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private Chaos in Ponyville(Private)

Derplight Sperkle

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Derplight looked from the town from afar. "Another town, another disguise," Derplight sighed to himself. The last few towns have taken his appearance with torches and pitchforks. Changelings are still just... scorned. Nopony wanted them or knew of the new reformation.


He took his precautions this time around. Derplight thought of what form he could take on for this town.  I tried that one in the previous town... Earth ponies can be boring sometimes... he thought until he finally came up with an unicorn form he saw a few towns ago. A green orb rapidly formed and disappeared around Derplight as he changed to his new form. He was a dark blue unicorn with a simple book cutie mark. But, his eyes were derpy, like always.


"Hopefully nopony blows my cover this time..." Derplight said to himself as he walked into Ponyville.

  • Brohoof 2


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Derplight looked into the sky with surprise.The sudden downpour was surprising. There wasn't clouds a minute ago...


Ponies were running quickly indoors, knowing something was wrong. Derplight however didn't know how weather worked here. Or of any particular chaotic entities. Getting wet also didn't bother him too much. Wandering around Equestria without shelter didn't dissuade Derplight from wet weather.


He just kept heading a little more into Ponyville, looking for somepony to give him directions.

  • Brohoof 2


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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The mysterious pony just dropped from the sky right in front of Derplight. He squinted his eyes. This pony didn't look like the others he has met over the years. For one, he had wings and a horn, that must be special.


"Um, hello Mr. Pony," Derplight began. "Can you tell me directions to the nearest furniture store? Nopony seems to be around right now to give me any directions..."

  • Brohoof 2


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Derplight gave the pony a confused glance. "Well, you did say it's been a long time since you have been to Equestria. That does mean you were here before," he replied. "I'm new to town and you are the only pony that is outside right now," he finished with a look around.


The area around the pair was completely empty. Everypony that was outside earlier had ran indoors from the rain. And whatever caused it.


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Derplight raised his hoof to his chin in thought. "I...uh... don't know what you are talking about. What is an alicorn?" 


He looked on as various objects flew into windows and broke a door. Derplight didn't know if that was something ponies just do day to day. Being sheltered in the hive has kept him in the dark about pony customs. 


"Also, why are you breaking doors and windows like that? It doesn't look like the townsponies enjoy it," Derplight asked, referring to the ponies inside running further inside to avoid the carnage. 


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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"It reminds me of a former queen of mine, her name was-" Derplight started then interrupted himself. "Forget I mentioned that." 


The flying barrels of apples continued to break more and more of the surrounding environment. Ponies were starting to run out of their homes towards a tree castle? Derplight may be oblivious to pony customs, but he was starting to see that this was becoming too much. 


"Um, you mind stopping this...I never caught your name," Derplight asked meekly. Judging from all the chaos going on, he wasn't sure what the full capabilities of the pony were.


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Derplight's eyes widened at the mention of his former queen. "I have no idea who you are talking about," Derplight replied, visibly nervous. "I know no such pony."


Derplight knew from previous town visits that hearing of that name caused many to question why he knew of her. But this Lord Senvious, was not like anypony he had met. Derplight followed the alicorn towards the castle with Senvious. He was also curious of the structure.


"So, uh, what are you doing now? I hope no more flying barrels please?"


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

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Derplight gulped. "I rather not," he said meekly. Derplight still preferred not talk about her. In hindsight, Chrysalis wasn't exactly the best ruler, even at the time the changelings were under her control. 


"I even wonder who lives here. Who needs a giant tree castle to live in?" He was as curious of the occupant. Is it one of the royal sisters that almost everypony always mention?




"Spike, pen a letter," Twilight instructed her small companion. Spike rushed to get a quill and parchment. Soon he had them in hand and stood at the ready. "Alright Twilight. What do you have in mind?"


"Spike, There is noth- " she was interrupted by sudden rainfall. Weird, there wasn't any rain planned today. Twilight flew over the window to check outside. It was indeed raining. Pegasi were not known for suddenly changing the weather in this scale. "Spike, stay here. I need to go check-" Twilight spoke before another interruption echoed throughout the castle. "-outside. I will be back."


Twilight rushed to the door to check who it was. A strange glow throughout the lower floor of the castle. It was nothing like Twilight has seen before. She was soon at the door and shouted to the other side. "Who's there?"

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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

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What kind of pony would talk like this? Twilight thought as she heard the voice. Then the word that stuck out of the statement. Alicorn. "That can't possibly be another alicorn," Twilight said smugly to herself. "The only other alicorns are the other princesses. I will have to see it for myself."


The door opened to an unicorn that Twilight has never met before and... an alicorn. Her eyes and mouth opened in surprise. "Uh...hello?" Twilight stammered out.




Derplight wiped a bead of sweat when Senvious stopped pushing the topic of Chrysalis. He really didn't want his cover blown already. Though he didn't appreciate being called low class. Derplight didn't get high in the swarm, but even the lowest were giving some respect. Chrysalis never demeaned the drones and treated them like children who needed to eat.


Once the door opened, he saw the purple princess that was with the others just before Chrysalis was shown the door by Thorax. He passed by her when she was unconscious, so even his real form wouldn't be recognizable. Most non-changelings couldn't tell them apart. He just back, so he wouldn't be noticed right away.


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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