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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Orange Sparks,


The red mare paced up and down the deck to gather her thoughts. "Alright... two battleships on the prowl for Celeste... They'll take the small ship with guards with them - some places are too narrow for an oceangoing vessel. Or mayhap we take the small ship? We need to guard the borders, so taking a capital ship off the roster doesn't sound too good... But then we won't be able to accomodate the infantry..." She smacked her head with frustration. "It wasn't so hard back in the Academy!"


Crystal stopped in front of Clarissa, hands clasped in a pyramid shape, biting her lower lip as usual when she concentrated. "How about we take the small ship and a single knight cohort, dump the guards here and order to keep an eye on the Cove, relocate the rest of the knights on one battleship and send them on the Archipelago's western flank to guard against a Minotaur invasion, and then let it rejoin the search for Celeste with two other vessels?" She looked at Clare expectantly. "We're at war, you said so yourself. If not for yesterday, there would be no royalty alive, and the Isles would be ripe for the taking. I wouldn't be all that surprised if we saw sails soon, and lots of them..."


She was less than thrilled to see that unicorn maniac again, but sometimes you have to make compromises.

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@@Raven Rawne


"Your plan sounds a lot better than mine, having a single knight consort would make it easier to maneuver around the forest" she sighs "I just hope we can get the antidote in time, the old sage says that the elven ponies are very reserved and cautious of strangers, but they have helped the royal family out before, and there is a pact between the two kingdoms." she says softly, closing her eyes "Oh please Celestia be safe"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The crystal mare nodded solemny. "So be it. Let's just hope that a single cohort will be enough to keep Pale Moonlight occupied enough to leave us alone... They'll be useless against the Eldeer anyway. I've heard some stories of the past attempts to conquer their Forest and know better than try open confrontation. But we need to guard you from any further raids, and a dozen knights will do nicely..." She noticed the villagers gathering with whatever they thought could be used in combat. "Your militia is gathering... The ponynappers must be still within the inner ring of islands, if they really took off right back to their homeland, rather than holed up somewhere. So what was your plan for the immediate future?" Crystal gestured at the small crowd.

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@@Raven Rawne


"For the immediate future? we get these ponies sorted out so that they can defend their loved ones and homes, and wait for our reinforcements." she says then thinks for a moment, "As for the elven ponies, I have an idea" she says as she sees a bluebird on a fence, she whistles to it in pegasus and the bird flies over. she gives it a small letter "Carry it to the elven king, tell him that it is of the utmost importance" she says and gently kisses the bird on the head before it chirps happily and flies out.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The mare scratched her head and combed her mane with her fingers - all that running made it a bit messy. "That's not a bad idea, actually... If Dusty wasn't so badly beaten, I'd try to ask him more about the ponynap and at least try to recreate what happened." She stretched her back a bit and continued. "But I'm no detective, so all I can do now is walk aimlessly and try to trip on some clue... Worst part is that we don't know why or where she's been taken. This bothers me the most."


Crystal looked down on her saber. "It's just not fair, taking her without a fight, you know..."

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@@Orange Sparks,


The mare scratched her head and combed her mane with her fingers - all that running made it a bit messy. "That's not a bad idea, actually... If Dusty wasn't so badly beaten, I'd try to ask him more about the ponynap and at least try to recreate what happened." She stretched her back a bit and continued. "But I'm no detective, so all I can do now is walk aimlessly and try to trip on some clue... Worst part is that we don't know why or where she's been taken. This bothers me the most."


Crystal looked down on her saber. "It's just not fair, taking her without a fight, you know..."


Clare nods "well from what Dusty did try to fight to protect her, which shows a lot about him." She remarks "But I get what you mean, it wouldn't have been a fair fight for Dusty. Though..after all this, he's going to have to be knighted and all" she says and closes her eyes "now as for where they took Celeste, either to a hideout or to the Minotaur kingdom"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The mare looked up at the sky. "I sure hope they don't have a seagoing ship waiting nearby... Dusty mentioned a boat, so that means they either stayed within the archipelago, or will meet with the larger vessel somewhere... Either way, nothing we can do till the reinforcements arrive and Dusty tells the details." She grabbed her gloves that were tucked by her belt and put them on, then looked at Clare with a humorless expression. "So, we start training these ponies? Should help us kill some time at the very least."

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@@Raven Rawne


"Sure, it'd be a better use of our time while waiting instead of moping about and being worry warts" she says as she stands up and grabs her saber "Now know this ponies, this is not a glory, fame or wealth type of fight. This fight is to protect your loved ones, to make sure the raiders do not destroy your village once more, to avenge the severe beating to near death that one of your own received after trying to protect her royal highness Celestia Silvermane..So those of you who have delusions of grandeur and wealth, go home now" she says in a soft yet still commanding tone of voice.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


As Clare started her little speech, Crys went inside the inn and drank the rest if her cup, then went back outside. Her plate was nearly empty anyway.


She started warming up her arms and legs a bit before the training, once her hooves were back on the wooden deck before the inn. She took a look on the small crowd and said to her fiance with a smike: "So, a demonstration of a proper technique first? Then they can try their skills in pairs and against us. Poking empty air won't do much good for them anyway..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods and smiles "Alright you lot, those weapons you have with you, they're not going to do any good" she says and smiles "Surely there's an armory around here, hell, even wooden toy swords would do for practice purposes" she says "Surely there's a unicorn around here who could at least make enough of those within a short time using their magic?" she raises an eyebrow.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear giggled behind the princess. "Aww, that was just precious. Ahem, sorry. I mean, look around, there's not even a palisade. We're on Throne Island, the safest there is. It's quite understandable the local lord, who I'd sure like to discuss a few things, didn't invest in security..." She stepped down from the deck into the crowd and looked over what they brought. "Let's see... Axes! Good... They're easy to use, lay around in every village and sure do some damage. Rakes and pitchforks... Well you can use them to impale stuff but it's not the best idea.  Same for scythes and sickles, sorry folks!" She continued the inspection.  "Knives? Could do in a pinch, yeah. Where did you get that sledgehammer from? Can I have a swing? Well, if you don't mind hitting stuff once every full moon, then sure, why not..."


Crystal came back to Clare, and gave her a curious look. "What? Don't expect them to fetch arming swords from underneath their beds, nopony thought they'd be in danger until recently..." She trailed off, knowing what caused the danger in the first place - them. 'Soooo, can we show these ponies what to do with the iron they have right now? We can send them some proper axes later."

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@@Raven Rawne,


She nods  "True.." she pauses "Alright you lot, first what we will do is show you the basic stances and moves, so you can then practice in pairs or groups" she says and picks up her saber, getting into the 'tutorials' but she couldn't help but be somewhat distracted.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The crystal mare unsheathed her own hand and a half saber and gave it a few good looking swings. "Alright then! Let's have some fun!" Truth be told, she wasn't in the mood for jokes, considering the dire circumstances, but reckoned Clarissa could use some distraction from all of this.


They began from showing some basis stances and attacks, trying to accommodate the needs of their audience and their varied equipment. Then, the mares had a quick sparring to show how it all looks like in motion. Later on, each took half of the students and trained with them - assigning pairs, showing what they did wrong and generally trying to make the best use of their limited time. They took some short breaks every now and then when the mares just talked, but after around three hours their students were tired and their minds drifted to unattended chores rather than some abstract need to defend their homes. Seeing the tiredness and distraction,  Clare had no choice but to end the session and free the ponies back to their duties. 


The mares sat on a bench by the inn, and Crystal wrapped an arm around her fiance's shoulders. "Good job love, ever thought of becoming an instructor at the Academy?" She rested her head on the pegasi shoulder. "I reckon our gear won't be here in another two hours or so, and we could try to visit the horny mare before nightfall,  just to put it behind us. I'm not sure when the reinforcements will arrive though." She nuzzled her marefriend's neck. "Any plans for now?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


After their intense training session, Clare sighs and sits down to rest a bit "Well not a whole lot else we could do but wait for the response from the academy" she says as she lays back on the hay bale and closes her eyes "But what started this whole war in the first place, I mean..sure the truce was uneasy and on uneven grounds, but I know father wouldn't have declared war unless given reason to, so it would have been on the Minotaur Kingdom's end"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


"If the Isles declared war first, we would know beforehand, or at least hear news of drafts and the like. This whole decapitation strike at the entire Royal family places it squarely at the minotaurs laps. You even found orders from their leaders commanding to ponynap you." She sighed. "When the minotaur tribes start rubbing each other the wrong way, war is the natural way to keep them together. The minotaur kings knew thus for generations, but what bothers me us that they act differently now. Instead of landing on our shores without a word, they try and ponynap the princesses and poison the prince?  That's a bit too sophisticated for them..."


Crystal rubbed her forehead in thought.  Now that she said it, it was pretty disturbing.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"You think maybe the Griffon Kingdom joined with them to declare war on us? I mean, I can see it happening, there's always been a lot of tension between the griffons and us." she sighs and begins to sharpen her saber "I just hope those brutish minotaurs don't harm our little sister, I mean, I'm gonna be slicing off minotaur heads regardless, but if they harm her in any way, and treat her wrong, well.. I'm going to be going into rage mode, and they don't want that. It'd turn into one massive genocide of their kind" she says and then smiles softly at Crystal before kissing her "and you really think I would be a good instructor at the academy?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal considered the option. "Well... maybe not declare war, since Griffonstone is on the other side of Equestria, but I sure can see some... advisors helping those meat heads. That would explain the change of tactics, but it also makes me worried for Celeste even more. Who knows why they wanted you and her alive?" The mare shuddered at how casual Clarissa thought about rooting out the minotaur kind. Deep down. maybe she knew it was the only way to stop the raids and wars but...


A sudden kiss and a change of topic came at her rescue. She smiled, despite the uneasy feeling from moment ago, and nodded. "Sure, you're just as good at actually instructing your trainees on what to do, and you don't act like yelling at everything with a heartbeat is the biggest joy of your life." She looked at the sky - still plenty of time to kill. "C'mon back inside, there's a bottle of cider all alone, calling us... We could check on Dusty too, maybe he regained conciousness."

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@@Raven Rawne


"If there's one thing I learned from our own instructors, it's that yelling all the time isn't going to get you far. Yes it is good for getting attention and the such, but otherwise being calm is a better idea" she says and stands up "Sure, cider sounds good to me, and maybe a bath and wing pruning." she says as she begins to walk towards the inn "We'll only pester Dusty for information if he's able to tell us, if he looks like he needs some space and time, we will give it to him." she says softly and sees him with his head in his hands.


Walking over to him, she places a hand on his shoulder "What's up Dust?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


She shrugged and replied as she got up. "Why not, I like preening you. It puts my mind at ease. And I sure could use some peace of mind now." The red mare followed the pegasus, but her spirits weren't very high and it showed. She just nodded when Clarissa mentioned the modus operandi for interacting with Dustyhooves and opened the inn door with a good ol' shoulder bash.


The interior felt more like a tomb bather than an inn, to be honest. It was so quiet and empty, save for Dusty and his parents who patched him up and exchanged worried looks as the mares came in.


Crystal walked over to the table they occupied, their nearly finished meals cold and undisturbed. She sighed and took the bottle along with their cups and walked over to her fiance. She gave her the cup and poured them both, then sat on a nearby bench to listen.


The stablecolt looked up reluctantly at the pegasus. "Ah... failed her. On the first day. And now she's... gone..." The innkeepers were fighting the urge to chip in while Dusty tried to collect his thoughts. "Ah wanted to show her the view from a nearby cliff. A nice place, you can see for miles... We didn't go far from tha Cove when they got us outta nowhere. Minotaurs, four of'em! Ah tried to save her but they were too strong. Beat me up, said they won't dull their blades on me. Put some choker on her and she fell limp, then took her away. Saw a rawboat in the distance, fleeing to the other island, or farther West, dunno. Ah couldn't stand up for some time, then ah limped back here." He looked at the princess with pleading eyes. "Ah'm... sorry."


Crystal emptied her cup in one swing and sighed deeply.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare shakes her head and places a gentle and reassuring hand on his shoulder "You didn't fail her Dust, you fought to protect her, yes, she was captured, but you at least did your part to try and protect her" she says softly and smiles at him "I know my sister, she'd be keeping faith in you, you would be her knight in shining armor, she'd be devastated if you had died trying to protect her. As I could see that she was absolutely smitten with you" she finishes and downs her cider "She then looks to her saber at her side and smiles "Dustyhooves, kneel" she says.


As soon as he does, she smiles and takes out her saber, "As Princess and temporary ruler of the Kingdom, I, Princess Knight Commander Clarissa Silvermane, for your brave deed of protecting her royal highness, Princess Celestia Silvermane, I hereby dub thee Sir Dustyhooves, Royal Knight and Body Guard of Princess Celestia Silvermane.. Now rise, Sir Dustyhooves"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal joined into the conversation. "Exactly! Four minotaur warriors are too much even for me! You need to face the facts and pick yourself up to fight another day."


The stallion nodded but said nothing. He seemed puzzled at the sudden request but kneeled regardless. He seemed shocked with the knighting and for a moment didn't rise, but when he did,  he stood a head taller than the pegasus right in front of him. He smiled a bit and replied. "Ah dunno what to say... thank you?" He stood for a moment, unsure what to do next.


Crystal saw everything from her bench and poured herself another.  She smirked at her fiancé - "Now tell me you didn't practice this by the mirror for hours." She then raised her cup to the stallion in a toast. "Congratulations Sir Dystyhooves, you're the first to come from under that blade alive heheh. Don't just stand there, give your sister in-law a hug! Or you need a demonstration on how to hug a mare?"


She couldn't help it - he was just so so strangely cute when he felt awkward.  Like a bear cub.


The stallion regained his wits and smiled back at the joker mare: "Ah'll be fine, thanks." He then gave Clarissa a powerful hug. 


Meanwhile the innkeepers were smiling behind the bar at the sudden  good news, just when all hope for this day seemed gone.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare eeps and squeaks as she is bear hugged and picked up by Dusty "Oh my" she giggles  and hugs him back "Well then Sir Dustyhooves, you have three choices, either you be our knight escort into the forest to retrieve the antidote for the poison that my father has been poisoned with from the elven ponies, or you go with the other guards to find and rescue Celeste or you can stay here and protect your home land, the choice is yours" she says as she is then put down and straightens herself out. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dustyhooves considereh his options for a moment, then made his decision. "Ah'll help find Celeste. Ah couldn't forgive myself if something happenned to her."


Crystal Clear nodded. "Just as I thought." She got up and put down her drinking kit, then approached the stallion. Up close he was quite a sight, if you didn't mind bending your neck back to look at him that is. Even with the bruises and bandages. "So, Sir Dusty, you have any weapon? Sturdy clothes for the road? We may try to ask a certain unicorn magician to make some for you, but no promises. She's a pain in the flank that one..."


He scratched his head in thought. "Well... we have a wood splitting axe that could do, and some good clothes too, but nothing else really..."


The red mare nodded and smiled. "It's okay, axes are good for the job. I guess you could rest some and pack up for the road sometime later today. I don't expect the ship to arrive any sooner than just before nightfall, or even tomorrow, so we have some time. We could also show you a thing or two about swinging that axe." She patted has shoulder. "Chin up, it'll be alright." She then turned to her fiance. "What do you think Clare? Anything I forgot about?"

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare scratches her chin in thought then shakes her head "Mm nope, I think we're all set, but Dusty, how are you after the beating you took? Do you need a bit more time to rest or do you think you could do some training now?" she asks and smiles as she heard his reasoning for the choice he made and looks at him "You're really smitten with Celeste aren't you dear? That is good, and the fact you care for her so much as to want to go searching for her, means that I know once father recovers and meets you, he'd definitely approve of you marrying Celeste."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The stallion shrugged. "Ah could use some rest alright, ah feel like a sack of grain, but she needs me. Some light training shouldn't hurt..." Crystal gave him a look over and thought it would, and quite a lot, but if he insisted...


Dusty smiled a bit uneasily at the praise. "Ah'll go get dressed in something sturdier and take that ax. Ah'll meet you in a moment." He escused the mares and went to the kitchen - apparently the family lived above it and used a separate staircase.


The innkeeper's wife folloed her colt to take a look at his injuries, while the innkeeper remained at his post. "I reckon you ladies won't be finishing that meal? It's stone cold by now anyway." He asked them before he clened up the plates.


Crystal nodded. "Well... I guess you're right, at least as far as I'm concerned. I ate most of it anyway." She walked to their table and brought her plate to the bar. "How about you Clare? Maybe you want something else? Guess we have like, ten minutes before Dusty comes back." She added quietly. "At least he'll have a shirt on, it'll make it easier to focus around him."

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