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private Order of the Flower [Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne]

Nightmare Season

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@Raven Rawne

Peony sat there watching her guide write in her big book. The riddles were first, followed by drawing a map of the area they were in. She was really talented at that. When Natural was putting the finishing touches on her map, Peony had gotten up and went to look at each of the flowers she believed to be the "keys".


"I do believe love, that I know where most of these flowers are found. Poison Joke grows in the Everfree Forest, The Giggling Funflower is found in the Undiscovered West. The Hearts Desire grows around Los Pegasus. Lazilily grows on the Grittish Isle, and Somnambular Bloom is Griffonstone. A good ways away. Would you be willing to help me gather up these flowers and return here?" Peony asked Natural.


After the map was done and everything they could do now was finished, the two of the exited the chamber and headed back down the steps to the wagon.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

Natural Order sat down and started writing down all the information she thought could be needed. Starting with the riddles, she noticed the latest batch of charcoal ink she made did turn out rather fine, at last. She used to have problems with nailing the proportions for optimal writing qualities. That made her smile slightly, and the sense of tiny accomplishment improved her mood. She then drew a basic map of how to find the temple again, which looked more like notes of a student of Geography than an actual map but, she knew what she was doing. The mint mare was a bit surprised that her companion didn't consult the huge Atlas she brounght along, but she seemed to be versed well enough in the flowery plants, by the sound of it.

The earth pony mare took the pen into a hoof hold, to free her mouth as she made the last touches on the "map", then raised an eyebrow. "Well I did say I'll accompany you till you get back home, didn't I? And I keep my word. So, yeah, I'll go." She got up and looked around the place for the last time, then packed her papers and lugged the Atlas onto her back. "Alright, time to hit the road again, I guess." They left the Temple proper and walked back to the wagon, where the mint mare packed their stuff for the road. "Guess we don't need to rest before we head out, right? Oh and, as far as I can tell, it would be best to grab the flowers from East to West, starting from Griffonstone. Now I've never been there, or on the Isles, but there is a train there, or so I've heard. Or we can take a ship from Baltimare? Not sure what would be faster but, Baltimare seems like a good place to go for now. Especially after Hayseed. Again..." 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Raven Rawne

The two of them left the temple and back down the steps. Peony noticed Natural started to pack up the wagon. Before she had a chance to ask, the answer was already given. "I do say love, I do not look forward to that dreadful swamp again. Though, if we must. I will endeavor to head through it yet again. The gathering the flowers starting with Griffonstone and working in a Westward direction sounds good." Peony pulled out her bit pouch to look in at how much wealth she still had. "I figure we have enough bits to help us once we get to Griffonstone. Those griffons are mightly keen on only helping if you got the bits."


The two once again set out into the jungle, the way out was a slight bit easier, since the trail they made getting there was still there. The climbing up the hill was the hardest part. Peony tried her best to help push the wagon up that slope as Natural Pulled. Once they managed to get to the top, the two decided it was best to stop for the ever setting sun on the horizon.


That evening Peony seemed in higher hopes. She was happy that the temple did exist, and was not just an old mare's tale. She did not even mind the simple food that Natural had prepared for them that evening. When all was eaten and cleaned up, Peony excused herself to her warm bedroll inside the wagon.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

Natural smirked sympathetically at the unicorn's remark about Hayseed, and paused what she was doing for a moment to think. Peony's remark about bits and griffons ceased the pondering, and Natural resumed the packing. She said over her shoulder, putting a crate in place inside the wagon: "I could say the same about many ponies too. I met just a few griffons really, but they didn't seem that bad..."

The way back, as expected, was lighter simply by the fact that they had a cut out trail to follow. Still, pulling the loaded wagon uphill was, by far, the worst part yet, since they left Canterlot. Natural just had no strength to continue once they crawled all the way up. They had to make do with parking on the "trail", and setting up a simple camp. The mint mare went through the evening chores of seting the fireplace and cooking something edible almost automatically - something she did countles times, no matter how tired she was. Neither felt very talkative, being so tired, but Natural noticed her employer seemed more optimistic than for the last few days. Her potted "friend" was always close by, for some reason, but Natural Order just shrugged it off, since apparently they had the plant to thank for reaching the temple in the first place. Once everything was readied for the night, the thoroughtly tired guide closed the wagon doors and hit the bedroll for every ounce of rest she may squeeze off it.


She woke up, but it was too early to rise. he sunlight wasn't invading through the cracks in the shutters, and that meant night time. And it sure felt like she didn't sleep to long. Natural glanced at Peony, but she was, thankfully, asleep. Or at least laying still where she should be - hard to be sure in the darkness. Something snorted outside, very, very close. Now Natural knew why she woke up, something was poking around the wagon. Listening carefully, she could make out where, approximately, the intruder was. Another hiss made it pretty clear that it was, in fact, just some night time predator of these parts, and it didn't sound too large. The unwanted presence made her feel uncomfortable, but not alarmed - not yet. After what seemed like a small eternity, the animal wandered off and she fell asleep again.

Somthing was on her nose. Natural swatted it away, but it came back. Cracking an eye open, she saw with blurry vision that sme bug was messing with her. Another swat, this time aimed, did the trick. The sun was up, and the wagon doors were open, and it gave her pause. A moment to think, and the mare jumped up and looked around - it was later than usual, and Peony was not inside. Natural walked outside and sighed deeply, seeing her safe outside, doing that morning hair routine of hers. "Geez, I'll never get used to travelling with somepony. Morning miss, I'll be right back." - she returned inside to pack the bedrolls, giving hers a sad, long stare. "Wish I could take a day off... Maybe getting to the sea shore would make it lighter for me? Sure wouldn't make me cross Hayseed again..." - she talked to herself while making the bedrolls and collecting the supplies for breakfast. She didn't sleep very well that night, and it probably showed.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

Peony Spring woke up with the sun. Rolling over, she noticed her companion was still sound asleep. She slowly got up and went outside with her potted flower. She would take this opportunity to get her mane ready for the road. She left the door slightly open to allow Natural to get fresh air. She heard the pony stir and come to the door as she was brushing her mane. Natural said morning to Peony and went back inside. "A fine morn'n to you too dear." Peony replied as she watched her go back into the wagon to get things ready.

As Peony turned back to finish her time consuming task, a hoof with a rag shot right to her snout. She could not scream, and the odor on the rag made her feel dizzy then pass out. A dark grey stallion took her by surprise and knocked her out. A quick nod from him had a griffon swoop down picking up the sleeping mare and flew off with her. Following the trail the two made when they came through to the temple. The stallion quietly took off after the griffon.

Once Natural finished her job inside and came outside, all she could see was Peony's brush and the potted flower toppled over. A quick spurt of panic had Natural looking around and yelling for Peony. She was no where to be seen or heard.

"You there! Pick me up already. We need to go after them before they get to far with Peony." Natural heard, but not really hearing. It was more like hearing it directly inside her head. She looked around for the sender of the demand. Seeing no pony, she looked down at the flower on it's side. "Yes me. Now hurry. They carried her off."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

"AAand *yawn* there. Time to make breakfast..." Natural Order gave the wagon's interior one last wishful look, them grabbed a basket with foodstuffs and a knife to cut it all into something edible.  However, as soon as she poked her head out, she just knew something was wrong.

"Peony?" - she asked aloud, not quite sure what was going on. The mare was there just a moment ago! Natural stepped out and put the basket on the ground, then looked around,  puzzled. "The hay did you... oh buck." The brush, and that weird flower. She would never let it lay on it's side like that! Almost instinctively,  the mint mare shot back inside the wagon and emerged a moment later, aiming her crossbow as she panned her surroundings. "Peony! Come out now! Told you not to go away from camp did I?!" Natural walked around the camp and saw no hints of her employer's whereabouts. At some point she came mere steps from the strange potted flower, and jumped, nearly sending the bolt into the trees. "What the?! Who's there! Come out or I'll..." She touched the flower pot with a hindleg and quizzically  looked down at the plant. Sure it replied, giving her shivers. "O-okay? I'll just... put you on my back, like she does?"

Once the flower was balancing on the mint mare's back, she asked picking up the crossbow.  "Now tell me what you know."

The trail was faint,  but the flower somehow knew the way. Or the direction at least,  and she did the fine manoeuvring.  Natural was pretty sure she was following a lone pony, but it mentioned a griffin too. Tough bastards, these ones, but also big and slow... She didn't like it where her mind was going with that. Or the fact that her wagon can get ransacked by critters. Anyway, the ponynappers had a headstart but we're travelling encumbered. If only that dammed flower didn't yell at her!

The trail led into some king of... building?  No, more like... a suggestion of a pony made structure,  but covered whole by tree trunks, roots and vines.  Natural Order laid down some fifty metres away from it, hidden. She was hungry, a bit tired, and mighty pissed. She put down the plant and hissed at it, clearly in no mood for pleasantries. "Okay flower, what can you tell me on what to expect there? Any talkative dandelions around?"

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

The Griffon flew over the tree tops till it spotted the area where he would meet the others. He gently lowered the sleeping mare in his claws to the ground. There were two stallions waiting there with a stretcher for their captive. One Peony was on it, the two stallions took her inside of some strange adobe. "Good thing we discovered this shelter. Great place to wait for the other." One of them said to the other.


"She is very pretty. Those few flowers in her mane. Looked like she was in the middle of brushing it." The other stallion said as he lowered the stretcher down in one of the corners. "Think we should tie her up?" The blue stallion asked his companion. "Na, He said she was not a fighter. If she dose try anything, we can tie her up then. But remember, he said not a single scratch or bruise on her." The griffon came in shortly after that and found a corner to lay in.


About an hour latter, the grey stallion came in. Tired and short of breath for running away.


The flower led Natural through the jungle. It knew exactly where Peony was. The flowers in her mane was calling out to it. It did yell several times at the poor mare that was carrying it on her back. He told her several times which way to head and to hurry up. Once Natural got close to the structure where its friend was, she stopped and set it down. "Yes yes, The flowers she managed to tie in her hair can let me know what is in there. Hmm......Seems three stallions and one griffon. Though they seem to be talking about their employer. He was the one that hired them to pony-nap Peony."


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season


The mint mare scratched her forehead wiwith a hoof, and absentmindedly ran it over her roughed up ponytail mane. A glance at the quiver that was quickly strapped to her barrel made her sigh deeply. At least she was laying low with a good look on the entrance, to take a potshot if needs be.

Natural asked the flower quietly. "So what now, eh? I bet you expect me to shoot them up or something? Well bad news pal, never shot a pony in my life. Guess we wait till they come out or something, if I go there I'll get knocked out after the first shot anyway... But who would even bother with 'napping her in here? Surely we were easy pickings just after leaving Dodge or in Hayseed... what a mess..."

The mare rested her chin on a hoof as she layed in the foliage, her crossbow aimed at the entrance, waiting for Celestia knows what. 

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

Before the flower had a chance to respond, Natural heard a commotion in the forest getting nearer. After a few minutes of waiting, she noticed an entourage of ponies cutting their way into the brush, making a path for a carriage to pass through. The ponies inside the natural shelter came outside to investigate the sounds. A stallion stepped out of the pulled carriage and had a red coat and yellow mane and tail. Dressed out in a luxurious tuxedo.


"Ah Richly Fabulous. Glad to see you made it. She is inside still asleep."

"Very good. Here is your payment for retrieving her. I trust she is not harmed in any way?"

"No sir. We flew her here after taking her by surprise. No struggle or anything." The new comer had a servant give the four a large sum of bits before two others went in to retrive the sleeping prize they came to get. "I think we should just follow them for now. Find out where they head to" Flower told Natural.


As the two brought the sleeping Peony out, Richly ran a hoof through her mane." "Oh my flower. The time apart from you was unbearable. My heart melted without your radiance to shine upon me. Place her in the carriage, and mind you don't hurt her. We will head to Baltimare where we will catch the train back to Canterlot."  With that she was placed inside and the stallion joined her. The carriage was turned around and headed back though the path that was cleared before.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

Natural's ears perked up at he sound to her side, and had to resist the urge to roll with her crossbow in an attempt to meet the possible threat. Celestia knows what lives around these parts... Still, she stayed put and divided her attention to both the "structure" and the noises that were getting closer.

She had to resist another move - a hard facehoof - when she saw that there was a carriage approaching through the jungle. A carriage! With hired rough looking stallions cutting the way for it but, come on! It had enough gold on it to feed her parents for a year! And then soe posh stallion who never touched mud came out of it, which made him the one who was responsible for this mess. She felt disgusted with the way he casually paid up for Peony, like a sack of oats on a market, and THEN went all smooch over her unconcious form. She wanted to put a bolt through him right there and then, to be honest. Consequences be damned.

Still, that would only result in her getting killed, and Natural Order had some other plans for her future. She waited till the carriage rolled out of sight, and the thugs went back inside, probably to rest a bit. Once the coast was clear, she got up, slowly, and picked the flower on her back. The mare whispered to it as she walked back to her own wagon. "Alright, so we know their destination at least, and that Peony won't be hurt for now. In case you're wondering,I am heading back to the wagon, yes, but I will follow them. That path should be easy to find and walk on, so hopefully we'll catch up before we lose them. Worst case, I get you back to her mansion and leave empty hooved. Wouldn't be the first time..."

Heading back was quicker, since the trail was clearly visible and somewhat cleared. Still, the mare was concerned whether she could actually catch up... and then what? A question for another time, really - she was hungry and approaching the camp site, with a knot in her throat, fearing something happenned to her mobile home. Something ate the breakfast that she dropped, but other than that, no damage or losses. Natural quickly dived inside the wagon to get properly dressed for the trek - she ran out with just her coat for protection, and she had sone fresh cuts on her, along with new mosquito bites. Just wonderful. Once properly dressed in her hoofboots ,green cloak, and that peculiar hat, she dumped everything that was hers back inside the wagon while chewing on anything she could get a hold on really - camp packing with breakfast the abridged version - and strapped herself to the harness, just after making sure crossbow sit securely on the front wall, hanging from large curved spikes. The flower was put inside for safety and her own comfort. Natural asked aloud as she rocked the wagon into motion: "You hear me from back there? Can't have you on my back while pulling, you'd fall off." There was an answer, so she pushed onward, muttering to herself. "Should've prepped a smoke while I was at it..."

It was hard to tell what hour it was - Natural Order never really got a hang on telling the time in such abstract ways - but it wasn't noon yet. Ging solo through that blasted jungle was as tiring and slow as one could expect, but, eventually, she reached the cleared path of that stupid carriage. Of course in a different place than she saw it, to avoid meeting those thugs. Still, the worst was behind her, literally, so Natural decided to have a break. Drink some water, eat up, and have that much needed smoke. She was soon back on the road, a cloud of pipe smoke puffing like from a chimney as the slender mare walked on the cleared path, her mood much improved. She didn't talk to the flower, opting for basking in the familliar alone-ness she was so deprived for past few days. Hay, if not for the grander scheme of things, she could actually feel content. Although both marching back to Canterlot - she'd be damned if she took a coin of peony's huge bit sack - or calling out the ponynapprs like some Appleloosan Sheriff from drunken bar tales were nearly equally unappealing. Time will tell which option will turn out to be true...

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne


The flower was happy to hear that she intended to follow its friend to Baltimare and try to save her. "Thank you!" Was all it said. Once Natural got back to her wagon, she placed the pot inside and started to strap the wagon to her. Natural told it it was better it stayed inside. "I can hear you, and I agree with you." It remained silent for the rest of the trip.


Peony woke up several hours latter feeling the rocking of the coach under her. She woke with a start to a familiar red stallion sitting across from her. "Oh my stars! Where am I, and what prey tell might you be doing her Richly Fabulous?"  Peony looked around and out the window. The jungle was starting to give way to the swamp. "Oh my dear sweet flower. I have of course came to rescue you from the one that intended to steal you away. She planned to ransom you back to your parents for your wealth. I simply prevented that." Was his response as he ran his hoof through his well kept mane.


"Dear, you have it all wrong love. I payed her to bring me here. I am searching for something. Not if you'll excuse me, I really must get back to her." Peony tried to open the side door to hope out, only to discover it was locked from the outside. "Oh sweet thing. I fear I can not allow such a bores thing. I need to make sure you arrive safely back home. Then maybe you will allow me to court you." Peony looked back at him, she thought that she might be a damsel in distress now.


Few days passed with the two parties traversing the swamp. One the swamp ended, a plan opened up with Baltimare a half day away. Peony tried several times to get away, but his hired ponies prevented that. All she could do was wait for their inn at Baltimare. Richly did his every best to try and calm her down and to woo her, though she kept refusing to go out with him. When they arrived, Peony was escorted to a hotel where she was kept under eye as they waited for the train to take them to Canterlot. It was still a few days off.


Natural Arrived a few hours behind them. Finding where they were was not to difficult. That gaudy wagon was easy to see in the big city. That and the Flower  told her where it felt her at.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

Turns out, Natural wasn't made for hot pursuits. She didn't catch up with the ponynappers even though she pushed as fast as she reasonably could, and travelled on the trail they already cleared out. Fatigue of several days on the road, non stop, even before this race started, proved to be too much of a burden. Seeing Baltimare glinting in the sunlight far away, without the carriage in sight, made her slump her shoulders in defeat, but she pushed on.

The city was as bad as usual - Natural rarely went into major cities because she hated the noise and all. Fortunately the flower proved substantioal in finding her way around and to some high-end hotel, where the party no doubt stopped. The carriage was there at least. A quick glance at her dirty clothes and ragged look told her all she needed - there as no way to even pass the doors looking like that. The mare pulled her wagon, with her last legs, to the outskirts of the city, where she knew of a camping site owned by a particulary laid back stallion she knew. Even without bits - and she made a solemn promise not to touch Peony's bit sack - they would come to an agreement that would allow her to stay for a bit.

By the time she had parked, washed and ate, it was late afternoon. With no clue when the ponynappers will board the train, she felt nervous the whole time - that they leave, and the trail goes cold. To make things worse, she haven't had a clue on how to even approach this situation - they were in the city, so violent acts were out of the question. She was cheated by rich ponies a few times and knew that she would be most probably thrown out if she asked the receptionist to hail Peony from the room. And that's the good outcome. Natural Order sighed, sitting on the steps of her wagon, kicking in the air with her hindlegs as her mane dried, let loose all over the place.

"It's just... hopeless..." - She slumped in defeat, unable to think of anything that just as much as might work.

Them she heard a commotion to the right. Glancing here, she saw a couple youngsters arguing over something with a pair of Police officers, who looked distinctively fed up with their present company. Natural cocked her head and mused over the idea. Her previous encounters with law enforcement weren't too good but... She rose up and went into the wagon, closing the doors with a kick. She walked over to the flower and said. "I think I have an idea. It's not perfect but, might work. I may be away for a few hours so... keep guard over the stuff, okay? And if I won't come back for the night... guess we're both screwed, and you'll need somepony else to carry you home. A-anyway, let's hope this won't happen - I'll go to the Police and tell them Peony got ponynapped, and we'll see if they believe me. Oh and I'll, uhh, give you some water, just in case. So... see ya?"

She made herself ready - meaning, tied up the ponytail - and went out, closing the doors with a key and giving it to the place's owner for safekeeping. He gave her a funny look when she asked about the nearest Police Station, but, turns out, it wasn't far. The sun was still high when she entered the intimidating building, a mix of hopes and fears keeping her on edge. Natural crossed the heavy doors and saw a reception of sorts, which she approached. The hall was mostly empty. With an awkward smile, she nodded at the officer behind the counter and said, matter of fact: "Um, hi... I uhh, I'd like to report a ponynapping."

Okay, so maaaybe that wasn't the worst idea she had in a while.Rubbing her forehead to calm a headache, caused by all thoses electrical lamps inside, Natural Order took a step outside of the Station. It was dark, and a bit cold, but they didn't lock her up, or thrown out as a liar. So that was something. Instead, she was questioned, thoroughtly, by some Detective what-was-his-name-again, who at least seemed to take it somewhat seriously. All those doubts, she wasn't sure anymore, but she did tell him everything, from the moment she saw the ad in Canterlot to now, and, for once, he seemed to believe her. As always, no promises made but, he got her adress - the camping site - and told not to leave the city till he verifies her claim. That was troubling, because she wouldn't e able to just walk away from it, or get back in pursuit. But somepony would no doubt check that Hotel to see if Peony was there, and if she stayed there on her own will. Natural nodded o herself weakly, reassuring herself that it was the best she could do in this tight situation. She walked back to the camping, retrievedthe key, and went straight to sleep. She didn't tell a word tothe flower, forgetting it was even there to be honest. The next day would maybe bring something new to the scene.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne


Peony was locked inside the hotel room with a single guard sitting by the door. It was the penthouse room so it was very roomy and had everything they needed. The others had gone out to buy the train tickets to Canterlot. The train was expected the next day. Peony was pacing back and forth. Worried about Natural, and concerned on what waited for her on her return home. She did kind of left without a word after all. She might even be forced to wed Richly for the trouble she caused.


A load knock on the door and a stallion yelling for them to open up came from outside. The police were here. The lone guard looked at Peony then to the door. A second knock from the police got him to spring up to open the door. "Sir, we have reports that a pony is being held here after being pony-napped. We need to come in and look around." The guard was utterly speechless. Peony smiled, Natural.


Peony went running to the door and getting her alligator tears flowing. "Oh my stars. *sniff* I was so frightened." Peony ran up and hugged the nearest police-pony. "These hooligans... *sniff* took me away from my friend. They knocked me out and drug me here." Her little act really got the police in gear. The one stallion that was trying to find the right words were hauled away to the station. A mare police-pony tried to comfort the weeping Peony escorted her out of the hotel.


A few questions latter, Peony was allowed to leave. Her first stop was the docks. She was known there and they allowed her to get two boat tickets to Griffonstone on credit. To be paid before boarding that night. Her last stop was the camp grounds the police told her her friend was staying at.


Her first reaction seeing Natural was to run up and hug her. "Thank you love. You saved me. Now before the truth is actually found out. And Richly comes for me again, I have tickets to Griffonstone. We best board and get away from here."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

That night,  Natural haven't had much sleep. Partially because of her partying neighbours yes, but, there was more to it than drunks making noise. The sheer amount of free space on the floor was clear indication what kept her awake. They weren't friends - Natural wasn't naive - but her mind couldn't help but wander to that ponynapped mare.

Finally, she managed to catch some weak sleep.

Morning came and went, replaced by noon, and afternoon. Natural was asked to fix the roof on the sanitary building. The owner started to run out of buckets to catch rainwater, it seemed. She got to it, of course - working for the tight to stay was nothing new, and there were worse jobs than repairs. She got back on the ground to get more tiles and nail when Peony showed up.

The mint mare had to squeeze herself out of the hug, and step away from Peony to make sure she wasn't seeing things. "Is that... you? Wow, it really worked! I was so worried those Police officers would just ignore my report, or be too late!" She sure was happy, but... a glance at the ladder made her frown slightly, and run a hoof over her neck. "I... don't suppose you could borrow me some coin to pay for the camping? I was about to work for my spot, but since we're in a hurry..."

Thankfully, Peony paid up, all forty bits of it, and soon enough, Natural was pulling the wagon through the city, en route to docks. She walked slowly,  worn out from so many says of speeding. "Uhh, I don't suppose we can get a few days rest when we get to Griffonstone? I'm not made of iron..." They reached the port, and Peony led her to the right vessel - a sail ship, sleek and good looking, which promised good speed and proper maintenance. The captain also seemed like a trustworthy sort. As the mares went on board, the wagon was loaded with a crane, into the cargo hold. They were shown their quarters - a modest room, no luxuries but much better than a cot in the hold. Natural asked to see her wagon in the main hold, and was satisfied with how it was secured.  As if expecting trouble,  she brought the crossbow to their room, and sat heavily on the small bed as the ship started rocking gently. They were to leave port any minute so it was hardly unexpected.

She looked at her employer. "So... are we supposed to run from this loonie all the time, or do you have a plan on how to get him off your tail? Next time I may not be able to help, you know."

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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  • 1 month later...

@Raven Rawne

Peony wore a cloak and hood as the two raced to the docks. She did not want any pony to see her board the ship. When they got on board Crystal over saw them load her home onto the ship. Peony went to go see the captain. She knew him from her few trips with her parents. She told him her predicament. He agreed to help her. Peony was the first to return to their room and waited for Natural to come back......with her cross bow and sat next to her.


"Yes dear. I have already spoken with the fine captain of this ship. If he comes a calling on him, he promised to give Richly the wrong port he dropped us off at. So that should give us some freedom." Natural started giving her share of thoughts on what to do, but when she returned to look at Peony, she discovered she had passed out to sleep. Aparently the pony-napping really stressed her out a lot.


The ride took a week to cross the ocean to reach Griffonstone. The ride was uneventful. When all their things were unloaded the captain headed south. That way to give a reason to drop Peony off farther South when the rich stallion came looking for her.


The two of them looked up the shear mountain where at the top was Griffonstone. "Well love, we ready to look for the first of the flowers?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

The mint mare bobbed her head to the sides,  as if weighting some options. "I guess that's one way to get some headstart, but with his resources, there's no way we can stay out of his reach forever. And I'm pretty sure he will learn to tie loose ends soon enough... Aaaand I'm talking to myself."

Natural Order sighed and leaned on the crossbow she still held in her forelegs.  Peony fell asleep, sitting on the bed. This discussion will here to wait. With some reluctance, the earth pony got up and eased the unicorn into a proper sleeping position,  and decided to lay down herself - her aching hooves sure didn't protest to that.

All in all, they spent a week end route. Which meant that most of the edible supplies from the wagon had to be taken out and used up before they got spoiled.  All that remained was some dried food, a hay based mix she kept as a last resort. At least the long voyage meant she could rest properly.

Seeing the unfamiliar,  rocky land on the horizon, and that ominous shape of what had to be Griffonstone proper, up on a great rock ledge, made the mint mare anxious. She never really got to know even one griffon, just some passing contacts. And now they were in their territory. Plus, her impeccable navigation skills went to Tartarus since she never even saw the map of this area! Not to mention setting hoof. So it was little surprise that,  when the ship moored to a local pier that was clearly meant for small fishing boats,  rather than ocean going vessels, and the wagon was eased down onto the creaky wooden deck, Natural was less than thrilled about venturing forth. Especially with the undisclosed matter if a certain red stallion on their tail... if only there was a way to send him back where he came from.

Hearing the inquiry, she scratched her neck and slightly tugged forward to check if the harness was sitting well.  "I guess? The sooner we find them the better." They took off from the small local port and went into the unknown,  rocky land. "Soooo... any idea where to start? We could try and ask for a guide, but I'm not sure if we can trust any. Or where this flower grows. Or... I guess you get what I mean, I've no idea where to start."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Raven Rawne

Upon hearing the question set forth by Natural, Peony used her magic to pull her large bit purse from the wagon. "Well love, as long as these do not run out. Griffons are honest and reliable. Though once we use the last bit, then they will no longer be willing to assist us." She returned the purse back to the wagon, and the two continued the climb up to Griffonstone.


Once there, they started asking around about the location of the Somnambular Bloom. Many griffons took a bit from Peony just to tell her they did not know. Finally they met one griffon that knew its location. She wanted five bits just to tell them that it grows in a canyon about a half day East of Griffonstone. Now they had a location, they went to the local shop to buy the equipment they would need. Mostly rope and Carabiners. Though everything there was over priced.


By the time the two managed to leave Griffonstone, Peony used up a fourth of her bits. "Well deary. I think we have everything for the first flower. After we get it, we can take the train to the Grittish Isle."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

"Hmm, if you say so." The earth pony mare nodded at the response, and started rocking the wagon to move it forward. The week long rest made all the difference to her overall wellbeing and Natural managed to climb to Griffonstone on her own. 

The city... if you can call it like that, was very unimpressive. Natural Order at first thought it was recently laid to ruin. But it's inhabitants didn't seem to mind. And the way they demanded payment for everything - she never thought it was even possible to behave like that. Fortunately, her employer seemed hellbent on getting an answer, and shelled bits until she heard what she wanted. Natural was relieved that the location wasn't too far away, even if it seemed somewhat tough to get to.

Next stop was the hardware store. The earth pony picked whatever supplies she thought will be needed, mindful of limited storage space... and thawing funds. She really couldn't believe anypony - or griffon - could agree on the prices they had there.  But there was no real choice on the matter,  and Peony paid up. 

As they left the grotesque city, Natural Order sure was glad to be on her merry way. Even if she had only vague idea where she was headed. She corrected her hat and replied. "Sure hope so, yes. I don't really want to come back here for some extra supplies!" She made a serious face. "Really, this slope is terrible."

They descended from the ridge without incident and took a road that promised to lead East, deeper into the land. The landscape gradually changed from a rocky mountainous one, adding grassy patches and scarce vegetation. Natural Order saw a decent camping spot off to the side of the road and called for a stop. It was after noon, so she could use a cup of water and a few minutes of rest. She was also curious of local plsnts.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Raven Rawne

Around mid-day, Natural had stopped the wagon by an opening close to the road. There was a few local fauna surrounding it so Peony also wanted to stop and look at some of the new flowers. Peony decided to bring Natural a cup of water from their storage while she unlatched herself from the wagon. "Here you go love. You do look positively parched."

After she drank, they both started to look around at the new plants that was in that small cove in the mountain side. Peony found very few flowers however. Natural seemed to take more interest in the others. After about an hour, Natural called to continue on. There was more daylight to just stop here.

The two continued to twist and turn around the mountain path. Sometime it was going up, and other times it was sloping down. When the sun was low in the sky, the road finally opened up unto a large plateau. Natural looked around and decided they better camp next to a small outcropping of shrubs and bushes. Peony helped to set up camp this time. Though she was still not use to that much labor. Natural finally stepped in when Peony could not get a campfire lit.

"Seems I am still utterly useless when it comes to survival." They both ate a small meal and Peony laid down to look up at the stars as they started to come out.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

As the mint mare parked her wagon and was busy with stretching her back right next to it, when she was pleasantly surprised by her employer's impulse to bring her a cup of water. Natural smiled and nodded as she took the cup from the magical grasp of the unicorn. "Sure am, thanks! Still, we better not waste any,  not until we find some stream to refill... Anyways,  I'm a bit curious what grows around here."

She took a walk around their temporary stop, taking in the environment. Amongst the rocky outcroppings there were patches of grass, and some moss and weeds she didn't know, and decided it's best yob leave them alone. There were also some clovers, and the mare simply ate them - saving supplies by living off the land was nothing new to her. Other than that, not much of real interest.

Once both mares satisfied their curiosity with the local flora, Natural Order decided to get moving. Plenty of sunlight left to travel. Now, the road was dull and uneventful. Walking along a snaking path of worn wagon trails, clearly a path of least resistance and all that's left of a proper, well kept road that the mare saw glimpses of in crooked milestones and the sheer width of the flat terrain. Still, whoever made it was probably long gone,  and their work followed suit.

Just like anything in this strange land...

It was getting late when the mares finally reached the platou. The worn paths spread out like sun rays in all directions,  and it was hard to make out where the old road led now, covered by dirt and patchy vegetation. With the sun hanging so low, they would no doubt loose the path in the encroaching darkness.

"Time to set camp. " - said the mint mare in a sure voice and scanned the area for a good spot. She saw one that would do in a pinch and led to a small outcropping, a rocky tooth poking into the sky, shielded by some thick looking bushes on one side. Once they came closer, signs of previous camps were obvious - a ring of rocks for a fire,  dome worn wheel marks where the heavy wagons parked, that kind of thing. The sights of small bones in the bushes, probably thrown away by feasting griffons, disturbed her slightly.

Just why she didn't see any new tracks on the road?

Still, it could be nothing. Who would want to trade with Griffonstone anyway? Natural decided to shrug it off, and noticed that Peony all of a sudden took it on herself to try and set up camp. Amusing as it was, the earth pony helped along to make sure things were done the right way. Especially the fire, which clearly was beyond the unicorn's ability to produce. She sat right next to her companion and took the fire starter kit into her hooves. "Don't be too hard on yourself. It took me years to learn what I know, and I still find myself in deep water sometimes. You can't always be prepared,  you see."

Natural Order lit the fire as the sun was on its last legs before diving under the horizon. She busied herself with prepping a meal and, after they ate, layed by said fire, occasionally throwing a twig into it. The plains were silent,  save for the light breeze that hummed in the tall grass. Peony was, apparently, stargazing, and the other mare also looked up into the sky. It looked... different. The stars were there but... she felt so far away from home. Farthest she ever reached! Too far, it seemed.

Her mind came back to the thoughts why this trail fell out of use. And none of the options were satisfying. Or comforting. The mare made a mental note to hang the axe outside the wagon when they travel,  not just the crossbow.  She couldn't do anything more, save for turning back.

Under the alien sky, she slept her first night.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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  • 1 month later...

@Raven Rawne

Peony sat back from her feeble attempt at fire making and watched Natural show her how it was done. When she did it, it looked so easy. "I do say I am positively useless out here."

Peony was happy that Natural did not look down on her, but instead tried to cheer her up.

As Natural cooked a meal, Peony found herself gazing up at the stars in the sky. So much she had never seen before. As she gazed, the thought of Richly Fabulous came back into her mind. She was pony napped and it had just donned on her. What else could he be capable of. He wanted her hoof in marriage and showed how much he would do to get it. When Peony finally came back to her senses, she noticed her companion had fallen asleep gazing at the stars. "Oh my stars. How long I wonder I was in thought?" She whispered to herself as she too went to lay down for the night.


Morning came with Peony being woken up by Natural. It was much latter than she had planned on waking up. Looking at the camp, Natural had already packed up everything except for Peony's bed roll. "Oh sorry love. I did not plan to sleep for that long." After a quick breakfast Natural had saved for Peony, the two set off across the plateau. Somewhere at the edge they were told was the valley with the mystical flower they sought.

By midday, the two mares came to a cliff cutting away the plateau. Natural was the first to look down at the valley. Peony had to gather up some courage to look down it. Natural saw that her company was a slight bit afraid of heights. "Oh My Stars!" Peony said as she looked down right before she went down to her knees to place her slightly closer to the ground.

It did not take Peony long before she called out and pointed to a patch of flowers all the way down by a stream. "There it is deary. The Somnambular Bloom. Our first flower is now in sight, but prey, How might we manage to climb down there?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

The earth pony woke up when the Sub started shining onto her closed eyes. First she just tossed a hoof over them and huffed, unamused, but suddenly sat up with a start, looking around frantically. Once her little panic attack subsided, Natural Order facehoofed and groaned to herself.

She was so worn down yesterday, she fell asleep as soon as she had time to rest.

The mint pony got up onto her hooves and shuffled through the morning camp routine, doing her best not to disturb the sleeping unicorn. The fireplace was stone cold, and the morning wasn't especially warm either, so reigniting it landed on the top of the list. Being able to boil some water for breakfast wasn't a bad idea either. Acutely aware of the sheer lack of anything that can feed the flames, and their own dwindling reserves of firewood, Natural decided to harvest the tall grass and hang somme tied up hoofhulls from the wagon, to dry it off for kindling. She also took the oportunty to strip those shrubs from any dry twigs and such, but the look of all those small bones tossed into them was rather unnerving to her. Only once she decided there wasn't anything left to do, did she wake up Peony.

"It's fine, if I needed to, I would wake you up sooner. Now, I'm more or less packed up, so as soon as you eat, we can continiue the trek."

Climbing on top of the wagon's roof was typical for Natural when she wanted to scout out unfamilliar land, but this time, she didn't see much more than from the ground. For once, the platou looked pretty much the same in any direction, just grass. Second, she didn't really see where it ended, or any other significant terrain changes. Recalling the grifffon's coin fed guidelines, they were supposed to walk right into that valley, and that's just it. Slightly annoyed, she decided to follow tracks of one of the worn routes, the one leading straight ahead from the Old Road.

For all it's worth, she could as well toss a coin. But then, she would have to ask Peony for one.

The wagon - now adorned by cut grass and the axe right next to the crossbow - was mercifully doing well on the worn path, so Natural wasn't tiring herself so much. The ground was dry and grooved well worn so, she couldn't really hope for anything better in here.As the Sun was about to reach it;s highest point, something finally looked different. The trail ahead was taking a bend, and something clearly caused it to do so. Only once they were very close sis the mares see that, in fact, the road was now just a ways off a wide, cliff faced, valley.

The one they were looking for, no doubt.

With visible relief, the mint mare took her steps towards the edge, but decided to crawl the last few meters, to avoid falling down with a loose patch of dirt. Natural poked her head over the edge and huffed, unamused - not only were they on top of a sheer cliff, but also a high one! On the bright side, there was a stream flowing lazily on the bottom, and there was actual, honest to Celestia vegetation down there, like bushes and small trees. Peony also joined on the sightseeing but, as Natural quickly noted, she was apparently afraid of heights. At least her employer saw the flower they were here in the first place, and that raised the earth pony's spirits. She replied warmly, looking up at Peony. "Simple, we follow the road and hope it leads us down, right?"

The pair retreated back to the wagon and just in time, because wind started blowing from the cliff side. The tall grass acted like sea during a storm and Natural had to toss her hat into the wagon, lest she would lose it. Still, her mane and tail would need some brushing after this... At first they hid inside, figuring it would make a good moment to rest up  and eat something, but the damned wind just kept blowing, and Natural reluctantly decided to push onward. They shouldn't stay here for the night, after all.

It took... three hours? More or less, she didn't check that sundial in ages anyway. The earth pony braved the sideways wind and she was rewarded. In a way. Or maybe, not exactly. Definately not. The road led them to an overpass, made of ancient stone and reinforced haphazardly with wood there it gave out. It did lead down the valley, and when it was new, the mare would gladly take this shortcut, since it was rather well angled for wagons but... it was a hastily repaired ruin. She sotod before the first stone slab, unsure of herself. "I uh... don't feel too good about this. I think I need to check this... construction... before rolling onto it with my wagon."

She took the crossbow and some rope, and asked Peony to go too, leaving the wagon parked and secured as much as possible, given the circumstances. Upon closer inspection the overpass didn't seem too terrible, but stil a cause for concern in some areas where the wooden parts took over. The mares were down, safe but tired from stress, by late afternoon, and parked by the stream, hiding from the wind behind a patch of robust bushes and rickety trees. Natural was all too happy to refill their water barrel and forage for firewood, and even called for a bath&laudry stop, since they weren't going anywhere today. Flower picking will have to wait for the next day..

  • Brohoof 1

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@Raven Rawne

Peony was all too happy to back away from the edge of the cliff at a crawl. Once she could no longer see the bottom did she finally stand back up. The wind was howling over the valley like a storm was approaching. Yet no clouds were on the horizon yet. Natural called a lunch break inside the wagon to allow the wind to die down, but it did not. Peony decided to leave Flower inside of the wagon with the wind blowing so hard. As the two started to follow what was left of some trail, Peony walked along side the wagon to avoid the wind. Sadly, no matter where she was, the wind seemed to find her and blow her mane and tail loose.

Peony noticed after two hours of the strong wind, She had lost all but a couple of her hair tied flowers. She cried but stayed out of sight of her companion till she got hold of herself again. Another hour saw the last two gone and her extremely long mane and tail were blowing freely everywhere. Sometimes even in her line of sight and she bumped into the wagon's side a couple of times.

When Natural finally came to a stop, she was looking at an overpass to the other side where the road cut into the cliff side going down into the valley. "Do you think it's safe love?" Peony asked before Natural went to test the strength. The two managed to secure the wagon and get over it. Then the two started to head down. Peony took the rear with a rope to the wagon to help hold it off of Natural. Though all she could see was the edge of the path and the long way down. The wind was still ripping her mane and tail every-which-way and was freaking Peony out even more of not being able to see the edge to well.

By the time the two reach the bottom, Peony's nerves were all but shot. Natural saw the stream and announced a bath and camp. When Natural finally looked back, Peony was on the ground rolled up in a ball. At first, Natural thought she was some kind of fluffy creature because all she saw was fluff of mane and tail and not the pony it belong too. When Natural brushed hair out of Peony's Face, she could clearly see how shaken up she was by the tears in her eyes.

After Peony settled down some. Natural escorted her to the stream for a well deserved bath. Her tail dragging along the ground needed it the most. Before Peony got in however, she went to her bag in the wagon and brought back a bottle of shampoo and conditioner. "I think you deserve a treatment of my fabulous flower shampoo love. Made it myself from my flower bed back home." Peony then joined Natural in the stream.

The water was cool, clean and refreshing. Natural also enjoyed the fragrance of the flowers in the shampoo she was offered to use. Peony once again stayed in longer to really clean herself up. By the time Peony got out, Natural had the cooking going. Afterwards the two of them went to bed.

Sometime in the middle of the night, Natural woke up with Peony tossing and turning next to her screaming. She immediately woke Peony up to find out what happened. Peony jumped awake screaming..."STAY AWAY RICHLY!" She then looked around and came to her senses. "Oh dear....I am truly sorry love. I was having a nightmare."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@Nightmare Season

The earth pony was... slowly getting used to the unicorn's antics by now. That shampoo was, to her, needless weight to carry but to her employer, it seemed like a necessity. Not that she minded when offered to use it tough. Natural did like the city comforts, after all. And since her bathing routine was very efficient compared to Peony's, she decided to go ahead and cook. Saving time she could use for sleeping later on.

Natural Order was content with finding a source of fresh water and some wood for the campfire, and that their time in Griffonstone would be shoer after all, since they already located the flower. The recent succes pushed back the thoughts of why and how the, apparently, major trade route withered and died like this. For once, it made her sleep better that night when it was time to turn in for the night.

Apparently, her companion didn't share her enthusiasm, as Natural was woken up by Peony's cries. At first, she shot up and frantically peered into the darkness, trying to discern what was going on but, as unicorn's words finally registered in her head, she did pup one and one and relaxed a bit. Still, knowing that something was wrong with the other mare, she woke her up as gently as she could. The final scream from Peony only confirmed her suspicion. "It's me, Natural! You're safe and if he shows up again, I'll put a bolt in that empty pumpkin of his, so help me Celestia." She signed at her own words, and shook her head. "Just.. try to get some more rest, alright? It's still the middle of the night." She then laid back on her bedroll and waited till her companion settled soem, before geting some more shuteye.

She was woken by the sounds of something outside. Pony sized at least. Natural opened her eyes and stayedmotionless, ears flickering to discern what was going on. Being visited by wildlife was nothing new in her book, and, by the sounds of it, it wasn't a predator, so she quietly stood up and cracked a window shutter ajar. The sun was rising still, and sure as shooting there was some kind of deer like local animal poking around. It caught wind of the mare and gave tail in rapid, long leaps, to Natural's dsmaly. She sighed with dissappointment - she liked looking at wild animals, and this one was new to her. Since Peony was still asleep, the mint mare decided to head outside and do something productive.

The mare checked the perimeter of her camp, stretching her body and enjoying the cool morning. The wind was less severe, so  they should have more luck traversing the valley than yesterday. There were some fresh tracks around, but nothing concerning. She then poked around for anything that looked edible, to supplement their food supplies, but nothing looked familliar or safe enough, so she passed on that oportunity. Natural Order was anjoying her pipe, sitting by the former campfire when the unicorn showed up.

"Morning miss Peony, seems like we're good to pick up the first flower on our list today. Have you... slept better, for the later half of the night?"

Natural decided to make cold breakfast, and for two reasons - first, it was faster, and secondly, they needed firewood for the trip back, and there was none to resupply on the way. Once they were both ready to roll, the mint mare hooked up to her mobile homestead and faced the morning wind head on, towards the flowers they saw yesterday. Today she had it much harder, not only because of the breeze but also, because there was no road to follow. So, she needed to navigate between scarce vegetation, boulders and uneven terrain, mindful of the stream on her left and cliff on her right.

  • Brohoof 1

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@Raven Rawne

Peony woke up the next morning and looked around. Natural had already seemed to be up and about. To Peony, she felt like she did not sleep at all last night. Vivid dreams kept coming to her and kept her from a good rest. She laid in her bed for some time till Flower spoke to her. "Yes yes deary. I am alright, Just a frightful dream is all." Responding back to the flower, she finally raised up. Her mane was suffering a bad case of bed head.

Before she left to look for Natural, she made sure to give her mane and tail a good brushing before stepping outside looking like -that-. As soon as she opened the door and stepped out, Natural had greeted her with pipe. "Morning love. And no, I fear that I had a rough sleep." As Natural started to get some food prepared, Peony went around the valley and magically picked a few of the local flowers. She needed to get her extremely long mane and tail under control.

The walk was even worse than before. Peony kept Flower inside safe from the blowing winds and her mane and tail did not stay long in the fashion she did it in. The flowers she used to tie it up with was gone within the first hour. Now her mane and tail was blowing every direction freely. Thankfully the next hour found them nearing the location of the flowers.

As soon as Peony saw the flowers, she ran past Natural straight the the flowers. "We did it love. We found the flowers." Peony called out as she ran right into the middle of the patch. Natural heard Flower scream out. "Stay out of them They are not safe." Though sadly it was too late. Peony with one sniff of them closed her eyes and collapsed in the middle of the flowers. She had fallen instantly to sleep.

"Silly pony. Those flowers puts things to sleep with their pollen. Natural, Might you pull her out of there please? Remember not to smell them at all."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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