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private Highschool Friendship (1x1 between me and Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle blinked, but soon giggled. "If Arctic was confused, then he surely acted like he wasn't a good portion of the time. He always had a pretty good poker face, now that I think about it. That sounds harsh having to bop Arctic on the head. However, I guess I can relate." She giggles once more while blushing in embarrassment. "I remember bopping Quick on the head if he began to act up." She says while shaking her head. "I think I remember something along those lines. We promised they would get to know each other and be the best of friends. If they ever started a relationship, then we would happily support it. I'm really glad things turned out the way they did for Dynamo and Lilac." She nods while taking a sip of her drink. "That sounded very wise for advice Rosie, but I suppose you're right. We need to stick to hope and try to stay being optimistic. Otherwise, what do we have to look forward to in life? You've got that right, but I wouldn't exactly say madly in love. I mean I know they'll be madly in love, but I don't want them to rush it. I guess it's just a mother worrying for her child. I trust Dynamo and I trust Lilac as well. They'll grow to love each other very much now and in the future. I know our kids will be just fine." She smiles, as she glanced at said children enjoying their separate conversation.

Dynamo nods while grinning widely. "I'm glad to know there's someone else who likes anime. There are a few students who like anime, but rarely talk about it. Sounds to me like we have some pretty good tastes when it comes to different anime." He says while placing a hand under his chin to think. He looks up and snaps his fingers, as an idea came to mind. "You haven't seen Lucky Star before? Hmm...maybe we can hang out and watch it sometime. I have the complete season on DVD at my house." He suggested before smiling and nods. "Stage fright is never an easy thing to overcome, but I know you'll be able to conquer it someday. I'm trying to do the same as well. I get nervous when singing in front of others. Plus, I get nervous when playing in front of a crowd when it comes to video games tournaments. So, in a way, I know what your'e going through." He places a his hand upon her's and gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I think both those dreams sound awesome. You'll see me at the very front of a crowd during your concert. What kind of music do you like? What kind of music would you play in your band? I also think a dream of an artist is definitely possible. Given the fact of the amazing picture you made during art club." He says before chuckling softly. "You wouldn't be wrong in that assumption. You're right though, Lilac. My dream is to one day become a professional video game player. That, as well as to create a few video games here and there." He says before taking a bite of the offered king prawn from Lilac. He chewed, while offering a piece of ham for Lilac on his fork. 




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@Dynamo Pad

"Ah well it was a long time ago, regardless it is nice that our kids have indeed become best friends and partners, at least we know we won't have problems with in laws" Rose says with a chuckle and nods, taking one more look at the two teenagers and nods once more "Hmm you're right, it's just so sweet to think of them being deeply in love, like you and Quick or Azure and Arctic" she says with another giggle and closes her eyes, enjoying the taste of the champagne on her tongue "Ah well, you're right there, they will grow into their love" she says as she finishes her meal and smiles "We can have desert at the arcade and fair" she says softly as seh gets out her credit card.

Lilac also finished her food and takes some of the ham that was offered to her "I really can imagine you being a popular and successful Youtube Gamer, but I can also imagine you using your talents to make some really good games" she says and nuzzles him before finishing her soda and nodding to her aunt "Alright auntie, come on Dynamo sweetie, I can't wait to get to the arcade, I think you'll love it"


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"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle giggles while nodding at Rose. "While it may have been a long time ago. I'm just glad to see that our children are happy together. That's a relief since we all know who is our in-laws. We all get along and have a history together. Now it's our children's turn to make a good history for themselves and for others." She says as she places a hand on Rose's shoulder. "I don't blame you for thinking the way you did. Soon they'll be so madly in love, they won't want to leave each other's side. They'll either get their own place, or one will want to move in with the other." She says jokingly with a chuckle. She shook her head with a warm smile upon her lips. "Regardless, I just hope they can become happy together. If Lilac moved in with us in the future, then I would be okay with it. The same thing applies if Dynamo moved out. It would feel weird at first seeing my child leave, but it's all a part of growing up." She says while taking one last bite of her meal. She nods as she licks her lips at the thought of desert. "That sounds good to me. It wouldn't be an arcade or fair without desert." She says while getting out cash from her purse. "Since you're using a card, did you want to pay for it and then I give half of the meal? This way we both paid for dinner tonight?" She asks while counting the money out to split the bill.

"Oh! I meant more along the lines of gamer's who go to EVO or other big gaming tournaments. It's because my dream is to be an MLG professional. Though I do want to make a name for myself as a YouTube gamer. I've seen a lot of YouTuber's that I've grown to respect over the years. I hope I can be like them someday, but still be myself." Dynamo says while finishing the last of his dinner. "I thank you though, Lilac. I'm glad you have confidence in me. I also hope you will be able to play the games when they get created." He says while nuzzling her back. He finishes his drink and nods with a grin. "Okay Lilac and sounds great. I can't wait to see this arcade as well. I think I'll love it because I'm going with you." He gets out of his chair and offers his hand to help her out of her seat. "Shall we, m'lady?" He asks with a warm and loving smile.






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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles and nods "That idea sounds good to me, but no rush to pay me back dear" she says as she then pays for the meals and drinks, leaving a tip as per usual and smiles at everyone "Alright now, back to the car kids, and we can get to the arcade and fair in no time" she says gently shooing the two lovestruck teenagers out of the restaurant and back towards the car. She then looks over to Gentle and nods "Well we've still got plenty of time before that sort of thing happens dear, they've still got the rest of highschool in front of them and then their futures to plan, and as you know, plans can and will change"

Lilac smiles and accepts his hand "Thank you Dynamo, and yes I think we shall, as it would seem my auntie is just as excited to get to the arcade and fair as we are" she says and then links her arms with his after straightening her dress a bit and giggling as they are shooed out by her aunt. "Okay auntie Rose, we're going, we're going" she giggles and now had a cute little skip in her step "I'd love to play the games you make when you do make them, and you will always have my support and confidence"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle sighs in relief, but shook her head while giving Rose her half of the bill. "Oh, please I insist. I also won't be having any of that, Rosie. When I borrow money, I always make sure to pay it back when I get the money. That way, I won't have a tendency of forgetting when someone brings up any money I owed at the time." She says while giggling at Rose shooing the kids away. "If it's the same fair that she's talking about, then you kids are in for a treat. They have some great rides to go on and some fun games as well. I remember Quick and the others going with us back in the day." She said while feeling nostalgic. She joins the rest of the group as the four made their way out of the restaurant and back to the car. Gentle glances over to Rose and nods. "I can't argue with that. The future isn't ever set in stone. However, it's better to be prepared in case anything happens. Better to be safe than sorry I always say." She says as she neared her passenger side of the car.

Dynamo smiles as he helps Lilac out of her seat. After making sure they had everything, the couple began to make their way out of the restaurant. "You're welcome Lilac and it sounds like a plan. I wonder why your aunt is acting excited for the fair. Maybe it's because she's been there before? That, or maybe it's because we'll be continuing our date." He says while linking his arm with hers. He couldn't help but chuckle at Rose shooing them out of the restaurant. "You've got it, Miss Rose. I guess arcade and fair time!" He cheered softly while noticing Lilac walking with a skip in her step. He smiles and chuckles at how cute Lilac was being. "It looks like someone is in a good mood. Sounds like you're enjoying yourself. I'm glad because I'm enjoying tonight as well." He smiles softly while pulling her close to him. "I'll make sure that you'll be the first to know when they're completed. Thank you for the vote in confidence Lilac. It really means a lot to me. You have my support and confidence in your band and art." He says as they made their way to the car in the parking lot.  





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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles "Always the honest one Gentle, alright then" she says as she takes the money from her and giggles "Oh it is, and it hasn't changed a bit" she says "and indeed, it always good to have plans, but unless they'er immediate or in the short future, always good to be flexible with them" she says as she once again gets into the driver's side and smiles at Gentle "Oh those really were the days, I guess I just hold onto my past too much to let go of it easily. But you know, I guess that's what kept me looking as young and beautiful as I did as I did back then" she giggles and swishes her pony tail in the air a little with a big smile.

Lilac smiles "From what I heard, it's the ebst in town, and has been around since our parents were kids" she says as she rests her head on his shoulder "So I like to think that is a bit of both, that our parents and my aunt used to go there as kids, and because we are continuing out date" she says and nods once more "I really am enjoying tonight, the most fun I've had in a very long time" she says and smiles "And thank you for your vote of confidence in me too" she says "I'm sure with your help, I'll be able to conquer my stage fright and timidness in no time"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle giggles softly and grins. "It's how I live Rosie. I've been like that since the day you met me. My son even acts the same way as I do." She smiles as her friend accepted the payment. "Thank you, my friend. It makes me feel relieved to know that it's taken care of. It helps to put my mind at ease." She gasps suddenly and grins widely. "I can't believe it's still there. I could imagine they would add a few attractions over the years. You can't have the same old every time. It's good to be consistent, but even better to add new things. Makes the fair a reason to come back to every now and then." Gentle entered the passenger seat and buckled up. She nods and closes her eyes. "I know what you mean. I think we all cling to our past at times. I guess when things happen, you want to go back to a time when things were just simpler. I think that a bit when it comes to Quick, Dynamo and I." She opens her eyes and couldn't help but chuckle. "You're still just as pretty as you were back then. You've got that charm and flare like you always had. Don't ever change Rosie."

Dynamo whistles as he was becoming intrigued. "This fair sounds pretty neat. Makes you wonder what kind of rides and attractions they have to offer." He says as he opens the door for Lilac. As he gets into the car and closes the door, he felt Lilac rest her head once again on his shoulder. He smiles and pulls her closer to him after buckling up. "At least it gives all of us a reason to go and have fun. I'm glad we get to continue our date. I know what you mean though. I haven't had this much fun in a long time as well. I mean yeah, there were times where I would go to the arcade near school. However, this place sounds even better since it has both an arcade and a fair. That, and I'm able to spend time with a really sweet and kind girl." He says while looking at her with a smile. "You're welcome and it's no problem. I've got your back just like you've got mine. I know you'll be able to get over your stage fright one day. Maybe while you sing, you just focus your attention onto me. If you have a specific focal point, then it won't seem as scary." He says while offering his best piece of advice for his date. 






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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles "You'd be right on that Gentle dear, they still have the same old attractions and all, though they've all been highly and well maintained so there's no rust and no chance of one of them breaking." she then starts the ignition "Though a few years  back, there was a spate of stall owners rigging their games to be near impossible to win, but the owners and the good carnies rooted them out and replaced them, so it's all fair again and there are some new games and rides, they're always expanding what they have to offer" she says and nods "Thank you Gentle darling, you ought to see Azure though, such a beautiful mare" she says with a smile and drives off towards the fair.

Lilac smiles and nuzzles him "The fair really does sound like fun, from what auntie has told me, the fair has retained their old attractions but always has something new to offer every now and then" she says and nuzzles him lovingly "Mmm you're so comfortable to snuggle with" she says softly before closing her eyes again and smiling "That's a good idea to try, perhaps I could try practicing in front of you first, I could then work up to maybe performing on stage, isn't there another battle of the bands coming up soon?" she asks.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle smiles before sighing in relief. "That's good to hear. It's good knowing that everything is still being taken care of. I'd hate for the rides to malfunction, or for there to be an accident at the fair." She says while shaking her head. "I think I remember some games were rigged, but Quick told me not to worry. Maybe he knew, but didn't want to say anything. He just wanted me to have a good time back then. That was really sweet of him. I'm glad the fair was able to get rid of those who wanted to ruin the fun for others." She turns to Rose and gave her a sly smirk. "Do they have any romantic rides like the tunnel of love?" She whispers softly with a wink? She soon laughs and nods. "You're welcome and I could imagine. You and Azure are twins, so you both must look absolutely gorgeous." She says as the group drove off toward the fair.

Dynamo glances to Lilac and smiles. "At least there will be some rides and games to enjoy. Besides the games in the arcade of course." He smiles as he felt Lilac continue to nuzzle him. He couldn't complain as he nuzzled her back. "It's funny. I was just about to say the same thing." He chuckles before slowly closing his eyes. "I would love to listen to you practice your singing in front of me. You can practice on making your way up to singing in front of others and a giant crowd. I believe there will be a battle of the bands in a few months. Why do you ask? Are you thinking of competing?"  







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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smirks in turn "Oh you bet there is, I may just have to push those two to the Tunnel of Love ride..unless Lilac has it in mind, and if she does, I'll be very proud of her for thinking of it" she giggles and takes a quick look behind her to see the two once again cuddled up "Mhm, I just hope they have a good time, sadly there has been a spate of bullying towards younger ones by teenagers lately. The owners and security have been doing what they can to fix that problem, but it keeps happening no matter what they do"

Lilac nods and smiles "Y-yeah, I'm hoping that maybe the Rainbooms will invite me to join them once I audition for them, they're just waiting for me to finish my song and to build up the courage to perform in front of them" she says "But yeah, if I can find the courage to practice in front of you, then I think I can find the courage to perform in front of the Rainbooms, and then later hopefully with them in front of our fellow students"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle chuckles softly while rubbing her hands together. A plan beginning to formulate in her mind. "Oh, then we are going to definitely have our kids go on that ride. Hopefully she'll ask him to go on that ride. If she doesn't, then we'll just give them a little nudge in the right direction." She says with a wink. She soon frowns and shakes her head in disgust. "I just don't understand why some people can be that way. I'm glad the fair is taking care of it, but bullying happens almost everywhere in the world. It just doesn't make sense, yet it still happens. Hopefully our kids will enjoy themselves without any problems. If anyone tries to bully Lilac, then I know Dynamo has it taken care of. If things do decide to get out of hand, then we'll just step in. However, I do want to see how well they both take care of it. They have each other now and have to deal with their problems in a positive way." 

Dynamo smiles and raises an eyebrow. "The Rainbooms asked you to join them? I think that's pretty cool. I could guess that Twilight put a good word about you towards the others. Given that you both went to the same school before and all." He says before pulling her closely towards him. "I wouldn't worry about all of that. I know you'll be able to finish the song you're working on. You're very determined, so I know everything will turn out okay. That also sounds like a really good plan. Just remember to take one step at a time. There's still plenty of time before the next battle of the bands. Once you finish the song I will be glad to listen to it. I just hope the Rainbooms will let you into their band."







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@Dynamo Pad

"I have full faith and confidence in Dynamo that he will deal with any bullying properly. From what I have heard and seen so far, you and Quick have raised him very well, plus I also get the feeling he would never want to scare Lilac by getting violent" she says with a smile, gently placing a hand on Gentle's knee "You must be very proud of him, I know if he was my son, I would be" she says, making a turn to where the fair was held and there indeed was a large fairground with lots of lights and delicious smells coming from it.

Lilac smiles and nods "I can smell the treats from here" she says and looks to him "Yeah, Twilight who had heard me play before by passing me in the music room had put in a good word for me, then I think Sunset might have heard me as well" she says and licks her lips "Mmm I know I shouldn't but I really want to pig out on lots of candy, soda and deep fried foods"

Rose chuckles "Normally I'd say no, but as it's a special occasion.."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle felt Rose place a hand upon her leg and smiled with pride. "I truly am. I'm glad you think that way as well. I could say the exact same thing. You, Arctic and Azure must be proud of raising Lilac. I know I would be if she were my daughter." She says before sighing softly. I'm just thankful we raised him to be a good son instead of someone that's rude, uncaring and disrespectful to others. He would only be violent as a last resort, but I know he wouldn't. He wouldn't have the heart to hurt another, unless someone he knew was hurt." She shudders at the thought before looking out her window. Her eyes widened and smiles at the sight. "The fair looks just as amazing as when it was first opened." She says while getting nostalgic.

Dynamo opened his eyes as he jaw dropped at the sight. The lights and music radiating from the arcade and fair were breathtaking. He places a hand on Lilac's shoulder and shook her gently. "Hey Lilac. Look at this. We're just about there and it looks so cool!" He says before turning to look at his date. "I'm really glad that some people were able to listen to you. It's even better knowing that it's others who approve and want you to be in their band. You'll soon get another fan and then the entire crowd to enjoy your voice." He soon chuckles and shakes his head. "I was going to say that we just ate dinner, but I can't blame you. I'm a little hungry for desert myself. Maybe they'll have some candy we can enjoy."

Gentle giggles while shaking her head at the children's antics. "Well, we did say we would get some desert at the fair. We have to keep our word, in the end. Plus, it's a time to celebrate and to have fun. We should all make the most of this tonight." She smiles as they neared the arcade and fair. 







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@Dynamo Pad

"We are very proud of her, and she knows it, you should see her grades, not entirely straight As but constantly good grades" she says and smiles "Ah listen to me going on about grades, me, the hippy who constantly skipped school" she laughs and shakes her head "Indeed, just don't over do it okay sweetie? Don't want you getting sick" she says as she parks the car and smiles, whispering to Gentle "Shall we just find some of our old favorite games and let the kids loose?" she asks.

Lilac smiles "Yeah, I didn't know when Sunset heard me play and sing, but apparently when she did, she really liked it" she says and gets out of the car "I wonder what kind of games they have, think they'll have some of the old ones still like Galagher and Gauntlet?" she asks and stays close to dynamo, after hearing what Rose had said about the bullying, she wanted to stay as close to Dynamo as possible "Dynamo, did you hear what auntie Rose said about older people bullying younger people..you don't think that.."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle smiles and nods. "Oh, I know what you mean. At least the grades stay consistent. Seems like she'll be on her way to being an honor student in no time. It's the same with Dynamo. Knowing those two, they'll be study partners when exams roll around." She chuckles and playfully pushes Rose. "How could I forget that? There were days where I would have to drag you out of bed. Your parents would tell me you weren't feeling well, but I wouldn't have any of it. If it weren't for me, then you wouldn't have graduated with us. You're welcome, by the way." She sarcastically replies with a small smirk. As the car came to a stop, Gentle makes her way out of the car. "Yeah don't overdo it, son. We wouldn't want you to have an accident, now would we?" She giggles before winking at Rose. "I think that sounds perfect. It'll give the kids a chance to bond. They're old enough to look after each other. You just give the word and we'll ditch them." She says while giving Rose the thumbs up.

Dynamo smiles and chuckles. "Sunset must have been very inconspicuous if you didn't know she was around. I'm glad she and the others approve." He says, but blushes in embarrassment from Gentle's remark. "Mom! That was one time and you said you wouldn't bring that up!" He sighs before exiting the vehicle. He goes around and helps Lilac out of the car. His eyes lit up at the possible games the arcade and fair had to offer. "I used to play a bit of gallagher back then. I wonder if they'll have some fighting games or even up to date games. I guess we won't know until we look around." He was surprised when he felt Lilac stayed extra close to him. He took her hand in his while interlocking their fingers together. "I hope nothing like that happens tonight. If something does happen, then I'll be right here to protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you Lilac. I promise." He says while giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "So what do you say? Ready to have a fun rest of the evening?" He asks while giving her a warm and loving smile.








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@Dynamo Pad

Rose chuckles "Yeah I know, thanks for not believing me when I just wanted to skip school" she says and shakes her head "Though I haven't really used much of what we learnt back then in the real life" she says with another chuckle and smiles at her best friend "I sure do hope that Lilac will become an honor student, though she wants to be a artist or famous musician, it always helps to have a thing like being an honor student behind you for finding work in the mean time" she says and nods "And I trust Dynamo to look after Lilac, so yep it's a plan, we shall find a few of or favorite haunts and then let the kids loose" she chuckles, breathing in all the scents of the fair.

Lilac smiles and nods "From what auntie Rose has said, they should have some up to date games as well as the old fashioned ones" she says and smiles but then frowns a little at the next part "I just hope you're right that nothing bad will happen tonight, but what if my fears are right? What if the bully is..you know...Frost?" she asks before holding him close "Anyway, you're right, let's not focus on it, and yes I am ready to have a fun rest of the night" she smiles again and kisses his cheek, walking with him as they wait for Rose.

Rose smiles and takes out her purse and gives Lilac her allowance for the night, "Here you are Lilac, your allowance for the night, a hundred dollars, and don't worry about rides" she says then hands her the rides wrist band "I already got you a unlimited rides wristband, and as for food and drinks, just find us when you two feel hungry or thirsty and we'll pay for your food and drinks"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle smiles and hugs her friend. "You're welcome and you don't need to thank me. I was glad to and you're my friend. I wouldn't leave my friends behind." Gentle giggles and waves her hand in the air. "The only things we ever need after graduating is a second language and math. Unfortunately, Dynamo's not good in the math department. Then again, who really is good at one thing or another?" Gentle smiles and nods in approval. "I think those dreams are lovely. If one fails, then she has another dream to fall back on. It's better to be prepared for anything in the future. I also think she'll be just fine. She has Dynamo and Dynamo has her. They'll work through it together. They'll both make honor student as long as they don't skip school like a certain someone did." She gave a playful smirk at Rosie before giggling. "I'm only kidding. I'm sorry Rosie, but you were never a good role model, but you were and still are an amazing friend." She gave Rose a hug before nodding with a smile. "That sounds okay with me. Maybe they still have some of our favorite rides. Oh, I feel just like a kid again."

Dynamo smiles while looking around the entire arcade and fair. "This is like a person's dream. How can someone not love it here? The games, the rides, the fun atmosphere. This is a gamer's paradise." He chuckles while scratching his cheek. "I'm really sorry about that, Lilac. I guess I got lost in thought. Maybe we can go around and see what games they got. You can show me all the games you like. I can imagine they have some games that allow you to play co-op." He nods while placing his hand upon her cheek to look at him. He smiles softly while stroking his thumb across her cheek to calm her. "If your fear is right, then we'll either avoid him, or stand up to him. I'd rather the former, but we know that will never be too easy. He just has to realize that you're with me and we only want to have fun. If he can't accept that, then it's his loss. He's just jealous that I have a very beautiful date for the evening." He blushes slightly as he felt Lilac kiss his cheek.

Gentle nods and hands Dynamo his own wrist band and money. "Rosie and I went to the ticket booth and got you both wrist bands. The prices here aren't expensive, so I'm giving you $50 for tonight. Just make sure not to go overboard son." She says with a smile and giggle. "Just focus on having fun and enjoying each other's company, okay? It's just like Rosie said. We'll be off exploring the arcade and fair. You have my number in your cell phone, Dynamo. If you need us, then don't hesitate to call us. We'll see you both soon." She says before waving to the two teens.







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@Dynamo Pad

Rose chuckles as she hooks arms with Gentle "True that my dear, I am just glad you were there to get me off of my butt and get to school, and that in turn I was able to graduate with all my friends and my twin sister" she says and chuckles once more "and I won't deny it, I never was a real good role model, even now, I've grown up just enough to be able to look after and raise Lilac" she says and waves goodbye to the two teenagers, "Have fun you two" she says then looks at Gentle "You and me both, though like I said earlier, I never really grew up fully" she giggles and starts dragging the other woman away from the teenagers.

Lilac smiles "come on, and you are right, how could anyone not love it here, seems like there's something here for everyone" she says as she holds him close as they walk, she kept an eye out for the Tunnel of Love ride and then looks for the arcade. "Oh I think that's the arcade over there, shall we go?" she asks, taking Dynamo in that direction. "I wonder if some of the prizes could be trading card decks? or even figures or plushies of our favorite cards or shows" she suggests with a happy giggle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle links arms with Rose and smiles. "I'm happy I could be of assistance." She says while giggling and nods. "I think Quick was just like you. You both were always ones to be troublemakers. I'm surprised you both were never expelled from school due to your antics." She looks up at the night sky with a thoughtful look. "Though I think it's good to be a child at heart. It really helps you get through the difficult times in life without even realizing it." She looks straight ahead while closing her eyes. She then places a hand over her heart and sighs. "Quick was always like that. It was most likely his way of making sure things would be okay. Whether he got that from you or vice versa, i'll never know. I am grateful because it's better than growing up dull and boring, in my opinion." She says as the two head off in the opposite direction to ride some rides.

Dynamo nods while walking in step together with Lilac. He chuckles as she felt Lilac pull him along. "Looks like someone wants to show me around the place. I guess that's good because I've never been here before." He says while nodding in agreement. "I can imagine. With all of these games, rides and prizes. It's no wonder someone would love to go here when it's open for the public." He says while looking straight ahead at all the attractions that were available. He glances to Lilac and notices her staring off in the distance. He was going to ask, but was pulled from his thoughts by her suggestion. "That would sound pretty cool. I could use a new trading card deck. Maybe Yu-Gi-Oh, since I haven't played the game in a long time. I mean I'm into playing Vanguard, but I'm always branching out into trying something new." He says while seeing a card shop in the middle of the area. "How about we go and take a look. They might have something we want. Would you like me to win you a deck of cards, or a plush? Anything that catches your eye? Also I don't think I ever got to ask, but what kind of deck do you play in Yu-Gi-Oh Lilac?" He asks as the couple began making their way towards the card shop.








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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles "Aint that the truth darling, better have fun while growing up and doing what you love, than to grow up dull and boring" she says as she then waves to the kids who had already seemed to have disappeared.

"I haven't either, which is why I'm so excited to look around and see what is here" Lilac says and kisses his cheek gently "As for the deck that I use, I use a Magician Girl deck" she says and smiles at him "It works really well with my second deck which is the Dark Magician deck" she mentions and giggles "it is as you said, the Magician Girl deck is like the archetype of the Dark Magician deck, right?" she asks then blushes at the though of Dynamo winning her something and she couldn't help but sigh happily and say "Oh you winning me something is just so romantic..I think maybe a plushie, because then at night I can have something to remind me of you to snuggle with" she says as she then spots a ring toss game "Ooh how about the ring toss game?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle nodded in agreement. "Dancing was the one thing that I loved. It truly makes you lose yourself in the moment. Times where the music pulls you along into a sort of trance. I guess it's why I became so passionate in dancing." She says as she scanned the area to confirm Rose's assumptions. "So, what's the plan? We got on a few rides and tail those two? I want to see how well their date will go."

Dynamo stared at her in surprise. "Seriously? I would have thought that you'd go here as well. I remember you saying you've been to that restaurant. I would have expected the same for this arcade and fair. Who knew?" He shrugged his shoulders, but smiled nonetheless. He raised his eyebrows as his jaw dropped slightly. "You play the magician girl deck? I played that only one time and it was really cool. Yes, I haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh in years, but I only tested one deck out at the card shop I visit from time to time. The magician girl archetype is pretty interesting. Focusing on the Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl is really something to behold. Even cards like Berry Magician Girl and Chocolate Magician Girl are really powerful cards." He says befpre blushing after realizing how he was talking. "My bad. I didn't think I would geek out like that." He says while giving her an apologetic look.

"So it seems you are a spellcaster type of duelist. I ranged from a deck that had XYZ Dragon Cannon to Gilford the Lightning. There was also a time I used Elemental Heroes and Stardust Dragon. So, I can't really say what kind of duelist I am." He blushes and smiles warmly towards her. "Aw, but wouldn't you rather snuggle me at night?" He chuckles and waved a hand to her. "I'm sorry, but I think a plush sounds like a nice idea." He says before making their way towards the ring toss. He scanned the game and tried to figure out how it all worked. He then looks up to the prizes and to see what plushies were available. "Is there any plush that catches your eye? Just let me know and I'll win it for you." 







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@Dynamo Pad

Rose smiles "And that my darling is why we are best friends, I was thinking just the same thing myself, though I have no doubt that Dynamo will make sure that Lilac has a wonderful rest of the night" she says, hooking arms with Gentle once more, "Come on, how about we go onto the ferris wheel? we can spy on them from above" she says with a giggle, leading the other woman towards the ferrish wheel "but first, some snacks, anything take your fancy my dear?"

Lilac smiles "Well of course I would love to snuggle up with you at night, but we can't always spend the night together" she giggles and nods "I like to make strategies with ranged attacks, you know, attack from a distant, limit attacks from close up encounters" she says "and like I said, my favorite card is the Dark Magician Girl" she says and then looks around, she then spots a plush that was of a pink mare with candy colored mane and tail "Ooh look Dynamo, don't you think that mare looks like a pony version of Dean Cadence? I'd like that one please, she was always kind to me when I was going to Crystal Prep"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle smiles and nods. "We had that best friend chemistry for so long. How could we not be best friends. Even after all these years, things haven't changed. I wouldn't have it any other way." She giggles and grins. "That's a great idea. We'll have a bird's eye view of the entire area. Plus, the ferris wheel is huge, so we'll find them with no problem." She hooked arms with Rose once more and walked off toward the ride. "I think a snack would be nice. I would say cotton candy, but maybe you could surprise me on this one." She suggests while making their way towards the food vendor.

Dynamo nods with a fake pout, but smiles nonetheless. "If only it were that easy, but what can you do." He chuckles and nods at her explanation. "It sounds like you're describing about us, in a way. You used ranged attacks and strategy to get me to notice you. It was only when I walked up to you, was when I interrupted your strategy." He says while planting a kiss upon her cheek. He saw her point to the plush and hummed softly. It had been a while since the friendship games, but he could vaguely remember what Dean Cadence looked like. Nodding in satisfaction, he looks to her and gave her a smile. "If that's the plush you want, then it's the plush you shall get. Dean Cadence seemed like a really nice person. Still a whole lot better than that Cinch lady. I can guess that Dean Cadence must have been a positive influence on you, huh?" He asks before placing the necessary amount of money to play. "Excuse me? How many rings do I have to make in order to get that plush?" He asks the vendor while pointing to the pony plush.









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@Dynamo Pad

rose smiles as she winks to her best friend and went over to the concessions stand, soon returning with a cone of cotton candy plus a bucket of honey comb and caramel popcorn "I still remember our usual" she says "If that and before doesn't say we're still best friends, then I don't know what will" she giggles and hooks arms with Gentle once more, she takes a look at the two teenagers at the ring toss game, she noticed the pony Cadence plush and smiles "I know which prize Lilac will want, she's always been fond of Dean Cadence, as she was always so kind to her, not to mention she was the one who suggested her transfer to Canterlot High"

Lilac nods "She was so kind to me, and it was her who suggested I transfer to Canterlot High" she says "She's very nice, and so yes I would please like to have that plush won for me" she says as the game master smiles.

"That size of a prize, you need to get at least 4 out of the 5 rings around the cones, but don't worry it's all above board, and it'll only cost you three dollars" he says with a bright smile then leans down to whisper to Dynamo "good luck, and she's a keeper"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@)o( Dream Walker )o(

Gentle watched as Rose went over to the concession stand. She waited patiently for her friend's return and smiled at the food Rose brought back. "You still know all our favorite things after all this time. That proves we are best friends. It also proves that your memory is still just as good as before. Especially from what you told me earlier after you graduated." He playfully elbows Rose's shoulder and giggles. "You seriously need to give yourself a little more credit, Rosie." She says before linking arms once more. She turned to the direction Rose was pointing to and smiles. "Sounds to me like there was a few nice individuals at Crystal Prep. It's like finding the diamond in the rough. At least she won't have to worry about those uptight overachievers. She can be herself while enjoying her time at school." She says as the looked away to head towards the ferris wheel.

Dynamo smiles and holds Lilac close. "I guess I should be thankful then. If it weren't for Dean Cadence's recommendation, then I wouldn't have gotten the chance to know you." He says with a smile. "Once I win that plush, you can consider it yours." He says before nodding at the game master's rules. He paid the three dollars before being given five rings. He blushes and smiles before nodding in agreement. "Thank you and she truly is." He says before tossing a ring and landed it perfectly. He tossed another and gained the same result. He tosses ring number three, but it bounced off of the bottle and fell. He clicked his tongue and felt a little frustrated, but chose to take a deep breath and stay calm. He wouldn't let that miss affect him. He tossed his fourth ring and picked up the rebound as it landed. He took his last ring and kept his eyes on the bottles. His heart began to quicken as he felt the pressure was on. He took a deep breath and tossed the ring in front of him. The ring landed but was spinning on the bottle as it tried to fall. The speed slowed down as the ring finally took it's place on the bottle. Dynamo pumped a fist in the air as he made the requirements for the prize. "Alright! I did it!" He cheered with a wide grin.









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