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private Studying Crime and statistics...

Mentis Soliloquy

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 @@Glacies Frost 


Glacies was exiting the school for Gifted Unicorns with a scroll and a mission...


On this scroll was a task do a in depth study of crime and its effects on society, he was heading to the more rough and tumble South district of the capital  to meat up with a guardspony and follow them about their duties for enough time as he needed to write up his papers and take what he need back to the school for the professor in question. 

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Glacies rolled the scroll up and stuffed it into his saddlebag with a sigh. This had to be one of the most infuriating assignments he'd ever gotten from the School. He looked up at the sun as it slowly rose in the sky.


"It's the top of the hour, then," he commented as he trotted down the road from the school toward the royal guard barracks a few blocks away. He smiled as he knocked on the door. 


Curse them for making me study crime of all things. I don't have any experience in things like this. What am I supposed to write down? he thought. He took a few moments to compose himself while waiting for someone to open the door. He knew he had to do the assignment, but still cursed his luck that they had picked something he had put absolutely no research into. 


Could be worse. I could be headed to Tartarus to interview Tirek. Even through that magical barrier, he strikes me as quite the frightening creature.

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The door was opened a little bit later by a rather large earth stallion, somepony who looked like he could pick you up and carry you to jail like a parent carrying a foal. He was chewing something Glacies could not make out. "Can I help you?" He said in a gruff tone, he did not stop chewing as he waited for a response. 

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Glacies looked up at the other unicorn with a quizzical smile at first, and then realize he had been spoken to. He cleared his throat.


"I'm Glacies Frost, field researcher for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I was sent here to do field research on crime in Canterlot. Are you by chance the officer of the Guard I was commissioned to shadow?" he asked.

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He arched an eyebrow. "Hmm, ok then come in and go see the Lt. He'd be in the second office on the left." With that he moved aside for the unicorn to pass and went back to what he was doing previously before. 


The unwitting guard he was to be assigned to was actually in the hall talking to a earth pony. 

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Glacies nodded and walked through the door. He noticed the guard talking to the earth pony but paid the pony no mind at first. He made it to the Lieutenant's office and knocked on the door.


While he waited to be called in, he scratched his chin and wondered what exact kind of Royal Guard he'd be working with. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn't really looking forward to it anyway.

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"Come in!" A rather booming voice called from behind the door. 


Once Glacies had entered he was met by two sights; firstly a rather busy looking Pegasus guard and a spotless officer except for the desk the Pegasus was at which was completely covered in papers and looked a total mess. He looked up at the Unicorn. "What can I do for you?" His voice still holding a amount of authority even with a more quiet tone. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Mentis Soliloquy

Glacies looked around the office for a few moments as he thought about how best to word his response. The office was messy, but the paperwork was at least in some manner of strange organization. He smiled slightly at the idea of "organized chaos," something he himself was more than experienced in.

"I'm the..." he sighed and put his head on his hoof for a moment as the thought of it all finally came up to it. "I'm the... envoy from Celestia's School. I've been assigned to shadow one of your officers for the day, to draft up a report on Canterlot crime statistics and the handling of crime by the Guard." 

Envoy... hah! Errand pony, more like. This is busy work. I know they can call up the data at will by requisitioning it directly from the guard.

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He looked up from his desk as he processed what the unicorn had said. It was quite clear behind his eyes he was processing the info, he then scratched his head. "Um... ooooh... right yeah I remember seeing something about that!"

He looked through the papers for something he was looking for. He pulled out a more fancy looking paper compared to the rest. "Oh... it said the 14th I thought it was 24th... you're a week early, um I need to make sure I read things better." 

He got up and went to a filing cabinet and got out a book, he opened and read it. "Hmm... oh that's right, Sapphire get your butt in here!" He shouted out. 


A unicorn mare came in a few moments later. "Boss?"

"You, meet, um... Glacies, he's with you today."

"What?..." Before she could really ask the pair were pushed outside by the officer.

"have fun you two." As she shut the door.


"Um who are you?" She asked him.

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Glacies's fur was a bit ruffled as he was ushered out of the office with nary another word from the commanding officer on duty. He whipped up a comb of ice and immediately went to fixing his mane. 

"Seriously... giving us a proper chance to get introduced wouldn't have been too much trouble, would it?" he asked in a huff as the comb vanished into thin air. He looked up at the unicorn standing before him and shrugged.

"Name's Glacies Frost. I'm a field researcher for the School for Gifted Unicorns," he said. After letting that sink in for a few seconds, he continued, "I'm here to... shadow you on your rounds, document anything I see, and later to come back to the Guard records office to compile some statistical data for research purposes at the school." He sighed and scratched the back of his neck with his right hoof. 

"I... uh... look forward to working alongside you."

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"Following me...? Um that's new, okay then if the Lt. has lumped you to me, hmm?..." She turned and headed off down the hall. "You gotta keep up Frost or I'll leave you here!" She was not really in the mood to be shadowed by some civi, but what choice did she have? Besides he would only be watching at least. 

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He saw that the other unicorn was just as curt as the lieutenant had been. 

Wonderful, I get to enjoy the cold shoulder for awhile... I love my job, but this kinda stuff makes me want to find more gainful employment.

He smiled ruefully and followed the other pony down the hall. 

"I know it's not an ideal situation, but we should make the best of it. What's our first destination?" He stopped short as he realized something.

"I'm sorry. I introduced myself but didn't catch your name. May I have the honor?"

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"First stop is the day roster to see where I am patrolling, name is Sapphire Orange, Corporal." They made there way to a staff room where there was a large board with names and locations. She looked up to see her name. "...7th Avenue, mmm ok then no problems. Follow me hot shot." She lead them from the station heading South.   

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Mentis Soliloquy

Glacies frowned as he noticed that they were heading toward Seventh Avenue. He hadn't explored that part of town very much, so his knowledge was quite limited concerning the area. 

"So, could you tell me a bit about the area? I don't think I've been around that part of the city much, so if there's anything I should know..." he trailed off, unsure if the pony before him heading down the street was even listening to him.

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"7th? Eh it's fine, there is no to little crime around that part of town, if we got past 13th that's when you need to suit up when you're on your own... heck when your in a pair which you would be that far South of town. But you won't get much excitement I think maybe a couple of tickets and things I'm not sure who knows? Maybe we'll get a bank robbery."

They kept on their way down South towards their route.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"A bank robbery, huh? Celestia forbid," he said, muttering the last two words under his breath so as not to bring down the mood of the pony before him. He brought out his quill and parchment and spun the quill in the air before him. He opened a small ink bottle on the side of his saddle bag and brought it up to the paper as he began taking his notes on his observations. He didn't have much to write yet, but he had the feeling there wouldn't be much talking. In Sapphire's shoes, he would have been annoyed at having some worthless tagalong who couldn't help with anything. 

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(So not used to you having a pink name now lol)

"I doubt we'll get a bank robbery at least not a one on the ground, I mean it'd be foolish not to try and get out via the air... well I mean if I were a bank robber or something, I don't know criminals are not the smartest bunch really so I don't know." They made their way further South of the city. The buildings changed from things of splendor like most of the center part of the capital, to more conventional city style buildings something you'd see in Manehatten and the like. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glacies looked around with his fair share of trepidation. Being in the tow of a Royal Guard was something he was not used to, and he felt like he was standing out far more than he would usually. He wrote a bit about the rounds as he continued to follow her, noting the guard's general level of enthusiasm, her way of handling the ponies around her, and the laws she would enforce.

"Well, at least I'm learning something," he said, more to himself than anyone else as he continued to follow Sapphire.

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"Oh... right I suppose I should say this now before anything dose or might happen. If I say get him, or stop him or help or something, you drop that note book of yours and you help me with that horn of yours, got it?" She was rather serious if she needed help for whatever reason she was gonna get it not some unicorn sitting on the sidelines taking notes. 

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Glacies almost chuckled at the words of the Guardspony. He hadn't done much in the way of combat magic before, but he was known to hold his own if he needed to.

"Don't worry about that. If you decide I need to do something, I'll do something," he said. He kept it intentionally vague, since the sudden appearance of a shield of cage of ice would be a bit disconcerting to some people. He was interested to see what kind of reaction he could get out of her. He smirked a little at the thought while trotting along behind her, before returning his face to a more composed, neutral expression.

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"Good, just checking I don't want you to be here for show only if something actually happens." They were making good progress down to where she was assigned to patrol that day and then they could actually get started on what she had to do and he could write his notes.

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  • 1 month later...

Glacies trotted along behind his guide as she went silent. He could tell already there wasn't going to be much in the way of actual talking until they actually got somewhere they could rest. His questions about what it was like to be one of the Royal Guard would have to wait, even if the information was necessary for the research paper. He didn't want to bother her too much which such mundane questions while actually out on patrol. He'd wait until they got to a stopping point, a break of some kind.

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They walked for another good five minutes before finally getting to 24th street. "Alright, our next eight hours will be up and down this street, unless something fun happens of course." She walked over to a small guard box and opens it up getting a few utility items out. "Alright we're good to go, should be hopefully a few quiet hours or maybe some fun ones. Honestly, I don't mind each one."

She looks to him. "Anything you want to put in the locker you don't want to carry all day?" 

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