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private Blood trail RP 1x1 between mentis soliquy and cwhip9


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@@Mentis Soliloquy, The stallion laughed at the remark of being under the table, while those few who knew him they all knew he didn't laugh often unless proving something


"not bending the law more like, helping the law realize it has a bad hair doo before a big date it has with its mare friends parents for the first time" coolwhip said then sighed  


"but for once I'm breaking one of MY rules for this case, but your boss wouldn't believe half of what's up with this case, now then first round" coolwhip smiled as the bar maid brought the two their drinks  


"I'm sorry" the bar mare said


"oh she's seen worse then me drunk tell me crystal what do you know of this grey phantom case ill take a drink for what you have right, you drink for what you have wrong" the unicorn with the broken horn smiled like a colt play truth or dare with his school mate.  

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"Really? That's not fair I know your not telling my brothers in blue what's right so that's my info so how could I possibly guess anything correctly with no clues to go in assuming you've lied to the police the entire time." She was quite serious as much as what he said mind the game as well.

  • Brohoof 1

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Coolwhip shrugged "and that's what your boss has said to you, yet why has he sent full on task forces to when I said 'hey onix you might want to check out that apartment and the theater with its showing of le colt their might be a incedent their and I wasn't wrong" said the stallion


 "At the apartment a fire broke out in a kitchen that almost made a family move and if not for said police pony's at the play the lead pony would have gotten roasted on stage if they didn't put it out all because I said their is going to be a indecent at both places, yes I was off about it being near the phantom on the times by mines but who's to say he's not an arsonist?" coolwhip smiled


"drink" he smiled


"coolwhip you an ass" said the bar mare


"wait for it" the pony said   

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"My boss despite his floors still somehow trusts your word even about the Phantom." Looking to the bar maid. "And yes he is an arse, nothing we can do about it and we put up with it because he's a literal smart arse. Cool, I'll ask before I drink, start simple... You know the Phantom, personally yes?"


She downed her drink waiting on him.

  • Brohoof 1

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Coolwhip sighed "flaws aside, yes I do know him but he knows he's being hunted and not just your brothers looking for" the stallion paused looking at the bar mare


"arnt you on break?"


"keep going im board and this has been the best entertainment ive seen all day" the mare said


"go!" coolwhip said annoyed


The mare huffed trotting off "don't say I didnt warned ya" she said


"poor girl needs a better job" coolwhip said  


Once the mare left them he leaned in whispering "the mob is as well, do to some fiasco in the local noodle shop not too far from here the phantom now has a bounty from the hunters" he held a fork up


"you and your blue brothers" he held up a spoon


"and now the Faygo's" he held up the knife then set the utensil's down.  


"and we both know the Faygo crime family doesn't do alive" he said leaning back.  

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"Why is everyone after him? I know why we're after him, he's a murderer and so on a so forth, but hunters and what 2 crime families? How can one pony piss off everyone in this town with power and muscle to get him, or at least try to get him, not like anypony is actually having any success." 

  • Brohoof 1

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"you know how unicorns are hunted for horns, well think wings for my friend...and" the pony began before taking his drink "this one dosent have feathers. Now this gives you and your blue ponys a excellent opratunity for the city, the departments looks, and your boss's paycheck. Along with yours....gusse what that is?" the stallion said with a smile simulaer to one who waits for their trap to spring.


His grin went away when a cell phone was herd, the unicorn sighed "excuse me" he pulled the phone out of his scarf pocket and answered "hey" their was a pause as he listened


"can it wait im working?" another pause "yes, I know, yes...ok....look just send string to my library and ill call the library when I'm done he's a smart lad he'll know what to do...all right...yup by" The unicorn sighed in anoyence


"sorry about that so figered out why this is good for you guys?" coolwhip said sounding cheerful again    

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"Your not dumb enough to own any property in the city are you? Put your name on any papers...?" Picking up on the library comment. "But by all means enlighten me since I seem to know next to nothing about this bat pony your so damn keen to keep out of my custody." 

  • Brohoof 1

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Coolwhip frowned again "no not here its just a cover, my library is in ponyvill far more room to study and lower profile no but in one shot you guys could nab the phantom and take down the faygos by one word" the grin came back "bait" the pony took a drink after that.


Meanwhile at not coolwhips library cresent was having pasta with amber watching a old monster flick "you know the funny thing is not even the moveis can do us right" Cresent sighed before taking a forkful of noodels.

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"Remind me again... why I don't have your flank in jail for several offences I can name in but a breath?" She leaned forward with a small smile...




"Well what's right and what's wrong then? Show me some of what a real blood sucker actually dose, well so long as you don't kill me or anything." Sitting up looking at him. 

  • Brohoof 1

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"relax ive had my fill of blood and I don't go after innocent mares" he said getting up from the couch with a stretch "although Ember I could use a brisk trot" the batpony said nearing the window. Looking out into the city "but coolwhip is right it feels too soon to venture out again after tonight" he sighed and turned back to the mare


"here's something a real bat dose" he said trotting pass her to a hallway where he motioned her to follow. If she did she would find herself in a room with a small piano in it. The floor checkered and only a candle to be of any light, which he let with a near by match before sitting at the piano.


The batpony wing tips pressed on the lower notes of the piano keys softly as if making back round to a picture, he soon pressed his hoof on the middle set of keys then lifting them off to a few notes higher. Soon she would find herself listen to music, not a concert peace by any means nor some students first song but by the notes and cords one could tell there was a almost trained and natural sound.  


"please don't mistake me for a simple monster some call this a gift" he said as he went on to play using his hoofs and wing hooks for the notes "me, its a bit murky" he said adding a few lower notes to the melody he was playing "tell me something ember, why Manhattan for you?"

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"I don't live here... it's just a holiday destination to scratch off." She was not sure to make about this display of musical ability. "I'm not special or important I make things from metal and I'm part dragon, all there is to it." She was not sure what to add past that. 

  • Brohoof 1

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The batpony missed a note at the half dragon bit yet kept playing his tune, "hell of a holiday huh one night at the bars you witness me feed and now you have the mob after you after meeting me" Cresent grimed counting the tune steeling it into a relaxed soft end as light began to upper from the window of the rising sun. He yawned not caring about the canine's that showed.  


"well miss ember with an E im turning in for the day, something tells me coolwhip will have a plan for tomorrow to sort this whole mess out." The batpony left the stool and moved into a coffin the fit him snuggly like. "by the way, trust the cracked unicorn I trust him with my life, the sofa is yours" he said closing the lid to his coffin.


As the night was going away turning to day ember would probably see the batpony wincing to the light coming into the room and hear a possible grumble about it..........


Later that morning


Coolwhip would trot in hungovr and rather annoyed looking, it would probably wake up ember but cresent being in his coffin wouldn't hear him trot in. Coolwhip sat holding an ice pack to his had seeing ember wake up he would simply nod at the mare then hold up a hushing motion with his free hoof. "never try to out drink a crystal pony" he said

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Ember shook her head at him, she did not really care for any of this, she just wanted to go home and be rid of this whole situation, she hardly knew either of them and neither seemed too interested in her, this would be something to remember as a event but that would be about it, only reason she'd not left was due to this mod thing.

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"I have good news and bad news. Bad news is you might need to change your mane or put on a disguise. Good news is this whole mess with the mob can be fixed with your help along with our favorit bat" the unicorn said with a rather confident smile. "Ever been in a play ember?" coolwhip asked

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"Something with my mane... I'll think of something, play... no I have not. Well when I was a filly I did one for school but no I'm not that kinda of mare really." She got up. "Got a mirror somewhere so I can mess with my mane?" She was not really sure what she was gonna do with it, but she'd think of something.

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Coolwhip nodded towards the mirror from the night before hoof cresent demistrated in front of the previous night. "Lets say your in play, your the mare that has two choices. Be a damsal in distress...which isn't your type let's be honest, and would be boring so. Why not be the mare that fools all the villens in a trap. The mob and the hunter that the good guys set up and walk away with enough bits for a more relaxed holiday" the pony said playing with his rubix cube waiting for the mares response."you game?" he asked

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"This whole thing is dumb, gonna say that." She moved to the mirror where her horn lit up to undo her ponytail letting her mane flow free. "But if whatever plan you have gets me out of this mess so I can go home that would be fine, I suppose..." She kept playing with her hair to try and figure a different look. "You I kinda stick out with my tail right?"

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Coolwhip blinked at the web for a bit then looked at Ember an idea was coming to his head "if you could look different to both hunter and mob with the tale the better" he then approached the mare blinking still clearly hungover but oddly looking more awake the more he talked.


"essentially you'll meet a hunter after cresent and also the main mob boss of the faygo family....that will be hard to do but if you can look different to both it will help lead them into the trap" he said walking around the mare then left her be


"do me a favor, when ever our favorite thestral wakes don't tell him about this trap if he asks. He could do more harm knowing about it all then not knowing. Or not..just a theory is all."

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"How am I going to look completely different to both these ponies oh so smart one? Unless you know a changeling or something I don't see how me changing my mane is going to fool them?" She looks to this pony with a plan, a floored plan in her eyes and he needed to explain how it would work. 

  • Brohoof 1

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The stallion stopped in his tracks at that "your not a changeling, well their go's that idea ok then" the pony's turned towards the web on the wall. "well that changes everything, the mob knows you but no the hunter so....." he sat on his haunches then brought his hoof to his chin in thought then still looking at the web pulled out his rubix cub from the pocket in the scarf.


"we could do one of two things you get to know the mobsters more with the disguise or the hunters. either way having you jump into two different roles would be problematic. While infiltrating the mob is easier then the hunters I still think this could help us more, here's an idea" he then looked at ember


"your a girl that did some time that wants to make it big so you try out to be with the mod and instead of sleeping with them you have a contact that sells weapons and could help the family get stronger. You think bits are ore important then vices and the such but you also have a bone to pick with the cops. While you work out a deal you will eventually meet the main boss of the faygo family and find out when he will make his move against the phantom. The hair and throwing on a accent would help them forgot about the other are from the chines place." he said still playing with his rubix cube.

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