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private Carnival of Fear

Dynamo Pad

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OOC thread is here: https://mlpforums.com/topic/160603-carnival-of-fear-ooc/


It was lunchtime at the university of Liberty, as the young Pegasus, known as Dew Drop, started making her way to the cafeteria. The purple maned pony held her books closely to her body, as she walked carefully around the wandering students. She tries to hide her face behind her mane as she attempts to avoid talking to anyone. She wasn't trying to be rude to anyone in the slightest. She was somewhat shy and nervous around others. She feared that she would be a bother to others, which resulted in her shy nature. After a couple of minutes, Dew reaches the cafeteria and sighs in relief. She opens the door and starts to head in line to grab some food. Her food consisted of a hayburger, a salad and a bottle of water.


After paying for her meal, she scanned the cafeteria to locate a seat for herself. "I hope I'm able to find a seat in here. More so, that I'll be by myself and won't bother anypony." She quietly says to herself. She frowns as she found that most of the tables were pretty much full. She then noticed a table with a lone pony sitting by himself. She glanced at the other students and noticed that they didn't pay this colt any mind. After a few minutes of contemplating, she decides to walk over to the nearly empty table. As she was making her way over to the colt, her heart started to race in fear. She was afraid he would tell her she was a bother and to leave, but she couldn't back down now.


As she reached the table, she clears her throat to gain his attention. "Uh...e-excuse me. D-D you mind i-if I join you?" She stutters while nervously shuffling her feet. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad


Nightmare was sitting by himself and eating his lunch, and even though he had his earbuds in, he could see and hear the mare. Looking up to her, he smiles softly and nods "Sure thing, no one else sits with me, so you should be fine" he says as he moves his violin and guitar cases "I'm Nightmare Spell Song, but those who know me well enough just call me Night Song" he says with a soft smile.


He then goes back to eating his lunch which consisted of well carnival food. The benefit of being the ring-master's son is he got free food. "Mm want some?" he asks after swallowing a bite of his teriyaki chicken and passing the plate to her. "It's teriyaki chicken and is really delicious"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew looks away slightly before nodding her head in appreciation. As he moves his stuff, she placed her lunch tray down and took a seat. "T-Thank you. I've only been here for a month, but I don't really have any friends to sit with. I just didn't want to bother anypony today, is all." She took notice of his violin and guitar case and smiles slightly. "I-It's nice to meet you, Nightmare. My name is Dew Drop, but you can call me Dew." She says as she took his hand in hers.


She started eating her lunch and smiles at how good the food was. Her ears perked as she swallowed her portion of her lunch. She notices Nightmare address her, as he slid some of his lunch to her. She hesitantly nods as she took a piece of the teriyaki chicken. After taking a bite, her eyes widened slightly as she enjoyed the taste of the chicken. "Mm. This is really good. I-I'm surprised this isn't on the menu a-at the campus. I'm guessing you brought this lunch with you?"

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night swallows his lunch and smiles "nice to meet you too, and I understand, I've been here about that same time, but nopony seems to want to hang with me, so I kind of just practice until the end of lunch" he then smiles and chuckles at her reaction "Yeah, my aunt's a cook for the carnival that my dad owns. I also have some deserts from from my other relatives that work there" he says and smiles as he continues to eat his chicken "and it's much cheaper to bring your own food than to pay for it every day" he says and closes his eyes. 


As he fiddles slightly with the necklace and pendant around his neck, he could hear a voice in his head "Well my boy, it seems you've found yourself a mare, what you going to do with her?" the voice of Laughing Jack rings out Shut up Laughing, you know I'm not like that! Besides we just met, and she probably thinks I'm a freak anyway, like everypony elseNightmare thinks back to the voice of Laughing.


As he kept his eyes closed, he places his hands on the table, and Dew could see his birth mark of a big X in the middle of a circle on the back of his right hand.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew gained a curious, yet surprised look on her face. "That's weird. I would think for sure that I would have seen you around campus. If you usually sit by yourself, then it wouldn't be that hard to spot you." She smiles and giggles slightly at his remark. "That makes sense when you think about it. I usually don't have time to make my own. Maybe I should start trying that from now on. It must be great having a big family that makes great food like this. What's your family like, if you d-don't mind me asking." She twiddles her thumbs as she looked away nervously.


She notices a big X in the middle of a circle on his right hand as he placed it on the table. "What's that on your hand? Is it some kind of tattoo?" She asks as she took another bite of her food and took a drink of her water.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


He smiles "Oh, I'm normally somewhere else than in the cafeteria, but for once this table was free" he says and looks to her "It's difficult at times, but we do all look out for each other" he says, looking to his pendant then to his birthmark "this? I have no idea, father says it is a birthmark and that it has a meaning, but he won't tell me, as he says it will come clear when I am ready"  he sighs then finishes his lunch.


He then smiles as he takes out a few containers that had various sweets in it, ranging from various flavored cotton candy, various flavored drops and various chocolates.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew looks to him with a small smile on her face. She nods at his statement. "I think I remember noticing you, but I guess I paid no mind. Please don't be mad, but sometimes...I feel like I bother everypony. I just feel that way and I try hard to make a friend. I just have that doubt in the back of my mind." She looks down as she hides her face behind her mane. She smiles once more, but has a curious look upon her face. "I'm glad that you all look out for one another. That's what a family is all about. What do you mean it's difficult at times? I get that family can't always get along, but it sounds like it's more than that." She nods at his explanation of his mark. "I guess that makes sense. It's almost like a cutie mark. You never know what it is until you discover your true meaning. I'm sure the answer will reveal itself in due time." She says as she finishes her lunch.


Her jaw drops slightly as she  saw all the different treats Nightmare brought out. Her eyes glistened in happiness at the assortment of treats, that she could have sworn she caught herself drooling slightly. "Now this is hitting the jackpot on Candy Land. Do you have any sour candy and/or treats?" She asks him curiously as she kept her eyes on the pile of candy.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and nods before looking through his stash "Hmm I might, hold on a sec.."  he says and smiles "Aah here we are, got some sour soft cubes and sour rainbow strips if you'd like those" he says, flicking his fluffy ears kind of cutely as he gives the sour sweets to her and nods "Oh I understand, I feel like that myself, or that ponies just tend to use me to get into the carnival for free, it's not that easy to get in without a flyer or paying" he says and shakes his head, and as Dew mentions the whole family thing he nods "We've had to stay strong the last couple of years as we've had three deaths all together. First was my aunt, who died giving birth to my little cousin, then there was my mother who died of a illness we couldn't cure and then there was my cousin who was so devastated after my mother died, he would eat or drink or sleep and just died within a few months" he then open his pendant to show a photo of a beautiful crystal mare standing next to a rather handsome bat pony stallion and the mare was holding a rather adorable little colt.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


She smiles widely as he presents her the sour candy. She then blushes as she saw the cute smile he had. "T-Thank you. N-No one has r-really been this kind to me before." She smiles softly as she took a bite of the sour candy. She giggles as her ears twitched. "I love sour candy. I don't understand how some ponies can't enjoy this type of treat." She frowns slightly and shakes her head. "I would n-never do that to you. You seem to be very nice colt. I-I just can't understand how somepony could use some other pony like that." She says as he goes to explain what happened to his family. She trembled slightly as she wipes a stray tear from her eye. "I-I'm so sorry that happened. I-I would never w-wish that upon anypony. While that is sad, I'm really glad you and the rest of your family was able to stay strong. I only hope that Your aunt, mother and cousin rest in peace. Maybe I can t-try and bring some flowers for them sometime." She says as she sees the picture of the three ponies within his pendant. She smiles as she sees how happy they truly are together. "This is so cute. I-I'm guessing the three in the picture are you and your parents?" 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night smiles softly "I don't see why no one would be kind to you, I mean.." he smiles gently at her and looks down a little "Y-you're r-really pretty a-and nice" he says, blushing a fair bit and then smiles up at her offer of bringing flowers to their graves "that'd be nice though you see..my cousin..he's not quite..resting..Father was able to find a spell to sort of bring him back. While others see him as a happy little colt, those of us who know the truth, see him as the same but we also see his..darker side" he says with a soft sigh "And yes, this was the last photo of my mother that was ever taken before she passed away," He looks up at her and blushes, to him, she really was very pretty, especially with her beautiful long purple mane and tail. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew looked at him with a light blush on her cheeks. She twirled her a lock of her hair with her finger. "T-That's really kind of you to say. Nopony has ever said that to me except my mom, dad and sister." She smiles and nods at his remark. "Your welcome and it's the least I can do. My dream is to travel around Equestria find and raise rare and exotic flowers. I think your family would love that." She raises a curious eyebrow at the mention of his cousin. "W-Wait a minute. You mean to tell me, that your father r-resurrected him? H-How is that even possible? You would have to be either a highly trained unicorn, or an alicorn to pull such a feat like that off. The only alicorns that are around are Princess Twilight, Luna, Celestia, Cadence and little Flurry Heart. Is your father an alicorn too? Also what is your cousin's name and what did you mean by when you said...his darker side?" She exclaims in a hushed whisper so nobody else could hear. She smiles once again as she saw his mother in the photo. "She looks really pretty. It's not even because she's a crystal pony." She giggles at her little joke before shaking her head. "Do you know much about her and what was her name?" She asks as she looks up at him while becoming more and more curious by the minute. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and nods "Well, yes and no. We only resurrected his ethereal spirit, so it's his spirit and is in a physical form, so he can be hugged and such" he begins explaining, "And well it was actually an ancient spell, that ponies who have been able to tap into their primal energy can cast, but only if they have a pure heart" he finishes and eats some of his sweets, he looks at her "Are you serious? I would have thought that many a colt and stallion, even some fillies and mares would be after you, you're just so..beautiful" he says then realizes it and blushes then looks at the photo of his mother "She was truly a beautiful mare, both inside and out. She got joy out of making things beautiful from glass ware to windows and even things like flowers" he says softly "She also had one of the most beautiful singing voices" he then sighs "As for what I meant by "his darker side", I meant his true nature, what he really looks like"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew had a shocked look upon her muzzle, before it became a look of wonder. "At least you're able to hug him and interact with him as well. I guess I can understand what you mean by 'darker side.' We all have our dark sides. Sometimes we know it and sometimes we just don't." She leans her arms on the table as he began explaining. "Are all pony tribes able to use primal magic? I know unicorns and alicorns are probably able to, but I'm not sure about pegasi and earth ponies." She blushes as she twirled a finger through her hair. "I-I usually try to keep away from other ponies so I don't hear them calling me pretty and such. Like I said, I'm sometimes afraid to m-make friends. So, y-you're the first pony to say that to m-me." She stutters as she felt her heartbeat quicken. She places a hand over her heart to try and calm down. Her ears perked at the mention of his mother and flowers. "Your mother loved flowers as well? That's sounds amazing, being able to make beautiful things and all. I guess it was her special talent. To bring the brighter and happier things to life in Equestria. How did she make flowers to begin with? I'm really curious since I can water flowers quickly than most ponies." She giggles as she looks at Night Spell with wide gleaming eyes. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles and gets out a beautiful crystal rose "She made them out of crystal, it was a long process but she really enjoyed it" he says before gently placing it behind her ear and in her mane "mother asked me to give her last made rose to a mare I believe is special, and that mare, is you" he says softly and boops her on the nose before kissing it "I-I know we just met b-but would you..you know..go on a date with me?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew looks at the rose that he presented it to her. She stares in awe at the beauty of such a flower. "It's...it's so beautiful. H-How does one keep it well watered and everything? T-This is simply unheard of. Flowers shrivel away if not given a lot of water and nutrients, but this looks like it's been perfectly kept for months, years even." She was lot in her train of thought, that she didn't notice that Night placed the rose in her mane, behind her ear. She blushes as she stared curiously at the stallion. After hearing his reasoning, she blushes deeply and looks down toward the ground. Thinking it was a more interesting thing to look at the moment. She looks back to him as he boops her nose and kisses it. After contemplating his date offer for a few minutes, she slowly nods her head with a smile on her muzzle. "Y-Yes. I-I would l-love to go on a date with you, Night." She giggles as she twirls a finger through her mane. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night smiles "It's crystal, so it doesn't need water or sunshine, all it needs is..." he kisses her cheek "love" he says and leans back in his chair, his brass goggles falling over his eyes, he smiles "Excellent, I think my father's carnival would be a good first date, I'll pick you up at about say five?" he asks "Oh do you live on campus or off campus? I'll also need your address and number so i can let you know I'm on my way" he says, still somewhat smiling.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew looks at the flower in awe once more, before she felt Night kiss her on the cheek. She blushes, but smiles as she looks at Night lovingly. "Now I understand. You said your mother was a crystal pony? That must explain why, since crystal ponies are mostly from the crystal empire. Meaning that love is the key for magic to occur." She giggles as she saw the goggles fall over his eyes. She smiles softly as she nods at his remark. "I live on campus at the girl's dorms. You walk right in the dorm room and go down the hall and make a left. It's the second door on your right." She says as she pulls out a piece of paper and starts writing on it. "T-This is my p-phone number, i-in case you wish to c-call me." She says as she finishes writing her number down and hands it to Night. She looks at the the clock on the wall and sees that lunch is almost over. "I-I guess it's almost time to get going. I g-guess you'll call me and I'll see you soon?" She asks as she smiles slightly while twiddling her thumbs shyly.  

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@@Dynamo Pad


He smiles and nods as he takes the piece of paper "thanks Dewy" he says giving her an affectionate nuzzle "Well I don't have any more classes but I'm sure father has something for me to do" he says as he stands up and smiles at her "I'll see you at five then, wear something casual but nice, it is a Night Carnival after all" he says and goes to walk away, swaying his hips and swishing his tail as he does so.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew smiles as she returns the affectionate nuzzle. "Your welcome Nightie. I have one more class for today and then I'm free for the weekend." She smiles as she stands up to join him. She nods at his remark. "O-Okay. Can you...can you p-pick me up? T-That way, we can walk to the carnival t-together. I'm n-not entirely sure where it is, to be honest." She blushes as she tries to hide her face in her mane. "C-Call me when y-you're going to p-pick me up, okay?" She says as she kisses his cheek. She blushes and stares in awe as he sways his hips and swishes his tail, as he exits the cafeteria. 'Oh, sweet Celestia. I didn't see that one coming.' She thought as she calmly walks out of the cafeteria to her last class for the day. The blush still present upon her muzzle. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night smiles at the cute little nickname and looks behind his shoulder with a wink "Sure thing Dewy, I'll pick you up at five" he says before leaving and sighing softly as he goes back to the carnival and begins to help his family around the carnival. His father could sense something or more like someone was on his mind.


"Go on son, take the rest of the day off, go get ready for your date" he says with a chuckle


Night looks to his father and smirks "Laughing told you, didn't he?" he asks and his father nods as he walks off


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dew giggles at the nickname he gave her once again before heading off to her last class. As she got to her class and took her seat, she closes her eyes and keeps thinking about Night. 'He's just the nicest stallion I've ever met. He's really handsome to boot. I-I do hope the d-date goes well' She thought with a blush, as she goes through her final class for the day.


After finishing her class, she walks as fast as she could back to her dorm room. She made sure to avoid as many ponies as she could, as she made it to her dorm room. She walked in and saw that nopony was home. She frowns as she remembers that she wanted a one pony only room. She shook her head as she starts to head to her closet. As she opens it, she pulls out her phone to see the time. "I have about fifteen minutes until he picks me up, huh? That gives me plenty of time to get myself ready. Now all I need is something casual, but dressing up nicely." She says as she voices her thoughts out loud. "I've really need to stop doing that." She giggles as she returns to the task at hand.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Night looked at his phone "Crap! I'm running late!" he says as he quickly puts on his trousers, black shirt and jacket, his top hat and goggles before strapping on his boots and making a mad dash for  the college campus and the girl's dorm rooms. He looks at the directions and finally finds her room, he then looks at his phone, "Huh w-wha? fifteen minutes early? Then..stupid technology, this is why I prefer the industrial era" he grunts and takes off his hat and slicks back his mane a little, gelling it and adjusting his suit before knocking on her door.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


As Dew was about to make her decision on what to wear, she heard a knock at the door. She heads to the door and looks through the peephole to see who was knocking on her door. She gasps and blushes as she saw that it was Night. She opens the door as her blush deepens from seeing his attire. "H-Hey Night. I-I'm surprised to s-see you here so early. Would you l-like to come in? You a-also look very h-handsome." She stutters as she moves out of the way for him to enter her room. She closes the door and returns to the closet to pick out her clothes. After getting her outfit, she turns around to face Night. "I'm just going to head into the bathroom and get ready. I'll be out in a few minutes." She says as she heads into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Night blushes "Thank you Dewy and well I honestly thought I was running late, I think my phone hates me tonight" he chuckles as he walks in, admiring her room, he was stuck in his caravan, while it was nice, it wasn't like a room that also looked like a small house in of itself. "By all means, take your time dear" he says, sitting on the edge of her bed and sighs softly. She was truly very pretty and beautiful to him, and he still didn't quite understand why she would even want to talk with him. He closes his eyes and sighs softly while waiting.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


After a couple of minutes to get ready, Dew steps out of the bathroom looking casual for her date. Her outfit consisted of a light blue blouse, black pants and a pair of green and black shoes. She blushes as she caught him staring at her. "Your welcome Nightie and it's okay. Sometimes my phone doesn't work and I have to turn it on and off repeatedly to make sure that it works just fine." She giggles as she sits down next to him on her bed. Feeling a little bold, she decides to rest her head upon his shoulder. "We have about five minutes. Are you ready to have some fun on our date together?" She sighs happily as she nuzzles him lovingly. 

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