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private College Love (private with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Dynamo Pad,




It was early morning and Derek groans as he hits the snooze button on his alarm clock. "Ugh, the stupid thing about college is getting up so early" he says to himself as he rubs the sleep from his eyes and sits on the edge of his bed.

He reaches over to his bag and takes out his planner to check his timetable "Well, at least I have three free periods then lunch first thing today" he says with a yawn and gently bats one of his roommates and friend's tails out of his face "Keep your tail to yourself fuzzbutt!" he remarks as his friend groans in response.

Edited by Platinum Gear


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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It was early morning as the alarm had gone off. Kittyanna, a silver tabby feline, clicked the off button. She sat up in bed with a light yawn as she got out of bed. She started doing stretches to get the blood flowing and went downstairs to make breakfast. She made sure to take her teaching charts before heading downstairs.


As she made her breakfast, which consisted of eggs, bacon some fish and juice, she looked through her teaching charts. "Hmm...it looks like I have two classes to teach today, a free period, lunch, another free period and then one class. That doesn't sound too bad today. Unless you count some of the students not being athletically focused." She shook her head at her issues as she continued to eat breakfast.  

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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek leaves his dorm room and drops his board to the ground. After mounting it, he starts to skateboard off to the cafeteria, "Lets hope that the food at the cafe here is better than the food at Cali U" he says to himself as he smiles and waves to a few fellow furs who were sitting and reading on the grass. As he passes a group of giggling female furs which consisted of a arctic wolf, snow leopard, arctic fox and white tiger, he pulls off a few tricks which consisted of a triple 360 heelflip christ air then landed it in a nose manual to pogo. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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After finishing her breakfast, Kittyanna went back to her room to get changed. She sported a black sweatshirt with two white lines going down either side, sweat pants and running shoes. She headed for the bathroom and started to brush her hair. After seeing her hair was neat and tidy, she began to brush her tail. 'Looking good is just as important as feeling good.' She thought as she placed her brush down on the bathroom counter.Making sure she had all her stuff, she slipped her bag over her shoulders and headed downstairs. She exited her room and made sure to lock it before looking up towards the sky. "Such a lovely day outside. Perfect day for a run to the college." She smiled softly as she started running in place and started to jog at an even pace to the campus. She had a car, but only if it rained. She felt that running would be better suited for close walking distances. 


As the campus started coming into view, she noticed a boy riding on a skateboard. She stopped her jog as she watched him pull off a trick. As he landed the trick, she couldn't help but whistle out loud, with an impressed look on her face. She noticed a group of female furs giggling as she sighed. "What a showoff." She sighed as she started to jog again to the campus. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek saw the girls and smiled at them but when he heard a sharp whistle he looks around to see who it 2as, and when he saw it was an older, more beautiful fur he blushes deeply and waves before continuing to skate towards the cafeteria.


As he reaches his destination he sighs "Probably a senior or even a teacher, I'd have zero luck with her" he says in resignation and goes to get his breakfast before studying.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kittyanna noticed the boy waving to her as he continued to skate to the campus. "Huh, okay. So maybe he's not so much as a showoff, after all. I guess he goes to the college too if skating there is any clear indication." She giggles to herself as she reaches the campus.


She heads up the steps and to the cafeteria, which leads to the other hallways. "Hmm...guess I should start heading over to the gymnasium to get ready for my classes." She was talking her thoughts out loud to herself that she wasn't watching where she was going. She accidentally bumped into someone and they tumbled to the ground. She lifted her face off the ground to see that it was the boy she saw earlier. She had fallen on top of him as he was making his way to get food. A blush started to form at how close they were and that he was staring up at her.


She quickly got off of him and offered him her hand. "I'm sorry about that. I guess I wasn't paying attention. That's not like me to do that. A-Anyway, again, I apologize. Is there any way I can make it up to you, Mr..."

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@@Dynamo Pad[


Derek blushes a bit as the fur lands on top of him "Uhm.." he says blinking for a bit then shakes his head to clear it "it's Derek, miss, Derek Jackson. And...I don't really know, maybe show me around? I'm kinda new here and can't seem to find the cafeteria." he says then chuckles "Devin would have a field day if he heard you say what you did"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kittyanna smiles and nods in understanding. "It's nice to meet you Derek. Also, I don't see why not. It's only fair after I bumped into you. Besides, a new student like you shouldn't have to worry on getting lost." She smiled slightly as she extends her paw out to him. "Where are my manners, I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Miss Kittyanna Leery, but you may call me Miss Kittyanna. I'm guessing you were getting breakfast in the cafeteria? Would you like for me to sit and wait with you? That way, we can go through the tour afterwards."


Her expression, while neutral, turned to one of slight confusion. "I'm going to guess that this 'Devin' is you friend, or roommate? What did you mean by that last statement? Was it something I said?" She asks feeling a little concerned. She wasn't angry at Derek, but felt awkward that she said something strange.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles as he takes her paw, and couldn't help but notice how soft it was, blushing a little at his own thoughts, he shakes it "It's nice to meet you miss Leery, a-and uhm sure, I guess it'll  give us an opportunity to talk and for me to see if i can.."  he stops himself and sighs "If I can trust you, it's nothing against you personally, it's just athletics coaches in general, I'll tell you over breakfast" he says as they begin walking.


"And yeah, Devin is my rommmate, fuzzbutt can't keep his tail to himself, sometimes I feel like shaving all his fur off when he's asleep cos I've chocked on his tail in my sleep like two or three times now" he says with a soft chuckle then shakes his head "It was the whole "Is there any way I can make it up to you" part he'd have a field day on, that wolf has a one track mind, especially when it comes to be...when it comes to.." he was about the correct himself but as they begun walking past the music area of the campus, he heard a swing beat and his hips begun to sway, and before he knew it, he had swept Kittyanna off of her feet and was swing dancing with her.  It wasn't until the end of the song when he did a flourished dip. and they looked each other in the eyes, he realized who he was dancing with and with a very deep blush, he promptly puts her back on her feet and rubs the back of his neck "Uh..I'm really sorry for that miss Kittyanna, whenever I hear swing music..I can't help it, mother was a Swing Teacher and my bestfriend Shelly and I used to go swing dancing every weekend, in fact this was one of our songs." he explains.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kittyanna smiles and purrs softly at the soft, yet firm handshake. Her smile slowly turned into a slight frown, as her ears twitched upon seeing his attitude change somewhat. "I can honestly say I don't know what happened, but I hope I can gain your trust, Derek. If you can't trust someone, then who can you trust?" She follows Derek as the two look for an available table.


Kittyanna places a paw over her mouth as she chuckles from Derek's escapades. "Now that's just mean, but I can't help but to admit that would be funny." She shakes her head as she glances down to her tail, a slightly annoyed look on her face. "Honestly, you humans are pretty lucky. Tails can be annoying most, if not all the time." She blushed slightly as her earlier statement meaning as she coughed to regain her composure. "I can see what you meant by Devin having a one tracked mind. A wolf of all things as well, those dogs." She shook her head in slight disgust. "Honestly, he needs to get his head out of the gutter and-" Whatever she was about to say was instantly cut off by Derek, who swept her off her feet in a swing dance. She couldn't help but blush slightly and smile as she got into the groove as well. As Derek did a flourished dip, she looked into his eyes and the blush started to deepen slightly. 


As he puts her back on her feet, Kittyanna twirls a finger through her hair and looks elsewhere. Hearing him apologize made her giggle as she waved a hand in front of her face. "Don't be sorry, Derek. That was actually kind of fun. I haven't danced like that in a long time. It's also nice knowing you have a hobby you enjoy." She smiles slightly before frowning from the name Shelley. She felt a pang in her heart when he said that last statement. 'Why do I feel this way? Am I jealous of some girl? No...that can't be. We just met and he's a student and I'm a teacher. I should only view him as a friend, at most a teacher helping a student.' She shook her head, trying to erase any doubts in her mind at the time. She faced Derek with a neutral expression, as the two of them found a table for them to sit at. "So, do you want me to come with you in the line? It doesn't look really crowded." She says as she drops her stuff on on the table to preserve it for the two of them. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


He smiles and still blushes a little and nods "That would be appreciated, in all honesty though, he's a good guy, just a bit.." he shakes his head "In fact, he was the first ever friend I made here since my transfer from Cali U, and back there at my dorm, my friends and i would always pull pranks on each other" he chuckles a little as he picks up his board and bag. 


He couldn't help but notice the frown at the mention of Shelly, he sighs, "Better get it off my chest now" he says softly and looks at her "the reason I have distrust for athletics coaches is that well..the whole reason I transferred here, you see, my previous one, made everyone in all the athletics teams take this shots he called "Vitamin Shots" but I soon started noticing odd behaviors with a fair few people, and as my second major is Psychology, I did some research and found out he was lying to us, and forcing us to take steroids, and Shelly, well..she was a quarterback for the football team, she got hooked on it and.,." he sighs, wiping some tears away "Overdosed on them, I tried stopping her ,but I..I was too late" he smiles softly at his teacher "you would have loved Shelly, she was a very kind and warm hearted snow leopard. Fur so soft, that when I'd snuggle her, I'd fall asleep and a purr so loud, it'd calm the most turmoil of hearts"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kittyanna smiles slightly as she giggles at the idea of pranks. "That sounds like a lot of fun, though at the same time stressing. Always watching the other's every move so you don't end up falling for a prank. Sounds like absolute chaos and a lot of laughs." 


She frowned as she heard Derek's distrust of athletic coaches. "I think I can get a better understanding as to why you moved here now. That's just plain awful, in my opinion. I don't understand why an athletic coach would give something like steroids to his students. It makes no sense to me. I guess he hasn't heard of true effort and hard work. Was he ever caught and brought to justice?" She asks, as a stray tear ran down her cheek as she listened as to what happened to Shelly. "I-I'm really sorry about what happened to Shelly. She's in a better place now. Don't blame yourself on what happened to her. You looked into everything and you were there to help her as a true friend should. From what you described, it sounded like you two were very close. In another time, I think I would love to have met her."


She grabbed a couple of napkins and handed some to Derek to wipe their tears away. She places her hand comfortingly on Derek's shoulder. "I'm really happy that you told me what happened, Derek. I'm sorry what happened, but you shouldn't assume all athletic coaches to be that way. I, myself, loved exercising and would never stoop so low as to use steroids on myself or my students. I hope I can gain your trust and not only be there for you as a teacher, but as a friend." She says with a true smile on her face as her ears flickered and her tail swishing slightly. The two of them reached the line as she watched Derek picking out his food for breakfast.

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@@Dynamo Pad


He nods and smiles softly "Though she isn't the first loved on I've lost. My parents died when I was ten years old and my sister was only 4" he states and picks out some fruit along with pancakes, hashbrowns and some cereal with a mug of coffee "My uncle Zeke took us in, he isn't really my uncle, but he was best friends with my dad" he says as he moves over to the table, trying his best to ignore the whispers from his fellow students about him being around a teacher, miss Leery at that. He smiles once more "I'd like that, and I do know what you mean, Zeke would always tell me that not all coaches are like that...mind you he wouldn't really know, he's a pro skateboarder and all" he says with a chuckle as he finds a seat and sits down, then getting out his planner, which was covered with photos of his family including old photos of his parents, photos of Shelly and photos of himself with Zeke and his sister.


"I got into college on the Extreme Scholarship, though Zeke and I just see it as a glorified Sponsorship" he chuckles and shakes his head sadly but then smiles at her "And don't worry, while I still hold a special place for Shelly in my heart and memories, she made me promise to move on and find someone new, prefferably a fur" he chuckles "and about the pranks, lots of hard work not falling for one, they were mostly harmless though"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kittyanna frowns and nods sadly, but understandingly. "I'm really sorry to hear that. It sounds like you've had a rough past. Something that no one should ever have to go through. Her frowned then turned into a slight smile. It's nice to hear that you have someone you consider family, even though they aren't technically family." As the two were walking over to their table, she could hear students talking about them. She frowns deeply as she turned to face the students. "Why don't you mind your own business! I'm a student trying to help a student. That's nothing wrong there, now is it? Now knock it off, or I promise gym class won't be pretty, understand?" She stated as the other students kept quiet. She looked back at Derek, who was slightly shocked at what just happened. She blushed slightly and looked towards the ground as they reached their table to sit down. "I'm sorry about that. I don't like it when someone says something awful towards me or my friends." She says as she grins slightly and purrs from his remark.


"I'm glad to know you view me as friend, as well as a teacher. If you have any question, or need someone to talk to, I promise to be there for you." She placed a comforting paw on his shoulder. "I'm glad your uncle tried to help you understand, and that's understandable if he probably wouldn't know." She watched as Derek pulled his planner out filled with pictures of his friends and family. "These pictures look lovely." She notices Shelly and Derek's sister. "Your little sister looks absolutely adorable. I can also tell why Shelly meant a lot to you. She's very beautiful." Her tail swished slightly as she became interested in the conversation


"I'd consider yourself very lucky to have something like that to get into College with. I've heard some colleges don't really count that. It must take some serious skill and talent to gain a sponsorship like that. I've got to say, you do have the talent for skateboarding. I saw you pull that impressive trick when you waved at me earlier." She smiled as she unconsciously laid her paw on his hand. "I'm glad to hear that she told you to find someone else. Whoever it is, I hope they realize that they found someone special." She looked down on the table and noticed her paw was on top of his. She blushed and quickly pulling her hand away. She then giggled and smiles. "I'm sorry about that. Also that sounds like a lot of hard work not falling for a prank. At least they were harmless. It must have taken some elaborate planning to pull a prank like yours off." 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Derek smiles and blushes at the slight touch of his teacher's paw. He then looks at his planner "Yeah Shelly was really beautiful, both in and out, heart of gold" he says then looks to one of his sister "Oh yeah, Tara, she is adorable, she maybe 16 now, but I'm still very protective of her, as is Zeke" he says and sighs softly, he honestly had wished she hadn't taken her paw away, as the feeling of her soft, gentle paw was actually quite soothing to him.


"Well, the reason we call it that, is that the Skate Competition basically paid for my tuition and everything" he says and then what she said next caught him somewhat off guard "I.." he wasn't even able to finish his sentence as a chuckle could be heard, and standing near the table was a older man in his late 30s to early 40s wearing a pair of jeans, a black band tshirt and a hoodie that was unzipped. Holding his board, he walks over to them.


"Typical Jackson behavior, third day at the campus and already flirting with his teacher" the man says


"Uncle Zeke!? What..." Derek asks in shock, blushing deeply


"I came to see how you're doing, and I'm glad to see you're making friends.." he smiles then looks to Kittyanna "Kitty? That you? Geeze, you haven't changed a bit at all!" he exclaims, clasping the fur on the shoulder, he then leans in to whisper "Word of advice K, he's as gentle and fragile as his mother was"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kittyanna smiled as Derek listed off the people in each picture. Her tail swished slightly as she smiled. "Tara sounds like a fitting name for her. I'm glad you are protective of her. That show you are a great and caring big brother to her." 


Sne gave a parted smile as she closed her eyes and nods in understanding. "Now I see. That's really good for that competition to pay for your tuition. While I could see something like that giving you prize money, paying for a tuition is the next best thing." She smiled as she suddenly heard a voice. She turned around as it felt familiar to him. When she fully turned around, she gasps and her eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Z!? Oh my stars, it is you!" She got up out of her seat and hugged him tightly. "How have you been? Look at you. You haven't changed a bit either. Except for still staying in good shape." She giggled slightly as she smirked. He felt Zeke clasp a hand on her shoulder as he leaned into her ear. Kitty blushed and pushed him away playfully. She twirled a finger through her hair as her ears twitched cutely. "W-What are you insinuating, Z? What are you doing here, anyway? Also now that I look at Derek, he does resemble his mother a lot." She giggles as she stares at Derek.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek blushes as he looks down to the floor while his uncle and teacher talked. "Oh just thought I'd come see how my adopted son is settling into his new college campus. I'm glad to see that he's met you now" he chuckles and shakes his head and had a wicked grin on his face and gleam in his eyes "Look at him K, he's obviously head over heels smitten with you, hell, we all were at one point" he chuckles "I had the worst case of it, but you know.." he shakes his head once more "Just so you know, he's shy, so unless you want it to take forever, I'd suggest you make the first move" he says and kisses her soft cheek "Anyway, I just dropped in by on my way to pick up a new shipment of boards and various other things, I'll leave you two to your flirting" he says, hugging both of them before disappearing again.


Derek looks up "Y-you know my uncle? D-does that mean yo-you also knew my mum and dad?" he asks, his blush had only deepened when Zeke had mentioned just how smitten he was with her, and it simply refused to go away,so he tried to hide it behind his hair. "T-that's c-cool" he says, fiddling with his hair now. He found the way Kitty purred and played with her hair even more alluring. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kittyanna smiles as she slightly glances at Derek before looking back to Zeke. "Don't worry Zeke. He's been doing okay. I promised to give him a tour after breakfast so he has a better time getting around to his classes." She narrows her eyes at Zeke as she notices his grin and gleam in his eyes. She blushes a little as he tells her of Derek having a crush on her. She giggled and shook her head. "That's true. I remember all the guys in the skate crew wanted to ask me out. I especially remember you acting like a fool just to ask me out. It was pretty cute, but I just only viewed you as a friend at best." Her blush only deepened as she heard him say that she should make the first move. "Will you stop that? We just met and also he's a student and I'm a teacher. I mean, isn't that against the rules of this campus?" She pouted as he felt Zeke kiss her on the cheek. She waved as she saw Zeke leave to pick up the new skateboard shipments. 


She sat back down and looked at Derek. She folded her hands together as she placed her hands on the table. "I'm really sorry about that. Your uncle was always such a joker. Also, yes I remember your uncle and parents. Truth be told, I was a part of the skate crew your uncle was talking about." She smiled at him. "That is pretty cool, I guess, but why do you ask?" She held a neutral, but curious look as she stared at Derek from across the table.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Before Zeke leaves he smiles "You forget who the dean is, and how she still owes me a few choice favors" he laughs "just keep that in mind, oh and Derek won't just fall for anyone, so you're something special to him" he says and leaves the cafeteria before reaching his Corvette and races off.


Derek blushes "D-does that mean..that you and I could..." he blushes more and shakes his head "you're really beautiful and remind me of Shelly in so many ways but with being your own unique self" he says with a blush "So maybe..I mean, that dance, it was really fun, the most fun I've had in such a long time and well.." he gulps and looks her right in the eye "Would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kittyanna's jaw widens slightly at the information Zeke told her. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for that." She says mostly to herself as she looks to Derek blushing at her. She twirls a finger through her hair out of habit and smiles slightly. "W-Well...if it's okay with you...maybe it's possible." She smiled a true smile at Derek. "Thank you. I'm glad you view me as my own self and not Shelly. I understand you cared a lot for her, but I don't want to date someone just because I remind them of their old love." She shook her head.


Her eyes widened slightly as he took a giant step in the confidence department. She placed a paw over her mouth as she giggles a little. "I thought Zeke told me you were shy and wanted me to make the first move. Oh, just wait until I tell him what just happened." She took her paw away from her mouth and placed it on Derek's hand. "That's very sweet of you and I haven't had fun dancing like that in a while either. So, my answer would be yes. I would love to go on a date with you. Maybe after classes are all over today. We can meet up back here. How does that sound?" She asked as her ears flickered cutely and her tail swished slightly in happiness. She smiles as she began to purr cutely.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek smiles warmly at her "It kind of helps that you actually knew my family, and I know that my parents would have approved of you greatly, though dad might have gotten jealous if what uncle Zeke said is true" he says and rubs the back of his neck "He might mean  other than just asking you out" he says still with that soft and warm smile, he then nods "I also know Shelly would approve of you greatly" he giggles softly.


He then looks to her and resisted the urge to hug her then and there "Sure, I think I have a place in mind for our date but.." he smiles "I'll need to see if there's some spots open, so after the tour, I'll need your number so I can let you know before the date" he says somewhat cheekily.


Meanwhile, Zeke arrives back at the shop and is greeted by a overly energetic Tara, he hugs her "Hey kiddo, your brother is doing just fine..do you remember my stories about Kittyanna?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Kittyanna smiles and giggles cutely. "It's a good think I knew your family and that's true, from what your uncle said." She smiled warmly at Derek. "I'm glad you think Shelly would approve. I promise and hope to live up to her expectations." She nods in understanding. "Okay, that sounds like a plan. Also I hope to get your number too, It only seems fair after all." She says with the same tone as he. She giggled once more. "You don't have to do anything extravagant though. I just want to get to know you and see where our feeling go from here." She says as she resists the urge to sit near him and nuzzle him.


As the door to the shop opened, Tara notices her uncle carrying the shipment of new skateboards. As he put them down, she runs over and hugs him tightly. "Hey uncle and that's great to hear. Also, I think I remember you telling me about Miss Kittyanna. Why do you ask?" 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


He smiles and nods "We'll see and you're right, it's a good place to start"  he says as he continues to eat his breakfast and smiles at her "as for Shelly, I'm sure she's watching over us and smiling" he says as he puts his fork down and smiles and he was just about to open his mouth to speak again when his roommate walks into the cafeteria..


"Hey D, what's u..." his eyes widen at the sight of Kittyanna "Miss K? Derek hasn't gotten into trouble already has he?" he asks teasingly poking his tongue out at Derek


Derek just blushes heavily which gave everything away and Devin laughs "Are you serious? Oh my gawd! Good on ya bro!" he cheers and claps him on his shoulder and winks to the both of them "I'll leave you two to it then" he says and walks off, wagging his tail.


"Great, now the whole skatecrew is going to hear about this.." he chuckles "Oh well, they're just gonna be even more jealous" he laughs somewhat nervously hoping that Kitty wasn't mad at him.


Zeke smiles and hugs her once more "Well, if things go as planned, you may have a big sister soon. They're both quite smitten with each other" he chuckles as he goes about putting the new boards into their places "say T. think you can help with the stock?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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She pouts on the possibility of waiting to get his phone number. "Oh, you're no fun, but okay." She smiles and giggles with a flick of her ears. "That's nice to hear. I promised you that I would always be there for you. I intend to keep that promise." She says as she stares at him intently with a wag of her tail.


She hears a voice and turns to see Derek's roommate, Devin approaching them. She smirked at the question. "Actually yes. I was just getting through telling Derek here not to forget his gym uniform. I also caught him loitering in the halls and will have a stern lecture from the principal later." She says as she soon giggles at her little joke. "Just kidding. Nah, he isn't in any trouble. I bumped into him and we decided to talk." She lightly blushes as Devin had found out from Derek easily and smiled. She placed an elbow on the table and propped her paw to her chin as she watched the interaction between the two. 


After he left, she giggled softly and had an apologetic look on her face. "I'm sorry about the teasing. That's just a little payback on teasing me without getting the phone number." After hearing his little pun, she giggles again and humors him. "Oh well, if they hear about it, then they're just going to have to accept it. You're mine and I'm yours and they should have acted sooner on asking me out." She smirked as she realized how she worded her sentence. She looked down slightly at the table as her blush deepened.


Tara's eyes widened, as she jumped around in joy and hugs her uncle. "That's amazing news. I always loved big sister Kitty. Now she and I can really be sisters. I'm so glad to hear big bro has found someone special. After Shelly, I thought he would never find that special someone again. I'm glad it's Miss Kitty, though." She smiled and nods to her uncle's request. "Sure thing, uncle." She says as she walks over and helps in putting the shipment of skateboards away. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Derek laughs and hugs her "Oh, the little bit of teasing was fun to be honest, if it gives him fodder for a prank on me, it just gives me more fodder on him" he laughs as he gets out his planner and takes out a small page writing down his name, phone number and dorm room number, then hands it to her "Here, as promised, here's my number..along with my dorm number" he winks and smiles. He then feels his phone vibrates and checks it, he smiles "Well Tara now knows, Zeke just texted me and she's really happy for me" he says as he looks at her deepened blush, he then leans over and softly kisses her on her cheek "I have to admit, the food here is much better than what there was at Cali U, think I might go for some seconds" he says as he stands up "Kitty, you want anything love?" he asks with a soft smile and a gentle hand placed on her shoulder.


Zeke smiles "I am too T, and unlike his last athletics coach, she is trustworthy, straightedge" he says as he fiddles around with the computer a bit, "she'll also keep him in check and make sure he stays in shape" he chuckles


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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