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When the Sunset Ends.


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((pity party for Simon :P ))


Kaldor was impressed with the way Aelgeif composed herself in front of the two, she would make a very fine leader one day. She seemed to not like this other lady, the one on the roof, but he quickly shrugged it off as he and Aelgief walked on once more. It was a very nice town, and Kaldor was glad to have gotten to witness it with her as her guide. <perhaps this wedding won't be bad. She seems like a very nice young lady, very charming as well. And we have other things in common.> he thought to himself with a smile.


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Aeglief wasn enjoying their walk.

Kaldor was a nice, handsome young man, and she was enjoying his company.

Maybe if they got to know each other better, things would work out in the end.

"So, Prince, would you like to have a bite to eat? Our pub is very nice. And they make very good food. Usually soup, since it's so cold, but they also make sandwiches."

She smiled and pointed to a small building across from them.

"And, it's warm and private inside."


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''Sadly, they would rather be frolicking around town with a Prince like this village was a Flower Garden.'' Said Sir Valkyrie as shrugging.

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Kaldor smiled, "Sounds great" he said. As they walked, he became curious, "So... what do you and your father plan to do with the rising army? Surely he doesn't plan on facing them head on. Have you thought of any battle strategies as to how to deal with it?"


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Sakura looked over to them, she smiled. "Don't worry she got this covered" she looked over at the two boys. "If she doesn't accpect are help,she watch her kingdom fall" she said tucking her hands under her head. She then turned her head to make sure she was still looking at them. She gave a smirk "So boys... relax!"

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"but you dont understand sakura, this kingdom must not fall! you really think i am here on a coincidence? i got chased out sure... but that was because of the Evil lord, if we dont stop him now... even my strongest power's will never stop him, and even you dont understand how strong i am!"

Edited by jdor11
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Aeglief could hear the men arguing and talking shit about her.

She huffed, let go of prince Kaldor's arm and stomped back over to them.

"Excuse me. Do you know that I could have your head for talking like this about a royal? Yes, and, you two can't take the dark lord yourselves. That is ridiculously stupid. I told you I will take care of it when the time comes, and I will. If you two can't accept that, then you can get out of my town. I am the princess here, and my family has trained for this type of thing. As we speak, my father is planning our attack. If you would take one second to quit being pompous jerks, you would realize that my family and I are not as stupid as you think!"

She was breathing hard now, anger pulsing through her.

Glaring at them, she turned on her heel and rejoined Kaldor.

"Anyway, to your question, Prince. As I've just told them-" she shot a glare at the men, "My father is planning something, and I will be sure to help out. Is it too much to ask for a Princess to want to take a short walk with a nice gentleman?"

She sighed.


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Sir Valkyrie was silent. He was stunned. ''Okay... Don't bug Royalty. Never.. Or else your going to get a sucker punch to the ass.'' Said Sir Valkyrie as his eyes turned red. ''Hold it In, Valkyrie. Hold. It. In.'' Said Sir Valkyrie to himself as trying to control his anger. When he was calm, He returned to speak to Simon. ''Were we really talking that much shit about her?'' Whispered Simon in a worried tone. ''She can take our heads and chop them off.'' Whispered Sir Valkyrie as beginning to sweat. The scar on his face started to glow a dark red color, and his hair was flashing from red, brown, and black.

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Kaldor looked over at the two men and shook his head, "Some people just worry too much I suppose. But you handled them very well. You will make a great leader one day" he said with a smile<And I would be there right by her side> he thought to himself

Edited by Strong Hooves


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"THAT'S IT!," suddenly there was a flash, simon was standing infront of aeglief "if you would stop talking about everyone here like your little subject's and actually knew who your talking too you might actually learn something PRINCESS! i came here because i am doing the job i know you CAN'T DO, i came here to protect this land and this WORLD! I am simon the warrior of death, king of the elf's and walker of death, NOW if you would be so kind to gather your warriors and guards and actually do something i can begin to save the world!" simon's chest was glowing a pale red, his eye's were glowing red and his hair was literally on fire "and you and your prince over there are not the only royalty here, so i would expect you not to disrespect a king!"

Edited by jdor11
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Sir Valkyrie's hair was flashing and he was flung into the air by an unknown force. He was being smashed to the ground repeatedly. When it stopped his face was covered in scrapes, and lots of blood. Sir Valkyrie grabbed Simon. ''We have to go now before were shredded into Royalty food by the princess.'' Said Sir Valkyrie as grabbing Simon and storming out of town. ''Nice move over there, now were going to become wanted Criminals.'' Said Sir Valkyrie as blood was dripping down his face.

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"gahhhh, to hell with this... let me just calm down." simon noticed valkyries bleeding face "i am sorry for the bruise i gave you, let me heal you up." simon put his hand to valkyries face, simon then said a few silent word's his hand and chest glowed, but this time his chest was glowing blue, simon then took his hand away "there all better, i will try to control my anger, i am sorry..."

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Once again, Aeglief turned and stomped back over to Simon.

She got right up in his face and glared.

"Since it seems I can't take a nice walk, I'll just explain this to you, yet again. See if you can listen and get it through your thick skull.

I, and my family, ARE TAKING CARE OF IT. You need to take a dip in the snow before you find yourself dead. Who cares who you are? You don't have any better weapons or a better army than I. And if you don't quit thinking that you're better than me, you will be seen to the rope. I have no patience for men like you- just because I am not acting at this exact moment does not mean I am unprepared. I have armies ready to attack at a moments notice- I have my weapons on me at all times. We have scouts everywhere, well hidden. If you think you can kill the Dark Lord and do a better job than me, then you are mistaken, Simon. Now, I suggest you go get a drink or something, and calm down before I kill you with my own sword. I don't like to use my position to threaten people, but you should know that you cannot talk to a royal like that."

Her face was red in anger, and she had one hand on her sword, her mind was going fast in her thoughts.

Who did this jerk think he was?


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" you want to know who i am, did i not just tell you, i am the elf king and i dont need a army to DESTROY you" suddenly simon started to grow huge, he soon started to tower over Aeglief "and i would expect more respect out of you, young lady, when your talking to your fathers savior, and friend!"


"oh and dont try to hide your thought's from me i can hear all your thought's all the time, it's a gift all high elf's are born with"

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Aeglief just glared at the growing man.

"You do not scare me. You may have abilities that I do not, but you are a bully, and you are stupid. Besides, my father does not know you, believe me."

She flipped her hair and stood her ground.

"Do not tell me about respect."


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''It's fine. But it wasn't you who did that...'' Said Sir Valkyrie as frowning. He sat down at a tree and tried to think. ''Somewhere in that town... The Evil Lord was there. Only he would be able to use such great darkness. He has more power than you Simon. The princess was right, but her army could not defeat the evil... Nothing can, I got lucky when I killed him. BUT HE CAME BACK!'' Shouted Sir Valkyrie as Punching the tree. It went right through his hand. He shouted so loud that the far away town could hear it. ''YOU. WILL. PAY.'' Screamed Sir Valkyrie as his eyes widened. They were flashing all kinds of reds. ''DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT!'' Yelled Sir Valkyrie as punching another tree, practically destroying it. Then a cloud of smoke appeared around Sir Valkyrie. His hair was black and his skin was turning dark red.

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"valkyrie dont do this now! i know who you are, i know what you did and can do! you did your best and i respect you for it, i know he is more powerful then me that's why i came here to build an army! now please calm down before you do something you will regret!" again simon put his hand to valkyries head but this time there was no flash instead there was a small black cloud that moved from valkyries head to simons hand, as it move to simons hand, his hand started to pale and deform, then the cloud stopped and simons hand returned to normal "there feeling better?"

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Aeglief ignored the outburst from Sir Valkyrie, and walked past Prince Kaldor, to her favorite spot.

It was up a small hill, and on top there was a small snow cave, where Aeglief liked to go when she was upset.

Sighing, she sat down.


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''Okay, I realized something... Were not super humans... We can't take the evil lord on. The royalty has it under control. We should stop being freaking out over this. Royalty has it under control... So were fine.'' Said Sir Valkyrie as coming to his senses. ''Now that I think of it... We were acting like retards.'' Sir Valkyrie said as he began to laugh.

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