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private A Walk In The Woods Private with Trixie The Evil


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Twilight Sparkle was walking through the woods with Silga Singewald and Spike. It had been a hectic few weeks for Twilight and the other girls. But Twilight was still more than willing to make a new friend. Spike had introduced her too Silga back at the castle.


A few weeks prior Silga had asked Spike to introduce her to Twilight. But some unfortunate had come up at Pinkie Pie’s party, and prevented the introduction. But Spike being a good friend still felt the need to introduce Silga too Twilight.


It took Twilight half an hour to calm down Silga from her excitement. ‘Oh my Celestia! I love you! I love magic! I love alicorns!” Was all Twilight was able to hear during that time. Despite that however Twilight was still willing to indulge a curious friend. She had decided to go into the woods in order to practice magic safely away from other ponies.


“Princess Twilight thank you so much for agreeing to show me magic!” Silga said excitedly.


“Silga, it’s no problem. I really don’t mind showing a fellow magic lover some spells.” Twilight said smiling at her.


“Yeah Twilight is the best magic user in Ponyville! No all of Equestria!” Spike said excitedly.  Twilight giggled at this. “Spike, I don’t think I’m that good!”


Spike shrugged. “Alright I think we should be coming up on a clearing soon.” Twilight said.  Silga jumped up and down excitedly.


“I know I’m just an earth pony but I love magic! And magic users! Oh I can’t wait to see what spells you cast!” Silga said squealing with delight.


They entered a clearing and to their surprise they found a mare standing there.

Link to OOC Topic: https://mlpforums.com/topic/168603-ooc-private-rp-with-trixie-the-evil/#comment-4963947
  • Brohoof 1


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9 minutes ago, Trixie The Evil said:


The mare they saw was no normal Mare. She had a sort of combination of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker's features. She was certainly taller than Celestia and Luna. Her cutie mark was comprised of a burning Sun with a lense flare and a pointed crescent moon behind that. She was armoured, with a combination of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker's armour. She turned around to face them. 


Silga jumped up and down excitedly. She couldn’t believe that she was going to meet two alicorns in one day. “Oh My Celestia!” She said running up too the tall mare. Twilight used her magic to yank Silga back though.


Twilight was cautious of the mare in front of her. She looked strikingly similar to Nightmare Moon. And given the description Starlight had given her of Daybreaker, she could tell that this was a fierce pony. She put Spike and Silga behind her.


“Who are you! And What are you doing here!” Twilight shouted trying to sound fierce. But she was actually scared of what might happen to her and her friends if this mare turned out to be evil.


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12 minutes ago, Trixie The Evil said:


She eyed them carefully. Her eyes were slit, and were the color of the Sun setting. She smirked slightly at Twilight's attempt to sound fierce. "Its rude to ask who someone is without first identifying yourself." she said, a bit offended. 

Twilight swallowed. "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle." 

Silga and Spike introuduced themselves as well. "Now who are you?" Twilight said.


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4 minutes ago, Trixie The Evil said:

She chuckled. "Well then. Princess....likely story. I am.....Absolution..." she replied, taking a few steps forward, towering over them. 


Spike hid behind Twilight as the intimidating mare stepped forward. Twilight gulped. “Oh my Celestia!” Silga said running up too Absolution.


“Oh it so great to meet you! I’m just a earth pony but I love magic and magic users!!” Silga said jumping up and down excitedly. “Please can you show me your magic! I’d love to know everything about being an alicorn!”


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Just now, Trixie The Evil said:

She smirks wider as Silga runs up to her, and reaches down to gently pick her up, holding her at an even eye level and looking into her eyes. "And why would you say that? What makes you worthy?" she asks. 


Silga looked into the mare's eyes confused. “Well I don’t know…” She said meekley.


“Put her down this instant!” Twilight shouted. The tip of her horn began to glow as she prepared to launch a laser beam at Absolution. Spike bit his claws nervously.


“Wait I know!” Silga said pointing at her flank, removing the cape that covered it. “See that is a goblin! A long time ago a magical goblin saved me! Ever since then I’ve done everything I can too find out more about magic!”


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3 minutes ago, Trixie The Evil said:

She did as Twilight said. "Your planning to attack me. While I had no plans to attack you?" she said with a rather offended tone, and then looked at Silga. "I guess...thats unusual for an earth pony..." 


Twilight deactivated her horn. “Well I don’t know…” Twilight said confused.


“Yes, it is rather odd I suppose. But I don’t mind! I love that it makes me unique! And oh please would you tell me about yourself, and magic!” Silga said with pleading eyes.


“Listen, I think we got off on the wrong hoof. You just look so similar to some villains I’ve encountered before.” Twilight said. “Let’s start over?”


Spike came out from behind Twilight. “Yeah we can be friends?” He said offering a claw nervously.


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51 minutes ago, Trixie The Evil said:

She raised an eyebrow. "Well. I am from another dimension entirely. Decided to take a break from things and come to this calm quiet forest. I control the sky, everything about it there, and what about magic?" 

She then turned to Spike and Twilight. "Explain these villains to me. A small dragon. Huh. Strange." she said, ignoring their questions. 


Silga squeed with delight. Twilight then cleared her throat. “These villains were Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker. Princess Luna, she controls the moon here, turned evil a thousand years ago. She became Nightmare Moon, and Princess Celestia her sister who controls the sun, had to banish her too the moon for a thousand years. She only returned a few years ago…”


“And I didn’t encounter Daybreaker personally, well I suppose nopony has, but my student, err former student Starlight Glimmer encountered her. Well in a dream she had that is. And I must say you look strikingly similar too both of them.” Twilight said looking at Absolution.


“How exactly do you cast a spell? Does magic work differently on your world? Can earth ponies use magic there?” Silga said ignoring Twilight and Spike.


“Hey I’m a baby dragon! I’m not that small!” Spike said finally catching up with events and regaining his composure fully.


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46 minutes ago, Trixie The Evil said:

Absolution smirked at what they all said, first she looked at Twilight. "In my world they both existed at the same time. They were not....evil per say. Mostly just depends on what you view as evil and good. Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon would constantly fight, causing chaos for the land. Daybreaker with her fire pony army, Nightmare Moon queen of the shade. They battled for centuries, before an icy blue alicorn. Tall, and with a gleaming white mane. Lunaris Frost came along, and mended a truce between them. He merged them, and created me."

Then she looked at Silga. "Twilight can probably tell you that. However, magic in my world is something like the world you inhabit. There are many more alicorns that control the various elements. Ice, Fire, Earth, Water, Mind, Time, Chaos, Order, Conflict, Peace, Sky, Light and Dark which are controlled by the same alicorn, and death. There are probably more out there that we haven't found. Each of these alicorns has a kingdom, and each of them rule over ponies who embody the same concepts as their leaders, and are like regular ponies but more inclined towards the magic of their leader. Earth ponies are the same, as are Unicorns and Pegasi, who live in small tribes. " 

She then glanced at Spike and snorted just a bit. 


“Hey!” Spike said defensibly.

“So you came here because you wanted to get away from your kingdom? Why did you have to cross universe to do that…” Twilight said confused.

Silga didn’t say anything she was just excited to hear more about absolution. And seeing two alicorns talk to each other was overwhelming for her. “This is so amazing!” She shouted excitedly.


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5 minutes ago, Trixie The Evil said:

"I don't really have a Kingdom. The sun and moon control themselves for the most part. I could easily control them though. I'm astounded you didn't ask anything else though." she ignores Spike and turns to Silga with a smile. 



“Oh man you’re such a bitch and I love it!” Silga said excitedly. “Shoo now purple alicorn, Absolution does not require your presence.”


“Hey!” Twilight shouted with a smile. Spike mumbled something under his breath.


“Absolution can we ditch these two and you could fly me around Equestria?” Silga asked eageerley.

OOC: Hey don't take offense too Silga calling Absolution a bitch, I just meant it jokingly. 

  • Brohoof 1


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1 minute ago, Trixie The Evil said:

Absolution chuckles loudly. "I mean...I could...but, that'd be a bit rude to Twilight and spike here...." she says, and decides to pick up Silga and set her on her back. 

OOC: Heh, its fine lol.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much!" Silga screamed with delight. 

"Hey!" Spike and Twilight both shouted. 

OOC: sorry but some people find stuff like that offensive.(and beilive me I can easily offend when I'm not even trying)

  • Brohoof 1


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Just now, Trixie The Evil said:

Absolution smiled widely. "Alright I suppose we should....head to wherever Twilight lives because why not?" 

OOC: Its alright. 



“Ooh yes! She has a rather nice castle! I can tell you were it is!” Silga said gleefully.


“Hey! You can’t do that!” Twilight yelled. “Yeah!” Spike said following up Twilight.

OOC: :)

  • Brohoof 1


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1 minute ago, Trixie The Evil said:

"A nice castle hm? Hardly expected that for a...young alicorn of her age. Tell me." she says. 

"ooh yes it's a massive crystal structure. It's at the edge of town. You can't miss it." Silga said excited. 

"HEY!" Twilight said preparing too blast absolution. 


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Just now, Trixie The Evil said:

Absolution nodded and turned to Twilight. "Calm it." she remarked. 

Twilight instantly deflated. "Performance issues?" Silga said jokingly. Twilight and Spike looked on in stunned silence. "Let's go." Silga said. 


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On 7/23/2017 at 8:17 PM, Radience said:

"Which direction though?" Absolution asks.

"West" Silga said excitedley too the alicorn Absolution who's back she was sitting upon. Spike and Twilight continued too look on in stunned silence. 

OOC: Rp section has a 200 character minimum.


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30 minutes ago, Radience said:

She flared her wings and started to hover in the air, expecting Twilight to do the same, she started flying west. 

Twilgiht then placed Spike upon her back and followed after Absolution and Silga. 


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6 minutes ago, Radience said:

Absolution kept flying west. "Why do you want to know so much about magic?" she asks Silga.

"Like I said when I was just a filly a magical goblin saved me, and ever since then I've wanted too learn more about magic. And hopefully too meat that goblin again."


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8 minutes ago, Radience said:

She nods. "You seem like you would have been a nice filly to have around." she remarks.

Silga giggeld at this. "Yes my Grandmother said I was absolutley deleightful at that age." 

Spike and Twilgiht still trailed behind.


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5 minutes ago, Radience said:

She started flying a little slower so they could catch up, but not by much. "I don't really remember much when I was a foal." she states. 

"Is it because it was so long ago?"


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2 minutes ago, Radience said:

"Pretty much. Yes. I don't remember my parents all the well either. Mostly because as an alicorn I am very old. I'm around 3200 years old." 

Twilight gasped at this fact. 


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4 hours ago, Radience said:

"Oh whats the matter? Aren't you hundreds of years old? You certainly look it." she says to Twilight with a smirk. Not sure why Twilight gasped. 

"I'm twenty three!" Twilight said alarmed. "I only became an alicorn a few years ago!" 

Silga giggled at what Absolution had said.


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17 minutes ago, Radience said:

"All of the alicorns in my land are ancient. If you really want to meet them I could take you to them. Who would you want to visit first?" she asks. 

Twilight looked confused. "Well I don't know... I don't even know anything about you..." She replied stunned. 

"Are we still going too her castle?" Silga asked.


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3 minutes ago, Radience said:

"Hm. Yea I guess we are. But I want Twilight to meet a few of the alicorn rulers. To see what they think of her. No alicorn in my world is that young." she states. 

"Hmmm. But you all were young at one point weren't you?" Silga asked Absolution. Twilight and Spike listend intentley.


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4 minutes ago, Radience said:

"We all were young at some point, yes. All of us were alicorns since we were foals. We all somehow had our kingdoms given to us. We are all born the way were. We do not remember our parents." 

"That's very differnt from here. Celestia and Luna are thousands of years old, but they weren't born alicorns. And Princess Cadence isn't that much older than me." Twilight said.


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9 minutes ago, Radience said:

"Odd. So, which alicorn would you like to visit?" she asks.

"I suppose the one that controls winter?" Silga answered for Twilight. Spike was still sitting on Twi's back.


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8 minutes ago, Radience said:

"Ah yes. King Shilver. He can be really rude and stubborn. But, he created me so he should have some leniency." 


"Let's go then!" Silga said excited. Twilight and Spike still followed along.


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