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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal shook her head. "Damn,  just accept the truth alright?  The ring on your finger will make ponies weep, regardless of their gender."


She looked at her fiancé complimenting the stablecolt with a curious expression. "If I haven't knew you better I would be under impression that you're all smitten with him... Let's just hope your sister will agree."


The last question was just too much, and Crys bowed down in laughter. "Oh Heart, that was a good one... Ooohhh... Last time I checked you were a mare,  not a stallion, so excuse me for that, it sounded so... weird to me you know. Now my family has lots of red and blue going on, red mostly. So color wise I guess they would have done of those but other than that... Either pegasi or Earth ponies. Can't say much more really,  but maybe your friendly mage would help us find out." She finished with a sly wink and looked under her hooves to avoid tripping again. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare grins wickedly "I'm sure there are a few ways to temporarily change one of our genders for a while" she tears with a seductive look and almost drooling "Oooh just seeing you as a stallion makes me drool" she says, wiping her mouth then gulps softly "I mean you always were the more dominant one out of the two of us, so it only makes sense if you took the stallion role" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal narrowed her eyes as she gave Clarissa a probing stare. "What did you just say? Me... as a stallion?" She continued peering at Clare for any hint that it was just some weird joke, but she wasn't sure. Finally she decided to speak her mind. "You're kidding right?  We both know that I'm sooo not into stallions and you ask me to BE one? That's just... I'll pass on this once in a lifetime opportunity, you know. I'll spend all my money for healers to get rid of the nightmares this would give me." She shook herself off as if she was cold. "...Why are you looking at me that way?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare was just laughing her eyes out before she stops and wipes the tears away "Oh darling, you know I'd never truly ask anything like that of you"  she says and kisses her "Like Dusty says, there's plenty of fillies and colts who would love to live a good life instead of on the streets or in the orphanages" she says and lays back down to rest for the rest of the journey. "And as for your earlier remark, Dusty is a good colt and I'm only interested in you"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear made her best scrunchie face and stared at her laughing fiancé. She felt the blush rising on her face as she thought Clare was serious with her idea. Once the other mare could speak again and kissed her, Crys softened her expression. "I uh... I mean..." She bit her lower lip as she examined Clare, thinking of something, then nodded. "Good, I was thinking you're going bi in here, and I just know I would cave in eventually if you bugged me for long enough. So that's a relief, I guess..." She offered a smile to the other mare. "Let's stick to adoption for now. No need to make it unnecessarily weird."


She saw a caravan of merchant wagons ahead, going from the capital and in their direction. "Seems we'll meet somepony alive on the trail after all..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods and smiles as she sees more of the capital coming into view "We're nearly there love," she says, deciding to open her eyes and take in the view of the rolling landscapes they went through to reach the capital city of Opal Hill. "Opal Hill, capital of the Emerald Isles, birth place of the Opal mines, best place to get flawless opals" she says with a sift sigh and smiles at the passing merchant "Maybe we could get something for Celeste from the merchant?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear breathed in with a mix of relief and apprehension of what awaited within those walls. "Yes we are! Better start thinking on some good lines once you meet your father... I sure do the same right now. "


She looked at her love and nodded. "Why not, if they have something interesting."


As the wagons approached each other, Crystal Clear waved at the stranger ahead in greeting. "Hello good sir, my fiancé was wondering if maybe you could spare a moment for us. She's looking for a present for her sister and thought you might have something interesting for sale?"

The stallion before them was leading a wagon similar to theirs, just with a cloth roof stretched in half elliptical supports. He was dressed in a long robe and had a ridiculously long beard, reaching to his belt in fact. His mane was pure white and hus coat sky blue. A unicorn horn was clearly visible. Despite the elderly look, his movements and voice betrayed that he was in fact no older than 40 or so. The unicorn was weary of his sudden company at first, buy once the mares expressed interest in his stock in a civil manner,  he extended his arms in a o rely exaggerated welcome and pulled the cart over to the side of the road. "Why welcome indeed! It's not every day fine noble ponies like yourselves have a  opportunity to meet a master of the arcane such as myself! Quill Dip's the name, allow me to show you my wares, the finest magical artefacts thus side of the ocean!"


Crys decided to act like a civilised mare; despite the feeling she met a charlatan. "The pleasure is ours, good sir. Clare, come on down and take a look!"

Edited by Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare giggles and jumps off of the cart to take a look "Quill Dip? Aren't you usually at the courts advising father?" she asks as she looks through the merchandise "Also, have you met an old mage, I never could quite remember his name, but he was my ancestor's adviser but left just as the hundred year war started" she asks and continues looking, "If so and that old sage has taken your place, well Countess Crystal and I could always use a good adviser and mage when we get married and govern our own little town" she offers to him with a warm smile and finds something "Crys..look, I dunno if this is just glass or if it's crystal, but look" she points out a lovley heartshaped pendant that looked like it was made of pure crystal.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear took a better look at the stallion. Come to think of it, yeah, she saw him on the court a couple of times...


Quill Dip needed a moment to register who stands before him, but once he did, the stallion smiled widely. "Princess Clarissa! What a pleasure to see you! Didn't recognise you in all that plate..." He trailed off for a moment, looking at the pegasus up and down, but resumed soon after. "Well I, uh... used to. Now he has a new advisor and sent me on, uhhh... vacation! Yes, a long, overdue, vacation." He nodded to himself as he led the mare to the back of his wagon, where she could see his stuff.


The unicorn gave her a curious look when Clarissa asked abut the other mage, and sighed. "I guess it's the same one that took my place in the court so, yes, I met him indeed. When he went to my study and asked if I'll be taking something with me." A humorless chuckle finished this sentence. Quill Dip nearly choked with air once the Princess gave him a proposiotion. He looked at her, then Crystal, then again at her. The crystal mare was leaning on their cart's side when she took off her gauntlet and showed the ring."The offer is legitimate, I assure you." The stallion stammered for a moment, then replied somewhat too hastily. "Of course I'd like to! Oh and uhh, nice to know you two finally figured things out for yourselves. I was about to go back home and hole up for some time before I decide what to do next, so you'll find me there when you'll need me." He was still rcovering from the good news when Clare asked Crys to come over and see something. The mare took the pendant in her hand and gave it a look over. "Seems like a replica of what we Crystal Ponies wear, but it's mountain crystal, not the type found in the Frozen North. Still, nice craftsmanship."


Quill Dip offered a hurried explanation. "Well yes, it's not the same as your pendant, Countess, but mountain crystal, if pure like this one, can have arcane use for, say, amulets and talismans. This little piece is imbued with protective magic, making it a useful amulet against harm. Just... don't test it by shooting arrows at each other. It's not THAT powerful."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare giggles "It took being stranded in the forest during a exercise for the academy and me with a busted ankle for us to finally tell each other our feelings for each other" she says and looks around some more,  "And we'll be happy to welcome you to our services once we've gotten settled in" she says and finds something she thinks that Celeste would like, it was a diamond necklace with a blood ruby as the pendant "What can you tell me about this? I think my baby sister would absolutely love this" she says and nods the stallions explanation of the crystal pendant

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Quill Dip looked over the princess's shoulder to see what picked her interest. "Aaaah, that one. Well it sure would look good on your sister, that's for certain. Now most of my jewelry has some beneficial arcane properties, and this necklace is no different - the tiny runes on the back of it's precious stones, along with their distinct shape and spells cast upon them, improved the overall health of it's wearer over time. Perfect for somepony recovering from injury, or generally of frail health. Could also be used by mares who want to become or already are preganant. Really, it can be worn all the time by anypony, so if you think she'll like it, the magical properties will be a boon to her health."


Meanwhile Crystal Clear was busy playing with her engagement ring and thinking how her own gift to Clare should look like.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles "Then I will take it, it'll look perfect on her and if father's letter is anything to go by, she hasn't been the best lately" she says as she gives him the bits to pay for it "Quill, you knew my mother before she died, can you please tell me something, was she or was she not a crystal pony? Even half a one?" she asks, showing him the picture of her "It's not entirely important for me to know, but it would be nice to know a bit more about the mare who gave birth to me" she says then looks to Crys "something on your mind love?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The unicorn clsped his hands excitedly once Clare decided to purchase the necklace. "I knew you'd like it! Plus it has some realy good magic in it. The, um, price, is on the tag." He took the money and hid it in his cart, then Clarissa asked him about her mother. The unicorn gave her a puzzled look, then glanced at Crystal Clear who was busy with the engagement ring and it dawned on him. "Ooooh I see... Now keep in mind that you either are a crystal pony, or not. There's no in-between in this case, just like you can't be half pegasus. But that being said, yes, she was a crystal pony, just like your friend here." He offered a warm smile to the pegasus.


Crystal was playing with the ring, looking as sunlight danced on the emerald's facets and thinking about things. Mentioning crystal ponies, and Clarissa's mother caught her attention, but she pretended to be busy with her thoughts and just perked her ear to hear the conversation better. Only when Clare asked her directly did she look up, smiling deviously and sliding the ring back on her finger.. "Well yes, a certain mare... Pegasus, grey fur, smoking hot. Have you seen her?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare giggles and nuzzles her "Standing right in front of you darling, also I got news, mother was a crystal pony" she says softly and kisses her softly then looks to Quill "So Quill, does that mean there's a possibility I'm a crystal pony too? The only thing is..why haven't I crystallized at times of great happiness like Crys has?" she asks, still holding her fiance close and smiling from ear to ear.


Meanwhile, Celeste walks into the makeshift throne room at the keep in Opal Hill to see her father, she curtsies a little as she sees him on his makeshift throne "You called for me father? Is big sister Clare in trouble?" she asks shyly 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys chuckled once Clare let go of her. "It seems she really is standing in front of me, yeah... Also, nice to know you have Northern ancestry, but I told you already, both parents have to be crystal, and your dad just isn't. It's like with certain eye colors, from what I've heard."


Quill scratched his head and replied unsurely: "Well, she knows better than me but, as far as I can tell, she's right. Sorry."


The crystal mare higged her fiance and said: "I know you're hoping to turn out a crystal pony to make it easier for my father to bear, but really, there;s no need. I already told you I'll talk to him and try to reason with him. I appreciate the effort, but take pride in your real ancestry, okay? I didn't fall in love in a maybe crystal pony, but you, the way you are. C'mere..." She grabbed the other mare for another hug and held for a bit.




*Opal Hill, Throne Room*


The Crown Prince was seated in his throne, thinking about something, when his younger daughter arrived. He looked around the chamber, stirred from his musings, then focused on the young mare and smiled. "Ah, yes, that I did... She's fine, I assure you. I just recieved a letter that she's on the way and should arrive later today. Actually, I have some good news about her." Justice Sword saw a hint of uncertainty in his daughter and shook his head, smiling. "We're alone, you don't have to abide by the straight laced court rules, you know that. Come closer, let's talk like father and daughter."


He waited till Celeste was standing by the throne, then told the news. "Remember how Clarissa asked about Mother's ring a few months back? Turns out she put it on somepony's finger and proposed, and that pony said yes." He held his hand in the air so Celeste would let him speak. "I won't keep you in suspense, don't worry. it's Crystal Clear, her best friend. Took them long enough..."

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare giggles and hugs her fiance again, nuzzling into her neck and mane softly "I just want to be shiny like you" she says "I mean look at me, I'm a dull grey" she giggles and kisses her before she places the necklace in her small pouch for protection. "well we should get going Quill, it was lovely seeing you again after all this time, we'll keep in touch" she says and smiles at him before climbing back onto the cart, sighing softly "Celeste awaits"


Celeste gasps "R-really!? That's amazing news! And yeah you're right father, but you know, old habits die hard..." she then looks to him "There's something you're hiding from me, what is it father? You know I hate secrets" she begins to pout, but all it did was make her look even cuter.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys giggled: "I know right! It's fantastic when it happens, but more importantly, if feels fantastic! But I love you the way you are, keep that in mind." She leaned and whispered into her fiance's ear, since she didn't want to offend Quill: "Once we get to Opal, we can see your mage friend and ask if he can make you something, a ring maybe, that'll put an illusion of being crystallised." The crystal mare let go of her fiance, who took the opportunity to hide the necklace in a pouch.


Quill Dip observed the mares with some amusement, and once Clarissa said farewell, he smiled and nodded. "I'll be waiting for a message from you two." Then he ueged his ox to start walking and went his way.


Crystal Clear waved the mage goodbye and heard the telltale sound of an armored pony climbing atop the cart. "I appreciate you gove me opportunity to excercise, but I had enough in the academy, remember? I can't be snuggly when I burn all I eat..." She turned around and took the reins of their oxen, and started walking towards the capital. "Now would you please toss me something to eat so I won't keel over before the city gates?" - she looked up at Clare laying in the cart and smirked.



*Opal Hill, Throne Room*


The stallion chuckled at his daughter's reaction. "Thought you'll react this way, just... make your sister happy by pretending I didn't tell you, okay? We both know she'll want to make it a big announcement." Celeste had to sense there was something more to the story, and the prince considered his options for a moment, but caved in. "Alright, fine! She also wrote she met somepony she'd like you to meet. A stallion. She said he'll be pefect for you and so on, but you better see for yourself. Apparently she found him in a village not far from here." He just hoped his daughter won't sense he witheld some bad news too... telling her about the attack was not on his list of priorities.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare chuckles "You've got a point there love" she says as she gives Crys a toffee apple "Enjoy sweetheart, they're sticky though" she giggles and then tosses her another flask of the non alcoholic cider "This will help wash it down" she says as she gets out a flask of strawberry soda and starts to drink it and sighs softly "Ah that tastes great" she says with a happy sigh and gently pets the back of Betsy's neck "Easy there girl, when we reach the capital we'll get you some gourmet food to munch on" she says with a soft giggle "You know, even when we settle down, we're going to keep Betsy, I'm kind of attached to her" she says as she eats her own toffee apple.


*Opal Hill*


Celeste giggles "I knew she'd do this one day, but I also know she wants the best for me" she says and dances around happily "I hope he's cute..wait..you said the village not far from here? Do you mean the stablecolt?" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys took the toffee apple and nodded. "Thanks. I have a feeling I'll spend a lot of time by the table in upcoming days..."


The oxen seemed to be rather enthusiastic ofthe prospect, since she moved her head up and down energetically a couple of times. Crystal Clear laughed and scratched the animal behind the ear. "Seems she agrees! Of course we'll keep her, rarely do I see much even tempered and eager to work animals. Since she's still young, there's no reason to even consider any changes in our tight knit band."


She looked ahead and sighed in relief: "Finally, we're getting close. I can't wait to change into something not drenched in blood... Come to think of it, I want a nice dress. Been a while since I wore one."


*Opal Hill*


Justice Sword observed his daughter's happiness. She didn't even know this colt, but the fact that her sister picked him was enough for her. "Hold on with the celegrations until you actually meet him, darling, but I'm fairly sure Clarissa made a good choice." He narrowed his eyes a bit as his daughter guessed who he was. "Actually... yes. Do you know him?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods and smiles at the oxen's enthusiasm and hugs her "I love you too, so much Betsy, we've had you ever since you were but a little baby calf, and we're going to keep you until you grow old" she says and gives the oxen some extra scratches behind her ears alongside her fiance doing so. She smiles at Crys "Good, and you know, me too, it'd be nice to finally be a girl again, even if for a short time" she says with a giggle and gets a fresh apple, giving it to Betsy as a reward for being so well behaved.


*Opal Hill*


Celeste nods and blushes a little "Well not really, but I saw him when he comes here with his father, the inn keeper, he is rather cute and I've seen how he..doesn't instantly go after fillies or mares as soon as he gets here, he doesn't do it at all, I never got to say hello to him, but..if Clare thinks he'll be perfect for me..I don't doubt her decision, she's always made good decisions"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys observed the oxen as Clare talked to her and scratched her ear. "She acts like she could, you know, really understand it all. Shame she can't reply, would be nice to talk so somepony, err, oxen, who doesn't want to get under my tail... Just a random observation."


The crystal mare looked ahead and smiled. "Better start thinking what to wear, we're nearly at the gate. And jump off that cart or ponies will think you're wounded or something. We don't want any more gossip than there will already be when they see us wearing scarlet all over the plate.


*Opal Hill*


Justice Sword's face softened. "Seems she really did make a good call then. Still, keep in mind that it'll be your decision, nopony is pushing you to do anything in this case so take your time, get to know him..." He stopped mid sentence, seeing a guard standing in the doorway. "Come on in, news I presume?


The guard approached and stood on attention. "Your Highness, we've spotted Princess Clarissa and Countess Crystal Clear approaching the Main Gate. They should enter the city proper in a few minutes..." He glanced at the princess, but decided to carry on the report. "...both are wearing armour and look like they had a serious fight. The captain decided to inform you immediately, any orders?"


The Crown Prince looked at his daughter. "Yes, I knew about this part, and they're both fine." Then he adressed the guard. "Intercept at the gate and lead straight to the palace, I don't need a town full of gossip..."


The guard turned around and left to carry out the instructions.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods "Well, I mean we've spent a lot of time with her ever since she was born pretty much, I mean, how many nights did we spent in the stable with her instead of in our chambers at the academy? " she asks and smiles, still hugging the oxen and sighs softly "She's almost like a sister to us in a way" she says, getting all teary, "look at me, getting all sentimental over our friend here, you can tell that whenever the time comes for...you know..I'm going to be a mess" she says and then jumps off the cart and hugs Crys "she's just so much more than just a animal that lugs our cart and us around to me, she's one of my closest and dearest friends" she says, tearing up and sobbing into Crys' mane as she hugs her close.


*Opal Hill*


Celeste stops her skipping around "W-what!? Big sis and cousin were in a fight? A-are they alright daddy!?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


That was... unexpected. Crystal Clear found herself with a crying finace and confused oxen. She patted the other mare in the back and said: "Oh come on now, she'll be around when we will consider traveling out of our land as a major adventure... even if we'll just head to Opal for a market day. Besides, you make her feel awkward with the waterworks."


The oxen huffed and pawed dirt with her foreleg, as if in agreement.


"Hear that? You promised her some good stuff, so let's get going and make good on your promise. We don't want her to think lesser of us now don't we?" The mare waited patently for her fiance to get a hold on herself, and only then resumed the walk. Crystal could've sworh she saw some movement near the gate and muttered. "Seems they finally noticed us and scramble to the guard posts..."



*Opal Hill*


Justice Sword looked at his shaken daughter and nodded. "They were, but Clarissa wrote they both are okay, so I see no reason to worry for them. Come on, let's come and greet them in the courtyard."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods and sniffles but whispers "I was thinking of when she's too old and frail to pull our cart and us anymore, and when we have to..have her p-put down" she whispers before wiping her tears away and hugs the oxen "I'm sorry Betsy, just certain thoughts making me all teary, come on, lets go find you a nice meadow to munch on some primo grass" she says with a chuckle and hugs the oxen once more.before taking off her plate armor, showing off her more light, leather and chainmail armor, also noticing the guards "Lets go see why they're rushing so much already" she says as she leads the oxen to where a guard is standing "Hail, how is the capital?" she asks with a smile on her face.


*Throne Room*


Celeste straightens out her dress and nods, "Yes father, let us go meet my sister and cousin. I look forward to congratulating them on their happy engagement" she says then hugs hi "I'm just so happy that they are safe and well"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crys tried to shrug, but of course her armour made the gesture impossible. "Nopony's puting anypony down. There's this thing called retirement, remember?" She waited as her fiance got rid of some of her armor, then proceeded towards the gates. When Clarissa inquired about the guards, Crystal waved her hand dismissively. "Probably decided to look like they're actually doing something useful once they saw you coming. You know, looking good before the princess and all that. Us looking like we cut our way through the whole island against a hostile army might also be a factor. Or there's something I completely missed, like some important guests arriving soon."


Once the mares reached the main gate, two guards stood watch by the entrance, with everal more poking their heads from arrow slits and over the parapets. Both stood on attention when the princess approached, and the one asked, answered. "Peace and quiet, your Highnes, we have evrything under control. Also, we were ordered to instruct you that the palace has requested you take the shortcut through the walls while we take care of your cart, because you..."


"...look like you slew a whole minotaur longship? That's what you meant?" - Crystal Clear showed up from behind Clarissa, casually holding her hand on the pommel of her saber and smiling somewhat. "Well, we had some warm-up on the way. Speaking of which, we saw an abandoned cart on the Spine Tract, on the other side of the Forest. Send somepony to investigate, looked like something violent. Now let's get moving, we're blocking the way."


the guards exchanged glances, and one hurriedinside to fetch for a guide and another to take care of the oxen. After a minute or so he was back with two more and the mares were instructed to enter the gatehouse, and further towards the palace.


*Throne Room*


The Crown Prince nodded and led his daughter out of the Throne Room and towards the main courtyard whre the guards were supposed to lead the mares.

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