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Hey everypony my nickname here is thelongtimemagic i'm a Male Brony from the UK, I'm a fairly new Brony having been introduced to the show a few weeks ago but I've already reached the point of having Rainbow Dash wallpapers on everything I own.


I love the show for its Art style, Plots, Characters and the Soundtrack I love all the characters in the show but if I were to pick favourites I would say Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Discord are my favourite characters in the Show so far.


Outside of MLP i've always been a big Retro Gamer I'm a huge Sega and Nintendo fan with the Mega Drive and Super Nintendo still being my favourite Game Consoles I'm not as much of a fan of modern games but I do enjoy like the Wii when I'm not distracted with PS1 games :huh:


I'm kind of a Metal Head when it comes to Music as i'm into Running and i've honestly found that type of Music increases my Running speed right now I would say my favourite band is Gwar but I tend to change my mind pretty quickly as I find out of more awesome music :lol:

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Hello there thelongtimemagic and welcome to MLP Forums! post-1052-0-17597300-1329709763.gif

I'm Jokuc and I hope you will enjoy your stay here with us. See you around!


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Welcome to the forum.

Rainbow Dash: Alright, now these games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities I'm looking for in a pet. Speed, agility, guts, style. Coolness. Awesomeness. And radicalness.

Twilight Sparkle: Aren't those last three all the same thing?

Rainbow Dash: You would think that, Twilight. And that's why you would never qualify to be my pet.

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