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private Blood on fire rp (mentes, fleari, cwhip)


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@Mentis Soliloquy@Flearia Dragondanser  At the fair

As the pony herd the young mares noise some of the others watching started to mummer in agreement, Darklight seeing an opratunity to cause some well deserved karama sliped between the showders in a blure of moction. No none vamp could see her move so fast dracule would probably her his aunts blood beat. Or maybe thought he did for a brief second as she zommed between the crowd. Much to the owners surprise along with the crowds a loud spark was herd from the machines that moved the ballons. An small trail of smoke could be seen coming from the control panel, the owner frowned at it hitting it.

"don't worry I do play fair" it was at that moment the trail of smoke blew in the owners face cover the pony in ash. He coughe a bit giving some bits to the mare.

"out of order every pony" he said before finding a small daring doo plushi simuler to the gint one but obviously smaller .  There were sighs and one annoyed "oh come on!" from the crowd and soon they found other things to do at the fair. Darklight could be seen clapping her hoofs winking at her nephew behind the crowd. She nodded at him as if to say 'go on have some more fun'.

At the castel room

Cresent mouthed the words as he herd the names as he ran them through his mind, he smiled nodding and playfully put his mouth around mori's claw then made a silly face at her earning a gigel then kissing both for heads. He still had a joyful tear in his eye and was glad at the names.

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@Mentis Soliloquy @cwhip9

As the machine broke down, Dracul could have sworn that he feelt something strange just then! But never mind it. The machine was broken. He had won something big! A plush of Daring Do, and this mare beside him had won something she herself!

"Well. The run to it wasn't as exspected but the outcome kinda was what I had in mind." He smirked. "Not with the whole breakdown and so... But look! You got a price! Think we could try something else? Or do yoy think they'll break too?"


Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

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I'm not sure, I mean I've never won on the carnival games before, this is really nice toy... I'll keep this." She looks to him. "I mean if you want to try your luck again with another game stall I mean I am happy to try, but I don't have too many bits for all this, I can only pick a few thing." 

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@Mentis Soliloquy@Flearia Dragondanser As the two youngster would work out what to do next a loud screech was herd from the petting zoo area near by them, some oohs and ahhs would be herd followed by applause. The noise would come from a tent with a chekcerd flag was on the top of the giant red tent. A sign outside read "THE GRAND BEAST SHOW" in fancy letters. Near by were rides that would resemble spinner chairs, a swinging ship, and even an obsitical course with inflatibul obsitcals to get around. For a youngster at the fair their is always more then one thing to do.      

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@Mentis Soliloquy @cwhip9

"Well sometime got to be the first! Congratula... um..." Dracul started to squirm a bit. "I just realized. We never introduced outself... Sorry about that!" He let out a nervous chuckle and stretched out a claw to her. "I'm Dracul"

Hearing the noice from the petting zoo Dracul got an idea! "Hey if you don't want to spend to much of your coins. How about we go se what crazy animals they got at the petting zoo?"

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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  • 2 weeks later...

"My name is... Crystal... please to um meat you there young dragon?... I am pretty sure you're a dragon anyway..." She scuffed a hoof a little embarrassed. "But I'd love to go and see the petting zoo, cose yeah you don't have to pay for that thankfully." 

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@Mentis Soliloquy@Flearia Dragondanser

As the two began to make their way to the petting zoo a food dispenser was near by to feed the animals. The animals in question were a 2 sphinx's, hydra who had the biggiest pin, 4 wyverns, and a sleeping bug bear.

The animals were in pins and very docile, but the wyverns were happy seeing other pony's and gryphons inter act with them, mostly do to the food they were given.

At the petting zoo milled about some youngsters around drcaule's age, and even younger. Some with their parents, or relatives and darklight could be found chatting up the gryphon posted by the hydra's pin.

Out of the animals the hydra had gotten most of the crowds attention as most have rarely seen one in captivity let alone tame, so seeing two gryphons posted by the hydra was half to relax the crowd gathering and half to protect the hydra. A sign on the hydra's pin read "do not feed"  

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@cwhip9. @Mentis Soliloquy

As soon as the the got to the petting zoo, Dracul cringed tp o what he saw was one of theat tractions. Wyverns... Feral Wyverns... 

He backed away fromnthe wiev of them being doctile. Eating from ponys hoofs like theybwhere pets!

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Well... that's something new... I expected bunnies and the like not... creatures that... well." In truth, Aqua had run into most of the creatures in the said pens. She did not really like any of the creatures but understood their motives for attacking her in the wild. Seeing them here was odd to be sure, however, made the same sense to her, they like her were doing what they needed to eat. And she would have loved to suck out some love from the dragon next to her, but she'd felt eyes on them. Watching, he would give her no food this night. 

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@Mentis Soliloquy@Flearia Dragondanser

While aqua and the dragon did have the eyes of darklight on them she was more concerned with what was in the petting zoo. Namely the wyverns....seeing the one in charge of the tent near by she the gryphon aside privately to have a chat. It was all said in Manitien and it was less then a friendly chat. The gryphon looked more shocked then ashamed and slightly saddened. Yet he walked away with some bits so it could have gone worse....ALOT worse.

As the animals were being fed one of the wyverns that seemed to be sleeping if not just staring out side glanced at dracule. It blinked in confusion then looked at itself. While the wyverns were the same collard scales of light blue this one would have stood out as it wasn't near the fence to eat. The creature seeing dracule back away looked back at its brothers and sisters getting food from the others, looking back to the outside giving a tired chirp sound.

As draklight came back in she saw her nephews discomfort and decided to help calm by sending a thought to him 'don't worry drac I'll take care of it' she thought to him.  

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"Yea... unexpected.." Dracul replied to Crystal's comment. "I don't like seeing this... Couod we go se if there maybe is a ride or something instead?"

Hearing his aunt's voice in his head, Dracul culd only nodd vagly as an answer.

  • Brohoof 1


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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  • 4 weeks later...

"What are you thinking? Nothing too expensive I hope?" She was ok to spend more money but she would hope she'd not have to. Aqua was not the richest of ponies (changelings) and going to the fare was a out of normal activity though she thought she'd get a meal out of it though.

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@Mentis Soliloquy @cwhip9

"Naa. Nothing exspensiv. Just... something else..." Dracul had a quick phase as he got out of the petting zoo area.

As he got a bit away from the petting zoo he goraned and leaned on a wall. Reaching bacl and scratching his scales on his back where the two lumbs where.

Edited by Flearia Dragondanser
  • Brohoof 1


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@Flearia Dragondanser@Mentis Soliloquy 

As dark light saw them leave she ended her conversation with the pony in charge of the petting zoo going back out to shadow her nephew knowing better then to get in and embarrass....she hadn't seen him in a while maybe she could be the embarrassing aunt....no probably not again he did just see his sister being born. Noticing his scratching the back another thought was sent to him 'let me know if you need any back cream' she thought to him still out of his sight just watching what her nephew would do next.

The mare on the other hoof, her blood still sounded....not off but more...out of Towner?  not how crystal blood sounds like most of the time. The queen shrugged it off thinking if anything her nephew could have better hearing then she dose being half bat.

In terms of rides there was plenty to choose from, a roller coster, a spinner machine, even bumper wagons and a inflatables obsitical course....that would be something to see him in. She might find out what to train him in seeing him go through one.  

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@Mentis Soliloquy @cwhip9

'Yea, that'd be-' Dracul tought to himself just as there was a great pain in his back together with what sounded like something being rippd apart. He moved his hand from the lumps to look at it. "Blazes!" He cursed in pain as his hand was covered in blood!

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  • Brohoof 1


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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"Holy mother of the hordes!" She blurted out in shock watching such a horrific sight befall her. She did not even remotely know what to do as she stood there in total shock as onlookers were in some similar state of horror and panic.  

It took her a few moments to start yelling for help, she almost started using magic but then remembered her disguise did not have a horn this time so she had to stop herself as she knelt down to the small dragon and tried to stop some of the bleeding (he was on his face we'll say) pressing her hooves on his back. 

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@Flearia Dragondanser@Mentis Soliloquy As the queen of bat ponys saw what unfolded in front of her the gryphon's who had also been shadowing the young dragon leapt through the crowd blocking the others view surrounding the two youngsters as a purple bluer weaved through the gryphon's.

In the castel
As cresent was braggingly playing with the twins he stopped with that feeling a very intense stiffness in his wings as he herd along with wally his sisters voice in his head  'cresent stay where you are wallu,get into the next room quickly!'

Cresent sighed nodded as he was still recovering himself from the fire breathing he hugged the twins and his wife seeing her reaction.

Soon a flash of purple was seen followed by the noise of trolleys being moved, rapped manitiean, and if wally had followed as instructed she would see the young mare still trying to help the unconscious dragon along with dark light looking more like cresent when ever anything hit the fan in that Captain on deck look. "Listen to what ever wally says" darklight said to the nurse batponys who looked very startled. They then got to work helping with the wounds with one batpony who spoke to wally

"what will you have us do ma'm?"

It was clear wally was the only expert on dragons present at that time....

Darklight turned to the philly trying to help the young dragon "go to the next room youngster" she said to crystal not shoving her but still nodding to one of the griphons who escorted the youngster in the room near by with cresent and the twins.

Edited by cwhip9
wrong name
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@Mentis Soliloquy @cwhip9

Hearing her sister-in-law's voice in her head. Walleria's face got pale, looking like she had seen aa ghost! Betting her own life what she feared had happend! She quickly pushed her way into the other room! Leaving the twins in her husbands care.

Once in the room. Hearing the chaotic chatter of bat ponys and seeing her son laying on a bed face down. Seeing his new wings splaying out on the sides covered in blood and the thin exposed letter of gis wings starting to tear up as well as the big open wounds on his back.

Her eyes whent wide and she roared "CLEAR OUT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET BURND ALIVE!!" as she lifted Dracul up from the bed and littelary kicked away the bed and anything within Dracul's wingspawn as she layed him down on the floor. Spreading his wings to their fullest as she took a deep breath and breathed a green fire on his wings! Setting them ablaze  before kneeling down at him and used the last of her breath ti cover her own hands in the fire. Sticking them down in the open wounds on his back. Stroking the insides of the wounds with the green flames.

"Water and any mosturing salve you have!" She said looking to the bat nurses around.

Dracul grunted ill in his still unconcious state. "I know my prince. Stay strong!" Walleria sighed and moved her hands from the first wound. As one would think. The wound being treated by fire would smell burnt and be cautereside. This however didn't smell more then a normal wound, not being cauterised, but instead looking like it's shrinking in in itself as Walleria started on the other flesh wound.

  • Brohoof 2


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Crystal was confused and scared when she was ushered into another room after some bat pony shouted at her, well it felt like shouting. Then some burly Gryphon royal guards made sure she didn't leave, she was scared that was for sure. She wanted to leave, almost no one liked changelings to the degree that some killed her spices even these days. Being stuck in a den full of vampires who called themselves royals, she was terrified and was trying to hide it. 

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@Flearia Dragondanser"you herd her go!" the empress barked at the nurses, the bat ponys did as they were told to what the dragon told them to do. Some taking mental notes others just waiting to be told what to do next as an IV water bag was getting prepped along with more pitchers of water and salve was soon found both of which set next to the dragoness on a trolley and someponys holding them waiting for more instructions "and get ahold of that dragon get him here now I don't care if you have to bust some the wall on his way in just get him here!" darklight moved to wally "I have a doctor enrout soon anything you need from me?" she asked her....

@Mentis Soliloquy In the room she was escorted she would notice perhaps a familiar looking batpony pending how long she had been in Manity, she might have seen this ponies face on a few postcards or news papers talking about the royal line of ponys. As Cresent saw the scared philly being escorted in the room he felt more confused then sorry for her as from the looks of the youngster she looked like his sons age. Perhaps a friend made, hopefully it was as his week was going to get ruffer, should this have started sooner? hearing darklights reside voice it didn't take long to work out why the youngster was scared.

An older bat pony approached the philly a lollipop in her wing she held it too her with a caring smile that would match a grandmothers seeing the youngster scared, cresent tried to speak but his voice was a whisper "its ok young one" he said loud enough for the youngster to hear "loyal their helped light grow up" he nodded at the door to the next room. "you safe"    

To which the older pony only smiled

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@Mentis Soliloquy @cwhip9

As the bat nurses helped Walleria with what she asked for. Coming with it when she needed it she continued to tend to her sons wounds. After closing the second flesh wound she used the fire to clean out the fire that was still on the wounds. Picking up the moisturing salve. Spreading it out over the closed up wounds that now where two red lines on his back.

Walleria whiped some sweat from her brow using her arm. "This looked so much easier when momndid it." She mumbles to herself. Phanting hard and looking down at her son's wounds. She sighed in relief that it looked ok. She hadn't messed it up!

"Now for his wings." She said as she got back to trying to heal his newly sprouted wings. Starting from the wing-shoulderblades. Mpving her hands up simutaniously on both wings. Exstinguishing the fire as well as looking like repairing the torn lether on his wings. Finishing it all by putting more moisturing salve on his wings before she herself falld over beside him. Smiling to him and phanting hard. "There. It's done my prince!" She said with a happy yet tired voice. The whole proceedure wpuld have taken around 20 minutes.

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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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She believed nothing of what he was saying or this lollipop being offered to her. Wow you think I'm this dumb... you go for my blood I'll turn you to ash you filthy vampires! She stoicly thought... 

She however in reality was still terrorfied of them, but took the sweet with a shaky hoof if only to shove it in her gob to stop her from speaking anything to them. But her goal reminded the same, flee from this place, before someone had her for lunch.

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@Mentis Soliloquy @cwhip9

The door to the room beside where Crystal and Cresent where together with the twins and other nurse and doctor bat ponys. From it come a bed where Dracul where laying on being pushed by some nurse ponys tightly followed by a tired Walleria. Dracul's bed where put beside Cresent and Walleria walked up to Cresent giving him a kiss and smiling to her two twins. "You good love? It was as I'v been telling you." she nudged her head to their son's bed. "It whent better then expected. but he'll be recovering for a few days before he can use them."

Looking to the side. Walleria saw spotted the non bat pony in the room. It was easy as she was the sole one without wings. Walleria smiled to herself and moved towards her. She might have fooled the others around but Walleria could se that she was terrified!

"Hello there. You where with my son during the carnival. and when his wings decided to show themself. It's not a plesant sight, but I assure you. he will be fine." She said trying a friendly smile. "If you want. you can sitt with us over there. He's out for the moment but he'll wake again within the hour."

  • Brohoof 1


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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@Mentis Soliloquy@Flearia Dragondanser With crystal retort cresent sighed 'we don eat children young one' he thought back as his wife and son came in he looked at the young dragon getting up quickly acting on his fatherly instincts forgetting about the young mare.

He hugged his son carfully avoiding the wounds on his back looking rather shoked but with Loyal resting a hoof on his shoulder he nodded at what his wife said. The batpony then looked at his new daughters hoping they wouldn't be scared seeing their older sibling like this he nuzzled them caringly. Looking at the new youngster in the room he grined friendly like.   

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She was less scared of the dragon at least, she was kinda sure she was not like almost everyone else in the room present to calmed a little, but in terms of little it went from an 11/10 to 8/10, suppose that was still something. "I... I just met him, I hardly know the drake. I... just want to leave..." She blurted out the last part, she honestly did, but now she wanted to see if he was ok.

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