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The Takeover (1x1 with Maple Bat)


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I will start. 

Maple, there is near no limit to power of any character. Just a heads up. 

Princesses Luna and Celestia paced in their private room in the base of the resistance. Located deep within the Everfree Forest, it was heavily forified. Luna tilted her head towards the far wall, and they walked towards it. Hanging on the wall were two amulets. The first amulet's chain was made of a beautiful honey-colored gold. The pendant on it was a solid gold miniature of a maple leaf with bat's wings. The second amulet had a chain of bright silver. The pendant hanging from it was a small version of two crossed shortswords, each with a purple gen set into the pommel. The sisters nodded to each other and Luna reached out, touching the gold amulet with her horn. Celestial did the same with the silver one. The air hummed with static and two ponies appeared in front of the princesses. The first was slightly shorter than the second, maybe an inch's difference, and had a yellow coat and a rough black mane and tail. She had fangs and had bat wings folded on her sides. She was wearing armor, and had a bow strung across her back. The second pony was a Pegasus, no doubt. She was bright yellow with a blue mane and tail. She was wearing silver armor, with purple gems set into the chest, gauntlets, and helmet. She also had a silver crossbow sheathed at her side, with silver shortswords crossed on her back. The princesses looked at the ponies, then said, "We have not called you sooner because we did not want you to have to risk your lives the way you now need to. "With all due respect, Princesses," said the pony with silver armor and weapons, "that is exactly the way I like to risk my life."

Edited by OracleOfTwilight
  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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The Yellow Vampire fruit-bat pony had no immediate reaction she stared the princesses she knew well in the eyes " 'Tia, Luna. If it means Saving my Mother from the moon then I'm willing to do whatever it takes." She stretched a bit in preparation  "So what are we doing exactly? Because I'm ready for whatever it is." 

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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(Is it alright if I play Celestial and you play Luna? Seeing as my character has a HUGE connection with Celestial, and your character has a HUGE connection with Luna?)

Celestia looked at Maple Bat. "I need you two to assemble your forces and attack Trixie's castle. Our rather measly group of defenders will assist, but you two are the only ponies left in Equestria that have an army that can rival Trixie's in size and strength."

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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(That's fine, Hope my next move's ok)

Maple nodded. "Have no fear 'Tia We'll beat her... Say Lady Luna. Do these necklaces do anything?" She grabbed the Amulet. "Cause It seems like I could channel my magical energy through this. Chaos could beat trixie, After all."

"We believe that you could do that. Feel free to take it with you if it betters you chances." Luna answered, Smiling. She enchanted the necklace with her magic and turned to her sister. "Do you not agree?"

Maple nodded and put it on. She released her inner magic it flowing through the amulet and combining with Luna's to effect the outside world. After which a small pink cloud popped up. She grabbed it "Yea. This'll give us a way better chance. Thank you Lady Luna." She said bowing.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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(You're about to laugh really hard:))

Celestia lifted her head. "Oh! Just one more thing." She conjured a small box. She opened it and then Supersonic did a double take. "I got this idea from Princess Twilight Sparkle." Said Celestia with a proud note in her voice. In the box sat a small model of Celestia in a tutu. "This way, we can communicate!"

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Maple wanted to laugh but out of what respect she had for Celestia she didn't. "Very well. Normally Luna and I communicate via Dream Messaging. At least this way I won't have to fall asleep first."

Luna laughed "Plus this way I won't have to battle your nightmares Maple. You tend to have a few of those. Anyways, Maple, do meet your partner on this mission, Supersonic. You too are equals of rank on this mission. Best of luck to you."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

Scene change:

Supersonic flew with her army, creating the last hill in front of Canterlot Castle. Black Guard soldiers guarded every entrance and exit. Patrols were everywhere. Supersonic pulled open her pouch and retrieved a small bottle filled with silver dust. "Time to go incognito."

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Maple, who had flown in with the remainder of the Lunar guard took her armor and the enchanted necklace off and switched to her black cloak. "Alright we go in quietly. But I can handle it if things get bad." She looked at the small bottle Supersonic was holding. "Say... What's that sliver stuff?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Supersonic uncorked the bottle. "This? This is ground dragon scale. It makes you and anything you are carrying invisible for about an hour or two. It's incredibly rare!" She poured a small amount on her head and promptly vanished.

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Maple laughed. "Rare? Dragon scales?" She stopped for a second "Well then again most ponies avoid dragons entirely. I can see why you think their rare."  She wasn't sure if Supersonic wanted to share it or not.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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46 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:

Maple laughed. "Rare? Dragon scales?" She stopped for a second "Well then again most ponies avoid dragons entirely. I can see why you think their rare."  She wasn't sure if Supersonic wanted to share it or not.

"Oh! I forgot to mention the other ingredient. It's rare because one, it can only be made from the scales of dragons who have died, and the killer must be an Alicorn, and second of all, the second ingredient is powdered chimera tooth. If you've ever battled a chimera, you know what I mean." She reached over and dumped a small amount of the silvery dust on Maple. "There! We will be able to sneak in now! Our armies will take out the guards of the castle and Trixie's main army, with Flare Blitz and Moonshadow in command."

Edited by OracleOfTwilight
  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Maple nodded and then realized that the other pony couldn't see that. "Alright sounds like a plan. When we sneak in are we going after trixie?" She picked up the necklace she had set down with her armor. "Because I'd really like to settle the score with her."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Just now, Maple Bat said:


Maple nodded and then realized that the other pony couldn't see that. "Alright sounds like a plan. When we sneak in are we going after trixie?" She picked up the necklace she had set down with her armor. "Because I'd really like to settle the score with her."

Supersonic unsheathed her shortswords with a grin. "I can make it so that we can see each other but no one else can. Gimme a minute." She handed Maple a small leather bracelet with a small purple gemstone set into it. "This is one of the alert bands that I give my soldiers, except that yours is that of a high rank officer, like Flare Blitz or me. It has a Truesight spell on it, so you can see me. If you need me, especially if we get separated, tap the gemstone and I will hear it when you talk, and be able to talk back. Got it?"

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Maple looked at it and slipped it on. She saw Supersonic slowly faded into existence Neat the guard could use something like this she thought. She turned to face her army and yelled "Moonshadow! You're in charge for now. Me and Supersonic will be sneaking in under the cover of a fight you will start. Ok?"

Moonshadow Nodded and shouted back "Yes ma'am." He walked to the front of the army. "Well you heard the captain. Let's go pick a fight with trixes black armor wearing wannabes and show 'em what real guards ponies can do." There was a rallying yell from the army. Moon shadow unclipped his spear from the strap that was holding it and faced Flare blitz "Ready when you are."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Flare Blitz nodded. "I was born ready!" He turned to Supersonic's legions of Pegasi. "For Equestria!" He and Supersonic's army charged. 


Supersonic flew silently through the air, landing silently on the terrace  of one of the guest rooms, then crept through the halls until she found the door to the throne room. She was about to open it when she heard an evil-sounding laugh. "My weapon will be ready soon, and then I can subdue the resisting ponies!"

  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Moonshadow charged in as well. "For Equestria!" Once close enough he signaled for the unicorns to begin blasting the black guard with all they got. After which he ran in spearing an enemy with his weapon the spear's head passing through the enemys armor like a knife through butter. "Who's next?"


Maple was in position near the throne room viewing from the stained-glass window that symbolized her father's defeat. Weapon? Maple thought What weapon? She pressed the gemstone and held it close to her face. "Are you hearing this?" She whispered through it. "Should we stop her now or wait to see what that weapon is?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

Flare Blitz was fighting hard, but the guards just kept coming. He was slicing the head off of a guard while uppercutting another. 


Supersonic frowned. "We need to stop her now. She was about to get up when she noticed a stained glass window. "That one's new." She walked over to it. It was an image of Trixie defeating the Wonderbolts, especially showing Spitfire being struck down. She put her hoof on the picture of Spitfire, then burst into tears. "Mom...Where are you? You'd be proud, I hope."

Edited by OracleOfTwilight
  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Moonshadow stood next to Flare Blitz. "How's about a contest? Whoever beats more guards wins. Ready? GO!" He switched his spear to the large blade he was also fond of. When The blade struck a line of guards it easily took a good number of them down. "I'm winning." he said sarcastically.


Maple used magic to phase through the window. So she could enter without breaking it. While she was walking over to where she was she noticed another one. She walked over to it. She recognized it as the one where Celestia sent Nightmare moon to the moon but it had changed... It was trixie sending the mane six, including her mother, to the moon. "I hate these things." She whispered. She used her magic to become visible. She Looked directly at the evil unicorn. "Trixie Lulamoon!" She shouted aiming her bow at Trixie "You have comitted crimes against not only the princesses but all of pony kind and for that..." She paused as her bowstring turned red. "I cannot allow you to continue your rein."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Flare Blitz flew up and kicked a storm cloud, frying dozens of guards and setting him ahead in the contest. 


Supersonic flew like an arrow from a god's bow and landed in front of Trixie. Sheathing her weapons, she turned visible. "I want you to see me when I kill you so you will know the name and face of the daughter of Spitfire!" She punched Trixie in the stomach, causing her to double over in pain. "Where is my mother?! Where?!" As she spoke, she smashed Trixie's head against the marble of the palace floor until Trixie was missing a few teeth. Trixie shakily stood and whispered, "In the palace dungeons, but that doesn't matter!" She shot a beam of energy so powerful that Supersonic's armor could barely take the hit. 

Edited by Capper
  • Brohoof 1

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Moonshadow was double timing his efforts. He had to work extra hard to keep up with a pegasus with weather powers because he was an earth pony. He blade cut down a whole platoon of them thanks to the energy in the blade from another lighting strike that had hit his blade.


Maple scowled "On the contrary Lulamoon. You and your entire guard are outmatched by me alone and there's an army. Working it's way here" She said she fired arrows at a few guards all of her shots hit their targets given her training. "So it does in fact matter. Now then, if you want to survive to see 'Tia raise the sun once again. Then bring my mother back from the moon and surrender." She pulled her bow string back ready to release an arrow into her horn.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Trixie smiled and said, "I shall never fall. I have worked day and night for many moons!" Guards poured in from all sides and Supersonic immediately started to kill.


The sky was blotted out by the sheer number of black storm clouds in it. Flare Blitz kicked one and it started a chain reaction, killings almost every Black Guard except two. They cowered in fear.

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Maple walked up to trixie kicking her as hard as she could in the snout. "Fine! We'll do it the hard way!" She fired arrows at the guards


Moonshadow sighed and flipped his sword back into a spear. "Alright guess you win. Good job." He walked into the castle and heard combat in the throne room. He ran towards it and busted the doors open, Spear in hoof.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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More guards kept coming. They surrounded Supersonic and Maple. Supersonic fought like she had never done before, and soon the guards were all dead thanks to Maple's bow and Supersonic's shortswords. 


Flare Blitz laughed. "Oh, I had a rather unfair advantage. On the ground with no storm clouds, you'd probably win."

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Maple was panting from the fight. "I have never fired so many arrows in my life but that wasn't all of them... There's no way." Her eyes flinched back to Trixie. "She... She's trying to get away." But by the time she had said that she was gone. Maple saw her second in command walk in "Good to see you Moonshadow. Guessing the assault went well."

"Yes ma'am. Excuse me for saying, That it appears you part of the plan didn't go good." Moonshadow said back respectfully. "Don't worry captain We'll find her one day and when we do we'll bring your mother back."

Until he had said that Maple didn't realize that she had started to tear up. "Thank you Moonshadow. I know we'll catch her at some point." The two started to walk off "How many where in battle."

(Trixie escaped because we don't want this to end too early. I'll edit it if you need me to.)

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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(That's what I was planning-to steer the battle towards Trixie escaping)

@Maple Bat

Supersonic nodded at Moonshadow's words, then activated her Avatar (it makes her grow if you don't remember) and smashed one of the granite pillars with her bare hoof, turning it to dust. "Let's go down into the dungeons and find my mother, and your father."

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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