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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare nods then smiles "She seems like a lovely mare, we both know that father will never forget about mother, but it would be nice for him to find love again. I mean, with us getting engaged, and a possible relationship between Celeste and Dustyhooves, it will mean he won't be so lonely in the end."


Celese nods "As long as she treats father and us well, I'm happy for daddy to be in love again"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The crystal mare nodded as she filled her plate with some more food. She didn't want to overeat again but there was so much good stuff around!  "Reasonable. And fair. It's nice that you want him to be happy with somepony." She smirked.  "Maybe we'll make a triple wedding huh? That would be quite a party!"

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@@Raven Rawne


"It certainly would" she says as she then sees the mare that her father was walking to the dining hall, she may have looked like a noble mare, but she also had a humbleness to her. Clare and Celeste does their duties to their guests and they get up to courtsy to her,though Clare bows "Ma'am, please allow us to welcome you to Opal Hill and more importantly to our home, please take a seat and feel free to eat with us" Clare says, sitting back down.


Celeste looks up at her "Excuse me miss, I'm afraid I did not catch your name last night, and I hope it isn't too forward of me, but I'm having trouble placing whether you are a noble mare or a very beautiful and humble town mare" she says with a slight blush, looking up at her, knowing her father wouldn't care either way.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


"We'd keep the whole island awake! Although I doubt I'd manage to wait that long. I'd marry you here and now if I could." - Crystal Clear noticed somepony approaching and got up off her seat to greet her, although it seemed that Celeste was having a crash course in straightforwardness, so she waited with telling her name till the younger mare's curiosity has been satisfied. 


The mare who entered the hall was an earth pony, somewhere around mid thirties by the look of her. She had charcoal coat and two tone,  mint and vanilla mane. Her eyes were golden. She was wearing a simple dress that reached to her ankles, and no hoofboots. A golden necklace and a signet her only jewelry. Crys was pretty sure she had an entirely different getup yesterday - apparently she was staying in the palace and had something to change into. She smiled at the other mares and offered a curtsey of her own. "Your highness, lady, I'm Pearl Onyx, lady of the Stone Circle." She smiled at them and winked. "It's a small town on Half-Moon island east of here. We have a marble quarry hence the name." She looked around and decided to take a seat. "I reckon your father will join soon enough..."


Crystal was about to introduce herself when the dark mare stopped her with a hand wave. "Let's skip the formalities countess,  the whole town knows about a crystal pony who broke the hopes and dreams of 2/3 noble colts in the archipelago..." She looked at the table. "Hmm, decisions decisions, any recommendations?


Crystal had to admit, the Prince had a good taste in mares. She was almost as beautiful as Clare. Almost makes a difference though.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Both Celeste and Clare smile at her "Then it is our pleasure to welcome you to our palace and home Lady Onyx, our father seemed pretty smitten with you" Clare says with a soft smile, she closed her eyes "I assume you came here for business and decided to stay to welcome countess Clear and myself home after a few long years away at the academy" she says rather bluntly. She then smiles "I suggest the hashbrowns, sausages, bacon and eggs, the chefs here are excellent, or if you're craving something from the Stone Circle, I am sure they'd be able to figure something out"


Celeste was busy looking the mare up and down with a small smile, she was hoping that she would become her new mother.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The lady gave the older princess an unamused look. "Actually, I came to the court to appeal for aid,  but his Highness invited me to the palace to stay go a few days.  He helped me settle a dispute with my now former husband a few years back, and we wrote to each other every now and then since that time." Her features softened as she changed topic to the food. "Oh it's okay, a change of menu will be most welcome... I think I'll try the hashbrowns."


Crystal handed the plate to the older mare. "Here, have a few. They sure know how to cook in here."

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles and nods "Well at least father didn't just fall in love with you in one meeting" she says with a giggle and shakes her head "I'm sorry your ladyship, I've never been good with subtlety, it's kind of amazing how well I passed the academy graduation tests" she says but then started getting a little overwhelmed "Uhm..I..I'll go check on Betsy" she says, getting up and excusing herself.


She makes her way to the stables and cuddles up to Betsy "I sometimes envy you my good friend" she says softly

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The lady smiled at the remark but said nothing. She looked concerned as the princess suddenly excused herself off the table, and asked the remaining mares. "Did I... do something wrong? She just bolted out of here so suddenly..."


Crystal swallowed a piece of bacon and shrugged. "I've known her since I was little and sometimes she needs some space,  even as suddenly as you saw." She quickly finished her plate and rose off the table.  "Please excuse me, but I better check on her. Celeste could you entertain your guest for a moment?" The red mare walked out of the dining hall and proceeded to the stables.  Soon enough she was standing in the stable doorway and asked loudly: "Clare you're here? Everything alright?" She walked inside to find her fiance.


Lady Pearl Onyx continued her meal, glancing at Celeste from time to time. "I guess you're trying to figure out if I'm your future evil mother in-law, am I right? "

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@@Raven Rawne,


Celeste giggles and smiles "Take out the evil part but yes" she says as she swallows a mushroom she was eating,  "I wouldn't worry too much about Clare, there are only a few ponies who she can get along well with from the start, others it takes more time" she says with a soft smile "just give her some time and she'll warm up to you soon enough, especially with some gentle guidance from father"


Clare looks up and sniffles "I-I'm fine, just.."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The charcoal mare nodded and thought for a moment, then replied: "I'm not sure if it's that kind of thing child. I like your father quite a lot, and I guess he likes me too but... I'm not really sure if he's willing to commit to somepony again. Maybe it's going to be a sort of on and off thing... Time will tell."


Crystal walked over to Clarissa and looked at her with worry.  "You don't cry when you're fine. Wanna talk about it? A hug maybe? Nah, that you'll get right away." She approached the pegasus and hugged her tight, then waited for her reaction.

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@@Raven Rawne


Celeste smiles "believe me, I've seen father simply shrug other mares off, but the way he treated you last night.." she looks at her then sits closer to her "Father isn't the type to lead a mare on, if he likes you, then he will commit, I may be young, but I know my father, look there he is, and I can tell by the smile on his face, he is absolutely in love with you" she giggles


Clare just sighs "Look at me love, I'm not much of a princess because I can't do princessing as I've got no tact and I suck at diplomacy, and I'm some knight commander, I just rush in without thinking" she begins to cry and hugs her fiance

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Lady Onyx smiled at the young mare. "Well truth be told, I'd be thrilled if you were right." She saw Justice coming and got up to curtsey.


The Prince walked in and waved a hand at them to sit. "Oh spare me the protocol, just have a seat. Let's be normal ponies for once hmm? Oh and good morning. Had a busy night and slept in." He looked at the lady and they shared a knowing smile as Justice sat next to her. "And where are our knights of love?" He asked humorously.


Crys kissed her forehead and rubbed her behind the ear. "Aww don't be do hard on yourself. You're brave, bold, beautiful... kinda rough around the edges but don't get tangled in nuances.  You're great you hear me?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Celeste smiles and nods and as she sees her father, she giggles at his remarks "They're at the stables I believe. I think Clare was starting to feeling a little overwhelmed and lost, and went to spend time with her oxen friend. Crystal went to check on her" she says as she bites a bit of bacon with a flick of her ears.


Clare sighs "I k-know you'e right love, i just.." she looks up to the palace towers "A lot of thoughts just running through my mind" she says and cuddles up to her fiance and to her oxen friend, she scratches Betsy behind the ears gently "Sometimes I wonder if I was adopted..I mean, I feel more at home in the country than I do here in the city"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Justice nodded, thinking of something. "Right... there's a lot going on for her as of late... You girls are headed to the Cove today right?"


Lady Onyx was eyeing the prince and smiled. "A girls day out of sorts?"


Crys smiled reassuringly: "You know you're not adopted silly! The palace is an overwhelming place, I know this all too well. But cheer up, now you'll decide where you live and what you do. We can hole up somewhere if you want, hmm?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Celeste nods "We're going for me to go meet the stablecolt Dustyhooves, Clare seems to believe he is the perfect stallion for me" she says with a soft smile and looks out the window "And from what I've seen and heard, I'm inclined to agree. Honest, hard working, loyal and I honestly don't care that he's of common blood, he's a lot better than most of the stuck up noble colts here who would run at the first sight of conflict"


"W-well I don't want to be recluse, b-but maybe just find somewhere small at first, so we can sort everything out without feeling too overwhelmed"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The charcoal mare looked at Celeste: "Ooohh seems like love is in the air for the royal family... I bet you can't wait to meet him?" She sighed, recalling her own memories. "Ehh I still remember when I first met my colt... Too bad I found out, years later,  that one mare was not enough for him. Your father helped me with the divorce and he went his way without one bit off my property."


Justice chipped in: "It was a matter of basic decency, he ruined your marriage and had to face the consequences. I just did what was needed." He faced Celeste with a smile. "But I'm sure you'll be happy with him, if you'll think he's the one."


The crystal mare continued caressing and comforting her fiance. "We can start as small as you like dear, as long as I'm not cooking..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Celeste smiles and giggles and notices how her father was looking at Lady Onyx, she giggles again "I'd say it's true for everyone in the family. My older sister with her bestfriend, hopefully me with Dustyhooves and by the looks of it, you and my father" she says with a wink to her father and nods "I think he might be the one for me, He's rather cute too" she says with a slight blush


Clare smiles and nuzzles her "thank you sweetie, and I can cook"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Both older ponies laughed at Celeste's observation, and her father asjed: "It's really so obvious? We tried to keep it under wraps to spare the turmoil for you and your sister, buuut I guess we don't have to pretend anymore, at least in your company." As confirmation, he took the mare beside him in a wing hug and gently pulled closer. She seemed very content with this.


Crystal shook her head. "Oh come on, I was joking! I may be an awful cook but I wouldn't leave you in the kitchen like that! So, you feel better? Can we go back inside? Celeste must be on the verge of bursting in flames right now,  with all the excitement of meeting Dystyhooves..." She looked at her fiance to gauge if she was ready or needed some more time. 

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@@Raven Rawne


Celeste smiles "Clare will warm up to the idea, I guess it's harder for her because she knew mother longer than I did" she says as she finishes her breakfast and sips on some orange juice "She should be back shortly, but if she smells like a barn, it'll mean she was really overwhelmed" she then looks to lady Onyx "I for one, think it is wonderful father has found love again"



Clare nods and giggles "I know sweetie and you're probably right, she is so excited" she says as she stands up and brushes off of her dress and gently pets Betsy on the head "We'll be back soon good friend" she kisses the oxen's nose before hugging Crys and kissing her on the lips.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The smile on the prince's face faded and his love looked at him expectantly. "Well yes... I guess you're right about that. Do you gals think I should talk to her? Explain that I'm not trying to replace and forget her?"


Lady Onyx allowed herself the first open show of affection today by kissing his cheek and embracing him. "I think it may be a good idea, if she'll have problems with  adjusting to this situation. Otherwise, allow her to come to her own conclusions."


Crys giggled "Told you I'm second place with her around!" She patted the oxen and offered the mare her arm.  "Shall we, dear almost wife?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Celeste smiles "I think it'll be a good idea daddy, you know how fragile she can be" she says as she closes her eyes "I sometimes worry about her, she's so emotional at times, that I feel like she'd break down into tears and all" she says with a soft sigh


Clare giggles "Oh come on sweetheart, you know I just can't resist her cuteness" she says "Besides, I don't kiss her like this, now do I?" she asks as she holds her close, tips her back and kisses her deeply and passionately

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Justice Sword muzzled the mare under his wing and explained to her: "Clarissa may seem like a tough gal,  but inside she's anything but. Sometimes she breaks like glass under slightest pressure if something touches her heart. So I'd advise cutting her some slack till she adjusts to this new situation."


The earth pony nodded and replied: "I see... Speaking of situations, may I ask for a private hearing at your chambers before the day court? I have some important business to discuss..."


The prince chuckled. "Of course, I bet it's very important..."



Crystal Clear didn't feel so good since... yesterday? Ages ago when Clare was concerned.  When her fiance finished the kiss she looked up into her eyes and smirked. "I don't know really, guess you'll need to convince me a bit more..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Celeste nods "It won't take too long though Lady Onyx, so I wouldn't worry about it too much" she says. Despite her being younger than Clare, she seemed to be the more emotionally stable and mature of the two sisters.


Clare giggles and bumps hips with her "Oh really now?~" she asks with a slight purr

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The earth pony nodded slowly.  "I see... So there's a chance we'll get along just fine, right? Last thing I want to do is put a wedge into your family."


Crys giggled and hugged her fiance, apparently to get a good access to her ear into which she whispered: "If I recall correctly, and I do,  you promised me something good yesterday. I hope you'll keep your promise when we get back from the Cove..." She gently bit the other mares ear and tugged at it, purring, and abruptly let it go, breaking the hug. She had that sly smile on.


"Come on, Celeste won't forgive us if we won't take her to Dusty today."

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@@Raven Rawne


Celeste smiles,and even though she was itching to meet Dusty, she put her own wants aside "There's a good chance you two will get along in no time, and not very likely that you'd drive a wedge into our family. Clare knows that daddy wouldn't choose a mare who would want to replace mother"


Clare whimpers at the ear nip but smiles "I did indeed, and you will get it soon enough darling" she says, as she links arms with her and walks back up to the dining hall, "and you're right, I've kept her from meeting her dream colt for long enough" she giggles and eaves to Celeste, her father and lady Onyx.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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