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private Spirit Guide

Moon Glow

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☆*★*☆:*:∵‥Spirit Guide ‥∵:*:☆*★*☆
A private roleplay between myself and @Nightmare Season
Click here for OOC


The conductor sounded the whistle, bringing the train to a smooth stop at the Ponyville station with the expertise that was to be expected by such a pony with a cutie mark like his. All Aboard looked to his cutie mark with a small smile and then turned his attention to the pocket watch it resembled. Just on time, He thought to himself, locking the brakes and hopping down onto the platform while the scarce late-night riders clambered off with their luggage in tow. To every pair of eyes he met he offered a kindly smile though usually those who took the last train from Canterlot to Ponyville didn't often smile. Some were students making the trek from a weekend at home while others were mostly business related journeys yet no matter what took each creature to and fro, he was happy to oblige. After all, it was almost time to retire.

When the smoke cleared, when the engine was quiet, and all forms of life seemingly left him alone on the track, All Aboard was startled by a lone mare still sitting inside one of the economy cars. He frowned, brows furrowing in confusion as he approached the car, nervous that there may be something wrong. "Excuse me," he called out to her gently, clearing his throat as he stepped into the car. "Are you alright, miss? The station is closed, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." There was no response. She sat there, still as a stone, her pale cream bangs were neatly coiffed and styled in such a way that covered her eyes completely; her expression was gentle and aloof. Could she not hear him? Perhaps she was deaf and required assistance. All Aboard sighed softly and moved to stand before her. "Miss-"

"Oh!" The mare started, causing the earth pony conductor to give a jolt of his own. Her horn flashed briefly and she shook her head. "I'm sorry, are we here?" she flashed a sheepish smile, chuckling quietly to herself and slinking off the seat like a cat. "Heh- woops. So sorry-"

"It's quite alright." All Aboard raised his brows; it was certainly not the strangest encounter he ever had yet it was still surprising when it happened as they were rather few and far between. I'm just glad you're okay. "Do you need help with your bags?"

"No, no thank you." using her magic, which cast a faint silvery-white glow, she took her saddle bag down from the overhead compartment and placed it over her back. "I kind of zoned out for a moment. It happens. Thanks, though!" her tail was long and swished against the conductor lightly, brushing his legs, as she turned to leave. Shaking his head, the stallion mentally shrugged his shoulders and carried on with his business of closing up the station. He still had a short list of tasks to complete before calling it a night.

It was chilly at near quarter after two in the morning when the moon was near its highest peak. Moon Glow shivered lightly in a cool autumn breeze, kicking herself for not bringing at least a scarf or a hat or just- something. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly until she could see the slight puff of breath in the air. "Woof." the mare quietly exclaimed before walking into the empty town. She assumed there had to be at least some kind of tavern or hostel or even a hotel; after all, Ponyville used to be a smaller town but over the past 25 or so years flourished a little. With the castle (complete with princess), the Friendship School, and the old history, many creatures (especially ponies) turned their attention towards the town and its promising future. Moon Glow, on the other hand, was more interested in the past.

There was a home in Ponyville that was thought to be haunted; the rumors had made it all the way to her small hamlet of Bucksport, thanks to her friends and connections in the paranormal community, and soon enough she was packing her bag and making the journey to investigate. "If only I had thought this through." she mumbled to herself. On the old dirt roads of Ponyville she could hardly hear her own steps, let alone that of another pony and while back in Bucksport this wasn't so much of an issue but in unfamiliar territory she wasn't sure what was what and those dark shadows could be anything. No, no, don't get yourself worked up. Just find a place to sleep and... do that. Go to sleep.

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@Moon Glow

Nightmare season woke up in his makeshift bed. A slab of stone inside a section of a cave. He had lived here for a few years now. Secluded and most importantly, it held a very special tree. With a yawn and a stretch, his mane and air flared up. The flame he emitted lit up the cave as though it had lighting inside. He figured it was just past four in the evening. He got out of his bed and headed for a small cavern in the cave.

As he left this short cavern, he walked into a large room within the cave. A lonely tree stood in the middle. Light shinning on it from a crack in the ceiling. Flowers and vines grew around its base. He look around. The cavern that would lead to his storage area. On the other side of the tree was the direction of the kitchen. Left was to the exit. He first head to his storage room. Inside was a few boxes he had crafted himself. A few food items stored inside the cool room.

One box in particular he headed for and looked in. There he found but a few roots. The roots looked as though they had several earthy dark colors that ran across them in waves. Slowly moving. "Hmm" He said to himself. "I am a bit low on you." With that he turned and headed to the base of the tree. Once there, he used his horn to move the dirt about to uncover the roots in a few areas. "You do not have many dream roots. guess I will have to feed the old fashion way."

He headed outside his little homey cave and found himself in a small glade. A small stream ran through the middle of it, and the three sides were walled off with thick brambles and underbrush. Unless you flew over head, one would not think such a place existed in the darkest part of the Everfree forest. He took a quick glance to his right along the cliff face to his little garden. He did not need food if he feed normally, but on those roots, he needed some extra food. He left and looked back at the vines covering his cave. Unless one looked hard, it was just a cliff face.

He pushed his way through the thicket that formed his wall and entered into the forest. He traveled a few minutes before a timberwolf appeared in front of him. It quickly turned and ran away from him. It only took them a short time after he made his way here to learn to avoid that particular pony and its flame. He turned and headed to the closest town he knew, Ponyville. He figured he would get to the edge of the forest just as the sun set. He had to make sure no pony saw him. It was always trouble when ponies knew he was around.

Edited by Nightmare Season
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My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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She began to drag her hooves after several minutes of wandering the dark streets of Ponyville with no hope of finding a place to rest her head. Passing houses and shops alike, old and new, all of them seeming the same in the darkness; the small light cast from her horn as a guide was beginning to dim as her exhaustion made it harder and harder to concentrate on the spell, let alone the energy required to cast it. The unicorn moved to stand beneath a gas lit street lamp which offered meager illumination of her surrounding area and seemed to serve better as a decorative piece. A sense of unease washed over her as she began to accept her reality, that maybe she would have to find a bench or something to snooze on. Moon Glow sat down on the side of the dirt road and yawned loudly. If she couldn't find somewhere to rest she would simply have to wait until sunrise; there was no way she would risk sleeping out in the open, fearing that she may be robbed in the night... or worse. Tilting her chin up, she looked toward the sky to get an estimate of her wait and to her chagrin the moon was still perched high in the sky.

"Just great." the mare mumbled to herself, shaking her head to snap herself awake. "Okayyyy, no need to freak out. Maybe I'll just... I'll rest my eyes a moment." another yawn escaped her. There was no point in fighting it anymore; she was exhausted. Moon Glow leaned her body against the lamp post and closed her eyes, allowing herself to succumb to her natural urges. Within moments she could feel herself drifting off to sleep.

A brightness suddenly caught her attention and the sound of hoof steps startled her awake. "Huh?" she snorted, snapping awake and catching herself just before her body was to slump against the Earth. "Sun time?" in her sleepy daze she looked about, wondering if she had accidentally slept the night under the lamp but instead was greeted by a most curious sight. A short distance away she saw, what she could only assume, was a pony with a glowing mane and tail. No, that couldn't be right...

"H-" the mare coughed; her throat was dry. "Hey!" she called out, rising to follow the stallion who happened to be the only other pony apparently awake at this hour. "Excuse me? Hello?"

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@Moon Glow

Nightmare Season reached the edge of the Everfree forest just as the sun was sinking over the distant hills. Night time was close at hand. He found a bush and laid down behind it. He knew he had to wait a few more hours before everypony was is their homes and asleep. As he laid there, he thought to himself. How mush he really hated what he has to do to get food. Sure the roots in good supply will keep him fed with normal pony food, but being low.... He shook the thought out of his mind. He had to do what he had to do. Even if he really hated doing it.

As the owls started hooting in the distant forest, Nightmare could no longer hear any sound coming out of the town. He got up and looked to Ponyvile, nothing stirred. He started walking into town. He lowered the fire of his mane and tail, this also caused it to lower the light it emanated as well. He could "Feel" the dreams of the ponies in the houses he passed by. Some so sweet and tasty. Some normal. A few were having bad dreams. He looked around for homes that were having the best dreams, and those he had not fed off of before.

As he was walking through the quiet streets, trying to find his next meal, he spotted something under a lamp post. It was a mare sleeping outside. He instantly stopped himself. Why was a pony asleep there? He thought maybe he should just turn back and head down a different street. But he felt her dreaming. It should be safe, maybe. He defiantly would not choose her to feed from. To much out in the open for other ponies to pass by and see.

He started walking very slow and quiet past her. Once on the other side he would turn down a separate street. As he was about half way past her, a bug landed right on his snout. He tried to shake it off, but instead the bug bit him. He bucked and stepped back some, loudly, and his mane and tail flared up casting its light almost like the morning rays. He swatted it with is fore-hoof. Got it.


He froze and looked over to where he heard the voice. The mare had woken up. "Excuse me? Hello?" She said.

He had been spotted. That blasted bug caused him to wake up that sleeping mare. He turned almost on a dime and mad a dash for it. Embers from his mane and tail was lifted into the air and fall behind him. He had to get out of sight and fast. To many times he fled for his life, and this will not be the last either. He heard hoof falls trying to trail him. Thankfully his legs were far longer than the ponies he seen in this land. Back in his birth place. Running away was much harder when they have the same strides as he did.

He figured he could hide someplace. Let his attacker behind him continue on. He did not want any pony to see him dash into his forest home. He saw a large manor off to the side up ahead. The windows were broken and the door on rusty hinges. The building looked abandoned. A perfect place to hide inside till his pursuer gave up. With a powerful kick and a bit of his magic to help, he launched himself up and into a second story window. Breaking a bit of the window that was not broken to begin with.

He was breathing heavily, he tried to calm his nerves so he could dim his fire so the light would not be beacon to those on the outside. Why did his kind have to have fire for their manes and tails?


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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