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private Family Matters (1x1)


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Maple saw that they were going to try to break the mammoths charge. While letting them would be safer it would also mean that it would be easier for the yellow team to notice she wasn't part of their team. Eventually, Maple decided to just avoid the mammoth rather than attacking, either way, it was the safest route to her at least. Since attacking any of the yellow team would blow her cover anyways.


Woody saw they all agreed with the facts "Alright so. It was brought to my attention by one of you and I'm not saying who. But Tartarus is a dangerous place no matter which of you 4 someone may be following. Each of you has a good amount of followers behind you and that is great since it's pretty even but imagine if you all started to work toward a common goal rather than opposing each other at every corner? That is why I wanted you all here so you all can talk, calmly and openly about differences between the few of you who "hate" Each other." The small dragonequus turned facing Salacious and then looked to War. "War... Could you please tell Salacious what you told me. The though involving her... 'Punishments'. And Be calm or you'll lose the privilege of speaking." The glare he gave around showed he wasn't kidding "That goes for all of you and only War can speak for now... Go ahead."

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The red mammoth smashed into the group of yellows, barely slowing down as it continued on its little rampage. In fact, red seemed to be pushing back the  yellows fairly quickly. Maple was dead in the center of the camp when the last of the yellow's near her went down. Several spear wielding pegasi charged at her in unison, shields up in an attempt to block any arrow she might throw at them. All around in the air the fighters seemed to be focusing on the ranged yellows. 


Every fiber of War's being was cringing and tensing at the moment. She clearly wanted to do more than merely 'talk' to her other sister. Salacious, on the other side of the hall, was absolutely loving her reaction, smirking slyly. 

"Your..." She clenched her jaw, and spoke through gritting teeth. "Your methods are appalling... souls deserve to be reborn, regardless of why or how they died. It disgusts me that a WRETCHED WITCH LIKE YOU EVEN TOUCHES OTHER CREATURES!!" 

The last bit, of course, War shouted, right before suddenly moving her hand to grip the hilt of her sword. "Your arrogance knows no bounds, and it's time someone wipes that smirk off your face!" 

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Maple ran up to a soldier kicking their shield and leaping into the air, mostly to get out of the way of all the soldiers as she turned to face them again she pulled out the katar slinging the bow across her back.


"ENOUGH!" Woody roared to War Silencing her with a quiet song which had his magic in it. "I said to be calm and you lost your cool almost instantly!" He took a breath and sighed "Now. Salacious please tell War what her followers are doing to yours. Tell her what hers are doing to yours and why you think they need to be punished. You both need to see each other opinions on this."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Soon she was completely surrounded, the yellow team either dead or dying on the edge of the camp. They held their shields up as they circled her, jabbing at her with spears from all sides while a few swung with various weapons as they stood in between the breaks in the miniature shield wall. Flying above her archers had fun shooting arrows at her, purposefully missing and trying to graze her. 

The Red's laughed and joked at her efforts to fend them off with her weapons. It was all in vein though. 


War crossed her arms and glowered, grumbling and griping under her breath at either one of them. At least she listened to woody, mostly because of his own magic of course. 

"Why certainly my cute little brother!" Salacious beamed with delight. "Do you want me to explain how her pathetic weak little worms upset my gleaming and pristine cities, or how about doing whatever they please in my territory? Oh, oh, or perhaps their blatant disrespect for my rule and my disciples rule? Or, or, maybe I could explain what punishments we deliver? I do so love those details... you know, just so everything in the air here..."

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It was at least a while before she got completely outnumbered but now she was backed into a corner with... No way out... And she assumed they didn't accept surrender. So she'd at least fend them off with her katar as long as she could before dying.


"Ugh... No sister... Tell her what you told me... The thing about how your followers are being treated by hers..." Woody stated "Respect has nothing to do with it anyway, You didn't tell me that just to get me to feel bad... Right?" His tone was half-angry and half-confused as he was assuming she'd forgotten.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Maple at least went out with a bang this time, rather than the not so glorious death via drowning. The red's swarmed her, but she took a few of them out with her. In the end it was two spears jabbing into her from the encroaching crowd that did her in. 

She reappeared back in the feast hall. War was absent at the moment, some of her warriors to busy eating and talking to one another to notice Maple's return. None of them really even gave her a second glance, even though a few did see her. Not quite the same attitude they had before, perhaps no longer spurred on by their god's attitude. 


Salacious blinked a few times, clearly confused and not at all remembering what she had told him. It took a few awkward seconds of her staring at Woody dumbfounded, scratching her snout in thought. 

"Oh! Right, yes, of course!" She stated quickly as if it were so obvious... "Your warriors are always harassing and tormenting my little servants! Every time I turn around I see them cornering my innocent followers in an alley or something and- and just killing them!" 

She crossed her arms and turned away from War in a huff. "Nothing but a bunch of low lives that need some good punishment..." 

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"Well, that went a bit better." Maple said to herself "But I gotta do this n-" her stomach growled as she looked at the food. "A little wouldn't hurt for now." She told herself as she sat down at a random spot on the table looking at all the food that was available, ironically next to the griffon who killed her the first time. "No hard feelings... Right?" Maple said " While you're tactic was good it was a little reckless. But you did succeed in your goal of getting here... which is admirable."


Woody nodded at that but he was hesitant with it almost not convinced by the response "Right... War I'll get back to you in a second." He nodded to War not releasing the silence magic "I don't want to just go back and forth between two of you that causes fights..." He contemplated to go to Shadows or Slug next worried the other would get offended if he didn't go to them first, He started to pace on the matter. Eventually, the curiosity of why Shadow's was holding his wings awkwardly got to him but he wasn't going to mention it. "Shadows, Your turn, Tell Slug what you told me you thought about his followers earlier, please." He gestured that the youngest sibling, besides himself, had the rooms attention and waited.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The griffon smirked, just before pouring a green ale into a large sturdy pewter mug. Whatever it was, it was certainly strong. Didn't have a good smell either, just alcohol for the sake of alcohol. He slid it over to her. 

"Course not." He replied. "But yah, sorry about that. I guess it could be kind of different if you've never fought a fanatic before coming here. It's... basically the same fighting style."

He decided to chow down on some freshly baked bred, glazed with a light layer of butter and oils. Along with a few seeds, it smelled more decadent than anything found on a simple bakery shelf. 

"Guess I'm just still a little salty about how I got here. A lusty did me in. Disgusting witch priest ripped my wings off, cut my claws, and shaved me down completely. Kept me in her dungeon for a few weeks until she forgot about me and I starved. I was surprised the Wolf saw fit to bring me here... I thought for sure I'd disrespected her for dying like that..." He shrugged. "Oh well, as long as I get reborn in the same family line, I'm okay with it. So how'd you end up here? I'm... kind of confused about that."


Salacious gave another huff as Woody moved on. If one weren't listening, it would look like she thought he was merely dismissing her gripes, even taking War's side despite keeping her silenced. War of course, was livid. She was clearly fuming, exchanging glances with Pestilence as if waiting for some kind of signal, though his expression was more of a warning one every time they locked eyes. At least between them, Pest was keeping her cooled down... until Shadow's spoke. 

"Very well." Shadows replied, looking down and closing his eyes, there was clear hesitation on his part. "Pest, your followers are indiscriminately spreading virulent diseases among the populaces, my followers included. Additionally, with your assistance intentional or otherwise, they conjure, create, and manufacture abominations which often run loose in city centers. In many instances, they've directly lead to the destruction of entire cities under my domain. I wish to improve the overall status of those living in Tartarus, and you are allowing your followers to interfere with this."

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"Wow... Sorry to hear about that... surprised you didn't bleed out first before starving. War seems alright though a bit harsh about things but I'm getting the impression she means well..." Maple heard his question as well and wasn't sure herself. "All I know is my brother was talking with War and asked her if I could come here, I'm guessing she said yes and here I am. Woody should really ask me if I want to come to these places... Say what are 'claws' in Tartarus?" The bright yellow bight inquired "Is that like currency? And how valuable is like 3,000 of them?"


"Now, now Shadow's what his followers do isn't always controlled by him. The same does go for you salacious. But that doesn't make it right." Woody acknowledged before walking over to Slug as he wrote something down noting War's occasional glances. Somethings about to happen... but from who I have no Idea. He thought to himself But I can handle whatever it is. I've gotten this far... "Slug," He said snapping out of his thoughts. "Why don't you tell Shadows why you have a... Distaste for his methods."

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Ah well, it's over so... whatever. I'll just train harder here so if my spirits ever called on in battle I can fight harder and win. That or train enough I actually remember something when I'm reborn later, and you know, slaughter as many snake cultists as I can. Besides, starving's better than being baked into a cake by a glutton!" He chuckled. 

He nodded at her last question, shoving his talons into one of the leather pouches attached to his light armor. The bird produced two gold coins with the image of a sharp fang raised on one side, and three marks like a slash engraved on the other. He held both coins up, but didn't hand either over. 

"Someone found my corps I guess and put these over my eyes before they burned my body. Pretty cool of them, whoever it was. It's good luck if someone does that for you when you die. Anyways, yah, the rabbits made the first currency in Tartarus and no one's really made anything better. Snake's try, but they're too greedy and arrogant to actually make it work. But 3,000's a heck of a lot, definitely not something you walk around with... at least when I was alive. You buy a meal for like five fangs- err, claws, whatever you want to call them, a small boat with a single sale you could buy with that kinda coin. More like it just depends where you are though." He concluded. 


Slug nodded, glowering at Shadows and his apparent indifference to the whole situation. Something about his younger brother's lack of emotion made him more and more angry. Shadow's attitude that is. Though, he still couldn't speak directly to Shadows, rather addressing Woody instead. 

"Nature should be free to act on its own accord, not controlled by us or anyone else. To stifle or control the growth and development of other creatures is... incomprehensible! They have no room to develop or grow on their own, to learn of their mistakes and become stronger there for it. I've seen Shadows' followers burn entire forests, pollute natural rivers, destroy entire ecosystems to exterminate species! Worse yet... he's warped the minds of many changeling hives to serve him and Sally, turning them into... something unrecognizable, controlled by machines and devious politics."

Shadows interrupted suddenly. "Silence! The only reason you think the way you do is because you're under the control of that whore of order!"

Pestilence's eyes erupted into burning anger. His entire body, though clearly unable to move quickly, tensed. Salacious took note and rose a brow, glancing between the two as if trying to gauge the situation. War was more tense then ever, paws and claws twitching and ready to act.  

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"I only ask because someone asked if I had a few of them. The second part was for me to just to find out a value and your explanation help." Maple the took a drink of the green ale mostly out of not wanting to seem rude she, like her brother, couldn't take much alcohol mostly due to the youth. She shuttered not taking the strong drink well and started coughing. "Sorry..." She coughed again "Didn't think it was that strong..."


"Shadows!" Woody shouted He had zero tolerance at this point since his anger was all they seemed to respond to anyways "While that matter is something I might find concerning you spoke out of turn." NOt wanting to play favorites he silenced shadows as he did War earlier. He sighed "What exactly do you mean... for them?" He shot a confused glance at the other two across the room looking back at slug before continuing "Do... Do you mean he's destroying nature to pave way for a machine type of environment." He then glanced at Shadows again with a bit more anger in his eyes.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The griffon chuckled. "Yah, might as well be paint thinner, right? Still, get's the job done!" He joked, before chugging down a bit more, clearly without the intention of actually tasting it. 

"Usually they got better stuff, but I just want some of the strong stuff right now." He concluded. "But yah, the money stuff, you don't have to really worry about it here."

He took a few more bites before extending his talons in a friendly manner. "Can't remember if I introduced myself yet, but the names Storm Feather. I think." 


Shadow's blinked in surprise as he too was cut off by the silence spell. He of course, didn't resist, but began brooding and practically sulking as Woody appeared to take Pest's side, shaking his head disappointingly. Salacious rolled her eyes and shook her head dismissively, though she still didn't interrupt. For someone so emotional most of the time, she certainly had patience when she wanted it. 

"Yes. You heard correctly. Shadow's has been responsible for building several mega cities and their cancerous expansions. Slums spilling out into nature, overflowing with garbage and refuse... Him and his followers revel in controlling things, be they the laws of nature or the minds of mortals." He shook his head in dismay. "It's only natural that the creatures of nature would clash with such industrial expansionist ideals."

Salacious once again shook her head, scoffing but not speaking aloud at Pest's comments. There was clearly something she wanted to say, but again, she bit her tongue while eyeing War and Pest with disgust. 

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"Yea... Bleh..." Maple shivered a little and bit into a piece of bread trying to drown out the taste "I'd hope they have better stuff since you have to lose some hair to drink that one." Maple paused "I'm Maple Bat, Nice to meet you Storm Feathers." Maple sighed "Well... I should probably go... Don't want War to destroy my soul and all that... say what team where you on? Blood team?"


"Hmm... alright..." Woody said restraining his anger, the endangerment of pony's from Salacious and the Endangerment of nature from Shadows. "Ok... Back to War..." He said unsilencing War "Ok... Now Do you think that salacious has enough reason to at least punish your followers since they hurt... and sometimes kill hers?"

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Well the dragons like it..." Storm joked, perhaps falling a little flat, but chuckling none the less. "I'm on Gold team this time around."

He paused to swirl his drink around, staring at it before looking over to the others who had no interest in their conversation. In fact, he looked downright nervous, but whatever he was considering, he relented to himself. 

"You know, she's not really gonna do that..." He added, keeping his voice down. "The Wolf isn't that kinda master. She's an honorable god, she'll never destroy your soul. There's never been a single time when she did something like that, even to the mortals that felt her fury, and theirs a lot of those."

He pulled out his large sword breaking knife and drove it into the table with a smirk. "This place isn't really all that great... so I'm probably gonna take off. Mind if I ah, roll with you? Maybe find some more Golds to get you to that Blood commander. i mean, probably..." 


Finally able to speak, and especially pleased by that, War smiled and gave off one of her signature hearty laughs, arms still crossed like her sister across the room from her. 

"No." War replied simply. "They need room to roam, to stretch their legs and wings. Besides, fighting is as natural as birth and breathing! She can spare a few cities for my armies to destroy. If Sally has a problem with it, why doesn't she just get Shadow's to make her another one? It's not like he doesn't enjoy that kind of thing anyway." 

Edited by GoldieS
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Maple smiled at that. "Thanks, I appreciate it." She then thought about something But won't they try to kill me for the same reason you did... To get here?" She questioned him "Won't your allies do the same thing? Or will it be different since I'm with you?" Maple could easily blend in with his team though she had been able to do it before 


"Hmm..." Woody said thinking about a potential solution to the problem. Then Woody snapped when he came up with something "I think I've got it. If you both like it you guys can do this if not I'll keep thinking. So what if Salacious... You started to allow war's followers SOME room on these things and don't punish them instantly. Meanwhile, War you try to force your followers to attack their cities less often than now rather than just stop it as a whole. While you both aren't getting exactly what you want from this it's a fair middle ground for you both after all!" He said cheerily pretty convinced this wasn't gonna work

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Oh... hu..." Storm put a talon to his beak in thought, but shrugged. "Well, I mean, I figure as long as you wear yellow or gold armor or something you should be pretty safe. No one around here takes the time to be sneaky, kind of goes against most's code of honor. Just fight along side of them and they won't think twice, they won't really go for you unless you really stand out, and you really stand out without armor painted as any of the three teams."

He stood up after taking one last swig of his ale, adjusting himself and tightening his belt. "C'mon, let's get you something that fits in. You trying to stay with the lighter stuff? I could totally see you as a ground pounder." 


War gave a slight nod, clearly relaxing as she gave Woody a satisfied smile. "An acceptable request." She said simply. 

"Is this some sort of JOKE!?" Salacious snapped, talon's balled into a fist. "Do you REALLY expect me to just allow a bunch of barbarians to kill my innocent followers!? To simply, run rough shot across my cities and burn them to the ground!? Do you think doing as much damage as they can in one day is any better than what they do now, taking their time doing it!?"

Salacious' long serpentine tail popped up from the ground and smacked Woody on the back of the head. "Don't insult me! I came here in good faith, but it seems it was merely a waste of time, seeing as how you enjoy taking her side."

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Maple smiled to Storm genuinely happy to hear that, When she stood up she stumbled a bit but it would pass "Thanks. I owe ya. Probably should've thought of that myself... but at least I can think clearer since I calmed down from earlier." Maple nodded agreement to his suggestions "Wait... What's a ground pounder?" Maple asked with a tilt of her head


Woody scoffed knowing that was gonna happen to be quite honest he wasn't sure what to think of Salacious and Shadows at this point they were defensive of their followers, sure, but their easy disregard for morals really tipped him over the edge "Well you know what you are doing with your followers isn't exactly right either." He snapped back "If you thought I didn't see how scared they all were even around me... Then you'd really be insulting me. Becuase all of them were doing things that were extreme and all of that was out of fear of what YOU would do to them." Woody sighed and looked down before taking a deep breath "I'm not asking you to let them kill all of your followers... I'm only asking that don't punish War's followers by eating their souls... it makes it so they can't have anything after death... I don't care what War's kind are doing, what you're doing is as bad as it gets." Woody then turned away from Salacious and to face Shadows "Maybe I wasn't the right one cut out for this because the actions of you two seem nice on the surface but once you actually look at them they're just... Ugh!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Storm started off towards the exit, ushering Maple along as they walked. Further down the path the cannons from Valaya's little retinue were busy firing randomly at various groups within view in the giant cavern. Target practice, or perhaps to test the abilities of their newest weapons. 

"You know, a heavy that comes in from the air? Wears a bunch of plates like a tank and flies in so they can drop in the middle of a group to get their attention. Not an easy job, I'll say that much. Since there's not really a fear of dying here I tried it out myself.... not really my thing." He said, giving a sheepish look. "Didn't last long at all..." 

Instead of walking down the path to the edge of the cliff overlooking the range, he veered off another path, towards a glowing archway. "So how do you like this place so far? Guess you see it a different way here... but I figure you'd love fighting with warriors of the Wolf. She seems to like you at least." 


Salacoius' eyes narrowed, her main and fur began to bristle, while her scales gleamed just a little more. The serpent was starting to show off that same feral side she showed to war when they were fighting. 

Shadows, on the other hand, opened his eyes wide. He was furious at the sudden turn of events, at Woody's sudden apparent declaration. Intentional or not, that's all they needed...

The serpent coiled into a tight ball before burying her head within her serpentine form, vanishing like a string slipping into a hole. Shadows faded away as if he were made of ash, all while War and Pest watched patiently and disappointingly. 

"As expect..." Pestilence stated with a sigh, eyes sullen and surprisingly full of sorrow. "Perhaps in private they'll reflect on the truth you've tried to show them." 

War huffed indignantly. "Don't be so sure. Sally's far too arrogant and foolish to admit she's in the wrong. She's going to act rashly."

"I'm more concerned with Shadows..." Pest replied, voice grumbling deeply. "His arrogance knows no bounds. He'll stop at nothing to control the world."

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"Alright noted. Though I prefer to keep in the air and use a bow." Maple nodded as she followed him "It's pretty nice down here as long as you get used to 'The wolf's' little quirks." She chuckled even louder so at the part about war liking her. "I don't know... She doesn't seem like she likes me to me, Though that might have to do with me being so hot-blooded."


Woody fell to his knees "That's... not what I wanted though..." He said not looking up from the floor "I just wanted to bring fairness to you 4 but... What they were doing... and then acting like it was innocent." He punched the floor it cracking a bit. "Shadows... He was the one who wanted this but I agree with you War... Sally's way too hot-headed and Shadows just follows her... You two aren't helping either... they just want what they see best... Why are you so rude to them. You're family you all need to just accept each other. War I'm glad you at least tried and Pest I'm glad you waited for me to make a similar offer to you but they just..." He sighs and stops talking

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The two stepped through the little stone archway, coming out on the other side in a completely different place, but still in the realm created by War. And yet, they were no longer in a cave. Instead, they were in some sort hinterland, walking between bright green moss covered rocks and small rolling hills towards a giant longhouse in the distance with gold banners waving and glistening in the wind of the highlands. It was overcast and cloudy up above, but not unnaturally cold like in the cave. 

"Welcome to gold team's place, a lot more open than the others. Plus, these guys like their cheeses." He added as they stepped into something resembling a village. "Our resurrection circle's just over the hills over there, probably really busy this early into this weeks round. There's a bunch more villages around, just look for the big longhouses. That's where everyone gathers to feast when they aren't fighting, competing, and training."

The log huts and cabins were immaculate in quality, and intricately carved with various designs. Cheeses could be smelled wafting on the breeze, while the sound of sizzling water pierced any silence, followed by a blacksmith's hammer. 

"Just... you know, ask before you take something. Might not need to worry about a lot of stuff we do in the mortal world but... we still like to get stuff in return for giving stuff." He added. 


"These things you want... they won't happen in day, little brother. It takes hard work and a great deal of effort to mend even a mortal's relationship." Pest replied, trying to reassure Woody.

War merely rolled her eyes and shook her head. "It doesn't matter. They can never be reasoned with, if that little display didn't tip you off. Whatever." 

Pest merely shrugged. "I still believe it's possible." 

"Well, it's your call, brother." She said, looking over to Pest. "We should strike now before they do. I don't know if we exactly have the element of surprise, but if they mobilize their forces before us it will be a far greater challenge to wipe them out. The vampire counts and the changelings can mobilize the quickest, all others are too corrupt to get off their flanks."

Pest nodded. "I remember. Your planning still holds true, nothing has changed fortunately. I still say we keep some of Sally's followers, they still have a great deal of intrinsic value-" 

War spat. "Pointless. But Shadows' sorcerers, mages, and rangers are still the best around. If anything they're the ones we want to keep." 

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Woody wiped a hint of tears from his eyes "They won't..." He started talking to himself "Unless they want to prove to me they can't be trusted. S... Sally said she wanted to protect her followers but sending them after yours will be putting them in danger... If she does that then she lied to me and this whole meeting was a joke." He stood up "Please... Don't go to war over this..." Woody said to the two who seemed to be planning an attack of their own. "It's my fault."

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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War rolled her eyes and shook her head, smoke steaming from her nostrils yet again. "I'm done playing games. You had your chance, several times. And stop saying it's your fault, this was inevitable." 

Pest nodded. "She's right. Shadows manipulated you, as he does everyone. But..." 

He hesitated, getting some more exasperated sighs from War of course. "Perhaps... well... I'm not saying this will solve all of our woes, but there might be one other who understands the way we all work."

"It doesn't work that way..." War reminded him. "There's nothing else to understand anyways, Woody knows what Sally and Shadows really are. There's no hope for them, just unleash our little secret weapon and lets get this war started!" 

"No, give our little brother another chance." Pest suggested. "You may or may not know, Woody, but each of the chaos gods has a supreme champion that acts in our stead in the mortal realms. We each decided to get one after we learned of the princesses in Equestria... to ensure we had equal weapons against the elements. In Equestria, they're princesses. Here, their princes. One for each of us... including father..."

"We chose one for him." War interjected. "Someone we all liked, not easy to find, I'll tell you that much. But we bestowed upon him the title of Undivided Prince. Since you're from Equestria, you won't like him. But, I guess Pest has a point. If anyone can give you something to go on to patch things up, it would probably be him. Er... not that I'm encouraging it... I mean, ah... don't waste your time... I'd rather get the ball rolling on this war!" 

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Maple listened without saying a word, she felt both appreciative and a bit confused. "Don't worry about me just taking things. It's not really how we equestrians do things... Figured I'd explained that before." She laughed "Well it doesn't matter. I still appreciate the help. Might also be worth noting I think I'm starting to enjoy this." Maple added with a smile as she looked around the cavern "If this one is the most open I can't imagine the other ones.


Woody looked started "Where is he?! I don't care if I don't like him I need help and I'll just suck up my hate or sadness if that means fixing this without souls suffering... Because if Salacious fights your troops she's going to consume their souls. So that only leaves one question. Where is he? I'll need his help for this." 

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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to insult you or anything." Storm apologized, walking through the packed earth that made up the village streets. 

It was a surprisingly leisurely sight, the village and its many warriors. Ponies, sphinxes, griffons, a few drakes and a whole host of other random strange creatures all walked about talking and musing with one another. They all seemed genuanly happy, despite the clear state of war they seemed to be in. All had some sort of weapon on them, mixed with various levels of armor. 

And yet... one was laying in a hammock strung between the wooden posts holding up their log home's second floor. Another was busy cleaning their armor while eating some cheese. One might mistake the place for some far flung Equestrian village just after a good celebration. 

They stopped in front of two story log structure with an open garage of sorts hanging off the side. It was a blacksmith's place, with various quality armors adorning the walls and stands. A diamond dog wearing a leather and mail skirt looked up from hammering away at a clay more. She gave a friendly smile. 

"Well well well, a newcomer?" She gave off a boisterous laugh. "How are you already back!? Didn't the game just start?" 

She shook her head in mocking disappointment, before giving Maple a good once over. "You're a vampire hu? Glad to see not all of you blindly follow around the blasted snake. Name's Quartz, pup of the All Mother." 


"He's just south of his palace in the training fields." War replied. "He's preparing for a new campaign of his, getting his commanders in line I think." 

Pest nodded, before waving his stubby arms to summon a doorway in the middle of the hall. "Just be patient with him, he's a good lad. He might not be what you think of as a leader, but he's kept things together down in Tartarus for thousands of years for us."

Edited by GoldieS
  • Brohoof 1
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"Well excuse me." Maple said in a mocking tone, but she had a hint of a joking tone too, "Not quite used to this yet. Anyways It's nice to meet you, And I have no Idea what 'snake' you're talking about... Again I'm still pretty new here." Maple chuckled awkwardly, not really nervous about being herself anymore "Maple, Daughter of The element of kindness." She said waving to her. "I feel I could get used to this place."


Woody took a deep breath "If... If this doesn't work and Shadows and Salacious actually go against what they were trying to protect... I'll be joining you two against them. Here's hoping that it works." Woody opened the doorway that Slug had made for him ready to speak with this prince of all 4 of them. This was possibly his last chance to get teh 4 of them together...

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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