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private Family Matters (1x1)


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The wolf tumbled back as she threw him over her. The bull, however moved almost like he had expected some kind of ambush, spinning around with surprising speed for his size. The side of his head and horns slammed into Maple, sending her tumbling across the rocky path. The beast turned completely, stamping his hooves in the ground preparing to charge and smash into Maple, trampling her if she didn't move quickly. 


"What are you talking about!?" War snapped defensively. "My warriors can do whatever they want here! They can eat, sleep, make things, and fight! When they're done with all that, they can be reborn back down below."

She crossed her arms angrily, standing up from her throne to glare and look down upon Woody. "YAH!? So that makes it okay to torture their souls, because they're 'sacrifices'!? You know who all those 'sacrifices' are? Go ahead, give it a guess!"

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Maple dug her katar into the ground to stop after the bulls first attack and when saw the bull charging her again and she rolled out of the way moving to stab the bull in the side with her Katar as they passed. It was going to prove difficult however to not hurt herself on the spikes of the bulls armor.


"She told me it was ponies who were hateful to them or bullied them for believing in..." Woody suddenly had a very scared expression "OH! They're your followers, aren't they... Now I feel bad because I kinda encouraged what she was doing... I actually... ate some..." He said backing up to get some distance between him and War not sure what was about to happen but scared of what it was going to be.

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Maple was able to stab at the hulking beast between his armor plates, though his thick hide and bulky frame made landing an incapacitating or mortal blow difficult. The beast mist his charge, smashing into the rock face on the side of the path, causing it to crack just a bit. Some loose rocks fell atop his head. 

The bull turned around, preparing for another charge. This time, his stance suggested he was ready to adjust course mid charge, but even so he was still a lumbering beast. 


One of War's eyes twitched. The warriors at the tables jumped to their hooves and paws, drawing their weapons and brandishing them towards Woody at the realization. Furious, and shaking with anger, War looked ready to pounce on the little draconequus herself. 

"WAIT! This has gone on long enough!" She snapped, sitting back down on her throne. "If it weren't him, it would have been her."

War sat back down, eyes darkening as she brought one of paws up, resting her elbow on the arm of the chair and propping her snout up as if in deep thought. The others in the hall took note of this pose, and it was one they were familiar with. They all looked to her, waiting. 

"I'm done playing games." She concluded. 

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Maple saw the bull was ready to turn mid charge so she opened her wings, ready to fly over the bull at the last second. She'd have to wait though if she took off too early then what she was planning would fail. She was going to try and land on the bulls back and cut him somewhere a little more vital than what she could hit as the bull was passing.


"War... I..." Woody sill had the same look on his face almost as if he didn't register the fact he almost got killed. "I... Didn't mean for that... I thought..." He was losing his self-restraint "I'm sorry. I didn't know... It's my fault... I should have asked questions I should've been more cautious. I just wanted to grow closer to you all... Then I could bring you all tongether, but I failed."

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Maple managed to drive her weapon through a gap between his helmet and his chest piece. It was a critical blow, causing the bull to tumble forward and roll several times before coming to a stop. He tried to get up, but he was loosing blood fast. 

Just around the corner of the rock face, the jingling of chain mail and plate armor could be heard drawing nearer. There were more than a few in that group. 


"No, It's not your fault." War concluded, still glowering and considering possible actions. "I'll make you a deal. This ONE time." 

War shifted, staring down Woody with that same furious look, but it was wavering slightly. "Have her surrender my followers to me, and I will sit with her and the others."

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"Oh come on..." Maple said quietly to herself. She ran over and picked up her bow. She moved somewhere a little more hidden and aimed her bow at where she heard the armored combatant was approaching from. She held her breath and waited on the target to show up.


Woody looked at War, a little happier now. "Y... Yes, I can do that. Thank you." He opened a portal and took a deep breath as he walked into it ending up in Salacious' palace "Sister?" He said audibly. "I've returned." He walked around looking for Salacious. 

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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There were six of them, walking in a small formation. One of them only gave the corpses on the ground the barest of glances, not even stopping or slowing down to examine them. Red team, while the dead warriors were both yellow. Death was a common enough thing there, or at least a state of death, that a body here or there wasn't really cause for alarm. None noticed Maple either, not exactly an observant bunch, though she was hiding. 


The portal opened up into a great lavish hall adorned with banners and curtains strewn across the white column facades. The floor was covered in soft carpets of varrying size, piling up in the center where Salacious was coiled up. There she lay upon hundreds of colorful pillows and blankets. Surrounding her, were about a dozen of her followers, each holding up a silver platter with different exotic foods. They all looked genuinely excited and hopeful as she sampled each one in delight. 

She turned suddenly when she heard Woody's voice, a look of genuine excitement and happiness as he returned. It was like she hadn't seen her favorite brother in years. Just as quickly, she changed her appearance looking away suddenly and crossing her arms in a huff. 

"Well well, It looks like the traitor has returned. Did you have fun playing little games with war, hmm?" She said condescendingly and sarcastically. 

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Maple just kept waiting aiming at one of them at random but she aimed only at those that were close to her. She could take 2 soldiers but 6? Well she could try but She was unmoving like a statue as she waited for them to pass her.


Woody looked sad. "I know. I know. Being honest, I don't really like War's... Games. Seems violent and primitive... Sorry, I left you but if it helps I visited all of our siblings now and I can say you are my favorite sibling out of the bunch." He smiled at her.

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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They passed by without any incident. After a few moments, the sounds of their armor clinking together disappeared. Once again she was alone... for the most part. Above her she could see groups of flyers going back and forth. More often than not they clashed with each other, usually ending with one group victorious over the other and continuing on. Despite them clearly scouting and examining the ground below, the fighting in the air distracted them sufficiently. That being said, the patrols up above were increasing in frequency and size the longer Maple waited.


Salacious couldn't hide her smile and delight, despite trying. "Oh, well... I forgive you." She concluded, before jumping forward to grab and squeeze Woody in a hug. 

"You don't know the half of it! She's such a brute, isn't she? Not civilized like Shadow's and I... and clearly you." She smiled, letting him go. "Oh! You're just in time, my brilliant chefs are having a a bit of competition, would you like to help judge?"

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Maple noticed the increase of air patrol "Well Airs not an option now... Walking it is." She said to herself slinging the bow across her back and she started walking through the area watching for enemies or anyone that seemed to stand out but she was paying more attention to above her in case something came at her from the sky.


Woody laughed "Sure I wouldn't mind... Well first somethings been bothering me... War... She said that those mean ponies that you fed me... She said they were her followers." Woody paused "I don't think eating your sister's followers is... well in my opinion, 'uncivilized' though she was probably not being serious on that." Woody smiled back to her a bit awkwardly 

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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There were patrols everywhere, in the air and on the ground. That being said, they constantly clashed with one another. It didn't take long for Maple to run into a skirmish between twenty or so fighters. Red against yellow it seemed. 

Three archers on one side were spread out on a rocky hillside, firing down at red team, while four of red's archers were taking cover in a ditch and firing back. The other thriteen were simple warriors, clashing swords and axes and smashing one another around with shields and heavy armor. 


Salacious narrowed her eyes, as she wrapped an arm around Woody's shoulders. "Oh, my cute innocent naive little brother... do you... know what a punishment is? It's something that we, those of us in charge, do to remind them, those who are not in charge, how to behave."

She spoke as a matter of factly. "Punishment, my darling favorite brother, is not fun or civilized. You understand? I don't really blame her for her miscreants behaviors. True, she should teach them and control them better, but mortals will be mortals, yes? I'm just trying to nudge them back in the proper direction by making an example out of a few."

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Maple watched for a bit not sure if she should get involved in the battle or not. She watched carefully scanning the battle for anyone that could potentially be a leader since the red team leader was the one War wanted her to beat. If there wasn't a reason for her to get involved she wouldn't.


Woody sighed he knew it wasn't going to be that easy "Could you... Maybe do that in a different way. Me and War may not see everything eye to eye but we can both agree that that's a little harsh. As we discussed earlier you are destroying their soul... Throwing them into an abyss of nothing. I feel like there are punishments that would work just as effectively but... without destruction of souls." Woody was sweating. He was getting way too tired to keep doing this over and over. 

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The battle finished rather quickly, leaving only three warriors and two archers from the red team. They began looting the corpses and pulled off a few pieces of gear. 

"Hey! I think the commander was looking for one of these..." An armored mare commented, pulling a crystal skull like trinket from one of the corpses. 

The others nodded in confirmation. "I don't think she'll mind pulling off patrol to deliver it." 


Salacious listened to Woody, frowning as she examined his demeanor. For a moment she looked frantic, worried even by his appearance and sighing. In fact, she took the entirely wrong impression, assuming Woody was becoming impatient with her. 

"W- well... I mean, perhaps you're... not wrong..." She conceded hastily. "Maybe... it would be better to... release them upon the conclusion of their punishment? After all, it would be the most effective means of spreading the word of the extent of their punishment..."

"What... what do you think?" She asked with a nervous smile. "Oh! I almost forgot... while you were gone I uhm..." 

She paused in thought for a moment, quickly trying to think of something. "I whipped up a wonderful room for your stay!" 

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Maple looked at them, commander huh? She thought smiling Well I guess my new plan its to tail them and hope I don't lose sight of them Maple moved to another outcrop closer to the group that was left standing. She, however, was a bit too close to them.


Woody smiled lightly "Yea that sounds like a much better Idea. Thanks for understanding my fear on that matter It was just scary to me." He was calming down a bit due to the reaction being so, away from him. He then heard Salacious say she had a room for him "Oh! Thank you. I didn't really need one but I'll accept it since you put the work in for me." He smiled and decided he would wait a bit before asking Salacious to meet with the others it wasn't something he'd want to ask of her right after she did something that nice for him he could use a break before meeting with all of the siblings anyways.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Instead of stepping off right away, the group decided to sit down and take rest for a few moments, pulling out bits of food from pouches and getting some water from a nearby stream. They weren't in any hurry to get anywhere, joking about and roughhousing as they relaxed. One of them remained up, watching out for any ambushes. Despite being so close, they didn't see Maple yet. However, she was dangerously close, mere feet away from a sphinx resting on her flank against Maple's rock. 

Salacious gave a silent sigh of relief. "Oh! These delightful little snacks, you should try a few!" 

She slunk back over to her pile of luxurious pillows and sheets, back into the center of chefs presenting food. With a flick of the wrist, one of the chefs rushed over to Woody with his tray of chocolate covered bananas. 

"So then, you've been listening to War, have you? I hope she hasn't put too much else into your head. She can be quite irrational at times, and I wouldn't want you to become more like her." Salacious gave woody a side long glance as she spoke, occasionally taking one of the food items from a tray. "Why don't you sit down hmm?"

I similar pile of soft things appeared under woody, just as some invisible force knocked him down into the sheets, pillows, and poofy rugs. "So... what do you think of her?"

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Maple watched the scene with a bit of delight. She liked the fact the soldiers acted so friendly to one another. She was paying more attention to the Sphinx, however, since they were perhaps less than a pony's distance away. She kept her breathing as still and silent as she could for now.


Woody took a bit out of it, but before he did he made sure that it wasn't a pony like last time he was here "War? She's a bit headstrong and perhaps a bit rude at times but she means well. My not dragonequus sister is with her as well I feel they'll get along well. May I speak with you on a matter I noticed after meeting with all of our siblings? I feel like it's important enough to bring up."

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"... Yah, someone already slayed her." One of them said. "Some bird from yellow I think... didn't you used to be in yellow?"

The Sphinx nodded, just as one of the earthers laughed to make fun of her. "Yah yah, whatever. Yellow team gives you more ale..." The sphinx scoffed. 

"You think she's re-spawning or...?" A strange creature stepped out from some bushes, tightening his wastebelt and chain mail skirt. 

It was some sort of white rabbit like creature, standing upright like a diamond dog with the paws... or hands... to match. Though, it clearly had rabbit like features; the snout, the massive set of ears, and abnormally long unguligrade paws for feet. He sounded incredibly young. Especially when taking into account everyone there in Valhalla had died in battle, or as a result of it. Despite the upright appearance, he was no taller than a pony from hooves to head. Just small enough he might be able to ride a bigger equine.

"If she is, and we somehow end up finding her, you'll get the kill." The group laughed a little before finally getting up to start off back down the path. 

Somehow, they had yet to notice Maple. Not exactly the most observant fighters... perhaps that's why they died in the first place...


Salacious narrowed her eyes as she glanced at Woody again, still busy sampling the many foods. Next up was a platter of odd green purple striped fruit each one the size of an apple. They'd been coated in some kind of sugar and jelly. 

"Is that so?" She responded idly to Woody's comment. "And... what might that be?"

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Maple started to carefully follow them at a distance. She was walking slowly and quietly taking great care to not draw attention to herself which for most ponies would have been hard but her armor was at least darker than the bright yellow her coat was.


"Well..." Woody started to draw in the air his claw leaving a trail behind it. "It seems that it's a form of 2 against 2 with you 4 You and Shadows like each other and Slug and War Like each other." As he spoke he had drawn shapes to match each of the siblings. A slug, A snake, 2 crossed swords and a bird casting a shadow. He then drew green lines connecting The snake and bird and a yellow line connecting The swords and the slug. "Then it seems like. Shadows mostly hates Slug while You hate War. Both of which provide equal amounts of hate back." This time he drew red arrows back and forth connecting The Slug with the Bird and The swords with the snake "So that's sorta what it looks like to me... But I'd love if it looked a bit closer to. He drew a green box around all of the shapes. "If that happens then we can talk about My involvement later. I asked the others to meet soon and I was hopeing you'd be there too. I'm just trying to help out around here. Slug, Shadows and War have all already agreed to this you're the last one I need and I think it starts soon." HE lowered his head in a bow sorta "I'm only asking It's fine to say no."

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Following the group wasn't too entirely difficult, but problems came when they arrived at the entrance to one of the many caves. A huge group of warriors was waiting outside the entrance, all red team, sitting around and lounging about. There had to be nearly a hundred in the camp alone, not including some of those flying about above or further up along the cliff sides. 

The camp was restless and active at the moment, warriors fighting one another in groups here and there, while others sat around fires to chow down on various foods. The camp's bustling nature made it appear impossible to sneak through. 


At first, Salacious was delighted by his little display. She clasped her claws together in delight, watching closely with a wide smile. By far, she was the easiest of Woody's siblings to delight and entice, but given her nature, perhaps that wasn't so surprising. The serpent delighted in anything at all that tickled the senses, that was her thing after all. 

She pulled back, glaring and crossing her arms, clearly offended by something he said as he finished. "Hmph! You think I'm intimidated by War or somethings!?"

More like... the way he said it, lowering his head as if he expected her to say no or something. "If anything, she's intimidated by me! I am the strongest of our family after all. She's actually jealous of how many diverse followers I have..."

"Of course I'll go!" She finally snapped. "I always go to our little family meetings. Shadow's is the one you must worry about, War and Pest are always picking on him, so he just doesn't attend those anymore. But of course I'll go. I always go."

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Maple figured there where several ways to go about this. She could just run in and most likely die... So not that one. She figured there was 2 watch from a distance to see if the leader was there or go and steal some of the dead red team member's equipment. She wasn't sure if the second of the two ideas would work she sat there at a distance watching the few she had followed seeing where they were going.


"Alright awesome." Woody said a bit triumphant "Shadow's already agreed to go as well. It's rather soon so if you want to prepare for it I would now. Just need to go double check the others and make sure they know it's about time." He stepped through a portal into War's Hall "Alright War. Salacious agreed to stop devouring the souls of your followers." He told her more triumphant than before

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The group Maple had been following took up a spot in the center of the camp, while the sphinx started off towards the entrance of the cavern with the loot. No one really stopped her as she entered, not even to check to make sure she was allowed. In fact, the guards around the entrance didn't even give her a second glance. 

As she sat there observing the site, someone was climbing across the craggy landscape she was hiding in, coming directly towards her from behind. They didn't seem to notice her yet. 


War was still in her brooding pose while her warriors were busy patting their bellies and joking around. The wolf was no longer interested in watching Maple sneak around, or the countless other visions floating around the hall that the others were enthralled by. Instead, she was very much still furious and angry at her sister. So much so, she didn't react for a few moments after Woody made his comments. 

"Hmph, and how much longer until she starts doing it again!?" War snapped. "What, you actually believe her?"

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Maple decided to go with her other plan so she turned to head back to the battleground she was at earlier to steal some of the warrior's equipment. With red colored armor maybe she'd blend in a bit better


"Come on sister If you have genuine concerns about your followers talk with Salacious directly about it..." Woody paused "And I mean with words. Not with your sword. It's more effective if you just talk with her instead of just complaining and getting into fights over it... At least give this meeting thing a try... For me. Please."

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The moment Maple turned around, she bumped into that same fellow heard walking up behind her. It was a diamond dog, someone from yellow team, not the red down the short path to the cave entrance. The dog was decked out in heavy armor, all yellow of course, with a halberd over his shoulders. 

He tilted his head to the side, noting her sneaking behavior, before looking over her yellow fur. The black and white furred canine gave a groan of confusion, he... didn't seem entirely all that bright by his stance and demeanor. 

Suddenly, the camp below went into a frenzy, yellow team members rushing in from all sides in a surprise raid, rushing past maple and the dog without a second thought. Having yellow fur at least helped her blend in a little, but closer inspection by someone more... focused... would likely reveal who she really was. 


"Fine." War snapped. "Let's go then. Perhaps I can show you today why speaking with Sally is completely pointless." 

War finally stood up from her throne, opening up a portal before her and Woody leading to the main chamber in the hall Woody had first met them all in. "But, I make no promises as to how long I will stay..." 

On the other side, they were all waiting. Though, the silence wad deafening. No one was looking at each other, though it was clear from their passive anger that Pest and Shadow's were not pleased to be in the same room together. Shadows looked ready to do something rash in fact, his form tense, even under the cloak he made from his wings folded in front of him. In fact, it looked like he might have been hiding something under them. 

Pest was no better, looming over both Shadows and Salacious with his sheer size but looking over their heads as if they weren't there. Salacious didn't seem to mind one way or the other, until War stepped in in front of Woody. She dawned a deep menacing scowl, not at all trying to hide her vicious emotions. 

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Maple decided to join the assault watching the battleground carefully for the red team leader or any warrior who want to fight her. She flew slightly into the air to where she would barely be out of swords reach. She shot a few arrows at random targets.


"Thank you all for coming! I didn't expect to actually get this far..." Woody acknowledging them all and breaking the silence "Alright so I already explained this to salacious but I see this odd triangle of hate going around... HE pulls up the imagie he showed Salacious early with out the big green box. "Would you all agree that this looks right? And don't talk with each other. Only to me please."

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The battle flashed in an instant, boiling over to more than just a single little skirmish. Hundreds of reds flooded out of the cave entrance to join the fight. All manner of creatures joined the fight. Even a red plated giant mammoth burst out of the cave to smash and tear through the fight, sending warriors of both red and yellow team flying in all directions as it barreled through. 

Despite her flight, as she kept just above sword range, the dog and a few others trailed behind Maple with spears and pikes. Their weapons did well to stop a ponies charge, even take on creatures larger than them. Still, that mammoth wasn't deterred by a few spears and pole-arms. The woolly mammoth barrled straight towards the group while it gathered just behind Maple, forcing them to turn and level their weapons towards the pachyderm to break its charge... a tactic that clearly would not work due to momentum alone. 


The group was a little surprised by Woody's assertiveness and take charge spirit. Surprisingly, they were pleased by it. Woody gave them something other than the object of their hatred to stare at while they stood there. Distracting their focus allowed them to actually think. 

So, they didn't need to nod begrudgingly, but rather they all agreed silently with curt tilts of the head. In fact, they clearly were paying attention, gods of chaos and destruction and creation as they were. 

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