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open The Antigone


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"well hey so am i! nice to meet another recruit around here, my name is striker and um... could i ask where the bunk room is? i was told all recruit's were supposed to go there"

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Ratchet ignored all the commotion out on the decks as he began slowly priming the engines up again. They needed time to warm up or the ship would never get off the ground. Once the port motor was running smoothly he went to crank up he turned to crank up the starboard one. By the time they were both ready he was out of breath. 'Why do we end up with all these recruits when what we really need is an assistant engineer' he thought to himself.

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Kyros looked at Lockhart, "Ah, yes... Lockhart yet again. I believe this is the second time that I've had to talk to you. Our dear engineer, Ratchet has told me that the ship's deck now has a hole in it because one of your braces fell to the ground and split the wood!" Kyros pointed to the hole on the deck. "If you don't keep those braces under controll, I'll need to take the repairs out of your pay. This ship's going to have enough hardships in the future, so I'd like to pospone such an event as that. Are we clear?" Without waiting for the pony's reply, he moved to the side of the ship where he heard someone ask, "Excuse me sir. Where's this ship headed?"

He said, "Just about everywhere. Why? Are you hoping to go anywhere?"

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With the banquet complete and all the tables set, Lemony Snickers found herself with nothing else to do. She began wandering the Antigone and reminiscing about the past adventures before this beautiful piece of workponyship became a tourist attraction.

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Eilwen tugged on her hood, pulling it further over her head "What kind of question is that? 'am i a normal pony'" Eilwen shifted her eyes back and forth as if looking for someone "heheh... of course I am. ...uh well then if it's alright with you i have to uh.. pick something up before the ship sails. when did you say it was leaving?"

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striker was looking around when he saw the captain and another pony talking, striker walked up to the captain and said "hello sir my name is striker i was a bit late, and didn't get to meet you!"


(im getting tired of waiting for some one to post!)

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Eilwen turned away facing her head away from the captains suspicious gaze. "What is this some kind of Spanish inquisition? I'm a normal pony okay? If you have a problem with me there are lots of other ships I could take."

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((One at a time, damn!))

Kyros looked between the two ponies wondering which one to answer to first. He then descided to end his conversation with the highly suspicious pony, "Well, so long as I have your coin in my posetion, you might as well make your way up my gangway."

He then turned to Striker, "Yes, I know you're Striker. I was in the engine room when you came in unauthorized. You seemed to not even see me due to you being caught up in attempts to make friends with everybody. No, you're not late, otherwise, I would have tracked you down, rather than you comming to find me. Last, No, there isn't a problem here. I can handle it myself." Kyros turned from the two ponies and tried to escape somewhere in which he wouldn't be ambushed by new recruits with the same questions/introductions.

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"ok sir, so sorry to have missed you before, anything i can do before you leave sir?" striker was slightly shakeing from the fact that he completely missed the captain

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Eilwen turned back to the ship as the captain walked away and breathed a heavy sigh. The mild glow in her face had faded away. That was close she thought I can't let people get me worked up so easily. Eilwen turned back down the docks I'm sure there's still time to run that errand before the ship leaves...

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Ratchet made his way to the captains quarters to find Kyros. Knocking on the door he was instead greeted by two lovely young mares. "Hello Amy, hello Amelia. Have you seen Captain?"

"No," answered Amy "but we have a" she cut off,

"order form to transport some" Amelia began,

"top-secret cargo" said Amy,

"for an important pony in Manehattan" finished Amelia. "Thanks girls, I'll tell him" said Ratchet. "Goodbye" they both said at once. Ratchet walked out and went up to the top deck where he found Kyros ordering crewmen while avoiding bothersome recruits, "Captain, the engines are ready. And your mares wanted me to give you this order form, it seems we will be transporting some top-secret cargo to Manehattan."

Edited by thesteampunkninja
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"Okay I believe it is already on its way with the rest of the luggage, I'll make sure the loading ponies haven't gotten lost again." Ratchet saluted and ran over to wear a group of stallions were loading on the cargo.

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Kyros looked around the ship. He saw Lemony Snickers leaning against the door to the kitchen. Lock Hart, Striker, Midnight, and SketchBook were all on the deck. Ellewen was boarding the ship. And he was sure that Ratchet was having quality time with the ship's enginroom. He remembered that the list of crew members was more than 7 ponies.

"Hrm..... Where is everybody?" He wondered.

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