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*The TV flickers on all by itself*


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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony


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*In your house the TV turns on all by itself as you can see the black and white picture shows a well decorated set that looks like a cross between a crypt and a dungeon. In the dimly lit set a light green pony steps into the light as you can get a good look at his dark green mane and black hooves.*

"Hello my fiends! It is I! The Grand Ghoul! Welcome to the Grand Ghoul's Gallery! This weekly program will feature classic horror movies that we will watch together along with my companions!"

*He points to a skeleton cat that's obviously a puppet that is grooming himself* "This is Skelly! He's my pet that I love him so much he brought him back from beyond! Say hello Skelly!"

*The puppet looks at the camera and coughs a few times and then says* "Meow. How'd I do boss?"

*The green pony grins* "And here is my other associate he goes by the name of Grim!"

*Another pony comes out all black but is wearing some type of paint that outlines a skeletal structure but you can see the coat underneath. He looks at the camera with a grim smile and says nothing*

"Just remember to tune in to this channel. Oh and don't worry if you forget to tune in..."

*The green pony stands there with the cat puppet and the black stallion as they all grin wide at the camera*

"We will just show ourselves in..."

*And with that the television miraculously turns itself off*

  • Brohoof 4
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*After the TV turned itself off, Rikifive stares blankly at it for a moment...*


*...and thonks...*


*... then says...*

"Seriously? Ads, that actually turn the TV on just so they can play? hZXzbAq.png What science is this? YOg17Aq.png"



Joking aside, welcome to the herd! :D 

Edited by Rikifive
  • Brohoof 1
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