting closer to the feast back at the camp. So they gathered up the foals and started to head that way.


The feast was grand, nightmares and crystal ponies alike showed up. The loving couple sat at a head table while the royal families sat at another. The feast was split into different dishes from the two different kingdoms. When the music started. Cadence decided it was time to show off her husbands new skills at dancing. It was time for their yearly dance off. The two were once again stealing the show as they tried to show the others that they had the better dance and practiced more. In the end, it ended in a draw once again. Next time it will be at their kingdom in the jungle. Shining Armor asked to show off his guards in a mock fight in the stadium back close to the palace. They went to go watch. Once again, he failed. Peace loving ponies had no way to know how to fight in real battles. At least they looked better than last time.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


As exoected, the foals were hosting a controlled disaster in the suite when the parents came. Sure, the older ones were playing with Sparks, and Midnight Star was keeping her cool despite hunger, but the twin colts were giving their nanny a hard time. Crystal had to take off the gown and step in immediately to feed them, and then take care of her foals - all of them. Only once they got settled down and were satisfied with their parents performnce did the royal couple have some temporary respite. They lounged in the day room on one of the couches as the little ones played or napped.


Crystal glanced at her husband who was rambling about her "enhancements", and gave him a nudge. "Hey, blame Mother for that, it was either putting a ton of magic in me, with unknown consequences, or risking that I'll die at birth. Just so you know I prefer the former."  She rolled her eyes at another comment. "yeah yeah, I know you miss the times when you could do anything with me, but now I can do this!" - she pushed him down on the couch and layed on top of him. "I for once am okay with being more assertive." She gave him a kiss and felt as his hooves wander to pre determined locations in her lower body. She slapped them away and booped his nose. "Na-ah, I know what you're up to sweetie. You're not getting any right now, try as you might. This is a family time, you can have your fun later." The mare sighed at the mention of the observatory, then looked at him playfully and ran a hoof down his chest. "if you behave until evening, I just might show you the stars up there, not just acoustics. Now get up, before sopemony sees us like that."


They got up, bac to a decent sitting position and crystal leaned on her husband a bit. They both thought about soething when she broke the silence. "So I was thinking, aybe we should annex the agreeent and allow the traders to visit our realms at their own discretion? We could sell more then, timber for example. One ship per year is just the tip of the coin mountain we can make through the year." She listened to his reply. "well, yeah things will get cheaper a tad but we'll sell more, and have wider selection of goods too. More clans will profit, and they will be more willing to follow our lead if we bring prosperity and trade. Or so I think."


Crystal looke at the wall clock and shook her head. "Better get busy in the bathroom, it'll be time to go before I even notice. I hope my party dress is ready..." She jumped off the couch and gave the stallion a nice rear view now that she didn't have the dress on at "home".


The party was pretty great, and Crystal broke all diet rules, again. Seems like losing the foal fat will take a bit longer. At least they held their ground in the yearly dance-off, which, again, ended up in a draw. as the party slowly died out, Shining Armor wanted to show off his troops in the stadium. Both royal mares sighed and rolled their eyes, but decided to attend. Crystal had a sly smirk on her snout as the crystal guards lost miserably to their nightmare colleagues. Poor Prince Armour was shocked and ashamed.


Crystal and Nightmae got back rather late and the mare rushed to feed the foals - their firstborn have since went to bed, so Sparks nad a moment of respite. She was resting in the day room with a glass of something nice, but not alcoholic.Lucky Clover had her break soon after the parents came in, and joined the other nanny. crystal Clear knew she had one thing to do before she went to bed, so, once the triplets were asleep, they sneaked out of the apartment, telling the nannies of course that they're going out, and walked al the way up to the Observatory. Thankfully it was open and empty. Nightmare closed the doors as Crystal looked for a good spot. Turns out they picked several. it wasn't out of the question that they were heard in the entire palace, but the mare didn't give a damn. She wnted to make her husband feel loved like he sure derserved it. They came back late at night.


Next morning would see them wrap up their business in the Empire and head to Canterlot. Bsed on what she was told, Crystal Clear expected a train from Equestria that would take them there, along with their traders and entourage. The crystal goods will be loaded on the ship and guarded. She wasn't sure where the camp will be placed though - either the Royal Sisters had some place within the city walls, or it would have to be pitched at the foot of the mountain, near Saddle Lake. Time will tell. 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


The couple went up to the observatory, Crystal leading the way and purposely walking in front to temped her loving husband. As she looked around for a good spot to lay down, Nightmare secured the doors. Did not want any pony walking in on them. Crystal was acting like she wanted the entire palace to hear her and what they were doing. They returned to their room latter that night.


The next morning saw the camp packing up and heading to the train station. The day they went to Canterlot finally arrived. They decided they would come back to the Crystal Empire after for a couple of days before they went back to the docks. The train ride was more interesting this time. They were not using the Crystal Express and the landscape was completely different this time. The foals were a little better behaved this time, since they were use to train rides. Or it was because their mommy was also helping take care of them.


As they approached Canterlot. Nightmare looked up at the city in the mountain. Looked just the same almost as a thousand years ago. "Hope this time I am not in their prison for a year." He gave his wife a smile to show he was just joking. The train stopped at the base of the mountain where the camp will set up their tents. The royal family will remain on the train and head to the castle instead.


When every pony was off, the royal family was taken the rest of the way. As they pulled into the station, Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight was waiting for them with an army of reporters. Crystal got a good laugh at seeing her husband freak out with so many reporters swarming him to get a scoop. Thankfully Princess Celestia stepped in and pulled them away to the coach that would take them to the castle. Princess Twilight started her own form of interrogating the two to take notes and write a book on nightmare ponies and their culture.


When they arrived they were showed to their room. Princess Twilight asked to set aside an entire day for more questioning. Nightmare Season was already exhausted. To much attention to him. When they were finally in their room Nightmare flopped down on the bed. "I might die with this. And the Twilight, she kept going on and on asking questions. What was she doing? Trying to write her own book on us?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Morning came and along with it, packing up. The family had a train to catch at ten AM and needed to rise early in order to get everything in order. Crystal Clear helped as much as she could but turned out she was better off taking care of her foals as the nannies and Nightmare took care of the luggage. They barely made it on time, since the clans were, of course, already packed up and in the train when they arrived. Since the plan was to come back to the Epire before heading off, nopony said goodbyes. The mare keenly noticed that this train was not the familliar, and luxurious, Crystal Express, but rather a normal train from Equestria proper, just rented for the occasion. So even though they sat in First Class, it was nowhere as comfy as in the crystal train. Although the foals seemed to find it agreeable enough, and lack of Princess Cadence to talk to meant that their mother gave them all of her attention. The crystal nightmare sighed as the familliar crystal landscape of her home gave way to the lush greens of Equestria proper. She never liked leaving the Empire when she took jobs outside of it.


When Nightmare joked out of nowhere, seeing the outline of Canterlot in the distance, Crystal shook her head and looked up at her horn, which was getting bright red - a clear telltale sign of a fire blast spell. "Uh huh, I'll need to have a few words about that with some ponies." She powered down the spell, which was meant as a flamboyant threat. Nightmare didn't have to say anything for her to know he was unamused by her plan.


The trained pulled up to a stop in the middle of nowhere. Well, at the base of the mountain and near Saddle Lake, but other than that, there was nothing interesting around. Seems that was the spot for the camp. Crystal went outside to show her family the local flora and to stretch her legs. It was around 3 PM or so. They were on Canterlot Station at four.


The crystal nightmare was a bit annoyed as she looked out the window and saw all those reporters with their blasted cameras. She knew Nightmare hated crowds and she hated nosey types, so they were just as thrilled at the prospect of leaving the train car. Although Nightmare had it worse, and his wife was his usual supporting self, so she teased him for that a bit. When the doors opened and the horns blew, they both took a deep breath and walked outside, only to be temporarily blinded by the clamera flashes. Crystal shook her head and pulled the foals closer - they weren't thrilled either. The couple slowly proceeded along the red carpet towards their host and her ex-protege/newest Princess of Equestria. Crystal knew what was coming the moment she saw a floating quill - the tales of Princess Twilight's obsession with learining things were widely spread in the Empire s soon as it came back. Fortunately Princess Celestia had enough common sense to hurry them up into a carriage that would take them into the Castle.


The doors to their temporary suite closed as the portiers brough all their luggage and the nannies started unpacking it, starting with foal essentials. Nopony knew the layout of the place so they just dumped things around. Nightmare flawlessly found the master bedroom and Crystal followed him to feed the triplets while having an eye on the twins so they would geve the nannies a break. She laid on her back next to Nightmare and carefully helped Midnight Star get where she wanted. She let out a long sigh at the pleasant sensation of being slowly emptied. "If you do, I'll kick your sorry flank until you come back around. No dying ya hear me? But I get what you mean, I feel like I haven't slept for a month and solved crossword puzzles the entire time. How does she even manage to keep cooking up all those questions?" She reached out to Nightmare to hive him a hug." I'll talk to her, okay? I highly doubt she'll cease her assault on us, but I'll try to convince her to slow down a bit. Some of her questions were... too personal for comfort if you ask me. I haven't had the courage to just tell her off back then though. Funny since I'm bigger and co-rule a nation, when she has a fancy castle and a library... I guess the tales were true, she's damn scary when she's digging for knowledge." Midnighr seemed to be done so she let go of the stallion andpicked the filly to burp her. She fought back and crawled to daddy to do the honors. "Heh, daddy's girl eh? But she's got some of my attitude alright. Guess it's time for the little bros!" Crystal exclaimed as she got up to pick the identical twins and they cheered in unison. Tey also did a better job at emptying the milk jugs, even if they were messy as usual. Mommy nightmare frowned. "Geez, if I wasn't there when they came out, I'd say they got switched. To think my foals would be such sloppy eaters..." She patted their little heads as they ate, then leaned back on the bed. "Don't you think Caterlot decor is... weird? Like, whoever did it has an unhealthy obsession with astronomy At leat the bed isn't shaped like a star." She smirked at hr own joke, trying to cheer up her husband. Sparks came in to check on them and then came back to umpacking, this time with her little assistant. "Crystal shook her head at the sight of Crystal Flames following her out. "If she only knew what's coming..."


The family was allowed to rest and set up till evening - how generous of the hosts. Crystal Clear half expected to see Princess Twilight pacing with a quill and paper by their doors when she peeked out, but, fortunately, the crazy mare went to bother somepony else. As already mentioned, the decor was peculiar, with circular rooms and celestial objects pasted everywhere, but the suite was big and rather comfy. Bigger than in the Crystal Palace, but she still preferred the familliar crystal under her hooves if given the choice. The family lounged in the day room, paying games by the music and having a good time before the huge banquet that was inevitably getting closer with each our. The royals expected to be assaulted by nobles, rich and famous and it's not like they could do much about it. This time Crystal was also uneasy, knowing that the purple crazy alicorn will most probably show up. She didn't want to mess it up by yelling at the nosey princess. She chose an exquitire, gold silken dress for the occasion and crystal jewelry she made herself. They had gifts for the Royal Sisters, and organised something in a pinch for Princess Twilight too. Since their kin were camped a fair distance away, and the nannies had to stay in the suite, they had to pony up and take the gifts themselves. Thankfully most things were rather light...


The royal nightmares were esorted by an elderly stallion serf into the Great Hall, and announced as the guests of honour. Crystal spotted the purple Princess wriggling in her seat This will be a long night. The place was full of important looking ponies, and, contrary to the Nightmare or Crystal tradition, it seemed they were arranged by smaller, round tables all across the Hall. Only the royal table was square and had precisely arranged seats, as protocol demanded. Nightmare sat on Celestia's right, then Crystal. Twilight was on the Sun Princess's left, thankfully. The crystal nightmare had nopony on her right, which had it's advantages. She saw Spike The Brave and Glorous too, but decided not to play that charade now that she wasn't exactly a crystal pony. Queen Nightmare needs to have some respect to her crown, right? The party started and the mare was instantly in a better mood hearing proper classical music played live. Princess Celestia was being an excellent host and they talked on neutral subject for most of the time, occasionally venturing into areas of one of the kingdoms. Princess Twilight tried to continue asking questions every now and there but she was much less of a niousance in proper company. Both parties omitted they elephant in the room, that is, Nightmare's imprisonment. Crystal was irled by that but decided it was probably not a topic for a party. After an hour or so, first ponies started dancing, either out of their own love for the activity, or because alcohol gave them courage. Crystal just turned her glass upside down as soon as she sat, and had none of it. She saw some "brave" stallions eyeing her, and maybe even considering whether to ask her fo a dance, but she must've looked too intmidating for any actual takers, which was perfectly fine by her. Although when Princess Celestia decided to stretch her legs with some stallion named Fancypants, they were left at the mercy of the purple alicorn.


After third round of questions from the mare, who, ofcourse, magically teleported her utensils to the room, Crystal had enough. She looked at the alicorn, took a deep breath, and said in a leveled tone - "Princess Twilight, I admire your... willingness to learn about our culture, but, really, I do not see the need to outright interrogate us, and on a party in our honour no less. We already promised to set off some time to answer your inquiries, and if that will prove insufficient, we do have mail contact with the Empire. I hope my mail phoenix won't get mad again if she starts flying circles delivering letters." The purple mare was dense, but apparently took the cue and zapped her notes away with an awkward smile. Crystal returned a small smile herself, more out of politeness really. They started smalltalking on more neutral subjects, even if the alicown tried to ask something personal every now and then. She was keenly interested in Crystal's pregnancies and all the spells she had on her, of course. And how she became a part nightmare pony. The couple decided that some things were better left unanswered and held their ground until Princess Celestia returned, having owned the dance floor. She seemed way more laid back than it would seem. And ate more sweets than Crystal in her ninth month.


The party carried on into the night and Crystal had to excuse herself two times to feed the foals and check on the nannies.

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@@Raven Rawne,


With his wife mentioning the decor, Nightmare Season looked around. "Well....guess with princesses named Celestia and Luna. Guess they are big fans of astrology." He laughed slightly with the mention of their colt following around his unicorn nanny.


As they entered the grand hall, Nightmare noticed princess Twilight already sitting at the table they were instructed to sit at. He was not really in the mood for more questions. They had time set aside just for her. Thankfully, Celestia was just talking about normal things. He saw a strange purple reptile thing walking around. Nightmare really did not know what creature he was, but he was more concerned with the book worm on the other side of the Princess at his side.


Sure enough, as Celestia went to the dance floor, out came the quill and more questions. He was thankful that Crystal told her to settle down and to just enjoy the evening. She did ask some rather personal questions. When Celestia came back, she sat down and asked the nightmare couple to show off some of their dancing. Liven the banquet up a tiny bit. She finally convinced them to go and dance some.


Their dancing had a completely different reaction than them dancing for the Crystal Ponies. Seems most of the unicorns there were stuck up, and turned their nose up at their "Barbaric" dancing. Nightmare was left to the mercy of the crowed a couple of times. Crystal had to go and make sure the little hungry devils would not tear down the place. Thankfully, the spell to keep them from actually burning down the place was on all of them.


There was a few rich ponies that approached Nightmare to talk and ask some questions about his home. More importantly, what they bring to sell. He gave them some small hints, but the main trading deals will take place on the morrow. The two were grateful when the banquette died down, and ponies started to head back home. The royal couple decided to head back to their own room and spend some time with their foals before bedtime.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


 Crystal Clear nodded at the returning princess. "Flawless display, Your Highness. The whole ball room was looking at you back there." The Sun Princes smiled warmly and returned the nod, then asked whether nightmare ponies dance. Crystal looked back at her husband who would prorably hop into her daydream if she had one going. "Yah, sure. We even have yearly dance-offs withthe Crystal Princess. So far no winners." She giggled. Even Princess Twilight joined the chorus asking them to show how nightmares dance. Crystal suspected thatthere was a quill laying under the table, but took her a bit starefrighted husband for a dance.


The music was slow, so they matched it in rhytm. The ball room seemed to quiet down as they began, theatrical whispers of curioaity and judgment were heard echoing from the walls. She didn't give a damn, she just danced and enjoyed the moment. When the song finished, the mare was expecting applause, but heard only hushed conversations and looks of displeasure. She shrugged and they went back to their seats. Princess Celestia at lest said it was something new and interesting, and explained that the social circles in Canterlot are horibly snobbish.


With the party scratched off the list, the royal couple returned to their chambers to enjoy the last moments of their firstborns day, then turned to bed themselves. They needed some proper rest before the onslaught of tomorrow.


irst thing inthe orning that surprised the Queen nightmare was the breakfast. Or rather, where it was served. It was around seven when poor Sparks answered the door and let in serfs with trays of food, and an apology from the Royal Sisters thatthey may not accomodate their guest for a meal together. The unicorn went to the royals to pass on the news and tell them breakfast was getting cold in the day room. Without as much as touching the brush, Crystal went there with a messy mane and sleep on her eyes. Lucky Clover haven't seen her like that yet and wasn't sure whether to laugh or tend to her dishivelled look. Crystal waved a hoof at it, they were nearly family anyway. At least the breakfast was good. The agenda for today was just the trade meeting at noon, surprisingly. Either their hosts were very busy or wanted to avoid hem at all costs. They both agred to do their best not to fall into a certain purple princess. Maybe take a family walk at the palace gardens, or hit the town ad see if they'd like to buy something. Crystal was semi decent at reverse engineering, back from the days when she tas a tradespony, so buying some useful devices to copy them back home wasn't a bad idea. Not like somepony would sue them for it, right? "Aquiring" tech was one of the bigger points on her list of things to do in Canterlot anyway, so hitting a bookstore with technical manuals would also land on their personal agenda. She just hoped they won't be watched the moment they go out of their room...


They had family time till elleven thirty, when the Nightmare delegation arrived at the palace with their wares for presentation. They were asked to put their goods on display in some other big hall, but it's name went over the crystal nightmare's head. The same elderly serf was taking care of them, must be somepony from higher up the Palace hierarchy. Kibitz was his name? Strange, but whatever. The Nightmare delegation was ready withtheir display and the Canterlot traders poured in at high noon. Palace staff was writing down what they were interested in, so the Princess could evaluate whether the trade treaty was a good one for them. Unfortunately their host for the occasion was Princess Questionnaire in her royal purple self. Thankfully this time she was making notes on their wares and talking with the traders. Crystal thought that her part was to keep them company and help navigate the social waters, but whatever. They could talk with businessponies alright. Although then snobby unicon nobles were much worse. Like they thought themselves better on the very merit of them being Canterlot ellite. Nightmare had to give her a calming wing hug a couple of times when he saw the telltale reddish glow on her horn, and she did her best to divide the talk load and pull away at least some of the idle chatters who were more interested in him being an alicorn than anything else.


When the presentation was over, the nightmare delegation sat down and talked over their impressions. The Clans had the same plan as with the Empire - sell common items as luxury trinkets and make fat stacks. Unfortunately, Canterlot was a tough market and the pony traders demended much lower prices, saying that nightmare culture is unknown in Equestria and nopony will buy their stuff for even nearly as much as the nightmares wanted just because they look pretty. Crystal new it was, at least in part, true, but also knew that the businessponies wanted to lower the prices to cash in more themselves. This was a tough market indeed. Even their spices were called "niche", and the overall feel was that the locals viewed tham as barbaric tribes with polished bones on a string to sell. They sure didn't expect that... Crystal was woried over their ability to earn money when equestria had much more to offer. Seems that this agreeent will line the pockets of only one side, and tomorrow the nightmares will see a counter presentation. 


Everypony felt a bit down now that their baloon of expectations was popped so mercilassly. The royal couple decided to take the family to the Palace Garden. Thankfully it was open, but that aslo meaned there were regular citizens there too... Well, regular rich citizens mostly, as Crystal started to notice that the local snobism had no limit. Still, they found a secluded spot in a hedge maze where they could take a break and enjoy the perfect weather.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


The breakfast delivered to their room took Nightmare by surprise. It was amusing however to see his wife at the table not looking her best. The morning belonged to them, but noon was when their trade goods would go on display for the ponies of Canterlot to view them.


The trade meeting was ran by Princess Twilight. Thankfully, she was occupied with her note taking on what was available. The purple lizard thing was interested in the gems from their lands. The unicorns however, they were very snobby. They acted like they were entitled or something. Like they were royalty. He noticed his wife was starting to charge up a small fire ball and he went to her and wrapped her in a wing. "Calm down love. At least they are not as bad as the parents that raised me." Nightmare found himself to be more interesting than their goods for being an alicorn. Thankfully, Crystal pulled some of the unicorns off of him.


Nightmare Season listened to the offers that the Canterlot ponies were saying. Passing off their wares as mere barbaric goods that had no spunk to them. He looked closely at them. He simply kept a smile on his face. Crystal seemed a bit more upset. It was not just her, all the other ponies that had presented the wares were upset at the pricing they were asking for. Moral was down when things came to a close. The next day is when the real dealing will begin.


The royal couple decided to take a stroll through the gardens. The little ones were brought along to allow them some fresh air. The sight of them made heads turn to watch them. Canterlot after all did not see a nightmare pony in their city for a thousand years after all. Crystal lead the way into a small hedge maze where eyes would not follow them. There they let the foals play in the grass as they laid down to enjoy the sun.


"Crystal......I want you to let me handle the deals tomorrow. What we saw today, we need to approach it with a little bit more class. And not with your glowing horn. I swear you would have made a great nightmare pony from birth." He gave her a little kiss as a couple of their foals watched them. When the time for dinner approached, they headed back to the castle. This time, Princess Luna would also attend. They talked over the food. This time it was a private meal. Princess Celestia caught Nightmare Season up with what had happened in the last thousand years. Which of course made Crystal feel bad. He thought it was a bit amusing how Luna took on the name of Nightmare Moon when she went evil on her subjects. She did kind of liked him back then. Crystal gave him a look. When the meal was down, they all departed for their rooms.


The next day, the time for the agreeing on the trade was taking place. Nightmare ponies were looking at goods for possible trades. However, the unicorns were trying to up their goods, while dropping the nightmare's goods. Nightmare Season watched until he figured it was a good time. "My subjects," The talks came to a hold as they went to listen to him. "It appears to me that Equestria dose not find our goods appealing to buy at a fair price. My decision is that we will take our trades to the Crystal Empire instead. If they wish to buy our stuff, they can go through them instead. We make far better trades and pricing with my wife's ponies. So go ahead and pack up our stuff and head back to camp." Crystal looked at him with shock. Their ponies did not question it, they just did it. The unicorns turned their noses up at that ruling and all headed out as well.


When Crystal got him to herself, she asked him what he was doing.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The Queen nightmare was obviousy engulfed in her thoughs when they sat down in that quiet nook of the Palace Gardens. She looked at her husband when he asked her to sit back tomorrow presentation. "Class? What are you going to walk in with your nose straight in the air like those Equestrian buffons? And ponies wondered why I hated going South...." She wasn't sure whether it was good or bad that she'd make a "great nightmare from birth" though, but accepted the kiss and leaned closer to him for a litle snuggle. Thankfully they enjoyed peace in this little nook until it was time to go back for dinner.


Crystal Clear decided that maybe it wasn't that they were uncomfortable guests, but maybe the Royal Sisters just had that busy a timetable to be unable to accomodate them for breakfast. At least both were present at a private dinner, which sure was something. They were seated on one of the large balconies overlooking the land below. She could see the nightmare camp, a small dot by the Saddle Lake. Now the food was great, even if "typically Canterlot". The converstaions... not as much. the Princesses talked mostly with Nightmare, bringing him up to speed over what happened around for the thousand years he was away. Crystal just stared into her plate and stabbed it with extreme prejudice, since she hated being reminded of what happened. Even more so since the Royal Sisters acted like he was a guest back then, not a prisoner for a year. And Princess Luna was suspiciously fond of him too. The mare shot a cold glance at her husband to remind him they were already married several times back then. Thankfully the Royal Sisters had a busy timetable and couldn't chat forever, so when the meal was over, they eturnedto their room. Crystal Clear didn't even mention the meal later on and decided to play with the little ones til evening. Later she got busy with some papers util bedtime.


The royal nightmares and their trade delegation enteredthe Great Hall to see the Canterlot trade presentation. No wonder it was closed yesterday - they would put a train there if it would fit. Crystal Clear knew she needed a lot of the stuff that was on display - magitech power tools, industrial machines, steam engines... the "wonders of modern technology", as she was often assaulted with the term back in the Empire. Interestingly enough, while she had her eyes on the tech, the nightmare delegation was all over shinies and luxury goods. Maybe because they had no idea the machines would ease their lives ten times over. Or maybe because they had servants doing the hard work and never thought of easing their burden. Bu the mare knew that the kingdom's workshops would triple their output with just half of what was on display. Since Nightmare Season asked to lad the talks, she wandered over t a pony next to a portable steam engine to ask for price, service, and know-how transfer. Of course, the unicorn sang an astronomical sum for the engine, and declared nly his staff may repair it in-pony, so either they are given transport and "proper working conditions" to repair it at the client's place, or the machine needs to be ferried back to canterlot for repairs. The Queen bod him farewell for now, trying her best to appear regal and pleasantly calm. She just wandered the hall and listeneed to conversations later on.


Nightmare adressd he delegation and Crystal walked back to his side, intrigued on what he had in mind. She was in shock, to be fair. All those things they needed, they were within hoof's reach. And now he wanted to cancel the talks? She just obediently followed him out and all the way to their room. Once she closed the door, the mare took a deep breath, trying no to get too angry. She started sowly, while walking to a tabke with some lemonade. "Okay... so explain me, my grand business strategist, what the hay did you just do, hmm?" She took a sip of the drink and sat on a couch, then smoothed her lovely azure dress so she wasn't showing this and that. "Have I not told you that we need to get a hold on some modern tech in here? Just one meager steam engine in the lumber mill will increase the daily output by half! You know we lack hooves to fill all the gaps in the city! Even if the clans can't see the value in those devices, they will once their production costs lower and their income skyrockets. So I ask you calmly. What. Did. You. Do."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare listened to Crystal get on to him for canceling the delegations on the trade. He gave her a smile when she was done. "You will see my queen. Sometimes a little push is what is called for. Some times, just the best thing is to show we can simply walk away." Crystal still felt a bit annoyed with him. A few hours in their room heard a knock on the door. When it was answered a servant said they had a few guests. When showed in, it was a few of the unicorns from the trade delegations. They all came to try and renegotiate some of the deals for trade. This time, they were a lot more acceptable to buy for a higher price, and sell fora lower price.


When the "new" talks were over, the royal couple had a better trade agreement and they signed the trade agreement. Nightmare simply gave Crystal a wink when all was done. Crystal even managed to get her life improving machines to bring back home. Nightmare rewarded himself by making Crystal feel good in their bed. After they went to their camp to inform the other nightmares about the trade agreement.


That evening, Luna invited the two to go on a night stroll through the country side. Guess she wanted to show off her wonderful full moon light that evening. Though Crystal placed herself in between her husband and the flirty princess of the night. They enjoyed the peace and quiet the night stroll held, the next day was when they go to battle with the princess of questioning. Nightmare was not looking forward to that one bit.


The next morning after their breakfast, they headed to the royal library where they would meet Princess Twilight Sparkles. "Remember Crystal Clear, no burning down the library with her in it. We can both die latter." He gave her a slight nuzzle to tell her he was just joking.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


She listened to him with a frown. "I just hope you know what you're doing." The mare stood up and went to her foals.


When the doors knocked, Crystal Clear was genuinely surprised.  So much that Nightmare Season easily beat her to the door. Her expression must've been priceless when she saw a couple traders in her door. The royals took them in and had a second,  far more successful round of negotiations.  The best part was that she managed to buy some steam powered or otherwise industrial machines. They would be delivered to Manehattan port in three months for pickup, along with specialists to install them and training for operators.


They were invited for a night walk by the Princess of the Night. Crystal couldn't shake the feeling that she was flirting with her husband, so she walked between them and acted as a minder...


Next day was about to be a tough one. The royal nightmares walked towards the palace library with poor spirits and just wanted to be done with it. Princess Twilight and her assistant Spike were waiting. And so were like, twenty quills and enough paper to write several times.  Crystal sighed at that sight and slightly bowed to the princess. "Your highness. I should inform you upfront that my foals need me every few hours. So we will need to make some breaks. So, where you'd like to start?"


She took a seat and nodded at her husband reassuringly.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Thankfully for Crystal, Twilight was more interested in speaking to Nightmare Season. She would pop around with her teleport spell to different areas of the library pulling books out, hoping for references. The poor purple lizard finally introduced himself to Nightmare. Spike the Dragon. Nightmare Season never met a dragon before. So at leat he learned something new for once. Crystal and Nightmare did not think that Twilight forgot to ask any king of question related to nightmare ponies.


Nightmare showed the princess the different unique spells that nightmares could do. Twilight tried some, but they could not work without dream energy. She even tasted the dream root. The crystal nightmare made sure to give her one of the horrible bitter ones. Nightmare Season was measured for the typical size of a nightmare pony stallion. The wings however was a first for the nightmare nation however.


She asked Crystal what it was like to be bonded to a nightmare, and why her body became useless after. Thankfully she laid off of the more private parts Crystal went through. Though she did feel bad once Nightmare told her about the birth rate before the discovery of the golden roots. Also how some nightmare foals died from hunger. Crystal was happy they discovered a way to prevent that now.


Nightmare also took some interest in a particular spell she kept using. He had an idea that may be great if he could pull it off. Crystal was left pretty much alone when she fed their foals several times throughout the interrogation. She had to feed them four times at two hour intervals. Still the purple furry kept with the questioning. Nightmare felt like he would collapse under all that attention. Twilight Sparkles really was trying to write an entire book on the history of the nightmares. She especially took interest in how the true borns came about. Even telling them how Luna almost let such happen.


When she finally was satisfied with what she had, she left the royal nightmare family in the library. Nightmare Season just simply collapsed to show off how he felt. "After that, I think I am going to die now love." He gave her a sheepish smile with his joking. "I now have my first fear in this world. Fear I will have to sit through another day of this." The family eventually went back to their room to wait for dinner. He had scrolls that Twilight gave him to research the spell he was interested in.


Thankfully, with everything wrapped up. They did not have to spend to many more days in Canterlot. The train would take them back to the Crystal Empire in a couple of days. Items were already sold and bout, except for Crystal's massive machines. Crystal was more than happy to leave. Princess Luna found out about multiple marriages, and really turned on the flirting with him.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The Queen nightmare was starin in the distance, blinking occasionally. "That was... intense." Princess Twilight just closed the doors behind her, holding a fat stack of notes in her magic grasp. The mare laid on her back and closed her wyes, then started massaging her temples when she heard her husband's comment. She said dryly. "I find your eagerness to die disturbing, Nightmare Season." She could only agree with his newly acquired fear though. That was the last time she agreed on answering "a few questions" to that mare. Even Spike seeemd beat when she was done, yet Twilight looked like she could pull an all nighter on them. That was... scary.


At least Nightmare had some new spell to play with, whatever it might be. Crystal decided she will know in due time. For now, she wanted to feel the comfy bed in their room, so they went back to their safe haven until dinner time.


The royal nightmares must've looked like they worked in the mines for a week without sleep, judging from a semi discreet snicker from Princess Celestia when they went to attend a more private dinner. Thankfully not another snobbish banquet. Princess Twilight was, apparently, already busy since she didn't attend. Although Princess Luna found some time to show up, to Crystal's displeasure. She kicked her husband under a table several times to remind him he's married, and no, she won't be okay with him having another wife. Princess Celestia seemed to watch it all with amusement.


After the meal, the crystal nightmare nosedived into the nearest couch she laid eyes on in their apartment, then rolled on her back hugging a pillow that was there. "Lucky dear, could you bring my little love parasites for a meal? I feel like I'm going to pass out any minute..." Nightmare joked she could be suckled in her sleep, and she just nodded. "Whatever works, love, as long as you clean up." The little tongues kept her from falling asleep however, since they tickled as usual. Tha mare noticed how she grew down there to accomodate the incresed demand, and sighed in resignation. "I look like a cow." Once the triplets had their fill, she rolled back on her hooves and wandered to the firstborn to say goodnight. Mommy was spent like... well, really spent. So she went for a nap to the bedroom, taking her dress and jewelry before just collapsing in the bed. She had some prety weird dreams till Nightmare came along to feed. He said with a silly grin that she did get suckled in her sleep.


Next day the crystal nightmare decided she wants to go home. She announced it loudand clear to her husband, partially because she ddn't like what was going on between him and Princess Luna. And partially because she just plain didn't like Canterlot. Unfortunately, there was one last thing to do on her list - buying books, and lots of them. So, after breakfast with the flirty princess, she asked a serf that was escorting them around the palace whether she could get a guide for a tour into town. She was honest and said she's interested in bookstores.


The honesty... wasn't the best policy. "Princess Twilight Sparkle... how nice to see you..." - Crystal's eye twitched as she saw the purple alicorn as her door soon after. They took a carriage, and the triplets, along with their designated nanny, so she won't have to come back to the palace every two hours. Princess Twilight was surprisingly good with foals, but she kept looking at Midnight Star - who was unhappy with the sudden lack of her daddy - like a curious specimen. Lucky stayed in the carriage as the mares wreaked havoc in the bookstores. Crystal told half of her plan, namely that she needs manuals and technical books to speed up the technological progress of her kingdom, Princess Twilight guessed with ease that she wants to use the Equestrian tech as a prop and copy it. The nightmare frowned, but reluctantly agreed, citing her reasons. Seems she wouldn't get any help with that, but at least the Princess was so excited for book hunting she agreed to get her the less advanced titles. Just enough to help, and a lot, but not enough to give her understanding of the Equestrian steam machines and advanced devices. Better this than nothing, so Crystal Clear agreed. Even if she got a lecture on protecting the national interest of Equestrian industry in the process.


Crystal Clear was back around three PM, with a stack of books and fried brain. She layed on a couch and played with her long mane as she told how did she do. "Two words - never again. I thought she'd run to Princess Celestia and say I want to rob them or something. These books are publicly availible for Heart's sake! But at least I got most of what I wanted..." She stayed silent for a moment and curled up, then said out of the blue. "I want to go home. To my stone palace atop a flight of uncomfortable stairs." She sniffed as if about to cry for some reason.


She said so many times already - crystal ponies get homesick very easily.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


With Crystal heading off to the bookstores, Nightmare Season was left all alone with the two older foals. He decided that after yesterday, he would take the day off. He felt sorry for his wife however. At the mercy of princess asks-a-lot. He went for a walked around the royal gardens with the foals in tow. He met up with Princess Luna out there, or should say, she found him. She somehow took a liking to him, maybe because she had a similar past. Or maybe because Nightmare used the night so often to hide himself.


When the two were done walking, Luna took him to have a meal with her. She was indeed flirting. Nightmare had to remind her. Though their culture did multiple marriages, it was mostly to feed on, not to have two favorite wives. It took her by surprise, guess she just wanted a close friend. He apologized for the misunderstanding. He got back to their room about an hour before his wife came back. She looked terrible, but she had a mountain of books with her. Midnight Star first went for a hug by her daddy.


He noticed how sad she was. Crystal looked homesick, and even said it herself. "We can leave tomorrow I guess. We can let the royal sisters know. Send Radiance down to inform the camp of the departure tomorrow. It will also give me some time to test a spell out at the Crystal Empire an extra few days." He shook his head when she asked him what he was planning. "A secret I hope will work out."


The farewell feast was grand and fancy. The populace for the snobby unicorns were present. The few that managed to get trade agreements were bragging that they got the trade to those that did not. Princess Luna now had her attention on Crystal, explaining to her what her intentions with her husband was. Just wanting a good friend. She decided to forgive her for the flirting.


The following morning, the train was loaded up with all the books, and little trade that was already bought. They waved bye to their new hosts and friends and went to pick up the rest of the ponies down by the lake. It took all day for them to reach the Crystal Empire again. Crystal was a bit happier, but it seemed her home was now back South. She had finally accepted her new home in her heart. It made Nightmare Season a bit happier.


The following morning, Crystal woke up to not having her favorite pillow with her. When she went to go look for him, Sparks told her he left in the middle of the night. Said he was going to the crystal heart to test something out. Crystal quickly got dressed and brushed and ran out to find him. As she arrived at the crystal heart he was not there. She went to flames when the thought of Luna crossed her mind. She lied to her about just wanting to be friends.


She was taken by surprise when Nightmare came back to the crystal heart in a flash of unicorn magic. He had teleported there and looked tired and spent. He heard a good lecture from his wife, mostly wanting to know where he had been. "Well.....I had an idea when seeing my mom use the heart of the forest to increase her time travel spell. And seeing Princess Twilight using teleportation spells at the library gave me an idea." He stood up and went over to a bench to sit down. "I crafted my own spell last night. The royal family can use the two crystals to teleport between the two." He gave her a smile. She was wide eyed with excitement.


Latter that evening, the whole family was there to test it out. He told the crystal princess of his new spell. That way they could come and visit more often. The rest will head to the ship on the next day. Nightmare wing hug his family and had the three servants close to him. With his magic, one second they were waving to the royal family from the Crystal Empire, the next second they saw nightmare guards in the crystal room back home. A sharp sensation was felt, but it did not hurt them. The twins however freaked out the most and started to cry. "After doing it the first time, I assigned guards to guard the room in case some pony ever copies my spell." He gave his wife a kiss. No more did they have to sail for a month.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare looked up at her husband who seemed to agree with hersentiment. it lifted her spirits somewhat. "Yeah, I'd like that. Sooner we leave the better, I am so done with this place." The serfs finished stacking her new books and left. Crystal raised an eyebrown and asked. "Wha kind of spell again? I just hope it's nothing concernimg me, I'm so done with "improvements"..." He didn't tell, and she knew better than keep asking. He won't tell anyway.


Of course there had to be a farewell banquet in their honour. Even though it was rushed, the Royal Sisters seemed to attract guests like flies, and a host of holier-than-thou nobles and businessponies, mostly unicorns, showed up like clockwork. It seemed Crystal had a new tormentor - The Princess of the Night has trying very hard to convince her that she didn't want to steal her husband, but rather have a good friend. Her choice of words was, as usual, rather peculiar but the crystal mare knew what it means to be kicked into another age, so she let it slide. Eventually, the mares made peace, although the Queen Nightmare asked the Princess not to flirt with her husband when they're having a friendly conversation. Princess Twilight had some kind of "Friendship Problem", whatever that was, so she didn't attend. The crystal nightmare decided it was for the best, or else she might have a health problem.


Next day was spent on the road back North, to her home city. crystal Clear was glad to come back there, but, honestly? She just wanted to go to her Jungle Kingdom. Strange how the balance of her heart was shifting in it's favour, though she still loved the Empire dearly. They were a bit road worn and decided to just lock themselves in the Palace apartment that was assigned to them.


Crystal woke up the next morning, hoping they will drop at her parents place, say bye, and be on their merry way back home. However, the day started all wrong the moment she opened her eyes - Nightmare wasn't in bed. She went out of the bedroom, all sleepy and mane a mess, with her taps on display, to look for him around the apartment. Finally Sparks gave her a pointer that he went out in the middle of the night to the Crystal Heart. To "test something". Crystal Clear thanked the mare and quickly put herself in order, then went down to the Plaza.


She looked for him in and around the place, but nopony saw him. The guards were a fresh shift so they didn't see him coming in the night either. The mare walked to the Heart, her mind racing. She stared at it when suddenly, she stomped her hoof and iignited in anger. Luna, that treacherous... whorse!

The guards barely had time to regain their wits after she went ablaze whn a thunderclasp and a bright flash of unicorn magic erupted next to the Heart. Now they were spooked alright.Crystal instinctively charged her fir bolt and pointed at the bright light. One perk of being a crystal pony is that it's hard to get blinded, growing up with all those reflective surfaces all around the city. "You..." She slowly came towards the stallion, her horn still glowing. "Where the buck did you go, in the middle of the night?! Did you get tired with me, huh? Or you love us equally? Get up and look at me damnit!" Her horn powered down as she just sat in front of him and sniffed. "Why you always keep me in the dark about everything?" The mare listened and glared at him as he explained. It made... sense. He looked spent, but from magic use, not from humping all night long. She decidd to believe him and went to sit next to him, slowly realising the implications of such a spell. "So... no more month long voyages in a cramped ship? Or waiting a whole year to see my parents? Or buy crystals? Or more books? I want more books, buck Princess Twilight and her rules. Sorry I yelled at you like that!" She have him a tight hug. The guards sighed collectively.


Crystal decided that, before they go, she needed to visit her parents and tell them of the new spell. Snowflake was also informed that they're taking a shortcut. Kiwi was already having serious nausea and Crystal sympahised with her, but Nightmare said that he can't take anypony else.The crystal Nightmare, at one point, found herself staring at her old home from a distance. She saw Evie in the window of the office of her Accountancy business. She looked good. Crystal wondered if she's still single, but hadn't had the courage to drop by. She turned back towards the palace, a bag of crystal berries slung around her barrel. It ws meant as a little gift to break the ice. Later that day she asked Princess cadence for a word and explained their new magic trick, asked if she's okay with it. The Princess didn't have objections as long as they didn't do it unannounced - in case there was a ceremony going on. So they would announce themselves via Radiance every time. A reasonable request really.


Finally, it was time to leave. Everypony had some tiny luggage, mainly toys of the little ones. Crystal took her toys as well, to a collective facehoof of both nannies. They expected her to get knocked up at her first heat, which would come in two months or so. The family - biological and extended, since Sparks, Lucky and Sands seemed like family member to her - all assembled in a tight fug and let Nightmare season wrap them in his wings. The crystal royals and her parents were present to wave them goodbye. Crystal shouted: "Remeber I love... you?" One moment she was in the empire, and another she finished her sentence in the Jungle Kingdom, stared at by nightmare guards at the ready. She was a bit confused but the cry of her twin colts brought her tothe present. Mommy nightmare took them in a hug and gently rocked to calm them as Nightmare seadon explaied her why the guards were present. Well that sounded reasonable.


The family walked down the steps into the Palace, and Crystal Clearknwe in her heart she was home. She took a glance at the Heart of the Jungle on her way out, saw their Cutie Marks in it's core. "I'll make you proud yet, wait and see." She want down the stairs.


The citizens were informed of their rulers presence on the following morning, since Nightmare Season needed a rest after pulling out that magic trick and Crystal also heeded to take care of her foals, explain to them what happenned and that they're home now for real. The following morning was interrupted as soon as it sparted, really. The royal family was having breakfast and saviouring the peace and quiet before the flurry of duties, when a nightmare stallion and a stallion from the Jungle Ponies barged in with out as much as knocking. They were throwing insults at each other the whole time and were clearly hostile to one another. crystal got rubbed the wrong way by the language in front of her foals. She ignited and tossed a fore bolt in front of both bickering stallions for good measure. "Enough! Cut the language or I;ll cut your tongues, got it!?" - She pointed at the spooked foals. - "Now you better have a very good reason to be here, or I'll aim the next ones higher. You!" - She pointed a hoof at the jungle stallion, and he stepped forward, bowing on shaky legs. He explaied that his ponies are being badly treated by the nightmares, that they seduce their mares and form harems for some abtract promise of long life, that they do not respect the jungle ponies culture or the fact that it is, in fact, their ancestral capital. The nightmare stallion's story resonated around the fact that the jungle ponies felt entitled to everything and wanted the best spots for them,pushing the nightmares to the worse districts and alienating them. Disallowing them to marry their mares, even when they wanted to. Disrespected the nightmare culture in general. Crystal and her husnabd listened to both parties and send them off, promising to solve the problem. Seems the kingdom turned in on each other in their absence as jungle ponies and nightmares took separate dstricts and divided their areas of influence inside it. Only the Palace was not assigned to any party. Seems like they found themselves in the middle of a cold war.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne, @@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare went straight to bed to rest, that spell was hard to do and took a lot out of him. At least his wife understood. The next morning saw all new problems. Two stallions came barging in. Crystal let loose a fire ball as a warning to watch their language. After listening to both sides, they knew they had a slight war a brewing within their own kingdom. The jungle ponies and nightmare ponies were at each other. Each though that they deserved more rights than the other ones.


When the two left, the couple had time to think on the matter. "This is why I was hesitant on asking for settler ponies to come. Different cultures clashing together is never a good thing. We need to let them know that each side is just as welcomed." He got up and decided to call the population the the square in front of the palace. Once all was assembled he addressed his subjects.


"My fellow ponies. It seems that there is a line that is being divided among you all. I wish for you all to know, we are all equals here. It will be hard at first for the two cultures to merge into one. Though I ask that we try and make a new culture that is a merging of the two. My mother once was the ruler here so very long ago. She was a jungle pony, but she brought me into this world who is a nightmare pony. My wife, your queen is a crystal pony. My own family is mixed so there should be no problem with you to start mixing with the others. A stallion came to us with concerns that nightmares are charming mares away with the promise of long life. Stallions of the jungle ponies can also take on a mare from the nightmares and also receive the same. Nightmare ponies do not have foals as often as the jungle ponies. So the ratio will always be off in that matter."


The crowed was actually understanding it seemed. "As of this day, I do not want my subjects to be decided between the jungle ponies and the nightmare ponies. I want us all to come together in family, as a kingdom to become great. They must, and have to be, changes on both sides. Neither side is alone any more. We now got trade agreements with Equestria. More and more types of ponies will make their way to our kingdom. We can not fall apart now. So I ask that you all will stand with me and stop looking at other ponies as different. We will rebuild this kingdom in a way the world has not seen yet." As he ended his speech, the crowed cheered, Even the two stallions that came to them shook hooves in agreement.


He turned back to look at his queen. "Wish to add anything into this?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare seemed troubled by the news of a rift in her own home. When the bickering stallions left, she let out a deep sigh. "I guess you have a point. But I couldn't deny the jungle ponies of their ancestral home... I sure hope they will see that we value them equally." She stayed by the table and pondered some more when Nightmare went to call for a gathering in the Palace Square.


Once everypony was present, roughly two hours later, the royals walked out the front door of the palace to adress their subjects from this elevated position. Crystal noticed that the crowd was gathered in two halves - nightmares and jungle ponies, each separate. She listened to Nightmare Season's speech and observed the reactions. For the most part, it went okay. Ponies cheered and all that, but she could still see two groups, not one.


She nodded at her Sultan. "Indeed I do." She stepped in front and sleared her throat. "My dear subjects, I too was once an outsider to a culture I didn't understand, and, honestly? At first, I saw what I wanted to see - all the flaws I could think of, real or imagined. But in time, I learned to see past the initial appearance and seek the heart of the matter. Some of you may have reservations towards nightmare custom of having many wives. I won't lie, I had and still do, to a degree. But hear that - a nightmare needs to feed on dreams to stay alive. But if they feed from just one pony all the time, they hurt them, Badly. So nightmares decided to take many wives, to give the ponies who give them sustenance something in return. The long life in good conditions. It wasn't meant as some depravity, but a means to survive. Of course now we know of the dream roots that secure the pony's mind from falling apart, and that's how me and my husband can live without any other ponies in our family." She paused for a moment, gathering their thoughts. "So what I want to propose is this: tomorow morning, I'd like to welcome delegates from both cultures for a meeting, where we shall discuss the details of what I have to offer. I propose that, in order to live as one, we need to understand each other. For that end, I wish for both of our cultures to set up fairs and presentations of their ancestry, their culture, habits, lifestyle, craft. We will see what we have in common, but also where we are different. And make no mistake - our differences can make us stronger, if we choose to accept them in good faith. My dear subjects, return to your homes, think of what makes us all the childen of the Jungle Heart. You know it's power, let it be the symbol of our union."


Crystal Clear observed as the crowd cheered. Some things cannot be solved with a pretty speech. They saw the light of reason, but only honest work will allow it to shine onto her kingdom and allow the ponies to live together in peace. She waved to her subjects and turned back to the palace as the cword started to thin out. "Anything you'd like to add?" - Crystal booped Nightmare and had that sly smirk on her snout.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Oh very funny love." He walked away with her under his wing. "You are better at speaking than I am." The rest of the day belong to the couple. They walked around the kingdom to see what all had changed with their absents. Shops seems to have opened up more. The gardens started to grow. The farms were now close to being ready to harvest. Even her small plot of crystal berries were growing well. Snowflake's spice farm saw new plants growing as well.


The fountains in town was running with fresh water and they even took time to go to the public baths and relaxed in the private bath. "Other than the rift between the two cultures, everything else seems to be in good standings." He told her as she helped her wash her back. The foals were all playing in the smaller baths. The twins seemed to enjoy the water the most. "Sadly we have to wait a whole month until we get all the ponies back from up North and the items we bought." The switched sides on who was washing who.


When they were clean and dried. They went out to continue their walk after she had time to feed the growing devils. They walked through the still empty streets of the districts that had no ponies claim the buildings yet. "With our lovely dance competitions each year, we should think of turning one of the empty buildings into a dance hall." He nuzzled Crystal. "Why do mares have to show off with dancing?" She pointed out to him about Shinning Armor's and his little competition with the troops. "That is all on him. I simply just showed him what a real force that sees battles are like."


Crystal discovered the best building for her dance hall, and what ever else needed a good stage. It was empty in the middle set slightly into the ground. There was plenty of room around the stage for stone bleachers. What the building was used for before was not apparent. What made it perfect was the high ceiling and large windows for light. Their next stop had them walking through the market district. What was apparent here was, most of the stores were owned and ran by the nightmare ponies and the normal ponies that was born to nightmares.

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


She giggled as he took her under his wing. "Well I have to be good at something besides making foals, right? Gotta earn my crown, not just wear it." They came back to the Palace to get ready for a family walk around their domain.


The royal family took a stroll all over the city and it's surrounding farms. Crystal keenly noticed that there was indeed a segregation of sorts goin on. Nightmare ponies took the districts with best houses, and ran their business in spacious shops. Jungle ponies were found mostly in "middle class" dwellings - not bad, but less fancy than the ones taken by the first comers. They were always separated by at least an avenue from each other, and she had a feeling it was the jungle ponies who closed themselves off. They talked with their citizens on the streets and in their businesses, to get to know the opinions on the streets. They heard the same they already knew from the morning - stereotypes, fear of the unknown, misunderstandings of each others customs, some feuds over ancestral land or homes. Crystal thought about opening a Day Court to start settling the disputes. On the upside, business prospered and the city, or at least the populated parts, were clean and well kept. The fresh water from public fountains and working sewers really made a difference with overall sanitary conditions, even if nightmare ponies had some issues with adjusting to this new way of life. She saw tents on a few squares and signs of switching houses like they were readily availible and belonged to nopony.


The royal family decide to try out the public bathhouse, ran by the jungle ponies who first claimed it and converted into a business. Crystal decided that coming here regularily would reinforce the view that she respects the jungle ponies, and promotes cleaniness too. Plus, these onies sure knoew how to make am mare relax, even as... unusual as her. The bath workers were clearly stunned over what she was hiding under that long dress when she asked for a massage. They talkeda bit while cleaning up before any treatments.

The mare was sitting in a small pool of water, eyes closed as she took in the pleasant sensation of getting her back scrubbed. "Yeah, once we patch up that mess things should be looking up. Although I'll need to speed up the work on that code of laws and think of a way to teach nightmares about living in one place. You saw how some houses were abandoned as soon as they needed to be cleaned for the first time. And those tents. At least I haven't seen any signs of disrespecting my royal ban, so that's something..." She took over the scrub and got to work on her husband's back, careful not to mess his plumage. She grew to like preening his wings though. "You seen that stack of papers in your study? Trust me, you won't even know when this month will pass. I also have a lot to do, starting from organising a Palace library to hold all those books. Shame our subjects can't read Equestrian letters, translating al that will take a lifetime."


They continued their stroll, the mare seemed happy and relaxed after a good massage and feeding the foals to relieve the pressure on her taps. They found themselves wandering over the unclaimed districts to see what they had in store.

"Lovely dance competition huh?" She gave him a sly smile and bumped her hips into him. "And how else can a mare show what she's got, and who she's hot, other than in a good dance? Besides, stallions also have their showoffs, like you and Shining Armor." She nodded, still smiling. "Yeah, poor prince grew some kind of inferiority complex over how he got his flank kicked by a mare, and his shiny troops got a whopping like schoolfillies. Poor Cadence, he must be hard to bear when he's nursing his wounds after a defeat."


She was walking a wide avenue back to the Market District when a building caught her eye. "Hmm, this one is different... Let's come inside and check it out." Turns out, it was pretty perfect for a dance hall, or to host concerts. The acoustics were good and they shared a smirk at that discovery. Crystal decided to try and get to know what it was before converting it into a dance hall though. The building clearly had some clear purpose, and last theing she wanted to do was to insult the jungle ponies if they needed it. They went to the market.


The Market District, as it became known because of the perfect location to run shops, wide pathways and squares to set up stalls, was completely dominated by the clans, They couldn't see a single jungle pony business there, which was an obvious disadvantage, since it was the commercial heart of the city. Each clan was grouped together and brandished it's insignia. There were many customers, but again, no jungle ponies. The city had, effectively, two economies within it's walls. They decided to come back home for a meal, as the "family walk" gave them some proper leg excercise and tired the firstborns - something the mare thought was nearly impossible. The smaller foals were enjoying a ride - twins in her special saddlebags and Midnight Star on daddy's back. Crystal couldn't help but laugh as the two year olds cuddled to sleep on the nearest couch they saw when they entered the palace. She motioned Nightmare to take a look. "I never thought I'd say it, but if I had a camera, I'd snap a picture of them right now." The nannes showed up and Crystal gave Lucky Clover the twin colts. "I'll carry the sleeping beautiesto their beds, no worries." the mare procured the smoke cloud and gently moved the sleeping foals onto it, then went to tuck them in their beds. She said quietly to Nightmare on the way out. "I'll be in my study if you need me, gotta dust off the things I was working on."

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare gave Crystal a wing hug as they watched the two snuggle with each other and drift off to sleep on the couch. She was going to head off to her workshop, still keeping him in the dark as to what she was planning. He gave her a loving kiss and let her head off. He had other stuff to do as well.


He went to his royal study. There, he found piles of scrolls needing to be read and either signed or rebuttal. Most was simple requesting shops and homes to be owned. A few were actually serious. One was Poison Oasis asking to redo the queen's command on no slavery. They still had a few ponies outside of the kingdom keeping their slaves. It really was hurting their one business. He replied to them that her decision was for the best. The Crystal Heart would not allow such in the walls if it would continue to protect them.


There was a few wedding permission scrolls as well. Seems the marrying the others were not as bad as was to be believed. A few jungle ponies were interested in bonding for the long life gift. Others were normal ponies wanting to marry as well. He of course accepted all of those. One scroll was informing him on the progress of the new road out of the Jungle to their dessert homeland. With the skill of the jungle ponies, the work went a lot faster than planned.


After all his scrolls were taken care of and sent back, Nightmare decided to go and ask around about that building they found. Asking several jungle ponies, he discovered it could have once been a meeting place or theater. So it would be great as a dance hall without upsetting the jungle ponies. Seems they were gone so long from their old home, that most was forgotten. He gave word to the ponies in charge of renovating as to what that building will be used for. That was the best business as of late. Many places needed to be renovated. The crystal heart fixed all the major problems and damages, but individual houses, shops, and other buildings still needed work.


He then went to find some of the masters of stone work. He wanted to find out what they had to offer in terms of decorative pieces, or custom furniture. He knew that they would have to try and do their own business in the market district if the wall between the two cultures will ever be erased. Nightmare had one group start work on a scroll shelf for his study. Books were all well and good, but to nightmares, scrolls were better than books.


His last stop was the hidden vault under his throne. He took inventory best he could. There was still great wealth down there. The kingdom dose not yet know of this wealth. He knew it best to use it as the kingdom's funds. There were still gems and piles yet to be shorted down there. With this much wealth, there must have been some mine for gems and gold. That will be one more thing he had to look into finding.


When he finally returned to their bedchambers, Crystal was there on their bed out of her dress and feeding the twins. She really grew in size at her taps. Guess three mouths were enough to demand more from her milk factory. "You seem to be enjoying your self. Emptying them. Maybe the little ones can share some after they are done? Finish emptying you?" He walked over and laid next to her watching the twins go at her. "Five down and what, fifteen to go?" He gave her a smile. "I know love. Wait a few years." He gave her a loving nuzzle.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear tucked the two year olds in their beds. She stood for a few minurs, watching them, thinking how lucky she it, all things considered. Finally, the mare went out of the foal room and headed towards her private workshop and study room.


First thing she noticed was the broken seal on the doors. Crystal Clear had a habit of leaving a seal of fused crystal on the door to her workshp every time she went away for a length of time. It had one obvious advantage over a wax seal - once broken, only a Master of Crystal could repair it. She felt a wave of stress inside her as she pushed the doors open. Everything seemed as she left it, even with a pristine layer of dust collected for over a month. She carefully inspected everything as she went further in. Shelves were undisturbed, and so seemed her desk. Even the Mother of Pyrite was untouched, even though it looked like a huge block of gold. The next room contained her workshop, and he most prized posession - the Master's Chest. Crystal Clear jumped to it and nearly traced it with her nose, looking for any and all signs of tampering, but findind none. Shelooked around and, once sure she was alone, she opened it with the secret method - nothing was disturbed or missing. She breathed out in relief. Still ,somepony went inside. The Queen Nightmare decided to st by her desk, after dusting off the cushion first. Only then did she notice a smudge on a drawer. Carefully opening it with her magic, she peered inside and found her Code of Laws, version 0.1. She wasn't sure but it looked like it was picked up and read in a hurry. Well, that would explain the break-in. It was written in nightmare pony letters so her subjects could easily read what she was planning to enforce. Knowing full well that, most probably, the culprit won't be found anyway, and quite possibly it was an inside job, she decided to tell only Nightmare Season, and pretend nothing happenned. She made a mental note to read it all to make sure nothing was changed, then walked out to get the documents that were adressed for her - before leaving, she assigned a chest to put them by the servants. And to ask somepony to dust the place off.


The Queen Nightmare read over a stack of papers on the balcony when her study was being cleaned. Surprisingly enough, she had a lot of mail. A formal complaint from Poisoned Oasis, signed by some respected figures from other clans too, called her to lift the slave ban, citing tradition, lack of hooves for work, criminal justice, and, yes, profits, as reasins to do so. She put the letter with many seals of it's signatries away, and read the other ones. Some reports, some more appeals to the Crown, mostly by feuding ponies and nightmares. One... disturbing letter about a filly's disappearance calling for her aid in finding her. Crystal put it on a separate stack of urgent matters. The rest wan't so important or notable to mention separately. Once informed that the royal study s ready, the mare went there to pen the replies. She decided to hold off with the Poisoned Oasis one until she talked with Nightmare Season. The letter from a desperate jungle pony family was a week old, but she decided to visit them as soon as possible. The rest of paperwork was being taken care of in a few hours, with two breaks to feed the triplets. Eventually, Crystal decided that royal hours were over and she went to their private rooms to spend some time with her young. Nightmareseason found her providing late afternoon snacks to the triplets.


The mare looked up from her busy twins, holding a smirk of amusement - they were so damn cute while at it, and it felt kinda tickly, but also quite good. "Yeah, have a drink on me, I insist. Because there's no way that increase demand will make me produce more, right?" - Crystal shook her head, but she knew she'll give him what he asks for anyway. She always does. Although it was getting a bit unconfortable with that hefty pair between her hindlegs. She gave him a stare as he asked how many more foal they will have. She said plainly she wanted a break, didn't she? At least she got an apology nuzzle. "I'll give you so many you'll lose count, don't worry. Just not all at once, love. Ifthere's something we have in spades, its time." The twins were losing speed at her taps nad she looked atthem. "Huh, seems my cuties are done down there? Come to mommy, you little crystals." - The mare took them, one by one, to her chest for burping. Nightmare took over Aquamarine so they will get burped at the same time, but she saw him eyeing the prize that her colts just vacated. The mare laid on her back again, and held the colts in her forelegs as they nuzzled into her fur. "Guess it's daddy's turn. Just close the doors, will you?" He had his fill, and then, he had his fun. At least Crystal managed to tell him aout the two letters she singled out from the stack she got. They both decided to investigate the disappeared filly case. With so many houses empty, there was no telling what happenned really. And the parents mentioned being waved off by the guard for some reason... 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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