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private When Stars Collide 1x1 (private w/nx9100)

Steel Accord

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Their awe was not unexpected. Even at the height of the Order’s power, few had ever seen the Jedi, let alone a Jedi Master, let alone a Jedi Master in pitched combat. The way of the Jedi was the way of peace after all and a Jedi’s wisdom was much harder to exaggerate than their prowess in battle.

They at last made it outside to a gantry way leading to their shuttle that’s when a missile shot over their heads and the shuttle was blasted to smithereens. Senotho drew his lightsaber but a cable wire shot out over his head and swinging in on the zip line over them was Double Tap, who swung both feet in front to kick Senotho off the path to a lower level, his weapon flying from his hand off to the unknown.

The Jedi rolled to save himself as heavy boots clanked on to the bulkhead in front of him, he dropped the heavy launcher with the smoking barrel.

“General!” Grid cried out.

“Protect Star Fleet!” Senotho ordered as he got to his feet. Back up top, Jumptroopsrs flew up from below or dropped in from a higher level and began to surround the group. Grid was the only one with proper armor and a heavier weapon, which he now made use of trying to keep the Jumptroopers from strafing the group in their minimal low cover.

Tap popped his knife from his sheath on his gauntlet but fired twice with his blaster in his other hand. Immanuel was able to dodge both shots but the Bounty Hunter capitalized on the Jedi’s unarmed and defensive movements by closing and cutting him across the waist with his knife. The wound was shallow. He had to take action.

He removed his cloak and twirled it, blinding the Bounty Hunter and followed through with a kick to his gut. It staggered him and Senotho again had a second’s reprieve. It was all he needed. He reached out again, his lightsaber shone forth like a beacon in the Force and it seemed to leap from its discardment, as if eager to enter the Jedi’s hand and blaze forth its blade.

Still, things were not good. The Rangers were surrounded and outmatched in terms of weaponry. The Jedi Master was occupied by a highly skilled Bounty Hunter. And their only means of escape was damaged beyond repair.


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As the dust of the shuttle settled, Jellico and his crew all dropped down into whatever cover they could get.  "Phasers!" he yelled, and took a shot at a trooper that landed on the gantry.  His two security men also opened fire, taking positions on either side of Jellico in a practiced defensive stance.  Having trained to fight Jem'hadar, they were prepared to defend their captain.  Faron huddled up behind them.  "Sir!  Without the shuttl-"

Jellico cut him off by tapping his badge.  "Jellico to Righteous!  We need an emergency beamout!"

"Stand by!"  Commander Jenna's voice.  "Two minutes till we're in range!"

"Understood!  Make it snappy Commander!" Jellico replied.  He looked around at their new friends.  "Two minutes, people!  Help's coming!"  He waved to get Grid's attention.  "We can get you all out of here, but we'll need to be..." pause while he fired a shot at a trooper, phaser beam striking the chest armor "...all together!  And a visual distraction at the right moment would be perfect!"


"Understood!  Make it snappy Commander!"

Jenna looked back at the tactical officer.  "Where's he at, Jacobs?" she asked.

Jacobs was still watching his targeting screens.  "Out of range, just over the horizon.  If we maintain this speed, we can keep ahead of them easily."

"Transporter Room to bridge!" came a voice over the speakers.  "I've got a lock on the away team!  All four of them!"

"Send coordinates to the helm!" Jenna ordered.  "Change course, take us straight to them!  Dip down into the stratosphere so we can get a good lock!"

The Righteous changed it's heading.  It had been circling the planet to keep away from the Imperial ship, but know shifted course towards the firefight on the ground.  It also dropped down into the upper stratosphere, leaving a visible trail of friction in the sky for all to see.  

"Ninety seconds!" called the helmsman....





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“Understood!” Grid said as he blasted a trooper off the bridge who fell with a very memetic scream. “General! We need you back up here for a plan!” Grid was somehow able to be heard over the din of battle such was the soldier’s command voice. “Rangers, shade!” He ordered. Jeeg and Phi dropped smoke dispersers while Creel and Rita threw smoke grenades. The entire bridge was obscured in a cloud.

Meanwhile Senotho rolled Tap’s back and came out of the roll by slicing his opponent’s jet pack in half with his lightsaber, preventing pursuit. He leaped up to the smoke filled platform higher than his muscles should have been able to propel him and stayed low with his friends, lightsaber still drawn.

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"Transporter range Commander!" called the ops officer.

Jenna slapped her comm badge.  "Captain!  Stand by to beam out!"

"Affirmative!" came his shout over the comm.  "Ten to beam up!"

Jenna hesitated half a heartbeat over the number, but didn't question it.  Time was of the essence.  "Drop shields!  Bridge to Transporter Room!  Captain plus nine to beam up!  Straight to the observation lounge!"

"Stand by!" the transporter chief responded....


As the group huddled together in the smoke cloud, a faint hum around them could be heard.  Suddenly, tiny points of light, almost like sparkles, seemed to swarm around each person, filling their vision, until all they could see was light.  A momentary blackness......

....then the process reversed.  Solid light gave way to the sparkle effect, before it faded out to reveal a curved room.  A table matching the room's shape was in the center surrounded by eight padded chairs.  On one side were windows, with clouds giving way to the blackness of space as the ship climbed back into orbit.  For Jellico's men, they moved as if nothing happened, having experienced this dozens of times over their careers.  For the others, mostly confusion and a few cases of disorientation.  

"Welcome aboard the Righteous Indignation," Jellico said, resting his hands on the head rest of the chair at the end of the table.  "Sorry for the sudden exit.  Don't worry, any disorientation or dizziness will pass in a moment...."


"Got them, Commander!" said the ops officer.

"Helm!  Get us back into orbit!" ordered Jenna.  "Jacobs, where's our friend!"

"Coming up fast," Jacobs reported.  "That maneuver through the atmosphere really slowed us down.  He'll be on us in a minute or two."

"Fine, change of plans," Jenna said.  "Set course out of the system, back to open space where we first arrived.  Warp 3!"

"Eye, eye, sir!" said the helmsman, tapping at the controls.


The Righteous angled up into the sky, bow of her saucer aimed away from the planet, and with a flash from her nacelles jumped to warp speed right out of low orbit....





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Grid looked around expecting another fight as the smoke cleared. No smoke though, no troopers, no slanted and harsh Imperial architecture. Instead he was in a palatial lounge.

“What . . . the Hell?” He said.

“Darkseed voodoo!” Creel said. Tellingly his fellows didn’t correct him. Not even Immanuel. Although him sheathing his lightsaber did put the Rangers in better spirits. If he didn’t feel they were in danger, they trusted him. Well except Grid who didn’t lower his weapon but Grid didn’t always trust his Jedi commander and even after years of trust, old habits die hard.

On 7/12/2019 at 7:36 AM, nx9100 said:

"Welcome aboard the Righteous Indignation," Jellico said, resting his hands on the head rest of the chair at the end of the table.  "Sorry for the sudden exit.  Don't worry, any disorientation or dizziness will pass in a moment...."

Senotho nodded. It seemed once they were safe, they’d both have a lot of questions for the other.

> > > > > > >

“They’ve lowered shields.” An ensign reported.

“Once we’re in range, give them a broadside.” Rook ordered. Caprid observed what they’d do.

“Tol to bridge. The Captain and the Jedi escaped!” The Bounty Hunter said over the line.

“What do you mean escaped? You had them surrounded!” Marcus Rowe hollered back.

“They’re gone! What do you want me to say?”

“Energy build up in the enemy ship, some kind of field around it but not a shield.” Lana reported. Moff Caprid knew. He didn’t know how, but he knew. Captain Jellico had returned to his ship with the Jedi in tow.

Just like that, Star Fleet ship shot out of low orbit like a bullet and into space.

“How?!” Some said but all felt.

“No hyperspace detected.”

“It wasn’t hyperspace.” Moff Caprid said. “They changed space around them rather than cheated through it.”

“Impossible,” Aldin said.

“Nothing is,” the 13th Sister said.

“We must capture that ship.” Caprid said, his mission now more clear than ever.

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"Bridge to Captain!" said a voice over the comm, "We've jumped to warp, heading back to our origin point."

"Understood," replied Jellico, eyes staying focused on Senotho, "Join us in the lounge, Commander."  He tapped his badge to close the channel.  "Master Senotho, I apologize again for the fast surprise.  Allow me to explain."  He took a deep breath, just as the doors at one end of the lounge slid open and a blond woman in her upper 30's stepped in.  Her uniform was similar to Jellico's with one difference.  Where he had four gold pips in a row on his right collar, she only had three.  "We used one of our transporter devices to beam everyone straight to the ship.  Molecular disintegration and reassembly."

"Captain!?" Jenna was surprised, as she thought he wanted to keep this secret, for the Prime Directive's sake if nothing else.

He waved her off.  "This leads to the obvious question: why did we even bother with a shuttle?  The answer is simple.  I assume you can appreciate the tactical advantage such technology would provide over an opponent who lacks such a device.  I didn't want to reveal all of our capabilities until I had a chance to compare with your own."  His eyes narrowed.  "Or should I say, with the Empire's.  We also have what we call the Prime Directive, which forbids us from interfering with the development of other cultures.  That includes sharing technology that said culture hadn't created themselves.  But considering our situation," he frowned, "I felt it necessary.  Hopefully your men's fine job at providing us cover prevented those troops from witnessing our escape.  Leaving them with unanswered questions suits me just fine."

Edited by nx9100





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Senotho folded his hands into his robes.

“Given the state of my own life for the past few years, I can certainly understand the value of discretion when it comes to what the Empire knows and what it doesn’t. I do fear that the very nature of our exit may have revealed its method, even if the Empire doesn’t posses the knowledge of exactly how we did it.”

“Molecular transport?!” Rita squawked as she flapped her way to center stage. “How?! The amount of energy needed alone could power a star destroyer. Not to mention the precision needed to target us, AND the stabilization needed to not just fry us all down to fine grain during the transport.” Rita buzzed with questions. Jeeg would normally feel her in but he was also curious how this miracle of technology was accomplished.

Phiona only looked at the uniforms and the ship design. Running a finger along the table. This was a place to discuss peacefully. Such a place didn’t exist in her life now.

“Master,” she said. “If it’s all right with you, I’d like to learn more about Star Fleet, and the Federation.” He nodded.

“Of course. Actually Captain, if I might suggest, it would do us both well to familiarize us with each other on our own terms. Perhaps you can provide Rita with someone to show her the Righteous’ workings while she shares our own technological details. Someone to give Grid an overview of your military or defense capabilities. Someone to give Phiona history and structure of the Federation and Star Fleet, and . . . I’m sure you have some particular questions for me.”

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Jellico and Jenna exchanged glances.  She read the question in his eyes, and nodded affirmative.  "Well, since it appears we're stuck together for a while," he said, "I find I have to agree with you.  If you would all follow me..."  He lead the entire group back out onto the bridge.  The main viewscreen showed non-moving stars, for the ship had dropped from warp in the same position where it first appeared in this galaxy. 

"ATTENTION!" called out Jenna.  Every bridge officer stood up, hands clasped behind their backs, facing the captain and Senotho, who stood next to Jellico.  
"At ease," Jellico said.  "These people are our guests, and will be treated as such.  Commander, I want quarters prepared for each of them."  Turning to Senotho.  "Master Senotho, allow me to introduce the command staff of the Righteous Indignation."  He stepped over to the closest station, tactical, where a dark-haired human male was standing.  "Lieutenant Henry Jacobs, my tactical officer."  Jacobs nodded, while Jellico moved on to the two stations at the front of the bridge.  Two men stood there, one blond while the other was dark skinned with black hair.  "Ensign John Aster, helmsman."  The blond nodded.  "And Lieutenant Commander Mark Osafo, Operations officer."  The dark haired man nodded.  As Jellico stepped past them, the doors to the rear turbolift opened and two more people stepped out.  One, a blue skinned woman with white hair and two small blue antennae on top of her head.  The other, another woman that at first appeared human, but with pointed eyebrows and ears. 

  Jellico waved at the blue skinned one first.  "Ah, perfect timing.  Lieutenant Commander Shantra, my chief engineer.  One of the best in the Fleet."  She smiled, as he waved at the other.  "And Dr. T'meth, my Chief medical officer."  The pointed-ear woman nodded, while Jellico continued back to the group.  "You've already met  Lieutenant Commander Phillip Faron, my Science Officer."  He laid a hand on Jenna's shoulder.  "And finally, Commander Jenna Stevens, my First Officer.  An expert in Federation law and structure."

"It pays to have one's father working for the Federation Council," Jenna said in jest, causing Jellico to chuckle.

"Indeed," he agreed, as his own uncle was an admiral in the Fleet.  "I want everyone to work with our new guests and answer any questions they may have.  Feel free to ask your own as well.  I have a feeling we're all going to need each other in the coming days.  Jenna, your bridge."  He stepped to another door of the front side of the bridge.  It slid open, and he waved a hand at the open door.  "Master Senotho, would you join me in my Ready Room?"

Edited by nx9100





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With friendly introductions made all around, the Antarian Rangers separated with the officers within their respective fields of expertise. Be they political, military, scientific, or what have you.

At last though, Senotho nodded at Jellico’s offer and followed him into a room that was presumably his office. Again he was struck by the luxury of it all. Even though a Jedi’s life was quite Spartan no matter what, there was a time when he himself lived in at least a modicum of comfort. (Not the least of which because he wasn’t being actively hunted.) Such times were long past and seeing an office that not only he didn’t have to sneak inside of but whose palette was warm and inviting rather than dark, cold, and harsh was shocking.

He followed the Captain who was clearly at ease in his own space.

“Your hospitality is truly appreciated Captain Jellico. My Rangers have not had an easy life as my disciples.”

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Jellico took a seat behind his desk, waving Senotho towards the couch.  On the wall behind the couch was a painting of the ship, a tradition among Star Fleet captains.  A few nautical themed items were displayed on a shelf behind his desk, with a model of another ship sitting on a pedestal next to the window.  "It's the least we can do, Master," Jellico said.  "After all, your, Rangers, did risk themselves for our escape.  That holds alot with me."  He crossed his arms and leaned back.  "While most of the Federation's history was peaceful, we have had our periods of conflict as well.  Right now, we're at war with another power called the Dominion.  We haven't had very easy lives the past two years.  Our ships serve as our homes when deployed, and we take pride in maintaining them at the best of our abilities."  He pointed to the model sitting by the window.  "It wasn't always like that.  A hundred years ago things were a bit more...simpler.  Same basic tech, but less creature conforts."  He grinned.  "Of course, this ship is a more, military model.  Most Star Fleet vessels built before this war were intended for exploration, and were far more, comfortable.  You should see our Galaxy-class ships, practically cruise liners!"  He chuckled, looking up at the ceiling.  "My uncle was captain of one for a short time.  The crew were way to relaxed and laid back, as far as he was concerned.  But again, that was before the war."  He stood up and walked over to a square hole in the wall.  "But where are my manners.  Can I offer you something?  Tea, perhaps?"





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Immanuel found the claims that their lot had been hard doubtful considering his surroundings as he sat down but he knew better than to compare another man’s pain. Among his own retinue, Creel had seen the most battle and been tested the most but he and Jeeg were the most at peace. Phiona was not burdened by the loss of her lavish lifestyle, she gave that up freely, but of the tyranny that became of the Galaxy. Grid, by far, was the deepest into darkness despite appearing in his element. Killing his own brothers to protect a man he had only begun to respect and having his free will robbed of him.

A Jedi doesn’t to presume to know the depths of another’s pain. Through the Force though, he can begin to understand. That’s empathy and compassion.

“I’m sorry your otherwise peaceful lives have been thrown into conflict. I am, however, gladdened to see war has not stripped you of inner peace. The beginning of all harmony.” He chuckled. “If this is your war vessel, your more luxurious homes must contain beautiful forests and rivers of fruit juice.” He nodded and arose from his seat at the Captain’s offer. “Yes, thank you very much.”

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Jellico chuckled.  "Luxurious.  That's a word I don't use much.  We claim that Earth, our homeworld, is a paradise, it still has it's flaws.  And it took centuries to clean up the messes of the past.  But not all Federation worlds enjoy such splendor."  He winked.  "And are rivers are still normal water."  Then, he turned back to the wall slot.  "Green tea, hot, a touch of lemon.  Two cups."  There were two beeps, then the slot glowed.  Two small swirls of energy formed, and condensed themselves into a pair of small cups on saucers.  Hot liquid steamed from inside them.  Holding them by the plates, he carried one over to Senotho and handed it to the Jedi.  "We've seen our fair share of hard times.  And unlike the Empire here, our Federation doesn't span our entire galaxy.  There are many worlds that don't enjoy the level of life that we have."  He raised a finger.  "But it was hard earned, I assure you.  And still being earned, every day."





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“With respect to your neighbors, they’re clearly missing out.” He said while sniffing and daintily sniffing the beverage that was seemingly conjured from air. He held the dish as if expecting it to disintegrate. “Your means and resources are . . . nothing short of miraculous.” To top it off, the tea itself was excellent.

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"They are indeed," Jellico replied, sitting back at his desk and taking a sip.  "As for resources, your tea was created using a basic form of technology similar to the transported.  Replicators take energy and convert it into non-living matter.  As long as enough energy is available, they can provide for most of our needs for food and such."  Another sip.  "If we lost power from, say, our warp core being damaged, we would have to survive on emergency rations.  Luckily, Shantra keeps our core running smooth as silk.  Thank goodness for good engineers..."





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The Jedi took his seat and enjoyed his tea while listening to the Captain.

“Too right. Not that extended space travel has been on my agenda for a good long while though. Save for some sojourns to other planets I take on missions. Combating threats while trying to find some way to resist the greater evil.” He looked wistfully in the steaming contents of his tea.

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"The greater evil," Jellico repeated.  "It takes all forms, doesn't it?  From your Empire, to our Dominion."  He frowned.  "Remind me one day to tell you about the Borg."

A whistle cut through the air.  "Bridge to Captain!" came Jenna's voice.  "Sir, should we remain here or move somewhere else?  The Imperial ship may be able to track us."

"Stand by, Commander," Jellico replied, before looking back at Senotho.  "Master Senotho, assuming you know this area far better than we do, any suggestions?"





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“I didn’t say the Empire was the greater evil.” The Jedi said cryptically before the communique came through. 

Master Senotho took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He could feel now, more than before, the eyes of the Sith. Searching fervently for them. Standing aboard this flying treasure trove of technological marvels. The Sith desired it greedily yet for some reason they couldn’t see it. The Sith’s grasp in the Dark Side was currently unchallenged and it was his own sight that was diminished. Yet here they were, beyond their enemy’s reach. 

Still it would behove them not to become lax even with this advantage.

“I traveled for what seemed half a lifetime before settling on Antar Four. Even there I don’t always remain. Until we can be sure we’re truly secured, it would be wise to keep moving.”

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Jellico frowned.  "Keep moving, yes.  The question is to where."  He tapped a few controls on the small computer on his desk, then turned it around so Senotho could see the screen.  There was a simple starmap of the local area displayed.  "My crew did a basic star scan when we arrived, but other than stellar readings we know nothing about this area.  Could you recommend a place we could go for now?  I mean..." he shrugged "...great as my ship is, we will need resupply at some point.  Deuterium eventually, along with basic supplies and foodstuffs.  As I said, the replicators only work when power is available, and I'd like to conserve energy whenever possible."





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Senotho consulted the map. And rested his elbow on his hand while his other hand up to his chin in thought.

“Hmmm Lantillies in the Mid rim might be a good choice. The guild in control of the planet has no love for the Empire, although that doesn’t necessarily make them our allies either. On the other hand Arrgaw in the Expansion Region is likewise a trading hub and one without a particularly strong loyalty to the Empire as well. The main problem is the Righteous itself.”

“You must understand Captain, few ships in the Galaxy look quite like this ship. Certainly anything of this size must be registered with the Bureau of Ships and Services, or BOSS. We’re likely to get reported to the Empire if spotted in the mid rim on Lantillies. On the other hand Arrgaw is a bit more varied. A ship like this would be notable but not totally remarkable. We can resupply and be out without much hassle if we’re quick. I’d recommend Arrgaw over Lantillies but it’s up to you Captain. Being auspicious with a local power opposed to the Empire but with its own agenda, versus being unremarkable in a marginal Imperial holding without much direct oversight.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jellico sat back, thinking hard.  He agreed that they needed to keep a low profile, and his ship would easily stand out against any local traffic.  On the other hand....

"Arrgaw it is," he said, tapping his badge.  "Jellico to Bridge."

"Go ahead," replied Jenna's voice.

"Set course for for the star we tagged as A-115.  Local system name Arrgaw.  Warp 4, and hold position just outside the system.  I want to be well clear of local traffic."


"Jellico out."  He smiled at Senotho.  "I'll keep us outside until we can peek in the windows to see who's home.  We can use our shuttles to send a small team down to the surface."  He held up a hand.  "And before you ask, the transporters do have limited range.  Surface-to-orbit, which would mean bringing the ship in closer.  And since we don't have a cloaking device, I'd rather not risk it if I can avoid it."  Around them, a hum started to come from the bulkheads.  A flash of light from the windows gave way to the streak of stars against the black of space, as the ship jumped to warp speed.  "But for now," the captain continued, "we have a few days ahead of us.  I suggest we get your people settled in guest quarters."





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The Jedi bowed to his counterpart.

“You honor us Captain. It is most appreciated. I still have many questions for you as I’m sure you do for us as well. It has been a long day for all of us though.”

Grid contacted the rest of the Antarian Rangers and told them to lay low while the Empire was in town. The one’s already aboard the Righteous took in the wonders of what their respective hosts had to offer.

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A short while later, after assigning his guests to quarters (all on Deck 3, Starboard), Jellico took Senotho and a few of his companions on a tour around the ship.  Having already seen the bridge, they skipped that and visited sickbay, the security complex, and the stellar cartography lab.  Next was the main landing bay, where the six remaining fighters were kept, along with an assortment of shuttlecraft.  Following that, he lead the group into Main Engineering.  The doors slid open, revealing the warp core running down the center of the room.  Rings of light traveled down the blue-tinted section above, and up the red-tinted section below.  Twin columns stood on either side of the core, while various engineering crew wandered about.  "And now," Jellico said, waving them in, "welcome to Main Engineering, the heart of the ship!"  He pointed to the core.  "This is our matter/anti-matter reaction assembly, commonly call the Warp Core.  Deuterium is pulled down from above, anti-deuterium from below, all contained in magnetic fields.  They mix and annihilate each other in the reaction chamber you see in the center.  That reaction produces warp plasma, which is routed through those conduits to the two nacelles, which generate the warp field allowing FTL travel."  As he spoke, Lieutenant Commander Shantra came over to join the group.  "Any questions?" asked Jellico.





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“Yeah!” Rita squawked. “How do you guys avoid stars and junk when traveling at these speeds? Hyperspace lets us jump past all that.” Rita asked an apt question Senotho had to admit. Looking at the warp core and the uniforms though, he admitted he had a growing suspicion about Star Fleet.

“My question is more to your ship’s purpose than its workings. ‘To seek out new life and new civilizations.’ Your mission. Yet the Prime Directive disallows you from interfering with a civilization’s development. You saw the Empire for what it was so clearly you, at least individually Captain, have some standards as to who you’ll ally with. What other practices of a culture would deem them unworthy of Star Fleet’s aid or admittance?”

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All eyes turned to Jellico.  Lt. Cmd Shantra gave him a nudge.  "Well Captain?" she teased.

He ignored her, focusing on Senotho.  "For a culture to join the Federation," he began, "there is a lengthy application process.  Lots of legal issues to sort out.  But one important milestone must be met."  He waved a hand at the warp core.  "Faster-than-light travel.  The Prime Directive was originally intended to prevent exposing cultures to life among the stars until they are ready for it.  Later, it was adapted to also include keeping out of other races politics and such."  He frowned.  "As for being unworthy....said applying culture would have to have a law structure similar to our own, or be willing to adopt our structure.  Dictators, slavers, hostile species, just to name a few, would never be permitted.  The Federation stands for peace and freedom....and we will fight to defend our principles."

"You said it, Captain," Shantra grinned, then turned to Rita.  "To answer your question, or sensors operate on subspace wavelengths, which since they also travel FTL, let's us see what's ahead in plenty of time.  We can scan several light years in all directions, and can navigate around any obstacles.  Smaller particles, such as dust, get pushed out of the way by our navigational deflector."  She thought for a moment.  "The blue dish you saw under our saucer."  





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Jedi Master Immanuel Senotho nodded. Most of what the Captain said seemed logical and in good spirit. Yet there was something he couldn’t quite place that was off about Star Fleet.

“Thank you very much for the tour Captain. With your permission, I’d like to take my leave. It’s been an . . . interesting day and I could use some rest.”

When the Jedi was alone, he explores the starship. The captain certainly was correct when he said the vessel was their home for their venture. As much as he could see people working, he saw just as much at play or leisure, children included. In truth, he was looking for something but even he couldn’t say what. The Force told him that something was missing from the Righteous Indignation. Not in the sense that it “spoke” to him in words but more that it communicated an absence in his locality but Senotho couldn’t tell what exactly that absence was. It vexed him so. 

He entered a kind of lounge area. No one was present in it though, at least not yet. He needed a place that was quiet. He sat on the floor, cross legged and took a deep breath while closing his eyes. As he felt himself fade away, the Force flowed into his emptied mind. The river of knowledge and wisdom filled him like a cup. 

Around his body, tablets, tricorders, even chairs and other furnishings gently rose from the floor. Senotho would normally sense those approaching but he was searching for something else at the moment so his focused senses wouldn’t notice others enter.

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