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Magical Shiny Land (Futurama And My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Crossover)


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I hope you don't mind script here for this is in script. I personally think prose is better, but none the less I still enjoy reading fan fiction that is in script. For one thing 99% of my fan fiction are in script. However I do like writing in script better, because for me it's easier and I'm lazy.


Edit: It's all now in prose: http://www.futurama-...hp?topic=4620.0


It's also on fanfiction.net: http://www.fanfictio...8/Rush_Futurama


And deviantart: http://browse.devian...kermon#/d518kw1



Magical Shiny Land


Fry goes to sleep and wakes up in a strange new land.




Scene: Robot Arms Apartments: Fry's And Bender's Lounge. Fry sitting on the couch late at night watches the Hypnotoad, his eyes open and close as he struggles to stay awake, until he finely succumbs to tiredness and falls asleep.




Voice: (soft gentle female voice) 'I think he's waking up.


Scene: Fry wakes up finding himself looking up at a blue sky.


Fry: 'Huh, what? [Fry sits up to find he was lying on grass land at the outskirts of a forest.] Where am I? [Fry looks behind him to see .. a female purple unicorn with a dark purple mane with a pink stripe going through it, a yellow female pony with a pink mane and wings, and a light blue female pony with a rainbow mane and wings.]


Rainbow Pony: 'Hi!


Fry: (shouting) 'Holy crap, talking ponies! [He runs away screaming heading for the forest. The Rainbow Pony moving at lightning like speed flies towards Fry, going in front of Fry blocking his way into the forest.]


Rainbow Pony: 'Don't go in there it's dangerous!


Fry: 'Talking ponies? What am I stoned, gone insane or am I dreaming? Yeah dreaming, I'm dreaming, this isn't real, I'm asleep on my couch.


Rainbow Pony: 'This is real!


Fry: (shouting) 'No, it's not! Ponies don't talk!


Rainbow Pony: (shouting) 'Yes we do!


Fry: 'Oh God no, I'm talking to it. Now, I've gone completely insane. But maybe, this is just a dream. [He slaps himself.] Ow! OK, I'm insane.


[The other two Ponies catch up.]


Rainbow Pony: 'Twilight, do you know what this creature is?


Unicorn: 'Uhhhh--


Yellow Pony: 'Is it some kind of hairless ape?


Fry: 'I'm Human dammit!


Rainbow Pony: 'What's a Human?


Fry: 'Hairless apes with big brains.


Rainbow Pony: 'You don't seem very smart to me.


Fry: 'Yeah, I get that a lot. Anyway, I'm Fry.


[Fry shakes hands with Rainbow Dash by grabbing her hoof.]


Rainbow Pony: 'I'm Rainbow Dash. [she points her hoof at the Unicorn.] That's Twilight Sparkle, [she points her hoof at the yellow pony who now has become shy looking down at the ground.] and that's Fluttershy.


Fry: 'Hello Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Hello!


Fluttershy: (quietly) 'Hello.


Fry: 'You seem very nice and all, but how do you talk?


Twilight Sparkle: 'What do you mean how do we talk?


Fry: 'Well, you're ponies right?


Twilight Sparkle: 'Yes?


Fry: 'Wait, a second! I must of entered another parallel universe!


Rainbow Dash: 'Parallel universe? What's he talking about?


Twilight Sparkle: 'He's from another world where us ponies are non sentient.


Rainbow Dash: 'Oh.


Fry: 'Yeah, and I don't seem to recall ponies with wings or Unicorns existing, other than in fairy tales.


Twilight Sparkle: 'How did you get here?


Fry: 'I don't know! I fell asleep and woke up here.


Twilight Sparkle: 'You must have been teleported here somehow.


Fry: 'Yeah, maybe.


Fluttershy: 'Your an omnivore right?


Fry: 'Uh, yeah.


[The Ponies gasp.]


Fluttershy: 'Oh no! You'll eat us!


Rainbow Dash: 'Hey, yeah! [she narrows her eyes angrily at Fry.]


Fry: (scared) 'Uhh, I think eating Ponies is unethical.


Fluttershy: 'Oh Ok. But what animals do you eat?


Fry: 'Uhhh look, I can just eat beans and fish for my protein intake for the next while till I find my way home.


Fluttershy: 'Oh those poor fish!


Twilight Sparkle: 'Fluttershy he has to eat something, it's nature.


Fluttershy: 'Fry, you're a cruel monster!


Fry: 'Hey, I'm not a monster! Wait, Ponies don't hunt right?


Twilight Sparkle: 'We're vegetarians, of course we don't hunt.


Fluttershy: (shocked) 'You hunt?


Fry: 'Yeah, well Humans mostly now just farm domesticated animals and--[Fluttershy flies away screaming.] Okay, then. Wait, if you don't hunt, that means you don't have any fishing rods or anything to catch fish, right?


Twilight Sparkle: 'Of course.


Fry: 'Beans only it is then. [Fry's tummy growls.]


Rainbow Dash: 'Heh heh! Let's take you back to Ponyville for something to eat, before you decide to kill us then eat us.


Fry: 'I'd never kill anything like you.


Rainbow Dash: 'I was joking.


[They begin to walk away from the forest.]


Scene: Fry's Universe: Apartment 1i: Leela's Lounge. Nibbler sitting on the floor watches the opening of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic on TV.


Nibbler: (thinking) Ah Ponies, the only animals I'd never eat.


Scene: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Universe. Fry, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash walk along a paved stoned road.


Fry: 'So what's with the things on the sides of your-- uhh?


Twilight Sparkle: 'Our Cutie Marks?


Fry: 'Yeah.


Twilight Sparkle: 'They represent our talents. Mine is magic.


Fry: 'Magic? That exists?


Twilight Sparkle: 'Well of course it exists. How do you explain the sun and moon rising?


Fry: 'Gravity and physics I guess, I'm no scientist.


Rainbow Dash: 'Sounds nerdy.


Fry: 'Rainbow Dash?


Rainbow Dash: 'Yeah?


Fry: 'What's does your Cutie Mark mean.


Rainbow Dash: 'It's a Sonic Rainboom.


Fry: 'What does that mean?


Rainbow Dash: 'I can fly so fast I create a rainbow.


Fry: 'Oh. I had something like a Cutie Mark before, but I had to have it removed.


[Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash gasp stopping in their tracks.]


Rainbow Dash: 'Why would you remove your Cutie Mark?!


Fry: 'Well, Humans don't really get Cutie Marks, but I think I got something like it.


Twilight Sparkle: 'How?


Fry: 'I don't know how I got it.


Rainbow Dash: 'But why would you remove it?


Fry: 'Well, it almost destroyed our entire universe.


[Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash gasp.]


Rainbow Dash: 'You'll destroy us all!


Fry: 'No, I can't and wouldn't!


Rainbow Dash: 'And we're just supposed to believe you?


Fry: 'Because I don't remember the code.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Code?


Fry: 'It was a time code, that alien scammers wanted and used my brainwashed robot friend Bender to go back in time to steal stuff. But, it almost destroyed the universe.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Ah, I can see why you removed it then. [They resume walking along the road.]


Rainbow Dash: 'What's a robot?


Fry: 'It's a living machine.


Rainbow Dash: 'Oh.


Twilight Sparkle: 'This is gonna be one very weird letter to Princess Celestia.


Rainbow Dash: 'You mentioned aliens?


Fry: 'Yeah, us Humans know aliens exist.


[They all stop.]


Rainbow Dash: 'So let me get this straight, you Humans are a space fairing race just like in science fiction?


Fry: 'Yeah.


Rainbow Dash: 'That's so awesome! You get to meet aliens and travel to other worlds?


Fry: 'Yep!


[Rainbow Dash squeals like a fangirl.]


Rainbow Dash: 'Tell me everything about it!


Fry: 'I'm just an intergalactic delivery boy.


Rainbow Dash: (sad) 'Oh.


Fry: 'But then again, I do almost get killed two or three times a week.


Rainbow Dash: 'How so?


Fry: 'Well from hostile aliens shooting at me.


Rainbow Dash: 'How awesome! You're just like Daring Doo with a space ship!


Fry: 'It's not awesome, it's scary! And I'm no Indiana Jones or anything, it's always Leela that saves me.


[Rainbow Dash falls on the ground crying with laughter.]


Rainbow: 'Oh, you're a laugh Fry. [Rainbow Dash suddenly stands up on her hooves.] Come on Fry, I'll fly you there. [Fry climbs onto her back.] Hold on tight!


Twilight Sparkle: 'Rainbow, I don't think this is a very good-- [Rainbow Dash flies off at such tremendous speed she's a blur and Fry can be heard screaming.] … idea. [Twilight Sparkle runs along the road.]


Cut to: Sky. Fry holds onto Rainbow Dash's neck as he flies above the clouds.


Fry: (begging with tears running down his eyes) 'Please don't go upside down or sideways.


Rainbow Dash: 'Don't worry, I won't.


Fry: 'Can you go a bit slower and lower to the ground?


[Rainbow Dash stops moving in mid air, however keep flapping her wings to remain in the air.]


Rainbow Dash: 'Slower and lower to the ground? You fly around in a space ship?!


Fry: 'Yeah, but uhhh-- Hmm?


Rainbow Dash: 'Exactly! [she goes even faster than before causing Fry to scream again while Rainbow Dash laughs.]


Cut to: Ponyville. Rainbow Dash flies down to the ground landing outside Twilight Sparkle's house, where dozens of Ponies gasp in the street. Pinkie Pie runs up to Rainbow Dash.


Pinkie Pie: 'Who's this?


Rainbow Dash: (with pride) 'Pinkie Pie, this is Fry. He's a Human.


Fry: 'Hi Pinkie Pie! [Pinkie Pie does such an overly long dramatic gasp it lifts her in the sky slightly, then runs off.] Was it something I said?


Rainbow Dash: … Um, she tends to be like that with some new people in town.


Fluttershy: [walking up to them] 'Rainbow Dash, you brought him here? He'll eat us!


[The other Ponies gasp.]


Rainbow Dash: 'No, he won't just because he's an omnivore, doesn't mean he's a savage. Besides he says he eats beans and views eating Ponies is unethical, right Fry?


Fry: 'Yep. [Fry steps off Rainbow Dash.]


Rainbow Dash: 'See? [Other Ponies now go back to their own business.]


Fluttershy: 'Well, OK. But we should constantly watch him to make sure he doesn't try anything.


Rainbow Dash: 'Nah, he's fine. You worry to much.


Fry: 'Uh, where can I find a shop or something?


Rainbow Dash: 'Come on follow me Fry. [Fry walks with Rainbow Dash through town.] So how are you enjoying our world Fry?


Fry: 'It seems so far a wonderful land of peace and harmony.


Rainbow Dash: 'Well, it isn't always of such. There was Nightmare Moon and Discord, those weren't very cool times. But enough of my of world, what's your world like?


Fry: 'Well I'm still a bit confused about that.


Rainbow Dash: 'What do you mean?


Fry: 'Well I was frozen for a thousand years, then woke up and all my family and friends were long gone and dead.


Rainbow Dash: 'Jeez, I can't even imagine what that's like.


Fry: 'Well it wasn't all that bad, I found my only living relative and made some new friends. Well, I didn't really have any friends back in the 20th century.


Rainbow Dash: 'Who wouldn't be your friend? You're awesome!


Fry: 'Well my world can be a dark and cruel place at times.


Rainbow Dash: 'Ah, so not everything is sunflowers and sun shine in your world.


Fry: 'Yeah. What food do you sell here?


Rainbow Dash: 'We got hay.


Fry: 'Uh, Humans don't eat hay.


Rainbow Dash: 'Grass?


Fry: 'Uh we don't eat that either.


Rainbow Dash: 'Well, we don't got any meat if your looking for any.


Fry: 'Well do you got bread at least?


Rainbow Dash: 'Of course we got bread. We also got cakes, donuts, candy and all sorts of other things.


Fry: 'That's good. Why didn't you mention that before?


Rainbow Dash: 'I like hay and grass, they are low in fat and they're good for you. You should try some.


Fry: 'I have, I find it doesn't taste very nice.


Rainbow Dash: 'Oh you got bad taste.


[They come up to a bakery.]


Fry: 'Wait a minute? I only have Earth money.


Rainbow Dash: 'Don't worry I'll buy you a roll.


Fry: 'Thanks, Rainbow Dash!


Rainbow Dash: 'No problem. Brown or white?


Fry: 'Brown.


Rainbow Dash: 'Want anything on it?


Fry: 'Butter and cheese.


Rainbow Dash: 'Got it. You wait here, I'll be right back.


Fry: 'OK.


[Rainbow Dash walks into the bakery.]


Scene: Fry's Universe: Robot Arms Apartments: Fry's And Bender's Lounge. Bender is lying on the floor on a pile of beer bottles.


Scene: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Universe: Outside a bakery in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash comes out of the bakery holding a brown roll, which she hands to Fry, who starts to eat it.


Fry: 'Thanks again Rainbow Dash.


Rainbow Dash: 'Your welcome Fry.


[Applejack approaches.]


Applejack: 'Hey Rainbow! Who's this?


Rainbow Dash: 'This is Fry.


Fry: 'Hi.


Applejack: 'Uh, what is he?


Rainbow Dash: 'He's a Human.


[Fry finishes his roll.]


Rainbow Dash: 'As Fry said, hairless apes with big brains.


Fry: 'Yep, that's us.


Applejack: 'It's been a pleasure meeting you Fry.


Fry: 'Likewise.


Applejack: 'Hey Fry, do you like apples?


Fry: 'Yeah, I like apples.


Applejack: 'Well your in luck for my family sells the finest apples in all of Equestria! [Twilight Sparkle runs up to them.]


Twilight Sparkle: 'Rainbow Dash what are you doing walking around with an alien in town?! You just might have thrown the whole town in danger?


Rainbow Dash: 'Danger?! Fry's harmless. You of all ponies should know that just because someone looks different doesn't mean they are nasty and evil.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Yeah, you're right. He does seem harmless.


Rainbow Dash: 'See? You were overreacting.


Twilight Sparkle: 'I'm sorry Fry.


Fry: 'Hey, it's OK. At least you didn't shoot at me.


Rainbow Dash: 'Not all Aliens shoot at you do they?


Fry: 'No most don't. It's just that my boss sends me on these suicidally dangerous deliveries.


Applejack: 'Whoa, that's harsh.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Why would you stay in a job that's so dangerous?


Fry: 'Umm, I have my reasons.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Such as?


Rainbow Dash: 'Whoa whoa Twilight! Fry said, he had his reasons. No, need for him to tell us after he's just known us for a few hours.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry Fry.


Fry: 'It's OK. [Rainbow Dash lifts herself slightly off the ground.]


Rainbow Dash: 'I'll catch up to you all later. Stuff to do. [she flies off.]


Fry: 'You know it's really strange and remarkable that we speak the same language.


Applejack: 'Yeah, that is indeed remarkable and strange. Anyway, see yah all later. [she walks off.]


Fry: 'So?


Twilight Sparkle: 'So?


Fry: 'Where can I sleep tonight?


Twilight Sparkle: 'My house has got a couch, but I don't have a spare roo--


Fry: 'A couch? That will do fine. Thanks Twilight.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Oh, and I have a Dragon in my house.


Fry: (shocked) 'A Dragon?!


Twilight Sparkle: 'Don't worry he's harmless and he's only a baby Dragon.


Fry: 'Oh. [Fry and Twilight now walk through the town.] I wonder if pony kind will welcome my kind here?


Twilight Sparkle: 'Well as long as you don't try take our world from us, we'll be fine with it I'd think. And I'm sure Princess Celestia will let you stay here if we can't get you home.


Fry: 'Thanks Twilight, but I don't think I could stand here.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Why? Does this place bother you?


Fry: 'No, it's a wonderful place. It's just that all my friends and family are at room.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Oh, that is a lot to lose. But you could make new friends? Rainbow Dash seems to really like you already.


Fry: 'Yeah, that's true.


[Fry and Twilight Sparkle come across Rarity.]


Rarity: 'Hi, Twilight!


Twilight Sparkle: 'Hi, Rarity!


Fry: 'Hello, I'm Fry.


Rarity: 'Why are you wearing red? You know that color isn't in this season.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Uh, but he's not from around here.


Rarity: 'Yes, I don't know if I've quite seen anything like him. Anyhoo, I'll talk to you later Twilight, things to do. [Twilight and Fry continue to walk through town.]


Fry: 'Strange, you ponies all seem to have very bright and almost girly like colored bodies.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Yeah, and?


Fry: 'My God! It all make sense now! I've entered the My Little Pony Universe!


Twilight Sparkle: 'Wait, you know us?


Fry: 'Nah, maybe I'm talking a lot of hot air.


Twilight Sparkle: 'I hope so! I'd be rather creeped out by the fact that someone is watching me.


Fry: 'Me too. But sometimes I feel someone is watching us.


Twilight Sparkle: 'I sometimes get that feeling too. [They come to Twilight Sparkle's house.] Well, here we are.


[she opens the door.]


Cut to: Twilight Sparkle's House. Fry and Twilight Sparkle walk in.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Take a seat. I have to wake Spike.


[Fry sits down on a purple couch taking in the house, that seem more like a library than anything else.]


Fry: 'Books, lots and lots of books.


[Twilight Sparkle and Spike walk in.]


Spike: 'Hi I'm Spike! [Holding his hand out, Fry is a little hesitant at first before shaking his hand.]


Fry: 'I'm Fry. [spike sits down next to Fry on the couch.]


[There is an awkward silence.]


Twilight Sparkle: 'Oh look at the time, I have studying to do, so I'll see you later.


Spike: 'Talk much?


Fry: 'Yeah, but I'm scared. I don't know what to make of this new world.


Spike: 'Don't be scared. Nothing ever bad happens here, well apart from that whole Nightmare Moon and Discord ordeal and a few other minor instances. But generally this place is as safe as safe can be.


Fry: 'Oh.


Spike: 'Anyway I'll see you later Fry. [spike stands up.] I got some house work to do.


Fry: 'See you.


Cut to: Twilight's Room. Spike walks in to see Twilight Sparkle waiting for him.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Haven't got the letter yet?


Spike: 'No, she must be taking her-- [spike burps a letter out.] time.


[Twilight Sparkle horn glows as she seems to use magic to levitate the scroll towards her.]


Twilight Sparkle: (reading) 'Dear Twilight Sparkle, I shall pay a discrete visit to see this Human Fry at 9AM. (To Spike) I think that was the shortest letter ever I have got from Princess Celestia.


Spike: 'She's probably very busy.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Yeah.


Spike: 'What are we gonna do with Fry?


Twilight Sparkle: 'Just leave him alone for awhile, let him get used to his surroundings.


Spike: 'OK Twilight. How did you find him anyway?


Twilight Sparkle: 'Well I was just heading back from visiting Zecora and--


[Flashback. Twilight Sparkle walks out of the Everfree Forest to see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy standing around looking at Fry sleeping on the grass.]


Twilight Sparkle: 'What is it?


[Twilight joins them around Fry.]


Rainbow Dash: 'I don't know what it is.


Twilight Sparkle: 'How did you find it?


Rainbow Dash: 'Fluttershy said one of her bird friends found it.


Fluttershy: 'It was a Robin. [Fry groans.] I think he's waking up. [All three run behind Fry.]


Fry: 'Huh, what? [Fry sits up.] Where am I? [He looks behind him seeing the Ponies.]


Rainbow Dash: 'Hi!


Fry: (shouting) 'Holy crap, talking ponies! [He runs away screaming heading for the Everfree Forest.]


Back to present: Twilight's Room.


Twilight Sparkle: 'And that's how we met him.


Spike: 'Hmm, I wonder where he's from?


Twilight Sparkle: 'The question is not where, well I don't know really anything about where he's from. But how did he get here that's the question.


Spike: 'Hmm.


Cut to: Downstairs. Fry still lies on the couch.


Fry: (thinking) 'Never in a million years did I think I'd end up in a place like this. [He falls asleep.]


Scene: Fry's Universe: Robot Arms Apartments: Fry's And Bender's Lounge. Bender wakes up, then stands up off the floor.


Bender: (shouting) 'Fry get up! [He walks into Fry's bedroom seeing that he is not there.] I wonder where Fry has gone? [He walks over to the couch.] Hah! Well, he's going to miss the All My Circuits Marathon this Saturday.


[Time Lapse: Hours later the couch has beer bottles all over it as Bender drinking beer watching All My Circuits leaving the bottles on the couch.]


Scene: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Universe: Outside Twilight Sparkle's House it is night time. Doctor Whooves walks up to Twilight Sparkle's house with Derpy Hooves hopping after him.


Derpy: [excitedly hopping off the ground] 'Are we gonna get some muffins?


Doctor Whooves: 'No.


Derpy: 'Awwww! [she looks sad and stops hopping.]


Doctor Whooves: 'Derpy, you said there was a Human around here somewhere?


Derpy: [rolling her eyes crazily] 'Yeah, but I don't know where he's staying. Why are you looking for him anyway?


Doctor Whooves: 'Because Derpy you know I was originally Human, before I was turned into a Pony?


Derpy: 'Oh yeah, you did mention that before.


Doctor Whooves: 'Oh never mind. Let's look for him in the morning.


[They walk off.]


Derpy: 'Can we get some muffins?


Doctor Whooves: 'Yes, we'll get some muffins.


Derpy: 'Yay!


Cut to: Twilight Sparkle's House. Fry lies on the couch asleep in the dark, but then suddenly the light switches on.


Shouting Excitedly Girly Voice: 'SURPRISE! [Cutty Ranks - Limb By Limb music plays.]


Fry: [waking up] 'What the? [He sees Pinkie Pie smiling insanely happily at him, now noticing the room filled with Ponies blowing noise makers and party food and balloons.]


Pinkie Pie: (talking very fast) 'Hi-I'm-Pinkie-Pie-and-I-threw-this-party-just-for-you! [Fry sits up rubbing his head.] So-were-you-surprised? Were-ya? Were-ya? Huh-huh-huh?


Fry: 'Very surprised. [Fry stands up.] I thought Libraries we're supposed to be quiet.


Pinkie Pie: 'Well, that's-silly! What-kind-of-welcome-party-would-this-be-if-it-were-quiet? I-mean, duh, boring! Y'see, I-saw-you-when-you-first-got-here, remember? You-were-all "Hi-Pinkie-Pie" and-I was-all, [she gasps dramatically like before.] remember? Y'see-I've-never-saw-you-before-and-if-I've-never-saw-you-before-that-means-you're-new, 'cause-I-know-everyone, and-I-mean-everyone-in-Ponyville!


Fry: 'Uh huh.


Pinkie Pie: 'And-if-you're-new, that-meant-you-haven't-met-anyone-yet, and-if-you-haven't-met-anyone-yet, you-must-not-have-any-friends, well-apart-from-Rainbow-Dash-I-guess, and-if-you-don't-have-any-friends-other-than-Rainbow-Dash-then-you-must-be-lonely, and-that-made-me-so-sad, then-I-had-an-idea, and-that's-why-I-went! [she gasps dramatically like before.] I-just-throw-a-great-big-ginormous-superduper-spectacular-welcome-party-and-invite-everyone-in-Ponyville! See? And-now-you-have-lots-and-lots-of-friends!


Fry: 'Uh ... OK? Do you got any booze?


Pinkie Pie: 'Yes-we-got-lot's-of-booze! [she grabs Fry going at tremendous speed over to a table with lots of alcoholic beverages.]


Fry: (screaming) 'Ahhhh! [He sees the drinks.] (excitedly ) Ohhh! Thanks Pinkie Pie.


Pinkie Pie: 'Your-welcome-Fry! [she hugs him.]


Fry: 'Well, you are the most welcoming Pony I have ever come across.


Pinkie Pie: 'Pinkie Pie-is-always-welcome-to-new-people-in-town!


[spike runs down the stairs joining the party.]


Cut to: Twilight Sparkle's Bedroom. Twilight Sparkle has her pillow over her head.


Twilight Sparkle: 'Pinkie Pie you just had to do a party tonight didn't you playing jungle music? [she rolls over on her bed grunting angrily.]


Cut back to downstairs in the party. Fry picks up a bottle off the table that looks like Jack Daniels.


Fry: 'What's this?


Pinkie Pie: 'It's Applejack Daniels! [Fry starts to drink out of the bottle.]


Applejack: [walks up.] 'Careful now Fry! Don't drink it too fast you'll get drunk.


[Fry has finished the bottle.]


Pinkie Pie: 'Now-your-gonna-be-drunk-silly!


Fry: 'Eh, I'm not gonna be--- (his voice now slurred) drunnnnnnk.


Rainbow Dash [walking up] 'Wow Fry, hardcore! I gotta drink a bottle like that sometime like you!


Fry: 'Hey Rainbow Dash!


Rainbow Dash: 'Hey! [she brohoofs him.]


Pinkie Pie: 'Oh-Fry-you're-gonna-have-one-crazy-hangover-in-the-morning!


Fry: 'Yeah. Pinkie Pie, I'm gonna--- gonna go-go out for some fresh air. [He staggers over the door.] I'll see you later.


Pinkie Pie: 'Awww, your-leaving? Well-we'll-keep-the-party-going-until-you-come-back!


Fry: 'OK, Bye. [Fry walks out.]


Cut to: Ponyville. Fry staggers around town.


Fry: 'Ohhh! [Fry falls over.] Ehhh! [He stands back up again with some effort. Fry walks out of Ponyville.


Cut to: Cliff. Fry looks down at the long drop of the cliff with a single tear running down his cheek.


Fry: (crying) 'I'll never see you again Leela my love, but maybe with this way, maybe I can.


[He closes his eyes then jumps off the cliff. As Fry falls there is a flash of yellow, which grabs him. Fry now finds himself in the air being carried by something yellow then being left on grass.]


Fry: 'Huh? [He now notices Fluttershy teary eyed making squeaky crying sounds flying slightly above him.]


Fluttershy: (crying) 'What were you doing?! Why were you going to commit suicide?


Fry: 'You stopped me from killing myself, but I thought you hated me?


Fluttershy: (crying) 'Hate you? [she lands next to him.] I don't hate you, I was just scared of you.


Fry: 'Why are you crying?


Fluttershy: (crying) 'Because you were going to kill yourself!


Fry: 'Yeah, I'm sorry about that. [He wipes some tears off Fluttershy's face, making Fluttershy smile.] But the reason I did it, was because I never see Leela again.


Fluttershy: 'I heard you say that before you jumped. We'll find away to reunite you with Leela, just don't throw your life away.


Fry: 'OK, I'll try live for now.


[Fluttershy hugs him.]


Fluttershy: 'Don't worry! We'll find you some sort of magic to get you home and reunite you with your love.


Fry: 'I hope so. Did you follow me?


Fluttershy: 'Yeah, I wanted to see what you were up too.


Fry: 'Oh, well now you know.


Fluttershy: 'Wanna a ride back to Ponyville?


Fry: 'You won't go too fast and too high in the sky will you?


Fluttershy: 'No, I don't really like flying very high, and I can't fly very fast either. [Fry climbs onto her back.] Hold on tight! [Fluttershy takes off into the sky at a modest speed.]


Cut to: Sky. Fluttershy now flies slowly over Apple family's apple trees.


Fry: 'So we're almost there?


Fluttershy: 'Yes.


Fry: 'This is a much nicer journey than what Rainbow Dash took me on.


Fluttershy: 'Oh, I can imagine how scared you must have been.


Fry: 'Very scared.


Cut to: Ponyville. Fluttershy lands outside Twilight Sparkle's House. Fry steps off Fluttershy.


Fry: 'Thanks Fluttershy, for everything.


Fluttershy: 'Your welcome Fry.


Fry: 'Goodnight Fluttershy.


Fluttershy: 'Goodnight Fry. [Fry opens the door making the music louder from the party going on inside.] Oh and Fry I'm gonna be watching you. So you don't try anything like that again.


Fry: 'Oh my little guardian ang-- [He is grabbed by Pinkie Pie and pulled inside.] (screaming) Ahhh!


[Fluttershy walks off.]


Cut to: Twilight Sparkle's House. Fry is now dragged over to a table with a huge chocolate cake on it.


Pinkie-Pie: 'Where-have-you-been?! I've-baked-you-a-big-chocolate-cake.


Fry: 'Uh thanks Pinkie-Pie. But do you have anything to cure my hangover for the morning?


Pinkie-Pie: 'Sure! [she stuffs some berries into his mouth.] They'll-cure-yah!


[Fry swallows.]


Fry: 'Thanks. Now, I-think I'll a have slice of that cake please. [Pinkie-Pie in a less than a second cuts him a slice of cake with a butter knife onto a small plate.] Thanks!


Pinkie-Pie: 'Your welcome friend!


Fry: 'Friend. [He brohoofs Pinkie Pie. Fry takes a bite of the cake.] Mmm, this is delicious.


Pinkie-Pie: 'Pinkie-Pie-always-makes-great-cakes!


Fry: 'How about we make a Conga Line?


Pinkie-Pie: 'Hey-yeah!


[Jamaican music plays while Fry leads a Conga Line with Pinkie-Pie standing up behind him with her hooves on his shoulders, then all the Ponies in the room join the Conga Line even Twilight Sparkle joins in walking around the room in a Conga Line.]


[Time Lapse. The following morning the room is a complete mess. Fry lies asleep on the couch while the other Ponies; Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie-Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and even Spike the Dragon lie about on the floor asleep. Princess Celestia walks in seeing the scene.]


Princess Celestia: 'Wish parties were like this at the Grand Galloping Gala.


Twilight Sparkle: [waking up] Princess Celestia?! [she stands up.] I'm sorry the room is in such a mess, you see we were drinking heavily last night, and then we fell over. [The others now have woken now getting onto their feet.]


Princess Celestia: 'It's OK, relax. [she walks towards Fry.] Fry, you wish to go home I've heard? For I can send you home.


Fry: (nervous) 'Uhhh--


Princess Celestia: (softly) 'Don't be frightened. Speak true with your heart.


Fry: 'Yeah I want to go home, but at the same time I'm gonna miss you all. [Pinkie Pie cries with a river of tears blowing her nose with a tissue.]


Pinkie Pie: (crying) 'This-is-so-sad!


Fluttershy: (crying with river of tears.) 'We'll never see him again!


Rainbow: (crying) 'Ahhh, dammit! I'm crying now.


Applejack: (sad) 'You never got to try any of my apples or my cider!


Spike: 'Isn't there another way? I'll miss Fry too.


Princess Celestia: 'Yes, there is. [The Ponies look happy with light in their eyes as Princess Celestia horn glows.] Fry, as Princess Celestia I grant you a give that will allow you to return to Ponyville at anytime by merely thinking and wishing to go to Ponyville, think of Ponyville if you are in great danger on your journeys across the universe and you and your nearby friends shall return here to safety.


Fry: 'And how will I get home again?


Princess Celestia: 'By merely thinking and wishing to go home. You can also grant this gift to whom you choose in your world.


Fry: 'I'll only share it with my friends and family. The last thing I want is your world to be corrupted by Human influence.


Princess Celestia: 'Do not worry, this gift can only be granted to ten people at a time, and they must have a pure heart that will do no evil deed.


Fry: 'Goodbye everyone. [They all hug him with tears running down their cheeks.] I'll return soon, I promise.


Twilight Sparkle: 'We'll miss you Fry.


Fry: 'I'll miss you all too.


[Fry thinks of home then disappears in a blinding flash of light.]


Scene: Fry's Universe. Fry appears back in his bed.


Fry: 'I'm home.


[Time Lapse.]


Scene: Space. The Planet Express Ship is fleeing from dozens of Space Pirate Ships shooting at them.


Cut to: Planet Express: Ship's Cockpit. Leela sits in the driver seat sweating, Bender calmly looks at circuit diagrams, and while Fry has his eyes closed.


Leela: 'I think this is the end!


Bender: 'At least I'll die doing what I love, looking at porn.


[They and the ship itself suddenly disappears.]


Cut to: Ponyville. The Planet Express ship appears outside Ponyville.


Cut to: Planet Express: Ship's Cockpit.


Leela: 'Huh? Where are we?


Fry: 'We're in Equestria just outside Ponyville! I've granted you two the gift as well.


Bender: 'So you weren't stoned. I wanna go home.


[They and the ship itself suddenly disappears.]


Cut to: Earth. The Planet Express Ship appears near Earth.


Cut to: Planet Express: Ship's Cockpit.


Fry: 'Bender, the Ponies got parties and booze!


Bender: 'Really?! Let's go back!


[They and the ship itself suddenly disappears, and they appear back outside Ponyville. Fry, Leela and Bender walk down the steps of the PE Ship to be greeted by a huge crowd of Ponies cheering.]


[Pan Over to Rainbow Dash in the air.]


Rainbow Dash: 'Awesome! It's Fry's space ship!


[Pan over to Pinkie-Pie.]


Pinkie Pie: Isn't-this-exciting? Are-you-excited-cause-I'm-excited-I've-never-been-so-excited, well, except-for-the-time-that-I-went [Gasps dramatically.] but- I-mean-really-


The End



Flashback: Robot Arms Apartments: Fry's And Bender's Lounge. Fry sitting on the couch is asleep. There is a blinding flash of light followed by the appearance of U-J-Bender, who touches Fry on the head, then disappears with a blinding flash of light along with Fry.


Flashback: U-J-Bender appears outside the Everfree Forest in Equestria. He leaves Fry on the grass, then laughs evilly before disappearing in a blinding flash of light.

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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