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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles and nods "Just some orange juice and a small salad please sir" she asks then giggles and nods at Crystal's joke(?) "Well, seeing as he and our dear Celeste are absolutely smitten with each other now, I'm gonna have to stop crushing on him..besides I have my gorgeous fiance right here" she says with a giggle and nuzzles her lovingly before kissing her.


Meanwhile, Celeste makes a fuss "You've made a HUUUUGE mistake! You just foalnapped a Princess of the realm! My father and sister will go to the ends of Equestria to rescue me! My fiance will kill the lot of you!" she screams

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The innkeeper nodded. "Alright, give me a moment." - He then went into the kitchen to procure her order.


The crystal mare shrugged innocently after returning the kiss.. "Just stating the obvious - he is rather atractive. For a stallion that is." The pegasus kept looking at her, so she pressed on to get out of the hole she got herself in. "What? I guess mares would be all over him in an instant, but I don't really do stallions, so I'm not really bothered. It's like... I dunno, admiring a painting. It looks good, but you don't want to hang it over your bed to stare at it as you fall asleep. You're the only one I want anyway."



The minotaurs winced at the screams echoing inside a small abandoned cabin in the middle of nowhere. One was more short-tempered than the others and snarled at the bound mare. "We know exactly who you are and that's the only reason you're still alive, pony. Now keep it shut!" The mare still had the magic choker closed on her neck, which made her limbs paralyzed, but the minotaurs still bound her wrists and ankles for some reason. They placed her in a corner, sitting propped against a wall.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clarissa nods "Yeah, you are right there love." she then chuckles "Well, I feel bad for all the single mares, he's got Celeste now..well once we rescue her" she sighs and closes his eyes "You know, I could tell from the start that Dustyhooves was the best for our Celeste. Think about it, what would have happened if she was with a noble colt and they were attacked? the colt would be a coward and run away..Dusty on the other hand..stood and fought to protect her, that is true love and loyalty" she says with a soft smile. Then looks at the letter "poor Lady Onyx, she truly loves father, and to see him like this..."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear put a hand on Clarissa's shoulder. "Hey. We'll fix this mess okay? You and I will find the cure and Dustyhooves will find Celeste, you hear me? And then I guess you'll have your hands full swinging that ancient blade at minotaur necks." She chuckled a but at the last remark.


The inn door opened with loud protest, and a stallion in a guard armor went inside. Mane in a buzz cut, eyes darting across the inn until he saw Clarissa, the pegasus stood at attention and offered a salute to the Princess. "Sargent Spearhead and his squad reporting for duty Your Highness.  We were sent from Opal Hill to aid you." He whistled outside and four pegasi guards lugged large packs inside, and laid them by the nearest table. "We were also instructed to bring you your weapons and armour, as well as that of the countess." They had Royal Crests on their breastplates, making it easy to recognise them as the Prince's own pegasi shock troops stationed at Opal. Crystal knew they weren't some gate openers and smiled. "Thank you Sargent, bring your squad inside and have a meal, we'll cover the expenses. Oh and what about the ship I asked for?" The stallion shook his head. "Must be still en route from the nearest port. We flew from the capital on separate orders from the Palace." She turned to Clarissa. "Seems we need to rent a room, huh?"


Meanwhile the innkeeper returned with the Princess's order and nearly dropped the plate seeing troops in his Inn,  but laid everything at the bar and nodded to the princess. "H-here's your order."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clarissa looks up and smiles "Just in time Sergeant, did you bring the supplies I asked for? The towns ponies sure could use better than their wood axes and rakes" she says with a sigh "As for the ship, as soon as it docks, get the soldiers and knights fed, rested and prepped, then get them set off for the Minotaur's ship as soon as possible, they have foalnapped Celeste" she says "and take Sir Dustyhooves with you, he may be new to fighting, but I'm sure there'll plenty of opportunities to give him lessons on the voyage"


she smiles at the innkeeper "Thank you, and there's no need to be frightened around the soldiers and knights, Crystal and I trained alongside most of them, and they are the best the realm has to offer" she says, offering a small smile then pats Dusty on the shoulder "and in due time, your son here will join the ranks of the best of the best, the Sergeant here is a personal friend of ours and trained us as well"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


 The veteran NCO nodded slightly, his expression darker once he heard why he's been summoned. "Well, we couldn't load up too much, since we flew on our own here, but we have some good axes from the city armoury's surplus. I guess you could requisition something more, but we didn't have the lift to spare." The stallion paced thoughtfully through the common room as his soldiers set up in the inn with their supplies and axes for the locals.


The innkeeper gave the armed firures another glance. "Sorry Your Highness, we had some... unpleasant experiences with troops in recent years. But I hope this time will be different."


Crystal leaned over the bar and said to him quietly: "Write down any and all expenses on them, please. You will be reimbursed every penny. Either I'll collect the bill on the way back, or give it to the Palace Majordomo when you;re in the city for supplies. I promise they will accept it and pay in cash." That seemed to work for the older stallion, who looked more optimistic with the prospect of a full inn for upcoming days.


Dusty emerged from the kitchen and stood in the doorframe, blinking from the sudden apearance of so many pegasi soldiers. He looked at his father, who nodded reassuringly, then he came inside the common room and stood by the bar. He was wearing old, but still good leather hoofboots, thick linen pants with patches on their knees for reinforement, and a linen/leather mix tunic over a long sleeved shirt. It won't stop a blade, but at least it offerd some protection from scrapes and the like.


Sargeant Spearhead gave the newcomer an appraising look. "That kid? Alright... The villagers told me you were attacked by minotaurs, why don't you come and show me where it happenned? Best to start the search while the trail is still warm. Come on."


The old soldier and Sir Dustyhooves went outside to see he place of attack, and Crystal Clear decided to look at the stuff they brought. She walked over to the packs with their gear and looked inside. With a satisfied smile, she asked the innkeeper: Can we rent the same room as before for one night?" He nodded and the mare asked tw nearby pegasi to lug their stuff upstairs. She then gave a look at the axes, wrapped together in packs. "Hmm, solid job, should be worth like, hundread bits a piece... And already sharpened, good..."


The hustle and bustle this small pegasus team made made her feel energised, like back in the Academy right before field excercises.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare sighs as she begins to eat her food and drink her soda "I honestly don't know what to make of this, it's all just.. all of a sudden, you know?" she asks Crystal before finishing everything and leaning back with her eyes closed. "I just can;t make heads nor tails of all of this"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal finished her inspection and walked back to her fiancé. The day has been really tough for her, and it showed.  The crystal mare gave her a hug and started caressing her mane to ease her mind. She spoke in what she considered her soothing tone: "I know... Just focus on the present,  make decisions as the choices appear.  Don't try to guess the grand plan - you'll only get frustrated. Hmm? What do you think, worth a try?"


By now the common room was beginning to get loud and crowded as the soldiers made themselves comfortable. They ordered some food and drink,  but no booze - they were an orderly bunch. Crystal decided to retreat upstairs. She tugged the pegasus wing gently to get her attention, and said over the chatter - "I'm going upstairs,  sort my stuff they brought. You coming with me?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clarissa nods "Sure thing love, as much as I'd love remissness with some of our comrades, it would be good to unwind for a bit...plus.." she whispers to her fiance "My wings could do with a nice gentle preening" she says with a giggle and kisses her before smiling at her future father in law and waving to him and following Crystal to their room.


Among the group of soldiers, a long dark grey unicorn mare. dressed in leather armor and a hooded cloak. A knotted magical staff with a single blood ruby above the top and held in place only by the strands of the staff. She was pouring over a map and muttering to herself. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear had that sly smile on her face. 'You don't say..." She gently took the hand of her fiancé and led her upstairs.


And sure enough, when these two are concerned,  things took an expectedly unexpected turn. Suffice to say they went over their gear and found everything they needed - Crystal had her new armour, the war hammer and some more clothes.  Some funny pony tossed in a bottle of brandy with a strap to her sword belt - an unusual addon, but it could be used as a water bottle. She didn't have a shield,  since her last one was smashed.


Clarissa also looked over her stuff, and once they had a hang of their equipment, it was time to preen the pegasus. As often is the case with them, it didn't end on just preening. 


A few hours have passed and the sun was very low when there was an unsure knock in the door. Crystal grumbled something under her breath and asked aloud from the bed. "Yeah? What's happening?" A voice from the other side replied. "The ship has arrived, as per request." The mare sighed. "Aye, we'll be at the dock in a moment!" She looked around the room. "Moment my flank... first I need to get dressed..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clarissa sighs and mumbles "Mmm well at least we can get this show on the road" she says sleepily but as she opens her eyes, she sees the familiar sight of soft blue eyes in the dark, she rubs her eyes and blinks "Shade, must you do that? What are you doing here anyway?" she asks the mare in the cloak, who just walks out from the shadows.


"Mother Luna received a distraught letter from Lady Onyx about the recent events. She has sent me with orders to assist in any way possible" she says with a slight bow, before smiling softly at the two mares "So the two of you are finally together? About time" she says with a chuckle before sitting on the edge of the bed, lowering her hood, revealing her beautiful long black mane with silver streaks much like her tail.


Clarissa nods "Well, it's good to have as much aid as we can muster, so good to have you on board, as for the ship, guess we best give orders before we set off back to Pale's place"

The mention of Pale Moon's name made the reclusive mare, who was rumored to be like a daughter to Princess Luna visibly cringe and shudder as she grabbed her staff shakily.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


"Well, I guess you're right..."The crystal pony sat in the bed and located the pieces of her outfit with her eyes.  She shrieked slightly and covered herself when a pony stepped out of the shadow in a corner of their room, once Clare called to them. "What the!? I did close the door... a-and the window..." She noticed the staff and mumbled to herself.  "Stupid wizard weirdos...".


She listened to the conversation with a blush and neatly tucked under the sheets. She was mad about this intrusion and how the stranger seemed well informed about their private affairs.


The strange mare shuddered at the mentioned of the wizard mare, and Crystal decided to have some measure of revenge.  "Oh, you don't like miss Pale Moonlight? But she's so nice and hospitable..."

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@@Orange Sparks


"Well, I guess you're right..."The crystal pony sat in the bed and located the pieces of her outfit with her eyes. She shrieked slightly and covered herself when a pony stepped out of the shadow in a corner of their room, once Clare called to them. "What the!? I did close the door... a-and the window..." She noticed the staff and mumbled to herself. "Stupid wizard weirdos...".


She listened to the conversation with a blush and neatly tucked under the sheets. She was mad about this intrusion and how the stranger seemed well informed about their private affairs.


The strange mare shuddered at the mentioned of the wizard mare, and Crystal decided to have some measure of revenge. "Oh, you don't like miss Pale Moonlight? But she's so nice and hospitable..."

Clarissa looks to her and whispers "You'd best mind yourself love, Shade is Luna's sole most trusted advisor, magician, rogue, assassin and most importantly, like a daughter to Luna herself. Making her equal to us"


Shade smiles and nods "Pardon the intrusion, believe me, I didn't see anything I hadn't seen before. As for that.. mare, she unsettles me, and there's very little that does that." She says then chuckles "Don't get me wrong, she is very beautiful, but the way she stares at me, hungrily..no lustfully..it's unnerving"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal nodded at Clarissa's heads-up, and took a closer look at Shade. "Good to know the wizard is like that all the time... Really comforting, you know... Could you, um,  turn around for a moment? I need to get dressed." The strange mare obliged politely, and Crystal took the opportunity. Soon she had her breeches and shirt on, and said with relief. "Okay, I'm fine now,  thanks for cooperation." She continued dressing up and making herself look presentable. "So... you're a mage too? Maybe you could step into our merry band instead of a certain white unicorn? " Crystal sure hoped that she could trade a wizard for another so easily.

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal nodded at Clarissa's heads-up, and took a closer look at Shade. "Good to know the wizard is like that all the time... Really comforting, you know... Could you, um, turn around for a moment? I need to get dressed." The strange mare obliged politely, and Crystal took the opportunity. Soon she had her breeches and shirt on, and said with relief. "Okay, I'm fine now, thanks for cooperation." She continued dressing up and making herself look presentable. "So... you're a mage too? Maybe you could step into our merry band instead of a certain white unicorn? " Crystal sure hoped that she could trade a wizard for another so easily.

Shade chuckles "Mother said I am at your disposal, so I do not see why not. As for Pale..I think she is just lonely, even though she is one of the most powerful mages of the Isles, she was ostracized by her home village from an early age. That is why she lives in the forest. To be away from wagging tongues and scolding elders" she says with a sigh, "not all of us were as lucky as I am..though I do wish my birth parents to rot six feet under"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear sighed as she looked at the mirror. This getup was screaming for a hat.  "I guess everypony has a story, but I'm not very thrilled with the prospect of her always at my rear... Besides, she has a dagger to get rid of, that should keep her occupied for done time." She turned to the wizard.  "So, can we count on your help? Oh and by the way, are you familiar with the spells to create objects?  We kinda have a knight without a shining armor situation, you see."

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@@Raven Rawne


Shaded nods as she makes the gem of her staff glow a bit and a glorious set of high ranking knight's armor appears, almost good enough to rival Crystal's and Clare's sets. She smiles "I figure a stallion who is most likely to marry Princess Celeste once all this is over with, deserves the best I can create" she says with a nod "As far as replacing Pale on your journey, I'd be happy to. Not that this quaint little inn isn't cozy, but I can't stand being idle for too long, plus being basically related to Princess Luna.. the elven ponies will be more likely to give up the antidote"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The crystal mare looked at the armour that appeared in their room. "Hmm, looks good, thanks. I just hope he'll manage to wear it... Dusty has no experience with actual armours and combat, he's a stablecolt promoted by Clarissa. An axe with a shield would be great too, I guess. If I'm not asking for too much."


She offered a smile and a thank you for Shade's acceptance of joining their party. Crystal Clear looked at Clarissa expectantly: "Are you coming by any chance? We have a ship to visit and reorganise our forces to send pursuit after your sisters ponynappers."

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@@Raven Rawne,


shade smiles slightly "It's heavy enough to give him proper protection but light enough that he will barely notice that he's wearing it" she says and nods as she also creates a shield and a one handed axe for Dusty, she then looks at the smashed up shield next to the bed and does her best to repair it "There, not entirely my best work, but the best i can do in such short notice"


Clare nods and stretches as she puts on her armor and straps on her sword belts and shield "I'm all ready, let's get this all done with"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal looked at her finace, who decided to armour up, and scratched her chin. "Looking all commander-like, eh? We still need to sit on our plots till the Academy troops arrive, but whatever. Let's go and have one thing settled." She opened the door and let the mares out, then followed them outside, and to the shore where the meager docks were located.


Crystal saw a moderately sized Sloop docked in the distance, and guards moving supplies to and from it on sailing boats. It seems they were in luck - these vessels were quick and agile, and most importantly, could traverse the shallow waters within the archipelago with ease. They struggled on open ocean in bad weather though. Sargeant Spearhead seemed to have taken the lead in overseeing the operations, and the mares approached him.


The stallion saw them and bowed slightly in greeting. "Ah, just in time! I took the liberty of swapping my men onboard in exchange for the guard detatchment that was there. They're just regular wall huggers, could do better keeping things quiet in here for example."

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal looked at her finace, who decided to armour up, and scratched her chin. "Looking all commander-like, eh? We still need to sit on our plots till the Academy troops arrive, but whatever. Let's go and have one thing settled." She opened the door and let the mares out, then followed them outside, and to the shore where the meager docks were located.


Crystal saw a moderately sized Sloop docked in the distance, and guards moving supplies to and from it on sailing boats. It seems they were in luck - these vessels were quick and agile, and most importantly, could traverse the shallow waters within the archipelago with ease. They struggled on open ocean in bad weather though. Sargeant Spearhead seemed to have taken the lead in overseeing the operations, and the mares approached him.


The stallion saw them and bowed slightly in greeting. "Ah, just in time! I took the liberty of swapping my men onboard in exchange for the guard detatchment that was there. They're just regular wall huggers, could do better keeping things quiet in here for example."

Shade nods as she silently follows the other two mares, contemplating her next move as she scans the area surrounding them "Mother had told me long ago of the Emerald Empire's Crown Prince's kindness and generosity towards his ponies, and I'm glad to see she wasn't exaggerating."


Clare smiles "it's a family trait I guess" she says before turning her attention to the captain "did you bring the supplies as well? And the things the town needs to rebuild?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The ship's captain was a short stallion of a well rounded statue, to say diplomatically. He bowed formally when the princess approached, and answered in a bit too hastily a tone. "I-I'm afraid not, we were ordered to set sail as soon as possible, and the guards didn't mention any building supplies..."


Crystal Clear chipped intothe conversation. "I told you that my Father ordered lumber and tradesponies, they will arrive within a week or so. Sometimes even showering money won't speed up things." She turned to the captain. "Once the troops settle on your ship, I expect you to be ready to set sail at dawn. Sargeant Spearhead will lead the operation."


The mare then turned to Shade and Clare and smiled pleasantly. "So, I say we give our knight his shining armour? There isn't much we can do today anyway."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Both mares nod "You're right, I'm sorry, I just want the best for our empire" she says as she looks around for Dusty, seeing him in the distance, she smiles and calls out to him "Dusty.. oooh Sir Dustyhooves, we have a gift for you" she calls out to him


Shaded just smirks from underneath her hood "Is the Princess always like this, flirty?" she asks

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal shrugged. "Nah, it's okay. If I thought about it better, we could rder to buy at least nails nad rope, maybe some tools too, and haul it on this ship. but well, mistakes of rushing things, I guess."


The newly appointed knight looked at them funny and approached, then bowed slightly. Apparently he tried to act the part like a knight should. "Yes, you called me?"


Crystal stood next to Shade and answered her quietly. "She was always open hearted to her subjects, but I guess she actually likes the colt and his family. Or at least his adopted sister. I'm not very bothered when they walk by haystacks, if that's what you imply..." She made a smirk of her own.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Shade shrugs "Well I just meant in general, but it does come across that she does like and appreciate sir Dustyhooves and his family, which is a good trait for royalty to be honest. I've seen so many royals and nobles so stuck far up their own asses they only thought of themselves, glad to see it is not the case here" she says solemnly but with a soft smile


Clare giggles "Come sir Dustyhooves, just because your new title and rank, you are still going to be future family, there's no need to be so formal around us" she says then shows him his armor and his new shield and axe "We believed that these are befitting of your new status, and will definitely help you on your voyage to rescue my sister"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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